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Terrifying radical policy in school system has infuriated parents


The Radical Left has been going after our children with more intensity recently. But this has gone too far.

And a terrifying new radical policy in the school systems has infuriated parents.

A bipartisan bill aimed at bolstering Holocaust and genocide education in Washington schools has become embroiled in controversy following the introduction of an amendment by House Democrats.

The amendment, dubbed the “Hamas Amendment” by Republicans, has ignited debate over its potential ramifications for the state’s curriculum.

House Bill 2037 originally mandated schools to teach the Holocaust and other genocides, building upon existing materials with support from the Holocaust Center for Humanity and other agencies.

It also designated April as International Genocide Prevention and Awareness Month, requiring age-appropriate educational activities during that period.

The bill resonated with concerns, particularly within the Republican party, regarding declining awareness of the Holocaust, especially among younger generations.

However, it faced opposition from some individuals and groups who advocated for a broader focus on other genocides and disputed the characterization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

House Representative Emily Alvarado, a Democrat, introduced an amendment proposing that the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction collaborate with organizations possessing expertise in teaching about genocides and related atrocities in diverse contexts.

This approach aimed to incorporate perspectives from communities directly impacted by genocides, including Palestinians.

However, critics argue that the amendment, dubbed the “Hamas Amendment,” risks injecting potentially biased views into Holocaust education.

Opponents claim it could distort historical interpretations and promote antisemitic or pro-Hamas ideologies, particularly concerning the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Prominent leaders have criticized the bill and pointed out that it happened while Jews, who might have opposed it, were out for Sabbath.

Representative Travis Couture, a Republican, expressed concerns about the amendment’s impact, stating that it weakens the bill’s original intent.

The surprise introduction and lack of prior communication fueled further controversy, with some criticizing the process as lacking transparency.

The bill ultimately passed the House with the amendment included, potentially due to Democratic concerns about garnering sufficient support without it.

However, its future remains uncertain as it undergoes scrutiny in the State Senate.

Critics propose revisions to maintain historical accuracy and address concerns about biased content.

Many parents worry more and more each day about the power the Radical Left holds over their children.

We must fight back to protect the ones we love.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New Democrat hypocrisy has been exposed, and people can’t believe what they’re hearing


Democrats hate America, yet they demand to be politicians. They hate Americans yet pretend to serve us.

But now, new Democrat hypocrisy has been exposed and people cannot believe it.

On Monday, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley (R) appeared on Fox News channel’s “Hannity” program to discuss the recently released report by the special counsel investigating President Biden’s handling of classified documents.

Senator Hawley raised concerns about the apparent contradiction between the findings of the investigation and the President’s ability to hold office.

The special counsel’s report concluded that while President Biden did “willfully retain and disclose classified materials,” there was insufficient evidence to prove criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt, leading to no criminal charges being filed.

However, the report also noted concerns about the mishandling of classified documents and questioned the President’s memory regarding certain key events.

Senator Hawley argued that these two findings present a seemingly contradictory situation.

“It can’t be that Joe Biden is simultaneously not capable of standing trial and still be President of the United States,” he stated.

He called on Attorney General Merrick Garland to make a decision:

Either pursue charges against the President, invoke the 25th Amendment for removal, or explain the reasoning behind not taking either action.

The Senator further elaborated on his concerns by citing instances where the President’s memory was described as unreliable in the report.

“I mean, what it says is the guy can’t remember when he was vice president,” said Hawley.

“Think about that, years as vice president, he can’t remember it. He can’t remember when his own son died.”

He continued, “He can’t remember key questions about the Afghanistan debate when he was VP.”

He argued that these instances raise questions about the President’s fitness for office, suggesting that someone with potential cognitive issues cannot effectively manage the demanding role.

He stated, “He clearly is not in charge of his mental faculty, so much so they can’t charge him with a crime, which means he cannot be president of the United States any longer.”

