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Democrats unveil latest court packing scheme that has Republicans worried sick


Democrats are doing everything they can to take over this country and destroy it. But no one expected them to take things this far.

And Democrats unveiled their latest court packing scheme that has Republicans worried sick.

Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are continuing their unprecedented power grab by subpoenaing conservative leader Leonard Leo, like they are trying to do with justices Thomas and Alito, despite the fact that they have no legal authority to do so.

This move is part of a broader effort by Democrats to delegitimize the Supreme Court and undermine its independence.

The Radical Left has been unable to advance their radical agenda through the legislative process, so they are now resorting to extrajudicial means.

They are also pushing “ethics” bills called the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (“SCERT”) Act that would give them the power to remove conservative justices from key cases.

Leo is the co-chairman of the Federalist Society, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the principles of originalism and limited government.

He has been a vocal critic of Democrat efforts to pack the Supreme Court and undermine the separation of powers.

And now, by subpoenaing Leo, Democrats are hoping to intimidate him and other conservatives into silence.

They want to create a climate of fear and uncertainty so that people will be afraid to speak out against their agenda.

Democrats also want to cause as much chaos in the Supreme Court as possible so that they can push their Radical agendas.

But Democrats will not succeed. The American people are increasingly aware of their attempts to subvert the Constitution, and they will not stand for it.

This absurd subpoena is a violation of the First Amendment which protects the right of individuals to express their political views without fear of government reprisal.

The First Amendment protects Leo’s work for the Federalist Society, and Democrats cannot subpoena him for it.

Also, the Democrats’ subpoena is a violation of the separation of powers.

The Constitution establishes three separate branches of government: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch is independent of the others, and no one branch is allowed to interfere with the other branches.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is part of the legislative branch. It does not have the power to subpoena private citizens like Leo. This power belongs to the executive branch, not the legislative branch.

Democrats have not provided any legitimate reason for subpoenaing Leo. Their subpoena is simply an attempt to intimidate and harass him.

Sadly, the Radical Left does not care about the Constitution, and Democrats in this country will stop at nothing to push their harmful and Radical policies.

In the past, the Supreme Court has ruled that Congress has a broad power to investigate. However, the Court has also ruled that this power is not unlimited.

Congress cannot use its investigative power to harass or intimidate private citizens which is a key point that Leo’s attorney has brought up many times.

The Radicals in this country need to be stopped from destroying everything in America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden blasted for his radical military policies that will destroy the US Senate


The Biden administration is an absolute disgrace to America. And people across the world have come to realize how harmful his policies really are.

And now Biden has been blasted for his radical military policies that will burn down the US Senate.

Senator Tommy Tuberville has blasted Biden for his failed military policies and said that Biden would rather “burn the Senate down” than negotiate on his military policies.

Since February, the Alabama Republican has blocked the passage of legislation as well as a Defense Department policy that would allow military members to be reimbursed if they travel for an abortion outside of their home state.

The policy was created by Lloyd Austin, a former Secretary of the Army, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of abortion and left abortion legality and restrictions to states.

On CNN, Tuberville stated “It’s typical of this place. This administration would rather burn the Senate down and that’s what would happen. … If you change the rules of the Senate then it lasts forever.”

He continued and added, “So they would rather burn down the Senate than negotiate.”

Tuberville has refused to budge amid the ongoing war in Ukraine and the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Tuberville has demanded that Austin reverse the DoD policy on abortion travel; he has claimed that the policy politicizes the US military and essentially funds abortions.

He has also denied the Democrat claim that his hold is affecting the readiness and effectiveness of the military.

He said, “If I thought this was happening, I wouldn’t be doing this. And I’ve told you that all along. And the people that I trust tell me that it’s not.”

Some Democrats have suggested that they change Senate rules to get around Tuberville, but in order to do that, nine Republicans would have to join all Democrats in the motion.

Tuberville also pushed back on that idea saying, “If they go around and, without negotiating, change the rules of the Senate it just goes to show you they want it their way or the highway.”

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley has said that Tuberville’s hold is a “mistake” whereas Republican Senator Mike Lee has praised him.

