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Democrats are panicking after being slapped with a massive subpoena


The Democrats are trying everything they can do hinder Republicans politically. What they have done has crossed the line.

But Democrats are panicking after being slapped with a massive subpoena.

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan has filed a subpoena against a group that tracks “misinformation.”

They have demanded records related to communications with the Biden administration regarding their “moderation of content online.”

The Center for Countering Digital Hate, a nonprofit group “battling misinformation” has failed to produce documents that Jordan has requested in regards to investigation efforts.

The group has “failed to produce a single document” even though they have admitted to dealing with the executive branch directly.

The subpoena is attempting to figure out exactly how and about what they were communicating with the executive branch.

The committee’s investigation is part of an ongoing case “Missouri v. Biden” in which the Biden administration has been exposed for working with Big Tech companies to censor content on social media.

A letter sent to CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed claims they are undermining “First Amendment principles.”

Jordan added that “It is necessary for Congress to gauge the extent to which the federal government or one of its proxies worked with or relied upon CCDH to censor speech.”

Jordan stated that “by declining” the committee’s request to “produce anything of substance” they were “hindering the Committee’s ability to fulfill its constitutional oversight obligations.”

The subpoena demands all documents and communications that took place between the CCDH and the executive branch from Jan. 1, 2020, up until now.

This investigation comes after a long history of social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have been censoring content.

The larger question begs to be asked.

Why are Joe Biden and Democrats so concerned with censoring any opinions that aren’t their own?

The answer is simple:

They do not want Americans to learn the truth.

The Democrats have been targeting Trump, Republicans, and now the American people and trying to silence them.

The current administration is tyrannical, and they are accused of denying citizens their constitutional rights.

It is time to vote out Joe Biden and his phony administration.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden is reeling from this staggering accusation


The Biden administration has faced its fair share of controversy. But now this could be it for the President and his lackeys.

And Joe Biden is reeling from this staggering accusation.

In a late-night message on Tuesday, Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted Joe Biden and likened him to an “oppressive ruler.”

The statement comes after a recent incident in which a young boy was removed from class for wearing a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack.

The 12-year-old Colorado student was told that the flag represented “slavery” and “slave trade.”

A school official said that the flag “couldn’t be in and around other kids.”

MTG has blamed Joe Biden and his totalitarian-like rule for the recent incident.

Schools, counties, cities, and states are becoming more and more “woke” under Joe Biden, and citizens rights are becoming more infringed upon.

Everyone has a First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

Any American citizen should be allowed to wear a patch with the Gadsden flag, the American, flag, etc.

Instead, Joe Biden and his administration have become almost like a dictatorship.

They are only allowing what they believe and what they want to be freely and publicly expressed.

In recent days, MTG has supported impeaching Biden calling him the “criminal in chief” and saying that there is a “mountain of evidence” to support an impeachment.

Joe Biden is turning America into a woke hellhole and its citizens are fed up.

It is time for a change in leadership, and it is time for America to retake its place as the greatest nation in the world.

Some may think that MTG has gone too far with her comparison, others believe she has not gone far enough.

Joe Biden is a dictator who punishes anyone and everyone who disagrees with him.

The message is clear: Stand up for what you believe in and be punished.

Not even children are allowed to have their own opinions. Instead, they must be indoctrinated in woke public schools.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN’s dark secret exposed by one incriminating exposé


Everyone knows that CNN does the bidding of Democrats. But that pales in comparison to this.

And CNN’s dark secret was exposed by one incriminating exposé.

The Left’s alliance with mainstream media outlets has been common knowledge for decades.

Just take the case of Rep. Adam Schiff from California. Throughout Trump’s term, he made the rounds on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and others claiming Trump’s impeachment was an open-and-shut case.

He said there was no doubt that Trump colluded with Russia, but all of that turned out to be false.

After lying straight to the faces of the American public, you would think journalists would be hesitant to give him a platform.

