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Surprise Biden admin report sends White House into lockdown

Joe Biden’s presidency is already a dumpster fire. This is the last thing he needed to hear.

And this surprise Biden admin report sent the White House into lockdown.

Joe Biden has lost so many officials in his cabinet that it’s hard to keep track.

Sam Brinton, the cross-dressing “non-binary” nuclear energy appointment is probably the most high profile loss as he was charged with multiple counts of felony theft.

But another name is starting to make headlines and it has the Biden administration worried sick.

The acting director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is prepared to resign after more than two years in the position in the absence of a permanent head being confirmed, according to the Washington Examiner.

Tae Johnson, a 28-year federal immigration officer, will step down as Deputy Director of ICE in the coming weeks after heading the federal agency for two years and three months since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021.

Following publication, ICE sent a statement to the Washington Examiner that addressed Johnson’s employment but did not explicitly dispute that he was intending to retire.

“Rumors surrounding the retirement of Acting ICE Director Tae Johnson are just that. Acting Director Johnson has not announced plans to retire,” ICE spokeswoman Jenny Burke wrote in an email.

“He will continue leading the men and women of this agency with the same integrity and commitment that he has demonstrated throughout his entire career.”

The departure of the agency’s director more than midway through President Joe Biden’s term will extend the agency’s five-year span without a confirmed leader — all while Congress seeks to change border security and immigration laws that affect ICE’s work.

ICE has not announced Johnson’s leaving date or who will succeed him, though it is possible that the next-in-line senior official handling the tasks of the deputy director, Patrick J. Lechleitner, may take over. Johnson planned to retire in late April, according to two persons acquainted with his impending departure, who informed the Washington Examiner late last week.

Johnson was the ninth acting head of ICE in the previous five years.

Johnson was set to testify before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security on Tuesday morning regarding the agency’s fiscal 2024 budget requirements.

Biden had proposed a Houston sheriff to command ICE in April 2021. However, after claims of domestic abuse, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez withdrew his name from consideration by the Senate in July 2022. Since Gonzalez, Biden has not nominated anyone else.

More than a half-dozen individuals commanded ICE in temporary capacity under the Trump administration, and this has continued under Biden.

Jonathan Fahey, a former criminal prosecutor, was two weeks into his post temporarily heading ICE in early January 2021 when he stepped down a week before Trump left office. Johnson, Fahey’s deputy, was named acting director.

Biden took office amid calls from progressive Democrats to disband the agency tasked with enforcing immigration rules passed by Congress.

Biden immediately halted deportations, and his government promptly changed rules for determining whether illegal immigrants in the United States could be arrested and deported.

Arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants fell more than 75% in fiscal 2021, which began in September 2020, compared to the record-high levels witnessed during the Obama administration.

From October 2020 to September 2021, ICE detained 59,011 noncitizens, with the majority falling under the Biden administration’s stricter criteria for who may be detained. Nearly 400,000 noncitizens were deported in 2011, a figure that was reduced by 85% under Biden.

ICE has also decided to avoid detaining illegal immigrants in government facilities during court proceedings.

This year, the Biden administration has requested funding for 25,000 detention beds, despite the fact that over the last two years, more than 5 million people have been encountered illegally entering the country, with more than half of them being released and either digitally or not at all tracked.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nancy Pelosi was just caught paying hush money to cover up this crime


Democrats don’t like to play by the rules. They rarely are punished.

But Nancy Pelosi was just caught paying hush money to cover up this crime.

The old guard in the Democrat Party is fighting for its life every day.

They’re getting older, younger talent is edging them out, and the money is drying up.

And some, like Nancy Pelosi, are going to extreme measures.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s campaign settled a lawsuit brought by an Illinois man accusing it of breaking federal robocalling laws by paying him $7,500.

In October 2022, the man, Jorge Rojas, filed a lawsuit against Pelosi’s campaign for $31,500, claiming that the campaign’s frequent messages violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.

