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Joe Biden’s latest test results left leading Democrats terrified


It’s no secret that Biden’s campaign is dead on arrival. But now things are getting downright scary.

And Joe Biden’s latest test results left leading Democrats terrified.

A new National Public Affairs poll released this week shows that Donald Trump is tied with President Joe Biden in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania is a critical key swing state that Trump won in 2016 and Biden won in 2020.

The poll, conducted by Emerson College, shows that Trump and Biden are both at 45%, with 10% undecided.

This is a significant shift from a previous Emerson poll conducted in July, which found Biden leading Trump by 10 points.

This is a huge development for Republicans and a major blow to the left.

The results of the poll are sure to send a shockwave through the Democratic Party.

Not only is Pennsylvania a crucial state for Democrats to win in order to keep control of the presidency and the Senate, but the massive jump that Trump saw in the past months not only shows support for Trump rising, but it also shows that Biden is losing support.

The Democrats are clearly terrified of the prospect of a Trump-Biden rematch in Pennsylvania.

They know that they cannot afford to lose the state, and they are doing everything they can to gain more support and destroy their political rivals.

However, the results of the Emerson poll suggest that their efforts may be too little too late. Trump is a very popular figure in Pennsylvania, and he has a lot of momentum behind him.

If Trump can win in Pennsylvania, it may very well mean his win over the entire presidency in 2024.

Republicans know this, and they know that they will need to win the critical swing state if they hope to defeat Joe Biden.

The results of this poll are a clear indication that the American people are adamantly rejecting the Radical Left and their destructive policies.

The Democrats have spent the past two years trying to tear down our country, and the people are tired of it.

The Left is trying to destroy America by promoting socialism, open borders, and gun control. They want to weaken our military and make us more vulnerable to our enemies.

The 2024 election is a critical one for the future of our country.

If the Democrats win, they will continue to destroy America, and Americans deserve better.

It is time for the American people to step up and vote out the tyrants that have taken over our country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

AG Garland could go to jail after being caught in one terrible crime


Merrick Garland has been the iron fist of Biden’s political persecutions. Now his world is crashing down around him.

And now AG Garland could go to jail after being caught in one terrible crime.

In a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, AG Garland testified under oath that he didn’t know “whether there were any” informants for the government in the Jan. 6 crowd.

In a video shown, Garland as well as a number of other top officials repeatedly said that they “couldn’t comment on ongoing investigations.”

Rep. Massie showed the video to AG Garland and then questioned him again, to which Garland replied that he didn’t “know the answer to that question.”

When pressed further by Rep. Massie, Garland replied, “I don’t know the answer to either of those questions. If there were any, I don’t know how many, I don’t know whether there are any.”

Massie replied, “”I think you may have just perjured yourself, that you don’t know that there were any? You want to say that again?”

Garland then replied that he had “no personal knowledge of the matter.”

Massie told Garland that he had actually had “two years to find out” referencing the clip he showed Garland.

Pressing further, Massie lashed out, “Meanwhile, you’re sending grandmas to prison, you’re putting people away for 20 years for merely filming. Some people weren’t even there, yet you got the guy on video, he’s saying go into the Capitol, he’s directing people to the Capitol before the speech ends, he’s at the side of the first breech.”

He concluded by saying, “You’ve got all the goods on him, 10 videos, and it’s an indictment for a misdemeanor. The American public isn’t buying it.”

Massie is certainly right that these conflicting statement by AG Garland have certainly made the American public doubt the narrative even more than they already did.

The Radical Left continues to push its false narratives on the American people while lying in courts, committees, and on the news.

The left doesn’t even know their own story for Jan 6 except that they are using it to get as many political rivals thrown in jail as well as any voters who would oppose them.

Liberals continue to weaponize the justice system, but as much as they weaponize it, they apparently do not know how it works.

Because now under oath, AG Garland has made very conflicting statements that could prove critical in exposing the real TRUTH of the Jan 6 narrative.

While the left continues to expose themselves as liars and now perjurers, true Americans know the truth and will not relent until the left comes clean.

The American people deserve the truth from the lips of these lying officials themselves.

Americans deserve better than this current administration that will do anything to lock up political rivals and twist the truth to fit their agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we continue to bring you the TRUTH that the left won’t.

Joe Biden betrays major ally in stunning act he’ll live to regret


Joe Biden has made his fair share of idiotic mistakes. But this most recent one takes the cake.

Because Joe Biden betrays major ally in a stunning act he’ll live to regret.

