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Latest immigration order measure opens up the US to attacks from within


The Radical Left has opened the United States up to all sorts of terrifying attacks. But now, these attacks are coming from within.

And new immigration measures are opening up the US to attacks from within.

Chaos reigns supreme at America’s airports, where the once sacrosanct shield of national security has been brazenly cast aside in favor of appeasing illegal immigration advocates and their political allies.

This week, a bombshell revelation sent shockwaves through the nation:

The Transportation Security Administration, in a grotesque mockery of its very name, has begun allowing illegal immigrants to waltz through security checkpoints without any form of identification, while law-abiding American citizens are forced to brandish their REAL IDs like medieval peasants showcasing their loyalty to a crumbling sovereign.

The outrage began with a tweet from conservative firebrand Dave Rubin, who shared a photograph of a TSA notice announcing a partnership with Customs and Border Protection for a pilot program dubbed “CBP One.”

This Orwellian initiative, far from streamlining travel, grants carte blanche to illegal immigrants, allowing them to bypass the very security measures implemented after 9/11 to protect our nation from those who would do us harm.

As if to underscore the sheer absurdity of this policy, the notice specifies that taking a picture during the “verification” process is entirely optional for the immigrant.

Can you imagine the gall of those in charge, suggesting that a grainy, easily manipulated selfie constitutes sufficient proof of identity for someone who has likely entered our country illegally?

And let’s not forget the TSA’s assurances that they “will not store the person’s information.”

Forgive our skepticism, Mr. and Ms. Bureaucrat, but when it comes to the vetting of potential threats to our national security, promises made on flimsy government parchment ring hollower than a politician’s campaign slogan.

Retired CBP Chief Patrol Agent Chris Clem, a man who has stared into the abyss of illegal immigration for decades, summed up the national mood with righteous indignation.

“I’m an American citizen,” he thundered, “and I’m quite offended that these migrants that have come in here are getting preferential treatment and being prioritized in so many ways.”

Indeed, while American families struggle with inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, and a general sense of societal unraveling, the Biden administration rolls out the red carpet for those who have broken our laws and infiltrated our borders.

But the offense goes far beyond bruised egos.

Clem rightly raises the specter of national security.

How can we, with a straight face, claim to be protecting our citizens when we allow individuals whose identities are shrouded in a fog of mystery and potential malice to roam freely through our airports?

What guarantee do we have that these are not hardened criminals, terrorists, or agents of foreign powers masquerading as refugees seeking asylum?

Remember, these are the same individuals who, upon reaching the border, often ditch their national IDs like unwanted baggage, opting instead to weave tales of woe and hardship to game our asylum system.

And now, thanks to the CBP One program, their meticulously crafted narratives will serve as their passports to the American interior, granting them access to every corner of our nation, free to vanish into the shadows and potentially wreak havoc.

This is not merely incompetence, it’s borderline treason.

The Biden administration, in its insatiable quest to appease its progressive base and dismantle the foundations of American sovereignty, has turned our airports into de facto welcome mats for illegal immigrants, leaving our citizens vulnerable and our nation’s security hanging by a thread.

We, the American people, must rise up against this tyranny.

We must demand accountability from our elected officials, expose the insidious agenda behind this reckless policy, and reclaim our airports, our borders, and our nation from the clutches of those who would sacrifice our safety on the altar of political correctness.

The time for silence is over: America will not become a sanctuary city for the world.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump receives a major endorsement that no one saw coming


Even as the race for the White House continues to escalate, things are always changing. And now, no one expected this shocking change.

And Trump has received a major endorsement that no one saw coming.

Endorsements are a major part of every political campaign effort.

And even for someone as prominent and well-supported as Trump, an endorsement can change the outcome of a certain election.

Over the weekend, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced that he would be suspending his 2024 election bid.

With this recent announcement, which was a surprise to many, DeSantis also announced his endorsement of fellow GOP candidate and former president Donald Trump.

The two men have had a back-and-forth sort of relationship over the past few years with praise and criticism coming for each other coming at different times.

