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Democrat leader slips up and tells world Radical Left’s true priorities


It is no secret that the Radical Left hates America. And they seem to put everyone else before Americans.

But now, a Democrat leader has slipped up and told the world the Left’s true priorities.

During the past few years, America has suffered significantly under Democrat leadership, and more specifically under the oppressive regime of the Radical Left.

Americans are struggling to live as the prices of everything have skyrocketed under Joe Biden.

And matters are only made worse by the crisis at the southern border.

But during all of this, the Radical Left has proven to the world that they hate America and Americans, and they continually prioritize foreign powers and illegal immigrants over American citizens.

However, even though it is obvious to all, the Radical Left pretends to still care about America… or at least they did.

This past week, Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, told MSNBC that Democrats care the most about illegal aliens.

He was discussing the border bill unveiled in the Senate on the extreme-left network’s segment “All In With Chris Hayes.”

During the discussion, Murphy said this:

“So you are right that that has been the Democratic strategy for 30 years, maybe, and it has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country.”

Murphy continued and said, “This is also not 2013 any longer. When we ran that play last back then, there were a couple hundred people showing up every day applying for asylum. Today, on some days, there are 8,000. And the reality is, is that the bulk of this country does not think that that’s right or sustainable and wants us to change the reality at the border.”

He then ended by admitting that “It’s not a pathway to citizenship, but it is something substantial for people that actually care about migrants.”

This should terrify and disgust every American citizen out there.

The Left is now admitting that they care the most about undocumented and illegal immigrants over legal citizens.

Democrats have been branding themselves as the party of the people and the party of the working class for decades, but we know better than that.

However, now there is no doubt about it… they have admitted it out loud for the whole world to hear: they care the most about non-Americans.

Politicians like Chris Murphy are forsaking their oaths of office and they should be held accountable immediately.

We must not allow this treason to continue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Calls for Biden’s resignation increase after bombshell election scandal is uncovered


Joe Biden has done the worst job as President than any other modern president in US history. And the current administration is the most corrupt ever.

And calls for Biden’s resignation have increased after a disgusting election scandal was uncovered.

On Thursday, a report was released by special counsel Robert Hur that set forth the findings from his criminal investigation into Joe Biden.

The report was specifically investigating Biden’s handling of classified documents and seemed to be a very similar investigation that led to Trump being charged.

However, the report uncovered something totally different that has shocked and disgusted Americans.

For starters, the investigation found that Joe Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

However, even though evidence showed Biden committing crimes, the report also stated that “no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.”

However, here is where things get disturbing…

The report stated, “Mr. Biden’s memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017 [with whom he shared classified materials], and in his interview with our office in 2023.”

It then continued on to say, “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Let that sink in… a report detailing the findings of a criminal investigation into the current President of the United States – so a very thorough report – has found that Joe Biden is mentally unfit.

Two things stand out that make this an absolutely disgusting issue:

First, the idea that Donald Trump is being criminally charged and tried for the exact same thing whereas Biden is not being charged because he is senile.


“The Biden Documents Case is 100 times different and more severe than mine. I did nothing wrong, and I cooperated far more,” he continued.

Secondly, the findings of the investigation have uncovered what has been public knowledge for years: Joe Biden is mentally unfit.

But even though the public knows this, having it in writing in a special report has proven that there is no doubt…

House Speaker Mike Johnson weighed in on the matter saying:

“The Special Counsel’s finding that President Biden ‘willfully retained and disclosed classified materials’ and engaged in practices that ‘present serious risks to national security’ is deeply disturbing.”

He continued, “Among the most disturbing parts of this report is the Special Counsel’s justification for not recommending charges: namely that the President’s memory had such ‘significant limitations.’”

The Radical Left, the public, Conservatives, and the entire world know that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as President, yet he continues.

Enough is enough, and we must demand immediate action.

Joe Biden must step down.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Disgusting censorship attempts show just how scared of the truth Democrats are


Radical Leftists hate the truth more than anything. And they refuse to let free speech win.

And now, new disgusting censorship attempts show just how scared of the truth Democrats are.

The Radical Left has always done its best to hide the truth and censor the news.

However, especially over the past few years, the entire situation has gotten so much worse, and the news outlets cannot be trusted to report on anything.

But now, things have reached a new extreme as recent reports detail just how far the world is willing to go to silence the truth.

For decades, American journalists have been interviewing political leaders across the world, and for decades it has never been a problem.

But now, all of a sudden, a top Eurocrat, Guy Verhofstadt, is calling for Tucker Carlson to face sanctions because of his recent interview with Putin.

