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FBI Whistleblower sounds terrifying alarm about the US Government

The federal government is no friend to the common man. But it’s even worse than you could imagine.

And this FBI Whistleblower sounded a terrifying alarm about the US Government.

Garret O’Boyle, an FBI whistleblower, told the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that “this government will crush” not just individuals who “expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong,” but also their families.

One of four witnesses who appeared on Thursday, O’Boyle, stated that he had dedicated his life to the service of the United States.

He served in the United States military, including deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, before joining the FBI and working his way up to the rank of special agent.

After returning to the United States, O’Boyle worked as a police officer in Wisconsin while earning his criminology and law degrees from Marquette University, according to Committee chair Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

He “was suspended without pay after he raised concerns with his chain of command and then made disclosures to Congress,” as the Hill reported.

O’Boyle testified that he was suspended only after the FBI “allowed [him] to accept orders to a new position halfway across the country.”

As he put it:

In weaponized fashion, the FBI allowed me to accept orders to a new position halfway across the country. They allowed us to sell my family’s home. They ordered me to report to the new unit when our youngest daughter was only two weeks old. Then, on my first day on the new assignment, they suspended me; rendering my family homeless and refused to release our household goods, including our clothes, for weeks.

All I wanted to do was serve my country by stopping bad guys and protecting the innocent. To my chagrin, bad guys have begun running parts of the government making it difficult to continue to serve this nation and protect the innocent.

Late in the hearing, Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) asked, “If one of your really good friends, former colleagues, came to you and said, ‘I have this thing that is being covered up, and I think the American people need to know about it,’ What advice would you give them?”

“I’d tell them first to pray about it, long and hard. And I would tell them I could take it to Congress for them, or I could put them in touch with Congress, but I would advise them not to do it,” he said.

Armstong followed up, “How do you think that solves being able to shine light on corruption, weaponization, any kind of misconduct that exists with the American people?”

“It doesn’t solve it, but the FBI will crush you,” he emphasized. “This government will crush you and your family if you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong. We are all examples of that.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This scandalous video threatens to bring down the Biden administration

Joe Biden and his pals like to work in secret. They know if the American people see what they’re up to, their goose is cooked.

And this scandalous video threatens to bring down the Biden administration.

No one ever accused Joe Biden of being overly concerned for the plight of American citizens.

There’s only one thing he’s cares about – pushing through the Democrat agenda by any means necessary.

Nowhere is this more obvious than at the southern border. We have laws in place to deal with illegal immigrants, but Biden has deliberately decided no to enforce them.

And now damning video shows Biden’s border agents opening the gate for the law breakers.

In a video, a US National Guard soldier deployed by the Biden administration to the Texas border is seen releasing a border barrier gate to allow a huge number of migrants to enter.

According to officials, the soldier is not a member of the Texas National Guard deployed by Governor Greg Abbott.

A video shared by Fox LA reporter Bill Melugin shows a female soldier opening a gate in a border fence near Eagle Pass, Texas.

The video was shot on May 15, just after the CDC’s Title-42 migrant deportation protocol came to an end.

The soldier can be seen in the video opening the gate of what looks to be a Texas-built border fence along the Rio Grande. The guard takes a step back as the gate swings open and a large group of migrants enters.

The migrants form a line to await Border Patrol officials who will process them and transfer them to an Eagle Pass detention facility.

Per Melugin, Texas National Guard officials informed him that the soldier is a Missouri National Guard man assigned to assist Border Patrol agents under the Biden administration’s Title 10. She is not a member of Operation Lone Star.

A second video depicts migrants queuing to be processed by Border Patrol agents. A CBP bus is waiting to carry passengers to an Eagle Pass processing center.

According to a law enforcement report received by Breitbart Texas on May 15, Del Rio Sector agents captured 650 migrants. The group observed crossing in the video above would account for a large amount of these fears.