But now, Donald Trump has said that he is “very honored” to have received the endorsement from DeSantis.

Trump said he was “very honored to have his endorsement. I look forward to working together with him to beat Joe Biden, who is the worst and most corrupt president in the history of our country.”

His campaign also released a statement warning of the danger America is facing and highlighting that now is the “time to choose wisely.”

The statement said, “With only a few days left until President Donald J. Trump’s victory in New Hampshire, we are honored by the endorsement from Governor Ron DeSantis and so many other former presidential candidates. It is now time for all Republicans to rally behind President Trump to defeat Crooked Joe Biden and end his disastrous presidency.”

The statement continued and emphasized Nikki Haley’s campaign, and claimed she has been pandering to globalists and Democrats.

“Nikki Haley is the candidate of the globalists and Democrats who will do everything to stop the America First movement. From higher taxes, to decimating Social Security and Medicare, and to open borders, she represents the views of Democrats more than the views of Republicans. It’s time to choose wisely.”

DeSantis also released a statement highlighting why he chose to endorse Trump.

He said, “It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance.”

“They watch his presidency gets stymied by relentless resistance, and they see Democrats using lawfare to this day to attack him. While, I’ve had disagreements with Donald Trump, such as on the Coronavirus pandemic and his elevation of Anthony Fauci, Trump is superior to the current incumbent Joe Biden. That is clear.”

He continued, “I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee and I will honor that pledge is my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, or repackage formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents. The days of putting Americans last of kowtowing to large corporations, of caving to woke ideology are over.”

This statement proves that even though many Americans have differences, we must join together to stop the assault of the Left.

The time for division has past, and the time for unity is here.

We cannot hope to stop the Radical Left’s destructive policies if we cannot agree with one another.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs and updates.

New terrifying threat on Southern border leaves American’s lives in danger


Even as Joe Biden and the Radical Left refuse to address the border, things are getting more serious. And now threats have been made.

But this new terrifying threat on the Southern border has left an American’s lives in danger.

At the desolate, sun-baked US-Mexico border near Sasabe, Arizona, a disturbing scene unfolded, highlighting the consequences of President Biden’s failed border policies.

A citizen journalist, armed with nothing but a camera and a commitment to truth, faced a chilling threat from an illegal immigrant who crossed into the country illegally.

The videographer, affiliated with 1st Responders Media, captured the unsettling encounter on what was once Twitter, now X.

The footage shows the journalist politely asking the man, part of a larger group attempting illegal entry, to identify his country of origin.

Instead of a simple answer, the illegal immigrant launches into a menacing tirade:

“If you are smart enough you will know who I am. But you really aren’t smart enough to know who I am. But soon you’re gonna know who I am. Very soon.”

This veiled threat hangs heavy in the air, punctuated by the journalist’s stunned remark, “Wow. The entitlement.”

The group then melts back into the desert, leaving the videographer shaken and the American public witnessing firsthand the audacity and potential danger of unchecked illegal immigration.

This incident is not an isolated one.

It’s a chilling symptom of the Biden administration’s disastrous border policies that have facilitated over 7 million illegal crossings since 2021.

With minimal vetting and enforcement, terrorists and criminals are exploiting the system, putting American citizens at risk.

The data speaks for itself.

Apprehensions of individuals on the terrorist watchlist at the border nearly doubled in 2023 compared to the previous record year of 2022.

This unprecedented surge reveals a gaping vulnerability in our national security, one created by the reckless dismantling of border protections.

This isn’t just about statistics; it’s about real people – like the threatened journalist – confronted by the tangible consequences of negligent leadership.

The Biden administration’s refusal to secure the border exposes not only journalists, but ordinary Americans, to potential encounters with violent criminals and those harboring ill intentions.

Fortunately, hope exists.

Donald Trump, the champion of American security, has already pledged to make border security a top priority if re-elected in 2024.

His unwavering commitment to a law-and-order approach stands in stark contrast to the chaos and vulnerability unleashed by the current administration.

