Horrific comments from Walz’s past highlight his dangerous plan for America

Tim Walz presents a massive threat to the very future of America. And the American people need to know who he really is.

And now, horrific comments from Walz’s past highlight his dangerous plan for America.

In a chilling discovery that underscores the dangers of leftist ideology, current Minnesota Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz once laid bare his shocking belief that children as young as ten years old are capable of choosing their own gender.

This unsettling stance, expressed during a 2017 town hall, has since become the cornerstone of Walz’s radical agenda—one that poses a significant threat to the very fabric of our society.

During a town hall on February 23, 2017, at Minnesota’s Rochester Community and Technical College, then-Congressman Tim Walz made an alarming declaration. Referring to 10-year-old children, Walz stated, “These are children my son’s age—a fourth grader, a 10-year-old—who just wants to go to the bathroom and their identity is they are male or female.”

This statement, made in the context of a discussion about transgender rights, reveals a disturbing disregard for biological reality and a dangerous willingness to impose adult concepts of gender identity onto impressionable children.

At the time, Walz was responding to the Trump administration’s decision to rescind changes made under President Obama to Title IX, which had conflated biological s*x with gender identity under the Civil Rights Act.

The Trump administration’s move was a common-sense return to protecting the rights of women and girls, ensuring that their safety and privacy in schools were not compromised by the radical gender ideology pushed by the left.

Walz, however, was openly critical of this decision, instead advocating for policies that would allow boys who identify as girls to use girls’ bathrooms—a stance that places the safety and privacy of all students at risk.

Walz’s remarks from 2017 are not just words; they are reflective of a broader agenda that he has pursued with zeal since becoming Governor of Minnesota. Under his leadership, Minnesota has become a sanctuary for extreme gender ideology, with policies that actively promote the idea that children should be allowed—and even encouraged—to undergo life-altering gender transitions.

In 2023, a study found that Minnesota had almost 30,000 individuals identifying as transgender, making it the 14th highest trans population in the nation.

This surge is no coincidence. Walz’s administration has enacted laws that make Minnesota a “trans refuge,” a safe haven for minors seeking gender transitions that are banned in other states.

These policies are not just dangerous—they are reckless. They invite vulnerable children from across the nation to come to Minnesota, where they can access irreversible medical procedures without the consent or guidance of their parents.

Walz’s background as a former teacher is often touted as a credential, but it should be seen as a warning. During his time in Mankato, Walz was the faculty advisor for the first gay-straight alliance club at his school—a precursor to today’s “gender and s*xualities alliance” clubs that indoctrinate children into radical gender ideology.

These clubs and the policies they promote have one goal: to normalize the idea that children should question their biological s*x and explore irreversible medical interventions as solutions to normal childhood confusion and discomfort.

With Walz now the running mate for Kamala Harris, his radical views on gender identity are no longer just a Minnesota issue—they are a national concern.

The Biden administration has already demonstrated its willingness to impose radical gender policies on the entire country, reversing the Trump administration’s common-sense Title IX protections and threatening to withhold federal funding from schools that do not comply with its extreme gender ideology.

Trump’s Department of Education, under the leadership of Betsy DeVos, recognized the dangers of Obama’s misguided policies and took swift action to correct them. By restoring the original intent of Title IX, DeVos ensured that girls’ and women’s rights were protected, and that schools were not forced to adopt policies that compromised the safety and privacy of students.

But with Biden in office, those protections have been dismantled, replaced by a regime that prioritizes ideology over the well-being of children.

Tim Walz’s vision for America is one where the most vulnerable members of our society—our children—are subjected to dangerous and experimental ideologies that have no basis in science or reality. His belief that a 10-year-old is capable of choosing their own gender is not just misguided—it is dangerous. Children at that age are still developing, both physically and mentally. To suggest that they can make such a life-altering decision is not just irresponsible; it is abusive.

Parents, educators, and concerned citizens must stand up against this dangerous agenda. We must protect our children from the harmful effects of radical gender ideology and ensure that our schools remain safe spaces for learning, not indoctrination.

The stakes could not be higher—our children’s futures, and the future of our nation, depend on it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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