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Pete Buttigieg was just EXPOSED by the last person he ever expected

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is in the hot seat. He finally is having to answer for his failures.

And Pete Buttigieg was just EXPOSED by the last person he ever expected.

Almost two months ago, the United States had one of the worst chemical disasters in our history.

A train carrying highly toxic chemicals derailed and started leaking near East Palestine, Ohio.

Instead of cleaning up the mess, there was a controlled burn of the substances, which released hydrogen chloride and phosgene gas, causing many residents to experience headaches and their pets dying.

The extent of the disaster will likely never be known, but what we do know is that Pete Buttigieg – the man responsible for this – sat on his hands and did nothing.

And Ted Cruz didn’t mince words with the Transportation Secretary.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) used a congressional hearing on Wednesday to blast Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s response to the Norfolk Southern train incident in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month.

The Texas Republican stated that the Biden administration’s “delayed and disjointed response” has not allayed the fears of local citizens who are afraid of the health and environmental risks posed by the so-called controlled burn of deadly chemicals spilled from tanker vehicles.

“It took Secretary Buttigieg 10 days to even acknowledge the derailment,” Cruz said. “After he was called out, he did a 180 and tried to sell a slew of big government regulatory proposals, desperate to disguise the failure of the administration to act sooner.”

According to Cruz, blunders followed, citing the secretary’s mention of a specific withdrawn brake rule as an example of why the Transportation Department faced “constraints.”

Cruz pointed out that the Biden administration’s own chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board, Jennifer Homendy, had to explain how it was “FALSE” to say it would have prevented the East Palestine train derailment.

“Undeterred, Secretary Buttigieg then released a laundry list of regulatory proposals, many of which had little to no connection to the East Palestine derailment,” Cruz added.

“In an effort to further distract from his own failed response, Secretary Buttigieg has suggested that President Trump was responsible for the derailment in East Palestine,” the senator said.

“I know that’s a frequent playbook of this administration, blaming every problem on President Trump, but not even The Washington Post fact-checker who usually goes out of his way to back Democrat claims, bought this claim,” Cruz continued before citing a passage from the publication’s analysis.

The remarks were delivered during a Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation hearing on increasing rail safety in the aftermath of the East Palestine tragedy. Cruz is the panel’s senior member.

Buttigieg has described his failure to speak out sooner about the train derailment as a “lesson learned.” “I was focused on just making sure that our folks on the ground were all set, but could have spoken sooner about how strongly I felt about this incident,” he told CBS News.

The secretary visited the site in late February, but only after former President Donald Trump visited the day before.

Cruz praised two of the witnesses, Senators. J.D. Vance and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, a Republican and a Democrat, for their efforts to bring attention to supporting people affected by the disaster at the end of his opening remarks on Wednesday.

“I look forward to continuing to work closely with both of you and with the chairwoman on a bipartisan, serious rail safety package,” Cruz concluded.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

What Democrats just did could be the end of America for good


The Democrats have gone way too far this time. They’ve doomed America.

Because what Democrats just did could be the end of America once and for all.

By outlawing all new gas stations in the area, a Democrat-run city in Colorado is taking matters into its own hands in an effort to combat alleged “climate change”

The Louisville City Council approved a measure limiting the number of gas stations that can be open within the city to only six.

The action, according to legislators, was vital to fight “global warming.”

According to council member Maxine Most, “We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being, and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville.”

The unanimously approved ordinance also stipulates that gas stations must be at least 1,000 feet apart from one another and calls for the installation of “electric vehicle (EV) fast charging stations for any expanded, modified or new gasoline or automobile service station equaling 20% of the number of gasoline pumps at the stations, with no fewer than two such charging stations.”

Although though Most acknowledged the idea wouldn’t stop “climate change,” she still urges the small community to move forward with it since she doesn’t want to build any more fossil fuel infrastructure.

“Gasoline station bans may also be seen as promoting the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs), thus, reducing vehicle emissions and encouraging low-carbon and cleaner energy options for transportation,” the ordinance states.

The municipality, which has a population of roughly 20,000, set goals including generating 75% of the town’s residential, commercial, and industrial energy needs from carbon-free sources by 2030, as well as lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

The Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board suggested earlier this month that the city limit the number of gas outlets to five in an effort to encourage residents to transition from gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles.