Verhofstadt said, “As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examine his case as well.”

While the process of sanctioning an individual is typically a long one, Verhofstadt has been making these calls since even before the interview.

He even called for Carlson to be banned from the EU altogether.

“Tucker Carlson is surely on the path to being labeled a propagandist for the Russian regime. If he enables disinformation for Putin, the EU should explore a travel ban!”

Although the US, EU, and NATO are not at war with Russia, many have called Carlson all sorts of things for being willing to interview Putin.

U.S. Congressmen Adam Kinzinger claimed Carlson was a “traitor” and Verhofstadt said Tucker was “an enemy of everything the US stands for.”

Others have joined in with Verhofstadt including former Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet saying, “Carlson wants to give a platform to someone accused of crimes of genocide—this is wrong.”

It seems shocking just how strongly the world has reacted to a single interview.

From all we can tell, Tucker has taken no sides, enabled no disinformation, and is simply doing his part as a journalist.

The media has become so accustomed to spreading lies that anytime anyone tries to allow the free flow of information, Radical Leftists’ brains explode!

Tucker himself has assured the public countless times that he interviewed Putin not to enable Russia but simply to inform the American people about the Ukranian war.

This hatred against Tucker for simply an interview should be something that scares all Americans…

We cannot allow for this to continue, and we cannot enable the Radical Left in their battle to stop the spread of the truth.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news no matter how badly the Left wants to stop us.

CNN makes a massive error and Americans finally know the truth


The Radical Left media has been hiding the truth from the public as much as they can. But now all of that has changed.

Because CNN has made a massive error, and Americans finally know the truth.

Anyone with eyes and a brain can see that Joe Biden’s mental decline is extremely severe.

Even more obvious is that he is unfit to serve as President let alone run for a second term.

However, the Radical Left and especially the media have been covering up for him for years now.

But finally, a member of the corporate media has slipped up and shown us the truth of the situation.

A member of the media let slip on air that Joe Biden’s mental state is so severe and obvious that he has taken up the strategy of hiding himself from the media.

During a recent segment on CNN, a reporter was asked about Biden’s decision to once again skip the traditional Super Bowl interview.

Salena Mohsin, who was identified as Bloomberg’s senior Washington correspondent, responded in a way that shocked many and exposed the media.

Moshin said, “[H]im saying no to something that he’s expected to do, a serious interview, he can really get his message out to an audience, just sitting, waiting for him, waiting for his message, is telling. Is it because he can’t handle it?”

This is the question that all of America is asking right now… is it because Joe Biden can’t handle it?

This answer came as a shock to many especially since it came from the Radical Left media CNN.

People were sure that this was a mistake because CNN always covers up for Biden, but now someone has spoken out and exposed some real truth in the media.

This conversation was also related to whether or not there would be any presidential debates this year since it seems Joe Biden cannot even form a single coherent thought on his own.

The CNN anchor said, “I think I’m in the minority on our team in that I am convinced there will be debates, and I don’t see any way there is not. Am I wrong?”

Moshin replied “Look, since 2016, everything we were convinced of, we need to throw out. Maybe it will happen; it will happen for different reasons than it used to.”

Moshin then continued highlighting once again Joe Biden’s severe mental challenges:

“[J]ust look at that clip we just saw. If he is not able to follow the questions, if his staff is worried that he can connect the dots and find the word that he’s looking for, that’s a problem.”

You know things are really bad when CNN starts actually reporting some truth in the news.

Biden’s mental health is so poor that even his own paid-off media corporations are turning on him.

It is conversations and instances such as these that make people more and more worried about Joe Biden’s mental fitness.

We need to wake up and realize what is going on.

America cannot suffer under another second of Joe Biden let alone another four years.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for the TRUTH in the news.

Speaker Johnson has a shocking response to Biden’s recent border bungle


Joe Biden has made many recent speeches regarding the problems at the border. And he has made decisions that affect us all.

And Speaker Johnson had a shocking response to Biden’s recent border bungle.

The situation on the southern border is becoming worse by the day.

And more and more politicians are joining together to speak out against the current administration’s inaction.

But recently, Speaker Mike Johnson had a very strong take on the whole situation.

House Speaker Mike Johnson issued a strong response to President Biden’s recent address on the border crisis, calling it “offensive” and highlighting his continued push for executive action and accountability.

Johnson said that he finds the President’s attempt to shift blame for the border crisis to former President Trump and “MAGA Republicans” as offensive and inaccurate.

