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Trump issues a stark warning of an impending terror attack


The threat of terrorist attacks is higher now than ever. The Radical Left is trying to cover things up, but the truth will always come out.

And Trump has warned of an impending terror attack.

The recent surge in Chinese nationals apprehended at the US-Mexico border has become a major point of contention, igniting a complex debate fueled by concerns about national security, economic impact, and potential political implications.

Former President Donald Trump’s recently warned that the influx of Chinese nationals could have a very negative effect on life in the United States.

He even went so far as to warn of an impending terror attack:

He said, “I believe so, and I believe we’re going to have a terrorist attack. 100%.”

These comments warning of CCP involvement and potential terrorist threats have further intensified the conversation, highlighting the need for nuanced analysis, responsible reporting, and a search for evidence-based solutions.

Data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) paints a stark picture:

Over 24,000 Chinese citizens were apprehended at the border in the past year, dwarfing the combined total of the previous ten years.

This dramatic increase has naturally triggered alarms, with officials and commentators offering various explanations.

Some have attributed the surge to China’s strict COVID-19 policies, prompting individuals to seek better economic opportunities or escape perceived government overreach.

Others, including former President Trump, have advanced more alarming narratives, hinting at potential CCP orchestration and even suggesting a “national security threat.”

Furthermore, CBP officials themselves attribute the increase to a combination of factors, including changing migration patterns, increased smuggling activity, and potential misinformation campaigns targeting vulnerable populations.

The debate over the Chinese border influx extends far beyond mere numbers.

Many Americans are particularly concerned about the potential security risks associated with irregular migration, including human trafficking, organized crime activity, and potential entry of individuals with malicious intent.

This concern is amplified by the lack of transparency from the Chinese government and the possibility of CCP involvement in facilitating migration for ulterior motives.

Texas officials, for instance, have raised concerns about cartels charging exorbitant fees to smuggle Chinese nationals, highlighting the potential for exploitation and abuse.

The issue of the Chinese border influx reignites the debate about the economic impact of undocumented immigration.

Concerns exist about potential job competition and wage depression, particularly in industries with lower pay scales.

Additionally, some argue that increased immigration strains social safety nets and public services, raising concerns about fiscal responsibility.

Whatever the case may be, and whatever is happening with the massive spike in Chinese border crossing of military-aged men, we must remain vigilant, and we must protect our nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Mayorkas makes a shocking suggestion when threatened with impeachment


The Radical Left does not cease to confound Americans. And they are constantly passing destructive policies.

And now, Mayorkas made a shocking suggestion when threatened with impeachment.

Tensions are flaring amidst calls for impeachment, Senate deal negotiations, and Mayorkas’ advocacy for increased immigration.

Immigration policy remains a heated topic in the United States, fueled by differing perspectives on border security, economic impact, and humanitarian concerns.

Recent developments have further intensified the debate, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas proposing increased immigration pathways.

In a recent interview, Mayorkas argued for expanding immigration channels even while the United States faces the worst illegal immigration ever.

He emphasized the economic benefits of immigration, noting the contributions of migrant workers to various sectors.

He also mentioned the exploitation of undocumented individuals by smugglers and advocated for more paths for individuals to enter the country for work.

However, Mayorkas’ stance faces strong opposition from many groups, particularly those concerned about the potential impact on American wages and employment opportunities.

Current policies prioritize corporate interests over American workers and point to rising housing costs and wage stagnation as negative consequences of increased immigration.

Many Americans are even calling for Mayorkas’ impeachment, citing dissatisfaction with his handling of the border crisis and the surge in illegal crossings.

Meanwhile, the Senate is working on a potential bipartisan deal that would offer a pathway to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants while allocating additional resources for border security measures.

The deal has been met with mixed reactions, with some praising it as a compromise and others criticizing it as insufficient or harmful.

Regardless of the deal in the Senate, the idea that in the midst of the current immigration crisis, our Secretary of Homeland Security is suggesting even more immigration is absurd.