Lee claimed in a social media post that, “We need more like @SenTuberville. And we need more senators defending him — especially those claiming to care about life and the rule of law. Republican senators shouldn’t be siding with Biden here; nor should they silently acquiesce to his false and inflammatory talking points.”

Regardless, Biden’s military policies are an absolute failure and the American people know it.

He has continued to push his Radical ideologies and agendas on the US military and threatened severe consequences to all service members who do not conform to his ideas.

This sort of bullying to get his way is exactly what the world is realizing about Joe Biden.

His leadership is nonexistent and his policies are leaving America open for attack.

Rather than support the military and negotiate on topics, Joe Biden would rather see America divided and crippled.

It is time for a real leader to be elected who can fix this mess that Joe Biden has left us in.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the Left refuses to.

Bombshell development could destroy Democrats’ Senate control


Democrats depend on their majority in the Senate for Biden’s appointments. But they’re in for a rude awakening.

Because this bombshell development could destroy Democrats’ Senate control.

The race for governor of Kentucky is heating up, and with it hangs the potential for a major shift in the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.

Incumbent Democratic Governor Andy Beshear is facing a tough challenge from Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

The outcome of the election could determine whether or not Democrats maintain their narrow majority in the Senate.

One of the key issues at stake in the race is a state law that requires Beshear to appoint a Republican to the Senate if current Republican Senator Mitch McConnell steps down before the end of his term.

Beshear has argued that the law is unconstitutional, but the Republican-controlled state legislature has overridden his veto.

If Beshear is re-elected and McConnell resigns, Beshear would be forced to choose from a list of three Republican candidates selected by the state GOP.

This would effectively give Republicans the power to choose their own replacement for McConnell.

Following multiple health scares from McConnell over the past year, Republicans know that this issue might become a very real one soon.

The outcome of the Kentucky governor’s race could have a major impact on the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.

This will make it much more difficult for President Biden to pass his Radical Leftist agenda and continue brainwashing the American people.

While Democrats have pushed back on this idea, the Seventeenth Amendment to the US Constitution outlines the ruling very clearly.

It says, “That the legislature of any State may empower the [governor] to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.”

It is also important to note that the Kentucky law requiring the governor to appoint a member of the same party as the outgoing senator is not unique.

A number of other states have similar laws in place. This means that the outcome of the Kentucky governor’s race could have implications for other Senate races in the future.

The stakes are high in the Kentucky governor’s race as it very well could play a major part in Senate control.

The American people know that this is an important issue and a critical time since pressure from the Left is ramping up.

More and more Radical bills are being passed and American freedoms are slowly slipping away.

Having strong leaders in power during times of this is extremely critical to the future of the country.

The American people are pushing back against the Radicals in this country, and we are fighting to preserve this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

New Speaker of the House has shocking take on Biden impeachment future


The Biden impeachment inquiry has been all over the news the past few months. And many people were wondering what would happen with it when a new Speaker was elected.

And now the new Speaker of the House has a shocking take on the Biden impeachment future.

The Republican-led House impeachment inquiry into President Biden’s criminal foreign business dealings is quickly heating up.

And now Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson is saying it is “very likely” that the president committed impeachable offenses.

Johnson’s comments came on the heels of a bombshell report from the House Oversight Committee, which revealed that Biden’s brother, James Biden, procured loans from a distressed company based on representations that his political connections could “open doors” for the company.

The report also found that James Biden wrote a $200,000 check to Joe Biden on the same day that the company wired $200,000 into James and Sara Biden’s account.

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said that the evidence suggests that Joe Biden’s ability to be paid back by his brother depended on the success of his family’s shady financial dealings.

He also demanded to know whether Biden has documents to prove that he had lent a large sum of money to his brother and whether he knew that the same day he had received the check that his brother received the same amount from the company.

Speaker Johnson told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the House is following the truth wherever it leads and that they will engage in due process.

He also said that they will not impeach Biden based on partisan politics, but rather on the evidence.

“Even if this was a personal loan repayment, it’s still troubling that Joe Biden’s ability to be paid back by his brother depended on the success of his family’s shady financial dealings,” Comer said.