Of course, that’s not the case:

CNN hired former BBC and New York Times CEO Mark Thompson as its new CEO on Wednesday, hoping to revitalize the faltering media company.

While Thompson has accomplished much in his long career, he has also been the subject of some controversy.

Most famously, at the end of his eight-year tenure at the British public broadcaster, he became embroiled in a scandal when the network canceled a program about an inquiry into longtime presenter and suspected pedophile Jimmy Savile.

The segment was scheduled to appear on BBC Newsnight in 2011, however, it was canceled by higher-ups.

Thompson denied knowledge of the decision, claiming that he was “never formally notified about the ‘Newsnight’ investigation and was not briefed about the allegations they were examining and to what extent, if at all, those allegations related to Savile’s work at the BBC.”

Nonetheless, as Director General, he drew criticism from both the general public and lawmakers.

During a parliamentary hearing on the subject, MP Roger Gale questioned Thompson’s ability to “not know what was going on under his own roof.”

Former Culture, Media, and Sport Committee chairman John Whittingdale, on the other hand, noted that testimony from individuals involved in decision-making demonstrated that the director general “doesn’t get dragged into these things.”

Thompson called other executives after learning of the aborted segment, who informed him that they “had decided not to proceed with it on journalistic grounds.”

When Arthur Sulzberger left the BBC to become chairman of the New York Times in 2012, he stated that Thompson “played no role in the cancellation of the segment.”

Savile, who died in 2011, was accused of abusing hundreds of children over the course of his decades-long career, the majority of which he spent at the BBC, where he hosted a number of famous shows.

The Metropolitan Police initiated an inquiry into his actions in 2012, and ITV aired a program about him that same year.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump deals major blow to Democrats with devastating repercussions


Democrats have been opposing Trump for years. They thought they have him on the run with his recent indictments.

However, Trump dealt a major blow to Democrats with devastating repercussions.

When Donald Trump’s trial date was set for a day before Super Tuesday, there was outrage across the nation.

Many view the trial date as clear election fraud and a weaponization of the justice department.

Trump stated that “a biased, Trump Hating Judge gave me only a two-month extension, just what our corrupt government wanted, SUPER TUESDAY. I will APPEAL!”

Even though Democrats think they have won, one thing is certain: Trump will not go down easily.

While getting the date changed could prove to be difficult, it is far from impossible.

With Trump’s promise of an appeal, there is hope for getting the date changed.

A motion for reconsideration would be a shot in the dark, but it is one that Trump could use.

Essentially, he could appeal to the judge to reconsider her decision for the court date.

Another option he has is called a “writ of mandamus.”

This would be essentially Trump calling on higher government entities to enforce a fair trial.

Even though Trump has a few different options, his battle will be long and hard.

Another positive thing that has come from this indictment, is that Trump seems to actually be gaining support…not losing it.

He is notably gaining support from the black community, and many view him as some sort of a modern-day martyr.

He certainly seems willing to suffer a lot in order to help “Make America Great Again.”

The Trump campaign also raised over $7 million since his mugshot was released and around $20 million since August.

Americans are fed up with the woke politicians that are destroying America.

Americans truly just want to see America made great again.

Under Trump, the economy was better, jobs were better, cost of living was better, and America and Americans were thriving.

Many people are just so sick of Biden and his destruction of America that they are willing to do whatever it takes to vote him out of office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republicans have one plan for 2024 that should scare Democrats to death


Total control of Washington, D.C. is on the ballot in 2024. Both major political parties have a golden opportunity.

And now Republicans have hatched a plan for 2024 that should scare Democrats to death.

When you look at the 2024 election cycle, there’s not much in the way of certainty. Though there are a few outcomes that you can expect when the dust has settled next November.

One of those is that the Republicans should have control of the U.S. Senate once again as the Democrats are defending twice as many seats as the Republicans are, and those up for reelection are way more vulnerable compared to the Republicans in the Senate who are up for reelection.

