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Biden slammed for awful lies to the American people at Thanksgiving event


Joe Biden is a liar and people have no idea what they can and can’t believe from him. It is safe to say that many things that come out of Biden’s mouth are just completely untrue.

And now Biden has been slammed for his awful lies to the American people at a Thanksgiving event.

President Biden’s “Friendsgiving” event for service members at Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia, turned out to be a spectacle of awkwardness and deception.

Not only did he reiterate a fabricated claim about his Navy appointment, but he also made extremely inappropriate comments to a six-year-old girl.

Biden tried to claim that he had been appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965, but that is a blatant falsehood that has been debunked countless times.

There is no record of such an appointment. In fact, Biden has a history of embellishing or fabricating his military service record.

Biden said, “By the way, I’m all Navy. But I was appointed… I was gonna go play [football] at the Naval Academy until I found out the other guys in the backfield were a guy named Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino.”

Earlier this year in June, Biden told servicemembers at the Air Force Academy that he applied to the Naval Academy after high school in 1961.

And just last year, Biden told Naval Academy graduates that he was “appointed to the [Naval] Academy in 1965” even though there is no record of either of these things.

The Republican-linked X account “RNC Research” which is dedicated to “exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed far-left policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party” highlighted that there was no record or proof of Biden’s military claims.

As for the young girl, Biden approached her and made an unsettling remark about her appearance: “And I love your ears. I love ‘em, they’re really cool.”

He then proceeded to ask her name and age, mistakenly guessing her to be 17 when she was actually 6. The girl’s discomfort was evident, and her younger brother had to correct Biden’s error.

Biden’s interaction with the girl was not only inappropriate but also raised concerns about his judgment and maturity.

This is not the first time he has been caught acting strangely around children. Past incidents include sniffing the hair of young girls and nibbling on their ears.

Such behavior is utterly unacceptable for a president, especially one who is expected to set a positive example for our youth.

Biden’s actions demonstrate a lack of respect for personal boundaries and a disturbing pattern of inappropriate conduct.

Biden’s “Friendsgiving” fiasco is just another example of his incompetence and unsuitability for the presidency.

President Biden’s “Friendsgiving” event was a debacle. He repeated a false claim about his military service, singled out a young girl, and made her feel uncomfortable with his overtures.

This behavior is simply unacceptable for a president, and it further highlights his unfitness for office.

The American people are disgusted by Biden’s actions, and we demand he be held accountable for his lies and his disgusting actions.

The American people need to fight back against the Radical Left, and America needs a strong leader who will lead and not be a lying creep.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Texas Attorney General opens investigation that has Democrats losing their minds


Texas AG Ken Paxton has had his fair share of troubles. But he is bouncing back and coming after those who are seeking to destroy America.

And now the Texas Attorney General opens investigation that has Democrats losing their minds.

Recently, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has opened an investigation into Media Matters because of “fraudulent activity.”

This news broke just shortly after Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey told the public that his team was “looking into” the group themselves.

In this significant development, both Attorney Generals have launched investigations into Media Matters for America, a notorious leftist organization accused of engaging in fraudulent activities.

Media Matters has been under fire for its role in exaggerating the prevalence of hate speech on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

This exaggeration and lies led to an exodus of advertisers from X, causing significant financial harm to the company.

Attorney General Paxton’s office has stated that it will “vigorously enforce against nonprofits who commit fraudulent acts in or affecting the state of Texas.”

He further elaborated that the investigation aims to ensure that the public “has not been deceived by the schemes of radical left-wing organizations who would like nothing more than to limit freedom by reducing participation in the public square.”

Meanwhile, Attorney General Bailey has indicated that his team is also “looking into” the conduct of Media Matters.

While he has not yet outlined the specific scope of the investigation, it is evident that the potential for fraudulent practices has raised serious concerns among state officials.

The actions taken by these attorneys general send a clear message that attempts to manipulate public opinion through deceptive means will not be tolerated.

Media Matters, with its long history of targeting conservative voices and promoting left-wing narratives, has found itself squarely in the crosshairs of law enforcement.

The actions of Media Matters represent a grave threat to public discourse and individual liberties.

