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General Milley just turned Trump’s trial upside down with one sentence


The left has been trying to tear Trump down for years. They are using other key figures’ lies to discredit him.

And now General Milley just turned Trump’s trial upside down with one sentence.

General Mark Milley is retiring in two weeks, and because of that has been doing a number of interviews with major outlets to spread more lies and accusations.

One major statement he made in an interview with CNN, was that he never pushed Donald Trump to attack Iran.

He claimed that “It didn’t happen,” and completely denied any attempt at framing him in that way.

The accusation was first brought up in regard to the Mar-a-Lago indictment where Trump claimed a certain senior military leader (who was later identified as Milley) pushed him to attack “Country A” (later identified as Iran).

Gen. Milley said, “I don’t know the document they’re talking about” in response to the allegations.

However, Mark Meadows’s new book claims quite the opposite.

“The president recalls a four-page report typed up by Mark Milley himself. It contained the general’s own plan to attack Iran.”

Milley claimed that “That part of it didn’t happen… I can assure you I know what I’ve done, and it’s not to recommend an attack on Iran.”

Others have come to Gen. Milley’s aid saying that they believe his account of the story.

Rep. Mike Turner said “Well, of course I believe him. I mean, the has great credibility, and I’ve been with him in meetings concerning Iran.”

Whether or not Milley is telling the truth, it is certainly interesting that he waited so long to come forth with his side of the story.

Trump’s claims are from months ago, yet Milley has waited until right before his retirement to speak out at all against the accusation.

The left is using any and every means they are able to discredit and attack Donald Trump.

They cannot seem to believe anything he says, and are using allies, rivals, reporters, etc. just to discredit and accuse him.

Since weaponizing the Judicial system, the left has shown that there is nothing they aren’t willing to do and that there is no “taking it too far” in their eyes.

The Radical Left will stop at nothing to stop Donald Trump from ever seeing the White House ever again.

They have made it clear that they do not care about democracy or what the people vote for/want; they are doing everything they can to lock Trump up.

Americans are sick of the weaponization that the left has been doing in recent years, and instead want a leader and an administration who cares about them.

Whether or not you believe General Milley, his timing is certainly questionable as he waited so long until it would directly contradict Trump’s indictment account.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Karine Jean-Pierre is in hot water again after being hit with one simple question


The White House press secretary has been lying to the American people ever since she took the job. Many people hoped something would change.

But Karine Jean-Pierre is in hot water again after being hit with one simple question.

Since Hunter Biden investigations have started, Karine Jean-Pierre has been attempting to cover for Joe Biden and lying to the American people in the process.

Since the beginning, KJP’s story has changed multiple times in attempts to keep up with Joe Biden’s incompetencies and lies.

At first, KJP insisted that Biden didn’t even know about his son’s business dealings, but once evidence came out proving otherwise, she changed her story to say that he wasn’t involved with his son’s dealings.

Now, after an impeachment inquiry has been opened regarding Joe Biden, KJP is scrambling to once again chance her narrative to fit Joe Biden’s story.

Now her competency and honesty has come into question again as she has refused to answer reporters questions.

A reporter asked a question regarding Joe Biden’s potential business dealings and involvement with Hunter and his foreign business deals.

Instead of even answering or trying to argue back, the White House press secretary just walked away and left the podium.

The White House press secretary’s job is to keep the public informed regarding the dealings of the White House, yet KJP chose instead to ignore a question and leave without answering anything else.

The question was, “Can you explain why the president interacted with so many of his son’s foreign associates? More than half of voters told CNN they believe the President was involved and lied! You can’t have a response to that Karine?”

This is an extremely important question that countless American’s want to know the answer to.

We also want to know, was Joe Biden just flat out lying or is his brain so messed up that he truly didn’t remember? At this point in time, it is extremely hard to tell.

A New York Post journalist took to twitter to express her frustration saying, “Never an answer.”

More and more people are becoming increasingly more frustrated with the White House press secretary as she refuses to answer more and more legitimate and important questions.