He emphasized the significant increase in crossings since Biden took office and rightfully argues that placing responsibility solely on Republicans is misleading.

Johnson also pointed out that Biden possesses the executive authority to address the crisis but chooses not to utilize it.

Joe Biden is directly responsible for the crisis at the US border, and his weak attempts to deflect blame do not work.

Johnson stated, “I don’t think anyone is buying it,” in answer to Biden constantly shifting blame.

Not only does Joe Biden refuse to take action now, but there were numerous actions taken by the Biden administration early in its term that directly contributed to the current situation.

Johnson also emphasized the importance of holding the Radical Left accountable for their actions.

He expressed his intention to pursue the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas next week, stating his belief that Mayorkas is the worst cabinet secretary in American history and deserves to be held responsible.

He said, “No one has exacted such a toll and done so much damage to America, and he deserves to be impeached, and it should have been done before now.”

Johnson understands the border crisis is a major concern for Americans nationwide and intends to keep the issue in the public eye.

He highlighted the upcoming Congressional recess as an opportunity for his fellow Republicans to engage with their constituents and discuss potential solutions.

Johnson understands the importance of this issue to Americans, and he emphasized the importance of the issue in regard to this election season:

“I believe that is going to be a large part of the election,” Johnson told Breitbart News.

“To back up a few more feet, it’s really about security in general because not only do we have a wide open border and we’re sacrificing our own national security and sovereignty, we also have the most dangerous time on the world stage since probably World War II.”

He continued, “Why? Because the president is projecting weakness on the world stage. That is precisely the reason our adversaries are acting so provocatively. It’s terribly dangerous for America to not project strength. We project peace through strength. That’s the Reagan doctrine, and that’s what Donald Trump continued. We have to get back to it as quickly as possible because there are conflicts all around the globe.”

America is in a time of massive tumult and Joe Biden and the Radical Left are only making things worse.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New report has exposed the Radical Left’s terrifying plan for America


America is no longer the amazing country it once was. And it is all because of the Left’s horrible leadership.

But now, a new report has exposed the Radical Left’s terrifying plan for America.

The current administration has effectively undone all the good of the past president, and they have turned America into a joke for the rest of the world.

This once great nation has been crumbling under the oppressive weight of the Radical Left for years, and now new reports are showing the true extent of the damage.

Across the nation, where the Radical Left is in control, cities and states are becoming wastelands of drugs and crime.

And now, a new study has shown that Democrat-controlled Washington state is the most affected by retail crime in the entire US.

All across the United States, retail theft and other crimes have caused countless stores to shut their doors and close down.

Because of this massive spike under Joe Biden, Forbes Advisor put together a report in December of 2023 to show the data.

The report revealed that under Joe Biden’s radical leadership, 90% of retail small business owners in America have experienced theft and 83% say it is a “significant concern.”

The report also revealed that Washington state, under the Radical leadership of Jay Inslee, is responsible for 48% more retail theft than should be expected based off of their share of the US population.

Overall, Washington is also the third-highest state in value of stolen goods overall, and second in both larceny-theft as well as the larceny-theft growth rate.

The average loss for most retailers was between $500 and $2,500 per month which is shocking.

Because of so much loss, many business owners were forced to raise their prices to further compensate.

This is another factor that the Radical Left refuses to account for…

Their soft-on-crime approach has left businesses vulnerable to all sorts of damages and losses that have forced them to raise their prices.

So even as Joe Biden and the current administration claim the economy is thriving under their leadership (which sounds like the opening to a joke), Americans across the nation know the truth.

The reality is that Democrat leadership is causing this nation to suffer.

The economy is in the toilet, prices are at all-time highs, and millions of Americans continue to suffer under the oppressive regime of Joe Biden.

The Radical Leftist media will throw numbers and reports around all day to try and cover for Joe Biden and protect him, but we know the truth.

Places where the Radical Left is in control, are places where Americans are suffering the most.

We cannot last any longer and we must act now.

America deserves better.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

White House press secretary refuses to answer important national security question


The current administration is very secretive and lies to the American public constantly. But now they are taking things even further.

And the White House press secretary refused to answer important national security question.

The Biden administration is doing everything they can to cover up for their atrocities, but one thing they can’t do is cover for Joe Biden.

Joe Biden’s mental health is failing so fast that people do not know if he will even make it to the end of the year.

And everytime anyone tries to ask a question about his mistakes or mess-ups, they just get brushed off.

But now, there is no brushing this off.

