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Democrats are on the brink of civil war thanks to this high-profile defection


It is no secret that politics can get nasty. Many times, people can take things too far.

But now, Democrats are on the brink of civil war thanks to this high-profile defection.

With tensions on the rise regarding the growing border crisis, many politicians and leaders are calling for a change.

In the past, only Republicans have had the guts to call out the White House’s terrible border policies.

But now, more and more prominent Democrats are turning on their own administration.

Many states and cities are declaring states of emergency and are calling for a change.

The Massachusetts governor described the situation as a “federal crisis of inaction that is many years in the making.”

Biden and the current administration did not expect there to be contention among their own party.

They overestimated the support they would receive from Democrats.

Election season is almost upon us and the last thing Biden needs, is for support to fail among his own allies.

The Republicans and many Independents hate Biden and need no excuse to vote against him, but Biden needs all possible support from Democrats.

This “civil war” could be exactly what the Republicans need this election season.

A prominent leader from Chicago invited Biden to tour one of the city’s overrun migrant camps.

An offer which, of course, Biden has refused.

The mayor of New York has gone from saying he would “welcome migrants with open arms” to begging the White House for aid.

A Democratic senator from Arizona also came after Biden and called his border policies “dumb.”

This kind of pushback from the Democratic party is a huge loss for Biden and a huge gain for Republicans.

If this contention can be exploited and pushed further, Republicans will have a much higher chance of winning the Presidency.

With the “civil war” now erupting among Democrats, it is proving how sick and tired the American people are of an ineffective and clueless President.

People want a strong leader who will care for the needs of their citizens.

Not a leader who spends more time and money on immigrants and foreign countries while his own country suffers immensely.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and election headlines.

Karine Jean-Pierre humiliated Joe Biden with this braindead statement


The current administration is being caught in lies left and right. But they keep trying to make excuses or whisk them away.

But Karine Jean-Pierre humiliated Joe Biden with this braindead statement.

As the proceeding surrounding Hunter Biden continue to escalate, the White House has had to change their story multiple times to keep up with Hunter’s story.

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has had to run in circles to keep up.

Her most recent response states that there is “zero evidence” that Joe Biden “discussed” or “involved with” Hunter Biden’s business.

This is at least the third time the White House has had to change their story to keep up with Hunter Biden and new evidence that has come to light.

Originally, Joe Biden said that he had “never discussed” the business dealings.

KJP in recent weeks then changed to say “the president was never in dealings with his son.”

An now, has claimed that there is zero evidence of discussion or involvement.

It is shocking how many times the White House has had to backup and restate lies in order to cover for Joe Biden.

Not only is the administration lying flat out to the public, but they are also ignoring copious amounts of mounting evidence against them.

There are pictures, logs, voicemails, phone calls, and Joe Biden’s own words that expose him and his administration as liars.

The White House is trying to cover up for Joe Biden and as they do so, are making it abundantly clear that they do not care if they lie and change stories as they do so.

Even other Democrats know there is no defending Hunter and call his dealings “unlawful” but they still refuse to admit Joe Biden’s involvement.

The ability to lie and deny even when the evidence could not be any clearer should be a wake-up call for all voters.

KJP recently stated that Republicans “keep turning up documents and witnesses showing the president wasn’t involved, never discussed these business dealings, and did nothing wrong. There’s been zero evidence showing otherwise.”

To have a press secretary that is so easily able to lie is a scary thought.

How much of what comes from the White House is a blatant lie to cover for Joe Biden?

How can we hope for truth and honesty when our President and the White House press secretary and lying to cover for Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings?

How can we hope that the administration cares at all for the American people when they constantly show they don’t?

It is time for a change.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

President Biden hostage situation has shocking new developments


Joe Biden has a major hostage situation on his hands. The media won’t talk about it.

And now President Biden’s hostage situation has new shocking developments you need to hear about.

Maybe the biggest failure of the Biden administration that has been talked about the least has been his failure to bring home hostages who are being wrongfully detained in enemy territories throughout the world.