Outside of that, the U.S. House of Representatives is going to be a tooth-and-nail battle that comes down to the wire since Republicans carry a slim 4 seat majority right now. That slim majority is highly unlikely to change for either Democrats or Republicans.

And then there’s, of course, the hotly contested race for the White House that will seemingly come down between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It’s possible that it ends up as Joe Biden against Ron DeSantis, but either way, the race will be super close according to the polls right now.

However, with Joe Biden carrying awful approval ratings and bringing with him the baggage of a terrible U.S. economy into the 2024 election season, the idea that he could be as comfortable as previous incumbent Presidents is hard to believe.

So the Democrats are all in on the U.S. House to prevent a disaster for their party. But Republicans are already on their case and have a plan to maintain control of the lower chamber of Congress.

That plan is flipping the seat of a critical seat that is currently held by a Democrat who is extremely vulnerable right now.

That seat belongs to freshman Representative Emilia Sykes (D-OH) right now. And her seat is so vulnerable because of her own radicalism and the growing disdain for the Democrat party amongst Ohio voters.

According to the Washington Examiner who exclusively reported on polls they obtained from Ohio, Republicans have a slim majority in the state. Not only that, but Sykes is well under water as only 38.7% of voters want Sykes to be reelected at this point in time.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The internal polling, which was first obtained by the Washington Examiner, shows a tight race in Ohio on the generic congressional ballot, with 46.1% of voters saying they’d prefer a Republican candidate compared to 45.1% who’d back a Democrat. However, only 38.7% of voters say Sykes should be reelected versus 43.3% who say she should be replaced, putting her at a disadvantage. Another 18% are still undecided, according to the poll.

You can point to Sykes’s radical voting record to explain why she is quickly losing the support of Ohio voters.

Sykes voted against the POLICE Act, along with 175 of her fellow Democrats in the House. That would bill would have made attacking a law enforcement officer or first responder a crime that is worthy of deportation.

The Washington Examiner notes that when polled individuals were given the information about Sykes’s voting record, they soured even more on the idea of Sykes being reelected.

Her seat is going to prove extremely crucial for control of the U.S. House, and Republicans already have a leg up in that district in a big way.

Now Republicans are doubling down on flipping her seat to ensure they can set themselves up for success in maintaining control of the House and keeping House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in power of the gavel.

There’s a million other factors to consider, but Republicans are dialed in on this one factor that could mean everything at the end of the day.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on any major 2024 election cycle updates.

Leading Democrat stuns Americans with this absurd claim


The Left isn’t concerned with the plight of the average American. Democrat leaders seem to just want to watch cities burn.

And this leading Democrat stuns Americans with this absurd claim.

In a recent statement, NYC Mayor Eric Adams has claimed that the city is “thriving.”

In a speaking engagement on Sunday, Adams said, “The city is not coming back, We’re back back.”

I am not sure who Mayor Adams thinks he is fooling, but it is certainly not anyone with eyes or a brain.

What is even more confusing, is that this statement comes just weeks after Mayor Adams pleaded for help from the White House with the current migrant crisis.

Citizens have been staging protests all across the city as migrant shelters have been popping up all over their neighborhoods.

Instead of doing anything to help the situation or solve any problems, Mayor Adams has instead taken PR into his own hands.

Citizens have to feel miserable at this point as their mayor is spending their tax-payer dollars on publicity stunts instead of fixing any real issues.

The truth of the matter is that citizens are leaving the “Big Apple” faster than they are arriving.

In 2022, Manhattan was the only borough that did not lose population.

In 2020 and 2021 around 400,000 people left the city.

The reason is obvious: the Democrats are running the city into the ground.

What once was a great example of capitalism, Americanism, and patriotism, is now a slum flooded with immigrants, crime, poverty, and filth.

