Top intelligence agency pushes crossdressing on agents

The push for DEI and radical agendas are now bleeding into our government agencies. And this newest discovery is absurd.

Because now, top intelligence agencies are pushing their agents to crossdress.

According to an internal document obtained by The Daily Wire, agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies received a newsletter that praised an intelligence official for cross-dressing, stating that it makes him “a better intelligence officer.”

Personnel throughout the entire Intelligence Community received the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s weekly newsletter, known as “The Dive,” which The Daily Wire was able to get through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Featured in this newsletter was an anonymous official’s claim that being a crossdresser improves one’s ability to gather intelligence.

The article, titled “My Gender Identity and Expression Make Me a Better Intelligence Officer,” claimed, “I am an intelligence officer, and I am a man who likes to wear women’s clothes sometimes.”

The author proceeds to argue that, considering the current discourse surrounding gender identity and expression and professional appearance, the decision to crossdress “merits attention.”

Each page states that it is “for official use only” and “not cleared for public release.”

However, the unclassified newsletter was made available to The Daily Wire last week; however, details like author names are withheld throughout.

It was produced by the IC Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Office of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and distributed to all intelligence community members.

The ODNI, a cabinet-level organization, is in charge of the IC as a whole, which includes the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence divisions within each branch of the armed forces.

The newsletter is released at a time when the Biden administration has entrenched the DEI agenda throughout the operations of the Intelligence Community and the larger federal bureaucracy, and Trump is getting ready to end the administrative state should he win the presidency again.

In the newsletter, the anonymous intelligence officer states, “I think my experiences as someone who crossdresses have sharpened the skills I use as an intelligence officer.”

He says that he is “more aware of, and hopefully more supportive of, my women colleagues” and that he has a “better appreciation for how it can be uncomfortable to wear women’s clothes sometimes.”

“I know firsthand how wearing heels can make your feet hurt and make it take longer to walk somewhere,” he wrote.

The officer also admits that his crossdressing is distracting, but he does it anyway.

“When I crossdress it still distracts people, even though it is professional,” he writes.

“It is my hope that we can learn to accept a wider range of gender identities and expressions.”

This is simply the newest effort by the Radical Left to force their radical ideologies onto us all.

Our government agencies that are supposed to be protecting American lives are instead teaching their agents to be crossdressers.

We cannot allow this to continue. We must hold our officials accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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