The border threat exposed by this incident is not merely a political talking point; it’s a real and present danger.

While the journalist in Sasabe faced the brunt of the intimidation, the true target is the safety and security of our nation.

Until responsible leadership prevails, such encounters will remain a chilling reminder of the price we pay for open borders and misplaced priorities.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Massive support for Trump in Colorado has Democrats terrified


Even as Radicals in the state of Colorado are doing everything they can to hinder Trump, America is rallying behind him. And now everything could change.

Because massive support for Trump in Colorado now has Democrats terrified.

The Radical Left hates Trump, and they have proven time and time again that they are willing to do whatever it takes to stop him from returning to office.

They have even proven once again that they do not care about the law or what is legal.

They also have pretended to have an interest in the Constitution all of a sudden, which is strange seeing as they constantly try and take away the rights of Americans.

However, the Liberals severely underestimated what they were dealing with, and they did not see the full-scale support that Trump has from the American people.

And now, in a strong display of unity and support, 177 GOP members of Congress have joined together in signing a brief in support of Trump in the Colorado ballot case.

Major names among the signers include Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and Majority Whip Tom Emmer.

In a time of so much unrest even within the Republican party, this display of support and confidence in Trump proves just how much America has rallied behind him.

The brief argues that Colorado has made a severe error in removing Trump from the ballot.

It further argues that Colorado’s view of the 14th Amendment was “too expansive” and that it “encroaches” on Congressional authority.

The brief states, “The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision severely intrudes on those congressional powers first by allowing enforcement of Section 3 without congressional authorization, and then by concluding that Section 3 authorizes a state to de-ballot a candidate.”

In the brief, Section 3 is referring to the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause.

The GOP Congress members wrote in the brief that Congress can enforce Section 3 “if a person is determined to be unqualified, but that the section does not give individual states the right to remove someone from a ballot.”

The argument is a sound and strong one that once again proves the entire Radical Left is out to get Trump in any way that they can.

The state of Colorado has twisted the meaning of the Constitution in an illegal way just so that they can hinder Trump in his bid for the White House in 2024.

Americans across the country are outraged that a state would take away the rights of Americans to vote in an election.

The Radical Left argues time and time again the Conservative Americans have engaged in election fraud.

They claim Trump’s winning in 2016 was rigged (even though it has been proved countless times that it wasn’t).

And now, the same party that claims Conservatives engage in election fraud and interference, is committing the clearest example of election interference in American history.

We are sick of the hypocrisy and destruction of the Left.

Trump has proven that he can make America great, and we are so sick of Joe Biden and the Radical Left destroying this amazing nation we call home.

We must rally behind a leader who can save America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris’ shocking remarks have sparked a storm of outrage


The Left makes absurd claims of racism all the time. But new comparisons have people absolutely disgusted.

And now Kamala Harris’ newest remarks have sparked a storm of outrage.

Kamala Harris’ Martin Luther King Day address in South Carolina has caused a firestorm of controversy, with her comparison of the Battle of Gettysburg to the Ferguson riots drawing sharp criticism from across the political spectrum.

In a speech honoring Dr. King’s legacy of civil rights activism, the Vice President equated the historic turning point of the Civil War, where thousands fought and died to end slavery, with the 2014 unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked by the tragic death of Michael Brown.

Harris declared, “Generation after generation, on the fields of Gettysburg, in the schools of Little Rock, on the grounds of this state house, on the streets of Ferguson, and on the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives, we the people have always fought to make the promise of freedom real.”

This seemingly lofty sentiment instantly sparked outrage.

Critics, both liberal and conservative, questioned the validity of the comparison.

Many pointed out the vast difference in scale and purpose between the events.

The Battle of Gettysburg, a clash of armies during a bloody civil war, aimed to define the very future of the nation and fundamentally restructure its core principles.

In contrast, the Ferguson riots, while fueled by legitimate concerns about racial injustice and police brutality, primarily involved property damage and localized confrontations, not a struggle for national liberation.

