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Jill Biden’s spokesman just betrayed Joe with one stunning exposé


The Bidens want people to think they’re a power couple. But now they’re shooting friendly fire.

And Jill Biden’s spokesman just betrayed Joe with one stunning exposé.

On Tuesday, a former spokesperson for First Lady Jill Biden blasted President Biden’s team for his deteriorating poll ratings, calling it “inexcusable” and telling Biden that he has to reform his team.

Michael LaRosa, a communications and political strategist who served as Jill Biden’s press secretary between January 2021 and August 2022, lashed out at Biden’s team in a three-part social media thread following the release of a CNN poll that showed former President Donald Trump with higher favorability ratings, among other barometers.

“New CNN Poll: Trump has higher favorables+Biden has higher unfavorable,” LaRosa wrote on X.

“This is inexcusable for man universally known for his character+intregity. It’s a result of failing to respond to smears, lies, conspiracies, and disinfo for months allowing a void of info to be filled.”

“Shameful that POTUS’s team has allowed this narrative to congeal over the past two years,” LaRosa continued in the second part, which he has since deleted.

“The only people who can help change the people around [President Biden] is [Jill Biden]. It’s up to her. These are the same people who got him 4th in Iowa, 5th in [New Hampshire], and a distant 2nd to a socialist in [Nevada].”

LaRosa then demanded that Biden’s team be overhauled.

“I’ve been a squeaky wheel for months arguing this is the wrong approach to GOP attacks on Biden’s integrity, reputation, + family,” he said in a blog post.

“Poll after poll validates everything I’ve been saying+writing for months. Changing his team now will look like he actually cares+sees same [numbers] we do.”

LaRosa was referring to a CNN poll released Tuesday that showed both Trump and Biden suffering with favorability, although Trump outperformed Biden.

According to the poll, 38 percent of respondents like Trump, while 56 percent dislike him. In comparison, 36 percent regard Biden positively, while 59 percent view him negatively.

The CNN poll is the latest in a string of polls from various outlets that show Trump outperforming Biden far before the election, including in critical battleground states.

The former MSNBC producer, who now appears frequently on CNN, isn’t the only media figure to criticize Biden’s crew. Over the summer, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski chastised his team for failing to prevent instances in which he falls or appears bewildered on stage.

Her monologue alluded to Biden’s public fall in June during a graduation ceremony at the United States Air Force Academy. According to the White House, Biden tripped over a sandbag on stage and was “doing 100% fine” afterwards.

“Yeah, I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m just going to be honest, I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president… Like, I’m just saying, if you are managing a president’s schedule, and you are managing a president getting on stage and getting off stage, and doing — getting on planes and getting off plane — and yes, he’s 80, you need to be there for him, and you need to make a pathway. And you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag,” Brzezinski said.

When asked about the posts on X, formerly known as Twitter, a White House official responded, “Hope he’s okay.”

The Biden campaign did not reply quickly to a request for comment.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Adam Schiff made the most boneheaded statement that you have to see


Schiff is one the least-liked politicians in the entire country. His constant lies have made him a pariah.

And now Adam Schiff made the most boneheaded statement that you have to see.

The political elites will make up any excuse to justify their lavish lifestyles.

And Adam Schiff is no different.

Adam Schiff insists that his permanent residence is in California, despite new evidence indicating the Democrat has claimed his Maryland residence as his primary location for the past two decades.

“I think just about every member of Congress has a residence in their state and a residence back in D.C. since we’re in session much of the week,” Schiff told KCRA this week.

“People make a family decision where they’re going to have their kids, but our principal residence, our primary residence, is in California. Always has been and always will be.”

Many other members of Congress have two residences, one in their home state and one on the East Coast, closer to the Capitol.

However, it is uncommon for members of Congress to declare their principal residence as somewhere other than the state they represent.

According to deed records, Schiff listed his Maryland house as his principal residence in 2003, CNN reported Friday.

Schiff refinanced his mortgage in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, confirming his Maryland house as his principal residence once more.

Schiff refinanced his mortgage again in 2020, indicating that the Maryland residence was his second home, yet his children attend local schools, and social media posts show Schiff is still residing in Maryland.

Schiff’s campaign spokesperson Marisol Samayoa told CNN that he moved his family to the D.C. region to spend more time with his children because many of his obligations demand him to be on the East Coast frequently.

