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Trump’s shocking 2024 announcement sent the GOP in a total uproar


Former President Trump and establishment Republicans have always been at odds. But now he’s declaring a war.

And Trump’s shock 2024 announcement sent the GOP in a total uproar.

The 2024 election is a little over year away, and there are still many questions.

Will Joe Biden even run for office? Or will someone else in the Democrat Party take the helm as Biden ages?

As for the Republicans, Donald Trump is the leading candidate, but there are eight major candidates other than Trump vying for the position.

These eight are hashing it out on the debate stage, but Donald Trump has some news for all of them.

Former President Donald Trump will skip the second Republican presidential primary debate next week in favor of a rally with striking autoworkers and other skilled tradespeople.

According to a source familiar with Trump’s plans, the event, which will include a prime-time speech, will take place in Detroit on Sept. 27 — the same night his GOP rivals will gather in California at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum for the second primary debate.

The move indicates that Trump, who leads his closest GOP primary opponent by nearly 44 points, is already looking beyond the GOP primaries and focusing on defeating President Biden in 2024, in part by courting union members in one of the states he lost to the 80-year-old incumbent in 2020.

The rally next week will not be limited to autoworkers. According to the New York Times, the Trump team intends to fill the room with more than 500 tradespeople, including plumbers, pipefitters, and electricians.

Over the weekend, Trump slammed Biden, accusing him of not supporting the interests of American auto workers by promoting electric automobiles.

“The United Autoworkers are being sold down the ‘drain’ with this all Electric Car SCAM,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Sunday. “They’ll be made in China, under Crooked Joe’s CHINA FIRST POLICY.”


On Monday, the strike against Detroit’s Big Three automakers – Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis – reached its fourth day, with around 13,000 combined workers represented by the United Auto Workers union refusing to work at three factories unless improved salaries and benefits are granted.

The UAW union famously declined to endorse Biden in the spring, citing major worries about his administration’s preference for electric cars.

However, Fain has stated that a second Trump administration would be a “disaster.”

Biden has not set terms for a compromise – the UAW is asking a 40% salary hike and a 32-hour work week – but he has praised the strike and attacked automakers for “record profits” that he claims have not been “shared fairly” with workers.

Trump lost Michigan to Biden by fewer than 3 percentage points in 2020, after previously defeating Hillary Clinton by less than 1 percentage point in the Great Lake State.

The former president opted to give an interview with former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson on X – the social media site now known as Twitter – that aired at the same time as contenders took the stage at the first GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee last month, rather than attend the debate.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Former VP Mike Pence makes disturbing admission about Joe Biden


Biden has been up to his neck in scandal. But now it’s gotten even worse.

And now former VP Mike Pence has made an admission about Joe Biden.

During a recent interview on CNN, Mike Pence addressed the comments that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley made about China.

Governor Haley stated that she believed that China was an enemy of the US.

Pence responded strongly by saying, “China is the greatest economic and strategic threat facing the United States in the 21st century.”

It is a scary thought indeed, to think that China is America’s biggest threat.

It is especially concerning because of how Joe Biden has handled the relationship with China since he took office.

He has been making America increasingly more reliant on China, instead of separating ourselves from China.

Due to the closeness, now Americans are worried that if the US were to anger China, they could cripple our entire economy.

When Donald Trump was President, he made a number of policies that helped America become more centered on itself and less reliant on foreign countries like China.

However, Joe Biden immediately undid all of the hard work of Trump and has forced America to become more and more reliant on China.

Mike Pence used the opportunity to advocate for his presidency saying, “But if I’m president of the United States, we’re going to meet this moment with American strength.”

He went on further to say, “We’re going to limit China’s access to our economy until they straighten up and fly right and live by the rules of the road in international trade.”

While certainly that would be a significant step up from how Joe Biden is handling the entire situation, many Americans miss the confidence and surety of Donald Trump and his pro-America policies.