The reality of the situation is chilling:

Democrats point out that Joe Biden cannot be charged because he is a forgetful old man, yet they refuse to acknowledge that he is not fit to be President.

The hypocrisy is outrageous.

As Hawley put it, how can Biden be too incompetent to criminally charge, yet Democrats trust him as their President?

The situation in America is dire and we must fight back to preserve this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for the TRUTH in the news during this tumultuous time.

Latest move against Trump prosecutor could completely change everything


The Radical Left is throwing everything they have at Trump because they are terrified of the truth. But Trump is fighting back.

And the latest move against Trump’s prosecutor could completely change everything.

Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik of New York filed a formal complaint with the New York Committee on Professional Standards on Monday, February 13th, against Attorney General Letitia James.

The complaint alleges misconduct by James in her handling of the ongoing civil fraud case against former President Donald Trump.

Stefanik’s complaint accuses James of violating professional conduct rules by conducting a biased investigation and prosecution, and by making prejudicial public statements about Trump related to the case.

The document cites over 50 social media comments by James from the first five weeks of the trial as evidence of this misconduct.

“While all Americans possess the right to express their opinions on matters of public interest, attorneys — particularly state attorneys general — are held to a higher standard due to their unique role as officers of the court,” Stefanik wrote in her complaint.

She further argues that James’ prior public pronouncements about Trump, including campaign promises to investigate him, indicate a personal vendetta driving her actions.

The complaint concludes by requesting James’ suspension and potential disbarment, citing “significant and ongoing harm to the public and the profession.”

The Committee on Professional Standards has yet to issue a response to the complaint.

James’ office has denied the allegations, stating that all actions taken in the Trump case adhere to ethical guidelines.

Some legal experts argue that public comments by attorneys, while potentially unwise, do not inherently constitute ethical violations unless demonstrably affecting the legal process.

However, many Americans are demanding answers from James regarding the comments and misconduct.

Our elected officials are not above the law, and they must be held accountable for their actions.

This development comes amid ongoing tension between Americans concerned over the injustice in the proceedings and James.

Stefanik has previously filed complaints against judges overseeing other Trump-related cases, citing similar concerns about bias.

The long-term impact of the complaint remains to be seen.

It could lead to an investigation and potential disciplinary action against James, or it could be dismissed by the Committee.

Regardless, the situation highlights the complexity of balancing political discourse with professional ethics in high-profile legal cases.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat infighting threatens to end Joe Biden’s 2024 run


Democrats are doing the best they can to present a unified front during this election cycle. However, the truth has come out and things are rough.

And now, Democrat infighting threatens to end Joe Biden’s 2024 run.

A report published by The Hill has brought renewed attention to the concerns some Senate Democrats hold regarding President Joe Biden’s age and mental fortitude.

While discussions on this topic remain largely private, the report indicates growing anxieties among members of the party.

According to The Hill’s sources, several Democratic senators privately acknowledge worries about Biden’s age, 81, being a “one of their biggest concerns” heading into the election.

This sentiment stems from polls that show significant numbers of voters express doubts about Biden’s capacity to serve another term.

One anonymous senator shared, “It’s never been discussed [openly]. … Look, I worry about it.”

They clarified that concerns lay not only with Biden’s abilities but also with the perception among countless Americans that he is not physically or mentally up to the demanding role.

The report highlights the Democrats’ current predicament.

With primaries already underway and Super Tuesday approaching, many feel it’s “too late” to consider alternative candidates.

One senator emphasized, “We’ve hitched our wagon to Biden… It may not be Biden himself, but it’s his team.”

However, they acknowledged that a significant public health event could alter the scenario.

While most discussions remain behind closed doors, Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) publicly urged Biden to address age concerns directly.

He highlighted the need for Biden to “deal with the age issue” by demonstrating energy and a “future orientation.”

Beyond age-related concerns, the report mentions the recent special counsel report describing Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” further fueling anxieties.