Joe Biden has had to resort to negotiating with terrorists like those in Iran to get Americans back safely.

The hostage situation with the most at stake right now is likely Evan Gershkovich.

Gershkovich was wrongly thrown in prison by the Russians earlier this year on charges of espionage and being an agent and informant for the United States.

Gershkovich’s case is so important because this is the first time that an American has been detained in Russia on charges of espionage since the 1980s.

What’s sad is that the Biden administration seems to be no closer to securing Evan Gershkovich’s freedom. Instead, they are just offering him visits from the U.S. Ambassador to Russia.

On Monday, Wall Street Journal writer Evan Gershkovich, who has been held in Russia since the beginning of the year, met with United States Ambassador to the Russian Federation Lynne Tracy.

Tracy has previously paid two visits to Gershkovich in Lefortovo Prison since his arrest in March. There were differences of opinion over Gershkovich’s level of communication with Washington during her last visit, which took place in July.

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow said that “Ambassador Tracy reported that Evan continues to appear in good health and remains strong despite the circumstances.”

On March 29, officials from the Russian Federation’s Federal Security Service apprehended the 31-year-old journalist en route to Yekaterinburg on suspicion of espionage.

He is the only American journalist to be detained in Russia since the Cold War ended, and he, The Wall Street Journal, and the United States have all denied that he is a spy or has worked for the government in any capacity.

The U.S. Department of State has concluded that Gershkovich was wrongfully arrested and is now waiting for trial. This label is crucial for any future prisoner exchange negotiations between Washington and Beijing.

Vice President Joe Biden told reporters in Europe last month, “I’m serious about doing all we can to free Americans who are being illegally held in Russia or, for that matter, anywhere else, and that process is underway.”

Gershkovich has received support from both houses of Congress in the United States. In June, the House passed a resolution demanding that Russia release him immediately and grant him consular access.

While espionage convictions in the country entail a prison penalty of 10–20 years, legal experts have informed The Journal that it could be a while before Gershkovich goes to trial.

Thus far, Russia has not signaled any willingness to work with the U.S. federal government to free Evan Gershkovich from being held hostage.

The Biden administration has also confirmed that there has not been any significant progress to secure Gershkovich’s freedom.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The White House is panicking after being caught in this shameless lie


The Biden admin has come under fire for their constant falsehoods. But now they’ve been forced to admit that they deceived the American people.

And the White House is panicking after being caught in this shameless lie.

In a time where headlines and titles mean so much, the names of bills and legislature are sometimes the only thing Americans have to go off of.

These new bills and policies are hundreds or thousands of pages of nonsense that the average American has no time to read through.

So, headlines are all we have to go off of a lot of times.

One such major piece of legislature is the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Biden has recently admitted that this bill was not really a bill to reduce inflation.

He instead claims, “it has less to do with reducing inflation than it does to do with dealing with providing for alternatives that generate economic growth.”

Biden also stated that he “wished [he] hadn’t called it that.”

This is an interesting difference from last summer when Biden tweeted: “My message to Congress is this: The Inflation Reduction Act is the strongest bill you can pass to lower inflation, reduce costs, and tackle our climate crisis. So pass it. Pass it for the American people – and pass it for America.”

Why would Biden lie about the name and reason for this bill?

Because he wanted to deceive the American people and lawmakers into passing a bill that pushed liberal ideologies and agendas.

It is worth noting that Joe Manchin initially refused to support the bill, but passed the deciding vote when Democrats rebranded the bill as “The Inflation Reduction Act.”

This is a prime example of why Americans distrust Democrats and our current administration.

Intentional lies and deceit to convince people to vote a certain way is not what Americans want from their President and administration.

In a day and age where it is so hard to get accurate information, headlines and titles are so important and NEED to be true.

Biden admitting to deceiving the American people cements that he is not fit to lead.