By amplifying false or misleading information, the organization seeks to suppress opposing viewpoints and stifle any viewpoints that are not their own.

The investigations launched by Attorneys General Paxton and Bailey are a welcome step towards holding Media Matters accountable for its practices.

It is crucial that organizations operating in the public sphere adhere to ethical standards and refrain from engaging in deceptive or manipulative behaviors.

The American people do not need more lies in their daily media intake, and it is time to hold these corrupt companies accountable for their actions.

The decision by both of these Attorney Generals is a step in the right direction for America, and corrupt companies need to know they will not be allowed to twist the narrative to fit their harmful narrative.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Leading Democrat launches disgusting attack on Trump that you have to see


The current administration hates Trump and they do not try to hide that fact. However, they have reached a shocking new low with their recent statement.

And leading Democrat launched a disgusting attack on Trump that you have to see.

Democrats have exposed themselves for what they truly are, and the American people are appalled.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has doubled down on his comparison of former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

The fact that Democrats have fallen so far that they have now resorted to comparing their political rivals to Hitler is astounding, and the American people are disgusted.

Pritzker, who is one of the leading Jewish governors in the country, told MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki” that Trump’s comment is “just one in a long series of remarks, words that Donald Trump has used that are unfortunately reminiscent of the past.”

Pritzker went on to say that Trump’s use of the term “vermin” is “a way to begin to segregate people, and then eventually, at least what happened in Germany, is that they turned it into a way to almost dehumanize. And then they did in fact dehumanize and kill people.”

Pritzker also said that Trump’s “predilection for revenge” is “frightening to those of us who know the history of Europe in the 1930s and 40s.”

It is clear that Pritzker is trying to score political points by comparing Trump to Hitler and Mussolini. This is a cheap shot, and it is beneath the dignity of a governor.

Last week, the White House also attacked Trump and a spokesperson said, “Employing words like ‘vermin’ to describe anyone who makes use of their basic right to criticize the government ‘echoes dictators’ like Hitler and Mussolini.”

Trump has repeatedly defended his use of the term “vermin,” saying that he was referring to “communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

In true Democrat form, the Radical Leftists in this country refuse to look at facts, and they constantly take words out of context in order to push their harmful propaganda.

Trump was giving a speech when he said “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

Trump has also said that the threat from “within” is “far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from outside forces.”

Trump was making statements promising to protect America and the American people, and once again the Democrats are trying to paint Trump as some sort of Hitler character.

Pritzker’s comments are nothing more than an attempt to smear Trump. They are not based on facts, and they are not worthy of a governor.

It is ironic that Pritzker would say those things about Trump because he himself is doing exactly what he is condemning Trump for by comparing him to Hitler.

These comments are also dangerous and should be condemned by all decent people. They have no place in our political discourse.

The American people have had enough of these Democrats and their harmful and destructive lies, and we need to vote them all out of power.

America needs a strong leader who will lead us back into a time of prosperity where Democrats didn’t resort to calling their rivals “Hitler.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

What Chris Christie announced on NBC will shock you to your core


Christie is failing in every GOP poll you look at. The only people that respect him are Democrats.

And now what Chris Christie announced on NBC will shock you to your core.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has slammed the United Nations’ claim that Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza, calling it “pathetic” and “out of touch with reality.”

Christie, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, made the remarks during a recent interview on “Meet the Press.”

He said that he had recently visited Israel and had spoken to the country’s leaders, including the president and members of the Israeli Defense Forces.

Christie said that he was “600 yards from the Gaza border” and that he saw “what’s going on.” He said that Israel is “doing everything they can to avoid civilian casualties.”

Christie blamed Hamas for the ongoing violence, saying that the group is “forcing civilians to stay in places where Israel is warning them out of.”

He also said that Hamas broke a cease-fire that had been agreed to on October 6th.

Christie said that he had seen a video that was put together by the Israeli government that shows Hamas terrorists committing “the greatest violation of international law and the greatest violation of humanity.”

Christie concluded by saying that the UN’s claim that Israel is committing war crimes is “pathetic” and “out of touch with reality.”

The UN’s claim that Israel is committing war crimes is a disgrace. It is clear that the UN is biased against Israel, and that it is not willing to hold Hamas accountable for its actions.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that targets civilians. It has a long history of violence against Israelis, and it is responsible for the deaths of many innocent people.

