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AOC gets embarrassed on national TV live in this shocking way


The congresswoman AOC is not known for knowing what she is talking about, or for speaking well. However, most of the time her allies and friends ignore her blatant lies to take her side.

But now, AOC has gotten utterly embarrassed on national TV live in this shocking way.

You know your lies and misinformation spreading must be really bad when even CNN anchors correct you.

Well, that is exactly what finally happened to AOC; her lies and false narratives have finally caught up to her, and she is being demolished on live TV.

During the situation in the Middle East, AOC has not been as pro-terrorism as some of her colleagues, however, she certainly has been trying to play both sides.

During a recent interview with CNN’s Abby Phillip, AOC was absolutely humiliated and her entire argument was ripped to shreds.

Phillip pushed back against AOC’s call for a ceasefire and managed to dismantle all of AOC’s arguments throughout the entire interview process.

What is left is three minutes of AOC trying to defend herself, and it fails miserably.

AOC also made false claims that Israel was using white phosphorous, which is not true, and she claimed that there were “sieges” around Gaza which was also a lie.

Throughout the entire interview, Philip confronts AOC for her unwillingness to take a stance and also directly gives AOC chances to take back her “ceasefire” statement.

The issue is that AOC weaves, ducks, and turns while offering weak justifications for Israel to refrain from acting, which will only help terrorists.

The far left uses this as an excuse to justify their pro-Hamas commentary because the essence of the problem isn’t complicated:

Israel came under attack. They have the right to retaliate in order to eradicate this terrorist organization from their borders after more than 1,200 men, women, and children were murdered.

AOC highlights the disgraces of the Democrat party and their inability to side against terrorism because it might upset their voting base.

One thing that readers should keep in mind: Hamas is a militant, Islamist, terror group.

And funnily enough, the supporters and pro-Hamas protestors across the world almost all are pink-haired transgender and LGBT individuals whom Hamas would gladly murder as deplorables.

Hamas is a terrorist group and the Radical left should stop trying so hard to defend them.

The Radical Left is a disgusting disgrace to humanity and morality and their inability to condemn horrific terror attacks is telling.

AOC seems to not understand the situation in the Middle East and she has no business serving as a representative in America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we continue bringing you the TRUTH while the Left continues lying to you.

Another shocking move by Ron DeSantis has GOP candidates worried


Ron DeSantis holds second place in most polls. But that all might be about to change.

And now another shocking move from Ron DeSantis leaves GOP candidates worried.

Ron DeSantis has been showing his true colors in recent days, and it has many voters excited about a potential presidency from the former governor.

Although Donald Trump still solidly leads in the polls, DeSantis will have a major shot at the White House if anything happens.

Recently, Ron DeSantis led a rescue mission for Americans trapped in the Middle East due to the conflict in Israel.

He proved that while Joe Biden might sit idly by, he would not let Americans suffer or stay trapped.

In doing so, DeSantis received a lot of support from voters. Voters and Americans know that DeSantis is not just a talker: he is a doer.

Now, DeSantis has once again proven that he will put his money where his mouth is with his newest move in the Middle East.

Since Congress has no speaker, and Joe Biden is corrupt, lazy, and obviously plans on not doing anything, DeSantis took matters into his own hands and flew cargo planes full of supplies to the Middle East.

The Governor of Florida and presidential candidate sent 85 pallets of supplies intended for Israel.

In a statement to the public, DeSantis declared, “With the lack of leadership in Washington, we are stepping up to help our allies in Israel who are in need of supplies and our support.”

He continued, “As we continue to bring back Americans who were stranded in Israel when the war began, we will also keep sending the necessary health care supplies for Israel to care for those who have been injured.”

This is the exact sort of leadership that America needs right now; America needs leaders who will lead with their actions instead of just meaningless words.

The DailyWire reports that the supplies include “735 ace bandages, approximately 5,000 hospital gowns, 84 IV kits, 30,000+ needles, 30,000+ syringes, 57 ventilators, and 10,000+ boxes of surgical gloves.”