It also makes it beyond obvious that Biden cares nothing about inflation or how the American people are, but instead he cares about votes and deceit.

The current administration is unfit to lead and is intentionally deceiving and lying to citizens in order to pass their agendas.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we develop this story.

Leaked documents prove this shameful truth about Dr. Fauci


The COVID scare was a hard time for the average American. Dr. Anthony Fauci shoulders most of the blame.

And leaked documents prove this shameful truth about Dr. Fauci.

Recent records reveal that Dr. Fauci and other political elites made over $300 million while the American people suffered.

Dr. Fauci, a so-called “COVID expert” and other “COVID experts” made hundreds of millions of dollars from royalty checks while many Americans struggled to even just pay bills.

The former NIH director, Dr. Francis Collins was another one of these elite that made millions off of the global crisis.

During the pandemic, Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute if Virology to investigate the virus and received payments for allowing other companies to use their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) shows over 56,000 transactions adding up to over $325 million that these so-called “experts” pocketed.

On top of these outrageous payments, in 2022 Fauci was the highest-paid federal worker with a salary of $480,000.

Fauci also promised he would donate all of the royalties to charity however failed to do so.

This fits into the larger narrative of the political elite becoming even richer from the sufferings of Americans.

An organization called ‘Open the Books’, dedicated to transparency, released over 1500 records that show the leading names at the National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ( NIAID) became unimaginably rich as tens of thousands of Americans died and millions more suffered.

COVID was one huge plot that made the government unbelievably rich at the expense of American citizens.

Senator Rand Paul said, “The NIH continues to refuse to voluntarily divulge the names of scientists who receive royalties and from which companies over the period of time from 2010 to 2016, 27,000 royalty payments were paid to 1800 NIH employees. We know that. Not because you told us, but because we forced you to tell us through the Freedom of Information Act.”

The growing silence and disdain for the truth should be frightening to all Americans.

Why does the NIH want to hide data from the people?

Because it would expose them for the frauds that they are.

They would lose all trust and credibility.

When will this madness stop? When will the elite stop stomping on the average American just in an attempt to get richer?

When will the American people hold these people accountable?

It is past time for a change and this is the final straw for many Americans.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and updates.

White House gives outrageous reply to reporter’s question


It is no secret that the country is going up in flames. Many citizens and reporters are demanding answers.

And the White House gave an outrageous answer to this reporter’s question.

This past weekend, Biden was lounging on the beach during what is a terribly tragic time for America.

The Hawaii fires have been all over the news, but what has been strangely absent is any response from the White House.

Over the weekend, the death toll from the Hawaii wildfires reached 96 and hundreds of others remain missing.

In such a terrible time as this, many are looking to the White House for leadership, answers, and hope.

However, over the past week, there has been little word from the White House regarding the recent tragic fires.

On Sunday, Biden was approached as he sat lounging on the beach.

When he was asked about the rising death toll and tragedy in Hawaii, Biden gave his answer.

“No comment.”

A White House reporter, Justin Sink, reported on the issue:

No comment… that is the reply the American people get from the White House. There is no sympathy, no support, no hope. Just “no comment.”

America deserves better than this. America deserves a leader that cares about the American people; not one that sits on a beach while an entire state is on fire.

Biden has promised no aid even as the damages are estimated to be over $5 billion.

On August 10th, Biden tweeted that “Jill and I send our deepest condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the wildfires in Maui. Our prayers are with those whose homes, businesses, and communities are destroyed.”

That has been pretty much the only communication from the White House regarding the tragedy taking place in Hawaii.

Biden lounges on a beach while Americans suffer.

That seems to be the story of the Biden presidency. The American people have come to expect nothing less of Joe Biden and his administration.

In such a time of desperation, where can Americans turn for help?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as the story unfolds.

Clarence Thomas was just served a chilling order from Congress


Justice Thomas is the by far the most conservative member of Supreme Court. Democrats are doing all they can to get rid of him.

And Clarence Thomas was just served a chilling order from Congress.