Joe Biden was recently in NYC meeting with multiple world leaders to discuss matters of international importance and to hopefully get a handle on foreign affairs.

However, the entire time he was in NYC, he refused to meet with his staunch ally Eric Adams to discuss the emergency in the city.

Eric Adams has declared that the current immigration crisis will “destroy” the city, yet Joe Biden made a point of completely avoiding the mayor.

After this rude encounter, or rather the lack of one, Eric Adams may indeed no longer be a Biden supporter.

Before Biden’s arrival, Mayor Adams stated, President Biden’s coming to the city. I am hoping that he understands this beautiful city that’s the economic engine of the entire country is being saddled with $2 billion that we spent already, $5 billion we’re going to spend in this fiscal crisis, $12 billion in the next two budgetary cycles. New York doesn’t deserve this. The asylum-seekers don’t deserve this.”

Mayor Adams is far from being a Republican, in fact, he is as strong a liberal as any, however, even he understands the importance of the situation with the border.

Adams has declared that over 10,000 immigrants arrive in the city every single month and that the city is losing billions over Joe Biden’s open border policy.

Yet, Joe Biden keeps making it clear that sending hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign wars is more important than taking care of his own country.

Eric Adams is far from a Trump supporter, but his recent remarks have made it clear that Joe Biden’s support among even Democrats is failing.

As Joe Biden continues to destroy our country, more and more Americans are waking up to the hard truth that is controlling him to cripple America.

Officials across the aisle are demanding that Joe Biden declare a state of emergency over the crisis with the border.

However, in true Biden form, Joe Biden is not even addressing the issue or willing to listen to anyone talking about it.

Instead, as shown in NYC, he is completely avoiding the issue and leaving the country to crumble under the immense pressure of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Border crossings continue to rise, and immigrants continue to flood border cities and states, and the emergency is creeping into cities like NYC and Chicago too.

Even as more and more officials on the Radical Left are begging Biden to help with the crisis, the White House remains silent.

Many are completely losing hope of the problem ever being resolved under the current administration as even their own allies are asking for change.

Americans deserve far better than what the current administration is subjecting them to.

It is time for a new President and a new administration to take control.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates and developments on this news story.

George Soros reveals shocking plot to silence free speech


George Soros has always been involved in fishy business dealings. His desire to control the world has led to some interesting moves.

And George Soros reveals shocking plot to silence free speech.

The George Soros Foundation has bought 23 Maine newspapers in their latest attempt to control the narrative brought to the American people.

Many of the daily and weekly newspapers have been bought by the society in recent months.

In July, the foundation bought all five of the Masthead Maine’s daily newspapers including the Portland Press Herald and the Sun Journal.

In addition to these purchases, Soros also bought up 17 weekly newspapers.

The news breaks just shortly after Joe Biden, from the White House no less, demanded that news outlets and media companies investigate Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry.

The Radical Left claims that there is “no evidence” to open an inquiry into Joe Biden, and because they claim that, they are now trying to force the news outlets to cover it.

Maine is a critical state in many elections, and the next presidential election is beyond crucial if Democrats want to keep destroying the country.

So, instead of allowing Democracy to win, the left has decided to suppress the truth and turn news and media outlets into propaganda machines.

George Soros has been funding the Radical Left for decades, and his agenda lines up with those of the liberal agendas in America.

The left has been attempting to halt and silence their rivals for a long time now, but with this new move by George Soros, it will be all the easier.

Now that George Soros has bought so many of the news companies in Maine, the left can funnel whatever lies they want into the state.

The left will continue to lie to the American people and turn them and mold them however they want, and it will be even easier with the news companies bought out.

The left continues to suppress the truth and force their narrative onto the American people.

When will we hold them accountable for their lies and propaganda?

When will the American people wake up and understand that the Radical Left continues to attempt to control the hearts and minds of the American people.

Democracy is under attack, and unless something is done quickly, it will remain under attack and the American people will continue to be brainwashed.

The leftists’ agendas and policies are dangerous and harmful, and they all begin with controlling the narrative in the news.

Prudent Politics remains committed to bringing you the TRUTH no matter what the Left says.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you more news headlines.

Biden unveils shocking plan that leaves border states terrified


The state of the border is an abysmal failure, and the Biden administration is fully to blame. Many officials on both sides of the aisle are demanding a change from Biden.

But instead, his new plan has been discovered and it leaves border states terrified.

Biden is now planning to give ID cards to illegal immigrants attempting to enter the country before allowing them entry.

