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White House

CNN confirms devastating Joe Biden news

Joe Biden's advancing age was going to be a problem at some point. That time has come. And CNN just confirmed the devastating Joe Biden...

Ron DeSantis has Joe Biden freaking out because of one poll

Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to carve their path to victory for 2024. That's what the Trump indictments are all about. But Ron...

All hell broke loose when the White House was caught in this massive lie

Democrats have a proven track record of lying to the American public. Some things never change. And all hell broke loose when the White House...

President Biden’s heart stopped when he heard this news

Biden's ability to serve as Commander-in-Chief has come into question lately. Now we suddenly have our answer. Because President Biden's heart stopped when he heard...

The White House was CAUGHT red-handed in this ridiculous lie

Americans are waking up to the lies Joe Biden and his administration are pushing on the public. What just happened will only add fuel...

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