Agents detained almost 4,800 migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry along the entire southwest border with Mexico.

This is the fifth consecutive month of decreasing fears following the termination of the Title 42 program.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The U.S. Senate just released a report that has the White House panicking

President Biden’s trying to keep the lid on a major scandal. But the cover’s been blown.

And the U.S. Senate just released a report that has the White House panicking.

You probably remember Donald Trump being dragged through the mud for proposing the idea that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in China.

Three years later now, it’s started to become more common knowledge that the Chinese lab-leak theory is actually most credible.

Several U.S. federal agencies have conducted investigations and reached the conclusion that COVID-19 did not pop up naturally and likely came from a Chinese lab.

The White House, however, has been denying this reality and refuses to acknowledge the evidence.

But U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has dropped a report that basically proves that the COVID-19 virus came from a lab leak in China.

The 328-page report describes how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was particularly vulnerable to a lab leak due to chronic incompetence on the part of scientists in addition to pressure from Chinese Communist Party authorities.

Additionally, according to Rubio, senior Chinese Communist Party leaders sought to keep the public from learning about a “serious biocontainment failure or accident” that occurred at the Wuhan Institute for more than a month.

Internally, Beijing was alerting its authorities to the high probability of SARS-CoV-2 laboratory-acquired illnesses, the paper claims, “just as Beijing was rejecting the lab leak theory of the origin of COVID-19 in international settings.”

Early in the pandemic, public health experts rejected the “lab leak” notion as a hoax, but an increasing number of virologists and federal officials now believe that the virus was manufactured.

The lab leak theory has been supported by studies from the Department of Energy and the FBI, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, a former opponent of the notion, admitted in December that he had initially discounted it out of concern for rising “tensions” with China.

The CCP tried to hide what happened next because it occurred in a chronology that was earlier and more urgent than what the rest of the world was aware of at the time.

In 2018, the Chinese government provided funding to the Wuhan Institute for the investigation of two unnamed coronaviruses. According to the study, Beijing has long been interested in these diseases because they are widespread in the country and because the military worries that enemies may create bioweapons to disseminate them.

The paper makes no mention of a specific incident that resulted in COVID-19 escaping from the Wuhan Institute, but the lab’s numerous safety flaws were well known among Chinese scientists.

The source claims that in 2018, Xi cautioned Chinese Communist Party officials to be on the watch for a SARS-like virus, despite the fact that a synopsis of the speech released by state media excluded that part of the Chinese leader’s statements. Soon after, American diplomats went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and returned home with safety worries.

Up until September 2019, when the facility erased its online virus database, there were persistent reports of safety hazards at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Wuhan experienced an increase in hospital traffic in September and October of that year. Anecdotal evidence, according to the paper, points to a coronavirus as the cause of the hospitalizations.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Clintons were blindsided by this career-ending revelation

The Clinton family never seems to fade from politics. But there are no doubts they’re finished now.

Because the Clintons were blindsided by this career-ending revelation.

Bill and Hillary Clinton cemented themselves as political paragons for decades.

Even when they weren’t running for president, their influence over the Democratic choice of candidates and policies was enormous.

But details emerging from the 2016 election could shut down any of Hillary’s hopes of another presidential run in the future.

According to Special Counsel John Durham’s final report on the investigation into alleged election collusion between Trump and Russia, the FBI and Justice Department jumped to investigate former President Trump’s campaign despite a lack of solid evidence, a “notable departure” from how it resisted efforts to investigate claims against Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Durham’s long-awaited report on the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation was submitted to Congress on Monday, revealing that the FBI and DOJ “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” when they initiated the Trump-Russia investigation.

Durham’s assessment also stated that the government’s interest in Clinton’s campaign was “markedly different” from the Trump inquiry.

According to Durham’s report, the FBI briefed Clinton campaign staffers on potential threats to the Clinton campaign, but ignored intelligence from “a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin in order to divert attention away from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”

“The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign,” according to the report.