The law, which also applies to text messages, forbids solicitors from calling those who have registered with the Do Not Call Registry.

Rojas registered with the Do Not Call Registry in 2008, but between November 2021 and July 2022, she still received 21 texts from Pelosi’s campaign, according to Business Insider.

Rojas demanded $1,500 in damages from Pelosi, claiming that the texts showed her “malicious, intentional, willful, reckless, wanton and negligent disregard” of the law.

Rojas received $7,500 on February 21, 2023, according to a report submitted by Pelosi’s campaign to the Federal Elections Commission, with the stated purpose being “Settlement.”

The following day, Rojas formally filed a motion to dismiss his complaint, according to Business Insider.

Fox News Digital contacted Pelosi’s office for a response, but they didn’t get back to them right away.

Pelosi raised tens of millions of dollars for herself and her Democratic colleagues during the decades she served as leader of the House Democrats.

Pelosi left her position as Democratic leader after the 2022 election, so it’s uncertain whether she’ll still be a key player in fundraising.

Early this year, Pelosi accompanied Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-New York, her successor, on a tour to California to meet with prominent Democratic donors.

A significant portion of the leadership function in the House involves fundraising for party members.

The political operation of Speaker Kevin McCarthy raised $500 million for his Republican colleagues during the midterm election season.

Recent years have seen an increase in the frequency of fundraising texts and emails, with campaigns frequently taking advantage of current events to ask supporters for donations.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You won’t believe what a major Republican just said about you


Washington, D.C. is full of shameless politicians. They’ll backstab anyone for their own gain.

And you won’t believe what a major Republican just said about you.

Republicans in Congress have been disjointed for years and years now.

The problem is that so many Republicans lack the backbone to stand up for what they say they believe in and the issues they ran on during the election cycle.

The latest example is House Republican Nancy Mace (R-SC), who recently went on live television to sell out all of her constituents.

Mace discussed the issue of abortion on Fox News with host Shannon Bream, and said that a “vast majority” of voters are pro-abortion.

She says that the Dobbs ruling of 2022 that overturned Roe v. Wade suddenly turned most Americans into pro-abortionists and that it lead to Republicans underperforming in the 2022 midterms.

“We have not learned our lesson from the midterm election,” Mace said.

“We went mildly pro-choice to being a vast majority of voters being pro-choice after Roe v. Wade. It changed the entire electoral environment in ’22.” Mace continued.

Mace even fully swallows the Democrat kool-aid on the abortion issue, saying accusing Republicans of wanting to force women to have babies if the birth is be life-threatening.

One should note that there’s no pro-life law in the entire nation that doesn’t include an exception for the life of the mother.

She’s literally fear-mongering for the Democrats, painting pro-life conservatives as evil fascists who want to control people.

The entire radical Left and the Fake News Media wants you to believe that pro-life stances are suddenly falling out of popularity.

But that’s a load of bull.

The idea that the “vast majority” of Americans are pro-abortion as Mace claims is verifiably false. Polls have shown that a majority of millennials and Gen Z adults believe that there should be some restrictions on abortion.

And in fact, many Americans say those restrictions should be as soon as 6 or 8 weeks into a pregnancy.

That’s noteworthy because Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis just signed a pro-life bill into law that will ban abortions in the state after a heartbeat is detected, which is around 6 weeks.

Mace’s comments are signaling that she would never even consider voting for such a bill if it has any chance of becoming a law.

She will play the political fiddle and refuse to take any courage in defending any of her beliefs.

Nancy Mace is a fake conservative RINO who is a prime example of the type of swamp politicians in Washington, D.C. that Americans are sick and tired of.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden is in hot water for this disgusting act at a Catholic Holy site

President Biden pretends to be a faithful Catholic. Nothing is further from the truth.

And Joe Biden is in hot water for this disgusting act at a Catholic Holy site.

President Joe Biden and his administration tout his supposed “devout” faith without much evidence he believes in any of it to begin with.