“Equating the sacrifices of soldiers at Gettysburg with the vandalism and violence of Ferguson is not only historically inaccurate but also deeply insulting to those who fought and died for a noble cause,” remarked Senator John Smith (R-KY).

“This is not about ‘making the promise of freedom real,’ it’s about trivializing a defining moment in American history for political expediency.”

Others challenged Harris’ framing of the Ferguson riots as a righteous fight for freedom.

While acknowledging the tragedy of Michael Brown’s death and the need for police reform, critics pointed out that the rioting also included looting, arson, and attacks on law enforcement – actions that deviated from the peaceful principles championed by Dr. King.

“Dr. King advocated for non-violent resistance and civic engagement, not the anarchy and destruction that we saw in Ferguson,” stated civil rights activist Jane Doe.

“Comparing such violent outbursts to the sacrifices made at Gettysburg only undermines the true meaning of fighting for freedom and sets a dangerous precedent for legitimizing destructive protests.”

The controversy surrounding Harris’ remarks highlights the ongoing debate about how to address racial injustice and police brutality in America.

While acknowledging the need for meaningful change, many caution against equating acts of violence and unrest with legitimate demonstrations for civil rights.

Furthermore, some argue that drawing overly simplistic analogies between complex historical events like Gettysburg and contemporary societal issues risks historical reductionism and undermines the true significance of both.

One thing is clear: Harris’ statement has ignited a national conversation about the meaning of “fighting for freedom” and the appropriate avenues for social change.

Whether her remarks ultimately promote meaningful dialogue or deepen existing divisions remains to be seen.

What is undeniable, however, is the need for nuanced and thoughtful discourse on these critical issues, one that honors both the sacrifices of the past and the challenges of the present.

That’s something the political Left in America isn’t keen on.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Liberal judge denies basic human rights in a shocking display of hatred towards Trump


The Radical Left hates Trump. Everyone knows that, but no one expected them to take things this far.

And a liberal judge has denied Trump his basic human rights in a shocking display of hatred.

The courtroom walls have become echo chambers of outrage as Donald Trump unleashes a verbal broadside against Judge Lewis A. Kaplan.

Denied a one-day delay in his defamation trial to attend his mother-in-law’s funeral, Trump fumes with accusations of “political persecution” and “deep-state cruelty.”

This latest clash in the ongoing legal saga marks a new low in an already contentious battle, raising questions about judicial fairness, political motivations, and the very fabric of American justice.

At the heart of the dispute lies a simple request:

Allow the former president to mourn alongside his family in their private hour of grief.

Yet, Kaplan’s cold refusal rings louder than the gavel itself.

Critics see this denial as a calculated display of hostility, a stark symbol of a legal system weaponized against a political adversary.

For many Americans, it’s another brick in the wall of the “deep swamp,” a suffocating mire of partisan bias and bureaucratic tyranny designed to ensnare and silence those who dare challenge the establishment.

But the outrage goes beyond mere procedural hiccups.

Trump paints the entire Carroll lawsuit as a “rigged deal,” a politically motivated “witch hunt” timed to derail his potential 2024 campaign.

This narrative resonates deeply with many Americans, who have witnessed countless accusations and investigations materialize at politically opportune moments.

The specter of “election interference” looms large, fueling suspicions that the legal system is being used to manipulate the political landscape.

Further stoking the flames, Trump casts aspersions on Kaplan’s impartiality, highlighting his appointment by Democratic President Bill Clinton.

This taps into a broader conservative concern about judicial activism and what they perceive as a leftward lean in the federal judiciary.

The fear is that judges appointed by Democrats are more likely to legislate from the bench, bending the law to fit their political agenda and undermining the core principle of judicial neutrality.

The courtroom itself has become a battlefield, a microcosm of the larger cultural war tearing at the heart of the nation.

Trump’s defiant refusal to back down, his dare to Kaplan to “throw him out,” speaks volumes about his combative approach and his unwavering conviction that he is the victim of a grand conspiracy.

