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Radical Leftist caught in a shocking assault


Democrats don’t like to play fair. But sometimes it goes way over the line.

And now a radical Leftist has been caught in a shocking assault.

Rob Reiner is an extreme liberal actor, director and wannabe key figure in Hollywood.

He constantly is making absurd statements while trying to gain attention from the public in his desperate attempt to remain relevant.

Now he has gone beyond his normal idiotic self and made a statement so absurd and shocking that even the left has raised a few eyebrows.

In a recent post on X (formerly twitter), Reiner stated that for Democracy to survive, Trump must be convicted, and all Third-Party candidates not allowed to run.

The ironic part here is that the very thing Reiner is claiming to uphold, would actually be directly attacked if his wish came true.

Democracy gives the power to the people, but the political elitist wants to remove any options that he does not agree with.

In his effort to help “Democracy survive” he is actually suggesting that it be destroyed.

Democrats do this a lot though; they seem to have no clue what Democracy really is, and instead just try to remove all opposition and place themselves as the only option.

We have seen this even more recently as the Radical Left tries to weaponize the justice system and throw all of their political opponents behind bars.

This is not the first time that Reiner has attempted to steal the spotlight by making a stupid claim.

In 2022 before the midterm election, Reiner stated that, “[Republicans] are only interested in power, and they will do anything to get the power. And they are willing to kill, literally kill, to get the power. You can’t have a conversation with them.”

That is an odd way of expressing dissatisfaction with political rivals; to claim that Republicans are “willing to kill” to “get the power” is absurd.

Reiner cannot seem to make any statements that have any validity, truth, or thought to them.

Instead, he makes claims that he knows will bring him attention.

Reiner has also made other claims in the past that are simply just flat-out lies.

He claimed recently that Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio, “violently stormed” the US Capitol on Jan. 6th, however, Tarrio was not even in Washington D.C. that day.

We sadly live in a time where the Left has to lie to the public and make claims with no truth just in order to get some small attention.

It is time to hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions, and it is time for Democracy to win again in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tragic news about Dianne Feinstein rocks Capitol Hill


Senator Feinstein’s future has been up in the air for months. Now it’s all coming to a head.

And this tragic news about Dianne Feinstein rocks Capitol Hill.

Earlier this year, California Senator Dianne Feinstein was supposedly at home suffering from a bout of shingles.

After months away from work, Americans learned that it wasn’t just shingles, but encephalitis – inflammation of the brain.

Since then, she has gone on to showcase a string of concerning behaviors and gaffes that raise questions as to her mental competence.

With all of the evidence pointing against, her some Democrats are already making plans to replace her.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom stated on Sunday that he is willing to select a “interim” replacement for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., if she resigns before the end of her term.

On Sunday, Newsom made the statement during an appearance on “Meet the Press” on NBC. The sick Feinstein has confirmed that she will not run for re-election in 2024, but her health has sparked concerns about whether she would stay in office until the conclusion of her current term.

However, Newsom has stated that he will not select any of the current candidates campaigning to replace her as the temporary appointee, much to the dismay of Rep. Barbara Lee, who was largely regarded as Newsom’s first choice for the post.

“Yes. Interim appointment. I don’t want to get involved in the primary,” Newsom told host Chuck Todd. “It would be completely unfair to the Democrats that have worked their tail off. That primary is just a matter of months away. I don’t want to tip the balance of that.”

Several prominent Democrats have already declared their intention to run against Feinstein in the 2024 elections. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is one of the most well-funded contenders, but Lee has lagged in surveys.

Newsom promised early in his tenure that his next interim Senate appointment would be a black woman. Lee meets the qualifications, however she is now ineligible due to the governor’s commitment not to select a current candidate for Feinstein’s seat.

On Sunday night, Lee slammed Newsom on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“I am troubled by the Governor’s remarks,” she wrote. “The idea that a Black woman should be appointed only as a caretaker to simply check a box is insulting to countless Black women across this country who have carried the Democratic Party to victory election after election.”