No wonder so many people are calling for the impeachment of Mayorkas.

The situation in the United States is beyond dire.

America needs a solution, and we need one immediately.

And the solution is not just allowing even more immigrants into the nation.

As long as the Radical Left led by Joe Biden and Mayorkas are allowed to continue their destructive policies, America will continue to suffer.

Mayorkas’s calls for increased immigration are an insult to border states like Texas which are crumpling under the massive weight of Joe Biden’s failures.

They are also an insult to Americans and immigrants who have entered this country legally and become citizens here.

We cannot allow this destruction to go on any longer, and we must hold Mayorkas accountable for his actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats caught using taxpayer dollars for one truly disgusting act


The Radical Left has been stealing our money and using it to fund their harmful agenda. But now, things have been taken too far.

And taxpayers are outraged after a new report shows them what their money is being used for.

A report by the Economic Policy Innovation Center (EPIC) has stirred the pot in Washington state, alleging that a hefty $340 million chunk of federal COVID-19 relief funds was diverted to a program assisting undocumented immigrants.

This move has triggered heated debate, raising questions about the appropriate use of these funds and prompting accusations of misuse.

The report shines a light on the $340 million’s origin:

Washington state’s share of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF).

Established as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, this fund aimed to bolster recovery efforts from the pandemic’s economic and social impacts.

Washington received $4.4 billion from this pot, with the intention of utilizing it for various pandemic-related purposes.

However, a different path emerged in 2021 when state lawmakers approved allocating $340 million to the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund.

This program targets illegal undocumented immigrants residing in the state, offering them financial assistance in the form of $1,000 direct payments.

Described as “another round of funding for undocumented Washingtonians,” the program drew intense criticism, with its legality and effectiveness sparking fierce debate.

The EPIC report throws a wrench into the narrative, arguing that this allocation deviates significantly from the intended purpose of the SLFRF funds.

With their origin stemming from pandemic relief efforts, the report emphasizes that directing them towards undocumented immigrants constitutes “subsidizing undocumented immigration” under the guise of pandemic relief.

Adding fuel to the fire, Paul Winfree, CEO of EPIC, expressed concerns about the remaining $120 million within the program.

He warns that “until Congress claws back this money, it will continue to serve as a magnet for illegal immigration,” amplifying concerns about potential misuse of resources and unintended consequences.

Further muddying the waters are previous instances of the state utilizing allocated funds in ways raising questions about their intended purpose.

Reports of over $100 million in COVID aid lost to a Nigerian scam and skyrocketing unemployment claims exceeding any other state during the pandemic highlight the complexities surrounding resource management and its potential pitfalls.

Washington state officials have yet to offer an official response to the EPIC report’s findings.

However, the controversy surrounding this issue is unlikely to disappear soon.

Key questions about the legality, effectiveness, and broader implications of this fund diversion remain unanswered, fueling ongoing debate and potentially prompting further investigation.

Ultimately, the story of the $340 million remains a complex one, riddled with competing perspectives and concerns.

While the EPIC report adds a critical layer of scrutiny, the final chapter in this saga is yet to be written.

We must hold our government accountable, and we cannot rest until our taxpayer’s dollars are accounted for.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden just received a massive betrayal from among his own people


Joe Biden has been struggling in the polls recently. And he needs every win he can get.

But now, Biden has just received a massive betrayal from among his own people.

A planned meeting between the Biden campaign and Dearborn’s Arab American community has been canceled, throwing a spotlight on simmering tensions within the crucial swing state of Michigan.

The decision, fueled by outrage over the recent Israel-Gaza conflict and perceived inaction by the Biden administration, raises questions about the Democratic Party’s ability to retain support among a pivotal voting bloc.

The planned Friday afternoon meeting, spearheaded by Wayne County Deputy Executive Assad Turfe, aimed to gather feedback from Arab American elected officials and community leaders.

However, news of the meeting sparked immediate uproar within the community, with many expressing anger and disappointment.

