Harris’ newest debate demands highlight just how scared she is

The Harris campaign refuses to talk to reporters or discuss anything of value. But now, things have gotten even more ridiculous.

As Harris’ newest debate demands highlight just how scared she is.

In a move that underscores the growing desperation within the Harris campaign, the Vice President’s team has suddenly requested a major change to the rules for the upcoming September 10 debate on ABC News. The proposed alteration? Unmuting the candidates’ microphones throughout the debate.

This last-minute demand is being seen by many as a blatant attempt to cover up Harris’s notorious tendency to stumble through her thoughts—a tendency that has become so well-known that it’s earned the nickname “word salads.”

The Trump campaign, known for its steadfastness and commitment to principle, immediately pushed back against the Harris camp’s eleventh-hour maneuver. Senior Trump adviser Jason Miller made it clear that the former president’s team had no intention of allowing Harris to dictate the terms of the debate after both campaigns had previously agreed to the rules months in advance.

This sudden attempt to change the debate rules comes after a disastrous showing by Harris’s former running mate, Joe Biden, in the June debate. Biden’s faltering performance not only embarrassed the Democratic Party but also set the stage for his removal as the party’s de facto nominee.

It seems that Harris is now terrified of facing the same fate when she squares off against Trump—an opponent known for his sharp, unfiltered rhetoric and ability to dominate the stage.

By requesting an unmuted microphone, Harris is likely hoping to either distract from her own shortcomings or catch Trump off-guard. Her team’s strategy appears to hinge on the belief that allowing Trump to speak freely will lead to “intemperate outbursts,” which they hope will play poorly with viewers.

But this assumption reveals just how little Harris understands Trump’s appeal. His supporters love his unfiltered approach, which stands in stark contrast to the carefully managed and often disingenuous demeanor of establishment politicians like Harris.

Harris’s fear is palpable. Despite the left’s best efforts to frame her as a competent and capable leader, her repeated gaffes and inability to articulate coherent policy positions have only served to undermine her credibility.

The Vice President’s handlers have clearly recognized this, as evidenced by their reluctance to allow her to participate in unscripted interviews or press conferences. The debate, therefore, represents a significant risk for Harris—one that her team is desperately trying to mitigate.

Trump, on the other hand, remains unshaken by the Harris campaign’s attempts to change the rules. His response was swift and unambiguous: “Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate,” Miller told Politico Playbook.

This straightforward statement is classic Trump—refusing to play by the Democrats’ ever-shifting rules and standing up for what was agreed upon.

The former president’s skepticism about debating on ABC News is well-founded. He has long been critical of the mainstream media’s bias, particularly networks like ABC, which he has accused of favoring the left. Trump’s wariness was evident in his recent Truth Social post, where he questioned the fairness of debating on a network that regularly hosts “Trump Haters.”

The irony of the situation is not lost on Trump’s supporters. Harris, who has been propped up by the media and her party as a formidable candidate, now appears to be running scared. Her campaign’s attempts to manipulate the debate format are seen as nothing more than a transparent effort to protect her from Trump’s sharp wit and unrelenting style.

The true motivation behind the Harris campaign’s push for unmuted microphones is clear: they know that she cannot stand toe-to-toe with Trump without assistance. They’re hoping that by allowing Trump to speak uninterrupted, they can provoke him into making a misstep that could be exploited. However, this strategy is fraught with risk. Trump’s supporters appreciate his directness and view his refusal to be silenced as a sign of strength, not weakness.

Moreover, the Harris campaign’s insistence on changing the rules at the last minute only serves to highlight their own insecurities. If Harris were truly confident in her ability to debate Trump, she would not need to rely on gimmicks like an unmuted microphone.

Instead, she would welcome the opportunity to engage in a fair and balanced debate where each candidate is given an equal chance to present their case to the American people.

As the September 10 debate approaches, the contrast between the two candidates could not be more stark. Harris’s last-minute attempts to change the rules reveal a campaign that is deeply uncertain of its candidate’s ability to hold her own against Trump. In contrast, Trump’s team has remained resolute, insisting on fairness and transparency.

The American people deserve a debate that is conducted on a level playing field, without last-minute changes designed to tip the scales in one candidate’s favor. By standing firm, Trump is not only defending his own integrity but also ensuring that the debate will be a true test of each candidate’s ability to lead.

If Harris cannot handle the heat of a fair debate, it raises serious questions about her ability to handle the pressures of the presidency.

As always, Trump is ready and willing to face any challenge head-on. The question now is whether Harris has the courage to do the same, or if she will continue to hide behind her campaign’s manipulative tactics. One thing is certain: the American people are watching closely, and they won’t be fooled by cheap tricks.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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