It doesn’t take a genius to see that Barbara Lee doesn’t care about the plight of black women in this country, she just cares about advancing her career.

An appointment to Feinstein’s senate seat would be all but a guarantee of winning the election down the road.

Newsom, for his part, expressed hope that he will not be have to appoint a replacement for Feinstein. Her term is set to expire in January 2025. As a temporary substitute for Vice President Harris, Newsom has already chosen California’s other senator, Alex Padilla.

“I don’t want to make another appointment, and I don’t think the people of California want me to make another appointment,” Newsom said Sunday.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Devastating reality check forces this top Democrat to eat their words


Democrats have been backpedaling their policies every time they are affected by the terrible consequences. Will the Democrats ever learn that their policies are terrible?

And one devastating reality check forced this top Democrat to eat their words.

A prominent Democrat leader has experienced the horrifying consequences of her own failed policies.

A Minnesota Democratic lawmaker has been beaten in a brutal carjacking that has her calling for stronger crime laws.

The ironic bit is that this lawmaker has in the past loudly and strongly called for “dismantling” of the police.

Since the carjacking, lawmaker Shivanthi Sathanadan has called for the criminals to be held accountable.

She said we need to “hold them in custody and prosecute them” and criticized lighter prosecution saying they needed to be “holding them accountable for their actions” instead of letting them roam free.

However, in 2020 her social media posts were covered in anti-police rhetoric and calls for the “dismantlement” of the police.

Yet now that she is the victim of her own proposed terrible policies, she is quickly backpedaling and changing her viewpoint.

It is ironic because that seems to be the way things go with Democrats.

It is similar to the immigrant crisis happening right now.

Democrat lawmakers are calling for wide open borders and no restrictions, but when they deal with the consequences of their own policies or suggestions, they immediately change their mind.

One would think that would cause more Democrats to think about what they are proposing before acting, yet nothing has changed yet.

After her mugging, Sathanadan thanked the “incredible” Minneapolis PD for their assistance and help… a far cry from her choice words for them in 2020.

In 2020 she claimed that “MPD has systemically failed the Black Community, they have failed ALL OF US.”

In another post, she applauded the Minneapolis school board’s decision to sever ties with the department claiming that “MPD should have no place in our children’s schools.”

Yet now she has done a complete 180 and is supporting the department and calling for stronger crime laws.

The hypocrisy and incompetency of the Democrat party seems shocking.

It is miraculous that people will still vote for lawmakers who don’t understand how the world works and will change their mind over policies left and right.

It is time to vote in politicians who care about America and will make it better.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New Trump VP rumors just rocked the entire Republican Party


Trump has been keeping people guessing who his running mate will be in 2024. But now he may have exposed who it is.

And these new Trump VP rumors just rocked the entire Republican Party.

On Friday, South Dakota Governor and former President Donald Trump have an event together.

To some, it may just be a fundraiser for the South Dakota GOP like it is being called, but for others, this is a clear indication of what is to come.

Governor Kristy Noem is a long-time Trump supporter and ally and is expected to give her endorsement of Trump on Friday.

And many are taking their joint appearance to mean a potential partnership as running mates in 2024.

Noem told Fox reporters on Thursday that “We have not discussed it at all” when asked about the possibility.

However, Noem said she “would have to consider it” if Trump asked her to be his running mate.

A partnership by these two major political figures would be a win for Republicans.

Both figures are strong leaders, and both believe in making America great as it once was.

Noem said, “We all should step up to make sure we’re doing all that we can to keeping our freedoms, our values, America the way that it’s always been in place.”

Last year, Noem thought about potentially running for president herself in 2024, but has made it clear that she believes Trump is the clear winner.

“I do feel pretty confident that President Trump will be the Republican nominee for president,” Noem stated.

She further elaborated that “Of course, he’s absolutely the best choice for us. I don’t know of any other candidate that’s running for president right now that fought when it mattered.”