Once comedian commented on the issues saying, “KJP runs away from questions about Biden working with Hunter’s business associates… And the fact that Americans believe Joe to be a complete liar.”

Many people feel the same way. What point is a press secretary if they refuse to answer questions that are important that the public demands an answer to?

This is not the first time that KJP has refused to answer basic questions from reporters.

She has increasingly stopped answering any questions of value and more often than not points reporters to another person.

The incompetence in every office in the White House is becoming increasingly more frustrating and Americans are demanding answers.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH.

The White House is in complete chaos after being hit with a devastating new report


Joe Biden and his staff are barely able to keep up with their scandals. Now another one has been added to the list.

And the White House is in complete chaos after being hit with a devastating new report.

Joe Biden has been trying to convince Americans that his handling of the economy has been nothing but stellar since he took office.

However, anyone with half of a brain or eyes can see that is just completely untrue.

Joe Biden keeps touting his “Bidenomics” and claiming that the White House is handling inflation and fixing the economy.

However, inflation has jumped in August and gas prices have skyrocketed.

The consumer price index rose by 0.6 compared with the previous month and three times the monthly rate in July.

Compared with just a year ago, the consumer index is up 3.7%.

The sharp rise in inflation concerns many Americans regarding the Federal Reserve’s handling of the matter.

Many are also worried that this recent report will lead to yet another hike in Federal Interest rates.

Regardless of one’s political affiliations, it is hard to live right now.

Prices of everything only continue to rise, and we have a president who refuses to admit anything is wrong and continues to give hundreds of billions of dollars away to foreign countries while completely neglecting the needs of Americans.

The rising cost in energy prices as Biden tries to shove green energy down everyone’s throat has affected the everyday lives of Americans.

The sharp increase in gas prices has in turn caused the worst monthly inflation increase since June of 2022.

So far, the Biden administration has done absolutely nothing to help Americans, and it is clear that the current administration is the most anti-American administration we have seen maybe ever.

Joe Biden has continuously lied to the American people that he is handling the inflation and the economy.

He has flaunted his success in the face of Americans losing wealth and struggling to pay simple bills.

While Joe Biden and his administration are enjoying an easy life, the average American is struggling to put gas in their car or food on their table.

Joe Biden needs to go. It is far past time America had a president who cared about them.

Instead, we have a president that continues to open the border to illegals and criminals and is annihilating the economy.

Even thought the left wants to claim that Trump is a terrible person, at least Americans could live a normal life under him.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we continue to bring you the TRUTH the left won’t.

The White House sent a chilling order attacking the First Amendment


The White House is constantly peddling lies. It’s almost like they can’t help themselves.

And now the White House sent a chilling order attacking the First Amendment.

The White House is sending a letter to a number of major news organizations encouraging them to “ramp up their scrutiny” of key House Republicans.

They claim that the recent impeachment inquiry is absurd and “has no supporting evidence” which should “set off alarm bells for news organizations.”

The left has been weaponizing the media for decades, but this has taken it a step too far.

Speaker McCarthy said in inquiry that, “Through our investigations, we have found that President Biden did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings.”

The proof and “supporting evidence” are right there for all to see.

Unlike the Radical Left, the Republicans are not hiding the evidence and are happy to show America just how corrupt Joe Biden and his family really are.

Many are extremely concerned over the White House dictating what and how the news outlets should proceed and report upon.

One journalist tweeted, “This is not ok. The White House should not be encouraging, influencing, or interfering in the editorial strategies of America’s newsrooms including CNN and the New York Times.”

He further states that “this demonstrates…that the Biden administration has lost confidence in the news media.”

The left has rallied together in attacking Republicans for their impeachment inquiry, and one representative claimed that the investigation was “a complete and total bust.”

However, it is strange that the evidence is clear and obvious for all of America to see, yet the left keeps trying to cover up the truth.

And now they are weaponizing the media to push the narrative that they want the public to think.

This is absurd and frankly borderline illegal. The White House does not get to tell the media what to report on and how to do it.

Imagine the outrage if Donald Trump had done the same thing when he was impeached.