Critics point to instances like Biden calling a foreign leader by the wrong title as evidence supporting these concerns.

Former Obama strategist David Axelrod noted that the report “goes to the core of what is plaguing Biden politically now,” and acknowledged the public’s “widespread fear.”

He then added, “Fair or not, you can’t unring the bell.”

This infighting, disquiet, and discomfort among Democrats highlight that none of America is behind Biden…not even his own party.

We have had enough of his miserable failed leadership, and he is not capable of leading this great nation.

We must vote for a strong leader who can undo all of the destruction that Joe Biden and his administration have caused.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Major journalist censored by Democrats for sharing one truth


Democrats and Liberals in this country seemingly hate the truth. And they go to extreme lengths to lie to the American people.

But now, a major journalist has been censored by Democrats for sharing one truth.

Award-winning journalist Catherine Herridge was among the 20 individuals laid off from CBS News as part of a broader workforce reduction announced by Paramount Global on Tuesday.

The company is reportedly cutting approximately 800 positions across its various business units.

Herridge, a senior investigative correspondent known for her coverage of national security and intelligence issues, joined CBS News in 2019 after a tenure at Fox News.

She received recognition for her reporting on various sensitive topics, including investigations into political figures and government activities.

Sources cited by the New York Post indicate that CBS News’ Washington bureau, where Herridge was based, sustained significant cuts, reflecting a broader trend within the media industry of downsizing in response to evolving audience habits and economic pressures.

Herridge’s recent work focused on the ongoing classified documents investigation related to President Biden.

Her reporting included coverage of a letter sent by House Republicans to Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting access to a transcript of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with the President.

Her most recent reporting job had her looking into this issue and she seemed to have discovered a critical piece of evidence.

But, before much more could be said or uncovered, she was fired.

This has been seen as suspicious timing at best and many are speculating it is more of the Radical Left’s censorship attempts.

Catherine reported on the “concern that President Biden may have retained sensitive documents related to specific countries involving his family’s foreign business dealings.”

This specific piece of evidence could play such a large roll in understanding the fully the corruption of the Biden family.

The implications of this firing are severe, and the American people need to know what is going on.

The news of Herridge’s departure has drawn reactions from journalists and viewers alike, with many expressing appreciation for her contributions and concern about the impact on investigative reporting

Can we trust our media, or is this what it looks like?

Is the Radical Left taking things even further by forcibly silencing any voices that seek to report on the TRUTH?

We cannot let this stand, and we must demand answers.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

New Biden report unveils disgusting truth about Radical Left’s anti-America agenda


It is no secret that the Radical Left in this country hates America. But, even though they don’t try to hide it, their agenda is still terrifying.

And a new Biden report has unveiled the disgusting truth about the Radical Left’s anti-America agenda.

One of Joe Biden’s campaign emphases this cycle has been his job growth.

Joe Biden and his campaign team have tried so hard to convince the American people that the economy has thrived under Joe Biden.

And one of their biggest talking points is that they always point to the job growth since he has been President.

However, new details have emerged that prove Joe Biden has done nothing for this country or any of its legal citizens.

A new report titled, “All Employment Growth Has Gone to Immigrants, Compared to 2019” by Steven Camarota, has shown that all of Joe Biden’s extra jobs (above the 2019 level) have all been for migrants.

Camarota said, “The number of U.S.-born Americans working [has grown yet] has still not returned to the 2019 pre-Covid level.”

The data does not show that American job seekers are being pushed aside in favor of illegal immigrants.

However, it does show that “the share of working Americans remains below 2019 rates.”

It also shows what we all knew: Joe Biden has made it easier for CEOs and managers to hire illegal immigrants instead of American citizens.

Camarota told Breitbart News that, “There are roughly five million working-age American men who could be hired for the extra jobs in the economy.”

However, employers are choosing not to hire them.

In his report, Camarota said, “Labor force participation among non-college-educated U.S.-born men has not even returned to the 2019 level, which itself was very low by historical standards.”

