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Trump is laughing his head off at this embarrassing Biden blunder


Joe Biden likes to think he is for the people. But everything about him proves otherwise.

And Trump is laughing his head off at this embarrassing Biden blunder.

All across the nation, auto workers are planning a nationwide strike.

And Joe Biden recently took a trip to Pennsylvania to give a Labor Day speech.

The state is a swing state widely compromised of American workers typically in the blue-collar environment.

Yet, as he arrived in Philadelphia, Joe Biden said he was “not worried about a strike” and that he didn’t “think it’s going to happen.”

It is clear that Joe Biden does not care about these workers who are so clearly struggling and are facing extreme hardships.

Since Joe Biden took office, his policies have been anti-family, anti-America, and anti-hard workers.

Even though he tries to claim he supports unions and workers, it is clear by his actions that he does not care at all.

Yet Trump has always been pro-America and pro-workers.

And his actions line up with his words.

When Joe Biden took office, he immediately canceled the Keystone pipeline and took thousands of American jobs out of the picture.

But when Trump took office, he kept jobs in America, saved the economy, and made life better for the average American.

During a speech in response to the auto-workers strike, Trump had a few things to say regarding the situation and how Joe Biden has handled it.

“What’s happening to our auto workers is an absolute disgrace and an outrage beyond belief,” he said, adding that they are “getting totally ripped off by Crooked Joe Biden and also their horrendous leadership.”

Trump went on further to say, “Biden has imposed the outlandish requirement that 67 percent of all new vehicles must be electric in less than ten years. That means Michigan and places that make cars, you can forget about it. You better get your union working because you can forget about it. Those cars are all going to be made in China.”

Trump used the opportunity to advocate for a leader who will support America and support the autoworkers.

Trump said, “Vote for Republicans…vote for Trump,” because “if we don’t win this election, our country, not only in terms of auto workers, our country will go to hell.”

The president of the United Auto Workers was shocked by Joe Biden’s flippant response.

And when Biden said he was “not worried,” the UAW president said that Biden “must know something that we don’t know of.”

It is clear that Joe Biden does not care about the state of the nation or the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

It is time for him to get voted out of the office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Huge Democrat betrayal upsets entire presidential race


The presidential race is well under way. And Democrats are desperately trying to beat Trump.

But a huge Democratic betrayal has upset the entire presidential race.

Democrats know that they will have to beat Trump in 2024.

Even as they are trying to thwart his attempts to run again, everyone knows that if Trump receives the nomination, he will be re-elected.

Democrats are scared of this, because they know Trump will stop at nothing to halt their destruction of America.

So, they know they must present a candidate for nomination that can beat Trump.

There are few people who would have a chance to beat Donald Trump, and Joe Biden is definitely not one of them.

Democrats have started to turn on their own president, because they know how unpopular he is and how much he unlikely it is he will beat Trump.

Many prominent Democrats have voiced their opinion that Joe Biden should not be the Democratic nominee in 2024.

Rep. Dean Phillips said that anyone who wants to run against Joe Biden for the nomination should “take the chance.”

Rep. Phillips told reporters that he wants Joe Biden to “pass the torch” to someone new.

He said, “I would like to see a moderate governor, hopefully from the heartland, from one of the four states that Democrats will need.”

Phillips added, “Anybody who wants to run, Joe Manchin, Cornel West … that’s why we have primaries because that doesn’t undermine the likelihood of returning, in this case, a Democrat to the White House. I’m actively inviting, encouraging to some degree, imploring, that people who are ready and know it’s probably time to do so take the chance.”

It is clear that Phillips had no faith in Biden, and many Democrats share the sentiment.

Phillips also claims that Kamala Harris is going to be a big problem for Democrats as well.

A Fox News reporter had this to say regarding the vice president:

“I mean, Kamala Harris is the least popular vice president in American history, even less popular than Dick Cheney after he shot someone. So, that’s saying something [and] that’s the challenge for them.”

Joe Concha said that it would be foolish for anyone to challenge Biden, however, since “people vote against candidates these days, not for them. And that’s what I think the Democrats are banking” he said.