“[I]n the eighteen months leading up to the 2016 election, the FBI was required to deal with a number of proposed investigations that had the potential of affecting the election,” according to the study. In each of those cases, including those involving Clinton, the FBI used “considerable caution.”

“In one such matter… FBI Headquarters and Department officials required defensive briefings to be provided to Clinton and other officials or candidates who appeared to be the targets of foreign interference,” the report said.

“In another, the FBI elected to end an investigation after one of its longtime and valuable CHSs [confidential human sources] went beyond what was authorized and made an improper and possibly illegal financial contribution to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a foreign entity as a precursor to a much larger donation being contemplated,” it said.

“And in a third, the Clinton Foundation matter, both senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how those matters were to be handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election,” the report said.

“Unlike the FBI’s opening of a full investigation of unknown members of the Trump campaign based on raw, uncorroborated information, in this separate matter involving a purported Clinton campaign plan, the FBI never opened any type of inquiry, issued any taskings, employed any analytical personnel, or produced any analytical products in connection with the information,” it found.

“This lack of action was despite the fact that the significance of the Clinton plan intelligence was such as to have prompted the Director of the CIA to brief the President, Vice President, Attorney General, Director of the FBI, and other senior government officials about its content within days of its receipt,” the report said.

The FBI reacted to the report Monday in a statement: “The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented. This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect.”

Of course, the FBI is going to say it made missteps or mistakes.

You never admit you’re guilty when you’re caught in the act.

But the American people can see through that paper thin defense.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This Congressman was just attacked by bat-wielding menace

Political violence is getting worse in America. Now multiple people are in the hospital.

Because this Congressman was just attacked by bat-wielding menace.

U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., stated on Monday that a man wielding a baseball bat entered his district office in Fairfax, Virginia, and allegedly attacked and injured two of his staff members.

“This morning, an individual entered my District Office armed with a baseball bat and asked for me before committing an act of violence against two members of my staff,” the Virginia congressman said in a statement.

“The individual is in police custody and both members of my team were transferred to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.”

Connolly went on to state that his team’s priority is to ensure that staff members have access to the vehicles they require.

The congressman, who represents Virginia’s 11th congressional district, complimented the Fairfax Police Department and EMS personnel for their rapid response.

He was extremely complimentary about his team.

“I have the best team in Congress,” remarked Connolly.

“My District Office staff make themselves available to constituents and members of the public every day. The thought that someone would take advantage of my staff’s accessibility to commit an act of violence is unconscionable and devastating.”

Virginia legislators at the federal level spoke out in support of Connolly and his staff.

“Intimidation and violence — especially against public servants — has no place in our society,” Sen. Mark Warner, (D-VA) tweeted.

“This is an extraordinarily disturbing development, and my thoughts are with the staff members who were injured.”

This attack comes on the heels of U.S. Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was attacked by a drunken woman at an event.

Selena Jo Chambers, 41, was charged with one count of misdemeanor battery and one count of battery on an elected official, which is a felony in the state of Florida.

The report said Chambers recognized Gaetz while walking at the event and began cursing at him and throwing her drink at him.

Gaetz told police he wanted to press criminal charges against her for throwing the drink, marking the second time a person has been charged with battery for throwing a drink at the congressman.

This all goes to show that the divide between Republicans and Democrats is getting almost unbridgeable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A federal judge just handed Democrats a catastrophic loss

There’s a reason the Left wants to pack the courts. They know they need radical activist judges to rubber-stamp their agenda.

But this federal judge just handed Democrats a catastrophic loss.

With all of the recent high-profile shootings around the country, Democrats have reignited their fight to chip away at gun rights in America.

They want red flag laws, which would give the government the right to take away guns from law-abiding citizens if their neighbors call in a report against them.

They want so-called “assault weapons” bans that would make millions of Americans felons overnight.

