Hunter Biden’s latest legal troubles are having a massive impact on Joe that no one could have predicted

It is no secret that Hunter Biden has been under heavy scrutiny recently. But many people are wondering how it has affected his father.

Well, Hunter Biden’s newest legal troubles are having a massive impact on Joe that no one could have predicted.

Hunter Biden’s legal woes are emerging as a nightmare for Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, with Democrats openly fretting about the “distraction and controversy” it brings.

While Biden already faces hurdles like low approval ratings, an ailing economy, and age concerns, Hunter’s scandals add another layer of chaos, leaving many Democrats with a “pit in their stomach.”

FiveThirtyEight paints a grim picture, labeling Biden the least popular president in modern history.

CNN polls show a staggering 67% disapproval of his handling of the economy, the top issue for voters in 2024.

Even within his own party, concerns about Biden’s age and mental fitness are rampant, with a Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll revealing a majority of Democrats expressing worry.

One Democrat strategist, haunted by the memory of Hillary Clinton’s email controversy, fears Hunter’s legal troubles could have the same impact on Biden’s campaign.

“This Hunter story has the legs to ruin things for Biden,” they warned.

Brad Bannon, another Democrat strategist, acknowledges Hunter as just one of several challenges facing Biden.

“He’s not the biggest problem, but he’s an unwelcome distraction,” Bannon said, highlighting the burden of both the economy and age concerns.

The possibility of Hunter’s scandals becoming the Republican’s “2024 version of Hillary’s emails” is a chilling prospect for Democrats.

House Oversight Ranking Member Jamie Raskin, leading the Democrats’ opposition to the impeachment inquiry, awkwardly avoided directly addressing the issue, saying, “I don’t know whether or not it’s hurting him,” and hoping the American people “see past it.”

However, recent polls suggest the public is far from oblivious.

ABC News/Ipsos found a plurality lacking confidence in the Justice Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden investigation, while a Yahoo/YouGov poll revealed a majority believing President Biden committed a crime with his son.

TIPP’s poll further adds fuel to the fire, with 63% claiming Joe Biden violated a foreign lobbying law by assisting Hunter in a Ukraine deal.

The writing on the wall is clear: Hunter Biden’s legal entanglements are a ticking time bomb for the Biden campaign.

With Democrats openly expressing concern and polls showing public skepticism, it’s no wonder nightmares plague their sleep.

Whether the Biden campaign can contain the fallout and salvage his re-election bid remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the ghost of Hunter’s scandals will continue to loom large over 2024.

The American people know the truth and we have had enough.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

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