She further stated that Schiff claimed his houses in California and Maryland as principal residences for loan purposes.

“I think it’s honestly a non-issue,” Schiff continued when pressed about having a community in Maryland and a bigger home.

“Members of Congress all have a residence on both coasts, and they make a decision based on how far away the Capitol is, and the age of their kids, where they’ll get to see most of their kids. It’s really as simple as that.”

Schiff is not in any legal trouble as a result of his dual residency. However, spending less time in California may pose a problem for him in the tight Senate campaign, which is projected to be one of the most expensive legislative primaries in history.

Schiff has been a congressman in the Los Angeles area for about 23 years, and he declared his candidacy for U.S. Senate in January, hoping to succeed the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein in a crowded, high-profile primary campaign.

According to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies survey co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) leads Schiff by 17% to 16%. Rep.

Barbara Lee (D-CA) has 9%, trailing former Major League Baseball player Steve Garvey, who declared his Republican candidacy last month, who has 10%.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House GOP reveals one censorship bombshell that is terrifying Americans


The Left doesn’t want conservatives to be able to speak freely. They’re working overtime behind the scenes to ensure it never happens.

And House GOP revealed one censorship bombshell that is terrifying Americans.

Democrats can’t win arguments with facts.

Instead, they do everything they can to shut you up.

And ever since Trump was elected in 2016, they’ve gone completely off the deep end.

It’s not uncommon to hear the Left saying Republicans are fascists, racists, or any other name in between.

Maybe some believe that line, but the Democrat politicians know it’s a lie.

They also know if they can convince Americans it’s true, then no one will listen to conservatives.

But apparently, this scheme runs even deeper than previously thought.

According to a new House Judiciary Committee investigation, an organization within the Department of Homeland Security collaborated with numerous university institutes to identify online content deserving of suppression.

The study, produced by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, explained how the federal government collaborated with the Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, and other organizations.

The group, dubbed the “Election Integrity Partnership,” intended to discover election-related content that needed to be banned.

According to the article, the collaboration was formed in July 2020 by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, a minor division of the Department of Homeland Security.

The team then collaborated with social media companies to limit content that questioned the legitimacy of the electoral process.

“The federal government and universities pressured social media companies to censor true information, jokes, and political opinions,” according to the report.

“This pressure was largely directed in a way that benefited one side of the political aisle: True information posted by Republicans and conservatives was labeled as ‘misinformation’ while false information posted by Democrats and liberals was largely unreported and untouched by the censors.”

Former President Donald Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), the Babylon Bee satire site, and Newsmax were among those named in the report as having been targeted for censorship.

“Stanford and others, in collaboration with the federal government, established the EIP for the express purpose of violating Americans’ civil liberties: Because no federal agency ‘has a focus on, or authority regarding, election misinformation originating from domestic sources within the United States,’ there is ‘a critical gap for non-governmental entities to fill.’ CISA and Stanford created the EIP to bridge this ‘critical gap’ — an unconstitutional workaround for unconstitutional censorship,” the report said.

Many images of emails between government officials and workers of Twitter, Facebook, and university “misinformation” centers were included in the study, many of which included direct requests to delete content.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) praised the study as a “must-read” document in a supporting tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Foreign missile threat puts the Pentagon on total lockdown


America’s enemies are getting bolder. Now they are out for blood.

And a foreign missile threat just put the Pentagon on total lockdown.

On Sunday, the Russian military announced the successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile designed to carry nuclear warheads from a new nuclear submarine.

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed in a statement that the Bulava missile was launched from an underwater site in Russia’s northern White Sea and hit a target in the far-eastern province of Kamchatka.

The announcement did not specify when the test launch took place.

According to Reuters, the missile is designed to carry up to six nuclear warheads, citing the Federation of American Scientists.

The Imperator Alexander III is one of the new Borei-class nuclear submarines, which each carry 16 Bulava missiles and are expected to serve as the nation’s primary naval component in the next decades.

The report comes as tensions between Russia and the West over the violence in Ukraine are rising.

To exacerbate tensions, President Vladimir Putin last week signed legislation canceling Russia’s acceptance of a global nuclear test prohibition, a step Moscow claimed was required to achieve parity with the United States.

The Russian Defense Ministry has stated that a ballistic missile launch will serve as the ship’s final test before a decision is made on its incorporation into the fleet.