“As the community got to learn about the meeting, there was definitely a lot of outrage,” Turfe stated.

“Ultimately, the decision was made to cancel the meeting.”

Several factors contributed to the community’s rejection of the proposed meeting:

Critics felt the timing was insensitive, with the conflict still raging and Palestinian suffering at its peak.

Others questioned the Biden administration’s commitment to Palestinian rights, citing its support for Israel during the hostilities.

Turfe further noted that many Arab Americans who voted for Biden in 2020 felt disillusioned.

“Unless something drastic happens, you have lost the Arab American and Muslim community,” he declared, reflecting the widespread sentiment that their concerns were being sidelined.

Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, known for his outspoken critiques of the administration’s Middle East policy, emphasized the need for concrete action over hollow political dialogue.

In a public statement, he declared, “When elected officials view the atrocities in Gaza only as an electoral problem, they reduce our indescribable pain into a political calculation.”

Hammoud, who declined to attend the meeting, urged the administration to prioritize Palestinian lives and engage in meaningful policy changes instead of mere electoral calculations.

He further highlighted the hypocrisy of discussing elections while witnessing a “live-streamed genocide backed by our government.”

Michigan represents a critical battleground in the upcoming elections, with its sizeable Arab American population holding significant sway.

Estimates suggest nearly 300,000 residents of Middle Eastern or North African descent call the state home, forming one of the nation’s largest such communities.

Turfe warned that the administration’s perceived inaction and the cancellation of the Dearborn meeting could have significant electoral consequences.

“If a significant portion of them choose to swing from being Democrats to Republicans,” he cautioned, “that could be very troubling for the Biden campaign.”

The cancellation of the Dearborn meeting signifies a simmering discontent within the Arab American community towards the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

With Michigan’s crucial votes hanging in the balance, the administration faces a pressing challenge to address these concerns if it hopes to retain its support within this key demographic.

The Radical Left are eating themselves alive, and they have no hope of joining together to stop Trump.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden lies to grieving family of deceased service member


Joe Biden is a known liar with no care at all for the American people. But now even his supporters have to admit that he has taken things too far.

And Joe Biden has lied to the grieving family of a deceased service member.

President Biden’s propensity for gaffes took a somber turn on Thursday, raising fresh questions about his cognitive fitness and respect for fallen heroes.

During a condolence call with the family of Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, one of three U.S. service members killed in a recent drone attack, Biden made a jarring misstatement about his own son.

“My son spent a year in Iraq, that’s how I lost him,” Biden reportedly told the grieving family.

The statement sent shockwaves through the political landscape, as everyone knows Beau Biden, the President’s son, tragically succumbed to brain cancer in 2015, never having served in Iraq beyond a non-combat deployment in 2008-2009.

This wasn’t Biden’s first misstep involving his son’s service.

He’s repeatedly claimed a link between Beau’s cancer and burn pits in Iraq, despite lacking concrete evidence.

While veterans face health challenges linked to such pits, definitively attributing Beau’s illness remains unsubstantiated.

The White House tried damage control, claiming Biden was merely “sharing his grief” and attempting to connect with the Sanders family.

But the attempt at empathy feels hollow when built on inaccuracies.

This isn’t a harmless slip-up; it’s a misrepresentation of a sacred sacrifice borne by the Sanders family and countless others.

This incident fuels concerns about Biden’s mental acuity, already a whisper in political circles.

The misstatement comes amid his struggles with public speaking and occasional displays of forgetfulness.

While age itself isn’t disqualifying, the demanding nature of the presidency necessitates clarity and focus, qualities increasingly questioned with each misstep.

Beyond the factual error lies a deeper issue:

The appropriate expression of empathy.

Some argue personal anecdotes, even if inaccurate, forge deeper connections.

But shouldn’t respect for the individual’s unique loss prevail? Using one family’s tragedy as a springboard for another, albeit unintentionally, trivializes both sacrifices.

Meanwhile, the true heroes remain unseen.

Specialist Sanders and his fallen comrades deserve our solemn remembrance, not as fodder for political narratives.