The UN’s failure to condemn Hamas for its crimes is a betrayal of its mission.

The UN is supposed to be a force for peace in the world, but it is instead allowing Hamas to carry out its crimes with impunity.

The UN’s claim that Israel is committing war crimes is a stain on the organization’s reputation. It is a sign that the UN is not capable of fulfilling its mission.

The UN’s claim that Israel is committing war crimes is a disgrace. It is a sign that the UN is biased against Israel, that it is not willing to hold Hamas accountable for its crimes, and that it is not capable of fulfilling its mission.

The UN should withdraw its claim immediately and apologize to Israel for the damage it has done.

The world deserves to know the truth about the war in Israel, and the narrative has become so twisted, and people are receiving praise for supporting Hamas which is a terrorist group.

It is an absurd world that we live in that celebrities and politicians are spreading lies and supporting a terrorist group that is murdering civilians and raping children.

Hamas invaded Israel not the other way around, yet people are still twisting the truth and pushing their harmful narratives.

America needs more people like Christie who will speak the truth even when the Left is trying to silence them and control the narrative.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Extreme terror threat puts the Capitol building on lockdown


Joe Biden has opened up the US to all sorts of attacks. But this most recent warning is chilling.

And this extreme terror threat put the Capitol building on lockdown.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) has sounded the alarm, warning that the terrorist threat to the United States is at its highest level in over a decade.

Turner’s dire assessment comes amid growing concerns about the Biden administration’s handling of national security issues, particularly its open-border policies and the recent handling of foreign affairs.

In a recent interview on “Face the Nation,” Turner painted a grim picture of the escalating terrorist threat, attributing it to a combination of factors but particularly the alarming influx of individuals with ties to international terrorist organizations crossing the southern border.

Turner’s warning echoes those of other intelligence and security experts who have expressed deep concern about the Biden administration’s failure to adequately address the evolving terrorist landscape.

The administration’s cavalier attitude towards border security and its penchant for appeasing adversaries have created an environment ripe for exploitation by terrorist groups.

The ramifications of the administration’s negligence are becoming increasingly apparent.

Even the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, has publicly expressed alarm over the surge in terrorist threats, highlighting the unprecedented level of danger facing the United States.

Turner, echoing Wray’s concerns, emphasized the urgent need for immediate action.

He called on Congress to swiftly authorize additional funding for border security measures and demanded real policy changes to overhaul the U.S. immigration system.

The American people deserve a government that prioritizes their safety and security. The Biden administration’s failure to do so is a dereliction of duty that puts the nation at grave risk.

The Biden administration’s dismissive attitude towards the terrorist threat is not only irresponsible but also dangerous.

Its open-borders policy has created a porous border, allowing individuals with unknown or questionable backgrounds to enter the country unchecked.

This reckless approach to border security has not only exacerbated the terrorist threat but has also undermined the integrity of the immigration system. The administration’s failure to enforce immigration laws has created a system that is exploited by those seeking to harm the United States.

The Biden administration’s negligence has created a perfect storm of vulnerabilities, making the United States more susceptible to terrorist attacks.

The administration’s failure to act decisively and effectively is a dereliction of duty that puts the nation at grave risk.

The Biden administration’s handling of national security issues has been marked by incompetence and recklessness.

The administration’s dereliction of duty demands swift and decisive action from Congress.

The safety and security of the American people must be the paramount concern, and the administration must be held accountable for its failures.

The American people are viewing this as Joe Biden failing to uphold his oath of office and many are calling for his removal.

The American people need a strong leader who will ensure the safety of America, but instead, we have a leader who is actively allowing terrorists into the United States.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Trump just made one comment that is boiling Biden’s blood


Trump is not known for holding back when it comes to his speeches. But still, people were surprised recently.

And Trump just made one comment that is boiling Biden’s blood.

Former President Donald Trump held a fiery rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Saturday as he gears up for his 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump used the event to blast his Democratic and Republican rivals, but he particularly went after Joe Biden.

Trump accused Biden of being “owned by China” and having a “weak” foreign policy. He also criticized Biden’s handling of the economy, immigration, and the war in Ukraine.