He also cited a focus group done by the New York Times, “They took 12 Biden voters, and they asked all 12 of them – this is 2020 Biden voters – Do you think Joe Biden’s a strong leader? All 12 answered no. Do you think he’s disappointing as a president? All 12 answered yes. Do you think he should run in 2024? All 12 answered no. Who are you voting for in 2024? All 12 answer Joe Biden.”

Regardless of who the Democrat nominee is in 2024, the party certainly has their work cut out for them as most Americans are fed up with how they have run the country into the ground the past three years.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates to the 2024 Presidential election and more news headlines.

Biden made these inappropriate remarks that shocked everyone


Joe Biden is known for saying some outrageous things. Now it appears he has taken it too far yet again.

And Biden made these inappropriate remarks that shocked everyone.

Joe Biden has made a number of shocking remarks during his time in public office, but they have gotten increasingly more embarrassing since he has been president.

Sometimes Joe Biden seems to have a hard time forming any coherent words, other times his speeches make no sense, and more recently his remarks have just been not the right time or place.

When visiting Maui, he tried to garner sympathy from the crowd by mentioning a small kitchen fire that had burned parts of his house when he was younger.

He made these remarks while standing in front of a burned town in in front of residents who had lost their entire livelihoods.

More recently, Biden made some interesting remarks during a Labor Day speech in Pennsylvania.

Instead of giving a coherent speech or celebrating the work of Americans, he resorted to trying to insult Trump and made some outrageous claims that actually backfired.

Joe Biden claimed that his predecessor, Trump, “didn’t build a d-mn thing.”

Joe Biden spoke in the swing state of Pennsylvania, a notoriously working-class state, and attempted to garner support by attacking Trump instead of providing any real solution or garnering any sort of inspiration.

“The last guy here, he didn’t build a d-mn thing. Under my predecessor, ‘Infrastructure Week’ became a punchline. On my watch, infrastructure means a decade, and it’s a headline,” Biden said.

Biden even tried to claim that Trump exported jobs to China when he was president.

“When the last guy was here, you were shipping jobs to China. Now we’re bringing jobs home from China,” Biden claimed. “When the last guy was here, your pensions were at risk. We helped save millions of pensions with your help.”

However, Trump actually took a very strong stance to keep jobs in China and not export them to foreign countries.

It is ironic that the president who halted the Keystone pipeline instantly cut jobs for thousands of working-class Americans as one of his first acts as president, should criticize Trump’s job economy.

Biden is also giving countless jobs away to illegal aliens and taking income, jobs, and benefits from Americans in attempts to flood America even more with immigrants.

Biden is constantly making comments that are either completely untrue, or just make no sense.

Joe Biden has no idea what he is talking about, and many Americans see right through his lies.

They want a President who will spend time fixing America instead of insulting former Presidents while making the economy worse.

Biden needs to go.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates and news.

New Democratic trick could end Trump’s run


Democrats are pulling out all the stops to halt Trump. In their desperation, they have unleashed their biggest weapon.

And this new trick could end Trump’s presidential run.

Democrats have been doing everything they can to end Trump’s bid for president in 2024.

They are scared because they know he is better for America, and that voters want him back in office.

They have been trying everything they can including weaponizing the justice department in an attempt to lock up Trump.

But during every attempt, Trump has never given up, and surprisingly his support is actually increasing.

It seems clear that unless something tragic happens to the former president, that he will take office again in 2024.

However, Democrats have now tried something even more extreme to halt Trump’s progress.

They are attempting to weaponize the Constitution.

It is ironic since the Democrat party seems to have no care for the Constitution, but now they are trying to use it against Trump.

Democrat leader have cited the 14th Amendment as an attempt to prevent Trump from appearing on the 2024 ballot.

Trump is fighting back and has claimed that “almost all legal scholars” agree that there is no “legal basis or standing” for this attempt.

“Like Election Interference, it is just another “trick” being using by the Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists,” Trump said in a recent post on Truth Social.

He added that the Democrats are trying to “steal an Election” from him.

The attempt to use the 14th Amendment has received a lot of traction, especially since Trump’s four legal cases.

What is interesting, is that Trump is facing legal charges for essentially election interference, yet the Democrats are so hypocritical that they are attempting to do the very thing they are trying to prosecute Trump for: interfering in an election.

Democrats are clearly terrified and are willing to use any means necessary to stop Trump from taking office again.