The point of the media is to provide unbiased news for the American people so that we can understand what is going on and how it affects us.

The current administration is corrupt and evil, and they need to be held accountable.

The American people have had enough of the incompetencies, lies, and corruption of Joe Biden and his administration.

It is past time for a change.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news as we continue to bring you the TRUTH… not just what the White House wants you to hear.

Biden campaign completely derails in this critical state


Joe Biden knows that he must win every swing state in order to have a chance in 2024. It’s not looking good after what just happened.

And the Biden campaign completely derailed in this critical state.

It is no secret that the 2024 presidential election race is going to be a hard one for Joe Biden.

Donald Trump is gaining more and more support across the nation as more Americans are realizing that Joe Biden is a disgraceful and incompetent president.

Joe Biden needs to win every single swing state if he wants to beat Donald Trump, however, that is not looking like it will happen.

Recent polling in Iowa shows that Joe Biden is losing major support in the state from critical groups.

The current president has lost 19 points as women and younger voters have “abandoned” him.

Though Joe Biden still has a significant lead over other Democratic challengers, the left is worried about any other options taking votes away from Biden, which is shown here in Iowa.

According to new polls, “only 38% of Democratic voters under 30 support Biden in a caucus.”

In May, Biden had 69% of the votes in Iowa, but now that support has dropped to 50%, with many voters changing to “someone else/undecided.”

In head-to-head polls, Donald Trump still has a commanding lead over Biden with 50%-39% respectively.

Many Democrat voters are looking for other options as Joe Biden proves time and time again how unreliable and incompetent he is.

The average American can feel the affects of “Bidenomics” and they do not like it.

Most Americans are struggling way more now than they were under Trump.

Many voters would rather put up with a “mean” president like Trump when the economy and overall life is better.

Joe Biden promises nothing but the downfall and destruction of America, and the incompetence that he has proven is terrifying to most.

Instead of helping America, our current president has given billions to foreign countries, allowed the border to completely fall apart, and has sent Americans into debt over simple things like gas and groceries.

America deserves better, and it is time for the people to do something about it.

We need to vote out the monsters that are destroying our nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

These uncovered emails made Joe Biden go pale as a ghost


Biden is a known liar who has been caught in many schemes. Now the evidence is in.

And these uncovered emails made Joe Biden go pale as a ghost.

The Biden family has recently come under a lot of scrutiny for their email usage, and it seems that they would have learned a lesson.

However, emails from the Biden administration have uncovered their secret plan to deal with the border.

It is no secret that the U.S. border is in a state of crisis right now.

However, Joe Biden has done nothing about the problem, even when his own allies beg him for help and support.

And in new emails to the Border Patrol from the Biden administration, Joe Biden wants to keep making things worse.

The email outlines a plan to keep immigrants held in custody at a “manageable” level, and they are going to do that by releasing even more criminals and illegals into the United States.

The administration suggested using “daily bookout targets” for each area so that they could “bring in-custody numbers to manageable levels.”

If limits are reached, Border Patrol is directed to release individuals with Notices to Appear or future court dates used.

However, the number of criminals and illegals released into the U.S. with NTAs (Notice to Appear) that have gone on to commit heinous crimes is shocking.

The Biden administration knows this, but once again is proving that they care more about foreign criminals than about their own citizens.

Many states are pushing back against the administration’s forced release of immigrants into their states, and Florid is suing the administration for that very reason.

Florid Attorney General Ashley Moody said that “this latest email is further proof of the disastrous cycle created by Biden’s intentional destruction of our border with Mexico.”

The border crisis has been going on long enough and has affected countless states, cities, and lives.

The release of any and everyone who asks into the United States is absurd and harmful to its citizens.

When even the Democrats are begging Biden to get the border crisis under control, one would think that would be a top priority.

However, instead, the current administration keeps making the problem even worse as these new emails have outlined.

America needs stronger security, and we deserve an administration that is pro-America, not one who orders the release of illegals and criminals into society.

It is time for the American people to push back against this tyranny.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates to this developing story.