And finally, they want to keep inching up the age to buy a firearm. At 18, you may be able to go to war, pay your taxes, and serve jury duty, but you’re not allowed to defend yourself.

Well this federal judge just threw that proposal right out the window.

A federal judge in Virginia has declared unlawful a rule preventing licensed federal firearms dealers from selling handguns to 18- to 20-year-olds, ruling that it violates their Second Amendment rights.

In a 71-page opinion announced Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Payne stated that while adults under the age of 21 have the right to vote, join the military, and serve on a federal jury, there is no reason why they should be barred from purchasing a handgun under federal law.

“If the Court were to exclude 18-to-20-year-olds from the Second Amendment’s protection, it would impose limitations on the Second Amendment that do not exist with other constitutional guarantees,” Payne wrote.

“Because the statutes and regulations in question are not consistent with our Nation’s history and tradition, they, therefore, cannot stand,” he wrote.

His reasoning was largely influenced by the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, which stated that courts must consider the country’s “historical tradition of firearm regulation” while determining the constitutionality of a gun restriction.

That landmark decision paved the way for gun owners and Second Amendment groups to successfully challenge long-standing gun control regulations.

Since the Bruen ruling, courts have deemed illegal restrictions such as federal provisions aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and defendants facing felony charges, as well as a prohibition on having guns with the serial number erased.

A federal judge recently referenced the Supreme Court judgment in his decision to overturn a Minnesota statute that barred 18- to 20-year-olds from obtaining permits to carry pistols in public. Last year, a Texas judge overturned a similar legislation on firearms restrictions for young adults.

Payne noted in his ruling, citing the 2022 Supreme Court ruling, that the government failed to show “any evidence of age-based restrictions on the purchase or sale of firearms from the colonial era, Founding or Early Republic.”

The absence of comparable rules from previous eras suggests that the “Founders considered age-based regulations on the purchase of firearms to circumscribe the right to keep and bear arms confirmed by the Second Amendment,” he stated.

This class action lawsuit was filed by John Corey Fraser, 20, and other plaintiffs who claimed that the Gun Control Act of 1968 and subsequent ATF regulations were unconstitutional because they barred all adults under 21 from “exercising the right to keep and bear arms.” According to the lawsuit, Fraser, 20, attempted to purchase a Glock 19x handgun from a licensed dealer but was denied down.

Elliott Harding, an attorney for Fraser, expressed satisfaction with Payne’s judgment and expressed confidence that the ruling would be sustained on appeal.

“Even though it ensures that future buyers can now purchase these firearms in the federal system — one that includes background checks and other requirements — we expect the defendants will appeal,” Harding told the Associated Press.

Harding stated that 18- to 20-year-olds are now permitted to purchase handguns from private sellers, describing this as a “loophole” that is “completely unregulated.”

“This allows them to go in and buy a registered firearm, direct from a manufacturer, but they’ll also go through background checks,” he said. “They have to go through the traditional steps in purchasing a firearm.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Democrat has an unhinged meltdown on camera

Democrats hate nothing more than Donald Trump. And after his CNN town hall, one Democrat went completely off the rails.

And this House Democrat had an unhinged meltdown on camera you have to see.

Everyone in the political world was taken by surprise when CNN announced it would have Donald Trump on for tell all town hall.

Many on the Left side of the aisle said that CNN had betrayed them by giving Trump a platform.

While conservatives reveled in Trump’s humiliation of the Leftist media outlet.

But some Democrats went off the deep end.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated on Wednesday evening, in reaction to former President Donald Trump’s town hall session with CNN, that the leftist outlet was “manipulated” into “platforming election disinformation” by hosting the leading Republican 20204 presidential candidate.

“CNN should be ashamed of themselves,” tweeted Ocasio-Cortez.

“They have lost total control of this ‘town hall’ to again be manipulated into platforming election disinformation, defenses of Jan 6th, and a public attack on a sexual abuse victim,” she added.