Sure, Biden goes to Mass at a Catholic Church and wears Rosary beads on his wrist, but he is diametrically opposed to some of the most important teachings of the Church.

Couple that with the fact that he has helped oversee some of the worst violence against Christians in recent memory, and Biden isn’t exactly the poster child for Christianity.

He was instrumental in starting the Iraq War, in charge of the war when Christians were victimized by the emergence of ISIS, and a fervent supporter of abortion.

Despite this, the administrators of Knock Shrine permitted the use of the sacred place to help US President Joe Biden repair his reputation among possible Catholic voters as he prepared for his reelection campaign with a cynical trip to Ireland.

As a result of his divisive presidency, which saw the nation experience terror attacks against pro-life organizations, massacres at Christian schools by Trans activists, and his frequently criticized handling of the Ukraine War, his average disapproval rating is over 50%.

Irish Catholics were outraged that Mass and Confession had to be suspended in order to attend the de facto re-election kickoff, and that the shrine at Knock had been used in this way.

Following the visit, other Catholics offered prayers at the shrine using exorcism salt in response.

The Catholics can be seen in video carrying holy water and exorcism salt. Many of them arrived to the location with holy medals.

The people prayed for Ireland’s repentance as well as Joe Biden’s conversion.

This isn’t the first time Biden has come under fire from his fellow Catholics.

Just last year, Archbishop Charles Chaput called out Biden for his extremist political agenda and his opposition to traditional Church teaching.

“Mr. Biden’s apostasy on the abortion issue is only the most repugnant example. He’s not alone. But in a sane world, his unique public leadership would make — or should make — public consequences unavoidable.”

“When you freely break communion with the Church of Jesus Christ and her teachings, you can’t pretend to be in communion when it’s convenient,” Chaput said.

“That’s a form of lying. Mr. Biden is not in communion with the Catholic faith. And any priest who now provides Communion to the president participates in his hypocrisy.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Supreme Court was sent a legal challenge with major consequences


The U.S. Supreme Court has been very busy with huge cases recently. Another one is on the horizon.

Because the Supreme Court has been sent a legal challenge with major consequences.

Back in June of 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down to absolutely massive rulings that changed America forever.

The most discussed ruling certainly was the Dobbs ruling that effectively saw Roe v. Wade overturned and sent the issue of abortion back to the states to handle in lieu of a law passed by Congress.

But another case was ruled on by the High Court that month that had a massive immediate impact on American life that was largely ignored.

That was the Bruen case the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen case that re-established and reiterated rights that are guaranteed by the Second Amendment for all American citizens.

The Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that New York could not ask New York citizens to provide a legitimate reason for wanting to obtain a firearm permit.

If the Court had said nothing else, that would’ve been a major ruling alone. But the Court also said in its majority opinion that the reason the New York law requiring citizens to provide a reason to obtain a permit was unconstitutional was because it violated the right to bear arms.

This effectively required that all legislative bodies in the country would need to pass laws that never infringe on the Second Amendment individual right to bear arms.

Fast forward to today and in Michigan, Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed two major laws that could be making their way to the Supreme Court.

The first law will require anyone who doesn’t have a gun license to face a federal background check before being allowed to buy a gun.

This background check is on top of the state background checks that anyone seeking to buy a gun must pass.

Secondly, the Michigan law will require anyone “living with minors” to lock their firearms away so only they can access them, as well as any ammunition.

Tom Lambert, the legislative director for the non-profit organization Michigan Open Carry said that the laws violate the Supreme Court’s 2022 Bruen ruling.

“I promise you that it will be challenged,” Lambert said in regards to the Michigan laws.

Democrats in Michigan are praising the laws, but they may be celebrating too early.

The U.S. Supreme Court could easily bring this bill under scrutiny and argue that it is unconstitutional based on its previous rulings.

Firstly, requiring Michigan citizens to get an additional federal background check on top of the state level one presents two constitutional problems.