The report said, “The labor force participation rate of U.S.-born men without a bachelor’s (18 to 64) has still not returned to the 76.3 percent it was in the fourth quarter of 2019, which was lower than the 80.5 percent in 2006 and the 82.6 percent in 2000.”

Joe Biden and his administration have welcomed millions of illegal aliens at the southern border and have offered them government handouts and jobs.

While millions of legal Americans are suffering under the oppressive regime of Joe Biden, illegal immigrants are taking jobs that American citizens should have.

Numerous leaders and politicians (including many Democrats) acknowledge the need for workers, but the Radical Left continued to prioritize illegal immigrants.

Senat Chuck Schumer said, “Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers.”

One report released by the Congressional Budget Office also emphasized the issues and problems in the economy Joe Biden has caused.

It said, “[migration] increase in population will put downward pressure on average real wages [emphasis added].”

It continued by saying, “Average real wages are expected to be slightly lower by 2034 [emphasis added] than they would be otherwise.”

The situation is dire and America needs a leader who will prioritize the people instead of illegal foreigners.

We must vote in politicians and leaders who will help make America great like it once was and save the economy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

White House Press Secretary makes a shocking announcement on Biden’s mental health


Biden’s mental ability (or lack thereof) has been on everyone’s mind. And following the recent Special Counsel report, it has been a major issue.

And now, the White House Press Secretary has issued a shocking statement on Biden’s mental health.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced on Monday that President Biden will not undergo a cognitive test as part of his upcoming physical exam, despite renewed concerns about his mental fitness.

This announcement follows the release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which raised questions about Biden’s memory and mental state.

During the White House press briefing, Jean-Pierre emphasized that Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s physician, believes a cognitive test is unnecessary.

She claimed that the President demonstrates his mental capability “every day in how he operates and how he thinks.”

Reporters pressed Jean-Pierre on the public’s interest in such an assessment, considering Hur’s report and previous concerns about Biden’s age.

She reiterated Dr. O’Connor’s belief that Biden’s daily activities serve as sufficient evidence of his cognitive fitness.

“He’s traveled across the country, met with world leaders…I’ve spent countless hours with him, and he is sharp, he’s engaged, and on top of things,” Jean-Pierre tried to claim.

However, skepticism and doubt persist.

Hur’s report, released last week, alleged that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” after leaving office and described his memory as “significantly limited” during interviews.

Additionally, the report acknowledged the potential challenge of prosecuting an elderly man with potentially diminished mental capacity.

The decision to forgo a cognitive test fuels existing anxieties about Biden’s mental fitness, particularly as he approaches a potential re-election campaign.

While the White House maintains confidence in his cognitive abilities, the lack of an objective assessment leaves serious opening for doubt and fuels criticism from political opponents.

Many Democrats are trying to defend Biden’s mental acuity, arguing that his daily performance demonstrates fitness for office (which is ironic seeing as Biden struggles to remember who he talked to that day and whether or not certain world leaders are alive or dead).

They criticize calls for cognitive tests as ageist and politically motivated.

However, many Americans express concern about the lack of a formal assessment, especially considering the Hur report’s findings.

They argue that transparency and objectivity are crucial in reassuring the public about the President’s mental capability.

The mental abilities of the President of the United States need to be scrutinized, and we must hold our elected officials to high standards.

We cannot let a senile fool lead this country any further into destruction.

We must demand that Joe Biden demonstrate that he is capable of forming a single coherent thought.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump team makes a surprising huge move ahead of Georgia trial


The Radical Left has fully weaponized the justice system in order to take down Trump. But things are going in an unexpected direction.

And the Trump team has made a shocking, huge move ahead of the Fulton County trial.

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly considering attending a crucial hearing in Atlanta this Thursday, injecting himself directly into a legal firestorm swirling around the Fulton County District Attorney investigating him.