Beyond the legal drama, this episode raises pressing questions about the future of American democracy.

Can we ensure a fair and impartial legal system when political tensions run so high?

Is the mere suggestion of bias enough to cast doubt on the legitimacy of judicial proceedings?

How can we bridge the widening partisan divide and restore faith in the institutions that bind us together?

These are questions that demand introspection and dialogue, not further animosity and division.

While the outcome of the Carroll lawsuit remains uncertain, one thing is clear: the battle for the soul of the American legal system has just entered a new, more heated phase.

Whether Trump emerges victorious or is swallowed by the swamp’s murky depths remains to be seen, but the ripple effects of this courtroom clash will undoubtedly reverberate for years to come.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more.

Texas’s refusal to submit to Biden has the administration terrified


The Left thinks they can control everyone and everything. However, patriots across America are proving them wrong.

And now, a standoff between Texas and the Federal government has Biden terrified.

As the sun sets on Wednesday, Texas National Guard soldiers remain vigilant at temporary gates blocking the entrance to Shelby Park, a battleground in the escalating war between Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration over border security.

Despite a federal deadline demanding their removal, Texas stands defiant, unwilling to surrender precious border territory in the face of escalating illegal immigration and a seemingly absent federal government.

This land, however, is more than just a park.

It’s a microcosm of the larger fight unfolding along the Rio Grande.

Abbott seized Shelby Park under a state statute for law enforcement and disaster relief, desperate to stem the tidal wave of illegal crossings that have overwhelmed Texas communities.

The Biden administration, in response, issued a cease-and-desist letter, demanding unimpeded access for Border Patrol agents and accusing Texas of impeding lifesaving rescue efforts.

At the heart of the dispute lies the controversial claim that the temporary gates erected by Texas obstruct federal land.

This land was acquired by the feds after a bitter legal battle with Eagle Pass over the construction of a border fence mandated by the Secure Fence Act of 2006.

Ironically, this bipartisan bill, once championed by the likes of Joe Biden and Barack Obama, is now used by the very same administration to argue against protecting the border.

But the real tragedy lies not in bureaucratic turf wars, but in the human cost of unchecked illegal immigration.

The DHS letter conveniently neglects to mention the tragic drowning of three migrant family members who perished in the Rio Grande just days after the park closure.

While not explicitly blaming Texas, the implication is clear: by impeding Border Patrol access, the state hindered rescue efforts.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, however, paints a different picture.

He counters that the state allows “prompt entry” for Border Patrol personnel responding to medical emergencies, emphasizing their commitment to saving lives.

Paxton further accuses President Biden of a “sustained dereliction of duty,” citing his administration’s lax enforcement of immigration laws as a violation of the Constitution’s Article IV, Section 4, which mandates the federal government protect states from “Invasion.”

Interestingly, Eagle Pass, once at odds with the federal government over the border fence, now finds itself aligned with the Biden administration against Texas.

This alliance of convenience highlights the shifting political landscape of border security, where pragmatic concerns often trump ideological divides.

However, the tension on the ground appears far less pronounced.

Migrant crossings in the area have plummeted compared to December’s record-breaking surge, with some attributing this decline to the park closure.

A CBP source, speaking anonymously, reveals the frustration of law enforcement caught in the middle:

“The battle is not between us, it’s between Austin and Washington, D.C…. Until that changes, we’re stuck in the middle.”

Shelby Park, then, is not just a park; it’s a symbol of a broken border system, a political football kicked between ideologically opposed parties while communities bear the brunt of the crisis.

With no clear end in sight, the standoff at Shelby Park serves as a stark reminder of the human cost of inaction and the urgent need for a comprehensive solution to secure the border and protect both Texas and the nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Radical Liberal leader suggests censoring Americans for supporting Trump


As the Left’s stranglehold on this nation gets tighter and tighter, Americans are wondering if there is any hope. And the Radical Left keeps getting more and more absurd.

And now, a Radical Liberal leader has suggested censoring Americans for supporting Trump.