According to the Defense Ministry, the Russian military now has three Borei-class submarines in service, one more is completing tests, and three more are under development.

Since taking office in 1999, Russian President Vladimir Putin has raised military spending, according to Reuters. Since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, he has been trying to rebuild Russia’s nuclear and conventional capabilities.

With tensions between Moscow and the West at an all-time high, Putin hinted last month that Russia could begin nuclear testing for the first time in more than three decades.

“Relations are at zero – or I would say below zero,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview aired on Sunday of U.S.-Russian relations, though adding that leaders from both nations would have to resume contact at some point.

“Putin has repeatedly stated that he is ready for any contacts.”

According to Russian media, the Kremlin intends to build 10 to 12 Borei-class submarines to be shared between the Northern and Pacific fleets.

Three new Borei-class submarines are being built, according to state media: the Knyaz Pozharsky, the Dmitry Donskoy, and the Knyaz Potemkin, with two more boats planned.

The Imperator Alexander III is the seventh Russian Project 955 Borei (Arctic Wind) class nuclear submarine and the fourth of the updated Borei-A type, according to Russian sources who spoke to Reuters.

According to sources, they are known as the Dolgoruky class of submarines in NATO, after the first boat, the Yuri Dolgoruky, became Russia’s first new generation of nuclear submarine launched since the Cold War.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Judge makes stunning courtroom threat to Donald Trump that you have to see


Trump has finally taken the stand in his New York City fraud trial. But things aren’t looking good from the bench.

Because the judge made a stunning courtroom threat to Donald Trump that you have to see.

The Manhattan judge presiding over Donald Trump’s $250 million lawsuit case threatening his New York real estate business threatened to throw the former president out of court Monday if he didn’t stop delivering speeches from the witness stand.

Trump, 77, began his evidence in Manhattan Supreme Court on Monday morning, frequently giving longwinded replies to what Justice Arthur Engoron described as simple “yes or no questions.”

“We got another speech,” Engoron once told Trump’s lawyers.

“I beseech you to control him if you can. If you can’t, I will,” the judge continued.

“I will excuse him and use every negative inference that I can.”

The atmosphere in the Lower Manhattan courtroom was hostile from the start of Trump’s testimony, with the Republican presidential front-runner for 2024 interjecting his thoughts on the issue several times.

Engoron claimed early on that Kevin Wallace, a lawyer with New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office, which is prosecuting Trump, was “being very patient” despite some of Trump’s evasive replies.

When Wallace inquired if Trump’s 2014 “statement of financial condition” was “true and accurate,” Trump, who was dressed in a dark blue suit and light blue tie, said, “I hope so.”

According to the AG’s lawsuit, from 2011 to 2021, Trump exaggerated his assets on these financial statements by billions of dollars every year in order to gain an advantage on loan and insurance terms.

Trump gave a range of answers when grilled about the statements — including, “Well, let’s see,” and later, “I guess so. I can’t answer that” — which the judge said were unresponsive.

Trump made a sarcastic expression and squinted at the judge at one point, stating Engoron “always rules against me.”

“You can attack me or do whatever you want, but just answer the questions,” the judge snapped back.

“I’m elected to move things along faster,” Engoron continued. “Please answer your questions, no speeches.”

The judge presiding over the case told the former president’s attorneys to “control your client.”

“This is not a political rally,” the jurist added. “I have asked the witness several times to answer the question.”

“We’ll be here all day” if Trump continues at this pace, the exasperated judge said.

Alina Habba, Trump’s lawyer, said that her client should be able to offer extended answers like Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and “fixer” who testified against his former longtime employer two weeks ago. Wallace, according to Habba, should ask “better questions.”

Engoron, on the other hand, yelled at Habba to “sit down.”

Trump then interjected: “This is a very unfair trial, very unfair. And I hope the public is watching.”

When Wallace questioned Trump about the $550 million assessment on his soaring Financial District property at 40 Wall St. on a 2014 statement, the GOP presidential candidate indicated he believed it was worth much more.

“That building, you just look at it, and you say it’s worth a lot more than $550 million,” Trump said, suggesting the prosecutor “pull up a picture” of the building.

The AG’s office did not produce a photograph of the structure.

During one diatribe, the real estate tycoon also stated why he believes his 2014 financial file underestimated his holdings.