Many on the left believed that Trump would go down easier, however, he is putting up quite the fight and thwarting all attempts by the left to stop his progress.

After his mugshot was leaked, the Trump team raised millions in support, and his approval soared.

Americans are sick of Joe Biden and the Democrats ruining their lives and making it impossible to live.

It is time to vote out these political goons who have such little care for the country that they are tasked with serving and leading.

Many Americans believe that is time to “Make America Great Again.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This shocking infiltration put the Pentagon on a complete lockdown


Joe Biden has only emboldened America’s enemies. Now they’re going in for the kill.

And this shocking infiltration put the Pentagon on a complete lockdown.

One of Biden’s first forays into foreign policy was his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left over a dozen Americans dead.

Since then, he has sent billions upon billions of dollars to Ukraine to fund a war that has turned into a bloody stalemate.

But his worst offense has come from his refusal to be firm against Chinese aggression.

China has sent spy balloons over the United States, established headquarters in American cities for their spy rings, and built bases in Cuba.

Now, they’re trying to infiltrate American military bases.

According to reports, the FBI and the Department of Defense have recorded more than 100 occurrences involving Chinese nationals posing as tourists in an attempt to infiltrate U.S. military bases and other federal sites.

The culprits, nicknamed “gate crashers,” vary from Chinese nationals captured entering into a US missile range in New Mexico to scuba divers discovered swimming in murky waters near a US government rocket launch facility in Florida, according to numerous US officials recently quoted in The Wall Street Journal.

The expanding tendency poses a possible espionage risk, since authorities suspect the Chinese government is pressuring people to serve in some situations in order to test and report on security methods at the locations.

In response to the report, an FBI spokesperson stated, “The greatest long-term counterintelligence threat to our nation’s information and intellectual property is from China.”

“The Chinese government is engaged in a broad, diverse campaign of theft and malign influence without regard to laws or international norms that the FBI will not tolerate,” an FBI spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

“In coordination with our defense and intelligence community partners, along with state and local law enforcement, the FBI is committed to protecting our national security and defense information from the Chinese government’s actions and ultimately, their efforts to undermine our democracy and those who defend it.”

The Journal said that at the end of last year, the FBI, the Defense Department, and other agencies looked at how to stop these kinds of attacks.

It is unknown how many of them were benign in nature. Some Chinese nationals, for example, claim to have been using Google Maps to find the nearest McDonald’s or Burger King, which happens to be on a neighboring military base.

Other, more worrying situations occurred when Chinese people arrived claiming to have a reservation at a hotel on a military base.

According to the Journal, a group of Chinese nationals posing as tourists tried to sneak past security at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, claiming they had reservations at a commercial hotel on the base. Fort Wainwright is home to the United States Army’s 11th Airborne Division, which specializes in Arctic combat.

“The security of our installations remains a top priority for the Department. Physical security standards for our bases takes into consideration a wide variety of potential threats, including attempted spying by our adversaries,” a Defense Department spokesperson also told Fox News Digital, reacting to the report.

“We work with local, State, and Federal law enforcement officials, the intelligence community, and our foreign partners to protect our military bases against these threats at home and abroad.”

The Department of Defense “has conducted several base security reviews since 2018, some of which included support by interagency partners,” the spokesperson continued.

“A recent review focused on the physical security condition of our gates, among other aspects of base security. The results of the reviews have and will continue to inform changes to the protective posture of our bases.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The 2024 Presidential election just took an unexpected and wild turn


The next election cycle is as high stakes as it gets. Which is what makes this latest development so huge.

Because the 2024 Presidential election just took an unexpected and wild turn.

Go back to the summer of 2022, and the vast majority of conservative voters and Republicans would tell you that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) was going to be the next Republican nominee for President in 2024.

That started to change when Donald Trump officially launched his reelection campaign at the end of 2022. Trump’s following made their way back to supporting the former President instead of Ron DeSantis.

Though, Ron DeSantis still stood as the biggest threat to the Trump campaign. That is evident in the fact that Trump spent many months attacking Ron DeSantis as ruthlessly as possible.

Fast forward to today and the Republican field is filled to the brim with potential candidates. Ron DeSantis’s chances of getting past Trump have dwindled because of the influx of Republican candidates that are inevitably going to split the same votes since Trump has his voting base that will not change.