Not only is Joe Biden clearly not pro-America, but he in fact also seems to be exactly the opposite: anti-America.

Joe Biden and the radical left are trying their hardest to force America to be reliant on foreign powers, and they are trying to cripple our economy.

Both of which, unfortunately, they have done a remarkably good job so far.

The poor leadership and terrible management of our country under Joe Biden have gone on long enough.

Americans are sick of his terrible policies and his horrible handling of foreign affairs.

It is time for a strong leader to sit in the White House once again, and it is past time for America to be returned to the strong nation it once was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH.

White House accused of this stunning act of obstruction


It should not come as a surprise that the White House is doing something wrong. The current administration seems to be the most corrupt we’ve ever had.

And now the White House is accused of this stunning act of obstruction.

Speaker McCarthy has stated in a recent appearance that the White House has already “obstructed” by saying that there is “no evidence” for the inquiry.

The evidence for the inquiry is actually quite staggering, and it is certainly far more evidence than was ever presented against Donald Trump.

The claim from the White House that there is “no evidence” has led to the spread of disinformation and false reports, two things the White House claims to hate.

McCarthy’s response has been swift and absolute.

He will not take the left’s fake talking points seriously, like they want him too.

The talking points are myths and lies made up by the Radical Left in order to distract from the overwhelming evidence of corruption and bribery surrounding Joe Biden.

Even CNN has tried to lie to the public, yet McCarthy exposed them for the liars they are.

McCarthy states, “CNN went and tried to fact-check me trying to say there wasn’t and even in their own fact check said everything I said was true. Yes, there is an allegation of bribery. Yes, they’re saying that he went to meetings and money changed [hands]. Yes, there were shell companies.”

These outrageous claims that there is “no evidence” have come directly from the White House according to Speaker McCarthy.

“That talking point didn’t come from the campaign. It came from the taxpayer-paid White House counsel directly to media outlets,” stated McCarthy in a recent interview.

Just last week, the White House demanded that media outlets harass Republicans because the impeachment inquiry claims were based off of lies and had no evidence.

The White House commanded reporters and news outlets to “investigate” Republicans for their role in the impeachment inquiry that they claim is baseless.

However, their doing so constitutes obstruction of justice according to Speaker McCarthy.

McCarthy states, “I mean, right there is obstruction. Would you not question that? I would wonder is it not? It would be a question raised.”

The house has also uncovered irrefutable proof that Joe Biden lied to the public when he claimed he never spoke to his son regarding business dealings.

McCarthy also said that “…you have to realize that all the information that we know now we never would have known had Republicans not taken the majority.”

That is a scary realization… that if Republicans had not taken a majority, the Radical Left would have kept on covering up the truth and lying to the American people.

McCarthy is adamant that justice will be brought to Biden, but that the system will not be weaponized or used illegally like the Democrats use it.

“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we continue brining you the TRUTH that the Radical Left doesn’t want you to hear.

Incriminating report from Ukraine has Joe and Hunter shaking in their boots


The war in Ukraine has been all over the news for over a year now. But recently, the news has taken an unexpected twist.

And this incriminating report has Joe and Hunter shaking in their boots.

From Joe and Hunter to recent firings and arrests, Ukraine has been in the headlines for its massive corruption scandals.

Six Ukrainian deputy defense ministers were fired on Monday in the midst of a serious corruption scandal in Ukraine.

This is not the first time that Ukraine has fired or dismissed officials due to corruption.

Just last week, the COVID era Health Minister in Ukraine was ordered to be arrested by Ukraine’s anti-corruption court.

On top of that, two weeks ago the Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov was dismissed in regards to corruption scandal as well.

The Ukrainian government has been investigating corruption specifically related to the military in recent days.

The corruption claims stem from allegations of improper equipment purchases and the purchase of military equipment and improper pricing.

There has also been significant corruption in Ukraine involving the Biden family.

Hunter, Joe, and their whole family accepted millions from Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, and Joe used his power to fire a defense prosecutor investigating this matter.

