New development at ABC reveals how Harris hopes to survive the debate

Kamala Harris has yet to give reporters or Americans any real stances so far during her campaign. So how can she possibly hope to beat Trump?

Well, a new development at ABC has revealed exactly how Harris hopes to survive the debate.

The upcoming presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, scheduled for September 10th and hosted by ABC News, is already raising serious concerns about fairness and transparency.

The debate, which will be the first in the 2024 election cycle since Biden dropped out, is being organized by a network that has deep and troubling ties to Kamala Harris. The conflict of interest is blatant, and it underscores just how rigged this debate could be against Trump, who is already facing an uphill battle against the biased legacy media.

At the center of this controversy is Dana Walden, a Disney executive whose influence extends over ABC News. Walden, who was appointed to the President’s Export Council in 2023, has been a close friend of Kamala Harris for nearly three decades.

Their relationship is so close that Walden and her husband, Matt, are credited with introducing Harris to her husband, Doug Emhoff. This cozy relationship is hardly a secret—Harris herself has described the Waldens as “extraordinary friends,” and they have been staunch supporters of her political career, donating to her campaigns as far back as 2003 when she ran for San Francisco District Attorney.

The depth of this relationship raises serious questions about the impartiality of ABC News in hosting this debate. Can a network that is overseen by a close friend and longtime supporter of one of the candidates be trusted to provide a fair platform for both sides? The answer seems clear: No, it cannot.

This isn’t just about personal relationships; it’s about a network that has a history of bias against Trump. ABC News, which falls under Dana Walden’s purview at Disney, has previously found itself in legal hot water with Trump.

The former president has sued the network for defamation, accusing it of spreading false information to damage his reputation. Given this history, it’s hard to imagine that ABC News would suddenly play fair now that the stakes are higher than ever.

Adding to the suspicion is the fact that Harris’s campaign has reportedly made demands that could further tilt the playing field in her favor. According to Trump campaign spokesperson Jason Miller, Harris’s team has requested that the candidates be allowed to sit down during the debate and use notes on stage—two requests that would give Harris a significant advantage.

While the campaign has officially denied these demands, the mere fact that they were made suggests that Harris and her team are looking for ways to manipulate the format to their benefit.

The upcoming debate is just the latest example of how the legacy media has stacked the deck against Trump. From the moment he announced his candidacy in 2015, Trump has been the target of relentless attacks from mainstream outlets like ABC News.

These networks, which claim to uphold “journalistic integrity,” have consistently shown their bias by promoting false narratives, downplaying Trump’s accomplishments, and giving preferential treatment to his opponents.

In the case of ABC News, the conflict of interest is glaring. Despite the network’s claims that Dana Walden is not involved in editorial decisions, the fact remains that she oversees the network and has the power to influence its direction. Walden’s cozy relationship with Harris, coupled with her significant donations to the Biden-Harris reelection campaign, should disqualify ABC News from hosting any debate involving Harris. Yet, the debate will go on as planned, with the legacy media pretending that everything is above board.

This debate is more than just a battle between two candidates; it’s a battle for the soul of the country. Trump himself has called the upcoming election “the most important day in the history of our country,” and he’s right.

America is at a crossroads, and the outcome of this election will determine whether the country continues down the path of decline under the Biden-Harris administration or returns to the prosperity and strength it enjoyed during Trump’s presidency.

Trump’s message is one of hope and renewal. He has pledged to restore America’s greatness by cutting through the bureaucratic red tape, reviving the economy, and putting America first on the global stage.

His potential cabinet picks, including visionaries like Elon Musk, show that he is serious about making government more efficient and responsive to the needs of the people. In contrast, Harris’s campaign has been marked by incompetence, corruption, and a blatant disregard for the will of the American people.

The September 10th debate will be a critical moment in this election, but it’s clear that the odds are stacked against Trump. With a biased network like ABC News hosting the event and a moderator who is a close friend of Harris, it’s unlikely that Trump will get a fair shake.

The legacy media, which has spent years attacking Trump and covering for the failures of the Biden-Harris administration, will do everything in its power to ensure that Harris comes out on top.

The American people deserve a fair and honest debate, but that’s not what they’re going to get on September 10th. Instead, they’ll be treated to a spectacle that is rigged from the start, with a biased moderator, a friendly network, and a format designed to favor Kamala Harris. But despite these challenges, Trump remains undeterred. He knows that the American people see through the lies of the legacy media, and he’s ready to take his case directly to the voters.

This election is about more than just choosing a president; it’s about choosing the direction of the country. Will America continue to slide into chaos and decline under the Biden-Harris administration, or will it return to the strength and prosperity of the Trump years?

The choice is clear, and despite the best efforts of the biased media, the American people will have the final say.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

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