In addition to these medical supplies, Florida donated children’s toys, sleeping bags, clothes, and hygiene products.

In a Twitter post, Ron DeSantis highlighted that “Florida stands with the people of Israel, and we will continue to help in any way we can as they fight back against Hamas terrorists.”

The supplies are being sent out shortly after DeSantis welcomed home the Americans that he rescued from the Middle East.

In a statement, he said, “Over 260 people that wanted to get back to the United States and couldn’t do it … so we stepped up and led. We’re happy to be able to deliver this,” taking a shot at Joe Biden’s lack of help or leadership.

Many candidates in the presidential race are worried this will boost DeSantis’s poll number even more and take away their chances at a nomination.

It certainly appears that Americans and voters are happy with DeSantis and he newest moves to help out in the Middle East.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Republicans face extreme opposition from one key figure


The first speakership vote failed, and Jim Jordan fell short of the necessary votes to secure the position. Many are wondering how Republicans can rally around Jordan.

But now House Republicans are facing extreme opposition from a key figure in their own party.

During the first ballot on Tuesday, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise voted for Jim Jordan, like he said he would, but now things are getting heated.

Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House on October 3rd, and since then, the House has not had a speaker.

The candidates vying for the speakership were quickly narrowed down to mainly just Scalise and Jordan in the Republican party.

Scalise originally won the nomination but then stepped down as it was clear he would not receive enough votes to secure the position.

Jordan then stepped up and presented himself again. House Republicans voted for him on the first ballot, however, Jordan fell short of the votes needed within his own party.

Now, it has come out that Scalise is trying to undermine Jordan for the position.

One reporter noted that Scalise was “Not being a team player” after his failed bid and after the first ballot failed for Jordan.

Breitbart reported that Scalise “who failed in his own speakership bid last week is the leader of the subversion against the Republican conference and Speaker-designee Jim Jordan.”

There seems to be a significant amount of tension between the two representatives, and many are wondering how it will play out and how this will affect future votes.

One report says some of the tension stems from Scalise failing to promise to give Jordan a nominating vote even though Jordan promised to do so for Scalise if need be.

One Twitter user and Conservative activist stated that Scalise was “doing his favorite thing to do – backstabbing.”

She went on further to say, “Scalise is pretending to support Jim Jordan but is organizing the ones that refuse to vote for Jordan. He voted for Jordan, but is encouraging others not to behind the scene.”

Countless other credible sources have come forward to paint Scalise as a backstabber, and some have even called for his removal as House Majority Leader.

A spokesperson for Scalise claimed, “Leader Scalise has been the only candidate throughout this process who has publicly declared he will be supportive of whomever the conference nominates for Speaker, and his position has not changed. He voted for Jim Jordan on the floor and will continue to do so.”

Republicans are hoping that is the truth and that Scalise will truly be supportive of whomever the nominee is so that our nation can start to heal.

Americans are desperate for a strong leader, and we know we aren’t going to be getting it from the White House while Biden is in control.

So, many of us look to the House for leadership that will help America and the people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates to this developing story.

Biden’s newest woke mandate is being imposed on all


Woke ideologies and agendas are taking over this country. And people are being forced to comply by liberals.

And Biden’s newest woke mandate is being imposed on all.

Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services has forced its woke mandates onto all of its employees in its newest move.

They have instituted a policy in which “employees are required to acknowledge their co-worker’s gender identities and use the preferred pronouns.”

The Assistant Secretary for HHS Rachel Levine is a transgender pediatrician who has led the woke agenda of the HHS.

Levine has advocated for surgery and puberty blockers for minors saying hormones and surgeries are “medically necessary, safe and effective.”

In an email sent out to all HHS employees, the department laid out its demands to force all employees to conform to woke agendas.

One Twitter user reports that “This admin really is requiring pure ideological conformity.”

The Radical Left cannot help but impose their ridiculous mandates on free Americans, and they threaten severe consequences anytime someone doesn’t adhere to their requests.

The email was followed up by an email message that detailed that employees would be forced to comply even if it went against their personal beliefs.