During the discussion, Trump responded to an audience member’s question by saying that he would stop discussing election fraud on the campaign trail “unless I see election fraud.”

“If I see election fraud, I think I have an obligation to say it,” he added.

Trump also indicated that on January 5, 2021, the day before the Capitol riot, he informed his followers to be peaceful and assist Capitol police and law enforcement.

In response to a question about the E Jean Carroll ruling, which found Trump liable for battery but not liable for rape, and whether voters thought it would disqualify him from being president, Trump said, “Well, there aren’t too many of them because my poll numbers just came out—they went up.”

Ocasio-Cortez went on to say, “The audience is cheering him on and laughing at the host.” The Saint Anselm College audience in Manchester, New Hampshire, was made up of Republican and undecided voters.

“This falls squarely on CNN. Everyone here saw exactly what was going to happen. Instead they put a sexual abuse victim in harm’s way for views. This was a choice to platform lies about the election & Jan 6th w/ no plan but to have their moderator interrupted without consequence,” she added.

At the beginning of the town hall event, host Kaitlan Collins said, “no questions are off the table and we agreed to no conditions.”

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec responded to AOC, saying: “Get your hankies ready, Sandy. 2016 is happening again.”

“AOC is RAGING that CNN has given a primetime platform to President Trump to remind the American people just how popular and refreshing his policies and approach actually are, and just how horrible Joe Biden’s presidency actually is,” wrote Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump released a video that has Joe Biden in full panic mode

President Biden can’t believe what just happened. Trump is already four steps ahead of him.

Because Trump just released a video that has Joe Biden in full panic mode.

The 2024 election cycle is already well underway and it’s proving to be one of the hottest political atmospheres we’ve seen in recent history.

Polls show that Donald Trump is once again the leading candidate for the next Presidential election.

Joe Biden is underwater in a bad way and it’s only getting worse for him.

Biden’s approval ratings are so bad that the Democrat establishment were doing everything they could to try to get Joe Biden out of the 2024 picture, but ultimately failed.

Now Trump’s hitting Biden right where it hurts with a new ad that exposes just how bad of a position America is in under Joe Biden’s “leadership.”

A new political ad from the Donald Trump campaign is making the rounds that says that America is in “mourning” because of how bad Joe Biden has been.

The ad discusses Biden’s “disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan,” rampant inflation that’s ravaging Americans’ bank accounts, and much more.

Check out the ad below:

The best part of the ad is the way it ends with simply asking why Americans would “ever accept the incompetence and weakness of Biden” when we can enjoy the “prosperity” of the Donald Trump term once again.

Donald Trump’s only real obstacle remains to be Ron DeSantis at the time. Though polls show that he may be in the lead over DeSantis as well for the 2024 Republican nomination.

Either way, Joe Biden is in a really bad spot whether it’s Trump or DeSantis.

But it seems like Trump is already preparing to be the guy to take on Joe Biden once again and that preparation is exhibited in this great ad hitting Biden for his failures.

At the end of the day, Americans have historically cared about the economy more than any other issue when it’s time to go to the ballot box.

That’s an issue you can expect Trump to continue to hit Biden with over and over and over.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Border Patrol went scorched earth on Joe Biden in this viral statement

The crisis at the border is at a breaking point. It’s all thanks to Joe Biden.

And Border Patrol went scorched earth on Joe Biden in this viral statement.

Biden’s border boondoggle will go down in history as one of his greatest failures.

Thanks to his incompetency or malice, over six million illegal immigrants have come into this country since he took office.

That’s more people flooding into this country than the entire population of Maryland.

But don’t call it a crisis. That would play too much into the hands of Republicans according to the Left.

While Biden and the Democrats may pontificate from their ivory tower about how this crisis isn’t as bad as it seems, the men and women at ground zero see the reality every single day. And they’ve had enough.