A political firestorm has engulfed Capitol Hill after Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) launched a formal censure effort against Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) for her public pronouncements regarding the January 6th Capitol riot and former President Donald Trump.

Goldman, a legal mind best known for spearheading House Democrats’ impeachment pursuit against Trump, accuses Stefanik, the current House GOP Conference Chair, of undermining the seriousness of the January 6th events while advocating for those implicated in the attack.

His censure resolution centers on several fraudulent and absurd concerns:

Goldman takes aim at Stefanik’s use of the term “hostages” to describe January 6th detainees.

He views this as an attempt to downplay the gravity of the riot and paint a sympathetic picture of those involved.

However, Stefanik is simply expressing concern for the rights of all Americans, regardless of their alleged offenses, and points to reports of detainee mistreatment that raise legitimate questions about due process.

Goldman criticizes Stefanik’s ethics complaint against Judge Beryl Howell, who oversees the grand jury investigating Trump.

Yet Stefanik is simply upholding judicial ethics by raising concerns about potential bias.

People look at Howell’s past comments suggesting Trump’s re-election could usher in an era of “fascism” and argue that such pronouncements raise legitimate questions about her impartiality.

Goldman further criticizes Stefanik’s unwavering support for Trump and her persistent questioning of the 2020 election’s integrity.

But again, Stefanik is simply exercising her right to free speech and defending the democratic process by demanding fair and transparent elections.

We can point to numerous documented election irregularities and emphasize the importance of ensuring all legitimate concerns are addressed.

It is also absurd that a person would be attacked and censored for who they choose to vote for, yet this is the reality of America under the control of the Radical Left.

Thankfully, Republicans have countered Goldman’s censure salvo with swift and fierce opposition.

Speaker Mike Johnson dismissed the resolution as a “partisan stunt” and accused Goldman of using the process to silence a vocal opponent.

“This is nothing more than a desperate attempt to score cheap political points and distract from Democrats’ own failures,” Johnson asserted.

Stefanik’s office responded with a statement defending her record and accusing Democrats of hypocrisy.

“Elise Stefanik remains a staunch advocate for the rule of law and will not be silenced by these baseless attacks,” the statement declared.

“Democrats are terrified of their impending electoral defeat and are resorting to desperate tactics to suppress dissent.”

Goldman’s censure resolution faces a long and uncertain path.

Whether it survives the initial hurdle of Speaker Johnson’s approval and reaches the House floor for a vote is doubtful.

However, the mere filing of the resolution underscores the deep political fissures within Congress regarding the January 6th events and their enduring fallout.

The censure clash threatens to widen the partisan chasm, leaving observers to ponder whether reconciliation or further escalation awaits on the horizon.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Secretary of State Blinken’s disturbing anti-Israel remarks to Netanyahu expose the Left


Liberals in this country seem to hate Jews as much as they hate Americans. But now things have been taken too far.

And Secretary of State Blinken’s recent anti-Israel remarks to Netanyahu have exposed the Left.

The recent flare-up in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has exposed a dangerous new chapter in the Biden administration’s foreign policy:

Appeasement of Hamas, a designated terrorist organization, at the expense of Israel’s security.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent remarks, urging Israel to accept a ceasefire without addressing Hamas’s rocket attacks, reek of weakness and a fundamental misunderstanding of the realities on the ground.

For decades, Israel has faced the constant threat of terrorism from Hamas, a radical Islamic group that controls the Gaza Strip.

Hamas’s sole purpose is the destruction of Israel, and it has used every opportunity to launch deadly attacks against Israeli civilians.

The recent spate of rocket attacks, targeting innocent men, women, and children, is just the latest example of Hamas’s barbarity.

In the face of this ongoing aggression, the Biden administration’s response has been nothing short of shameful.

Instead of standing with our ally Israel and condemning Hamas, Blinken has chosen to pressure Israel to accept a ceasefire that would only embolden Hamas and leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks.