The guidance is supposed to “help facilitate inclusive, affirming, and welcoming workplace environments” but it does so by forcing people to go against their beliefs. ‘

Joe Biden continues to hire and promote individuals who identify as LGBT regardless of how qualified they are for a position, and that plays a significant part in how poor the administration is.

Instead of hiring people who are qualified or know things, Joe Biden and his administration continue to hire people like Karien Jean-Pierre who are useless and absolutely unqualified but received their position because of their status as LGBT.

The agenda of the left is not so secret, and it has become increasingly clear that they are forcing more and more into the LGBT world.

They push drugs and surgeries on children who are unable to know what is happening.

But it does not stop there; the administration also forces others to partake in the lifestyle of LGBT even when it goes against personal or religious beliefs.

This is tyrannical and is not legal, and Americans should be pushing back against these terrible, illegal, and unconstitutional policies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical liberal Ilhan Omar makes a disgusting claim ahead of critical Congressional vote


Ilhan Omar is known for her outrageous, false, and disturbing claims. But this time, she has taken it way too far.

And the radical liberal Ilhan Omar made a disgusting claim ahead of critical Congressional vote.

On Tuesday, the House will vote on the SPeakership position, and Jim Jordan is the current frontrunner.

Many Republicans have rallied around him, however, no Democrats have anything good to say about the congressman.

However, one Democrat has clearly taken it too far with her disturbing and vulgar remarks about Jim Jordan ahead of the vote.

On her political account on the platform X, Ilhan Omar reposted a statement from former Speaker John Boehner from 2017.

Omar posted that “Jordan was a terrorist as a legislator going back to his days in the Ohio House and Senate. A terrorist. A legislative terrorist.”

She went on to say “It should be interesting how things go after Republicans elect Jordan Speaker tomorrow. It would certainly bring more chaos in the house and electoral harm.”

Her post received immediate and severe backlash with users on all sides of the political spectrum attacking her for her hateful words.

One user commented saying, “Amazing- your chosen use of language, and the chosen omission of it when it’s real.”

Another user lashed and commented how it was interesting that Omar of all people would be calling someone a terrorist.

“I would not be throwing words like terrorist so lightly. Unless Ilhan Omar is trying to deliberately distort the true meaning of it.

‘Terrorist’ — someone who uses violent actions for political purposes. Example: Hamas.”

Omar has recently refused to attack Hamas for their brutal terror attacks.

As the attacks grew louder and Omar’s post received more and more backlash, she attempted to defend herself by saying, “It’s a quote, not my words.”

However, the response to that attempt was swift as well with people noting “Yes, but YOU chose to post those words. For gods sake can you take responsibility for anything?”

This attack on Jim Jordan by Omar is just another in a huge list of examples of the “tolerant left” being hate-filled and spreading harmful and false narratives in the media.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring the TRUTH… not lies.

Democrats go on a censorship campaign that you have to see


Democrats have been trying to control the narrative for decades. And they obviously do not care about the law while they have done so.

But now Democrats are going on a censorship campaign that you have to see.

The Democrat party has fallen far from what it once might have been, but now they are diminished to the party of fascism and communism.

America is built on founding principles like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Those principles include the freedom of speech for every person in America, yet the Democrats do not seem to care, and they are trying to take that away.

Democrats have fallen so far that they cannot face a single argument without running away and crying to a judge to silence their opponents.

On Monday, a US District Judge sided with prosecutors and handed down a gag order to former president Donald Trump, ordering that he not be allowed to “target” those related to the J6 case.

The order states that Trump is prohibited from “publicly targeting” the judge, Jack Smith, or “any other court personnel.”

The order also says that Trump is “absolutely prohibited as well” from making statements about their families.

This order is absurd and is a direct violation of Trump’s First Amendment rights to freedom of speech.

Judges should not hold the power to prevent someone from exercising their rights and speaking about another person.

Even before the “order: was issued, Trump’s lawyers made it clear they would be fighting an order such as this exact one.