Ukraine is trying its best to save face and deflect any sort of blame as it relies so heavily on support from the West.

However, new polls show that the vast majority of Ukrainians actually believe that President Zelensky is responsible for the corruption.

Recently, Ukraine launched a massive counterattack against Russia that is majorly struggling.

Zelensky is desperately attempting to save Ukraine’s public image as he knows that is the only thing helping fund the war against Ukraine.

However, amid mounting corruption scandals and failed counter-offensive maneuvers, Zelensky has his work cut out for him.

Just in the course of 24 hours, 6 civilians were killed and 16 injured because of the counterattack measures by Ukraine.

Ukrainians are hoping that the sacking of these defense ministers will allow for better leadership in the war.

The reshuffling of the defense ministry is one that many people see as a positive step to overcoming corruption.

However, the moves that Zelensky and Ukraine make over the next few weeks will show if in fact it was a good move designed to halt corruption or if it was merely a PR move.

Just last week, Ukraine had some chilling words for the public if they ever lost funding from the West.

Zelensky said that millions of “well-behaved” refugees in Europe may start acting “unpredictably” if Ukraine’s funding from the West is cut.

While many have tried to shrug this statement off, it seems like a thinly veiled threat from the President amidst numerous corruption allegations.

Hopefully, Ukraine can sort things out soon enough and handle this corruption.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all your news updates.

Congressional Democrat brutally attacked at press conference


Democrats are used to sending their violent mobs after others. Rarely does it ever come back to bite them.

But now this Congressional Democrat was brutally attacked at a press conference.

The Left has always used protesters and rioters to its advantage.

Just take a look at Black Lives Matter burning down major US cities for months on end.

Well, they sing a different tune when it’s their own events and people becoming the targets.

During a news conference on Friday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other New York Democrats were yelled down while addressing to constituents about the flow of illegal immigrants that has flooded the streets of New York City.

“Close the border!” protesters shouted at the officials. “Close the border! Close the border!”

Other protestors grew so hostile in their confrontation with MPs that security had to evict them.


“Ultimately, I think there are three points of consensus here that are very important in getting a solution to this issue,” AOC said.

“The first is that there is consensus here across geography and states on increasing federal resources to cities and municipalities dealing with this issue. The second is to allow for work authorizations so that the folks in here can get to work and start supporting themselves as soon as possible.”

“They’re prevented from getting jobs, they’re prevented from employment, and that is part of the strain on our public systems,” she added. “The faster that folks can access the work that they’re asking for, legally, the better we can solve.”

After the event, the New York Post spoke with some of the demonstrators, including 59-year-old David Rem, who lambasted the illegal aliens for cutting in line.

“My wife’s children, Diego and Lina, have been waiting seven long years in Medellin, Colombia, to come to this country legally,” he said.

“They have paid all the immigration fees and have been fingerprinted by the FBI. They have done everything right — they have been waiting and they haven’t broken federal law by crossing the border illegally, so why not them.”

“You know what’s going to happen, they’re going to say to my kids in a year from now ‘Diego and Lina, sorry but there’s no room for you, the country’s full’,” he continued.

“It’s a slap in the face to legal migration.”

He stated that “99% of these illegal aliens asylum petitions are not true asylum petitions” and encouraged President Joe Biden to close the border.

“It’s two years overdue,” he said.

“If you keep rewarding people for breaking federal law by crossing the border and coming to New York illegally, it’s never going to stop.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s brain broke on camera and Democrats are panicking


Biden is known for making some outrageous and concerning gaffes. The Left typically tries to cover for him, but they can’t anymore.

Now Biden’s brain broke on camera and Democrats are panicking.

President Joe Biden recently claimed that he taught “political theory” at the University of Pennsylvania.

However, people were quick to see through the lie and many took to social media to call the president out on this.

Multiple fact checks prove that Biden never taught at the school and only served as an “honorary professor” at the school for two years.