Blue states other than Colorado have also supported such policies. Beginning in 2035, California Democrats outlawed the sale of new gas-powered cars in an effort to encourage consumers to switch to electric cars.

The fact of the matter is that America cannot be energy independent with just solar, wind, and other popular “renewable” resources.

At least not yet.

Forcing Americans off of using fossil fuels is not only beyond the scope of what the government should be doing, it’s also damaging to our future.

What we’re going to run into is some states like California and Colorado having severe energy issues because they’ve hastily banned fossil fuels or set unattainable goals to be renewable resource reliable within just 10 or 15 years.

Meanwhile, more conservative states like Tennessee, Texas, Florida, and others, will be enjoying the benefits of both fossil fuel energy and new energy sources like solar and wind.

The reality is that fossil fuels are not the evil boogeyman that the Democrats want it to be. The engineering and advancement of fossil fuels have made them extremely energy efficient and clean compared to decades past.

Democrats are just using the “climate change” excuse as a trojan horse for their socialist and communist agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden was handed a stunning report that left him pale as a ghost


The American public have been served lies by the Left. The smoke and mirrors are starting to crash down.

And Joe Biden was handed a stunning report that left him pale as a ghost.

America is weary of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ agenda over the past few years.

Thanks to the agenda from the radical Left, millions of illegal immigrants are pouring over the border every year.

Russia is threatening nuclear war with the United States and China is expanding its foreign influence unimpeded.

And the American economy is hanging by a thread – inflation is still at record levels, banks are shuttering, and Joe Biden is planning to raise taxes with an enormous $6.8 trillion budget.

Without major changes, Biden is sure to face repercussions when the 2024 elections rolls around.

It may be even worse than Biden could’ve imagined.

Food prices have risen under President Joe Biden’s leadership, fueling American hunger as over a quarter of Americans go without enough to eat at times, according to an Urban Institute research released Tuesday.

When Biden takes office in 2021, 20% of Americans will be unable to afford enough food. This figure jumped to 24.6 percent by the end of 2022, representing a 23 percent gain in a single year.

According to the poll, 63.2 percent of individuals stated that their household grocery prices climbed “significantly” last year. Hispanic and black adults were the most affected by Biden’s leadership.

Individuals whose food expenditures increased “a lot” were nearly twice as likely as other adults to occasionally not be able to purchase adequate meals (29.0 percent -16.5 percent).

Biden claims that inflation is decreasing. Despite his assertions, American families have found no solace in the grocery store aisles.

Prices for eggs (70.1%), dairy (14.0%), cereals (15.6%), and cookies have all increased in the last year (16.3 percent). Food prices rose 10.4 percent overall between December 2021 and December 2022, reaching a 40-year high for inflation.

Food costs were among the hardest hit by Biden’s price increases. In addition to food expenses, 55.5 percent were affected by gasoline price increases, 26.4 percent by heating costs, 26.2 percent by child care, 12.5 percent by health insurance, and 8.1 percent by mortgage payments.

“Because of recent price increases, 62.0 percent of adults whose grocery costs increased a lot reported either reducing the amount of food they bought or not buying the kinds of foods they wanted, 43.3 percent withdrew money from savings, and 36.3 percent increased credit card debt,” the study found.

“About 16.5 percent received charitable food.”

In December 2021, 8,142 persons aged 18 to 64 were sampled, while 7,881 participated in December 2022.

According to a February Sunday ABC News/Washington Post poll, 41 percent of American families say their financial situation has worsened since Biden took office, the worst score in 37 years.

Only 16% felt Biden had improved their financial situation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Jim Jordan sent off a letter with huge consequences for Donald Trump


Major House Republican Jim Jordan isn’t playing games. He’s demanding answers.

And Jim Jordan sent off a letter that has huge consequences for Donald Trump.

Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and other Republican leaders are asking Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg to testify about what they claim is “a politically motivated prosecutorial decision” in light of the impending indictment of former president Donald Trump.

Trump stated on Saturday that he believes he will be arrested on Tuesday in relation to a hush-money payment made to adult star Stormy Daniels due to “illegal leaks” from the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

He further urged people to protest in order to “take our nation back!” GOP politicians have since criticized the impending prosecution.