The Radical Left has weaponized the justice system, and they are resorting to using judges to violate Constitutional rights.

This is America, not some foreign country where people can just have their rights taken away from them.

Democrats refuse to admit any fascism, but they are literally silencing anyone who disagrees with them and threatening legal action.

Democrats already thoroughly control the media, and now they are using the justice system to order their rivals’ silence.

The definition of fascism includes “forcible suppression of opposition” and that is exactly what the Radical Left and the Democrats are doing.

They support groups like ANTIFA who claim to be against fascism, however, they themselves are the clearest modern examples of fascism.

In response to the order, Trump’s campaign put forward this statement:

“Today’s decision is an absolute abomination and another partisan knife stuck in the heart of our Democracy by Crooked Joe Biden, who was granted the right to muzzle his political opponent, the leading candidate for the Presidency in 2024, and the most popular political leader in America, President Donald J. Trump. President Trump will continue to fight for our Constitution, the American people’s right to support him, and to keep our country free of the chains of weaponized and targeted law enforcement.”

We live in a country where Democrats have the power to remove people’s constitutional rights and claim they can do so legally.

However, it is illegal and it is outrageous and Americans have had enough.

We demand that these corrupt politicians be held accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH even when the left tries to silence us.

Tragic news for one presidential candidate could mean the end of this run


The presidential race is a brutal one that takes its toll. But no one expected things would go this far.

And now there is tragic news for one candidate that could mean the end of the line for them.

One of the biggest parts of running for public office is the fundraising that happens during the race.

Each candidate’s team tries to raise money and get support from numerous different groups and individuals in order to help them run ads on tv, travel, cover campaign costs etc.

Once the funding dries up for a candidate, that is normally the end of the line for them.

Now, Tim Scott’s campaign team is facing some tragic news regarding some of their biggest support.

The primary super PAC that is backing Tim Scott has made the decision to pull millions of dollars for TV ads.

The super PAC, the Trust in the Mission PAC, announced to the public that they would be canceling all television ads for the fall.

The super PAC makes the decision amid claims that their millions of dollars in ad spend have “hardly budged” Scott’s polling numbers.

The co-chairman for the super PAC stated, “We aren’t going to waste our money when the electorate isn’t focused or ready for a Trump alternative.”

He continued further, “We have done the research. We have studied the focus groups. We have been following Tim on the trail. This electorate is locked up and money spent on mass media isn’t going to change minds until we get a lot closer to voting.”

This could spell out tragic news for Tim Scott’s campaign, and many are wondering if he will be the next to drop out from the race.

In a recent memo, the co-chairman, Rob Collins, wrote, “In a news environment dominated by two wars and a chaotic scrum over the Speakership, TV money will simply be wasted.”

Many people see this as a smart move on Scott’s campaign, however, they also think it spells out certain doom for his run.

Scott’s poll numbers sit at just 2% and many see this as political donors “all but abandoning Scott.”

Some estimates say that the super PAC is canceling upwards of $15 million in funding for TV ads.

The super PAC claims that “Voters are tuning out a political race where no one will caucus for more than three months.”

This major loss of support is a huge blow to Tim Scott’s campaign and his few supporters and donors left might have no choice but to follow suit.

The race for the White House is a brutal one that takes its toll from all that run, but it seems apparent not everyone is cut out for it.

The race is not very close with Donald Trump still dominating in the polls, but there is still time for another candidate to make a jump.

It just now seems obvious that candidate probably won’t be Tim Scott.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

DeSantis shows his true colors in shocking new Middle East move


The news in the Middle East is taking over. And politicians across the world have taken sides.

Now DeSantis has shown his true colors in a shocking Middle East move.

Governor Ron DeSantis has recently received massive bipartisan support due to his recent move in the Middle East.

An operation led by DeSantis, saw over 300 trapped Americans airlifted from Israel to Florida.

Last Thursday, DeSantis signed an executive order that gave his state the power to conduct rescue and evacuation operations for trapped Americans in Israel and across the Middle East.