Noem has attacked many of Trump’s political rivals including those who are attempting to run for President in 2024.

Noem also kept her state open during the 2020 COVID crisis and has heavily criticized other states’ handling of the pandemic.

If Noem were to agree to be Trump’s running mate for 2024, the two would be an unstoppable pair.

Both politicians seem to work well together and share many of the same values.

And Noem has made it clear she respects and admires Donald Trump.

So, while there may not be any official announcement of them running together for the 2024 election, it is definitely a big possibility, and it is one that excites many.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we unpack this developing story.

Trump trial bombshell causes mass panic and confusion


Since the indictment in Fulton County, the entire trial process has been nothing but chaos. The Democrats have been trying to interfere in elections, and the Republicans have been trying to stop them.

But now this Trump trial bombshell caused mass panic and confusion.

The trial date for Trump and the other 18 defendants in the Fulton County indictment has been top news for weeks now.

In August, Fani Willis proposed an October 23 trial date for all of the defendants in the case.

However, the county’s Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee has said that the schedule is “a bit unrealistic.”

He said that “It seems a bit unrealistic that we could handle all 19 in 40-something days. That’s my initial reaction.”

The prosecutors in Georgia estimate that over 150 witnesses would testify and that the trial would last at least four months.

McAfee has ordered the prosecutors to respond to his concerns by Tuesday after which he would make a decision regarding the trial date.

Originally, the prosecution was intending to delay the trial until the day before Super Tuesday in order to interfere with Donald Trump’s ability to campaign and run for President.

It was a clear-cut case of election interference and a weaponization of the Judicial branch.

However, two of Trump’s former lawyers requested a speedy trial as their rights allow.

In response, McAfee said, “We’re certainly here, ready and willing to provide both defendants that right, and we’re planning to make that October 23 trial date stick.”

So many are optimistic about a trial date happening soon in some cases, however, the issue of the other 17 defendants is still in the air.

Even as Democrats and Republicans accuse each other at every turn of this process, the proceedings remain up in the air.

Many people are extremely confused regarding the entire process, and even more people believe Fani Willis has way overstepped her role and has let her bias blind her to the law.

In late August, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter to Willis accusing her of interfering with election proceedings and of overstepping her abilities as a prosecutor.

He also questioned her motivation and bias: “Turning first to the question of motivation, it is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump.”

Regardless of whether or not one might agree with Fani Willis, it is clear that her timing, motivation, and past social media bias raise a number of questions about her ability to serve as DA.

The way the entire process has been weaponized to interfere as much as possible with Donald Trump’s ability to run is certainly suspicious and illegal clearly.

It is time that the truth comes out and that our judicial system stop being weaponized.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we uncover the Truth.

High-profile Democrat says the quiet part out loud with this embarrassing slip of the tongue


Speeches can make or break a politician’s career. One wrong move and it’s all over.

And a high-profile Democrat says the quiet part out loud with this embarrassing slip of the tongue.

Democrats have a major problem: lying.

They try to lie their way out of everything, and unfortunately a lot of the time it works.

But now, NYC Mayor Eric Adams has accidentally exposed a major conspiracy the Democrats have been working on.

During a recent speaking engagement, Mayor Adams admitted to the public that the migrant crisis “will destroy New York City.”

Even as the left tries to claim anyone who opposes completely open borders is xenophobic, now even Democrats are pushing back.

Mayor Adams told the public that he was not one to give up and that he never didn’t see an issue come to a solution.

But he admitted that this problem was one problem that he didn’t see a solution or ending to.

Democrats have been covering up the issue and hiding the truth from the public for years.

They want to convince the world that there is no problem in America, and that the tens of thousands of immigrants flooding America illegally are actually good for America.

But now, Mayor Adams has had to throw in the towel.

He, along with countless other prominent Democrat leaders, have had to admit defeat and beg for help from the Federal Government.