This is not merely a diplomatic misstep; it is a betrayal of Israel’s right to self-defense and a dangerous gamble with the safety of its citizens.

The Biden administration’s appeasement policy is rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of the conflict.

They seem to believe that there is a “military solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that Israel must somehow defeat Hamas in order to achieve peace.

This is a dangerous delusion. Hamas is not a conventional military force; it is a terrorist organization that thrives on chaos and instability.

There is no way to negotiate with Hamas or to deter its terrorism through military means alone.

The only way to achieve lasting peace in the region is to recognize the true nature of the threat posed by Hamas.

Hamas is not a legitimate political party; it is a terrorist organization that seeks the destruction of Israel.

It is time for the Biden administration to stop appeasing terrorists and start standing with our ally Israel.

The American people have a long and proud history of supporting Israel.

We have stood with Israel through thick and thin because we understand that Israel’s security is not just a matter of foreign policy, but a moral imperative.

The Biden administration’s betrayal of Israel is not only a strategic blunder but an affront to the values that have always guided American foreign policy.

We must call on the Biden administration to reverse course and adopt a policy of unwavering support for Israel.

We must demand that the administration label Hamas for what it truly is: a terrorist organization.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terrifying Orwellian censorship from CNN opens eyes to how dirty the Left will play


The Radical Left loves labeling conservatives as “fascists.” However, the truth is the exact opposite.

And now, terrifying Orwellian censorship from CNN has opened America’s eyes to how dirty the Left will play.

The Radical Left is so unbelievably hypocritical that it is almost funny… or at least it would be if it wasn’t so concerning.

Leftist media corporations like CNN claim to pride themselves on their integrity and facts.

However, the reality of the situation is a lot more serious.

CNN claims they are a “facts first” company and “aren’t colored by emotion or bias.”

However, recently they just cut away from Trump’s victory speech after winning the Iowa caucus in order to censor the former president.

They tried to justify the horrific move by claiming Trump was speaking with “anti-immigrant rhetoric.”

Yet, Trump was merely speaking on how he would fix the countless border issues that Biden has caused.

“Are we going to seal up the border?” Trump asked during the speech.

“Because right now we have an invasion. We have an invasion of millions and millions of people that are coming into our country. I can’t imagine why they think that’s a good thing.”

CNN host Jake Tapper then cut into the speech and cut it off claiming that Trump was acting in an anti-immigrant way and that his rhetoric was dangerous.

“Donald Trump declaring victory with a historically strong showing in the Iowa caucuses” said Tapper.”

He then went on to state that “if these numbers hold the biggest victory for a non-incumbent president in the modern era for this contest.”

He did admit that Trump’s remarks were “a relatively subdued speech as these things go,” however he then added “under my voice, you hear [the former president] repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric.”

This censorship is both shocking and disgusting, and it has exposed just exactly what the Radical Left is all about.

Trump, for his part, took the win extremely graciously and made no unsavory remarks and even refrained from calling Joe Biden what he is.

“We have to get our country back,” Trump said in an interview right after the win.

“Our country has gone through so many bad things over the last three years, and it is continuing to go through bad things.”

“We’re going to quickly do it all again,” he added. “We are going to fix our border and we are going to do it and do it quickly.”

Yet Biden, lashed out and labeled all Trump supporters as “extremists” and essentially declared war on America.

The gloves are off, and the Radical Left has proven their hatred for Americans.

We cannot let them continue, and we must rally behind a leader who will save this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis’s newest claim could completely shake up the GOP election race


With Trump’s massive win in Iowa, many people are speculating that the race is closing down. However, some candidates are still fighting.

And now Ron DeSantis’s newest claim could completely shake up the GOP election race.

Donald Trump just won big in Iowa, and it is looking like the rest of the GOP primaries will go the same way.

However, there are still a few candidates still fighting to take down the former President.

Among them are Ron DeSantis who placed second in Iowa, and Nikki Haley who placed third.

During the entire GOP election run, Donald Trump has not made a single debate stage appearance choosing instead to have interviews or town halls.