The hearing centers on misconduct allegations lodged against Fani Willis, the very prosecutor spearheading the RICO case against Trump and his allies for their alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia.

Sources close to Trump, according to the Washington Post, reveal that despite having a separate legal case scheduled in New York City on the same day, he has expressed interest in appearing at the Atlanta hearing.

This would mark his first in-person presence in the ongoing Georgia investigation, which targets him and 18 co-defendants.

The impetus for the hearing stems from accusations of an improper relationship between Willis and lead prosecutor Nathan Wade.

These allegations, first raised by one of Trump’s co-defendants Michael Roman, claim the relationship has compromised the case and financially benefited Wade through the prosecution.

Court documents show Wade purchased plane tickets for Willis to locations like Miami and San Francisco.

While acknowledging a “personal relationship” with Wade, Willis maintains it began after he joined the case and denies any financial impropriety.

However, Roman argues that if Willis knowingly hired a romantic partner as a key prosecutor, it could warrant dismissal of charges against him and disqualification of the entire DA’s office from the case.

Trump’s potential attendance adds a dramatic layer to an already heated legal battle.

His presence could galvanize his supporters and further politicize the proceedings.

The upcoming hearing holds significant implications.

Judge Scott McAfee will consider whether the alleged relationship constitutes grounds for disqualification, potentially derailing the entire case against Trump and his co-defendants.

Beyond the immediate legal impact, the hearing serves as a microcosm of the broader political and legal environment surrounding the former president, where seemingly every legal encounter becomes a charged spectacle.

Regardless of Trump’s ultimate decision, the hearing promises to be a pivotal moment in the Georgia investigation, one that could dramatically alter its course and further inflame the ongoing legal and political battles surrounding Donald Trump.

The American people demand the truth, and we demand justice.

The faith in our weaponized Justice system is pretty much nonexistent, and we must hold our elected officials accountable for their corrupt actions.

How can we trust our legal system if this level of corruption and bribery is being used to target a former President of the United States?

How can we trust that the Radical Left will not use the same corruption and power to target the American people?

We must not allow this to continue any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Governor rips into Joe Biden for his recent shocking failure


Joe Biden has faced scrutiny from all over the nation because of his terrible leadership. But his most recent issues have caused even more problems.

And a prominent governor has ripped into Joe Biden for his recent shocking failure.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp took aim at President Joe Biden and Democrats this weekend, blaming them for the ongoing crisis at the U.S. southern border and accusing the administration of lacking leadership.

His comments come after the Senate’s controversial border security bill failed to pass, further frustrating efforts to address the complex issue.

Speaking on ABC’s “This Week” with Jonathan Karl, Kemp criticized the political impasse in Washington and urged bipartisanship to tackle the border situation.

He expressed frustration with both parties, suggesting Republicans for voting down the bill and Democrats for not focusing on securing the border earlier.

“It was not a productive week in D.C., and I think that’s what frustrates people,” Kemp said.

“People in D.C. ought to be voting on policy, not what somebody’s telling them what to do.”

He specifically targeted President Biden, accusing him of “passing the buck” and lacking leadership by blaming Republicans for the current situation.

Kemp claimed he had urged Democrats, including those in the Senate, to address the border over a year ago.

“I told them to ‘secure the dang border,'” Kemp emphasized.

“That’s what the people want. The governors are willing to help…But we can’t just secure one state’s border. We’ve got to secure the whole southern border. And it takes the president to do that.”

Kemp highlighted efforts by Texas Governor Greg Abbott as a potential model, referencing its increased border security measures.

He reiterated his belief that President Biden has the power to take unilateral action, regardless of legislation, and stressed the urgency of the situation.

“Joe Biden and the Democrats controlled every branch of government from 2020 to 2022 and did nothing on this issue,” Kemp added.

“They need to stop passing the buck and start securing the border.”

Kemp’s comments reflect a wider divide on immigration and border security.