In the executive order, DeSantis highlighted the failure of President Biden and his lack of action toward saving trapped Americans.

DeSantis stated, “The Biden administration has failed to launch any form of rescue or evacuation operations for Americans, including Floridians, stranded in the region, and has failed to provide information requested by the State of Florida about any plans for such operations.”

DeSantis accused the President of “dumping” Americans in Europe and forcing them to pay the government back for flights.

The Florida Division of Emergency Management posted online that they were going to do what Joe Biden refused and help save Americans who were trapped.

They made a post online and said, “If you are stranded in Athens and in need of safe transportation back to the United States, we may be able to assist you. Please complete our form at http://FloridaDisaster.org/Israel and share it with anyone who may need assistance.”

DeSantis’s press secretary also took a jab at the president in his own post highlighting the ways Florida was going to help.

DeSantis has shown true leadership here and promised to help Americans even as Biden and his entire administration do nothing to help.

If anyone needed any more proof that Joe Biden and his Radicals were anti-America and cared nothing for the lives of Americans, here it is.

Americans have been captured, tortured, and killed, and all Joe Biden will do is dump Americans in Europe for someone else to take care of.

Our president has the most wide open and unsecured border this nation has ever seen but refuses to bring Americans in… only terrorists.

The deadly terror attacks in Israel have killed dozens of Americans, and presidential candidates are the only ones who have shown any effort to save our citizens.

American lives need to be the primary concern of our president and his administration, but instead foreign lives of terrorists matter more.

Joe Biden is offering free housing and healthcare to illegal aliens and is charging Americans for “saving them”.

What kind of a treasonous and corrupt president do we have in power in this nation?

Our citizens need to come first, but our president cannot even do that.

The American people have had enough and we need to remove this corrupt and evil fool from power.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

New pressure from Biden administration shows cracks in the Democrat Party


The Biden administration has used its power in many different ways to pressure individuals, companies, and others into doing what they want. But it comes at the cost of giving away the game.

And the newest pressures from the Biden administration shows cracks in the Democrat Party.

The issue of immigration is one that is on all reasonable American’s minds, and it is also one that the Biden administration refuses to address.

Joe Biden, his administration, and the Democrats of this country refuse to acknowledge that there is anything wrong with our border, and the policies they keep proposing are worse and worse.

As if our economy was not bad enough, Joe Biden is letting in millions of illegal aliens that continue to cripple our economy further.

And now, on top of that, Joe Biden has threatened banks with punishments if they do not start granting loans to illegal immigrants.

Breitbart states that “The loans-for-migrants push is yet another effort by pro-migration lobbies to shoehorn wage-cutting, rent-spiking illegals into Americans’ fractured society.”

This newest program is sure to spell out even more economic and civic destruction for Americans across the nation while giving free handouts to illegal aliens.

The warning by Biden officials was a barely veiled threat: “This guidance reminds lenders that denying someone access to credit based solely on their actual or perceived immigrant status may [emphasis added] violate federal law.”

However, even though it threatens banks, that statement admits that “The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) … [and] regulations found at 12 C.F.R. part 1002, commonly known as “Regulation B” … do not expressly prohibit consideration of immigration status.”

So now, Joe Biden and the Radical Leftists in this nation have resorted to illegally threatening banks if they do not give money to illegal immigrants.

Joe Biden is an absolute joke and his entire administration has no credibility at all.

Even though these individuals have entered the country illegally and have no right to be here, banks are being threatened and pressured into giving away money to them.

What sort of policy is that? Anyone with even half of a brain can see the destruction in this new effort by the Radical Left.

Once again, Joe Biden is giving away handouts to people in this country illegally, but Americans who work hard every week adding to the economy are barely able to provide for their families.

The average legal (emphasis on legal) American struggles to pay for gas and groceries, but Joe Biden continues to spend our hard-earned tax-payer dollars on giving things away for free to illegals and criminals.

As billions of dollars are pumped into illegal aliens, American families still receive nothing but higher prices everywhere.