During a recent campaign rally in Las Vegas, President Biden sparked renewed public discussion about his cognitive fitness after referencing a conversation with the late French President François Mitterrand, who passed away in 1996.

While discussing the January 6th Capitol riot at a recent Las Vegas rally, President Biden claimed to have engaged in a dialogue with former French President Mitterrand at a 2021 G-7 summit.

Biden said, “I sat down and I said, ‘America’s back’ and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France looked at me and said, ‘You know why — how long you back for?’”

This raised eyebrows as Mitterrand died in 1996, and Emmanuel Macron was the French President at the time of the 2021 G-7 meeting.

But things got worse when reporters tried to address the issue with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

The press secretary snapped at a reporter who asked for clarification and confirmation that the president is in good health.

The reporter said, “And how is President Biden ever going to convince the three quarters of voters who are worried about his physical and mental health that he is okay even though in Las Vegas he told a story about recently talking to a French president who died in 1996?”

KJP replied, “I’m not even gonna go down that rabbit hole with you, sir.”

The reporter asked the question that all Americans and quite frankly all the world is thinking…what rabbit hole?

“What is the rabbit hole? He said he talked to [former French President] Mitterrand and–” the reporter said.

KJP refused to answer the question and instead chose to mention that the President still goes out in public.

“You saw the president in Vegas, in California,” she responded. “You’ve seen the President in South Carolina. You saw him in Michigan. I’ll just leave it there.”

The refusal to address such a significant issue is a highlight of the Biden administration and the entire Radical Left.

They want you to vote for a person who believes he is talking with dead people… that should concern us all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates.

Donald Trump receives massive endorsement that has Democrats worried sick


The Radical Left is doing everything in their power to kneecap Trump. But more and more Americans are waking up.

And now Donald Trump has received a massive endorsement that has Democrats worried sick.

The International Union of Police Associations (IUPA), representing over 140,000 law enforcement officers nationwide, ignited a firestorm of reactions with its Tuesday announcement endorsing Donald Trump for president.

The decision, hailed by some as a natural alliance and criticized by others as politically charged, underscores the complex intersection of law enforcement, politics, and societal issues.

The IUPA’s statement hailed Trump’s “unwavering support for the men and women in blue,” citing his administration’s actions like:

Signing the “Back the Blue Act” strengthened legal protections for officers.

Increased funding for law enforcement through grants and programs.

Public pronouncements emphasizing respect and support for police.

Opposition to “defund the police” movements gaining traction in some cities.

Supporters of the endorsement view it as a logical extension of this record, showcasing a candidate demonstrably prioritizing law enforcement needs and concerns.

They argue that such support translates to safer communities and empowered officers effectively combating crime.

Opponents express concerns about the endorsement’s potential consequences.

Some on the Radical Left argue that it politicizes police unions, hindering their ability to represent all officers objectively and impartially, yet these are the same who endorse Biden.

Others claim it will further alienate communities already wary of police-community relations, particularly minority groups disproportionately impacted by policing practices, but again, these are the same people who want to continue making minority lives even worse by allowing rampant crime.

However, these concerns are merely the Radical Left’s attempt at taking support away from Trump and his close connection with law enforcement.

Several factors likely contributed to the IUPA’s endorsement.

Trump’s policies resonated with the union’s priorities, offering tangible benefits and support.

Additionally, the political climate, marked by heated debates around police reform and “defund the police” movements, has solidified the perception of Democrats as less favorable to law enforcement interests.

The IUPA’s endorsement is a major win for conservatives across the nation.

Even as more and more unions are debating who they will endorse, the IUPA has paved the way for more Americans to wake up and understand the Radical Left is not the option.

Trump has a proven track record of making the lives of average everyday Americans better, whereas Biden has only made our lives 10x worse.

We must be wary of the Radical Left, and we must support leaders who will make our lives and the lives of all Americans better.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Major GOP figure faces backlash and calls for resignation after this recent move


The leadership in the US right now is all over the place. And during such a tumultuous time, Americans need strong leaders.

But now a major GOP figure is facing backlash and calls for resignation after this recent move.

The simmering frustration within the Republican party boiled over this week, with Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) launching a blistering attack on Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Accusing him of a “disqualifying betrayal” over the recent border bill, both senators called for new leadership at the helm of the GOP.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Senator Cruz delivered a blunt message: “I think it is time for McConnell to step down.”

He elaborated, stating that a “Republican leader should actually lead this conference and should advance the priorities of Republicans.”

This bold declaration sent shockwaves through the party, highlighting deep dissatisfaction with the current leadership.