Social media users have ripped into the President for these new details about his “pretend life.”

Our president is so incompetent that he makes up stories of a fantasy life that has never existed, just so he can feel good about himself.

Joe Biden said, “Democracy is at stake… I taught at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. And I used to teach political theory…”

What world is Joe Biden living in where he just makes up totally random and completely false stories to tell people?

What does this accomplish? What does lying to the American people during almost every single speech accomplish?

The Democrats need to admit one of two things: Joe Biden is too old and incompetent and mentally unfit to serve, or he lies to the American people on purpose and is trying to lead us astray.

There really is no other option, but the Radical Left refuses to admit or even acknowledge Biden’s incompetencies.

One X (formerly twitter) user stated that “Biden’s pretend life sounds very fun and interesting.”

Another user exposed the left for their extreme hypocrisy saying, “Everyone screamed about George Santos, but when Biden does it, it’s apparently fine.”

Joe Biden never taught a single class at UPenn, and the left refuses to fact-check him on the topic, instead letting him continue lying to the American people.

The leader of America is a bumbling, lying, fool who has to make up a fantasy world in order for his brain to even work at 5% capacity.

Unfortunately, the Radical Left is taking over America and doing everything they can to keep Biden in power.

Biden has record-low approval ratings, and his VP is the worst in American history… possibly even world history.

The left has propped up a brain-dead dummy who they can feed lines to while they sit back and watch America be destroyed.

Americans deserve a leader who will make America great as it once was, not one who will burn the country to the ground while lying to its citizens.

It is time for Joe Biden to be removed from office, and for a leader who will undo all of his terrible policies be put into place.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

RFK Jr. hurls appalling accusation at the Democrat Party


The DNC is most certainly corrupt, and many officials have been saying that for years. Yet now their own members are turning against them.

And RFK Jr. hurled this appalling accusation at the Democrat Party.

Democratic candidate for President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has written an open letter in which he has accused the DNC of going “off track.”

Kennedy has accused the party of breaking rules by working closely with Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

The Democratic candidate has asked the Chairman and committee members to “lead by example” and to hold a fair and “accessible” primary.

Kennedy wrote that, “in recent years our party leaders have succumbed to the siren of control.”

He wrote also that “They have hijacked the party machinery and, in recent years, directed the power of censorship onto their political opponents, raising political victory onto the altar in place of honest Democracy.”

These accusations are strong, and they come from within their own party lines… surely the DNC will have to think about these strong words, right?

However, the Democratic party is altogether vehemently opposed to any sort of real democracy going on.

They remain steadfast that they must just fully remove any and all political rivals and force their puppet into the White House.

The DNC has gone against tradition and set up a primary schedule that favors Joe Biden and does not present a fair playing field for any other candidates or challengers.

The convention is having the first primary vote in South Carolina, where Joe Biden did well, instead of in New Hampshire where it traditionally is held; notably, Joe Biden finished fifth in New Hampshire in the 2020 primary.

Kennedy also accused the Democrat party of “limiting ballot access in Iowa” and stripping the power from the people.

Another former Democratic representative claims that “This puts the DNC, once again, in the position of overturning the will of voters across the United States.”

It is concerning that not only do Republicans see all of the glaring issues with the DNC, but now its own members are worried about the party.

The supposed “party of the people” is overstepping its power to thwart the people and place their people in control.

Another concern that Kennedy expressed was the unwillingness of the DNC to hold any debates.

They seem to have already picked their candidate and any primary vote will but just a sham for show.

These concerns have many people losing trust in the Democrat party, and voices are joining together in calls for change.

Let’s hope that change comes soon, and that America will finally have a leader who cares about the US.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Foreign government’s plans to attack America discovered in alarming report


America is known as the greatest country in the world. Yet, under current leadership, its weaknesses are fully exposed.

And a foreign government’s plans to attack America were just discovered in one alarming report.

America has been reliant on Saudi Arabia for decades now, specifically when it comes to oil.