In a letter to Bragg on Monday, Jordan and other leaders alleged that the case was a “fishing expedition” based on a legal premise that “appears to be tenuous and untested.”

Falsifying business records is the potential criminal in this case. It is a misdemeanor that can be escalated to a Class E felony, the lowest level of felony, if prosecutors can show it was done to hide or commit a second crime, in this case, a campaign funding violation.

According to the notion that Trump’s campaign benefited from Daniels’ silence, the hush money payment effectively became an unlawful donation to Trump’s campaign.

Along with House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil (R., Wis.) and Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R., Ky.), Jordan signed the letter and asserted that the statute of limitations explained the “rush to judgment” and that the Department of Justice had previously declined to prosecute the campaign-finance violation.

The trio asserted that Bragg has pursued this case despite internal dissent within the DA’s office and that Michael Cohen lacks credibility as a lead witness.

Also, they focused on Trump’s presidential campaign as a potential driving force behind the prosecution. Trump himself submitted in all caps on Truth Social Sunday, asserting: “Alvin Bragg should be held accountable for the crime of ‘interference in a presidential election.’”

If these rumors are true, Jordan and company warned that their acts would undermine faith in the fair administration of justice and irrevocably impact the 2024 presidential race.

On Saturday, Bragg made an internal response to the heightened pressure at his workplace. “We do not tolerate attempts to intimidate our office or threaten the rule of law in New York,” he stated in a memo to staff that Politico was able to get.

Trump’s New York probe appears to be coming to a close. Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal lawyer and “fixer,” testified recently, and Stormy Daniels met with prosecutors even though she did not herself testify before the grand jury.

Trump was also given the chance to testify, which is a sign that an indictment is imminent.

As a last-minute maneuver, it was also revealed that Robert Costello, Cohen’s former legal counsel, would testify. According to a source with knowledge of the situation, Costello reached out to Trump’s attorneys and the Manhattan district attorney’s office to present evidence that disputes Cohen’s public statements about the alleged hush-money payments.

According to reports, Cohen paid $130,000 to Daniels on Trump’s behalf and was later reimbursed for it. After the fixer admitted guilt to federal charges, he said that he had orchestrated the payment with Trump and under his guidance.

Privately, Trump’s advisors urged him not to organize protests. With the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, they were concerned about the perception of a protest in Manhattan.

Republicans have criticized the anticipated prosecution, with ex-vice president Mike Pence labeling it “politically charged,” but many have spoken out against a protest.

“I don’t think people should protest this, no,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said during a media briefing Sunday.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Total failure Stacey Abrams just revealed her next move


Two-time Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has never won the Governor’s Mansion. It looks like she hasn’t learned her lesson.

And total failure Stacey Abrams just revealed her next move.

Democrats have expressed concern behind closed doors about the idea of Stacey Abrams, a two-time unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate, running for office again.

Abrams informed Drew Barrymore on her daytime talk show in January, without indicating which post she would run for, that she would be returning.

“I will likely run again,” Abrams said. “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. If it doesn’t work, you try again.”

Abrams appeared to restate this stance last week when she told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) that political office is “one tool for the issues I am committed to tackling.”

The AJC’s Greg Bluestein mentioned numerous Democrats who were concerned that another Abrams run would further taint the party’s image in Georgia’s purple state.

“Interviews with more than three dozen Democratic officials, party leaders and activists suggest she may not have the same unified support she enjoyed after her first defeat to Kemp in 2018,” Bluestein wrote.

Yvonne Stuart, chair of the Monroe County Democratic Party, for example, stated that while she admired Abrams’ fundraising and voter registration efforts, she believed another Democrat should run for office.

“I do believe there might be another charismatic Democrat that can take us all the way in 2026,” said Stuart.

“I believe that there are opportunities for others to step up to the plate and run for governor,” said David Ellis-Mendoza, the chair of the Bartow County Democrats

“The party needs to move forward. And going 0-3 isn’t a way to go forward. Does she really want to be the next Guy Millner?” former head of the Democratic Party of Georgia Bobby Kahn said.

Abrams’ star power suffered in December of last year as a result of her poor financial management following her loss to beat Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.