Following suit, Senator Lee took to social media to voice his outrage.

In a series of fiery tweets, he condemned the bill and the leadership that negotiated it.

Denouncing it as a “screwed up” “unmitigated disaster,” Lee accused the GOP leadership of misleading the party and betraying conservative values.

His concluding statement, “WE NEED NEW LEADERSHIP – NOW,” resonated with many who shared his concerns.

When confronted with Cruz’s demand, McConnell responded that “Senator Cruz is not a fan.”

He acknowledged the presence of differing opinions within the party.

This understated response reflected his long-standing leadership style, often characterized as pragmatic and focused on strategic maneuvering.

Going beyond rhetoric, Senator Lee delved deeper into the specifics of the bill.

In a press release titled “Senator Lee Releases ‘Dirty Dozen’ Disasters in So-Called ‘Border Deal,'” he outlined twelve key aspects of the agreement that he deemed detrimental to border security and national interests.

Issues like codifying “catch and release,” funding “sanctuary cities,” and lacking deportation measures fueled his argument against the bill.

While accusations and calls for resignation grab headlines, it’s crucial to analyze the deeper issues at play.

The senators’ critiques raise several questions:

Does the current leadership adequately represent the majority within the GOP? Is the party’s approach to immigration effective in achieving its goals?

These questions underscore the ongoing debate within the party regarding policy direction and leadership strategies.

Whether the calls for new leadership will translate into concrete action remains to be seen.

Some within the party might view this as an opportunity for a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

Others might prioritize party unity and stability, advocating for continued support for McConnell.

Whatever the outcome, this episode exposes the internal fissures within the GOP and sets the stage for further debate and potential shifts in the party’s direction.

Americans need strong leadership now more than ever, and we are looking to our elected officials to step up for the good of the people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nikki Haley receives stunning upset that has her furious


The GOP primaries are underway, and as votes come in, many people are watching anxiously. But a strange situation happened in Nevada that has confused many.

And Nikki Haley has received a stunning upset that has her furious.

In a surprising twist, Nevada Republicans delivered a clear message in Tuesday’s primary, with Nikki Haley losing to “None of These Candidates.”

Preliminary projections show “none of the candidates” received the most votes, with Haley trailing by roughly 30 points.

However, the former United Nations Ambassador is technically declared the winner under Nevada’s election rules.

However, the outcome underscores a significant portion of Republican voters expressing dissatisfaction with the current field.

The primary, held simultaneously with a Democratic nominating contest, served to gauge support for presidential candidates but did not award delegates.

The real delegate battle unfolds Thursday in Nevada’s Republican caucus, where former President Donald Trump faces long-shot contender Ryan Binkley.

Governor Joe Lombardo previously announced his intention to vote “none of the candidates” in the primary, reflecting sentiments shared by many interviewed voters.

Washoe County GOP Chair Bruce Parks reportedly advised callers, including Trump supporters, to engage in the primary by selecting this option rather than Haley.

The Haley campaign downplayed the primary’s importance, citing its focus on the South Carolina primary later this month and criticizing the Nevada GOP process as “rigged for Trump.”

Haley’s campaign manager said, “We have not spent a dime nor an ounce of energy on Nevada. We made the decision early on that we were not going to pay $55,000 to a Trump entity to participate in a process that is rigged for Trump.”

Conversely, Trump advisor Chris LaCivita questioned Haley’s strategy, highlighting the importance of securing delegates in the caucus.

He said, “If your goal is to win the Republican nomination for president, you go where the delegates are. And it baffles me that Nikki Haley chose not to participate.”

The real battle in Nevada will go to Trump, but the “none of these options” vote shows how Americans across the nation feel.

The vote reflects internal GOP discontent as well as shows the support behind Trump, which will impact future primaries and the upcoming caucus.

The Nevada primary and caucus offer a unique glimpse into the complexities of the 2024 Republican nomination race.

While preliminary results provide immediate talking points, the delegate allocation contest in the caucus holds greater weight for determining the party’s eventual standard-bearer.

One thing is clear: Americans across the world are rallying behind Trump, and they believe he is the only one who can take down Crooked Joe.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats’ newest Draconian censorship plan is terrifying


Censorship is directly anti-America yet the Radical Left continues anyway. And even though our constitution protects our freedom of speech, they continue to try and take it away.

But now, Democrats’ newest Draconian censorship plan is terrifying.

The Radical Left talking heads like to spread lies about the GOP and American conservatives.

They claim that Republicans are fascists and that the GOP is “embracing fascism.”