Typically, immigrants who enter the United States illegally would be deported as makes sense, however under Joe Biden, it doesn’t seem to matter if you attempt to enter legally or illegally.

Joe Biden’s administration has seemingly been allowing in any and all immigrants regardless of how they attempt to enter.

It also doesn’t seem to matter if these illegal aliens are violent criminals or not; Joe Biden is welcoming them all in anyway.

ICE claims that these ID cards are to help them keep track of the influx of immigrants and to “improve current, inconsistent paper forms that often degrade rapidly in real-world use.”

However, the president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE) had an excellent point when he said, “ICE is a federal law enforcement agency, not the DMV.”

He went on further to state that, “ICE should be arresting, detaining, and removing those who come here illegally, not doling out social services.”

Instead of forcing out illegal criminals, the current administration is providing them with a means to stay in the US illegally longer.

This is not a matter of hating immigrants; this is a clear-cut case of the US government encouraging illegal activity.

As the migrant encounters reach around nine thousand every single day, Joe Biden and his administration are doing nothing to stop or slow the flow of illegal immigrants.

Instead, they are making it easier for illegals to enter the country.

House oversight committee officials have said they fear this is “yet another Biden Administration move encouraging illegal immigration by rewarding illegal immigrants for breaking our laws.”

This also comes at a time where the number of violent crimes and even murders have been happening by illegal aliens.

Joe Biden has once again made it clear that he cares more about illegal foreign criminals than the lives of the American people.

Recently, border officials have been so overwhelmed by the number of migrants flooding the border that they have resorted to releasing them onto the streets of San Diego and Tucson.

Even as Biden allies cry out for help and beg the federal government to do something, Joe Biden is making it easier and easier for immigrants to cross illegally.

The problem is beyond serious, and many Democrats are asking Joe Biden to stop or at least slow the flow, yet he refuses to acknowledge them.

This problem is going to destroy our country unless our border is secured and secure quickly.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for other news stories and updates.

Republicans are furious after Democrats demolished this piece of American history


The Left doesn’t care about the principles America was founded on. In fact, they want to erase it from everyone’s memory.

And Republicans are furious after Democrats demolished this piece of American history.

The Radical Left has been pushing for “reparations” in recent years, but not many people know exactly what that means.

Even those on the left are generally opposed to these sorts of ideas, however, NYC has ignored all the warnings and unveiled their newest plan.

Members of the NYC city council have unveiled their new plan that involves removing monuments and statues of great American figures such as George Washington.

Even as the famous city is still struggling with an overwhelming migrant crisis, officials refuse to address issues of any real meaning or importance, and instead vow to remove statues.

The council wants to also launch an entire reparations task force to help with issues and policies related to their reparations.

In August of 2017, Donald Trump predicted this exact moment would happen.

He said, “Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson – who’s next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish!” and now that prediction has come true.

The committee is holding a hearing on whether or not to remove anything that “depict[s] a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity.”

The left is so obsessed with reparations, and removing historical figures that founded this country instead of fixing any real issues, that their city has fallen into despair.

Instead of addressing migrant problems, the homeless epidemic, issues of the economy, or anything at all that affects people, the city is going to remove statutes and monuments.

Also up on the council’s agenda is the reparations task force that will “consider the impact of slavery and past injustices for African Americans in New York City and reparations for such injustices.”

The Radical Left continues to push its liberal ideologies and agendas on unwilling citizens who just want to live their life.

The overwhelming majority of New Yorkers want to be able to afford to live and feed their family.

They aren’t worried about whether or not there is a statue of George Washington on a street corner somewhere.

Democrats keep refusing to address any issues and instead continue to let Americans suffer as they destroy the nation.

It is hard to not believe that Democrats just want to watch America be crippled and destroyed, and it seems they are doing everything in their power to make that happen.

It is time we hold our elected officials accountable and force them to make policies and laws that make American’s lives better…not worse.

America deserves far better than what the left has to offer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates and breaking news.

Kamala Harris makes a shocking claim that leaves Americans outraged


Kamala Harris has the lowest approval rating of any VP in US history. And she has a habit of saying the most ridiculous things.

But now she has taken it too far and made a shocking claim that has left Americans outraged.

Liberals have a habit of making everything an issue even when there isn’t an issue.

Like how every white person is racist, or every billionaire is a horrible person who hates poor people.

Well now, the Radical Left talking point has moved to climate change, and the claims are becoming more and more outrageous.