The past few years of Supreme Court decisions have been a boon for conservatives.

Everything from allowing pro-life laws to defending the second amendment, the Court is decidedly more favorable to conservatives than before.

Justice Clarence Thomas has been spearheading the Constitutional conservative side of the Court, just like he has for decades.

And, for that, Democrats are targeting him.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, a member of the far-left “Squad,” is requesting that the Department of Justice investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s relationship with a Republican megadonor and others she alleges he profited financially from.

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday, Ocasio-Cortez and four of her progressive colleagues demanded that the DOJ investigate Thomas “for consistently failing to report significant gifts he received from Harlan Crow and other billionaires for nearly two decades — in defiance of his duty under federal law.”

“First, Justice Thomas has received numerous undisclosed valuable gifts from Harlan Crow over the course of at least fifteen years, despite certifying repeatedly that his financial disclosure forms are “accurate, true, and complete,” in certifications “subject to civil and criminal sanctions,” the letter read.

According to the letter, Thomas’ strong association with real estate developer Harlan Crow allowed him to accompany the Texas millionaire on luxurious trips on his private plane and yacht, as well as complimentary stays on Crow’s sprawling vacation property, among other advantages.

It then accused Thomas of failing to recuse himself from matters “before the court in which there was a potential conflict of interest,” and mentioned prior ProPublica investigations into additional gifts Thomas allegedly received from other rich persons.

“No one is above the law. For two decades, Justice Thomas failed to report millions in gifts. Today, we asked DOJ to investigate Thomas for violating the Ethics of Government Act of 1978. We are joined by Ranking Members [Jerrold] Nadler & [Jamie] Raskin, and Judiciary Members [Ted] Lieu & Hank Johnson,” Ocastio-Cortez wrote on social media.

After the initial ProPublica piece was published in April, Thomas issued a rare statement defending the trips he took with his friends over many years and stressing that he had always followed Supreme Court advice.

“Harlan and Kathy Crow are among our dearest friends, and we have been friends for over twenty-five years,” Thomas said.

“As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter-century we have known them.”

“Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable,” he added.

This is yet another witch hunt. And the left-leaning media will pepper Americans with report after report questioning the good Justice’s ethics.

But most Americans see through the lies. They know this just a Leftist hit job.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

One Democrat city is nearing total destruction


Some states have declared states of emergency. Most are panicking.

And now a one Democrat city is nearing total destruction.

As Biden’s immigration policies are crippling Republican and Democrat states alike, many are calling for help.

Biden’s new parole pipeline and border policies are letting in immigrants and illegal aliens into America by the tens of thousands.

As they flood border states and cripple economies along the border, they also are moving to bigger cities as well.

The Massachusetts governor has had to declare a state of emergency dude to the rising number of immigrants flooding her state.

Now the mayor of NYC has warned that the immigration crisis could “decimate” his sanctuary city.

It is ironic that the same states and same officials that supported Biden’s ridiculous border policies are now the ones crying loudest for help.

Mayor Eric Adams also worries that if his city is “decimated” it will have a ripple effect.

“Think about what happened in the last few months. We have created a funnel. All of the bordering states have now took the funnel right to New York City. New York City is the economic engine of this entire state and country. If you decimate this city, you’re gonna decimate the foundation of what’s happening,” states Mayor Adams.

“Look at Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, and now you’re hearing the governor of Massachusetts. And so when people say we gave them a $100 million towards a billion dollar bill.”

You know the situation is critical when the strong supporters of Biden and his immigration policies are as desperate as they are now.

Mayor Adams has gone so far as to beg Biden and his administration to declare a national emergency over the border crisis.

In just New York City (not counting the other cities and states suffering), the cost just to house and feed these migrants is billions of dollars.

The Biden border crisis is out of control and even the Democrats know it.

With Democrats now joining Republicans in calling Biden out for his terrible immigration policies, will something now change?

Can the joke administration in the White House acknowledge that there is bipartisan desperation on both sides?