The Border Patrol Union blasted the Department of Homeland Security on Monday night for announcing a “targeted enforcement operation” in Texas to remove or jail illegal immigrants, accusing the feds of informing migrants about the operation hours before it was intended to take place.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are set to carry out the initiative on Tuesday in El Paso, where approximately 2,200 migrants are currently camped out or living on the streets just a few blocks from major ports of entry connecting the city to Juárez, Mexico.

“Nothing like publicly announcing that dangerous people will be arrested, while warning them ahead of time exactly where to run and hide to avoid arrest,” the Border Patrol Union tweeted late Monday evening.

According to the National Border Patrol Council, which represents nearly 18,000 Border Patrol agents and support personnel, the entire operation was a “sad joke” and “another pandering PR stunt.”

“Serious law enforcement leaders don’t behave this way,” the union added.

According to the CBP, agents will “process individuals for vetting and placement into Title 42 expulsion or Title 8 removal proceedings, as applicable,” and any individuals posing a national security concern will be brought to ICE for detention.

The Title 42 public health order, which was used to hastily deport hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants because to the COVID-19 pandemic, is slated to expire on Thursday. It was first issued in 2020, during the presidency of then-President Donald Trump.

Nearly half of all migrant interactions in March resulted in a Title 42 expulsion.

According to government statistics, a border surge in El Paso resulted in over 26,000 apprehensions and over 7,000 “gotaways” in just 72 hours, according to Fox News Digital.

Despite the Biden administration’s frequent denials of the continued migrant crisis, the White House stated last week that 1,500 troops will be deployed to the border to assist local border officers.

The White House has likewise mostly avoided visits to the southern border.

After nearly two years in office, President Biden made only one visit in January 2023. Despite being named immigration czar, Vice President Kamala Harris visited a CBP facility in El Paso in June 2021.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Merrick Garland was sent a threat from the U.S. Senate that has him terrified

Joe Biden’s DOJ head, Merrick Garland, has gone off the deep end. He’s completely ignoring the law.

But now Merrick Garland has been sent a threat from the U.S. Senate that has him terrified.

The Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which the U.S. Supreme Court used to reverse Roe v. Wade, was released a little more than a year ago. Despite the fact that the verdict wasn’t really delivered until late June, the leak’s outrage sparked illegal rallies and even threats against conservative justices. Sharp criticisms of the Biden administration’s response, particularly when it comes to the Department of Justice, have been made as a result.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who spoke to Townhall about the leak and its effects, highlighted the significance of giving the justices with the security “that they clearly need.” The senator also emphasized how crucial it is for Attorney General Merrick Garland to carry out his duties considering that the situation is at a “fever pitch” and that unlawful protests are “still going on.”

In order to “make clear to him he needs to do his job and enforce the law,” Hawley said that Garland “needs to enforce the law” and even added that “and if anybody needs to have their funding denied, it’s Merrick Garland, maybe we need to zero out his salary.”

Reports swirled that had caught up on Hawley’s worries that Democrats were aiming to slash $10 million in financing for the Supreme Court and that that could come from the money required for security, which he had stated last week.

Along with acting in a particularly feeble manner to defend the justices from unlawful protesters, Attorney General Merrick Garland also acknowledged in training slides recently brought up by Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) that Marshals were instructed to refrain from conducting arrests.

Hawley claimed that the leak, along with the unlawful demonstrations, murder attempts, and Democratic attacks on the Supreme Court and its conservative justices, are all part of a campaign to undermine the “independent judiciary.”

Hawley stressed the significance of discovering the identity of the leaker while also issuing a warning about what many Democrats are attempting to do as they “try to pressure the Court to compel and force the Court the way they want.”

That is what is happening, the senator stated.

Hawley also stated, “I think we are at a dangerous moment,” adding, “We’ve got to say whether you love the Court’s decisions, hate ’em, or somewhere in between, our Constitution gives us an independent judiciary and I think we gotta stand on that principle and trying to coerce the Court is dangerous and it’s wrong.”