During a recent speaking engagement in Berks County, Pennsylvania, VP Harris claimed that young people didn’t want to have kids or buy houses due to climate change.

“…climate anxiety, which is fear of the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children, whether it makes sense for you to think about aspiring to buy a home because what will this climate be?”

I am not sure where Kamala Harris gets her news, but it must be on www.delusionalfakenews.com.

Young people, and old people for that matter, aren’t worrying about climate change when they want to buy a house…

Instead, they are worrying about the “3%” inflation that has caused prices everywhere to shoot up 50-100 percent while their wages remain the same.

People are worried about the economy and not climate change when it comes to having children or starting a family.

Climate change has absolutely nothing to do with anyone’s decision-making when they think about economic decisions.

This is Kamala Harris’s poor attempt at deflecting blame away from “Bidenmoics” However, the American people see right through her charade.

Many young Americans do desire to have children and to buy houses, yet they are just waiting for a competent president to take office and fix all of the mistakes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris created.

The left’s poor attempt to misdirect people’s attention away from their failures is not working even a little bit.

Americans know the truth and when it comes time to vote, the Radical Left will be shocked by the turnout against them.

Americans are sick of the lies of Sleepy Joe and his administration.

While climate change might be an important topic for some, it is not affecting people every single day like the state of the economy is.

The prices at the grocery store to feed oneself chicken and rice let alone a whole family, is outrageous.

The price of gas at the pump as people commute to work or drive to church or the grocery store is crippling Americans.

It is time for America to make their voice heard and bring the power back to the people.

It is time to vote out the entire administration and vote in politicians who will care for the needs of the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis terrifies Joe Biden with new video exposé


Ron DeSantis has been releasing videos as part of campaign efforts during the 2024 election race. Many times, the videos outline his plans for if he was to take the Oval Office.

And now Ron DeSantis has terrified Joe Biden with his new video exposé.

On Wednesday, Ron DeSantis released a new video outlining his energy plan and he shocked liberals with his claim that he would lower gas prices to $2.

In the video, he pledged to undo Joe Biden’s terrible policies and increase domestic fossil fuel production in order to help gas prices hit that $2 mark.

DeSantis also claims that he will make the United States “energy dominant” once again.

In the video, DeSantis says, “People are hurting,” and he added that the Biden administration’s policies “are driving your grocery bills to be more expensive, your gas going up.”

During Joe Biden’s campaign, he vowed to halt all new oil drilling on federal lands, and he has effectively destroyed oil production in America and forced the US to be fully reliant on foreign powers for oil production.

DeSantis however has said, “Let’s be energy dominant, and let’s get back to $2 a gallon gas. That’s what the American people need.”

And while DeSantis’s campaign promises might not come fully true, these are the sorts of promises Americans want to hear from a candidate for president.

Americans don’t want to hear how Biden will keep destroying the country, making us more reliant on foreign powers, or higher gas and energy prices.

Instead, we want to hear how someone can fix the horrendous mess Joe Biden has put us in.

How will we recover economically from this, and how will the American people afford to pay their bills and keep living their life?

Ron DeSantis has given Americans hope and has outlined a plan for how we can overcome Joe Biden’s destruction of America.

Under Joe Biden, gas prices at the pump were at an all-time highest national average of more than $5 a gallon.

People who want to fill up their car are paying $60-$70 and in many cases even more.

One of Joe Biden’s first move as President was to halt production of the Keystone pipeline and many of the issues we see today stem from that decision.

Joe Biden has effectively destroyed any hope Americans have for reasonable oil and gas prices.

But people like Ron DeSantis are giving Americans hope again.

It is time to vote out Sleepy Joe and vote in a president who will make America great as it once was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your political news and headlines.

Hunter Biden’s life is over after being smacked with these new criminal charges


The Biden family is running a million miles an hour to try and save face and help Hunter out of trouble. But it seems his legal worries are only just beginning.

And now Hunter Biden’s life is over after being smacked with these new criminal charges.

Special counsel David Weiss has charged Hunter Biden with three firearm offenses, but he says more might be to come.

Weiss did not charge Hunter with any tax or FARA violations, however, new reports show that Hunter “may soon” face charges in California with tax crimes.

The Washington Post reported that “Special counsel David Weiss may soon file a new indictment against Hunter Biden in another federal court – potentially in California – over alleged tax crimes that the agents say they found in reviewing his finances from 2014 to 2019.”

The gun charges are certainly not going to be the last of the legal troubles that Hunter Biden faces.