In particular, Trump slammed Biden’s plan to revive the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, which he himself withdrew from in 2017.

Trump said that the TPP would “pulverize” American farmers and manufacturers.

Trump also went after his Republican rival, Ron DeSantis, accusing him of being a “raging opponent” of Iowa Ethanol.

Trump said that DeSantis spent his entire time in Congress “angrily railing against the Renewable Fuel Standard,” which mandates the use of renewable fuels, such as ethanol.

Trump also vowed to repeal Biden’s “ethanol-crushing Electric Vehicle Mandate” and to “stand up for Iowa Ethanol like no president in history.”

Trump also touted his record as president. He said that he achieved the “most secure border in US history,” appointed “nearly 300 federal judges and 3 great Supreme Court justices,” and “kept America safe.”

Trump also said that he would “prevent World War Three” if he were elected president. He said that he is the “only candidate who can make this promise.”

The former president also pledged to “stop the invasion on our southern border” and to “begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

He also said that he would “immediately restore and expand the Trump Travel Ban” and implement “strong ideological screening for all immigrants.”

In terms of the economy, Trump said that he would “deliver tax cuts, regulation cuts, energy price cuts, and interest rate cuts like you’ve never seen before.” He also said that he would “protect Social Security and Medicare for our great seniors.”

Trump concluded his speech by saying that it is “far more than a campaign” and that he and his supporters are “all involved in a great political movement, the greatest in the history of our country.”

Trump’s speech was a clear message to voters that he is the only candidate who can restore America to greatness.

He laid out a clear and concise plan for how he would do this, and he did not shy away from attacking his opponents.

Trump’s supporters were clearly energized by his speech, and they are likely to be even more motivated to support him in the 2024 election.

Trump’s speech was a powerful reminder of why he was elected president in the first place. He is a strong leader who is not afraid to take on tough challenges.

If he is elected president again, he will make America great again which is exactly what this nation needs.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

NBC spells out bad news for Democrat Party that could mean the end of Biden


The Democrat party is struggling to stay relevant, and they cannot seem to understand their voter base. They have done nothing but destroy America and they expect people to support them.

But now NBC has spelled out bad news for the Democrat Party, and it could very well mean the end of Biden.

President Joe Biden’s approval rating has tanked to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new poll by NBC News.

The poll found that only 40% of voters approve of the job Biden is doing as president, while 57% disapprove.

Biden’s atrocious polling numbers represent the concerns of voters regarding his age, handling of the economy, and foreign affairs management.

This recent poll is the latest in a series of polls that have shown Biden’s approval rating slipping. In previous polls, his approval rating has been as low as 41%, but this new poll marks a new low

Joe Biden’s approval rating has been sinking since January but everything has now boiled over and people have had enough.

There are countless reasons for the poor performance in the polls, but one of the major reasons is Joe Biden’s handling of the US economy since that is something that all Americans are feeling every day.

The economy has been struggling under Biden’s leadership, with inflation at a 40-year high and gas prices skyrocketing. Wages have not kept up with inflation, and many Americans are struggling to make ends meet.

Biden’s handling of the economy has been a disaster. He has spent trillions of dollars in taxpayer money, and he has raised taxes on businesses and individuals. This has led to inflation, stagflation, and a recession.

While many Democrats try and act as if “Bidenmocis” is helping the American people, these idiots are so out of touch with reality, and the reality is: the American people, Republican and Democrat alike, are struggling every single day.

Another reason for Biden’s low approval rating is his handling of foreign policy.

Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was a major foreign policy blunder that has damaged his credibility, and on top of that, his handling of the wars in Ukraine and Israel has been questionable at best.

In addition, Biden’s age is also a concern for many voters. Biden is the oldest president in American history, and many voters are worried that he can no longer up to the demands of the job (though many question if he was ever able to in the first place.)

Biden’s low approval rating is a major problem for the Democratic Party. It is clear that the American people are unhappy with Biden’s leadership, and this could have serious consequences for the Democrats in the 2024 election.

The American people are tired of Biden’s incompetence and corruption. They want a leader who is strong, decisive, and competent. Biden is not that leader.