And what has Biden done? Well, he has allowed even more immigrants in and flooded these cities and states even more.

Chicago, Massachusetts, New York, and other cities and states have been begging for more assistance for months now, and the problem is only getting worse.

Biden denies any issues with immigrants and border security at all, but his own allies are turning on him and exposing his dark secrets.

Democrats and the Radical Left want to see America fall.

Democrats paint anyone who opposes their no-rules, no-borders approach as terrible people who hate immigrants.

But what are they going to do now that their own have started opposing them as well?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we report on the Truth.

Biden hit with shocking poll that completely upset his re-election chances


Joe Biden is in the battle of his life. And he needs every last vote he can get.

But he has been hit with a shocking poll that completely upset his chances of getting re-elected.

For decades, the Democrat party has relied heavily on their support among minority voting groups, specifically Hispanic and Black voters.

However, all of that is changing and now the Democrats are scared of losing the election in 2024.

Biden’s support among white Democrat voters has been steady at below 50%, but his support among Black and Hispanic voters have plummeted since he took office.

New York Times’s Nate Cohn has said that “Biden’s weakness among nonwhite voters is broad, spanning virtually every demographic category and racial group, including a 72-11 lead among Black voters and a 47-35 lead among Hispanic registrants.”

At the 2020 election, Joe Biden won 92 percent of the black vote and 59 percent of the Hispanic vote.

Since 2000, the Democrats have averaged 91 percent of the black vote, but that all looks like it is about to change.

Cohn states that “Overall, the president’s approval rating stands at just 47 percent among nonwhite voters in Times/Siena polling over the last year; his favorability rating is just 54 percent.”

Even as Biden is losing support among nonwhite voters, Trump is gaining tremendous amounts of support.

It seems surprising that in a time of racial unrest and unease, that the party that claims to be the party of minorities is losing such extreme amounts of support.

While the media tries their hardest to portray Trump as a flaming racist, the polls speak for themselves.

Trump has gained an enormous amount of support, and even quite a bit in recent days has come since his indictments and arrests.

Joe Biden’s polling numbers among Black and Hispanic voters are the worst a Democrat has seen since Walter Mondale in 1984.

The reason is simple: Joe Biden and the Democrats do not have the support among the minority voters that they claim to.

Since 2016, Trump has gained even more support among Black and Hispanic voters.

While Joe Biden and the Democrats may want the public to believe their lies, Americans are having none of it.

The average American doesn’t spend as much time seeing black and white as the Democrats want them to.

It almost seems that Democrats want Americans to be racist so they can keep pitting us against each other.

But the reality is that the overwhelming majority of Americans do not care what race their friends and family are, even as the Democrats keep trying to re-segregate.

It is time for America to vote in leaders who will see them for who they are and not the color of their skin.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news updates.

Democrats were hit with a gut punch over this utter failure


Everything the Left touches falls apart. Now it’s hitting close to home.

And Democrats were hit with a gut punch over this utter failure.

Democrat policies are extremely questionable, to say the least.

They seem to target all the wrong areas and address all the wrong problems.

And sometimes, they even seem to just be downright illegal or unbelievable.

Normal average Americans have been suffering under Democratic leadership and Democratic policies for years now, and they are fed up.

But now, finally, the Democrats have gotten a taste of their own medicine.

In 2020, many liberal cities experienced BLM riots and destruction that ravaged their cities.

In September of 2020, it was discovered that there were over $2 billion in damage claims making the riots the costliest in American history.

Yet, the Democrats refused to punish any of the rioters and repeatedly called the acts of aggression “peaceful protests.”

But now, these same liberal American cities have been ordered to give over $68 million in “reparations” to Antifa and BLM groups and thugs.

Denver was recently ordered to pay $4.7 million to rioters who were arrested.

These rioters were arrested and claimed that their 1st Amendment rights were infringed upon and therefore sued the city.

