Joe Biden was just stabbed in the back by one of his closest allies

Joe Biden had a disastrous night at his first presidential debate. But still, no one expected things to be this bad.

And Joe Biden was just stabbed in the back by one of his closest allies.

In a major turn of events, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough suggested on Friday morning that President Joe Biden should consider stepping down following his disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump.

This statement is noteworthy coming from a media figure who has been a staunch supporter of Biden throughout his presidency.

Scarborough began his commentary by lavishing praise on Biden’s presidency, emphasizing his accomplishments. “I love Joe Biden and Jill,” he declared, adding that he would gladly debate anyone on Biden’s effectiveness as a president.

Scarborough pointed to Biden’s success in passing bipartisan legislation, expanding NATO, responding to China’s threats, and maintaining the strongest economy and military relative to the rest of the world in decades. “I think his presidency has been an unqualified success,” he asserted.

Despite this praise, Scarborough raised critical questions about Biden’s performance in the recent debate.

He drew a parallel to the corporate world, asking rhetorically, “If Joe Biden were a CEO and performed the way he did on Thursday night, would any Fortune 500 corporation keep him on as CEO?” This analogy underscores the gravity of Biden’s perceived failures during the debate.

Scarborough argued that Democrats need to face the reality of Biden’s declining performance.

He suggested that a trusted adviser needs to have a candid conversation with Biden, indicating that it might be time for him to step down.

“The fact is, friends, failure is just not an option,” Scarborough emphasized, pointing to the high stakes of the upcoming 2024 election.

Scarborough stressed the critical importance of the 2024 election, particularly in the context of preventing a second term for Donald Trump.

“In 2024, failure is not an option,” he said, noting that personal feelings towards Biden should not cloud judgment about what is best for the country.

He claimed that while Biden has proven he can govern effectively, his ability to campaign has come into serious question.

Scarborough’s comments are significant in light of the mainstream media’s ongoing efforts to defend Biden’s presidency.

Legacy media has often dismissed criticisms of Biden’s mental acuity and fitness for office, labeling unflattering videos of Biden as “cheap fakes” and claiming they are deceptively edited.

This defense strategy has been met with skepticism from many Americans who witnessed Biden’s apparent struggles firsthand.

Tom S. Elliott, founder of Grabien media, recently shared a supercut video contrasting footage of Biden’s public appearances with the glowing defenses offered by media figures.

The video juxtaposes clips of Biden appearing confused or lost with audio of media personalities praising his sharpness and effectiveness. This stark contrast has only fueled doubts about Biden’s ability to lead.

Biden’s decline is not just a personal issue but has broader implications for the Democratic Party.

Polls have shown Biden trailing Trump in key battleground states, and many Democratic candidates are outperforming Biden in their respective races.

For instance, a New York Times poll revealed that several Democratic senators are polling better than Biden in their states, highlighting the president’s drag on the ticket.

Americans have seized on these weaknesses, with many suggesting that Biden’s administration is out of touch with the needs and concerns of everyday Americans.

Issues such as rising inflation, a faltering economy, and a perceived lack of leadership have been key points of criticism.

Joe Scarborough’s call for Biden to step down is a dramatic development, especially coming from a prominent supporter.

It reflects a growing concern within the Democratic Party about Biden’s ability to lead the country effectively, particularly as the 2024 election approaches. The stakes are high, and as Scarborough emphasized, failure is not an option.

The question now is whether Biden and the Democratic Party will heed this call for change or continue on their current path. The coming months will be crucial in determining the future direction of the party and the country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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