Since 2019, over 158 financial firms have moved their headquarters from the city and taken with them almost $1 trillion in managed assets.

The political leaders of New York City are driving people away.

They are doing nothing to help the city grow or heal.

During COVID, the absurd lockdowns and mandates that infringed on citizens’ constitutional rights also took its toll.

As one news report puts it, “Taxpayers are leaving, and migrants who consume tax dollars are flooding in.”

The citizens of this great city deserve better management and better leaders.

It is time for Adams to begone.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris made a humiliating admission she wishes she could take back


Vice President Harris is terrible at her job. It’s almost as if she doesn’t care.

And now Kamala Harris made a humiliating admission she wishes she could take back.

The Biden administration has been pushing their “Bidenomics” solution on Americans for months now.

The Americans want none of it and have been pushing back making it clear that whatever “Bidenomics” is, it isn’t working.

Biden and the entire administration, however, are claiming that their “Bidenomics” plan is helping Americans.

They are trying to convince the American people that they are in a better place than when Donald Trump was president.

However, even though Harris and Biden are lying to the American people, they have slipped up and admitted that their plan does not work.

In a recent speaking engagement, Harris stated that “most Americans are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy.”

Thankfully, that is not the truth, as many of the words that come pouring out of Biden and Harris’s mouths are lies.

Unfortunately, though, it is not as far from the truth as many would hope it would be.

The Biden administration is trying to push on America that we are in a great position in our economy, but its clear not even they believe that.

A recent survey found that only around 46% of Americans could cover an emergency expense of $400.

This is directly because of the Biden administration.

The economy is in the toilet; in fact, it may even be in the sewer at this point.

And the administration is doing nothing to help.

They even seem to be actively trying to make it worse.

They are flooding cities and states with immigrants, passing laws and policies that injure Americans, and the inflation is at an all-time high.

The current administration is emphatically anti-America.

Is “Bidenomics” the new normal?

Is America doomed to a life of struggling in a dying economy?

According to a recent analysis, the average middle-class household has lost over $33,000 in real wealth in the past year alone.

It is time for a change, and it is time for an administration that cares and provides for its citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this story.

Democrats are sweating bullets after this election interference was uncovered

Donald Trump has been facing criminal charges and public humiliation due to “election interference” and “denying election results.” Democrats are doing everything in their power to punish Trump as much as possible.

But Democrats are sweating bullets after this election interference was uncovered.

Last week, Donald Trump turned himself in to officials in connection with an indictment in Georgia.

He has been accused of denying election results and interfering with elections.

Strangely, though, in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected, Democrats across the nation were denying the election results as well.

But for whatever reason, they are not in any sort of trouble… only Donald Trump and his allies are.

Now, the Democrats have been exposed for clear election interference.

Donald Trump’s trial date for his indictment in Georgia has been set, and it has been set very intentionally.

The date is a day before “Super Tuesday.”

It is well known that Donald Trump is the strong front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination and maybe even for the presidency.

This is as clear an indication of election interference as it comes.

The Democrats are attempting to interfere with the 2024 presidential election.

That is the truth.

There is no denying that.

They are attempting to sabotage Republicans and prevent Donald Trump from being elected.

This is not an issue of an accidental mistake or having the trial on a day that’s just slightly inconvenient for Trump.

The trial date is set for a day before one of the most important days during election season.

Republican leaders have been taking to Twitter to express their frustration and shock.

Matt Gaetz has labeled the Judge who set the date as a “political operative in a robe.”

Another political leader stated that this was, “Election interference in broad daylight, right up in your face by a weaponized justice system.”

Regardless of views on Donald Trump, no one can argue that this is not a clear-cut case of election interference.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kevin McCarthy’s secret attack plan for Biden exposed by top Republican


Republicans are tired of putting up with Joe Biden’s corruption. Now they’re ready to act.

And Kevin McCarthy’s secret attack plan for Biden exposed by top Republican.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) indicated House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will be among the first members of Congress to vote to launch an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden.