Republicans often highlight increased apprehensions and drug seizures at the border, emphasizing the need for stricter enforcement measures.

Whereas Democrats tend to focus on the destruction of America through their Radical policies.

The failed border bill in the Senate further underscores the difficulty of finding common ground on this politically charged issue.

While both parties acknowledge the need for some action, differences on specific approaches remain significant.

Whether Kemp’s call for bipartisan cooperation and Biden administration action will find traction remains to be seen.

Whatever happens, one thing is clear: Joe Biden and the Democrats have failed this country for far too long and the time for action is now.

We must hold our elected officials accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Mayorkas makes a disturbing claim about Biden in a primetime interview


It is no secret that Mayorkas is under heavy criticism and scrutiny for his recent actions (or inactions). But now he has exposed the entire plot.

And Mayorkas made a disturbing claim about Biden in a primetime interview.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced heated questioning Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” regarding the surge in illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border and his agency’s response.

The interview comes as Mayorkas stands on the brink of becoming the first Cabinet secretary impeached in nearly 150 years.

Host Kristen Welker pressed Mayorkas on accusations that the Biden administration’s policies have caused the crisis, citing the record number of apprehensions at the border.

Mayorkas denied allegations of “willful” non-enforcement of immigration laws but did not provide specifics.

He acknowledged releasing over 85% of detained migrants, prompting Welker to question his job performance.

Mayorkas deflected responsibility, suggesting Congressional inaction on immigration reform was the root cause.

However, the surge began following President Biden’s inauguration, raising questions about his claim.

When pressed on whether he considered the situation a crisis, Mayorkas initially avoided the term but ultimately conceded it was “certainly a crisis.”

He reiterated reliance on the “broken system” while emphasizing his agency’s efforts within it.

Notably, Mayorkas did not address President Biden’s recent admission that the border is “not secure.”

This omission could fuel ongoing tensions regarding border security and differing assessments of the situation.

Mayorkas also claimed that he and Biden “don’t bear responsibility” for the burden even though the facts all point to the fact that they do.

Not only that, but Mayorkas tried to falsely claim that he and Biden were doing a “tremendous job” which is laughable at best.

“We don’t bear responsibility for a broken system, and we’re doing a tremendous amount within that broken system,” said Mayorkas.

He also refused to answer when he was questioned about whether or not he deserves to keep his job.

Welker asked, “Why do you deserve to keep your job, Mr. Secretary?”

To which, Mayorkas had no reply and instead tried to deflect and blame Congress again.

The situation with immigration in this nation is dire, and we need aid immediately.

We cannot keep relying on corrupt leadership like Joe Biden and Mayorkas to fix the problem.

As we have seen, they will only make things worse.

We have to fight back now, and we cannot allow this to keep going.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Biden administration ends up attacking themselves in moronic Super Bowl ad


Apparently not only is Joe Biden mentally challenged and unable to remember things, but his administration is too. And this most recent error could cost them the election.

Because they ended up attacking themselves in a moronic Super Bowl ad.

Super Bowl Sunday is always a big day for advertisers across the nation.

And many political figures have taken advantage of the opportunity to send their message out to the millions of Super Bowl enjoyers.

Well this time, that plan may have backfired and cost the Radical Left everything.

On Super Bowl Sunday, Joe Biden posted a video to his social media accounts where he tried to connect with the American people.

However, it appears that Joe Biden has not learned anything at all, because he posted a video where he tried to paint himself as the savior of the economy.

One can only assume this is another of the Biden administration’s horrific mistakes because it has been proven time and time again that the American people are not buying it.

We know that Joe Biden and his corrupt leadership are the only reason why the American economy is in the toilet.

We know that no one else is to blame other than Joe and his administration.

However, Joe Biden posted a video blaming corporations for “shrinkflation” and pointed the blame at everyone but himself for the horrible economy we have suffered through over the past few years.

Joe Biden started by trying to act as if he is one of us by pretending he has to buy his own snacks.