Because of the close relationship between the two countries, almost all oil trade in the world is done in US dollars.

Due to the help from Saudi Arabia, the US dollar has remained strong for almost 50 years and has cemented America as the country with the greatest economy and military in the world.

Now, however, evidence shows that Saudi Arabia is preparing to unleash a “weapon of mass destruction” on the US.

Trump’s Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the US Treasury said, “It would be a complete implosion of the American economic system.”

Saudi Arabia is planning the economic destruction of the United States.

This new kind of warfare would be devastating to America, especially in the state it is in right now.

Joe Biden has left our economy in shambles, and his handling of foreign affairs leaves the US wide open to an attack.

Former advisor to the CIA, Department of Defense, and the Pentagon, Jim Richards, made a video sharing with Americans about this deadly attack.

He claims that Biden’s poor leadership has broken an agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US and has already created “massive global fallout.”

He also claims that Saudi Arabia will be taking advantage of the broken agreement to unleash devastating economic consequences on the US.

If you think inflation is bad now, Richards claims that it will reach unreal levels in just a short amount of time.

This attack on the US is just one of countless examples of Joe Bidens horrific leadership and governing.

The current administration seems to be welcoming outside attacks from foreign countries as if they want to see America reduced to ashes.

The author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad has warned that the dollar “will die” as the situation keeps playing out.

The current leadership in America is an absolute disgrace, and one that will not stop until they see America destroyed.

Joe Biden has already proven on countless occasions to be an incompetent president, and this most recent incident has proven his handling of the economy and foreign affairs are worse than terrible.

Hopefully, America will get a new President who cares about America sooner rather than later, and hopefully they will be able to fix the crisis Joe Biden has put us in.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Steve Scalise shares sobering cancer update


House Republican Majority Leader Scalise shocked the country with his sudden diagnosis. Now he’s baring all.

And Steve Scalise shared this sobering cancer update.

House Republican Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., returned to the Capitol for the first time since being diagnosed with cancer on Thursday, saying his treatments are “going well.”

Scalise, who was diagnosed with blood cancer three weeks ago, told reporters that he has started chemotherapy and that his doctor is “encouraged” by his progress and has allowed him to return to work.

“Obviously a few weeks ago I got diagnosed with cancer. As you can see, my protocols are going to be a little different for the next few months because cancer, one of the many things that does is it attacks your immune system,” Scalise said as he explained why he was wearing a face mask and had asked reporters to interview him from a distance.

“I am probably about three weeks into a treatment on chemotherapy. So we’re making sure that I’m working with my doctors, my doctor Shirley signed off and be coming back today,” he added.

Scalise said he spoke with all of the House Republican committee chairs on Wednesday and was keeping up with House activity while focusing on his health.

“It’s going well, we have a great team. We’re focused on the treatments, they’re going to continue to evaluate me,” Scalise said.

“It’s kind of a few months process. They don’t yet know how long it’s going to be, four months, six months, but they want to continue to evaluate.”

“I thank everybody for the prayers because the prayers are giving me strength. And my colleagues even give me incredible strength and every step of the way,” he said.

Scalise was hospitalized in June 2017 when a gunman opened fire on Republicans as they practiced for the congressional baseball game that year.

He was one of five people that were shot. Scalise was critically injured and did not return to the House floor until September of that year.

Scalise disclosed last month that he had been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a curable blood cancer.

His situation elicited a flood of well-wishes from his colleagues and supporters, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who referred to him as a “faith-filled fighter” and wished him a rapid recovery.

Scalise said Thursday that breakthroughs in medicine will allow him to receive chemotherapy as an outpatient, even from his Capitol office. He also revealed that when he became ill in August, his wife was the first to recognize something was wrong.