Stacey Abrams raised over $100 million for her failed campaign but still found herself over $1 million in debt, requiring her to fire workers shortly after the November election, as Breitbart News previously revealed.

Democrats did not hold back in criticizing her financial actions.

“It’s incredibly bad planning, and it shows where their values are at,” a senior Democratic official told Greg Bluestein of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 

“You can’t look up one day and realize you can’t pay the bills.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden raises DEFCON level after receiving this warning from China

Communist China has been raising eyebrows as of late. Their “cold war” against the USA is heating up.

And Joe Biden just raised the DEFCON level after receiving this warning from China.

The Chinese Communist Party issued a fresh warning this week that should concern the Biden administration, which has largely handled the homicidal government with child gloves, as evidenced by the president’s choice to permit a CCP spy balloon to drift across the whole continental U.S. for days.

The United States was threatened by the Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang in a press conference after the White House described its planned interactions with China as “conflict” rather than a “strategic competition.”

Qin claimed that the “competition,” of the Biden administration “is all-round containment and suppression, a zero-sum game.” A third assertion made by the foreign minister was that the United States “wants China not to respond in words or action when slandered or attacked,” which Qin characterized as “is just impossible.”

It is nothing new for China to see fair punishment for its totalitarian, genocidal evil as an affront, but it is noteworthy that the country is now ratcheting up its threats against the United States at a time when President Biden and his administration have largely failed to project strength in their interactions with China.

No amount of guardrails can prevent the derailment and rollover into confrontation and conflict, the CCP’s number-two diplomat warned, adding to China’s threat.

“If the U.S. side does not put on the brakes and continues down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can stop the derailment and rollover into confrontation and conflict,” he said.

Invoking Biden’s directive to shoot down the CCP spy balloon, Qin claimed it violated “the spirit of international law” and asserted that the US is unquestionably “responsible for the creation of the Taiwan issue.”

In other words, China is warning Biden that if he doesn’t end what the United States refers to as “strategic competition,” it will be “impossible” for China to refrain from taking “action” which will unavoidably result in “confrontation and conflict.”

All of this occurs as a result of President Biden’s administration’s, at best, deteriorating relationship with China over the previous two and a half years.

The most recent instance was when Biden, under strong pressure and criticism, decided to let the CCP’s spy balloon drift across essentially the whole continental United States.

Biden attempted courting China early in his presidency in an effort to persuade Beijing to convince Putin not to invade Ukraine. That attempt backfired on Biden, and even the Pentagon acknowledged that it was a mistake as China turned whatever intelligence that Biden shared with them over to Russia, strengthening ties between the two regimes.

Naturally, there is also Biden’s recurrent inability to adequately describe how the United States would react to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Furthermore, it is important to note that the Biden administration has not made China answerable for its part in the formation and dissemination of COVID-19 or for its ongoing denial of what occurred in Wuhan.

These particular incidents, along with Biden’s botched retreat from Afghanistan and inability to demonstrate sufficient power to keep Putin out of the Ukraine, give the impression that he is weak.

That provides the CCP with some leeway to make threats like this and keep attempting to establish itself as the up-and-coming powerhouse.

China, however, is a dictatorial, murderous, and depriving of rights regime. For its treatment of the Uyghurs, the tight grip it has on the lives of its inhabitants, the foreign espionage it engages in to steal intellectual property and research from other countries, and a laundry list of other horrible deeds, the CCP deserves to be denounced, shunned, and punished.

So, will Biden make a powerful response? Or will he try to employ his chosen “diplomacy” to bumble around in yet another futile effort to quell the CCP’s bluster and despicable deeds? Time will tell, but if the past truly serves as a guide, Biden will withdraw.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This Leftist just got caught committing an act of terrorism


The Democrat Party is filled with radicals who will do anything to get their way. No one should be surprised they’d resort to violence.

And this Leftist just got caught committing an act of terrorism.

The radical Left has no qualms with using violence to intimidate anyone into falling in line with their agenda.

Just take a look at the summer of 2020, when Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants burned down American cities and caused billions in property damage.

Democrats in office like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were telling us they “have no choice” but to riot.

Meanwhile, anyone involved with the events of January 6th has been labelled an “insurrectionist” and a “threat to Democracy.”

