House of Representatives hits Radical leader with massive loss

The Radical Left has become increasingly bold in recent times. But thankfully there are still checks and balances.

And the House of Representatives has hit a Radical leader with a massive loss.

In a bold move, the House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to amend a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill to reduce the salary of a DHS immigration officer, Nejwa Ali, who has openly expressed support for Hamas, to $1.

This decision comes after Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to fire Ali despite her blatant anti-Semitic remarks and troubling background.

Nejwa Ali, a former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)—a U.S.-designated terrorist group—was hired by DHS to vet immigrants.

Despite her employment with the federal agency, she continued to express strong anti-Semitic views and support for Palestine on social media.

Representative Mark Amodei (R-NV), the sponsor of the DHS funding bill, introduced the amendment on behalf of Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY), a vocal advocate for holding anti-Semites accountable. Amodei emphasized that the Republican conference has consistently stood with Israel in its fight against terrorist organizations and that Ali’s views have no place in DHS.

“Our conference has been quite clear about standing with Israel in their fight against a brutal and inhumane terrorist organization,” Amodei stated. “Anti-Semitism certainly has no place in the Department of Homeland Security.”

Following the Daily Wire’s exposé, Mayorkas placed Ali on paid leave pending an investigation. However, despite clear evidence of her anti-Semitic behavior and her confirmation in an audio recording that she celebrated the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, she remained on the DHS payroll. Ali even used her paid leave to protest outside the Israeli embassy and harass military officials.

Amodei expressed his frustration, noting that Mayorkas confirmed within the last two weeks that Ali was still employed. “This is unacceptable. The Department has had more than eight months to investigate and terminate this employee with cause pursuant to the civil service applicable regulations,” he said.

“While the Secretary in the Biden administration refused to do the right thing, I would invite the members of the House of Representatives to terminate this employee. We must do the right thing and act with urgency to force their hand.”

On the other side, Lauren Underwood (D-IL) defended the DHS, arguing that the investigation process must be allowed to proceed. “It’s important that we defend the core principles upon which our country is founded, and that includes the system of checks and balances,” she said, adding that Ali’s case was under active investigation.

Despite Underwood’s objections, the amendment passed based on a voice vote, highlighting the strong bipartisan support for removing Ali from her position.

In addition to this amendment, Republicans successfully passed an amendment introduced by Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) to strip Secretary Mayorkas of his salary.

These amendments are part of a broader effort by House Republicans to use the DHS funding bill to restrict the activities of the department, which they argue has shifted from enforcing immigration law to facilitating the transport of illegal immigrants into the U.S. interior under the Biden administration.

Representative Gregory Steube (R-FL) highlighted how Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has diverted resources from the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide medical care to illegal immigrants, leaving veterans waiting.

His amendment to prevent DHS from using veterans’ funding for this purpose passed 254-176, with 27 Democrats supporting it.

The proceedings became more contentious with other votes. Representative Thomas Tiffany (R-WI) criticized DHS’s abuse of the “Temporary Protected Status” (TPS) program, particularly for nationals of El Salvador, who have been allowed to work in the U.S. under TPS since a 2001 earthquake.

His amendment to revoke El Salvador’s TPS status failed 190-222, with all Democrats and 18 Republicans opposing it.

While the underlying DHS funding bill vote was postponed, these amendments send a strong message to the Biden administration.

Inserting these amendments into a must-pass bill increases their likelihood of becoming law, although they could be removed during reconciliation with the Senate’s version.

The House Republicans’ actions reflect a broader strategy to hold the Biden administration accountable for what they see as failures in immigration policy and national security.

The amendments targeting Nejwa Ali and Secretary Mayorkas underscore the GOP’s commitment to rooting out anti-Semitism and ensuring that federal agencies uphold their intended purposes.

This legislative push represents a significant step in addressing concerns about DHS’s current direction and the broader implications for U.S. immigration policy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news updates.

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