Greene stated on American Sunrise on Real America’s Voice that she is optimistic McCarthy would begin the process by September, saying, “The reason why I’m confident is we had a house GOP call yesterday and that was his big push on the call.”

“An impeachment inquiry is just asking the question,” Greene said, wondering why some House Republicans are unwilling to take the first steps.

“We’re just asking members of Congress, do you think we should inquire about impeachment? It’s not saying, ‘Do you want to impeach?’

“And at this point right now, I’m like, what the hell is wrong with Republicans?” Greene went on.

The Republican congresswoman, who is serving her second two-year term, said she is currently “hanging out with all of the great, wonderful normal people that actually have a brain and have common sense and are asking me every day, ‘Marjorie, when is Congress going to move on with this impeachment inquiry?'”

Since Biden took office in January 2021, Greene has supported three articles of impeachment against him.

Several Republicans, including Greene, have introduced impeachment articles against him during his first two years in office.

Greene ignited impeachment talks in May by attempting to impeach Biden over his management of border crossings after Title 42 expired.

Greene renewed her calls for Biden’s impeachment in July, citing his alleged involvement in his son Hunter Biden’s international business transactions.

McCarthy has suggested that he will initiate an impeachment investigation into Biden.

Republicans, who hold a thin majority in the House, are attempting to collect bank and credit card statements from members of the Biden family and threatening impeachment if they are not provided.

McCarthy told Fox News this weekend that an impeachment investigation is a “natural step forward.”

Greene said the member holding back the impeachment inquiry is not McCarthy, rather “some of these few remaining Republicans that maybe won a Biden district,” but believes the GOP “conference is coming together and we should be voting on this in September.”

But isn’t it sad how much effort Republicans have to spend to impeach someone who has committed actual crimes.

Compare that to Democrats who impeached Trump multiple times on a whim.

Republicans need to unify and smack Democrats with what they deserve.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This McCarthy bombshell is terrifying Democrats


Speaker McCarthy has been facing immense pressure for both sides of the aisle in recent days. It can be hard to keep politicians happy.

But now McCarthy has dropped a bombshell that terrifies the Democrats.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy is working hard to gain favor with Republicans even as they are pressuring him into avoiding working with Democrats.

He said on Monday that he was in favor of an impeachment inquiry and that it was “a natural step forward.”

There is hope that when the House returns from its recess, there will be an impeachment inquiry.

Many news sites and political commentators are investigating into McCarthy’s words, and what exactly that will mean for Biden.

There will be a key testimony in September by AG Garland on discrepancies between the IRS whistleblowers and the Justice Department.

Many people believe that this testimony could directly lead to an impeachment inquiry.

Others, however, believe that an impeachment inquiry should have happened a long time ago.

McCarthy has also said that an inquiry would likely happen if Bidne did not turn over key documents.

Many believe that the Republicans are taking it “too easy” on Biden and a inquiry should not even happen.

Trump made one such statement on Truth social just a few days ago.

He goes on further to highlight that he never received an inquiry.

Many Americans feels very similarly.

The truth about Biden is out for all to see.

There is undeniable proof of his corruption, and he has nowhere to hide anymore.

Key Republican leaders are hoping that McCarthy makes good on his word and that the process leading to a Biden impeachment will get started soon.

Joe Biden is destroying America, and he is as crooked as they seem to get.

It is time to remove him from office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

National Archive exposes Biden corruption for all to see


Biden has been a corrupt figure since even before he was elected President. He has constantly denied it.

But now the National Archive has clearly exposed his corruption.

The House Oversight Committee recently requested emails linked to Joe Biden’s aliases from the National Archives in regards to the investigation into the Biden family’s corruption.

The National Archives has over 5,400 emails and other records with ties to Joe Biden’s aliases “Robert Peters”, “JRB Ware”, and “Robin Ware.”