He continued, “The American people deserve to know the truth about whether or not President Biden used his position to enrich himself and his family.”

The impeachment inquiry is still in its early stages, but the evidence that has been uncovered so far is deeply troubling.

It is clear that the Biden family has been involved in some very shady business dealings, and there is a growing possibility that President Biden himself has committed impeachable offenses.

Unlike the “sham” impeachments of Donald Trump, this impeachment is legit and backed by strong evidence that spells out certain doom for Biden.

Speaker Johnson has promised that Republicans are not like the other side, and will settle this issue with facts and evidence.

The stakes are high in this impeachment inquiry. If the House impeaches Biden and the Senate convicts him, he will be removed from office.

This would be a major setback for the Biden administration and would likely have a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election.

The investigation is moving forward quickly, and new evidence is being uncovered all the time.

The American people are watching closely, and we deserve to know the truth about what happened.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Biden administration’s shocking failure has his allies jumping ship


In the midst of so much unrest in the nation and the world, people are looking to their leaders for support. But, Democrats have once again failed their people.

And the Biden administration’s shocking failure has his allies jumping ship.

During a recent White House Press Conference, the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, refused to condemn the anti-Semitic actions of students in colleges across the nation.

Reporter Peter Doocy asked, “Does President Biden think the anti-Israel protestors in this country are extremists?”

He elaborated and said, “We hear you guys though talk about extremists all the time—it is usually about MAGA extremists—so what about these protestors who are making Jewish students feel unsafe on college campuses? Are they extremists?”

However, KJP refused to condemn the actions of the extremists and also refused to label them as extremists.

She said, “What I can say is we’ve been very clear about this, when it comes to antisemitism, there’s no place. We have to make sure that we speak against it very loudly.”

The shocking refusal to call these protestors “extremists” has sent the country and even the world into a cry of outrage.

Instead of condemning these protests or calling the protesters what they are, KJP decided to make a comparison to other protests instead of addressing current problems.

She said, “Remember, when the President decided to run for president — is what he saw in Charlottesville in 2017, when we saw neo-Nazis marching down the streets of Charlottesville, with vile, antisemitic, just hatred. And he was very clear then and he’s very clear now. He’s taken actions against this over the past two years, and he’s continued to be clear, there is no place for this type of vile and this kind of rhetoric.”

Of course the White House has to once again make this issue about how wonderful they think Biden is instead of addressing any actual problems.

The comparison has even many Democrats frustrated that their President will refuse to call these protestors extremists.

Doocy re-iterated his question and asked again, “So what about these protestors who are making Jewish students feel unsafe on college campuses?”

And once again, KJP refused to answer the question and instead merely said that the administration is “calling out any form of hate.”

She said, “Any form of hate, it is not acceptable. It should not be acceptable here, and we are going to continue to call that out and let me be very clear, this is a president that has continued to have that fight in his office, in this administration.”

So if that is truly the case, then why does the Biden administration refuse to condemn these actions and these extremists and call it what it is?

Americans on both sides of the political spectrum are outraged by Biden’s lack of action and his refusal to support the Jewish community.

By refusing to call these “protestors” extremists, Biden is not only supporting the pro-terrorist extremists in this country, but he is also condemning the Jewish community to a life of hate.

It is time for the American people to step up against the atrocities of our current administration and take matters into our own hands.

We must vote for strong leaders who will protect the lives of the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats pull shady trick that could disqualify Trump


Democrats and the Radical Left have been trying to stop Trump from taking office again since he left. But now they are taking things to the extreme.

And Democrats just pulled shady trick that could disqualify Trump.

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) said on CNN’s “News Central” Monday that there are “real questions” about whether the Constitution disqualifies former President Donald Trump from running for president or being seated in the office.

Griswold is the first state election official to publicly raise the possibility that Trump could be disqualified under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,

The amendment prohibits anyone who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States from holding office.

“We have never had this type of situation occur where a sitting president incites the insurrection and then had the audacity to run again,” Griswold said. “So there are real questions of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment disqualifies him.”