While it seems overall that Ron DeSantis remains the biggest threat to Donald Trump’s nomination, there’s a newcomer that can no longer be ignored lest Trump and DeSantis want to have the rug pulled out from under them.

According to a recent poll of possible New Hampshire primary voters, former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley is tied with Florida governor Ron DeSantis in the 2024 Republican primary race.

According to an NMB Research poll that Politico was able to obtain, both Haley and DeSantis are at 10 percent, while former President Donald Trump has a 37-point advantage over his closest rivals.

The survey, which is the first to show Haley and DeSantis tied in New Hampshire since the inaugural GOP presidential debate at the end of August, is a relative oddity because, according to the RealClearPolitics average of New Hampshire polls, DeSantis has 13 percent support to Haley’s 3.8 percent.

The Florida governor was the undisputed runner-up in the GOP primary race before he began to lose ground during the summer, so the most recent data still indicate a big change.

DeSantis defeats Haley on ballots of second-choice candidates, though; the poll found that 20% of New Hampshire respondents said they would support DeSantis over Trump. Haley continues to receive 15% of second-choice votes.

If Haley receives a similar bounce from the upcoming presidential debate on September 27, she could be able to surpass DeSantis. Haley clearly benefited from her performance in the first primary debate.

In a Wall Street Journal poll conducted on Saturday, 600 registered GOP primary voters gave Haley 8% of their first-choice votes, compared to DeSantis’ 13%. Other than Trump and DeSantis, Haley appears to be leading the pack against rivals on first-choice ballots, including biotech billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy and the former governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie.

On the primary ballot, support for Christie and Ramaswamy was 8%. In the survey conducted on Friday, none of the other contenders received more than 5%.

From August 25 through August 31, the NMB Research poll questioned 800 probable Republican voters in the state of New Hampshire. The poll has a 3.46 percentage point margin of error.

Of course, we should all take polls with a giant grain of salt. You may remember that Donald Trump was given no shot at winning the Republican nomination before the start of the Republican debates. Then he won fairly comfortably against the field that included U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Then, in the general election season, he was given no shot to beat Hillary Clinton come November time. And we all know what happened there. Hillary Clinton got embarrassed at the ballot box, losing to the outsider.

Nonetheless, this should demonstrate that Nikki Haley is a force that DeSantis and Trump will want to reckon with to keep their campaigns on track.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New insight into Hunter Biden’s laptop leaves Joe dumbstruck


Hunter Biden has been in the spotlight for quite a while now. His laptop has been a thorn in the side of the Biden Administration for years.

Now new insight into Hunter Biden’s laptop left Joe dumbstruck.

There seems to be new information on Hunter Biden’s laptop that answers a lot of questions.

His laptop is full of incriminating evidence, and it seems that things just keep getting worse for him.

The new information seems to provide valuable insight into just exactly how Hunter Biden made his millions.

It seems interesting that Hunter made 20 million dollars and there were over 170 suspicious activity reports from the family’s financial institutes, yet Joe Biden knew nothing of his son’s dealings.

New information on his laptop shows ties to the Obama administration and exposes just how close he was with Obama’s State Department.

It appears that Hunter’s ties to the Obama administration and the State Department played a major role in landing his position at Bursima.

Hunter met with the Secretary of State just weeks before Viktor Shokin was fired.

The Secretary of State John Kerry and Hunter Biden appeared to have a very close relationship as shown in a number of recent emails uncovered from the laptop.

Hunter and his business partner are also extremely close with the wife of the current Secretary of State.

It seems very suspicious how many close ties with top officials Hunter Biden had, yet so few people claim to know anything about his dealings.

The suspicious, fraudulent, and illegal activity that fills the hard drive of Hunter’s laptop are enough evidence to lock him behind bars forever.

But officials refuse to treat this as a serious matter.

During a time when the left wants to put such a large emphasis on Trump’s activities and investigate the legality of many of his dealings, why aren’t they treating the issues with Hunter Biden as the same?

The entire Biden family is corrupt, and they should not be allowed to hold any public office, and in fact, should be prosecuted with the same intensity that Donald Trump has faced.

Joe Biden has claimed complete innocence and has even said he knew nothing of his son’s dealings.