The corruption allegations are still making news all over the world as the news has broken that Hunter and his family accepted bribe money from foreign countries.

Not only did Hunter accept bribe money, but he also failed to pay taxes on the income he received from Bursima.

In August, Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, testified regarding how Hunter got his money and how he evaded taxes on the money he received.

Archer testified that money Hunter Received from Burisma was then sent to a Chinese investment fund and “loaned” to Hunter.

Funnily enough, Hunter’s lawyer owns a 10% stake in the very same Chinese-backed financial institution; and so does Devon Archer’s wife, Krista Archer.

According to a recent CNN survey, 61% of Americans believe Joe Biden was involved in his family’s business dealings and only 38% believe he was not involved.

The entire Biden family is surrounded with corruption and crime, and they are not fit to hold any political office or lead in any capacity at all.

The same Radical Leftists that are demanding Trump be locked behind bars are crying and screaming that the Republicans are weaponizing the justice system.

The extreme Democrats are forcing Americans to choose a side instead of just hoping that justice be brought to bear against criminals like Hunter Biden.

Many Americans were extremely disappointed when it seemed Hunter was only lightly charged, however, this recent news gives many hope that Hunter will be brought truly to justice.

The Biden family is a disgrace and the fact that Joe and Hunter are the current face of America is shameful and disappointing, to say the least.

Americans deserve better than criminals, and it is time to do something about it.

Just as the Radical Left is calling for Trump to be locked up, so do we call for justice to be brought to bear against the entire corrupt Biden family.

Hunter needs all of his crimes to be brought out to light for the whole public to see.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you updates on this breaking news.

Ted Cruz rips into Biden for shocking refusal that nearly cost a life


Joe Biden is a disgrace to this country. Normally his incompetencies aren’t life-threatening.

But now, Ted Cruz rips into Biden for his shocking refusal that nearly cost a life.

This past week, an armed assailant showed up to one of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign events, yet the Secret Service wasn’t there to protect RFK.

Now, Ted Cruz and other top political figures are slamming Joe Biden for not providing secret service protection to RFK.

Ted Cruz specifically says that Joe Biden refuses to do so because he knows that if he provided secret service protection, it would legitimize RFK as a rival for Joe Biden.

Cruz said that “This isn’t a Left or Right issue. The Biden administration should give Robert Kennedy Jr. a security detail, now. Given his tragic family history, both his father and uncle were horrifically assassinated, and this latest serious security incident, Biden shouldn’t mess around.”

However, the Radical Left with Joe Biden at the helm, is doing everything they can to discredit anyone who seeks to challenge Joe Biden for the nomination.

Even though the majority of Americans believe that Joe Biden is too old to run for President and VP Harris’s approval ratings are the lowest of any VP, the left is still forcing the issue.

They are not holding debates, they are not providing secret service for others seeking the nomination, and they are certainly not promoting an even playing field for Democracy to prevail.

The left has already decided that their incompetent puppet president will be the nominee.

RFK Jr. has already made it clear how he feels about the situation.

He has called the Democrat Party’s integrity into question and accused them of not having a level and fair playing field or allowing Democracy to win.

In a recent open letter to the DNC, RFK Jr. had this to say to his own party, “They have compromised the defining democratic principle of one person, one vote through repeated interference in the primary elections. They have hijacked the party machinery and, in recent years, directed the power of censorship onto their political opponents, raising political victory onto the altar in place of honest democracy.”

Kennedy Jr. also claimed the party was “casting out New Hampshire’s votes” and “limiting ballot access in Iowa.”

You know things are bad when candidates are turning against their own party and accusing “the party of the people” of being anti-democracy.

Ted Cruz was right when he said, “The reason I believe the Biden administration hasn’t granted [Secret Service protection] is because if they did, it legitimizes [RFK Jr.].”

The left cannot afford to legitimize any other candidate because the actual voters and the real people who run this country (We The People) are not falling for the Biden trap.

Voters are sick of Biden and will not vote for another 4 years of Joe Biden if there is a better candidate in their party.

So, the Democrats are left with the one choice: eliminate all other political rivals and continue to prop up their ailing President so they can feed him more lines and continue the destruction of our precious country.

Americans deserve far better than this, and it is long past time to vote in a pro-America and pro-the-people president who will lead Americans out of poverty and economic ruin and back into prosperity.

Joe Biden is a disgrace to all Americans and his time in the White House must come to an end.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and updates.

Hunter Biden is on the lam from this federal court case


Hunter Biden is a criminal and a con artist. But now it seems he is also a coward.