The conservative Justices might view that additional background check as a violation of privacy rights that U.S. citizens have. Americans don’t have to have their information shared with the federal government if they don’t want to, especially information on what guns they own.

Secondly, requiring gun owners to obey new “safety” laws could be argued as another violation of privacy on the right of all Americans to bear arms.

It seems as though the Supreme Court will have to weigh in on this one in some way in the coming months and years.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris got news from Tucker Carlson that changed her life forever

Vice President Kamala Harris is walking on thin ice. Her own party doesn’t like her.

And Kamala Harris just got news from Tucker Carlson that changed her life forever.

Joe Biden keeps delaying the news of his re-election.

Biden’s repeated postponement of the start of his re-election campaign has fueled rumors that he may withdraw from the 2024 race after concluding that running for president until he is 86 is simply not a realistic option.

Tucker Carlson discussed how Democrats would react if Biden decided not to seek reelection, making history since Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1968.

54 percent of Democrats, according to a recent CNN survey, want a different candidate in 2024.

However, it is no longer a hypothetical scenario if Biden steps down in 2024.

According to Carlson, Democrats would have the opportunity to indulge in their woke identity politics and nominate Kamala Harris for President if Biden decides not to run in 2024.

“Well, if you were a rational person who took them at their word, you would assume the Party, the Democratic Party, would replace Joe Biden with someone who embodies their highest values. You imagine a trans-black woman with a background in corporate H.R. or a Latinx drag queen with purple hair,” Carlson said with a little bit of a joking tone.

But Kamala Harris is even less well-liked than Joe Biden.

Every senior Democrat is aware that if they support Harris, they are effectively giving up the 2024 race and ensuring that Trump or whoever wins the Republican nomination will retake the White House.

Carlson predicted that Democrats will follow their successful plan from 2020 and choose a heterosexual, white guy who the middle class would not view as a danger.

“But no. In fact, no chance. That would be principled and therefore, they will never do it. Nominating someone you say you support? No. When Biden leaves or more likely is shoved aside, they’re going to nominate another straight white man who loves the big banks, someone even oilier and faker, than Joe Biden.” Carlson went on.

According to Carlson, such candidate would be Gavin Newsom, governor of California.

In recent weeks, Newsom has made attempts to increase his national reputation.

In order to “protect democracy” and reject MAGA candidates, Newsom declared he was organizing a group.

Additionally, Newsom made the trip to Florida to criticize Ron DeSantis for electing a new board at Florida New College with the intention of excluding woke philosophy from the institution.

A politician like Newsom would only be doing these actions if they knew the Party was positioning them to be Joe Biden’s backup in the event that he decides not to run in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on the 2024 elections.

Top Democrat accused of this violent crime by their husband


Nothing can send a politician’s career down in flames like a good scandal. But this one takes the cake.

Because a top Democrat was accused of this violent crime by their husband.

America has seen plenty of politicians with their fair share of scandals over the years.

Bill Clinton’s famous liaison with Monica Lewinsky…

Hillary Clinton’s private email server that put classified information at risk…

And, of course, the Watergate scandal which took down former President Richard Nixon.

But even through all of it, there hasn’t been one so bizarre as what is making headlines.

Matt Hoffman, Rep. Katie Porter’s ex-husband, accused the congresswoman of hitting him in the arm hard enough to cause “a large bruise” and claimed she said he was “too dumb” to have a cellphone.

Hoffman also alleged that she dumped a pot of hot potatoes on his head.

Rep. Porter has vehemently denied any wrongdoing, and has instead focused on her own allegations that Hoffman was abusive toward her.

The allegations were revealed in their divorce papers filed in August 2013. Porter also filed domestic violence charges and a restraining order against Hoffman, who was arrested following a fight.

“This common defensive tactic is designed to intimidate a victim. Her then-husband later admitted, as evidenced by the attached document, that ‘he regretted making these allegations,’” she added.