In California, a man was awarded $3.75 million after he sued when he was struck with foam bullets as he partook in the riots that overwhelmed L.A.

It is ridiculous that these same crooks and thugs who brought so much destruction to their cities are now being paid for being criminals.

These liberal cities have been pushing for policies that pay “reparations”, but now they have gotten a taste of their own medicine.

These “reparations” are crippling cities’ economies as they are forced to pay out millions of dollars that were not in their budget.

Instead of using this money to spend on the thousands of businesses that were obliterated during the riots, these cities are left instead paying money to criminals and rioters.

What sort of message does this send to Americans? If you riot and destroy businesses, you will get rewarded.

It is time to end this madness and to restore America to her full glory.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden makes disgusting joke that has all hell breaking loose


Joe Biden and his lackeys have no class. It gets them in a world of trouble constantly.

And Biden made this disgusting joke that has all hell breaking loose.

Remember the beginning of 2020?

Back then, Americans were told they would need to shelter in place for two weeks until we could get a grip on the COVID-19 pandemic.

What resulted was nothing short of a complete abuse of power by the United States government.

Americans were subject to crippling regulations and guidelines that were never put up for a vote through Congress.

Years of American economic and psychological damage were inflicted to protect from something with a death rate similar to the flu.

If you didn’t wear a mask or get vaccinated, you were ostracized and labeled a “grandma killer” or worse.

You would think Democrats and Joe Biden would tread lightly with their words now that millions of Americans are fuming mad about it.

But no, that’s not the Democrat way.

After being exposed to COVID-19, President Joe Biden joked about not wearing a mask, despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation.

“Let me explain to the press: I’ve been tested again today,” Biden remarked at the White House on Wednesday.

“I’m clear across the board, but they keep telling me because this has to be 10 days or something, I’ve got to keep wearing it, but don’t tell them I didn’t have it on when I walked in.”

Biden’s remarks came minutes after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasized the importance of following CDC guidelines and “the science.”

After being exposed to COVID-19 through first wife Jill Biden, Biden was chastised last Tuesday for removing his mask to deliver the Medal of Honor to Army Capt. Larry Taylor.

“He left when there was a pause in the program in order to minimize his close contact with attendees,” Jean-Pierre explained.

Biden will be tested for COVID-19 again on Thursday before departing for India and Vietnam, according to the press secretary, but he has not complained of any symptoms.

Jean-Pierre declined to get into specifics on what would happen if Biden tested positive before the Group of 20 leaders summit in New Delhi, such as whether Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now in Indonesia, would attend in his place, but she did suggest he would wear a mask.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Appalling Democrat policies backfire with this brutal attack


Democrat policies have been burning America down for a while now. But the most recent incident is beyond horrible.

And their appalling policies have backfired with this brutal attack.

Wisconsin and more specifically the state capitol Madison are extremely Democratic and liberal.

In 2020, the city experienced BLM riots and protests, and calls for defunding of the police.

Following the push from the public, the city of Madison slashed funding to the police by around $2 million.

Police leaders were forced to look for funding in other areas such as federal grants and other programs.

However, none of this was enough, and the patrols and police presence have slowed majorly since the department was defunded in 2020.

All of this led up to a tragic assault of a young woman after the UW-Madison football team won their home opener in the city.

The reports say that a young woman was walking around 3:20 A.M. when she was horrifically beaten, strangled, and sexually assaulted.

A friend of the victim told reporters that she had a broken jaw, had been strangled, severely beaten, and assaulted.

A neighbor had said that the victim was abducted and dragged off the sidewalk and between two houses.

The assistant chief of police said that “This investigation is in its preliminary stages right now,” and that they “have called in numerous Madison Police personnel on this holiday weekend to conduct a thorough and complete investigation.”

Police are now warning people not to be out alone after dark and saying that it is unsafe to walk alone.

Anyone who has to go out alone is encouraged to notify friends or family of their “departures and arrivals.”

Because of the defunding of police, the city is now living in fear and crime is skyrocketing.