And Hunter Biden is on the lam from this federal court case.

Hunter Biden was recently indicted on federal gun charges; however, the man is obviously terrified of the consequences of his illegal actions.

His lawyers are reportedly battling federal prosecutors in an attempt to help Hunter avoid an in-person arraignment.

Hunter Biden is such a coward that he is trying to not even have to show up for his own arraignment… what kind of a ridiculous idea is that?

The US Magistrate Judge Christopher J. Burke demanded that Hunter’s lawyers explain why he is requesting not to appear in person, however, they have opposed the request.

Hunter Biden is facing upwards of 25 years in prison based off of the federal firearm charges announced last week.

Hunter is doing everything he can to avoid any sort of consequences and is even trying to deflect blame and attention away from himself.

His attorney filed a lawsuit on Monday claiming that IRS agents have “targeted and sought to embarrass” him.

The claim is absurd and is simply an attempt to deflect away from his current situation.

Two IRS whistleblowers testified earlier this year saying that they were faced with various obstructions and limitations when they were called to investigate Hunter.

The lawsuit from Hunter claims that even though the two are whistleblowers, this “cannot and does not shield them from their wrongful conduct.”

However, one of the IRS agents’ attorneys released a statement saying, “This suit against the IRS is just another frivolous smear by Biden family attorneys trying to turn people’s attention away from Hunter Biden’s own legal problems and intimidate any current and future whistleblower.”

Hunter Biden is desperately grasping for any hope at all to turn public attention away from himself, and he is trying to avoid appearing in person in court.

These are not the actions of someone who cares that they have done anything wrong; these are instead the actions of a criminal with no remorse who is trying desperately to save what is left of his public image.

Hunter Biden’s newest attempt at avoiding appearing in court is one that makes no sense, and even the judge is confused by it.

But because Hunter’s attorneys refuse to give a reason why, the matter remains a mystery on why Hunter is attempting to avoid showing up in court.

The actions of Hunter Biden are inexcusable, and he should be thankful that he is only being charged on federal gun-related charges instead of all of his and his father’s foreign corruption.

It is time for the Biden family to be held accountable, and there is no reason why Hunter Biden should not appear in person for his arraignment.

The American people deserve the truth, and they deserve to hear it directly from the criminal.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we cover this developing story.

Biden’s DOJ arrested this reporter for one ridiculous reason


The current administration has been way overstepping its power and weaponizing the DOJ. They’ve targeted political rivals, and now they’re going after the free press.

And now Biden’s DOJ arrested this reporter for one ridiculous reason.

An independent journalist has been charged for reporting on the events of January 6, 2021, and now a jury in DC has found him guilty.

The journalist, Stephen Horn, was found guilty of “entering or remaining in a restricted area, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol building.”

The entire case is an absolute sham, but that won’t stop the left from prosecuting and going after people whom they disagree with and locking up any rivals.

This guilty verdict comes just shortly after the White House told news and media outlets to investigate Republicans for the impeachment inquiry that they claim there is “no evidence” for.

The way Joe Biden, the White House, and the entire left have been censoring the media and forcing only reports on what they want is frankly quite frightening.

Stephen Horn said, “I told the same truth to the jury that I posted along with my video on January 7th: ‘I did not enter the capitol building as part of the protest or for cheap thrills, but to accurately document and record a significant event which was taking place.”

In the original post on January 7th, 2021, Stephen Horn also wrote that “the people inside the capitol were not, by and large, Antifa”, “this was not a peaceful protest,” and also mentioned that he was “surprised at the lack of property destruction.”

What do journalists have left if not any protection from this sort of absurd weaponization?

If they cannot expect to be protected under the Constitution, then what hope can they have?

The Radical Left is turning the news and media outlets into propaganda machines similar to those in communist countries.

They have no care for an individual’s rights and instead care solely about controlling the narrative and brainwashing the American people.

Political commentator Tim Pool posted to X, “Wow. A guy who made a documentary and was covering the J6 riot was sentenced as a rioter.”

If not for journalists like Stephen Horn, the American people would have no idea what was truly going on in America.

In a day of CNN and so many other Radical Left media outlets, the TRUTH is hard to come by.

And Joe Biden is trying to make it even harder to find.

Americans, journalists, and politicians alike should be pushing back fiercely against the weaponization of the justice system to suppress the true narrative.

Prudent Politics remains committed to bringing the TRUTH to the American people even in a time where the President is charging journalists.