“I was on the road during August recess, you’re on the road a lot. And it was really my wife who noticed I was – my appetite was dropping. I was doing a bunch of political events. And you know, I need a lunch and wasn’t even hungry for dinner. It was just kind of that feeling myself. And she’s on the phone with me, and she’s saying, Steve, this doesn’t sound right. When you come home, we’re getting some, we’re getting some tests run,” he recounted.

Doctors confirmed Scalise’s wife’s diagnosis of Myeloma after a hospital visit and some testing.

“She was very stern, and she knew she could tell me better than me and, you know, sometimes you don’t listen to your body,” he shared in good humor.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis campaign makes an earth-shattering announcement


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a busy man. Many are wondering how long he can keep his campaign going.

But now the Ron DeSantis campaign has made an earth-shattering announcement.

There’s no doubt that before Donald Trump announced that he would be running for President again in 2024, Ron DeSantis was the presumed guy to turn to for the Republicans to win back the White House.

But since then, Ron DeSantis has become the clear number 2 pick as poll after poll demonstrates that while many Republican and conservative voters like Ron DeSantis, he is more often their second pick to Donald Trump’s first.

But he’s not giving up. In fact, he’s doubling down on his campaign with a new ad blitz to win over some Trump voters.

The Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has vowed again to stop fentanyl smugglers from Mexico “stone-cold dead at the border.”

“I am going to treat the Mexican cartels as the foreign terrorist groups that they are,” DeSantis stated Thursday night. “They’re k*lling tens of thousands of our fellow citizens by bringing fentanyl into this country.”

The Republican presidential candidate’s super PAC, Never Back Down, released an ad last week in Iowa and New Hampshire called “Stone Cold Dead,” which promised to authorize the federal government to meet cartels with violence at the border.

“The cartels are k*lling tens of thousands of our fellow citizens,” the advertisement claimed. “We have to defend our people. We’re going to use force, and we’re going to leave them stone-cold dead, no excuses. We will get the job done.”

The Florida governor has promised to make the influx of migrants across the southern border a national emergency on day one of his potential presidency.

When asked who was to blame for the cartels’ ability to smuggle painkillers into the nation, DeSantis pointed the finger onto the Biden administration. It has been reported that in 2022, federal drug agents confiscated enough fentanyl be fatal for every American in the nation.

DeSantis and his wife attended the 9/11 memorial service in New York City, and the presidential candidate made a remark about Vice President Joe Biden not attending. After spending the weekend in Hanoi, Vietnam, Vice President Biden jetted off to Anchorage, Alaska, to preside over a memorial service at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

On the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, DeSantis made the connection between illegal immigration and the atrocities.

DeSantis shared with the media on Monday that “9/11 was in part an immigration issue.” “A lot of these guys should not have been in the country — had overstayed visas and whatnot.”

The DeSantis campaign’s move to double down on the “tough on illegal immigration” approach may end up being a smart one for the Presidential hopeful.

Ron DeSantis was the only candidate on the debate stage that was willing to say that he would use all the resources available to him as the President of the United States to k*ll the cartels even in Mexico.

He was met with roarous cheers when he made that declaration, and polls since the debate have shown that DeSantis fares well on the issue of immigration and crime at the southern border.

The immigration issue is a major reason why Donald Trump was able to beat the Presidential favorite Hillary Clinton in 2016. Whether it’s enough for Ron DeSantis to beat the Republican favorite in Trump is another issue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates about the 2024 Republican primary race.

Major Democrat backstabs Biden with stunning resignation demand


Joe Biden is the most incompetent and useless president in American history. And Kamala Harris is even worse as a VP.

Now a major Democrat backstabs Biden with stunning resignation demand.

New polls are showing that most people think Joe Biden is too old to serve another term as President.

To many, that fact seems obvious; if re-elected, Joe Biden would be 82 and 86 when his term was complete.

Even, now, at 80 years old, many think he is too old to be their President.

However, it is not just the age that makes people want Biden and Harris to quit.

They have both proven their incompetence and inability to lead anything much less the greatest country in the world.