Police ordered to ignore the Constitution by this deranged Democrat


The founding principles and laws of this country are nothing to the Left. If they can, they’ll throw it all away.

And police were ordered to ignore the Constitution by this deranged Democrat.

Recently, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a statewide ban on the open and concealed carry of firearms.

This recent ban was the Governor’s attempt at trying to combat gun violence in the state, however, it directly goes against America’s identity and its base in the Constitution.

On Friday, a New Mexico sheriff of Bernalillo County informed the public that he had “reservations” regarding the order.

He acknowledged that it “challenges the foundation of our constitution.”

In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), Sheriff Allen said “Every lost life is a tragedy, and the well-being of our community is of paramount concern to the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office. However, as the elected Sheriff, I have reservations regarding this order.”

He continues that “while I understand and appreciate the urgency, the temporary ban challenges the foundation of our constitution, which I swore an oath to uphold and defend.”

This is good news and a step in the right direction to upholding the Constitution.

Our elected officials need to understand the documents that built this nation, and they cannot infringe on the people’s rights.

America needs more people like Sheriff Allen who actually uphold the Constitution instead of trying to destroy it like the Radical Left.

Allen understands the laws that built this country, and he understands the rights that people have.

Governor Grisham, however, clearly does not.

She cares more about taking the rights away from law-abiding citizens, that addressing any real issues that matter.

The ban comes shortly after an 11-year-old boy was killed on his way home from a baseball game on last Wednesday.

No one denies that the violent murder of innocents is terrible, however, the solution is not taking away people’s rights.

Even though the line was already crossed, Governor Grisham took it even further by claiming that she thought, “no constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute.”

If a Governor of a state does not believe our constitutional rights are absolute, what does that mean for the future? If our rights outlined in the Constitution are not real rights, then what can we expect from the Radical Left?

This is a clear case of power-hungry politicians overstepping their role and making illegal and unconstitutional laws.

It is time to bring these actions to a stop, and it is time for Americans to stand up for their rights.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates and breaking news.

Biden makes inappropriate remark that has all hell breaking loose


Biden is not very competent. And he certainly has trouble reading the room.

Now Biden made an inappropriate remark that has all hell breaking loose.

Recently, Joe Biden was in Alaska for a 9/11 memorial service on the 22nd anniversary of the tragic attacks.

Not only did he break tradition by choosing to travel to Alaska, but he also made some extremely inappropriate remarks on his trip.

In memory of the tragic day, Joe Biden thought it would be best to open his speech with a joke.

He made a joke about growing up with the Governor and how he wished he had played on the same ball team.

“Governor Dunleavy, it’s good to see you. The governor and I have something in common: we’re both from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I wish I had him playing on my high school ball club when I was playing. I could’ve been an All-American having you in front of me.”

What a way to open a speech regarding the tragedies of 9/11 on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11.

Our president has no sympathy, no awareness, and no care for Americans.

Although Biden eventually acknowledged the “solemn day” the damage has already been done, and people were flocking to social media to express their distaste.

The GOP rapid response director said, “Gross. He can’t not make it about himself can he?”

Another user stated that “I just assume anymore that any anecdote is fabricated and that nobody cares that he fakes all of his efforts to ‘connect’ with an audience.”

Many people were already frustrated that he became the first President in 22 years to not spend the day at either the White House or an attack site.

The son of a victim stated that, “If our leader is so willing to not show up to the memorial service, it’s showing the message that Americans have forgotten and that it’s OK to forget.”

One brother of a victim stated that he wanted Biden to “stay away anyway” so that “We will be spared one of his stories of how he can relate, like he did with the people of Lahaina, how he can relate because of a kitchen fire. We can do without that.”

He pretty much hit the nail on the head. The only difference was that instead of trying to relate to victims this time, Biden decided the best course of action was a joke.

The current White House administration is a worse joke than Joe Biden’s 9/11 joke.

America deserves better than this, and it is time to do something about it.

We need a leader who cares about America and its citizens, not one who jokes on such a tragic day as the 9/11 anniversary.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you more updates and breaking news headlines.