Democrats have stepped up their criticism of the Supreme Court and of the conservative justices, particularly Justice Clarence Thomas, at an alarming rate. The Senate Judiciary Committee convened a hearing last week on “Supreme Court Ethics Reform,” and throughout it, Republican members emphasized how overt these political crusades have grown to be.

“That’s why all the attacks on the justices that are clearly coordinated, especially Justice Thomas, that’s why the leaker did what he or she did. It is clearly to try and strong-arm the Court,” Hawley suggested to the media.

Hawley has made it abundantly clear that he disagrees with some of the decisions this Court has rendered, but he also stressed that “there is a big difference between saying ‘you know what, I don’t agree with that’ and then saying ‘I’m going to try to pack the Court, or intimidate the Court, or change the Court, so they’ll do what I want them to do. That’s not an independent judiciary. That’s not our Constitution.”

Even more, Hawley said, “I do think this assault on the Court, by the left, is dangerous, very dangerous, and I think that leak is part of that, as well as these recent attacks on Justice Thomas.”

The urgency of the issue has reached “a fever pitch from the left,” according to Hawley, who also cited threats made against Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch by then Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in March 2020 if they did not vote the way he wanted in an abortion case.

In addition to unlawful demonstrations, a person was detained in June of last year for expressing interest in killing Justice Kavanaugh as well as two other conservative justices.

Hawley stressed the need to “just follow the law” when it comes to the protests by holding them in a public setting rather than illegally holding them at the justices’ homes, including late at night and while endangering their children.

Finding out who the leaker is is still doable and imperative, as Hawley said, exactly as Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) stated in a phone conversation with the Daily Signal last week. Hawley stated that he “wasn’t surprised at all” that Justice Samuel Alito thinks he knows who leaked the Dobbs opinion in reference to remarks Alito made to the Wall Street Journal in an interview last month.

Hawley himself added, “I don’t think it’s that hard to find the leaker,” and mentioned how few employees there are at the Court based on personal experience. Hawley worked as a law clerk for Chief Justice John Roberts before, while Sen. Lee worked as a law clerk for Justice Alito.

The regular employees, whom Hawley highlighted were “wonderful, wonderful people,” are only 36 in a given year, and even then, he made it apparent that “numerically, there just aren’t that many of them,” and “it’s not really a very big staff at all.”

The reason Hawley said, “I just don’t buy this, this ‘oh, we can’t tell who it is,'” is because of the small quantity.

Similar urgency was voiced by Sen. Lee as well. If the leaker is not caught, the issue might worsen, as Lee had previously told the Daily Signal. “This sort of thing will continue if there’s no consequence to it,” he had said. A January investigation had produced very little information, and it was determined that the leaker could not be found.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden tears up the First Amendment in latest attack on Catholics

President Biden flaunts his “devotion” to the Catholic faith when it’s politically convenient. The truth is, he hates everything about its traditional teaching.

And Joe Biden tore up the First Amendment in his latest attack on Catholics.

Many on the Left have pointed to Joe Biden’s “faith” as a reason for his policy positions.

A supposed Catholic, Joe Biden espouses the most radically contrary positions to what the Catholic Church has taught for millenia.

That’s why it’s no surprise that he just came after a group of Catholics serving the physically and mentally ill for practicing their faith.

The Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human assistance (HHS) issued an ultimatum to a top-rated Catholic hospital network in Oklahoma, threatening to cut off assistance to poor and vulnerable patients unless the sanctuary candle was removed from their chapel.

Saint Francis Hospital South in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has kept the candle in question lit for fifteen years in a row.

Since the hospital’s inception in 1960, the non-profit Saint Francis Health System has maintained the tradition of hospital chapels, replete with active sanctuary candles.

The network also runs the adjoining St. Francis Hospital, which is Oklahoma’s largest hospital.