Their families deserve our unwavering support and a leader who accurately honors their sacrifice.

This incident cannot be swept under the rug as a “gaffe.”

It’s a symptom of a broader concern.

Can voters trust a leader prone to factual errors and questionable memory lapses to navigate the complexities of international relations and domestic challenges?

Is personal empathy worth sacrificing accuracy and respect for the fallen?

These are questions Americans deserve answers to, and soon.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news updates.

Top Dem governor shockingly joins conservatives in a massive betrayal


Immigration is out of control in America. And even extreme Liberals are starting to understand Joe Biden is failing us.

And a top Dem governor shockingly joins conservatives in a massive betrayal.

Democrats claim to be all for open borders and unrestricted access to America, but whenever they feel the devastating effects of their own radical policies, they quickly change their minds.

When Trump was president, the Radical Left constantly called him racist, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic for wanting to keep our border secure.

Yet, now, with more and more Democrats speaking the same language, they are not labeling themselves the same way.

More and more sanctuary cities are buckling under the oppressive weight of Joe Biden’s open border policies, and many of these radical politicians are joining with conservatives to call for reform.

Not only is the immense pressure of millions of illegal aliens overwhelming, but crime rates have skyrocketed with the influx of dangerous criminals crossing the border.

Recently in Democrat-controlled NY, five illegal aliens were arrested for attacking a police officer.

The assault started when a police officer attempted to arrest one of the illegal immigrants, and the other kicked and punched the officer.

Shockingly, all of the attackers were immediately released without bail and police are searching for three more suspects.

The NY governor weighed in on the issue saying, “I think that’s actually something that should be looked at.”

Kathy Hochul then said, “I mean, if someone commits a crime against a police officer in the state of New York and they’re not here legally, it’s definitely worth checking into.”

This is a major shift from the typical Leftist ideas regarding illegal immigrants, but her words also seem to ring hollow because the arrested aliens were immediately released without bond…

Governor Hochul continued, “These are law enforcement officers who should never under any circumstances be subjected to physical assault.”

She seemed to call out whoever decided to release the attacks by saying, “It’s wrong on all accounts and I’m looking to judges and prosecutors to do the right thing.”

The attack was a shocking reminder of what Radical policies and ideologies do to this country.

One thing that complicates this issue is New York’s status as a “sanctuary city.”

This typically means that law enforcement will not comply with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

One defense attorney and former Manhattan prosecutor, Micahel Bachner, said “New York City does not provide sanctuary from prosecution from various violent felonies.”

He continued, “Assaulting an officer, that is the type of offense that I believe would 100% be subject to deportation. The immigration courts, they don’t look kindly on assaulting law enforcement officials”

One of the illegal aliens arrested and released had already had two other open cases for assault and robbery.

It seems that we should be able to catch these criminals and prevent them from further crimes.

If people enter our country illegally and commit violent crimes, it seems obvious that they should not be allowed to stay.

We must stand up and defend our nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden official turns coat and joins terrorist group in the Middle East


Joe Biden and his entire administration are all terrorist sympathizers. But now they have taken things too far.

And a Biden official has betrayed our nation and joined with a terrorist group in the Middle East.

The current administration is full of terror sympathizers, but no one expected any of them to actually join forces with a terror group.

But now, everything has changed after the current administration has turned its back on America in order to side with terrorists.

Three Americans were killed in a recent series of missile strikes from Iranian-backed terror organizations in the Middle East.

Joe Biden has already been criticized numerous times because many Americans blame him for the deaths of these three brave service members.

Joe Biden has single-handily undone all of Trump’s hard work in the Middle East and tensions are higher now than they have been in years.

But even with Joe Biden’s inaction, there has now been a far worse crime committed by the Biden administration: full-on treason.

Now, Iranian-backed terror groups are leaving their bases in the Middle East after the Biden administration tipped them off regarding their plans.

The Daily Wire reports that “President Joe Biden’s administration leaked to the media this week that they are gearing up to respond by carrying out a sustained bombing campaign.”