In cities and states all across the nation, the “defunding” of the police has done nothing but harm.

More and more innocent people are harmed, and now criminals are getting away with terrible crimes.

Because of the funding being slashed specifically in Madison, police patrols and presence are limited, and unfortunately, these tragic attacks seem to be becoming more and more common.

People need to wake up and realize that the solution to crime is not to make it easier for criminals.

We need a strong police presence that can protect and defend citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s made this awful move that left Americans stunned in silence


Biden is not known for his tact and charisma. He has made a number of extremely embarrassing mistakes.

And Biden made this awful move that left Americans stunned in silence.

During a presentation of the Medal of Honor, Joe Biden left the ceremony early in an obvious display of carelessness and disrespect.

Social media users have accused Biden of “bolting out of the room” as soon as his required speaking arrangement had been fulfilled.

Other users have called his actions “abhorrent.”

The ceremony was for Army Captain Larry Taylor who served in the Vietnam War.

He was presented with the nation’s highest military honor for his heroic actions during the war.

Captain Taylor flew his helicopter into harm’s way in order to rescue four of his trapped comrades.

Towards the end of the ceremony, Joe Biden placed the medal around Taylor’s neck and then immediately walked out.

He did not wait for the crowd’s applause to finish, he did not wait for the closing prayer, and he did not wait for the benediction.

Instead, Captain Taylor was left to stand on the stage by himself.

In previous years, Joe Biden waited onstage with the recipients until well after the final prayer.

Instead of choosing to do so again to show his respect for the Medal of Honor recipient, the president walked off, seemingly not caring how disrespectful his actions were.

This is not the first time that Biden has shown no care or respect for our military members.

During a ceremony honoring fallen US soldiers in the past, Joe Biden was seen checking his watch and looking around as if he was bored.

It is difficult to tell why Biden left the ceremony early, whether it was because of his ailing mental state or due to his distaste for the men and women that sacrifice everything for their countries.

Regardless of the reasoning, America deserves a President who cares for the men and women who defend the nation.

America deserves a President who will respect and honor the people who have put their lives in harm’s way for his freedoms.

It is time for America to vote this monster out of office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Karine Jean-Pierre gave Biden a massive migraine with this one mistake


The communication coming from the White House is nothing but terrible. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to shape up anytime soon.

And now Karine Jean-Pierre gave Biden a massive migraine with this one mistake.

In the first press briefing since the First Lady tested positive for COVID, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told the public that the President would be wearing a mask whenever indoors now.

She said, “he will be masking while indoors and around people in alignment with CDC guidance.”

However, in true Biden form, our President is not following his script.

Just hours after the press conference, Joe Biden was indoors not wearing a mask during a presentation of the Medal of Honor to Army Captain Larry L. Taylor.

The Democrats are having a hard time covering for their President as he cannot seem to follow any of the instructions they give him.

Even as the left is trying to force mask mandates on us again, their own President won’t follow the rules.

Joe Biden did wear a mask originally when in front of the crowd (maybe to put on a show for the cameras), but then he removed the mask to speak and did not put it back on again.

He was standing very closely to others during this entire ceremony.

Whether Joe Biden simply forgot since his brain is slowly turning to mush, or he simply feels the same way as most Americans that he does not want a diaper strapped to his face again for months, the result is the same.

The White House and the Democrats cannot offer a solution and all agree on anything.

Even as they try to prop up the President, he isn’t making things easy for them.

The Democrats are trying to push yet another vaccine booster and are even claiming that everyone over six months needs to receive the COVID vaccine.

KJP is now “encouraging” Americans again to receive the vaccine.

Yet, even as the White House “encourages” masking and vaccines, their own President cannot seem to line up with their statements.

This has certainly caused frustration and headaches for the Democrats as they try to push an agenda with their puppet President who doesn’t want to comply.

Even the Democrats are forced to admit the incompetency of Joe Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.