Top Democrat caught in a baldfaced lie about Trump on MSNBC

The Left is running out of options. They can’t win this race on their merits, so they’re stooping further and further down.

And now a top Democrat was caught in a baldfaced lie about Trump on MSNBC.

Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville is at it again, peddling fear and hysteria over a potential Trump presidency, claiming that a future President Trump would somehow round up his political critics.

This is just the latest in a series of overblown, doomsday predictions from the left, trying to scare voters as Trump’s momentum grows.

Carville, speaking on MSNBC’s Ari Melber show, seemed panicked about Trump’s rising popularity and his straightforward rhetoric about how he would lead the country.

Carville’s main gripe? That Trump would have the “legitimacy” of an election to back up his plans if he wins.

Well, that’s exactly how democracy works, isn’t it? If Trump wins, it’s because the people want him back, not because of some wild scheme Carville imagines.

“If he wins, he’s gonna say, ‘I told people I was going to do this. I have the legitimacy of an election behind me,’” Carville said.

And here’s the kicker—Carville even admitted that Trump would have a point! Carville’s meltdown over polling and his criticism of journalists obsessing over Harris’ sinking support shows just how out of touch he and his colleagues have become.

He tried to spin this into a warning about the Constitution being “at risk,” as if Trump’s plans are more threatening than the chaotic policies we’ve seen under the Harris-Biden administration.

In reality, Trump stands for restoring law and order, securing the border, and defending the very Constitution that Carville claims is under attack.

In a bizarre rant, Carville told journalists, “He’s gonna arrest all of ya,” suggesting that Trump would somehow lock up the media, himself included.

This kind of exaggerated paranoia from the left shows just how desperate they are to paint Trump as an authoritarian.

Carville went on to say, “When the paddy wagon comes, you and I are going to be in the back of it, bouncing around.”

Really? This is what the Democrats are reduced to—scare tactics and fantasy scenarios about Trump taking over the country like a dictator.

MSNBC hosts Al Sharpton and Donny Deutsch joined the chorus, with Deutsch suggesting they’d be put on Trump’s “enemy list” if he wins.

What they won’t admit is that Trump’s policies focus on making America stronger, more secure, and putting the interests of the American people first.

But instead of addressing the real issues, Carville and his crew continue to push the same old fear-mongering narrative.

It’s clear: the left is terrified of Trump’s return, and their attempts to demonize him are getting more desperate as Election Day draws closer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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