Because of this leak, terrorists across the Middle East have had a chance to prepare for the strikes and retaliation and are evacuating their bases and holdouts.

This recent development comes because the administration leaked their plans and NBC News reported on the issue.

They wrote on Wednesday that the US strikes would be a “campaign” that will last “weeks” according to US officials.

The officials went even further and said that they would target “Iranian targets outside Iran, and the campaign will involve both strikes and cyber operations.”

CBS then reported on Wednesday that the Iranian-backed groups that make up Islamic Resistance in Iraq have “evacuated their bases in Iraq and Syria, fearing U.S. retaliatory strikes after Sunday’s attack.”

A US official told reporters that “these are going to be very deliberate targets — deliberate strikes on facilities that enabled these attacks.”

Americans are outraged regarding the absurd breach in security and are calling for impeachment immediately.

This unbelievable leak in confidential information seems hardly an accident, and many people are concerned regarding the rise in terrorist sympathizers in the US government.

Andrea Stricker, Deputy Director & Research Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) Nonproliferation & Biodefense program. Had many choice words for the Biden administration.

Stricker said, “Having let these attacks go on for so long—resulting in the deaths of three service members—the administration must now ‘shock the system’ of the regime to deter further attacks. The blow must be so devastating that Tehran orders its proxies to stand down.”

She continued saying, “Anything less than that will ensure this cycle continues and brings the regional war Washington hopes to avoid.”

“The administration is too deliberately telegraphing its desire for restraint. The adversary needs to believe we are both able and willing to use major force to avenge these deaths and prevent additional ones”

The Biden administration needs to be immediately held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden went pale as a ghost when this bombshell report hit his desk


Election season is well underway, and it appears that a Trump-Biden rematch is imminent. But now, the Radical Left is worried.

And Biden went pale as a ghost when this bombshell report hit his desk.

Election season is well underway, and the stakes are as high as they ever have been in this country.

The potential for a Joe Biden vs Donald Trump rematch seems more likely every day, and the future of our nation is at stake.

The Radical Left is placing their trust in the mentally ill and corrupt current president while the rest of America is rooting for a leader who can save us and this great nation.

Thankfully, there is now good news that has Joe Biden and the Radical Left worried sick:

The newest polling data from Bloomberg News/Morning Consult is showing Donald Trump beating Joe Biden in seven out of seven critical swing states.

Even as Democrats try and claim that Joe Biden will win in a landslide, the data is irrefutable and the truth is simple:

Americans do not want Biden.

According to the recent polling data, a major reason is because of the situation at the southern border.

Joe Biden has allowed complete and unrestricted access into this country, and quite literally millions of unvetted and undocumented illegal aliens have invaded our country.

Americans are outraged, worried, and horrified by these actions from the White House, and their obvious displeasure and fury can be seen in the polls.

The polls report:

“Six in 10 swing-state voters say President Joe Biden bears responsibility for a surge in [illegal immigrants] at the US-Mexico border, a downbeat signal for his reelection prospects as Republicans largely avoid blame on the issue, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll found.”

“Biden again trails Donald Trump in each of the seven swing states in the monthly survey and lags Trump 42% to 48% across all those states in a head-to-head match-up. The former president’s lead grows to 9 percentage points when third-party candidates are included.”

Head to head in each of these seven states, Donald Trump is squarely leading in the polls:

Arizona: Trump 47 / Biden 44 — Trump +3
Georgia: Trump 49 / Biden 41 — Trump +8
Michigan: Trump 47 / Biden 42 — Trump +5
Nevada: Trump 48 / Biden 40 — Trump +8
North Carolina: Trump 49 / Biden 39 — Trump +10
Pennsylvania: Trump 48 / Biden 45 — Trump +3
Wisconsin: Trump 49 / Biden 44 — Trump +5

Even when independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr is included, Donald Trump still has a massive lead:

Arizona: Trump 43 / Biden 35 / Kennedy 10 — Trump +8
Georgia: Trump 44 / Biden 37 / Kennedy 8 — Trump +7
Michigan: Trump 43 / Biden 37 / Kennedy 8 — Trump +6
Nevada: Trump 43 / Biden 31 / Kennedy 12 — Trump +12
North Carolina: Trump 45 / Biden 32 / Kennedy 9 — Trump +13
Pennsylvania: Trump 43 / Biden 40 / Kennedy 7 — Trump +3
Wisconsin: Trump 43 / Biden 35 / Kennedy 10 — Trump +8

In fact, the data shows that when other candidates are included, Joe Biden suffered a major blow in the polls.

Other critical issues to voters include the economy where only 29% believe it is headed in a good direction.

Other data proves that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both have absurdly low favorability ratings, and their approval ratings are in the toilet.

The truth of the matter is simple: Americans hate Joe Biden, and we will NOT vote for him.

Even with the Radical Left lying in the media constantly, we know the truth:

Joe Biden has no chance of beating Donald Trump… thank goodness.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Democrat Governor sells out Americans to foreigners with one shocking act


The Radical Left hates America, that much is clear. However, they are now showing just how far they are willing to go to prove their hatred.

And a Democrat Governor sells out Americans to foreigners with one shocking act.

Democrat leaders and politicians always seem to target low-income areas when campaigning.

They claim to be the party of the people and try to receive votes by promising money, tax breaks, or other benefits for low-income families.

However, as typical, actions speak much louder than words.

And recent actions by a Democrat politician have proven that the Radical Left does not care about any Americans… even those in low-income housing.

In a low-income community in Boston, residents are outraged after the Democratic Massachusetts governor decided to use their rec center for housing illegal immigrants.

Residents were given less than 48 hours of notice before they were locked out of the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex.

The governor claimed it would be used for housing some of the illegal immigrants that have been flooding the state over the past year or so.

According to some, many of these illegal aliens have been sleeping in Logan Airport for months, and are now being moved to other locations.

A State Senator, Liz Miranda, commented on the matter and reported that the facility will apparently be receiving a half-a-million-dollar makeover to compensate for the situation.

She told the Boston Globe, “The outrage you’re seeing is valid. Roxbury has never gotten its fair share out of the city and the state. I’m hoping West Roxbury steps up, I’m hoping Wellesley steps up, other communities that have rich resources.”

In November of last year, all of the Massachusetts housing shelters will filled with 7,500 families currently in the system.

Many of these illegals are being housed in hospitals, churches, and apparently even in Logan Airport.

While many people feel sympathy for those who are having to sleep on the streets because of a lack of housing, residents in the area are furious.

One local Boston United Track and Cross Country organizer, Hassan Ahmed, claimed that the decision had left his program “homeless.”

He said, “We come in, and folks at the front desk were like, ‘Just to let you know, today’s your last day.’ We were told that our permit was revoked and we were out.”

Governor Healey claimed that the rec center would be reopened to the public by June, however many locals are not feeling confident.

Others highlight that even if they were reopened in June, many programs would be “homeless” for months.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do for a couple, three months. I’ll call universities, I’ll call other places.”

One former state Senator Dianne Wilkerson said, “The fact that they can’t tell us today that they have alternate sites for the programs they displaced is just despicable to me.”

The outrage is felt not only by the residents of the affected area but by Americans across the nation as once again the Radical Left puts illegal aliens before the lives of citizens and legal residents.

America deserves better.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden impeachment development spells out certain doom for election season


The Radical Left has been doing everything they can to hinder any impeachment proceedings against Biden. But now, things are getting crazy.

And a Biden impeachment development spells out certain doom for the election season.

Recently, the Radical Left has become obsessed with the legal process in America, and they have weaponized the justice system by going after all of their political opponents.

But now, when the same justice system is used to prosecute them for their crimes, they suddenly do not care about rules or laws anymore.

House committees have revealed that during their impeachment process into Joe Biden, the Biden White House is refusing to cooperate and is even actively disrupting the investigation.

