Harris campaign stabs Tim Walz in the back after this shocking admission

Tim Walz has made his fair share of mistakes. And now, it seems that Harris is trying to distance herself.

Because the Harris campaign has stabbed Tim Walz in the back after this shocking admission.

In a shocking revelation, the Harris campaign has admitted that Democratic vice presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota falsely claimed that he and his wife used in vitro fertilization (IVF) to conceive their children.

This deceptive claim was used to suggest that if his political opponents banned IVF, he would not have a family, a narrative designed to tug at the heartstrings of voters and vilify his conservative adversaries.

But as it turns out, Walz and his wife, Gwen, never used IVF. Instead, they used a less invasive and less expensive treatment called intrauterine insemination (IUI).

This revelation, reported by the New York Times, is not just a small misstep but a significant breach of trust. It exposes Walz’s willingness to lie to the American people to advance his political agenda, a tactic that is not only dishonest but dangerous for the future of our nation.

The American people deserve better—they deserve honesty and integrity from those seeking the highest offices in the land.

This latest scandal is far from an isolated incident. Tim Walz has a history of making false claims that raise serious questions about his character and suitability for national office. This is a man who has shown time and again that he is willing to distort the truth for political gain.

Consider his false claim that he is a “retired command sergeant major.” In reality, Walz is a retired master sergeant, a rank below command sergeant major. Despite repeatedly touting this false military background throughout his political career, he has yet to offer a credible explanation for this deception. How can the American people trust someone who lies about his military service?

Moreover, the Harris-Walz campaign has circulated a video in which Walz claimed he carried weapons “in war.” However, his military service record reveals that Walz never deployed to a combat zone or served “in war.” When confronted with this discrepancy, the campaign brushed it off as a mere “misspeak.”

This is not a minor slip of the tongue—it is a deliberate attempt to mislead voters about his military experience, a tactic that is both disrespectful to those who have served and disingenuous to the public.

The implications of Walz’s lies extend far beyond mere political theater. His false claims about IVF are particularly egregious because they exploit deeply personal issues for political gain.

By lying about his family’s fertility struggles, Walz has manipulated a sensitive topic to create a narrative that paints conservatives as heartless villains intent on denying couples the chance to have children.

This is not just misleading—it is a dangerous distortion of reality that could influence public opinion and policy in harmful ways.

The American people deserve to know the truth about their leaders, especially on issues as important as family values and reproductive rights. Walz’s willingness to deceive the public on these matters shows a profound lack of respect for the truth and a disturbing willingness to say anything to win votes. This is not the kind of leadership America needs.

In stark contrast to the Harris-Walz campaign, the Trump-Vance ticket represents a commitment to honesty, integrity, and the truth. Both Donald Trump and JD Vance have consistently stood up for the values that make America great—family, faith, and freedom.

They understand that leadership is not about spinning false narratives but about delivering real results for the American people.

JD Vance, in particular, has been a vocal critic of Walz’s deceitful tactics. After the New York Times exposed Walz’s IVF lie, Vance rightly pointed out, “Today it came out that Tim Walz had lied about having a family via IVF. Who lies about something like that?” V

ance’s response highlights the absurdity and moral bankruptcy of Walz’s actions. Vance understands that the American people deserve leaders who tell the truth, even when it’s difficult.

Trump and Vance have consistently fought for policies that protect life, support families, and promote American values. They have been clear in their opposition to the radical left’s agenda, which seeks to undermine the very foundations of our society. Their commitment to transparency and honesty stands in sharp contrast to the deceitful tactics of the Harris-Walz campaign.

The American people deserve an honest campaign, free from the lies and manipulations that have become all too common in today’s political landscape. Tim Walz’s false claims about IVF and his military service are just the latest examples of a pattern of deception that should give every voter pause. If Walz is willing to lie about something as personal as his family’s fertility journey, what else is he willing to lie about?

The stakes in this election are too high to allow dishonest politicians to deceive the public. The Harris-Walz campaign’s lies are not just a breach of trust—they are a threat to the integrity of our democracy. The American people deserve leaders who are honest, transparent, and committed to telling the truth.

In November, voters will have a clear choice between the deceitful tactics of the Harris-Walz campaign and the integrity and honesty of Trump and Vance. The choice is clear: America needs leaders who will tell the truth, even when it’s inconvenient.

It’s time to reject the lies and manipulations of Tim Walz and stand with those who value honesty and integrity in our nation’s highest offices.

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