But Leftist’s can’t hide from the fact that they are the ones inflicting violence on American people – and that’s all the more clear now.

Authorities arrested a staff attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing civil rights organization notorious for labeling mainstream conservative and Christian nonprofits “hate groups,” on terrorism charges on Sunday, claiming he participated in a violent riot at a training center near Atlanta in which agitators threw rocks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police.

In a statement issued Monday evening, the SPLC admitted that an employee had been arrested, but claimed that he was serving as a legal observer for the National Lawyers Guild. Every police arrest on Sunday was criticized by the guild as an example of “ongoing state repression and violence against racial and environmental justice protesters,” while the SPLC condemned escalating “policing tactics against protesters.” Neither group expressly claimed that the observer had not been violent toward police officers.

According to DeKalb County Prison records, Thomas Webb Jurgens was detained on Sunday by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, who described him as a 6-foot male with brown hair and brown eyes. Jurgens is charged with “domestic terrorism.”

According to LinkedIn, Tom Jurgens has been a staff attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center since 2021, after graduating from the University of Georgia School of Law in 2019.

Jurgens is listed as a member in good standing on the State Bar of Georgia’s website. According to a state bar spokesperson, the bar can only sanction a lawyer for personal activity if the practitioner is convicted of a felony. The bar does not publicly comment on grievances since they are private.

Thomas Webb Jurgens is listed as a “Active Member in Good Standing” on the State Bar of Georgia’s website.

During the disturbance, authorities detained 35 people, charging 23 with domestic terrorism. The name Jurgens occurs on the list.

“On March 5, 2023, a group of violent agitators used the cover of a peaceful protest of the proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center to conduct a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers,” Atlanta police said in a statement released Sunday. “They changed into black clothing and entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers.”

According to CNN, protesters staged “Cop City” rallies, arguing that the new training center will promote militaristic policing and destroy the environment.

The agitators “destroyed multiple pieces of construction equipment by fire and vandalism,” according to police.

“The agitators’ illegal actions could have resulted in bodily harm,” authorities added. “Officers exercised restraint and used nonlethal enforcement to conduct arrests.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which plots “hate groups” alongside Ku Klux Klan chapters on a map, did not immediately respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment.

Yet, the SPLC and the guild issued an united statement hours later.

“On Sunday, law enforcement detained at least 35 demonstrators in Atlanta, including an NLG Legal Observer,” according to the National Lawyers Guild. “All of these arrests are part of ongoing state repression and violence against racial and environmental justice protesters, who are fighting to defend their communities from the harms of militarized policing and environmental degradation.”

“Each of these instances, including the many protesters charged with domestic terrorism, make clear that law enforcement views movement activists as enemies of the state,” the guild added. “As trained witnesses of police conduct, NLG Legal Observers serve an important role in supporting movement organizers and activists. NLG is proud to contribute in whatever ways we can to advancing the critical work of our movement allies advocating for liberation and community care. NLG remains in solidarity with the movement to Stop Cop City.”

“An employee at the SPLC was arrested while acting — and identifying — as a legal observer on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG),” the center stated. “The employee is an experienced legal observer, and their arrest is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters.”

The SPLC condemned the arrest as “part of a months-long escalation of policing tactics against protesters and observers who oppose the destruction of the Weelaunee Forest to build a police training facility. The SPLC has and will continue to urge de-escalation of violence and police use of force against Black, Brown and Indigenous communities — working in partnership with these communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people.”

A former SPLC staffer stated that the SPLC’s claims of “hate” are a “cynical fundraising scam” geared at “bilking northern liberals” after the SPLC lost its co-founder after a racial discrimination and sexual harassment crisis in 2019. Opponents from across the political spectrum have expressed outrage and concern about the organization’s hate group allegations.

In 2012, a terrorist entered the lobby of the Family Research Council’s headquarters in the nation’s capital with a semiautomatic handgun and shot and wounded a guard. According to the FBI, the individual discovered the conservative organization on the SPLC’s “hate map” and intended to kill everyone in the building.

The individual ultimately pled guilty to conducting a terrorist act and was sentenced to 25 years in jail. The SPLC denounced the attack but has since kept the Family Research Council on its hate list.