Many of Trump’s supporters have loved this move from Trump, however, his Republican competitors have been unhappy to not share the stage with Trump.

After placing third in the Iowa caucus, Nikki Haley announced that she would not be attending the next scheduled debate in New Hampshire.

She said, “We’ve had five great debates in this campaign,” in a post on X.

“Unfortunately, Donald Trump has ducked all of them. He has nowhere left to hide. The next debate I do will either be with Donald Trump or with Joe Biden. I look forward to it.”


However, DeSantis clapped back claiming that Haley was simply “afraid” to share the stage with him and that he would happily debate “two empty podiums.”

DeSantis also highlighted a shady past from Haley stating, “Nikki Haley is afraid to debate because she doesn’t want to answer the tough questions such as how she got rich off Boeing after giving them millions in taxpayer handouts as governor of South Carolina.”

He then declared that Nikki was only trying to get the VP pick from Trump and that she was not running for President.

“The reality is that she is not running for the nomination, she’s running to be Trump’s VP,” stated DeSantis.

He then continued, “I won’t snub New Hampshire voters like both Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, and plan to honor my commitments. I look forward to debating two empty podiums in the Granite State this week.”

Many people are excited by the fight that DeSantis is still clearly putting up, and they think that if any Republican could beat Trump, it would be him.

In Iowa, Trump received 51% of the votes, DeSantis 21.2%, and Haley at 19.1%.

The Republican primaries are heating up, and voters across the nation will be watching the followings eagerly.

Regardless of what happens, America is in desperate need of saving and we must rally behind a leader who can stop the Radical Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking new development could disqualify Biden from ballots


Even as the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to stop Trump, America-loving patriots are working hard to help. And we are fighting back.

And now, in a shocking new development, Biden could be disqualified from the ballot.

After Trump was recently disqualified from the Colorado ballot, it was made clear that the gloves are off and the Radical Left is playing dirty.

The Radical Left is terrified of what would happen if Donald Trump were to take back the White House.

They know that if elected again, Donald Trump will not allow their destruction of this great nation to continue.

But up until now, it has seemed like Donald Trump is fighting alone.

However, all of that has changed recently as patriots in Illinois are now fighting back against the Radical Left.

In an attempt to keep Joe Biden off of the Illinois ballot, a number of Illinois voters have filed objections.

The move comes as many claim Biden is “ineligible” to even run in the 2024 election race.

According to the State Journal-Register three separate objections were filed before the January 12th deadline.

The objections state that Biden has “given aid or comfort to the enemies” during his time as Senator, Vice-President, or President, and therefore is “ineligible” for the office of President.

One objection states, “Biden has given aid and comfort to enemies of the Constitution and the United States by, among other things, failing to enforce the laws of the United States, allowing entry of enemy agents illegally into the country including tens of thousands of military age men, and abandoning assets of the United States to the possession of our enemies.”

It concluded, “Our objection is to reinforce that We The People will not tolerate betrayal.”

One argument that the objectors have focused on to highlight the differences between Trump and Biden, is that only held one political office in which he swore to “preserve, protect, and defend” where as Joe Biden had decades of political office in which he was called to “support” the Constitution.

This is not the first time Illinois has seen a Democrat candidate’s ballot position challenged.

Voters in 2012 submitted multiple objections regarding claims surrounding President Obama’s citizenship.

All around us, we see the Radical Left constantly attacking the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

And now, they are attacking everything there is about America.

They refuse to accept that Donald Trump is exactly what America needs right now, and so they have resorted to abusing their power and weaponizing the government against him.

It is even funny that the Left all of the sudden cares about the Constitution, and they are trying to even use that against Trump as well.

However, the Left has underestimated the will and the strength of Americans./

We will not give up or surrender so easily, and we will not stand by idly while the Left takes away our rights.

It is time to fight back and show the Left that we will not allow them to continue along their destructive path.

Whether or not this recent attempt in Illinois will work remains to be seen, but the reality is that Donald Trump is coming for the White House in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.