Investigators and committee members have requested all drafts of Biden’s December 2015 speech during which he called for the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

The Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was reportedly investigating corruption allegations regarding the company Burisma where Hunter Biden was a board member making $80,000 a month.

Joe Biden later bragged that he forced the then Ukrainian president, Poroshenko, to fire prosecutor Shokin or he would withhold funding from Ukraine.

A letter to White House counsel Edward Siskel reads, “For more than five months the White House has declined to authorize the production of these draft speeches to the Oversight Committee or to assert a valid privilege over them.”

The letter claims that the Oversight Committee had requested the release of these drafts as long ago as August 17, 2023.

The letter states that the Committee requested the National Archives and Records Administration and the “NARA was able to provide the White House with the full set of documents that cover this request.”

Since the letter was sent, “the White House has refused to permit NARA to provide the Oversight Committee with any documents related to the 2015 Ukraine speech delivered by then-Vice President Biden.”

The White House has extended the review period multiple times claiming that the”release of this material would be fairly extraordinary, as it may make public foreign affairs deliberations of the person who is now the sitting President and his advisors, and as such requires additional review and analysis”

It continues, “This extension will also give us time to explore appropriate accommodations with Chairman Comer so as to avoid the concerns mentioned above.”

All of this back and forth is merely the White House refusing to cooperate, and it proves that they are doing everything they can to hinder the investigation.

However, the proof is already there:

In an interview in August of 2023, Victor Shokin stated that he was indeed fired because of Joe Biden’s threat to withhold funding to Ukraine.

Biden himself has even bragged about the issue and in a September 2019 speech said, “if the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b*tch, he got fired.”

The entire situation is absurd, and it proves that Joe Biden and the Radical Left are terrified of what would happen if the American people learned the entire truth.

They know that Biden will have no chance of taking office every again once the American people discover just how corrupt he truly is.

We deserve better than Crooked Joe and the Radical Left, and we must hold our elected officials accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Foreign ambassador calls out Democrat for absurd lies


The Radical Left says the most ridiculous things. But now they are taking things so far that even other countries have noticed.

And now, a foreign ambassador has called out a Democrat for their absurd lies.

While Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) may claim to champion diversity and inclusion, her recent remarks regarding Somalia have ignited a firestorm of criticism, particularly from the African nation of Somaliland.

In a public speech, Omar reportedly declared her “first allegiance” to Somalian interests and advocated for a controversial “Greater Somalia” ideology, raising eyebrows and causing deep offense across the Horn of Africa.

Somaliland’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rhoda Elmi, wasted no time in issuing a scathing rebuke.

In a strongly worded statement, Elmi labeled Omar’s words as “shocked and surprised,” “ethno-racist rhetoric,” and “regrettably unbecoming” of both her office and her constituents.

Elmi further accused Omar of lacking “basic facts” and reviving the “once-violent and dangerous” ideology of Greater Somalia, a historical concept that aimed to unite Somali-inhabited territories under one flag, often through conflict and instability.

The Minister’s statement went a step further, highlighting the hypocrisy of Omar’s position.

“Particularly bewildering,” Elmi wrote, “was her use of ethno-racist rhetoric, especially considering the similar racist attacks she endured not long ago for being ‘not American enough.’

Now, she takes a similar approach and accuses the entire Somaliland nation of ‘falsely claiming Somali identity.'”

This accusation resonates deeply within Somaliland, a territory that declared independence from Somalia in 1991 and has since established its own stable government, currency, and military.

Despite international non-recognition, Somaliland enjoys peaceful relations with many nations, including the United States, with whom it cooperates extensively in counter-terrorism and piracy efforts in the region.

Elmi’s statement poignantly highlighted this point, questioning Omar’s “ignorance” of the “US-Somaliland cooperation in the fight against terror and piracy.”

This stark reminder of Somaliland’s contributions to regional security adds further weight to the minister’s condemnation of Omar’s divisive rhetoric.