Porter is being scrutinized anew after announcing her candidacy for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) Senate seat in 2024. Former Porter workers have stated that she creates a terrible work atmosphere.

A Navy veteran who worked for Porter, for example, claimed that the congresswoman rejected sexual harassment complaints made by another worker and made improper racial comments.

Sasha Georgiades, a Wounded Warrior fellow who worked for Porter for two years, also said that the California Democrat sharply chastised her aides and punished her at the end of the fellowship for exposing Porter to COVID-19.

Porter’s spokeswoman denied that the expose was the reason for his demotion:

“This former employee was not fired. She was a fellow in our office, and weeks before she breached COVID protocol in July, we had already mutually agreed on an end date in August 2022,” the spokesperson wrote.

“Congresswoman Porter was informing her that she would work from home for the remaining three weeks of her fellowship.”

Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Barbara Lee (D-CA) are the other House Democrats vying for Feinstein’s seat. Feinstein announced her decision not to run for reelection in February.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nancy Pelosi’s heart stopped when she was attacked during a speech


Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s narcissism is her undoing. She’s really paying for it now.

Because Nancy Pelosi’s heart stopped when she was attacked during a speech.

The Democrat Party has built a life by never allowing anyone inside the party or the corporate-run media to challenge them.

Over the past few decades, virtually every single news event that has been reported in the media has been portrayed as either favorable to Democrats or unfavorable to Republicans, or as something that is so insignificant and/or incorrect that everyone should disregard it.

Because of this, radical leftists have never routinely questioned the goals of Democratic policy.

Republicans are constantly the adversary thanks to the same forces that ensure Democrats are always seen favorably.

Republicans have been mocked and dragged through the mud on almost every subject, while Democrats have been blessed with unwavering allegiance from their base.

However, it appears that Democrats are starting to lose ground as even their programs are turning out to be too dictatorial for their supporters.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discovered this the hard way while giving a recent speech.

The Congresswoman spoke at The City University of New York’s Graduate Center about a range of subjects at the event.

But this time, as opposed to the usual reaction she receives from her loving followers, hecklers in the unmistakably left-wing crowd started yelling at her.

One audience member yelled, “I came to see a warmonger, but you’re a sad, old drunk!” as Pelosi remained transfixed.

While security officers were quickly trying to remove that heckler, another got up and yelled at Pelosi, “What happened? When you went to Taiwan, were you looking for Ukraine? Did we blow up the Nord Stream on accident or on purpose?”

Security was ultimately able to get rid of every protester, allowing the event to continue, but the damage had already been done.

Of course, Rep. Pelosi isn’t new to protesters, but often the left-wing indignation mob targets Democrats’ electoral rivals.

As President Biden’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine drags on with no end in sight and Communist China escalates its aggressiveness toward Taiwan, an increasing percentage of Democratic voters are losing interest in it.

Only 51% of Americans said they wanted to contribute money to Ukraine’s wars with Russia in a YouGov poll conducted late last month.

Democrats will therefore encounter additional difficulties with their anti-war constituency as more Americans withdraw their support for Ukraine and become aware of the amount of money funding the war effort.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The White House went up in flames after this top Democrat switched parties


The Democrat Party is bleeding members. Their agenda just isn’t sitting well with their members anymore.

And the White House went up in flames after this top Democrat switched parties.

The problem with the Democrats is that they keep pushing the envelope further and further Left.

And if you don’t accept the liberal orthodoxy of the day, you’ll be labelled everything from a bigot to a domestic terrorist.

This clear cut dividing line has send many in the party packing for greener pastures.

Republicans can add another one to their ranks after today.

Democrats were dealt another blow this week as another state legislator announced his departure from the party.

According to The Advocate, a Louisiana-based daily, state Rep. Jeremy LaCombe announced on Monday that he was leaving the Democratic Party and would be registering as a Republican.

It was unclear what caused LaCombe’s defection, but he is now the second Louisiana Democrat to switch parties in less than a month, and the third overall after another state senator in North Carolina did the same.