“The statement is much less valuable in terms of the dollar amount compared to the actuality of the worth,” Trump said, adding to Wallace: “It was the opposite of your case.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Speaker Johnson undermined by own party in this shocking way


The position of Speaker of the House has traditionally come with a lot of conflict. But no one expected this much in Speaker Johnson’s first few weeks.

And now House Speaker Johnson is being undermined by his own party in this shocking way.

Mike Johnson has already had a tough time as Speaker of the House since being voted in, and surprisingly some of the opposition comes from his own party.

In new comments on a podcast, Former Representative Liz Cheney attacked Johnson and claimed he was “dangerous.”

She claims that Johnson’s role in the 2020 election makes him dangerous because he went along with President Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud.

Cheney stated, “Mike is somebody who says that he’s committed to defending the Constitution. But that’s not what he did when we were all tested in the aftermath of the 2020 election.”

She added that she thought “He was acting in ways that he knew to be wrong. And, I think that the country unfortunately will come to see the measure of his character.”

Liz Cheney’s attacks on Johnson and his character might be surprising to some, but others have known of the animosity and strife between the two.

Johnson has already had a difficult time in his short tenure as House Speaker, and unfortunately, his battle will continue to be uphill.

When his own party will not thoroughly back him, there is going to be trouble.

Cheney has accused Johnson of attempting to “undermine our Republic” and many people have been outraged by her comments.

She said, “One of the reasons why somebody like Mike Johnson is dangerous is because when you have elected Republicans who know better, elected Republicans who know the truth but yet will go along with the efforts to undermine our republic, the efforts, frankly, that Donald Trump undertook to overturn the election.”

While many have opposed Johnson, he has also gained the support of the entire Republican party and he won the election to be Speaker which proved that current members of the House look to him for leadership and as someone they can rally behind.

According to Fox News, Johnson received the support of all the Republicans to rally the votes:

“Though a member of House GOP leadership, the rank-and-file caucus members rallied around Johnson as he won the support of both conservative and more moderate wings of the party,” Fox News reports.

And while some people might agree with Cheney, her anti-Trump and anti-America sentiment seemed to come out towards the end of her time in politics and it affected many people’s views of her.

And while Cheney claims, “In my view, he was willing to set aside what he knew to be the rulings of the courts, the requirements of the Constitution, in order to placate Donald Trump, in order to gain praise from Donald Trump, for political expedience. So it’s a concerning moment to have him be elected speaker of the House.”

Those who have heard Johnson speak, and those who know him well know that he is the leader that America needs right now.

Cheney lost much of her support when she supported investigating Trump for his role on Jan. 6th.

It is clear who the American people look to for their leadership, and it is certainly not Cheney or her supporters.

Cheney’s comments attacking Johnson are unfair, untrue, and biased, and they should be completely ignored.

The American people know who the real leaders are, and they know what we need right now: strong pro-America leadership.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Things are falling apart for Democrats after Trump was handed this legal win


The Radical Left has been trying to take Trump down for years now. They are even weaponizing the justice system to achieve their goals.

But now, things are falling apart for Democrats after Trump was handed this legal win.

The judge in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago document case has handed down a major win for Trump and his legal team.

Judge Aileen Cannon is the justice that is overseeing the classified document case against Donald Trump brought by the Department of Justice.

However, many were surprised when she announced that she may need to postpone the trial because of the DoJ’s failures and setbacks.

She has announced that she is frustrated with how things are going so far, and she has even attacked the DOJ’s Jay Bratt because of his “level of understanding to these realities.”

These frustrations stem from many issues including discovery delays, voluminous discovery, late delivery of secure location to review the evidence, and Trump’s clashing trial schedules.

American Greatness senior contributor Julie Kelly stated that “bombshell revelations” include the fact that the “evidence” includes literal years of security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

Other reports detail that Trump actually even maintained his DOE security clearance related to at least one document until as recently as June of 2023.

However, despite the evidence and new findings, DoJ’s Bratt insisted that the trial not be delayed and told Cannon that she “should not let the D.C. trial drive the schedule here.”

It is absurd and unrealistic to force Trump’s trial to happen so soon when the evidence includes years of security footage, over 1.3 million pages of evidence, along with countless other factors.

The Radical left merely wants to hold the trial at the most inconvenient time so as to interfere as much as possible with Trump’s ability to campaign and run for president.