Saint Francis Hospital South, which serves much of southeastern Tulsa, faced losing accreditation to serve Medicare, Medicaid, or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries if it didn’t not comply with the administration’s requirement.

But after being threatened with lawsuits for infringing on the Catholic hospitals’ First Amendment rights, the government backed down.

The Department of Health and Human Services has revoked its effective demand that a Catholic hospital extinguish a candle that remains lit in the chapel, a candle that HHS described as a threat to hospital safety.

“The game was simply not worth the candle for HHS,” Lori Windham, vice president and senior counsel at Becket, the religious freedom law firm representing the hospital, told The Daily Signal in a written statement Friday.

“It realized it would be playing with fire in court if it stood by its absurd demand, so it chose wisely. We are glad Saint Francis’s can continue to serve those most in need while keeping the faith.”

“CMS is aware of a safety finding involving a fire risk, made by an independent accrediting organization, issued to a hospital in Oklahoma,” a CMS spokesperson told The Daily Signal in an emailed statement Friday.

“CMS met with the hospital and accreditation organization, and issued a waiver to allow the hospital to mitigate the potential fire risk and correct the safety finding. The hospital will work with the accrediting organization on next steps.”

“That’s bureaucrat-speak for ‘we’re backing down quickly,’” Windham, the Becket lawyer, said in a telephone interview Friday.

“Saint Francis is grateful that this is resolved and they are able to focus on serving God and serving their community,” she added.

This is just another example of Joe Biden and his administration’s persecution of those who hold beliefs contrary to their liberal agenda.

Though Biden lost the battle, the culture war rages on.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris called Donald Trump one word that’s coming back to haunt her

Vice President Kamala Harris is a problem for the Biden administration. She’s an abject failure.

But Kamala Harris has called Donald Trump one word that’s coming back to haunt her.

On May 11, the Biden administration will terminate Title 42, a Trump border regulation that permitted the agency to swiftly deport illegal immigrants who were discovered trying to enter the country.

For months, countless numbers of illegal aliens have been anticipating this day.

Thousands of people have gathered on the Mexican side of the border in anticipation of the termination of Title 42 because they know that after being detained, the Biden administration will let them enter the nation.

Joe Biden needs to act as though he cares about this situation that he created for himself since his polling numbers are declining and the election is coming up next year.

The Biden administration has deployed 1,500 soldiers to the border as a result.

However, the soldiers won’t actively participate in border security.

Instead, they essentially play the role of babysitters for unauthorized immigrants while the government waits to release them into the country’s interior.

According to a Biden representative who spoke to CNN, “at the request of DHS, [the] DOD will provide a temporary increase of an additional 1,500 military personnel, for 90 days, to supplement CBP efforts at the border. These 1,500 military personnel will fill critical capability gaps, such as ground-based detection and monitoring, data entry, and warehouse support, until CBP can address these needs through contracted support.”

Democrats who equated Donald Trump issuing such an order to Germany in the 1930s are politically embarrassed by the presence of troops at the border.

At the moment when Trump asked the military to assist in enforcing American sovereignty, California Senator Kamala Harris criticized the action as “inappropriate.”

“I also believe that the administration made a decision to deploy them based on a political agenda and I believe that it is inappropriate to require the limited resources of the United States military to be used in such a way when it was, you know, these folks who are being deployed there, they’re gonna leave, they’ve left their families, they will not be home, it looks like, for Thanksgiving,” Harris said at the time.

“And all because there needed to be some demonstration for the TV cameras based on a political agenda instead of what is a national security threat,” she ranted.

As the administration’s border czar, Kamala Harris is being kept on the ticket by Joe Biden.

Biden will have to defend why he gave a well-known imbecile such a crucial role in addition to Harris’ dismal record on the border during the campaign.

Expect Kamala Harris to be as quiet as possible during the 2024 election cycle because she has become a problem for the Biden administration and the Democrats that they would rather wish they didn’t have to deal with.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.