He said, “If you’re anything like me, you like to be surrounded by a snack or two while watching the big game.”

He went on saying, “You know when buying snacks for the game, you might have noticed one thing: sports drinks bottles are smaller, a bag of chips has fewer chips, but they’re still charging us just as much. As an ice cream lover what makes me most angry is that ice cream cartons have actually shrunk in size, not in price.”

First of all, Joe Biden does not have to buy his own snacks, so he obviously can not relate to the American public on this issue.

Secondly, while this “shrinkflation” may be true, the only reason for it is because of Joe Biden himself, but he tried to blame companies and corporations.

He said, “I’ve had enough of what they call shrinkflation. It’s a rip-off. Some companies are trying to pull a fast one by shrinking the products little by little and hoping you won’t notice.”

“Give me a break. The American public is tired of being played for suckers. I’m calling on companies to put a stop to this. Let’s make sure businesses do the right thing now,” he added.

While this ad was an attempt to get support from the American public, the plan backfired and blew up in Joe’s face.

The American people immediately jumped on their social media accounts to call out Joe Biden’s horse manure.

Users said, “Imagine how little respect you must have for voters to try this”, “Biden is getting some really terrible advice”, and one user pointed out the obvious: “Shrinkflation is just a way to hide prices going up.”

One podcast host, Stephen L. Miller said what all of us were thinking, “Nobody believes this.”

Nobody believes Joe Biden firstly knows anything about the economy because he is so senile and also so far removed from reality.

And secondly, no one believes that anyone but Joe Biden is to blame for the destruction of the American economy.

We have suffered for too long under this oppressive regime and we must fight back.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Watchdog group warns of major election interference ahead of 2024 cycle


The Radical Left has been accusing conservatives of election interference for years. But now the tables have turned.

And a watchdog group has warned of election interference ahead of the 2024 cycle.

A conservative watchdog group just recently released a report in which they made a number of recommendations for secure voting as well as warned of foreign funding in elections.

Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead highlighted that many red states had made significant improvements in election security.

However, he warned that there were still many problems to address especially the ability of foreign nationals to fund elections.

Snead said, “If you are a voter in a red state, the odds are your laws are significantly better than they were in 2020.”

“There’s a lot of momentum on the Right for improving elections, for taking the slack out of voting laws,” he continued.

He specifically highlighted “that foreign money can go toward state ballot measures that have far-reaching policy ramifications.”

The report stated, “Federal and state laws bar candidates and campaigns from receiving foreign donations, but these laws generally do not apply to ballot measures.”

It continued by saying “Left-wing groups like the 1630 Fund routinely pour tens of millions into ballot measure campaigns while simultaneously accepting substantial donations from foreign nationals such as Hansjörg Wyss.”

Wyss nonprofits, which include the Wyss Foundation as well as the Berger Fund, have spent over $475 million influencing American politics.

Snead told reporters that “The Left has railed against foreign influence and yet at the same time they got themselves addicted to foreign money, and now they are using it to rewrite election laws in very fundamental and highly partisan ways.”

Snead as well highlighted the push for “ranked-choice” voting to replace partisan primary elections and warned of the consequences and dangers.

He stated it “makes it harder to vote, harder to understand the results of elections, and harder to trust the voting process.”

He further warned that “There is a concerted national campaign being pushed right by some liberal megadonors to essentially reinvent the electoral system.”

And he claimed that the ranked-choice voting system was “designed to harm conservatives” and force “politics to the Left.”

These accusations and warnings are ones that all Americans need to hear.

We must all be wary of voter fraud, and election interference, and we must join together to ensure our elections in America are fair.

The Radical Left has forsaken fair elections, and they are so worried about winning elections, that they have decided to play dirty.

We cannot let that happen and we must work to maintain the integrity of our election process.

Americans cannot suffer under more of this oppressive and fascist leadership, so we must take to the polls to vote for a strong leader who will protect this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for news stories and more.