Democrats have completely failed their voter base and the American people, and they have absolutely no one to blame but themselves.

It is time for people to fight back and vote out these corrupt politicians who are destroying America.

The American people need to wake up and realize that we have the power to change the future of America.

We need to vote for a president who will save America and make it great like it once was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Terrifying new report shows what’s really going on at the border


Everyone knows that Joe Biden’s border is terrible. He is letting in illegal immigrants and terrorists into our country left and right.

But now, a terrifying new report has shown what is really going on at the border.

Joe Biden’s border security is quite possibly the worst in the history of the country, and even with top officials in his own party begging him to help, Biden continues to let things worsen.

A new report issued by Chairman Mark Green of the House Homeland Security Committee shows that the number of illegal aliens at the southern border under Joe Biden has surpassed the number of annual US births.

According to the report, since Joe Biden took office there have been 6.5million illegal aliens at the southern border whereas the annual US births is only around 4 million.

Green highlighted that “it may be a new fiscal year, but we’re still stuck in the same historic border crisis.”

During the Biden administration and under the leadership of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, 6.5 million illegal alien encounters have taken place at the southern border, and over 2 million of those are classified as “ known got-aways.”

“Known got-aways” are classified as aliens who have successfully entered the US undeterred by Border Patrol agents, and experts claim the number is much higher than 2 million.

All together across all of the US borders, the number of illegal alien encounters is closer to 7.8 million which is a staggering number and one you will not hear in Radical Liberal propaganda.

Chairman Green had a chilling warning for the Democrats responsible for this madness.

“These are catastrophic numbers across the board … I want to make this very clear to Secretary Mayorkas: Accountability is coming,” he said.

Estimates from as long ago as June have claimed that there are around 17 million illegal alines residing in the US, and these illegals are costing American taxpayers around $163 billion annually.

However, that number does not include jobs lost because of illegals, higher cost of housing, lower wages, etc.

The reality at the Southern Border is far more severe than the media is trying to portray, and as long as Democrats are in charge, the situation will only continue to get worse.

Democrat Mayors, Governors, and other higher Democrat officials have acknowledged the problem and admitted that the situation is dire, however, Democrats have control of much of the government and still refuse to fix the problem.

The future of America is doomed if we expect Democrats to fix problems that they have created, so it is time to vote them out of office.

Americans are suffering and much of people’s suffering can be tied to the massive influx of illegal aliens flooding our country.

The American people have had enough and we have woken up to the secret agendas of the Radical Left, and we will not let them continue their horror unchecked.

Joe Biden and his entire administration are the most corrupt in the history of our nation, and we must remove them from office.

The future of America is at stake and we must not take the matter lightly.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

Biden makes eyebrow raising endorsement for President


Joe Biden’s mental health is deteriorating rapidly, and he is unfit to serve as president. Yet he still up until now has remained adamant that he is running.

But now Biden made an eyebrow-raising endorsement for President.

During a recent event in California, Joe Biden made some shocking comments that took the political world by storm.

At the APEC event alongside the California Governor, Joe Biden was going about his usual attempt at speaking when he said something so shocking that people don’t know what is going on.

Biden seemingly endorsed Newsom for president and told the public that Governor Newsom could “have the job.”

Biden said, “I want to talk about Gov. Newsom. I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man. As a matter of fact, he can be anything he wants. He can have the job I’m looking for.”

Newsom has been a loud voice of support for Joe Biden and his 2024 presidential campaign, but he has also been accused of running his own “shadow campaign” for president as some have labeled it.

Some of the reasons for this accusation against Newsom stem from his recent high-profile trips including his recent one last month to China.

Newsom greeted the Chinese “president” when he landed in California and he also hosted a “high dollar” fundraiser for Biden on Tuesday.

During his speech in which Biden seemingly endorsed Newsom for president, he also made remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris who is also from the San Fransico area.

“I’m particularly grateful for the Bay Area for giving our great vice president the chance to become vice president,” Biden said. “She’s the best. She’s an outstanding leader and a great partner.”

Biden also told the San Fransico mayor that she had “the hardest job in American politics” which is funny because she has done one of the worst jobs in the history of American politics and has effectively destroyed her own city.