The SPLC has no obvious ties to Antifa black bloc protests, but it has denounced President Donald Trump’s 2020 decision to label Antifa a “terrorist organization,” calling it “dangerous and unjust.”

“Antifa, short for anti-fascist, is a broad, community-based movement composed of individuals organizing against racial and economic injustice,” the SPLC’s “Hatewatch” said. “Those who identify with the label represent a large spectrum of the political left. The Trump administration frequently uses the term to describe any group or individual that demonstrates in opposition to its policies. Far-right extremists use similar tactics.”

Data is allegedly fed to SPLC analysts by self-described antifascist operators such as Megan Squire. The SPLC also keeps a close eye on the Proud Boys, who have had several run-ins with Antifa black bloc protestors.

After a whistleblower revealed a memo citing the SPLC on “radical-traditional Catholics,” the FBI retracted it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Kennedy family has shocking news for Joe Biden

The Kennedys have been involved in American politics for multiple generations now. To say they have power in D.C. is an understatement.

And now the Kennedy family has shocking news for Joe Biden.

In the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy really put the Kennedy family on the map with his rise to stardom.

He was so popular with the American public at large that is raised interest into the Kennedy family at large.

While the Kennedys have taken a backseat in terms of interest in the eyes of the American public today, the Kennedy family still has a ton of power in political circles all across the nation.

Robert F. Kennedy, the brother to JFK, was the Attorney General for the United States from 1961 to 1964 and then became a U.S. Senator in 1965 for the state of New York.

He was eventually assassinated in 1968, but his legacy carries on. His son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father by becoming a prominent lawyer, obtaining law degrees from the University of Virginia and Pace University.

It seems as though Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might also be trying to get into the political space, just like his father did, as well.

Newsmax has reported that RFJ Jr. recently announced that he is “thinking” about running for the 2024 Democrat nomination for President.

Reports say that he told a crowd in New Hampshire about running for President, he is “thinking about it, yes. I’ve passed the biggest hurdle that my wife has green lighted it.”

Newsmax reports:

Kennedy was accompanied by his wife, Cheryl Hines, when he reportedly made the announcement at St. Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics, which is regarded as a must-stop for presidential candidates.

Kennedy seemingly jabbed at Joe Biden’s failures in handling inflation and the American economy overall, implying that Biden has abandoned “economic prosperity” and good economic policy.

“To choose between economic prosperity on the one hand and environmental protection on the other is not true,” he told the crowd. “Good environmental policy 100% of the time is identical to good economic policy.”

Newsmax notes that the Ron Paul Institute has said that Kennedy is a different sort of Democrat today because he is opposed to needless wars and “Big Pharma.”

Kennedy was even against the Democrat Party’s insistence that almost everyone should get the COVID-19 vaccine.

He champions himself as a lifelong Democrat, although he has drawn the line against the party’s adherence to the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We know that there is some environmental exposure that is causing these [pandemics],” Kennedy added. “I suspect that vaccines are the biggest cause.”

Finally, Kennedy also implied that Joe Biden has failed to unite the country like he said he would, and that Biden has actually polarized the nation more.

That’s definitely well evidenced by the fact that Joe Biden has essentially waged a new domestic war against conservative, Republicans by labeling them as dangerous “MAGA Republicans” who are apparently “threats” to our Democracy.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would obviously have a ton of name recognition, and at a time when Joe Biden is extremely vulnerable right now, the Kennedy lawyer could give Biden a run for his money for 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Michelle Obama just smacked Joe Biden with a 2024 surprise

Joe Biden has yet to formally announce his candidacy for president in 2024. Many on the Left are wondering if this is their chance.

And Michelle Obama just smacked Joe Biden with a 2024 surprise.

Initially scheduled for just after Christmas, President Joe Biden has continued to delay publicly announcing his campaign despite claiming he is running for a second term.

But, in 2024, President Biden will be 82 years old, and he will beg People to maintain him as Commander-in-Chief until he is 86.

Despite his claim to be running for re-election, polls show that a majority of Americans believe Biden is not mentally fit to be President and should step down at the end of his current term.

Due to his age and decreasing mental faculties, polls consistently suggest that a majority of Democratic voters prefer someone other than Joe Biden to be the Party’s nominee in 2024.

