The White House launched a devastating attack on Republicans with major consequences

Joe Biden and his pals in his cabinet want everyone to bend the knee to their ideology. They’re showing exactly what they’ll do if you refuse.

And the White House launched a devastating attack on Republicans with major consequences.

You either drive or get out of the car when it comes to the Left.

If you’re not going to march in lockstep with their most radical ideas, then you may as well be an enemy to their agenda.

And they’ll make it hurt for not showing loyalty to their ideas.

And, in what some call retaliation for the state’s pro-life measures, the Biden administration recently withdrew $4.5 million in funds from the Oklahoma State Department of Health’s (OSDH) family planning programs.

According to the OSDH, the grant was cancelled by Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) because the OSDH’s pro-life family services were judged “out of compliance” by the federal government.

As a result, the OSDH is currently unable to provide family health services to around 30,000 low-income persons, including as counseling, STD testing and treatment, physical examinations, and prenatal care and education.

HHS violated Title X of the Public Health Services Act, according to OSDH authorities, by rescinding the $4.5 million in family planning payments. Title X specifies that “none of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning,” and then goes on to list a number of healthcare procedures for which the funds can be used, all of which are services provided by OSDH.

On June 1, Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford wrote to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, requesting that the money be reinstated and accused HHS of deliberately misinterpreting Title X.

“HHS has chosen to prioritize abortion instead of prioritizing actual health care, by suspending Title X funding awarded to OSDH because of its obligation to abide by federal law and the state laws of Oklahoma,” Lankford wrote in his letter. “It is absurd that HHS is suspending funds previously granted to OSDH for its refusal to refer for a procedure that the underlying federal statute explicitly forbids.”

“Abortion is not family planning,” he added:

It is family destruction. Every abortion takes an unborn child’s life. Oklahoma’s laws protect women and unborn children from the violence of abortion in the interest of promoting families, keeping Oklahomans safe, and protecting life.

The HHS action against Oklahoma is merely the most recent in a series of interventions against pro-life states and policies. Following the return of abortion control to the states by the 2022 Supreme Court decision last year, conservative states such as Texas passed pro-life measures, prompting HHS to penalize them for protecting unborn lives.

HHS refused to boost Medicaid payments to Texas moms of infants in August 2022.

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Biden promised a “all-of-government” effort to defend and promote abortion across the country. Two weeks later, he issued an executive order requiring healthcare providers to assist in the “implementation of federal efforts to protect reproductive rights and access to healthcare.”

The decree fully ignored the Hyde amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of most abortions.

Lankford stated in his letter that HHS’s latest measures are once again targeting pro-life states.

“OSDH has made every attempt to lawfully provide Oklahomans with family planning services under Title X,” he wrote. “They are now being financially punished for not violating state and federal law.”

Lankford gave HHS until June 12 to reinstate funding. It remains unclear what HHS’s response will be.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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