Will Biden and the woke left finally admit that their immigration policies are ruining America?

Most likely not.

But stay tuned to Prudent Politics for any developing updates.

Biden promises to keep crippling average American


The economy continues to be terrible. And the lives of US citizens is getting harder.

But Biden vows to keep making life harder and cripple the average American.

This week during a series of speeches in Arizona, Utah, and other western states, Biden has promised he will continue to try and make life even harder for his citizens.

In an effort to capture more votes among young liberals, Biden has taken an increasingly ridiculous stance on climate change and green energy.

In a recent speech in Arizona, Biden stated that he was still “pushing really hard” to cease all drilling on the “east coast, west coast., and in the gulf.”

Joe Biden wants Americans to be reliant on other nations like China and Russia for their energy.

Biden wants to see millions of Americans continue to suffer outrageous gas prices that are destroying families.

Joe Biden wants to destroy tens of thousands of jobs for Americans and cease pipeline work and drilling.

How long will Biden make moves that do nothing to help the American people, but do everything to destroy them?

Our economy is bleeding, and Biden thinks now is the best time to continue to raise prices, cut jobs, and make America reliant on foreign nations.

As our current economic struggles persist and the challenges and hardships faced by American citizens mount, Biden’s commitment to policies that make matters worse is a sign of our current administration.

How can a country with a president such as Biden running it hope to ever be successful?

How are the American people expected to succeed when our President is so dedicated to destroying the economy and the lives of his citizens?

Enough is enough.

Americans across the political spectrum and across the nation are sick of these policies that provide no benefit to anyone but the political elite.

As Biden pledges to make America more reliant on foreign nations, one must also consider who these foreign nations are.

With the slam down on drilling in the US, it forces us to become reliant on not even friendly foreign countries, but unfriendly ones such as Russia and China.

Last year at the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, it proved our reliance on a nation such as Russia for oil drilling was a mistake.

Instead of seizing the opportunity to provide jobs, cheaper gas, and other critical benefits, Biden has decided to repeat the same mistakes and make America even more reliant on un-reliant foreign countries.

This statement by Rep. Pete Stauber encompasses the frustration felt all over.

It is time to hold Biden and his administration accountable for the destruction of American lives. No. It is past time to hold him accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Blood is on Biden’s hands and there’s no escape for him


Biden has committed many atrocious acts. But he may have taken it too far.

And now blood is on Biden’s hands and there’s no escape for him.

President Biden has taken it too far by negotiating with Iranian terrorists and paying them billions of dollars in unfrozen assets.

Rep. Claudia Tenney (NY) says the administration is responsible for “financing terrorism.”

“By giving the Iranian mullahs $6 billion, the Biden administration is responsible for financing terrorism and fueling the continued oppression of the Iranian people” Tenney stated.

Biden paid 6 billion dollars in frozen assets to the Iranian regime in exchange for moving five Iranian Americans from prison to house arrest.

Biden didn’t even pay $6 billion to free anyone… just to move them.

What an absurd idea.

Negotiating with terrorists is a move that will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind: this administration is weak and cowardly.

Teney stated, “not only does this show the Biden administration will bow down to terrorists, but encourages terroristic regimes to kidnap more Americans for the prospect of a payoff.”

She is exactly right on this issue. This payout will encourage further terrorism, and it will cement the idea that the current US administration is weak, and that terrorism will go unpunished.

Not only did Biden approve the release of billions of dollars to terrorists, he also released a “handful” of Iran nationals who were imprisoned for violating sanctions in the US.

When a weak president sits in the White House, damage is done, and terrorism is allowed to pass unchecked.

When will the American people and elected officials start to hold Biden accountable for the blood on his hands?

This sum of money will surely go straight into more terrorism and more illegal activity. Biden knows that. The American people know that.

So, when will Biden be held in check?

Iran is a known state sponsor for terrorism (the largest in fact).