Nevertheless, a new poll by McLaughlin & Associates reveals which Democrat could succeed President Biden.

And it’s not who you’d anticipate.

“Thinking ahead to the 2024 Democratic primary election for President, if that election were held today among the following candidates, for whom would you vote?” the survey asked respondents.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, unsuccessful 2020 Presidential contender Beto O’Rourke, Vice President Kamala Harris, and several more Democratic names were mentioned as possible candidates.

When asked to choose from a crowded field, the survey put President Biden at the top.

Even in the top slot, though, Biden received only 26% of Democratic support, hardly more than a quarter of whom were Democrats.

But it was the runner-up in the crowded field who surprised everyone.

Michelle Obama came in second place with 12%.

In a crowded field, Joe Biden and Michelle Obama were the only two Democrats with double-digit support.

When Biden is removed from the equation, Obama takes the lead with 19% of the vote, followed by Vice President Harris and Secretary Buttigieg with 11% each.

Not only that, but the poll indicated that in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump leads Vice President Joe Biden 48% to 44%.

Biden has often stated that the reason he is running for a second term – and why he ran for President in the first place – is because he is the only Democrat capable of defeating Trump.

But, polls no longer support his claim, with Trump outperforming the President in several recent polls.

Biden’s presidency has been a fiasco, and he is widely despised by voters.

Democrats, on the other hand, are stuck with Joe Biden unless he decides to stand down and not run for re-election.

And it is exactly what the majority of Democrats hope he will do.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets slapped with huge ethics violation


Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been caught red-handed. She thought no one would find out.

But AOC has been slapped with a huge ethics violation that could end her career for good.

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is the de facto “leader” of the Democrat “Squad” that includes AOC, Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and several others.

Most Americans believe that these Democrat House members aren’t exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, and for good reason.

AOC seems to lack a basic understanding of American economics while Ilhan Omar is flat out clueless on, well, everything.

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t doing anything. The so-called “progressive” wing of the Democrat Party has taken way more of a foothold in not only the Democrat Party, but also Congress as a whole.

The “Squad” members are figureheads for the radical “progressive” Left that is allegedly more anti-establishment.

AOC regularly tries to call out the “rich” and “corrupt elites”, but she just recently exposed herself as nothing more than a hypocrite and a part of the Washington D.C. Swamp.

Back in 2021, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went viral on the internet for the dress she wore at the Met Gala that year that said “tax the rich.”

The dress itself was apparently worth thousands of dollars, and she was largely laughed at for her lack of optics. She couldn’t possibly fathom why it was ironic that an elite Congress member who is financially well off and able to pay for a dress that costs thousands of dollars that said “tax the rich” was rubbing shoulders with other super rich and famous people at the Met Gala.

Her disguise of being “one of the little guys” was blown to bits that day. But there’s more to the story of her hypocrisy and corruption that day at the Met Gala in 2021.

According to reports, The Office of Congressional Ethics has announced that AOC likely violated rules of ethics that day by accepting “impermissible gifts” at the Met Gala.

The ethics board voted unanimously, 5-0, to affirm the report that she had probably committed ethics violations.

The report says that she “may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.” Furthermore, the ethics board recommended an investigation be launched into her probable acts of ethics and federal law violations.

The Office of Congressional Ethics is completely independent and non-partisan, so a 5-0 vote is pretty damning for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and likely spells trouble in her near future.

If an investigation finds that she is guilty, it will seriously damage her integrity as a politician who is supposedly “anti-corruption” and “for the people.”

Of course, Conservatives have long known that AOC is just playing her part and will do anything to get power just like most of the Washington, D.C. Swamp, but she will then have to contend with her own voting base that will start to view her differently.

It could lead to her facing tougher races every two years in her New York Congressional seat, potentially leaving the seat vulnerable to a tough race against a Conservative Republican.

We just watched in the 2022 midterms a number of Democrats in both New York and California fall at the ballot boxes to Republicans when their seats were supposedly “safe” from the start. Could we be seeing the downfall of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s political career? We’ll find out soon enough.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Dr. Fauci has nowhere to hide after Ted Cruz dropped this truth bomb


Dr. Anthony Fauci’s web of deceit is finally unraveling. He got himself into trouble after making a significant statement.