Now even Democrats are calling for Biden and Harris to quit yet refuses to acknowledge why.

A Washington Post reporter has stated that “President Biden should not run again in 2024,” and further went on to say “I don’t think Biden and Vice President Harris should run for reelection.”

However, the same reporter stated that Biden has a “remarkable string of wins” and “with an unexpectedly steady hand, he passed some of the most important domestic legislation in recent decades.”

I am not sure who in the world this reporter might be thinking of, but it surely cannot be Biden.

And yet, a major question arises from this reporter’s statement: if Joe Biden is so amazing, why are you calling for him to not run again?

A number of Democrats recently have been saying very similar things where they call for Biden and Harris to not run again while praising them at the same time.

They refuse to acknowledge his age being a problem or his incompetency.

Joe Biden cannot even describe America in one word, and his speeches are getting harder to understand every day.

In the previous reporter’s article, he cited a report that shows over 77% of the public thinks Biden is “too old to be effective for four more years.”

Yet, the reporter himself refused to state he believed Biden would be too old, instead saying the public thinks that Biden is too old.

Another major liability for Democrats is Kamala Harris.

Many Democrat leaders regret the decision to have Kamala Harris as the Vice President in the 2020 election and view her now as a major liability.

She is far less popular than Biden even, and she is a main reason why Biden’s poll numbers are plunging.

With a 39.5% approval rating, Harris is taking away potential votes from Joe Biden in Democrat’s eyes.

Many on the left think if Biden could find a stronger running mate, then he would have stronger chances, but they also hesitate to publicly endorse Biden and also hesitate to publicly mention his age.

The left cannot make up their mind publicly, but their actions seem to be clear: they do not want Joe Biden, and he is too weak to lead.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Fani Willis’s history of abuse surfaces for all to see


Ever since Trump’s indictment, Fulton County DA Fani Willis’s actions have come under question. And a number of things are downright despicable.

And Fani Willis’s history of abuse surfaces for all to see.

A former Trump attorney, Sidney Powell, who stands trial for conspiring to commit election fraud alongside of Trump, has bashed Fani Willis recently and noted a number of “troubling practices.”

On Wednesday, Powell filed for her Georgia racketeering case to be dismissed citing these “troubling practices” as reasons why.

Powell was accused of “conspiring to commit election fraud” in Coffee County yet has shown sufficient proof that neither she nor any on the Trump team have committed any fraud.

She is specifically accused of “plotting to breach” a voting machine, yet Powell claims that the “breach” was authorized by local authorities.

In the filing, Powell wrote, “As the state well knows, Coffee County officials authorized SullivanStricklerLLC to image the voting systems on January 7, 2021.”

She further goes on to write that “Counsel is aware of the troubling practice of the District Attorney’s office not to file written responses.”

Powell is referring to the bad habit that DA Fani Willis has of not filing written responses, and she has asked the court to compel her to do so.

“Given the importance and seriousness of the issues raised here, Ms. Powell requests that the Court order the State to file a written response.”

Not filing written responses is not the only troubling practice surrounding Fani Willis.

Since even before the indictment was announced, there have been a large number of troubling issues surrounding the Fulton County DA.

Before the grand jury had even finished deliberating in the case, the DA’s office published a post that laid out the exact decision the grand jury would eventually come to.

It seems extremely fishy and almost like a setup.

It paints the Judicial branch as corrupt and phony, and it concerns many people that the DA office “knew” what the decision was before the grand jury had even finished deliberating.

The entire situation has been a hoax, and it merely the left’s attempt at stopping Trump from returning to office.

They know that Trump has the approval and vote of the people, yet the “party of the people” is so anti-American and anti-democratic that they are doing everything they can to thwart Trump.

The left does not care how illegal or corrupt their moves are, only that they destroy America.

America deserves better than this.

America deserves a party in charge that will act justly and rightly and not one that seeks to imprison its political opponents.

Stay tuned to Prudent politics as we bring you the TRUTH the left will not.