Joe Biden has proven on so many different occasions that he cares nothing for America or the citizens of this amazing country.

As he gives away hundreds of billions to foreign powers, terrorist groups, and handouts for illegals, we are still left struggling for the basics.

Our president is treasonous and a disgrace and the American people must hold him and his entire corrupt administration accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

FBI Director’s chilling warning terrifies Americans


We live in a time where many Americans are fearful. There is conflict across the world, our border is not secure, and our leadership in the White House is weak.

And now, the FBI Director’s latest warning has terrified Americans.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has issued a chilling warning amidst the unrest and uncertainty across the nation and throughout the world.

Director Wray has warned that domestic threats have gotten more severe and increased amidst the “heightened environment” and has warned people to be increasingly vigilant.

He warned, “There’s no question we’re seeing an increase in reported threats and we’ve got to be on the lookout, especially for lone actors who may take inspiration from recent events to commit violence of their own.”

One Twitter account covers the Directors warning also highlighting our lack of a secure border under Joe Biden.

The FBI Director promised that the agency would be “confronting those threats” from radical and extremist groups in the U.S.

Many Americans are even more concerned over the warnings due to the lack of any border security in the U.S.

Hundreds of known terrorists and global criminals have been let loose into America under Joe Biden’s border policies, and in times of uncertainty and war like this, many families are concerned for their own safety.

Instead of focusing on the protection or security of our own nation, Joe Biden continues to avoid any sort of border security and instead wants to keep the border wide open.

As Director Wray warns that many might be inspired by recent events and that we must be more vigilant, our President does nothing to help.

Joe Biden is a disgraceful president and a failed leader who cares more about radical extremists than the citizens of the country he swore to protect and defend.

Scores of individuals on the FBI’s terror watch list have been released into our country because of the Radical Left’s policies that put the lives of terrorists over law-abiding citizens.

The FBI has stated, “We will not hesitate to adjust our security posture, as appropriate, to protect the American people.”

However, no such word has come from the White House, and many Americans are infuriated by the lack of a response from Joe Biden or his administration.

Those on the Radical Left want people to believe that they are “for the people” and that they care about Americans but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Democrats in this country want to see the economy and the nation crippled, and they are willing to do anything to make it happen.

Americans need to hold our officials accountable and force them to uphold their oaths and protect our country.

It is absurd that in such a dangerous time as this, that Joe Biden and all the Radicals want to keep allowing terrorists into our country.

We need to vote these treasonous and corrupt politicians out of power.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH when the Left refuses to.

Trump’s newest promise leaves Democrats scared out of their wits


Donald Trump has promised many things if he retakes office in 2024. Many of these things are exciting to the American people and promise nothing but prosperity.

And now Donald Trump’s newest promise to voters has left Democrats scared out of their wits.

As the auto workers strike continues, more and more auto workers are fearful for their jobs in Joe Biden’s economy.

As more and more liberal policies and regulations are passed, more and more cities and states are attempting to ban gas vehicles.

Joe Biden is attempting more EV mandates in the auto industry and it is crippling our economy and costing the jobs of tens of thousands of auto workers.

In a recent video message to striking auto workers, Donald Trump promised that he would repeal the electric vehicle mandates of Joe Biden.

Trump stated, “I will repeal Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate and I will do everything in my power to achieve a drastic reduction in the cost of a new car. I will get the prices way down so that you can afford the lifestyle your family deserves.”

He also warned that unless he repealed the mandates, their jobs would be gone within two years.

Trump said, “Within two years, you’re not going to have a job. I’m going to bring back jobs. I’m going to bring back the manufacture of automobiles in our country.”

Trump also used the opportunity to highlight skyrocketing prices and rightly blamed Joe Biden for those as well.

He said, “Car prices are up nearly 30% since I left office with the average new car now costing an astonishing $50,000 and more.”

He claimed that this was a “war on American automobiles and it’s a war on the American family and a war on the American dream because it really is.”

Donald Trump’s highlights are scaring Democrats because he is doing what they cannot: appealing to the American people and winning votes with “America first” rhetoric.