This is not just Joe Biden paying people to release American citizens.

It also isn’t an exchange of hostages.

This is a situation where the president of the most powerful nation in the world is knowingly funding terrorism.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Biden is in hot water after he was caught freeing terrorists


It’s no secret that Biden has made many questionable decisions. But this is one of the worst.

And Biden is in hot water after he was caught freeing terrorists.

Biden’s border policies have long had issues. Even Democrats have complained about the administration’s immigration and border laws.

Now things are getting well out of hand.

Biden has a parole pipeline that allows immigrants into the US even if they have been declared inadmissible.

In June of 2021, an illegal Venezuelan immigrant attempted to cross the Mexico-US border. He was deemed inadmissible by border patrol agents and given a notice to appear in federal immigration court.

However, even though deemed inadmissible, this illegal alien was released into the United States due to Biden’s parole policies.

In August of 2021, a court in Venezuela released an arrest warrant for this alien on charges relating to fraud, money laundering, association with organized crime, and not least of all: funding terrorism.

Because of Biden’s policies, this illegal alien with ties to terrorism has been living in Chicago, Illinois for the past two years.

On August 8, ICE agents finally arrested the Venezuelan culprit, and he will remain in custody as his deportation proceedings happen.

Thankfully, ICE agents were able to catch up to him, but if they hadn’t, what would that mean for residents living near him?

How many other cases are there like this one?

How many other illegal aliens are crossing into the US and being allowed by President Biden’s policies?

Well, the Center for Immigration Studies actually estimates that 1.4 million other immigrants and illegal aliens have been allowed into the US specifically due to Biden’s parole pipeline.

That is an absurd and terrifying number. Hundreds of thousands of other illegal aliens as well as those who have gotten away have crossed since Biden took office.

These policies are not helping the American people.

Biden’s policies are directly releasing hundreds of thousands and millions of illegal aliens, known terrorists, and other border crossers deemed inadmissible.

Republican and Democrat states alike are buckling under this immense pressure as a direct result of Joe Biden.

With more and more Democrat voices calling for aid and declaring states of emergency, will the President finally listen to the voice of reason?

Or will he continue to destroy the economy and put the lives of legal citizens in danger by allowing more and more illegal and dangerous immigrants into US cities?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as the story continues to develop.

Biden economy? Survey says: no


Biden’s economy has always been a disaster. Americans are sick of the same old song and dance.

Now Biden has been hit with a devastating reality check.

In a recent survey put together by Reuters/Ipsos, Americans have made their opinion on Biden’s economy clear.

The US economy is worse now than it was five years ago under Donald Trump’s leadership according to 73% of Americans.

That is a staggering number that leaves absolutely no question as to how Americans feel about Joe Biden’s economy.

Biden’s overall approval rating remains extremely low as well (a record low in fact) at just 38%.

It is no secret that Biden is bleeding America dry.

It is also no secret that he has done an amazing job at destroying our economy, losing jobs, and overall destroying the lives of the working-class Americans.

Now, Biden has nowhere to hide.

As campaign efforts start to ramp up, new polls show Biden with shockingly low approval ratings and terrible polls on his handling of the economy.

Americans have made it clear: fix the economy. Or else.

Many Americans also believe that the economy is the most important issue. More important than pushing gun control, the LGBT woke ideologies, green economies, etc.

Americans are desperate for a change in the economy as life gets harder and harder.

Grocery and gas prices continue to skyrocket.

Enough about these policies that affect only 1% of the population. Fix the economy that affects 99% of the population and that 73% of Americans say is terrible!

In a new survey, only 16% of Americans say that their wages have kept pace with inflation.

As Biden and his administration keep bragging about their economy and policies they are passing that help Americans, the polls are clear: Americans do not feel helped.

As we move closer to the next presidential election, the issue of the economy remains crucial for voters.

If Biden wants to have any chance at a re-election, he needs to act now and act fast.

Stay tuned here to Prudent Politics for updates and other breaking news.