Griswold’s comments come as a judge in Colorado is considering a lawsuit filed by a group of voters who are seeking to block Trump from appearing on the ballot in the state’s 2024 presidential primary.

The voters claim that Trump’s actions on January 6, 2020, amounted to an insurrection.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has labeled these false claims and legal attacks on him as “witch hunts.”

The Radical Left knows that Trump did not “incite insurrection,” but they control the media and the narrative and therefore can control what the people think.

Democrats have pushed their Radical ideologies on the American people in order to turn them against Trump.

The Radicals know that if Trump were to enter office again, their Radical agenda would come to a halt and America would be saved from their absurd Leftist ideologies.

Trump knows that this legal battle in Colorado is extremely important and he will fight with everything he has to oppose these ridiculous claims.

If the judge in Colorado rules in favor of the voters, it could have a ripple effect across the country, as other states would likely follow suit.

This would make it very difficult for Trump to secure the Republican nomination for president, even if he is able to avoid being disqualified from running altogether.

Griswold’s comments are a significant development, as they show that Democrats are willing to consider using the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from holding office again.

The Democrats in this country are a disgrace to everything that America stands for.

They are willing to wrongly use the Constitution to prosecute their political enemies, but they refuse to rightly use the Constitution to uphold and protect the rights of the American people.

This battle in Colorado could very well determine the future of our country, because if the Democrats are able to bar their political opponents from running, then we will have entered dangerous waters.

The American people know the truth and the polls show that the people have sided with Trump.

The corrupt officials who are making these ridiculous decisions need to be held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring the TRUTH in the news.

Devastating report threatens to destroy the Democrat party completely


It is no secret that Republicans and Democrats have been struggling to find common ground in recent times. But now it appears that even Democrats are struggling amongst themselves.

And a devastating report threatens to destroy the Democrat party completely.

According to recent reports from TheHill, many of Joe Biden’s recent ongoings and policies have completely spilt his much needed support base.

Democrats and business lobbyists claim that the conflict is at a “fever pitch” according to the article.

Many of the conflict stems from how Joe Biden has been handling the border crisis and the fact that he has released millions of illegal immigrants into the United States and completely overwhelmed cities and states.

In a time where the American economy is in complete shambles, the American people are outraged that Joe Biden is so content to continue ruining the country.

During this economy, so many Americans are struggling in extreme ways while Joe Biden shows extreme favoritism to illegal immigrants.

Many Americans are struggling to provide for their families and struggling to pay for gas, groceries, and housing, but even during all of this Joe Biden is giving handouts to immigrants in the country illegally.

Blacks in New York and Chicago are among some of the loudest voices calling for change because even as they struggle, Biden is using their tax payer dollars to give free handouts to illegals.

Breitbart reports that “the favoritism includes turning a blind eye to their illegal entry, and his award of transport, job training, housing, and food.”

It is a complete outrage that millions of illegals should receive things for free that legal citizens are struggling with.

The president of the United States should always be putting the needs of the American people first instead of last like Joe Biden is doing.

More and more reports, articles, and videos are coming out that detail the frustrations of the American people with how Joe Biden is handling things with the economy and immigration.

Even lifelong Democrats are turning away from Joe Biden because of his destructive policies that ae destroying the lives of so many Americans.

Americans have realized that the “party of the people” is actually doing everything they can to destroy the people and make their lives even worse.

Joe Biden is a corrupt and destructive president and he needs to be removed from office and a strong leader needs to be voted into office.

American needs a president and leader who will put American citizens first instead of being more concerned with immigrants hear illegally.

Americans have woken up and realized the truth and we need to hold our elected officials accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring the TRUTH in the news.

Trump’s promise to the American people leaves Democrats terrified about their future


It is no secret that Democrats have been trying to destroy America, and since Biden took office, they have been succeeding. But now their chances at more destruction might be hindered.

Because Trump’s promise to the American people has left Democrats terrified about their future.

During a recent rally in Iowa, Trump gave a speech that left Democrats worried and speechless.

