Prudent Politics

1343 POSTS

CNN’s headquarters is on fire after receiving this pink slip

Cable news has been on the decline in recent years. But CNN is on life support. And now CNN's headquarters is on fire after receiving...

The White House was just rocked by this high profile arrest

Joe Biden and his lackeys have made one of the most corrupt cabinets in US history. Now they're starting to crumble. And The White House...

U.S. Senator exposes Joe Biden’s money fraud schemes

President Biden is more corrupt than anyone ever imagined. Everyday there's more scandals coming out. And now a U.S. Senator has shockingly exposed Joe Biden's...

Joe Biden had a nervous breakdown after the FBI made this shocking admission

President Biden is under a massive investigation into his alleged crimes. Now the FBI is finally weighing in. And Joe Biden had a nervous breakdown...

One Republican just deployed the National Guard for this startling reason

The National Guard are only ever put on alert for emergencies. This one goes far beyond anything we've ever seen before. And one Republican just...

Prudent Politics

1343 POSTS