It will still be a few days until Cannon makes a final decision, but based off of her previous comments and actions, it seems clear that the Trump trial will be delayed.

Even with the Radical Left interfering in every possible way, Trump is still fighting to Make America Great Again.

This newest legal win is just the newest unraveling in the Democrat’s plan to overthrow and undermine Trump.

Trump will continue to battle these legal cases in the face of threats from the Radical Left, and he has promised that he will not stop until he saves America.

Americans know the truth, and we know that the Democrats do not care about this great country or its citizens.

The Democrats know that unless they stop Trump from taking office again, their Radical agendas and ideologies will come to a halt.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this story.

Biden has been hit with massive legal problems following his newest order


Joe Biden has had his fair share of horrible executive orders. But does this one take the cake?

Now Biden has been hit with massive legal problems following his newest order.

Biden recently signed a “landmark” executive order that in his opinion will change the world of AI for the better, but experts are saying something different.

Biden has unveiled this recent attempt at regulating AI and the executive order has drawn mixed reactions from people, but experts who understand AI have a stark warning for Biden and the American people.

Christopher Alexander, chief analytics officer of Pioneer Development Group, stated, “One key area the Biden AI [executive order] is focused on includes the provision of ‘testing data’ for review by the federal government. If this provision allows the federal government a way to examine the ‘black box’ algorithms that could lead to a biased AI algorithm.”

He added that “since core algorithms are proprietary, there really is no other way to provide oversight and commercial protections. At the same time, this needs to be a bipartisan, technocratic effort that checks political ideology at the door or this will likely make the threat of AI worse rather than mitigate it.”

Biden has called the order the “most sweeping actions ever taken to protect Americans from the potential risks of AI systems.”

However, many people are wondering what this executive order really does and what it will mean for the protection of the American people.

Fox News reports that “The executive order will require AI developers to share safety test results with the government, create standards to monitor and ensure the safety of AI, and erect guardrails meant to protect Americans’ privacy as AI technology rapidly grows.”

While there are some positive aspects to the order, overall, many people and informed experts are worried that they are addressing the wrong issues.

Jon Schweppe who is the policy director of American Principles Project told Fox News that some parts of the executive order are focused “on the wrong priorities.”

Schweppe said, “There’s a role for direct government oversight over AI, especially when it comes to scientific research and homeland security.”

He then added, “But ultimately we don’t need government bureaucrats micromanaging all facets of the issue. Certainly, we shouldn’t want a Bureau of Artificial Intelligence running around conducting investigations into whether a company’s AI algorithm is adequately ‘woke.’”

“AI companies and their creators should be held liable for everything their AI does, and Congress should create a private right of action giving citizens their day in court when AI harms them in a material way,” stated Schweppe.

“This fear of liability would lead to self-correction in the marketplace — we wouldn’t need government-approved authentication badges because private companies would already be going out of their way to protect themselves from being sued,” he added.

Other experts such as Ziven Havens, policy director of the Bull Moose Project, stated that he had concerns regarding “how long it will take to develop this guidance.”

He emphasized the importance of staying ahead of the AI curve and added, “Falling behind in the AI race due to a slow and inefficient bureaucracy will amount to total failure.”

Once again Joe Biden is passing executive order that will do very little to benefit the average American, and instead is passing things to make himself look better in the public eye.

This is a critical issue in the nation and one that should be addressed, but Biden’s order did very little to actually help in any instance.

The American people need leaders who will support them and protect them instead of merely trying to do things for a public image.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH even as the Left will not.

Trump and Biden both threatened by these surprise candidates


The 2024 election race is heating up, and it looks more and more likely that a Trump v Biden rematch will happen. However, new developments in the race could have a major effect.

And both Trump and Biden have been threatened by surprise candidates.

In a shocking new development two independent presidential candidates, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, are surging in popularity and threatening the two major party nominees, President Biden and former President Trump.

A recent survey states, “Democrats support Biden 94 – 4 percent and Republicans support Trump 94 – 4 percent. Independents are split, with 45 percent supporting Trump and 44 percent supporting Biden.”

Among independent voters, Kennedy actually leads Biden. This shows that Americans are growing more and more dissatisfied with the two major parties and are looking for an alternative.

Kennedy and West are both well-known and respected figures, and they are both running on platforms that are appealing to independent voters.