Democrats want to focus on themselves and their mandates and restrictions, while Trump has been traveling the nation promising to put the people first.

That is exactly what people need and want to hear right now: America and Americans first.

In a time where the average American is struggling in almost every way, Donald Trump is highlighting how he is going to help make our lives better.

He is showing us solutions instead of presenting more and more mandates and restrictions that will only continue to drive prices up.

This sort of rhetoric is what is going to win the White House… not Joe Biden mumbling, bumbling, failed policies, and air conditioning bans.

Instead of proposing bans on straws, cups, or bags, Trump is promising to undo bans on gas-powered vehicles and other outrageous things that Biden has tried to ban.

Trump said, “Biden’s electric vehicle mandate and his insane fuel economy standards … are forcing car companies to drastically raise prices and even eliminate their affordable gas-powered models altogether which people want.”

He also warned that “to comply with Biden’s mandate, automakers have no choice but to push consumers toward their ultra-expensive electric models. And if they don’t, they’re punished with hundreds of millions of dollars in fines.”

Trump’s speeches are honest and appealing and they are exactly what the American people want to hear right now.

This is the sort of thing that Americans want and need.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking development in GOP race as new candidate jumps into the mix


With all the news in the nation, it is easy to forget that we are rapidly approaching the next presidential election. And many people are excited at the notion of not having to suffer through Joe Biden anymore.

However, a shocking development in GOP race as new candidate jumps into the mix.

The GOP race has been an interesting one so far with lots of movement in the polls, and people are already dropping out of the race.

For the longest time, Donald Trump was the clear leader in the polls, and Governor Ron DeSantis was the runner-up, and that is just the way it was.

But now, DeSantis seems to have a challenger for second place.

Donald Trump remains the clear leader in the polls, but Nikki Haley has jumped up to challenge Ron DeSantis for second place.

The former South Carolina governor has had an amazing fall so far and her numbers across all of the polls continue to climb.

She is seeing growing support in critical early vote states, and many are speculating what that means for the GOP race.

Haley told reporters: “We can feel the momentum on the ground” following a town hall in Rochester, New Hampshire.

In the past month, Nikki Haley has doubled her support (from 5% to 10%) while DeSantis has remained completely motionless at 13%.

According to polls in Iowa, Haley is still in third place by 3% behind DeSantis, however in polls in New Hampshire, she holds second place.

Citing these new polls, Haley said, “We can feel it in Iowa. We can feel it in New Hampshire. We can feel it in South Carolina.”

Haley also claimed that her rise in the polls had helped her significantly among the GOP donor class.

She was seen on Tuesday mingling with top Republican donors at a summit in Utah that was hosted by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

A source claimed that the meetings with potential donors were very positive and Haley herself stated, “We do have donor interest wanting to help us.”

But she went on further to say, “We’re keeping our head down. We’re very focused. We want to earn every Iowan’s vote. We want to earn every Granite Stater’s vote. And we want to make sure we get to South Carolina and we earn their votes and we’re not going to stop until we do it.”

DeSantis was asked by Fox News if he was concerned regarding the idea of him “flatlining” in the polls.

However, DeSantis did not seem worried and said “we’re doing it right.”

He reiterated his point saying, “You talk to people, what they will tell you is, man, you’re way ahead of where the previous Iowa caucus winners are in terms of the organization, the amount of support, all that. You got to earn it. You got to show up, and you got to do it.”

He claimed, “I can tell you for what we’ve been able to do in Iowa, I would not trade places with any other candidate.”

And DeSantis’s campaign has claimed that “no one is working harder in Iowa to take their message directly to voters than Ron DeSantis.”

Whatever happens between Haley and DeSantis will surely be interesting and exciting to follow, but the truth of the matter is that Donald Trump is still the clear frontrunner in the polls at a staggering 59%.

Any candidate will be hard-pressed to challenge the former president for the GOP nomination.

Americans are hoping that the strongest candidate will be presented and that American will be returned to the great nation that it once was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.