We are in a time of so much political unrest in the United States, and the world is in the middle of multiple conflicts that American troops have found themselves mixed up in as well.

There are countless anti-Israel protests erupting around the world and even in the United States there are anti-Semitic rallies.

US troops are also experiencing attacks in the Middle East, and the unrest across the entire world has reached a fever pitch.

During his speech in Sioux Falls, Iowa, Trump declared, “Our constitution is being ripped to shreds. Israel is under attack. And now we have terrorist sympathizers chanting their jihad slogans on our streets, all over our streets. With your vote, we will defend our country, we will defend our Judeo-Christian values, and we will defend Western civilization.”

This speech certainly left the Radical Left shuddering, since Trump promised to stop everything the Democrats are trying to achieve.

Trump emphasized that “We have to keep our country safe, and we do it not because we want to start wars. We do it because we want to stop wars.”

He went on further to emphasize, “If you try to kill our citizens, we will kill you. That’s the way we’re going to keep our country safe.”

Trump has been a critic of Biden’s foreign policies, and during a recent speaking engagement in Nevada Trump shared a message to the victims of Hamas brutality.

He said, “To every Israeli and every American touched by these barbaric activities: We love you, we’re with you, we grieve with you, we share your anger and we stand with you 100%.”

Joe Biden has made it clear that he does not care much about Israel, and many on the Radical Left are pushing terrorist propaganda and lies.

The American people have realized that Joe Biden is not the leader America and the world needs right now.

A weak leader in the White House leaves America and its allies open to devastating attacks as shown by the horrific attacks on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas.

Trump also spoke on Biden’s immigration policies that are flooding the country with terrorist empathizers.

Trump stated “We don’t want to be like Europe. If you sympathize with jihadists then we don’t want you in our country.”

Americans know that Joe Biden is trying to destroy American lives in order to promote his radical and harmful agenda.

It is time to fight back against these harmful policies that are destroying everything America stands for.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we continue brining you the TRUTH even as the Left refuses to do so.

Major legal win for Trump has Democrats worried sick


Trump’s legal battles have been all over the news for months now. And the Radical Leftists are doing everything they can to interfere with his chances of running for President.

But now, this major legal win for Trump has Democrats worried sick.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has been coming after Trump in every way he can, and he is doing everything to thwart Trump in his attempts to run for president again.

However, even with all of the setbacks Trump has faced, he has recently been handed a massive legal win by Jack Smith.

More than a year into the investigation, Special Counsel Jack Smith has dropped his subpoena request from Trump’s campaign.

The subpoena was part of an ongoing investigation into Trump’s campaign to see whether or not he committed any crimes.

Smith has already dropped a similar request to Save America which was a PAC formed by Trump’s aides.

Since November of last year, prosecutors have been investigating the Trump campaign and Save America in order to determine whether or not the campaign committed crimes.

The investigation specifically is looking into whether or not Trump or his advisors committed any crimes related to federal wire fraud statutes during their fundraising.

However, now this withdrawal of subpoenas from both the Trump Campaign and Save America could be further proof that Smith is slowing down his investigation that has lasted over a year.

In a year of investigations into the campaign, it seems that Smith and his team have not found anything significant to condemn Trump.

He believed that Trump and his team violated laws by using election fraud claims as a way to raise funds for his campaign, however, there has been no evidence or proof brought forth.

Townhall reports that “Smith’s office has made inquiries about the Trump PAC before indicting the former president, including examining his campaign’s fundraising after the 2020 election, funds spent on contractors and lawyers, and speaking to witnesses who were connected financially to the PAC.”

Yet, despite the countless inquiries into the matter, they have found nothing and have been forced to remove their subpoenas and accept defeat.

While this may not seem like a major win for Trump, it really is.

This is proof that the Radical Left is slowly falling apart and they have no evidence of wrongdoing on Trump’s part.

So much of the Left’s case against Trump revolves around the idea that he tried to overthrow the election and stay in power.

However as more and more time goes on, it has become increasingly obvious that these accusations are baseless and are not going to hold up in court.

The Radical Left has weaponized the justice system in America to attack their political rivals and push their agenda on the country.