However, his story has changed multiple times.

White House press secretary KJP has had an exhausting job trying to keep up with how many times Joe Biden has changed his story.

Regardless of what crooked Joe wants to claim, he knew about and even partook in his son’s shady business dealings, and the proof is undeniable.

It is time to lock the whole Biden family away.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden gave one order that has devastating consequences for America


Biden isn’t concerned with the average American. He’s focused on ramming his agenda through by any means possible.

And now Joe Biden gave one order that has devastating consequences for America.

The immigrant crisis has been all over the news the past few weeks, and Joe Biden is constantly making things worse.

Even as he makes absurd claims about how secure the border is, the border crisis has never been worse.

Border states and sanctuary cities are being overwhelmed.

Illegal immigration and crime are skyrocketing.

And what is Bide doing to solve anything?

Well, he is trying to destroy poor communities even more.

In a recent move, Joe Biden has targeted six poor communities in New Jersey and New York to resettle migrants.

Instead of addressing any problems or sending illegal aliens away, Biden has promised not only to let more in, but he also wants to overwhelm the poor communities of America in the process.

The New York governor is pushing back and has said, “We cannot and will not force other parts of our state to shelter migrants.”

Governor Hochul has proposed that instead, these illegal immigrants receive federal work permits to cut wages for Americans.

Not only would this harm the American economy, but it would allow wealthy Democrat donors cheap labor, renters, and consumers.

So essentially, Biden and the Democrats want foreign aliens to be treated lavishly at the expense of poor working American families.

New Yorkers do NOT want these immigrants moving into their counties and flooding their communities as they have seen happen in New York City.

Costs are skyrocketing across the board, as communities everywhere are severely struggling.

Joe Biden continues to destroy America and will continue to do so until he is removed from office.

He does not care about Americans or their families, but spends more time, money, and effort on destroying their lives just so foreigners can live comfortably in the US.

Shelters are being crowded, jobs are being taken, and benefits are being removed from Americans to give to immigrants.

The people are fed up, and it is time for a change.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden just made a statement that shocked Democrats to their core


Our current President has made his fair share of surprising statements. But now he has taken it too far.

And Joe Biden just made a statement that shocked Democrats to their core.

Joe Biden is not known for being very tactful.

In fact, most people would probably say quite the opposite.

Now whether that is due to his lack of brain power, or just if he is rude and disrespectful is less known.

On Wednesday, the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze up again while taking questions.

This is the second time an instance like this has happened and many officials and friends are concerned over Mitch McConnell’s health.

Instead of showing sympathy or care for his supposed friend, Joe Biden instead resorted to cracking insensitive jokes.

When a reporter asked if Biden thought McConnell was fit to serve and run again, he turned to Sec. Mayorkas and asked, “Are you running?”

It may seem surprising that Joe Biden is making jokes about political rivals’ health.

Joe Biden’s health is not necessarily spectacular, and the 80-year-old president has had his fair share of interesting moments on camera.

After all, America can be described in a single word…

According to recent polls, over 77% of Americans say Biden is too old to be effective for another four years in office.

89% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats agree.

Joe Biden has no business making fun of another politician for health issues or having an embarrassing moment on camera.

Especially a politician whom Biden claims to be friends with.

America deserves a president who is sympathetic towards their political opponents and not on who will make fun of and belittle.

It is time for America to vote out the joke we have for a president and vote in someone who is competent and who can spend time and effort helping America heal and grow.

Instead, we are stuck with a president who has driven America into the ground and who promises nothing but disaster in the future.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

White House rocked by this earth-shattering scandal


Joe Biden can’t do anything right. His handling of almost every situation has been terrible.

And the White House was rocked by this earth-shattering scandal.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden finally announced that he would send aid to Hawaii to help rebuild after the tragic fires that claimed the lives of hundreds and destroyed thousands of people’s livelihoods.

However, the amount that he promised has left Americans in shock.

Biden announced that he would send $95 million in aid from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help Maui.

But that is not the only aid Biden has announced in recent days.

Joe Biden just asked Congress to approve another $24 billion in aid for Ukraine.

If this amount is approved, that would bring the total of tax-payer money sent to Ukraine to $135 billion.

