Biden blames terrorism on Israel and goes after them in disgusting new attack

Joe Biden, as well as most of the world, initially stood by Israel after the horrific terror attacks of October 7. But now, because of mounting pressure from Radicals, he has changed tactics.

And Biden has blamed acts of terrorism on Israel and gone after them in a disgusting new attack.

During a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Joe Biden urged Israel to implement an “immediate ceasefire” in its conflict with Hamas and threatened to withhold U.S. backing if Israel did not comply with the administration’s demands.

Despite Israel’s efforts to permit aid to enter the region, Biden criticized Israel for the humanitarian situation in Gaza, calling it “unacceptable” and pointing out that the country had to ensure that weapons were not introduced.

During a readout of the call, the White House said, “[Biden] made clear the need for Israel to announce and implement a series of specific, concrete, and measurable steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers.”

“He made clear that U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action on these steps.”

The statement continued, saying “He underscored that an immediate ceasefire is essential to stabilize and improve the humanitarian situation and protect innocent civilians, and he urged the Prime Minister to empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home.”

Shortly after the readout was released, White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby revealed that Biden had threatened Israel with sanctions if it did not comply.

“If there’s no changes to their policy and their approaches, then there’s going to have to be changes to ours” Kirby declared.

Biden’s steady retreat from backing Israel coincides with the fact that he is now trailing former President Donald Trump in the polls, particularly in swing states where voters who identify as Muslim and far-Left Democrats refute his support for Israel.

This Thursday, The New York Times revealed that Jill Biden, the first lady, allegedly asked that Biden halt Israel’s attacks against Hamas targets within Gaza. This is another reason for the change in perspective.

Jill allegedly yelled at Biden behind closed doors saying “Stop it, stop it now, Joe.”

Her comments follow the tragic but accidental deaths of several humanitarian workers this week from an Israeli bombardment.

In a statement following the accident, Netanyahu said, “Unfortunately, in the past day there was a tragic event in which our forces unintentionally harmed non-combatants in the Gaza Strip.”

“This happens in war. We are conducting a thorough inquiry and are in contact with the governments. We will do everything to prevent a recurrence,” he continued.

10 innocent Afghan civilians, including seven children, were killed in a U.S. drone strike during Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

This withdrawal has resulted in a resurgence of ISIS, which senior officials are warning poses a severe threat to U.S. national security.

The drone attack took place while American forces were on high alert due to a terrorist incident that claimed the lives of thirteen US soldiers at the Kabul airport.

Biden hasn’t spoken much at all regarding the drone strike, however, he seems so concerned about Israel.

This is the kind of President we have right now: one who doesn’t care at all for the lives of his own countrymen and instead spends all of his time and resources arguing with foreign powers and demanding that they stop defending themselves from terror attacks.

This kind of madness cannot be allowed to continue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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