Democrat stronghold makes one move that has Biden sweating bullets


The last thing Biden needs is division in his party. Without absolute unity, his hopes in 2024 will be dashed.

And this Democrat stronghold makes one move that has Biden sweating bullets.

New York City is under a lot of pressure right now facing a number of issues like overwhelming immigration numbers and skyrocketing crime.

However, instead of providing a solution, they have just made cuts that will only make the problems worse.

Currently, there are 110,000 migrants in New York City that Mayor Adams estimates will cost the city over $12 billion over the next three years.

Along with the massive influx of migrants, crime in New York City has absolutely skyrocketed.

Yet, the city just revealed that the police and fire departments are facing overtime cuts to help fund the illegal immigrants flocking to NYC.

There are already police shortages and rising crime rates, yet the Democrats think the solution is to cut work for police?

One official, however, says the cut will be impossible.

Patrick Hendry, the head of the Police Benevolent Association says, “It is going to be impossible for the NYPD to significantly reduce overtime unless it fixes its staffing crisis. We are still thousands of cops short, and we’re struggling to drive crime back to pre-2020 levels without adequate personnel.”

The decision to cut overtime comes just a few days after Mayor Adams had this chilling statement for the public.

“Let me tell you something, New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City”

There are 21,000 immigrant children starting school this year in NYC, and new asylum seekers are costing the city approximately $10 million every single day.

The crisis is real and scary, yet the left refuses to address any real issues.

Instead of fixing our border security or having infrastructure in place, the left decides to cut funding for the police?

Texas Governor Abbott’s press secretary said that, “Instead of complaining about 13,000 migrants sent from Texas, Mayor Adams should be calling out his party leader, President Biden, who has been flying planeloads of migrants all around the country and oftentimes in the cover of night, straining state and local resources across the country.”

It is clear that this issue is coming from Joe Biden, and not from border states.

The border states are themselves flooded with illegal immigrants, yet they never offered to house them.

Radical Left cities and states did however offer to house the immigrants, yet when immigrants are sent to them, they scream and cry and complain.

The left’s hypocrisy is on full display for all to see.

The immigrant crisis is one that needs to be addressed NOW, and the border needs to be locked down to solve the problem instead of just cutting funding to police.

America needs leaders who will support Americans more than foreigners.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat Senators turn on Biden with one shocking move


Unity is important in politics. Especially as the 2024 election is coming up.

But Democrat Senators are turning on Biden with one shocking move.

Donald Trump has such a strong lead in the polls that it is clear he will take the Republican nomination, and it seems he will take the entire election as well.

If Democrats want to have any hope of stopping him from entering office again, then they must be one solid unified front.

However, that is extremely hard to do when the president is none other than Joe Biden.

The only thing currently helping Joe Biden in the polls, is the left’s hatred of Donald Trump.

Yet, the left is becoming increasingly concerned that a third-party candidate might run and take votes away from Joe Biden.

The only solution they have now is to all rally behind Joe Biden.

But now Democrat Senators are becoming more and more frustrated with Joe Biden, and they have now started voicing their own concerns.

Many Senate Democrats say they are “frustrated” and “concerned” with Joe Biden and especially with how he is trying to campaign.

One Senator (who requested anonymity) said that pushing Bidenomics has been extremely frustrating and that it continues to fail.

The senator said, “There’s just no enthusiasm. It does pretty much come down to ‘Well, he’s done a pretty good job, but he’s just too old.’”

Senator Richard Blumenthal said that “There’s work to be done, stronger messaging, more aggressive campaigning…”

However, one Democrat strategist has tried to blame the American people for Biden’s failed campaigning.

Steve Jarding, the strategist, has said that the campaigning is failing “because Americans are just not paying attention.”

Instead of realizing that Joe Biden is an incompetent fool, the left is trying to blame voters for not paying attention?!

I think we are paying attention… we are paying attention to the rising prices across the nation and the high cost of living and making a decision: Bidenomics is not working, and we are sick of it.

Democrats are fighting with each other because they know that 2024 is a crucial year for elections, yet they cannot present a unified front and have no hope of keeping office in their current state.