Omar’s defense, claiming her words were “slanted” by “propagandists,” rings hollow in the face of widespread condemnation.

Somalilanders, Somalis, and even fellow U.S. citizens have expressed outrage at her divisive message, questioning her commitment to unity and coexistence in a region already beset by complex political and historical tensions.

The United States’ official stance, recognizing Somalia’s sovereignty while maintaining cordial relations with Somaliland, adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

Omar’s vocal support for a “Greater Somalia” potentially contradicts this delicate diplomatic balance, raising concerns about U.S. intentions in the region.

Ultimately, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s recent remarks have opened a fresh rift in an already fragile region. Her embrace of an exclusionary “Greater Somalia” ideology stands in stark contrast to the ideals of unity and inclusivity she supposedly espouses.

Whether she chooses to address these concerns and clarify her stance remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: her reckless rhetoric has sowed discord and damaged trust at a time when peaceful regional cooperation is more crucial than ever.

The coming days and weeks will reveal whether Omar chooses to retract her offensive statements or double down on her divisive ideology.

Regardless of her next move, the damage has been done, and the echoes of “Greater Somalia” will linger long after the initial outrage subsides.

Only time will tell if Omar can bridge the divide she has so easily created, or if her words will continue to fuel regional tensions and hinder the prospects of lasting peace in the Horn of Africa.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical Liberal politician under investigation for this disgusting reason


A number of Liberal politicians have been caught in disgusting scandals recently. But now, this situation is even worse.

And a Radical Liberal politician is under investigation for this disturbing reason.

Congresswoman Cori Bush, champion of defunding the police and ardent critic of law enforcement, finds herself embroiled in a scandal worthy of its own Netflix docu-series.

Amidst accusations of misusing campaign funds for personal security, Bush resorts to her playbook of deflection and victimhood, blaming “right-wing organizations” for a “baseless witch hunt.”

But with a Justice Department investigation looming and inconsistencies in her narrative, the question remains: is this smoke, or is there fire?

While Bush claims transparency and unwavering ethics, the public record tells a different story.

A watchdog group, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), filed an ethics complaint alleging irregularities in payments to her now-husband, Cortney Merritts, for security services.

The heart of the issue? Merritts was on the campaign payroll for $62,000 in 2022, a hefty sum for “security” provided by someone who wasn’t even Bush’s husband at the time.

Even more eyebrow-raising is the timing.

Merritts, whom Bush married in February 2023, was hired in 2022, raising questions about whether this was a legitimate security expense or a personal perk disguised as campaign spending.

The ethics complaint by FACT doesn’t mince words, suggesting the payments “may have been unnecessary or above fair market value because of her personal relationship with the payee.”

Bush’s response? Predictably, deflection. Calling it a “right-wing witch hunt,” she denies any wrongdoing and claims to hold her campaign “to the highest levels of transparency.”

However, transparency seems in short supply when you consider that her husband’s role as her security detail, and the subsequent high pay he received, went unreported until now.

The irony is thick enough to cut with a butter knife.

A representative who vociferously advocates defunding the police is now under investigation for potentially misusing campaign funds on personal security, employing her own husband no less. It’s a case of “do as I say, not as I do” that would make even the most ardent hypocrite blush.

While the Justice Department investigation unfolds, one thing is clear: Bush’s claims of transparency ring hollow.

The public deserves answers, not convenient scapegoating and victimhood narratives.

Until she addresses the allegations head-on and provides a thorough accounting of her campaign’s spending, the stench of impropriety will continue to linger.

This saga serves as a stark reminder that scrutiny should not be partisan.

Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, those entrusted with public office must be held accountable.

In the case of Cori Bush, the story is far from over.

The Justice Department’s investigation will hopefully shed light on the murky waters of campaign spending and family ties.

Until then, the public should remain vigilant and demand answers.

This isn’t a partisan issue; it’s about upholding the integrity of our democratic system and ensuring that those who represent us live up to the standards they themselves advocate for.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.