Biden campaign official’s statement on live TV confesses it’s over for Joe

Everyone’s waiting for the shoe to drop. It feels inevitable.

And now a Biden campaign official’s statement on live TV has confessed it’s over for Joe Biden.

The reality is that Donald Trump is far ahead of Joe Biden in all the polls. All the swing states are heavily in Trump’s favor right now, the national surveys and polls are in his favor, and all the publicity is going his way as well. Pollsters are even saying it’s entirely possible Trump doesn’t just win the electoral college but also wins a majority of the popular vote. Leftist data strategists, independent data strategists, and conservative data strategists all agree about this.

The Joe Biden campaign, however, insists that everyone else is lying. Joe Biden in his interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos seemed to indicate that he doesn’t believe anyone telling him he’s behind the eight ball in this election and that his internal team’s data shows him ahead of former President Donald Trump. That’s truly stunning.

It seems to only be getting worse for Biden and company as well. A new CBS poll shows Trump has his largest lead he’s ever had at any point in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections.

Despite the best efforts from media members to get a clear answer from Joe Biden and his campaign on why they keep saying he’s ahead of Donald Trump, they continue to stonewall and keep their secrets. Just recently, a Biden official went on MSNBC and refused to provide a real answer to the question of whether they had tangible data showing Biden is doing better than Trump.

Chris Jansing Corners Biden Official For Answers, Biden Official Weasles Out

Ms. Chris Jansing of MSNBC had on Biden campaign official Quentin Folks, and directly asked him about the dire polling for Joe Biden and the Democrats. She pointed out that all of the major pollsters agree Trump is well ahead. There’s no getting around this.

So, she wanted to give the Biden campaign an opportunity to produce their explanation for why they believe Joe Biden is alive in this race. She called on Mr. Fulks to share just some data backing what they are claiming. The response is telling, that’s for sure.

“I want to ask you very clearly, do you have polling that shows Joe Biden ahead or specifically shows you a path to victory that you’re willing to release publicly given the number of calls for him to step aside?” the MSNBC host asked of Mr. Fulks.

We are not going to release any of our public polling data. We have polls that show this race in a margin of error victory in several of the battleground states and there is a clear pathway to victory,” Fulks responded in a cold manner.

He went on to say that they have “multiple” realistic ways of winning this election against Donald Trump, which is the opposite of what almost every other pollster and surveyor is saying about this race.

“In fact, there are multiple pathways to victory in our polling, and our campaign is going to continue on our strategic mission of making sure we’re implementing our research findings into the field using campaign resources to make sure we’re carrying out the ways in which we feel like we are going to get to that path to victory,” he went on to say.

At this point in the 2020 election, Donald Trump was nine to ten points behind Joe Biden in all the national survey polls. Joe Biden was supposed to win a landslide, according to the polls, and yet it came down to the wire. It was extremely close with just small shifts of voting behavior potentially changing the outcome in another universe.

Today, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by two to four points, depending on who you consult. That’s an 11 to 14 point swing in Donald Trump’s favor. Not only that, but Joe Biden’s approval ratings are now 16 points lower than when he took office in January 2021.

The fact remains that no one has data showing Joe Biden is doing well. It’s just impossible to say he’s faring well right now. Yet the Biden campaign insists he is.

Which makes you wonder why they are gaslighting their own voters who are trying to say he should consider stepping down since it looks so dire for him. The likely answer is you have to stonewall for as long as you can. If the answer is trying to get someone else to step in for Joe Biden, you can’t demoralize your base by giving up the ghost and making that known.

They’re saving face for whatever the outcome is. If they show any cracking before anything official is announced about Joe Biden stepping aside, it would be a disaster for the Democrat Party to deal with. Which is a little funny considering they already have a disaster on their hands.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on any major developments in this story.

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