Kennedy is a progressive activist who is focused on issues such as environmental protection and social justice and West is a public intellectual who is running on a platform of economic populism.

Kennedy originally ran as a Democrat with hopes to upset Biden, however in recent months he decided to run as an independent.

West was also originally running differently, he was seeking to run for the Green Party, but then he also switched to announce he would be running as an independent.

The biggest question ahead for Kennedy and West is ballot access… both independent candidates will need to gather a number of signatures in all 50 states in order to appear on the ballot.

These polls make it appear that Americans are dissatisfied with the two major parties. The Democratic and Republican parties have become increasingly polarized in recent years, and many voters feel that neither party represents their interests.

Because of this, there has been a major rise in support for third-party candidates, and the polls are showing that independent candidates will play a major role in the election.

The potential impact of the independent candidates on the outcome of the 2024 election is uncertain.

If Kennedy and West are able to maintain their momentum, they could split the vote and make it difficult for either Biden or Trump to win a majority.

This could lead to a close election or even a hung Electoral College.

It is clear that Americans are fed up with the leadership of Joe Biden, and it may be easy for Americans to be discouraged by this new poll that shows Biden leading and independents taking away from Trump.

However, this just shows that Biden is losing support. Many on the Left do not want Biden in the White House for another four years, and countless Democrat voters have decided that enough is enough.

Trump can rally his base and campaign to swing and undecided voters to bolster his support.

And again, while it may be easy for Americans to be discouraged, it has become increasingly clear that no one wants Biden back again.

Trump is leading in many polls and has taken a major victory in a number of key swing states.

Only time will tell what the actual outcome of the election will be, but it is clear that Americans want nothing to do with Joe Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

FBI Director’s warning exposes Joe Biden and his shocking plans


Joe Biden has been up to something behind the scenes. And now it’s been put out there for the whole world to see.

And now the FBI Director’s newest warning has exposed Joe Biden and his shocking plans.

The border security issue has been on the top of people’s minds for months now, and Joe Biden has still refused to do anything about the crisis that is crippling so much of America.

Now, top figures are warning of potential attacks on American soil because of Joe Biden’s security issue.

On Tuesday during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that “the gaps in our intelligence are real.”

He said that the possibility of a foreign terrorist attack on American soil was a very real threat and a very real possibility.

He even warned that Hamas might be looking to “conduct attacks here on our own soil.”

He warned the American people saying, “We have kept our sights on Hamas and have multiple ongoing investigations into individuals affiliated with that foreign terrorist organization.”

Wray stated that the FBI and other agencies were good with the “known” but rather it was the “unknown” that had them concerned.

He stated that “the gaps in our intelligence are real and it’s something that we have concerns about.”

The news comes during a heightened sense of panic across the world as the conflict in the Middle East continues to ramp up.

It also comes during a time where the US border security is about the worst it has ever been and border patrol has sent out their own warnings regarding terror cells seeking to infiltrate the US.

In the 2023 fiscal year, border security saw 172 people on the terror watch list attempt to cross into the United States through either the Southern or Northern borders.

McCarthy said, “What’s the chaos right now? A wide open southern border. I’m concerned about a [terrorist] cell sitting inside America today.”

Senator Josh Hawley also expressed concern and demanded answers regarding the “uptick in potential terrorist-linked illegal aliens” in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Peter Doocy asked if it was “possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack, during a time of elevated threat, crossed the southern border into the United States already?”

To which NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said, “I couldn’t possibly answer that question.”

That is the terrifying reality in the world today.

Democrats under Joe Biden’s leadership have put the nation in a situation where it is wide open to an attack, and the opportunity is there for anyone to take advantage of.

Americans demand accountability for these politicians who have compromised the security of the nation and the safety of its people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this story and others.

Biden’s latest appointee will make your blood run cold


Joe Biden has appointed numerous different figures that are not qualified at all. However, now things have been taken to the extreme.

And the Biden’s latest appointee will make your blood run cold.

The newest U.S. Ambassador to Israel has left many in the Jewish community completely outraged due to his Anti-Semitic history.

The appointee is former treasury secretary Jack Lew whose past included backing Obama’s anti-Israel policies without hesitation.

Many of Lew’s supporters point to the fact that he is a practicing Jew and the highest official appointed to the ambassadorial post.