However, American voters are waking up and realizing the TRUTH: the Radical Left wants to see the complete and total destruction of the United States and everything it stands for.

And Donald Trump is pro-America and he wants to see the country prosper, and therefore, must be held in check by the Radical Left, and their way of doing so is by accusing him falsely of crimes he did not commit in order to get him locked up.

When the Left controls the media, they control the narrative, and they control the minds of the people.

The American people must wake up and realize what is going on, and we must fight back against the corruption in politics.

America needs strong leaders who will put the needs of the people and the nation first instead of focusing so much on destroying America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

George Soros caught funding terrorist groups and the implications are severe


George Soros has funded countless questionable groups in his time, some worse than others. But now this recent news has shocked many.

Because George Soros has been caught funding terrorist groups, and the implications are severe.

George Soros has always backed groups that would concern many American patriots, and his effort to take over the world has also seen him control many of the media outlets too.

But this most recent discovery is worse than the rest because it has been discovered that Soros is heavily funding terrorist groups.

A new report has shown that George Soros has funneled in more than $15 million over seven years to pro-Hamas groups… the same groups behind the terrorist sympathy protests since the October 7 attack.

The radical billionaire’s grantmaking network, The Open Society, has sent $13.7 million through “Tides Center” which the New York Post reveals as a “deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks.”

One beneficiary of the Tides Center is the Adalah Justice Project which advertises that they are a “Palestinian-led advocacy organization based in the U.S. that builds cross-movement coalitions to achieve collective liberation.”

Their website states: “Our work is rooted in the conviction that drawing the linkages between US policy abroad and repressive state practices at home is crucial to shifting the balance of power.”

They have also harassed many different politicians who have refused to support Hamas and call for a cease-fire.

They “confronted” Democrat Representative Ro Khanna in order to pressure him into signing a ceasefire and then posted about the exchange on Twitter.

Members of the “Adalah Justice Project” also attended a rally in New York that day where the Post reported “hostile demonstrators spewed anti-Semitic chants.”

A spokesperson for Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, said that Soros’s foundation “has been generously supporting our work on defending the human rights of Palestinians under Israeli control for many years, and we are grateful for their immense contribution to this effort.”

Soros has also funded the NYC South Asian immigrant group Desis Rising Up and Moving, which has also sponsored pro-terror rallies.

Breitbart reports that “Other Soros-backed Hamas-sympathizing groups include Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, which were given $650,000 and $400,000, respectively. Both groups were also cosponsors of the Bryant Park rally, and both had members who were among the “insurrectionists” occupying the U.S. Capitol on October 18.”

Forbes reported that “the progressive philanthropist has distributed more than $15 billion to nonprofits through his Open Society Foundations, which he founded in 1993.”

The billionaire Soros has been backing questionable and concerning groups for a long time, but now his support of pro-terrorism groups should have everyone concerned.

The American people need to wake up and realize what is going on and that their media is being controlled by the Radical Left.

The Radical Left is controlling the narrative and flooding the media with propaganda and pushing their harmful agenda.

It is time for us to take the power back and hold our officials accountable for allowing these sorts of things to happen.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republican candidate makes claim about Donald Trump that could shake the whole race up


Donald Trump is the major Republican frontrunner for the 2024 presidential election. And with fewer candidates in the race now, and more expected to drop out, his victory seems sure.

However, one Republican candidate has made a claim about Donald Trump that could shake the whole race up.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has run for president a few times now, and he is not new to the political world.

Christie’s chances of winning the Republican nomination seem very low right now, but the biggest reason for that is because Trump has such a commanding lead in the polls.

However, if something were to happen to Trump, it might clear the way for Christie to have a real shot at the nomination or at the very least level the playing field.

And Christie seems to understand that fact and is working hard to give himself a shot at the nomination.

During a recent interview with CNN, Christie stated that the Republican Party needed to “get rid” of Trump.

He took the opportunity to attack Trump for his character and method of leading saying, “I wouldn’t count on anything from Donald Trump, except one thing you can always count on, he will lie to get himself ahead and he will always put himself first before any interest and certainly before our country and Israel.”

