Prudent Politics

1240 POSTS

New evidence shows just how far Democrats are willing to stop Trump

The Radical Left hates Trump, and they will stop at nothing to oppose him. And now they have crossed serious lines. And new evidence shows...

AG Garland’s shocking refusal has set the stage for a major move by Conservative lawmakers

The House Judiciary Committee is not rolling over and letting the Radical Left push them around. And they are doing everything they can to...

Massive new development in Biden case could see Hunter behind bars

With the Left doing everything they can to cover up for the Biden family, Americans are worried about the corrupt family walking free. But...

Trump prosecutors hit with massive delay that could change everything

The Radical Left thinks they have won because of Trump’s recent guilty verdict. However, things are not shaping up how they planned. And Trump...

New Trump trial data has Radical Left terrified

With Donald Trump’s recent guilty verdict, the Left thought they had things in the bag. But their whole plan backfired. And new Trump trial data...

Prudent Politics

1240 POSTS