Prudent Politics

1240 POSTS

Key figure uncovers terrifying Leftist attack at the polls

Many Americans have been concerned regarding election integrity in recent years. And now, it seems their fears are coming true. Because a key figure has...

Hunter’s baby mama speaks out and destroys Democrats’ false narrative

The media and Radical Left have been working together to paint a picture of a clean and put-together Biden family. However, recent reports are...

Leading Democrat makes shocking media demands that violate Constitutional rights

The Radical Left does not care about the rights of Americans. But this new violation has shocked everyone. And a leading Democrat has made shocking...

Garland’s recent comments have shocked even his own allies

AG Garland has been in hot water recently. And it seems like he is doing nothing to change that. But now, Garland’s recent comments...

Democrat candidate calls for horrific treatment of Trump supporters

The Radical Left is hiding their hatred for Americans less and less. But no one expected them to take things this far. And a Democrat...

Prudent Politics

1240 POSTS