Prudent Politics

1240 POSTS

James Comer just shot this broadside against the Biden family

The widespread corruption of the Biden family is almost common knowledge. Republicans won’t stop until the truth is exposed.

And James Comer just shot this broadside against the Biden family.

This Republican just slapped Nancy Pelosi with a massive defeat

Nancy Pelosi is a product of the "Swamp" in Washington, D.C. The long-time political insider has spent decades enriching herself.

And this Republican just slapped Nancy Pelosi with a massive defeat.

One U.S. Senator just ruined Joe Biden’s day with five words

Biden thought he had reached rock bottom in the past few weeks. But he's got another thing coming. Because a U.S. Senator just flat-out ruined...

Major conservative news outlet gets SHUT DOWN

The radical Left have dominated cable news for years. Now they want TOTAL control.

Because this major conservative news channel just got shut down.

Prudent Politics

1240 POSTS