But, Lew’s past speaks for itself and his support for atrocious Israel-weakening policies has left him open to political attacks.

As Obama’s Treasury Secretary, Lew backed the Iran deal, refused to negotiate with Republicans on the budget, and more recently criticized Trump for moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

Lew is also an outspoken critic of the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was constantly trying to frustrate Obama’s horrible policies.

Lew was confirmed by the Senate in a 53-43 vote, but many people are extremely frustrated by the appointment.

Because of the Iran deal, Iran was able to use the financial windfall of the deal in order to fund their terrorist activities and funnel funds and resources to groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Many people consider Lew at least partly responsible because of his role in supporting the Iran deal as well as numerous other dangerous and harmful anti-Isreal policies.

Lew is extremely partisan and his track record has exposed him as a serial-anti-Israel politician who will continue trying to undermine and weaken the country.

His past actions have also revealed his true character no matter what he says with his words.

The Jewish community in the United States as well as across the whole world have already suffered so much in recent days, and now this appointment has them worried about what the future might look like for them.

The Radical Leftists in the country are stopping at nothing to appoint their harmful lackeys who will continue to undermine Republicans and reasonable policies in this nation.

Joe Biden does not care about how unqualified people are, instead he wants to appoint as many Radicals to power as possible so that he can continue pushing his harmful and destructive policies.

The American people have started to realize that Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to destroy America and all of our closest allies.

Israel has been the United States’ strongest ally for decades, but now the Left is trying to unravel that and leave America open to attack.

The border security is weakened, Radical politicians and figures refuse to condemn Hamas, and now the appointment of Jack Lew all points to the Democrats’ plan: abandon Israel.

It is time for these corrupt politicians to be held accountable for their actions and for all of them who refuse to serve America to be removed from office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Jim Jordan’s horrifying new DOJ discovery has left Americans terrified


New discoveries regarding the justice department have been coming out recently. But no one was prepared for this most recent one.

And Jim Jordan’s newest horrifying DOJ discovery has left Americans completely terrified.

Recently, on FBN’s “The Evening Edit” Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, exposed the DOJ for all the world to see.

He went into detail regarding how DOJ officials had been caught spying on congressional staffers during the time of their investigation into possible Trump and Russia collusion.

He announced that the Judiciary Committee was launching an investigation into the DOJ following these disturbing claims.

The announcement came after reports detailed that Jason Foster, Sen. Chuck Grassley’s former chief investigative counsel, had been spied on by the department.

In an interview, Jordan stated, “We now know that they spied on congressional staffers. We want to know, how far does it go? Were they spying on members? Were they spying on other staffers?”

Jordan emphasized “We want to know, does it go further? So we’ve sent letters not only to the Department of Justice but to all these carriers that the Department of Justice worked with to get the phone records, the email records from congressional staffers like Mr. Foster. How far does this go? Were they spying on members, other staff?”

Jordan sent letters to the CEOs of Apple, Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, and Alphabet demanding that they provide information regarding the alleged spying.

One of the letters read, “The Justice Department’s efforts to obtain the private communications of congressional staffers, including staffers conducting oversight of the Department, is wholly unacceptable and offends fundamental separation of powers principles as well as Congress’s constitutional authority to conduct oversight of the Department.”

The letter stated, “These revelations strongly suggest that the Justice Department weaponized its law-enforcement authority to spy on the entities seeking to hold it accountable.”

Jordan has promised that he will be investigating every single instance of the weaponization of the DOJ under the Biden administration.

As encouraging as it is to have a chair of the Judiciary Committee dedicated to holding the DOJ accountable for their actions, Americans are still scared.

Some people have already thought back to Snowden’s discovery of spying, and they are concerned that the government has not changed and is still spying on the American people.

The government needs to be held accountable and the American people are demanding to know the truth and the extent of the spying.

In an interview Jordan said, “If members of Congress and their staff now think, well, wait a minute, is the federal government, is the executive branch spying on us, looking at everyone I call, looking at all the e-mails we send from our work phone, from our personal phone? That’s going to have a chilling effect, and not to mention the separation of powers, which is a hallmark of our constitutional system.”

And that is certainly the case, but it does not stop with Congress and staffers.

If the government is spying on us, we demand to know.

If the American people cannot trust our own government, then something needs to change immediately and the corruption in the DOJ needs to be purged.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.