The $95 million Biden is sending to Hawaii may seem like a lot, but when it is put into perspective, it is nothing.

Joe Biden is sending less than one-tenth of one percent of aid to Hawaii that he has to Ukraine.

He cares more about foreign countries than his own citizens.

Many Hawaiians have voiced similar thoughts, and some have said that they don’t even fell like citizens at this point.

There is absolutely no denying it at this point: Joe Biden hates America.

The president of the United States is anti-America.

According to a recent study, it will cost more than $5.52 billion to rebuild Lahaina which was completely destroyed by the fires.

A Hungarian company has sent pop-up tent homes to Hawaii residents and plans to send even more by October.

Yet Joe Biden has sent less than 1/10 of 1% of what he has sent to Ukraine.

In what world does that make any sense?

During a summit in July, Biden announced that the US has sent more money to Ukraine than all other countries combined.

While I am sure many people feel terribly for Ukraine, why does that mean that they deserve better than the citizens of their own country?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats make surprising legal move that Trump never expected


Democrats have been opposing Trump since before he took office. And his legal battles are only heating up.

And now Democrats made surprising legal move that Trump never expected.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, Democrats have been doing everything they can to remove him from office and prevent him from ever coming back.

They know he is too strong of an American, and they also know if he becomes the Republican candidate, he will be elected president.

Since coming to that realization, the Democrats have been weaponizing the Justice system and doing everything they can to attack Trump.

Trump has been hit with multiple indictments and arrests all based of off hoax claims.

They have tried to turn the public against him, but it has backfired.

Democrats have also tried to ruin his chances of running by setting a major trial date for the day before Super Tuesday.

However, none of this has even slowed Donald Trump down.

Now, Democrats are getting desperate and reaching even further to see what can be done to prevent Trump from taking office.

The Arizona Secretary of State has said that he is making attempts to use the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump from running for public office again.

The Fourteenth Amendment states that officials are not eligible to hold public office if they “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the US.

And while Trump has clearly not done either of those, his rivals are still attempting to do everything they can to oppose him.

Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said his office is taking these concerns “very seriously” because this “will ultimately end up in court.”

It seems strange that just days after Trump was indicted for denying election results and “attempting to overturn election results” that the left is now using the same angle to stop Trump from ever reaching office.

This is a clear-cut case of election interference.

The Democrats are trying to use their power and leverage as politicians to stop their rivals from being able to run against them.

What is next?

Will Democrats stop people from voting unless they believe the same things as them?

This has obviously gone far enough.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we follow this story closely.

Blood is on Biden’s hands from this complete disaster


Biden has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. But this is atrocious.

And blood is on Biden’s hands from this complete disaster.

On August 22nd, an illegal immigrant who entered the United States through the southern border, drove into a school bus injuring many and killing one.

The boy, 11-year-old Aiden Clark, was on the school bus for his first day of school when Hermanio Joseph crashed into the school bus.

Joseph, a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from Haiti, has been charged with killing Clark.

When Joseph struck the bus, Clark was ejected and declared dead on the scene of the accident.

It is extremely tragic, because this all could have just been avoided if Biden had better border security.

When Joseph reached the border in 2022, the Department of Homeland Security issued him a notice to appear in federal immigration court and then released him into the United States.

This is directly because of Joe Biden’s border and immigration policies.

Instead of being turned away at the border now, illegal immigrants are allowed into America freely.

Joe Biden is destroying border states, sanctuary cities, etc. as he just allows floods of illegal immigrants into the US.

The economies are being overwhelmed, but what is way worse is the number of crimes being committed that could have easily been avoided.

This is not the first instance of illegal immigrants committing crimes or even killing people.

Since Joe Biden relaxed the border security and undid everything that Trump set in place, violent crime by illegal immigrants has skyrocketed.

It is shocking that we even have to deal with this issue.

It seems obvious that if an immigrant is not legally allowed to be in America, they should not be there.

And what’s worse is that we aren’t talking about aliens sneaking under fences at nighttime.

This is a much larger issue in which the system knows these immigrants are entering illegally, and they are still allowed entry into the United States.

Joe Biden should be held accountable for these cases, and the blood of countless innocent lives is on his hands.

It is time to secure our borders and protect the lives of American citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on the developing story and more news headlines.