However, with all of this talk and pointing fingers, it is extremely clear that the real fascists in America are actually those on the Radical Left.

The Radical Left has weaponized the justice system to silence their political opponents, they are doing everything they can in the media to control the narrative, and if you do not fit their agenda, they will end you.

Townhall put it this way, “the Left is no longer shy in showing its authoritarian face. We have safe spaces and speech codes. The pronoun police are the new Stasi.”

This is the scary truth of the times.

However, new information has come out regarding the Radical Left’s censorship, and it is more concerning than any of the other issues.

House Republicans from the Judiciary Committee are releasing new emails that show the Radical Left forcing their censorship.

These new emails show the White House pressuring Amazon into censoring books about COVID-19.

Jim Jordan, who is the chair of the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, claimed that both bodies would be investigating the issue.

These internal Amazon company emails, released by Jim Jordan, show the Biden administration pressuring Amazon into censoring books related to the vaccine because they contained “propaganda” and “misinformation.”

Andrew Slavitt, a former White House senior advisor for COVID-19 response, wrote to Amazon saying, “Who can we talk to about the high levels of propaganda and misinformation and disinformation of [sic] Amazon?”

He continued further, “If you search for ‘vaccines’ under books, I see what comes up. I haven’t looked beyond that but if that’s what’s on the surface, it’s concerning.”

It seems that Amazon was on the lookout for such a message because they claimed they would not initially do anything because it would be too “visible.”

“We will not be doing a manual intervention today. The team/PR feels very strongly that it is too visible, and will further compound the Harry/Sally narrative (which is getting the Fox News treatment today apparently), and won’t fix the problem long-term … because of customer behavior associates,” says the reply.

Amazon was not at all concerned about censoring books or about First Amendment rights, instead, they were scared they would be caught.

However, a week later Amazon met with the White House to discuss things.

Once again, Amazon was not concerned with rights or censorship, instead, they simply needed clarification from the White House:

Did they want the books fully banned or just buried?

This should be terrifying for all Americans, and we cannot allow this to go unpunished.

The current administration is doing everything it can to take away our rights, and we will not have it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Texas National Guardsman exposes what’s really going on at the border


The issue at the southern border is affecting millions of Americans. And even as the Biden administration tries to cover it up, the truth will come out.

And now, a Texas National Guardsman exposed what’s really going on at the border.

In a recent interview with Breitbart, Texas National Guardsman Tim Kennedy said that Joe Biden’s open border policy is “insane” and “insulting.”

Kennedy said, “This week the president said that he needs new legislation that enables him to secure the border, and that’s laughable.”

He continued by saying, “It’s insulting, and the fact that they’re trying to flip the language — like they always have — about who is doing what and the reasons behind it.”

Joe Biden has broken every immigration record as president, and his wide open border policy decisions are destroying America, American lives, and also harming immigrants seeking to migrate here legally.

Guardsman Kennedy pointed out that America already has a system in place, and if only the laws and rules were followed, things would be much better.

He emphasized that we don’t need new rules or policies… we just need to enforce the current ones:

“The laws that exist currently, if they were enforced, are more than powerful enough to be able to secure our border.”

He went on further to compare Biden’s inaction to the relative peace under Trump.

“And [Biden] says, ‘I, as a president, I don’t have the power to do that.’ We saw President Trump did have the power, and he absolutely was securing the border.”

He said, “When you look at the numbers between presidencies, the differences in illegal immigration during those time periods are not even comparable.”

The wide open border is allowing all sorts of crime into the country that is directly hurting the lives of thousands.

Kennedy recalled one scene he saw at the border:

“I saw cartel members pushing babies into the water to create a crisis so that they could smuggle people with bundles of drugs further up river, across the river.”

He added, “I saw them trip dads that had kids on their shoulders so that a few miles away, while we had to push a ton of resources to try to find this kid that’s floating down the river, a couple boats are now crossing with what we can only assume to be the hardened terrorists on watch lists.”

The situation at the border is not as simple as letting people into the country so that they can start new lives.

No, the system we have in place is designed to filter out legal vs illegal, but Joe Biden has tossed it all aside.

Kennedy claims that the issue is “warfare.”

He said “It’s all strategic. It’s all planned. It’s a form of warfare that’s being waged against us.”

We must all wake up to the situation on America’s southern border, and we cannot be passive.

Joe Biden is destroying this great nation, and half of the country is sitting idly by watching it happen.

America does not need new policies or laws… we need to enforce those that are proven to work… (proven under Donald Trump).