Joe Biden has claimed that there was an “absolute wall” between his family’s foreign business and his political duties.

However, that statement was a flat-out lie.

There has been a copious amount of proof that Joe Biden was certainly interfering in his son’s and family’s foreign affairs.

These emails are just some of the proof, but they are a key part of exposing the truth to the public,

The aliases were used to discuss government information and discuss business with Hunter and his associates.

The Southeastern Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit to compel the National Archives to turn over the emails.

The foundation said “All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit. When they do, many seek to hide it.”

They went on further to ask for the emails and records to be released to the public so that the truth would come out.

“The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden’s nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public. The American public deserves to know what is in them.”

Many of these emails that have already been uncovered are frightening for the House Oversight Committee.

One alias was tied to an email from back in 2016 where Hunter Biden was CC’d in an email from Joe Biden regarding Ukraine.

Other aliases have been on people’s radar for years.

It is unusual for a government official to use an alias when communicating within a government network.

“I’ve been suspicious ever since my office uncovered this fact back in 2021, and we have unfortunately gotten no response from the White House to the four letters that my office has sent on this matter. It is incredibly worrisome that Joe Biden continues to evade our oversight efforts surrounding his corruption,” says Senator Ron Johnson.

Americans are concerned with the corruption surrounding Joe Biden and his entire family, and it is time for the whole truth to be exposed.

The National Archives need to release all the emails to the public, so that we may learn the whole truth and see the true extent of our President’s corruption.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we dive deeper into this developing story.

Greg Abbott sends a gift to a major Democrat causing total mayhem


Texas Governor Greg Abbott is as conservative as they come. But millions are not going to like what he just did.

Because Greg Abbott sent a gift to a major Democrat causing total mayhem.

Democrat Joe Biden’s open border policy is having a devastating effect on one surprising city in the United States.

During the weekend, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) delivered the state’s tenth bus full of illegal immigrants to Los Angeles. This happened just days after the mayor of Los Angeles attacked Texas for sending migrants.

Democratic Mayor Karen Bass was startled by the arrival of a bus carrying 39 illegal immigrants.

Five days after Abbott’s tenth delivery to the liberal city during Tropical Storm Hillary, he sent another bus with 12 families and 21 children on board.

“LA has not extended an invitation asking for people to come. This is a political act,” Bass said, even though she declared Los Angeles a sanctuary city earlier this year.

Bass labeled Abbott’s behavior as “evil,” saying that he put them in harm’s way amid a downpour.

“This evening, Los Angeles received another bus from Texas. That means that while we were urging Angelenos to stay safe, the Governor of Texas was sending a bus with families and toddlers straight towards us KNOWING they’d have to drive right into an unprecedented storm,” Bass tweeted.

Abbott’s press secretary, Andrew Mahaleris, however, told Fox News Digital that the illegal aliens had signed a waiver of voluntary agreement before boarding the bus.

The Abbott administration’s statement reads:

Migrants willingly chose to go to Los Angeles, having signed a voluntary consent waiver available in multiple languages upon boarding that they agreed on the destination.

With record numbers of illegal immigrants, drugs, and contraband flooding into the country through the southern border, Biden’s open-border policies have created a humanitarian disaster.

Over 30,000 migrants have been transported by bus by the governor of Texas to cities controlled by Democrats.

The Democrats in cities like Los Angeles can complain all they want, but the reality is that they have brought this on themselves.

The southern states like Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona are being overrun and they need help dealing with the illegal immigration that is having devastating effects on their local communities.

Democrat-controlled cities all over the country have labeled themselves as sanctuary cities, so it stands to reason that the illegal immigrants would be welcome in their cities.

But of course, we know that Democrats don’t actually want to deal with the reality of what illegal immigration brings. They just want to use it as a virtue-signaling point for votes with their Leftist voting base.

Be sure to stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates about the illegal immigration issue on the southern border.