Christie also claimed that Donald Trump never really got anything done and then attacked some of Trump’s major talking points.

He said, “Donald Trump never finishes what he started. He said he was going to build a wall across the entire border of the United States and Mexico, he built 52 miles of new wall in four years. He said he was going to balance the budget, he added $7.8 trillion in debt. In the same way he said he was going to bring peace to the Middle East, he did not do that, because he didn’t finish the job.”

He also brought up Donald Trump’s legal problems and said that “Donald Trump is not going to be able to beat Joe Biden from a courtroom.”

This seems to be a major talking point for both Republicans and Democrats, and everyone seems to point back to Donald Trump’s legal problems.

Trump has claimed that his legal problems will not interfere with his ability to run as they are simply a “witch hunt” by the Radical Left.

And many of his supporters also feel the same way; It seems that the Radical Leftists in America have weaponized the justice system and are now using it to attack political rivals to force them to not be able to run.

However, even as the Democrats are trying to forcibly stop Trump from running, and ultimately winning, Trump has made it clear that this will only cause him to fight harder.

It also appears like the plan is backfiring for Democrats as Donald Trump’s numbers in the polls continue to skyrocket, and he continues to gain more and more support from American voters.

When Donald Trump’s mugshot was released to the public, his campaign raised millions of dollars in support and his numbers shot up in the polls.

American voters have woken up, and we realize what is going on in the nation and who will be able to stop it.

Christie finished off his interview by saying, “This is going to be a big problem for our party and we need to cut it off at the pass, get rid of Donald Trump and move on to honest, strong leadership that will tell the truth.”

Yet, many Americans disagree with Christie and view Donald Trump as the best option for President and think that he will be the candidate who can defeat Joe Biden and save this country.

Americans need to vote in 2024 and ensure that Joe Biden does not win the White House and doom our country to another four years of his destruction.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your 2024 election news.

Kamala Harris proves her hatred of the Constitution during her latest nonsensical speech


Kamala Harris and the entire Biden administration are a disgrace to America. They spit in the face of history, tradition, law, and precedent.

But now Kamala Harris has proven her hatred of the Constitution as well as America during her latest speech.

Following the horrible tragedy in Lewiston, Maine, Kamala Harris, like many other Radical Democrats, took the opportunity to push her liberal agenda.

Instead of using the time to mourn the lost or comfort the grieving family and community, Kamala Harris decided that the disrespectful and rude route was the one she wanted to take.

Kamala Harris thought that it was the best time to be anti-American and spit in the face of the Constitution.

During a luncheon in which the Australian Prime Minister was honored, Kamala Harris decided she should not be talking about America or the tragedies there unless she was pushing her liberal and radical agenda.

She started by saying, “As we gather details, we must continue to speak truth about the moment we are in. In our country today, the leading cause of death of American children is gun violence. Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in the United States.”

She then continued “And let us be clear, it does not have to be this way — as our friends in Australia have demonstrated,” as people clapped.

However, it is important to note that according to the website for Australia’s Parliament, citizens have no legal right to own guns in Australia.

Kamala Harris wants to strip Americans of their freedoms and their Constitutional rights so that she can push her Radical and Liberal agenda.

Harris is not a politician in Australia and she would be wise to remember that.

Instead, she is a politician in America where citizens have rights clearly laid out in the founding document of this nation that she swore to protect, defend, and uphold.

Anyone who does not take their oath of office seriously should be immediately removed from office for treason.

The American people have fought, bled, and died for these rights, and we will not willingly give up our rights just for the Radical Left to fulfill their pointless and harmful agenda.

Harris has shown time and time again that she does not care one ounce for American freedom and instead is always pointing to other countries.

If Harris hates America and our people, laws, and habits so much, then maybe she should leave and go to a place where her absurd ideologies are welcomed.

Americans do not want leaders who hate us and our country; we demand leaders who will support this nation and the rights of the people of this nation.

Harris and the entire Biden administration have no regard for the Constitution and therefore must be voted out of office.

America needs leaders who will support, protect, and defend our rights.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we keep brining the TRUTH.