And Dr. Fauci has nowhere to hide after Ted Cruz dropped this truth bomb.

Dr. Anthony Fauci spent the epidemic deceiving the public for personal gain and power.

The origin of the COVID virus was one of his most egregious deceptions.

Fauci ruled out the possibility that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China.

He spearheaded an attempt to label the lab leak scenario a “conspiracy theory,” and he went to considerable efforts to disparage anyone who backed it.

Two recent federal government revelations bolstered the lab leak theory that Fauci tried so hard to debunk.

According to a confidential intelligence report provided with the White House and Members of Congress, the Department of Energy admitted that the virus most likely slipped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Then, in an interview with Fox News, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that COVID was “most likely” released from the Wuhan lab.

Many people have long thought that the virus was caused by a lab breach, and now two key federal agencies agree.

Dr. Anthony Fauci worked hard to contain the fallout once the news leaked.

He stated that the American people should keep a “open mind to all possibilities,” and that “we may never know” the true origin of the COVID virus.

“I don’t see any data for a lab leak,” Fauci told The Boston Globe. “That doesn’t mean it couldn’t have happened.”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) pounced on Dr. Fauci after his enormous coverup was revealed during a Fox News appearance.

“There is no bureaucrat in the history of our country who has done more damage to the United States than Dr. Anthony Fauci,” Cruz said. “Number one, his recommendations resulted in shutdowns that hurt tens of millions of kids, destroyed millions of jobs, millions of small businesses, and his willingness to set aside science, to set aside data, and to be purely political, there has been nothing in our lifetimes that has done more to damage the credibility of government scientists or doctors than Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

Anthony Fauci tried to claim that he represented science throughout the epidemic while lying through his teeth to the public about the virus’s origin.

Throughout his political power grab, he imposed years of agony and sorrow on the country.

Dr. Fauci’s repeated statements about the origins of COVID are most likely motivated by a desire to keep the truth about his role in the virus’s genesis hidden.

He utilized American taxpayer money to fund harmful gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab – the technique of purposely making a virus more contagious and lethal in order to ostensibly discover how to stop it.

The truth behind one of the largest medical cover-ups in history is finally being revealed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Greg Gutfeld shares life secret that his fans have been dying to know


Fox News host Greg Gutfeld has become extremely popular very fast. But not everyone knows his background.

And Greg Gutfeld has finally shared a life secret that his fans have been dying to know.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld talked about a significant time in his life that perhaps few of his viewers have heard about while sharing booze and smoking cigars with comedian Bill Maher.

During a racy discussion about relationships and locker room subjects, the late-night ratings king took a moment to describe how he met his wife, the photo editor and model Elena Moussa.

On Sunday’s episode of Maher’s podcast “Club Random with Bill Maher,” Gutfeld related the incident.

“It was my first day on the job at Maxim UK, but we had a meeting in Portugal with all the Maxim [magazines],” Gutfeld said.

According to Gutfeld, Moussa served as the Russian Maxim’s photo editor at the time. He fell in love at first sight.

Please be warned that the video below may contain graphic language.

“She was 21, I was 39. Her hotel room was next to mine. Which shows you how lazy I am. But I met her, and I go, ‘that’s my wife,’” he said.

“I just knew it! I just knew it. And I spent three days in Portugal trying to talk to her.”

The comedian eventually gave up and made new plans for a wild bender out on the town with his Czech and Russian coworkers when his initial efforts were fruitless.

Gutfeld chose to make one more effort to win her affection, though, as he left the hotel.

“And as I left, I saw her — and I figured I’d give her one more shot.”

“I go, ‘you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.’”

Even though it might not have initially appeared to be a success, the comedian’s swing for the fences was a success.

She remarked, “I’d expect something better from Greg Gutfeld,” and he’ll never forget it.

Gutfeld discovered that Moussa read his Maxim columns for a Russian edition of Men’s Fitness.

Gutfeld quickly postponed his intentions to go out with his friends and instead spent time getting to know the future lady of his life.

“We had our first date in Paris, and in three months we were married,” Gutfeld said.

The liberal and conservative media figures discussed subjects like woke culture, phone addiction, and their comedic careers in the extensive podcast with Maher and Gutfeld.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.