These remarks about Harris and Newsom leave many to wonder about the future of Biden’s presidential campaign.

Many in his own party have begged him to not run again due to his age and health, and many others have called out Harris for her atrocious leadership as vice president.

However, until now, it has not appeared that Biden will step down from the race to allow someone else a shot.

But now, has Biden inadvertently unveiled the Democrats’ secret plan to replace Joe Biden with someone else?

It is hard to tell if these recent comments from Biden are true or if they are just another instance of his rambling where no one can really tell what he is trying to say.

Regardless, the American people deserve better than Joe Biden who is so incompetent that he has effectively brought America down even lower than it ever was in COVID and he has ruined the economy for us all.

However, Newsom is also certainly not a much better option either, and if anyone needs any proof of Newsom’s own incompetencies, just look at California…

No. America needs a strong leader who will dedicate himself to the American people and make America great like it was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

Fani Willis’s newest illegal move in Trump trial has people outraged


DA Fani Willis is corrupt and has no right to old the office that she does. However, no one really expected her to go this far.

And now Fanis Willis’s newest illegal move in the Trump trial has people outraged.

Fani Willis is the District Attorney for Fulton County and is the prosecutor against Donald Trump in Georgia.

She has repeatedly made a number of questionable and illegal moves in order to prosecute Trump, and she is as biased and corrupt as they come.

However, recently she has crossed the line with her new request and people on both sides of the political aisle are completely outraged.

In her newest move, Willis has requested that the judge remove the bond for one of Trump’s co-defendants because of his social media posts.

I’ll let that sink in for a minute… we live in a free country where people have the freedom of speech, yet Fani Willis is requesting someone’s bond be revoked because of social media posts.

On Wednesday, Fulton County DA Fani Willis issued a court filing where she requested the bond of co-defendant Harrison Floyd be revoked.

Floyd is the Director of Black Voices for Trump and was previously held in Fulton County Jail without bond but was later released on bond.

Willis alleges that Floyd violated his bond agreement when he posted things on social media that she alleges were an effort to “intimidate codefendants and witnesses.”

She says the posts attempted to “intimidate codefendants and witnesses, to communicate directly and indirectly with codefendants and witnesses and to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice.”

She went on further to claim that “since his release from custody, the Defendant has engaged in numerous intentional and flagrant violations of the conditions of release ordered by the Court.”

The American people should be terrified that we now live in a world where we cannot even post on social media without having to be worried about getting thrown into jail.

In the original indictment, Floyd was accused of communicating with election workers in Georgia about “false statements and writings.”

Floyd claims that he was made to talk to the worker since she would not talk to Stephen Lee since he was a “white man.”

The indictment further claims that Floyd “knowingly and unlawfully engaged in misleading conduct toward Ruby Freeman, a Fulton County, Georgia, election worker, by stating that she needed protection and by purporting to offer her help.”

This illegal motion is going to be decided on by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, but the American people are watching very closely to see what will happen.

It is absurd and terrifying to think that Americans now need to be scared and worried about what they post on social media leading to them being imprisoned.

The Radical Left has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the American people.

It is time for the American people to stop this madness, take the power back, and hold these corrupt officials accountable.

America needs a strong leader like Trump who will bring a stop to the Radical agenda of the left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

White House drops major bomb on conservative Americans with this shocking move

Joe Biden has proven repeatedly that he does not care about America or the American people. He will do whatever it takes to destroy this great country.

And the White House dropped a major bomb on conservative Americans with this shocking move.

Kansas’s attorney general Kris Kobach along with 23 attorneys general have written an open letter demanding that Joe Biden change his federal policy regarding immigrant farm workers.

The proposed policy would benefit illegal immigrant farm workers but would leave out legal American farmers from its benefits.

In September, Joe Biden’s Department of Labor proposed federal rules that would greatly change the visa program that allows for US farms to import foreign workers and take agricultural jobs.

In the letter, Kobach and the attorneys general claim, “The proposed rule violates the major questions doctrine because Congress did not clearly authorize the Department to grant foreign migrant farmworkers the right to unionize through the rulemaking process.”

They go on to further emphasize that “this rule is not just a violation of the law. It is bad policy.”