The American people are demanding a change, and Joe Biden’s “America Last” strategy is the last thing any American wants.

We must hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates and developments.

New memo exposes Democrat scheme with massive consequences for Biden


The Democrats have made it a habit of interfering with anything that they disagree with. And many times, they take it too far and break laws.

Now a new memo exposed a Democrat scheme with massive consequences for Biden.

As the House returns from their August recess, many expect a formal announcement by Speaker McCarthy that the House will vote on opening an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

However, the left is doing everything they can to oppose the inquiry.

House Oversight Committee member Jamie Raskin has started circulating a memo outlining how he plans to combat the inquiry.

The left is continuously trying to interfere with legal proceedings and elections.

Raskin claims that the information gathered by Republicans shows no wrongdoings on the part of Joe Biden.

Rep. Raskin also claims that James Comer (the Oversight Committee Chairman) “has resorted to misrepresenting and distorting this huge body of evidence to make baseless and sensationalistic claims.”

It seems interesting that the same Democrats who so adamantly pursued the impeachment of Donald Trump, no longer want to follow the rules.

This is a prime example of the left not being able to taste its own medicine.

As soon as their policies/actions are used against them the way they use them, the left immediately resorts to screaming and throwing a fit.

It is even stranger that Raskin thinks he can claim that there is no evidence.

That is one thing that everyone should be able to agree on no matter a person’s beliefs.

The evidence uncovered against Joe Biden is so extensive and so much, that most people are actually shocked it has taken this long even to launch an inquiry.

Joe Biden lied to the public countless times and claimed complete ignorance regarding Hunter and his dealings.

However, the proof shows the exact opposite.

Yet Raskin claims the only reasons Republicans are investigating the Biden family is to take away from Trump’s own legal troubles.

Although Raskin is trying to paint a certain picture, recent polls show that voters are supportive of an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

According to polls from CNN, over 61% of Americans believe that Joe Biden had at least some involvement with Hunter Biden’s dealings and 42% think he acted illegally.

It is time that we have leaders and politicians who will stand up for the truth and for justice instead of lying and deceiving the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s staff is reeling after Joe made one critical mistake


It’s not easy helping to run the White House. Joe Biden being president makes it ten times worse.

And now Biden’s staff is reeling after Joe made one critical mistake.

After attending the G20 summit, Joe Biden had a press conference in Vietnam that has turned into a nightmare for the left.

In true Biden fashion, the press conference consisted of nothing but rambling and hard-to-understand poor attempts at humor.

And to wrap things up, the President let the world know it was past his bedtime and he needed to “go to bed.”

Not only did Joe Biden not make much sense (as usual), but it was clear that the Democrat leaders didn’t want Biden to talk much.

After very few questions and answers, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre abruptly announced that the press conference was over and pushed Biden off stage.

The left is trying to control a senile man and force him to say what they want and push him away when he goes off script.

Joe Biden also made a number of extremely questionable statements regarding China.

Even as Joe Biden faces extensive criticism over “selling out the U.S.” he said that he wants to see China and the communist government succeed financially.

Biden’s pro-China comments come even as his son is being investigated into receiving millions in funding from CCP-backed business people.

Joe Biden stated that “It’s not about isolating China. It’s about making sure the rules of the road (everything from airspace and space in the ocean and the international rules of the road) are abided by.”

Then, he took things further and claimed that his intention was not to “contain” Communist China, even though it has shown aggression towards the U.S.

Finally, Joe Biden decided to wrap things up by telling the public it was bedtime.

“But I tell you what, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to bed,” Biden told reporters.

What an odd thing for the President of the strongest country in the world to say during a foreign press conference.

It was a disaster for America, as Joe Biden once again continued to make a fool of himself.

He preached his anti-America and pro-China rhetoric, fumbled over his own words, made himself look like a fool, and then declared he was going to bed.

That is not the kind of leader America deserves and it is certainly not the kind of leader America needs.

It is time for America to once again have a strong leader who will take the country back into greatness and prosperity.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.