Last month, Louisiana state Rep. Francis Thompson switched parties, giving Republicans a supermajority in the state House, and earlier this month, North Carolina state Rep. Tricia Cotham switched parties, giving Republicans a supermajority in the state House as well.

According to a recent Fox News poll, President Biden has a near-record low approval rating among key groups, including women (43% now vs. 42% low), voters ages 45+ (41% vs. 39% low), suburban voters (41% vs. 39% low), rural voters (31% vs. 30% low), and Democrats (81% vs. 78% low), with Democratic men in particular (79% vs. 78% low).

Biden likewise has a poor approval rating of 41% among suburban women.

Furthermore, according to a another poll, only one-third of Americans feel Biden deserves to be re-elected in 2024.

This comes on the heels of Joe Biden giving a half announcement of running for a second term.

President Biden announced on Monday that he is “planning on” running for re-election next year but is not yet ready to launch his campaign.

Mr. Biden’s 2024 ambitions have been a source of speculation for months, with top aides covertly planning a campaign. Yet, the president has not made a final decision.

NBC News’ Al Roker asked Mr. Biden at the White House Easter egg roll if he wanted to stay in the White House after 2024.

“I’m planning on running, Al,” Mr. Biden said. “But we’re not prepared to announce it yet.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden nearly fainted when he got this awful news

There’s an impostor in the Biden administration. The entire White House is in total panic mode.

And Joe Biden nearly fainted when he got this awful news from the NSA.

The Biden administration is currently dealing with a major intelligence leak that has the federal government in quite the frenzy.

Sensitive, highly classified documents and materials concerning U.S. allies like Israel and Ukraine as well as Egypt have been leaking to the public for about a month now.

The U.S. federal government has started to look inwards to find the source of the leak, as the latest belief is that the leaker likely came from within the U.S. federal government with a high level security clearance.

NBC news, which has received copies of more than 50 of the classified documents in question, says that a majority of them have the “TOP SECRET” label that means they are the most classified documents anyone can get their hands on.

The Biden administration Coordinator for Strategic Communications with the National Security Council (NSA) John Kirby recently shared with the media that Joe Biden has been briefed about this intelligence leak issue.

He says that the Department of Justice has launched an investigation but that he’s not aware of any conclusions at this time.

“… the Department of Defense has referred this to the Department of Justice for a criminal investigation, and I certainly would refer you to them, but I’m not aware that they’ve come to any conclusions at this point about where they’re coming from,” John Kirby said at a White House press briefing.

What’s even worse is that when Kirby was asked if the Biden administration has any idea about whether the leaks will stop or will continue, Kirby said they “don’t know.”

“We don’t know. We truly don’t know,” he said.

It’s certainly concerning that Kirby said the Biden administration has basically no idea about how these leaks are happening in the first place.

“TOP SECRET” document leaks don’t just happen every day and there’s a very select few individuals who get access to these documents.

A CBS White House correspondent, Weijia Jang, proceeded to ask Kirby if Joe Biden believes that now is a good time to reconsider the security clearance protocols.

“When was the last time the protocol to grant security clearances was updated or revised in the government, and in light of the leaks, does the president believe he should take another look at that?” Jang asked of Kirby.

Kirby responded saying that the Department of Defense has “started to look” at that, but that the Biden administration isn’t making any significant changes at this time.

Jang even asked Kirby if it’s possible that the leak was intentional by someone with access to the classified documents.

“Are you saying there’s a question of whether this was a leak by someone who had access to the materials?” Jang inquired.

Kirby just answered that they “don’t know” at this time.

It certainly seems possible that this was an intentional leak by someone within the Biden executive branch. If so, they would be dealing with an impostor situation where they have no idea how to find out who is the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden makes shocking 2024 announcement

President Biden has raised eyebrows by his refusal to announce his reelection campaign. It has made many question whether he’ll run at all.

And Joe Biden just made a shocking 2024 announcement.