In a statement, Kobach said, “Once again, the Biden administration has placed the interests of foreign nationals over the interests of United States citizens.”

The American people are again outraged by the decisions of the Biden administration to put the needs of illegal foreigners before the needs of the American people.

The letter was signed by attorneys general from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

The letter states, “It would create a situation where temporary foreign migrant workers receive collective bargaining protections that American farmworkers are statutorily denied. This is not only absurd but wrong.”

It goes on to point out that Joe Biden is responsible for the absurd inflation and horrifyingly high prices, so to prevent Americans from working would be even worse now.

The letter says that “the combined effects of high inflation and interest rates have left countless Americans (including farmworkers) behind. Prioritizing the interests of foreign agricultural workers over those of Americans simply adds insult to injury.”

The letter wraps up by demanding that the proposed rule be immediately withdrawn and that any other rules similar should be struck down too.

“For the foregoing reasons, the Department should withdraw the proposed rule insofar as it includes collective bargaining protections for H-2A agricultural workers. It should also withdraw the proposed rule insofar as it provides a right of access to unions on employer property.”

The program has been used historically to replace American workers and keep the cost of agricultural labor low.

Breitbart reports that “in 1997, a little more than 16,000 foreign H-2A visa workers were imported to take American agriculture jobs. The latest data shows that in the first half of fiscal year 2023, U.S. farms imported nearly 200,000 foreign H-2A visa workers.”

The American people’s outrage is felt by many, and we are grateful for these leaders standing up for us and pushing back against Joe Biden’s radical agendas.

However, the problem is more than just pushing back against the corrupt officials we have elected.

We need to replace these corrupt politicians and the entire administration needs to be replaced by people who will prioritize America.

The American people deserve a president who will help them and provide them with jobs instead of trying to give them away to illegal immigrants.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the truth even when the Left refuses to.

Central Banker makes a chilling admission regarding the Democrats’ agenda


Democrat agendas are terrifying to the American people since all they do is ruin lives. But new discoveries have people even more worried.

And now, a Central Banker’s chilling admission regarding the Democrat agenda has left people horrified.

The Radical Left has been pushing their absurd agendas on the people for years with no regard to the side effects or how it actually affects people’s lives.

But now, recent discoveries have shown just how careless the Democrats are and just how little they actually care about their citizens.

Recently, a top advisor to a central bank has admitted that the Radical Left’s “green policies” and their radical agendas are driving up inflation, raising costs of prices, and destroying the economy.

Catherine Mann, a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, has reported these things to the public and made it known just what exactly these leftist policies are doing for people.

Mann reported that “carbon taxes, public investments, and subsidies are all inflationary” which comes as no surprise to the American people especially those who have been feeling the increases since Biden took office.

She further continued and said that “evidence has suggested upward pressure on inflation [and] downward effects on output.”

Mann suggests that these policies being passed and the levies being forced on businesses are then “passed on fully or in part to consumers, which prompts the behavioral change needed to reduce emissions.”

This admission that the “green” efforts of the left are hurting economic growth and causing millions of families to suffer, is one that outrages the American people.

We have been suffering under outrageous gas prices, rent, groceries, cost of living, etc. and we have had enough.

Many families are struggling to be able to pay for the basic necessities to just continue to live, while the Democrats and Radical Left continue passing harmful policies that do absolutely nothing for us except make it harder to live.

Many instances like this have been happening in countries across the world where people are standing up and fighting back against the Radical Agendas of liberals.

The push for climate change has come at the expense of everyday working-class families and now the full effects of liberals’ “green” agendas are being felt.

Liberals have even attempted to ban gas stoves which is a ridiculous notion, and recently Biden has tried to pass restrictions on AC and refrigerator units that would drive prices up even higher.

Joe Biden does not care about the American people, he does not care about the economy, and he certainly does not care about the cost of living or how hard life is for people right now.

Once again, the Radical Liberals of today continue to pass their policies that destroy lives and businesses and they have no care for the repercussions.

The American people have had enough, and we need to step up and take the power back from the corrupt officials in power.

It is time to vote out these politicians and elected officials who are destroying America and the world.

Americans and the entire world need strong leaders who will put the needs of the people first and will not destroy the economy in order to pass “green” policies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.