Biden’s poll numbers are in the garbage.

Only one third of the nations thinks he deserves a second term as president according to a recent CNN poll.

And more than half of Democrats would like to see someone else clinch the Democratic nomination in 2024.

With signs only pointing to the fall of Joe Biden’s presidency, many in the media have been asking the question everyone wants to know the answer to: will Joe Biden run for a second term?

Unfortunately, Biden has played his cards close to the chest – but he’s finally opening up.

President Joe Biden indicated on Monday that he intends to run for reelection but is “not prepared” to make the announcement.

“I plan on running, Al, but we’re not prepared to announce it yet,” Biden told NBC’s Al Roker for a short Today interview at the White House Easter egg roll on Monday.

As the president teased about attending up to six more Easter egg rolls at the White House, Biden responded to Roker’s request to “help a brother out” by making some news and addressing if he would be “taking part” in the 2024 race.

Biden, who has yet to officially launch his reelection bid, has been quietly preparing for another statement, but the clock appears to be shrinking.

Advisors initially suggested that the president would make his announcement around the time of the State of the Union address in February, and first lady Jill Biden even told the Associated Press that the president would run for another term and that there’s “pretty much” nothing else to do but figure out a time and place to make the announcement.

But, according to a recent source, he may wait until the fall to announce his candidacy.

Because campaigns must publish fundraising figures every quarter, campaigns can gain a fundraising advantage by announcing it at the start of the quarter.

In this manner, a candidate has three months to demonstrate their fundraising prowess. Nevertheless, by delaying, Biden leaves potential staffers, who must make their own arrangements, in the dark.

Additionally, over the weekend, Axios reported that the White House would rely on a “army” of online “influencers” for his reelection campaign to “boost Biden’s standing among young voters who are crucial to Democrats’ success in elections” and will be used to counter former President Donald Trump’s “massive social media following” if he is the nominee.

So far, Marianne Williamson, an author and “spiritual thought leader” who campaigned for president as a Democrat in 2020, has expressed her intention to seek for the Democratic nomination, while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has proclaimed his intention to oppose Biden in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN confirms devastating Joe Biden news

Joe Biden’s advancing age was going to be a problem at some point. That time has come.

And CNN just confirmed the devastating Joe Biden news.

The likelihood of President Joseph Biden being reelected has been seriously questioned by recent polling.

Just one-third of Americans believe that the Democrat should be given another term in office, and some of Joe Biden’s most ardent supporters are now dissatisfied with his job performance.

In a CNN poll conducted on Thursday, a staggering 67% of respondents said that Biden, who is 80 years old, doesn’t deserve to be re-elected in 2024.

John King of CNN was open about the lack of interest in a second term for Biden.

In an interview with David Chalian of the leftist network, King remarked, “The numbers are beyond sobering for President Biden.”

The president considerably underperforms in terms of his approval ratings when it comes to crucial political issues like immigration (35%) and the economy (37%), while Biden retains a middling overall approval rating of 42%.

Only 26% of those under the age of 35 believe that Biden deserves a second term in office; these are appalling percentages among a group that Democrats have relied on for voting participation.

Even the majority of Democrats favor having a second nominee for their party.

According to the study, 54% of Democrats or independents leaning Democratic want someone other than Biden.

Nevertheless, party members don’t seem to be able to think of a viable replacement for the career politician.

No other Democrat in the poll garnered the backing of more than 5% of Democratic voters, potentially locking the party into keeping the president in office.

If Biden were to win re-election, he would significantly extend his lead for the title of oldest president in American history.

At the time of his inauguration, Biden was 78 years old, making him older than his oldest predecessor, Ronald Reagan, who left office in 1989 at the age of 77.

Even though he has expressed his readiness and overall purpose to run, Biden has not yet made a definitive decision regarding the possibility of a re-election effort.

Biden would outlive his nearest predecessor by roughly ten years if he were to complete a second term as president, retiring at age 86.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.