Trump endures awful setback from one radical Democrat judge

It is obvious by now that the Left hates Trump. And they have broken every rule to make sure he never sees the White House again.

But now, Trump has endured a devastating awful handed down by a radical Democrat judge.

Donald Trump is being opposed by the Left every direction he turns.

And the Radical Left has made it clear that they have no interest in playing fair or even in following the laws of this country.

Instead, they have weaponized the justice system and turned it into a tool that they can use to prosecute anyone who disagrees with them.

And now, in their most recent attempt to take down Trump, the Radical Left has used a judge in the state of Illinois to take Trump off of the state’s ballot.

The decision comes because of the “invasion clause” in the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Cook County Judge Tracie Porter has apparently put the ruling on hold so that Trump and his legal team can appeal.

She also said in her ruling that she understands that her “decision could not be the ultimate outcome.”

The ruling comes just weeks before the state’s primary election, and Americans are outraged over the timing.

An attorney, Caryn Lederer, who represents the Trump objectors, has said, “[Porter] has reviewed the extensive body of evidence and determined that he’s disqualified from the presidency. That is a critical decision that is adding to decisions in Colorado and Maine on this point.”

She added, “What we think is incredibly important about this decision — and one thing that makes it potentially distinct from the United States Supreme Court’s review — is that Judge Porter really engaged with the evidence that was presented to her and that was before the electoral board to render a decision about what happened on Jan. 6 and President Trump’s involvement.”

A spokesperson from the Trump campaign has already spoken out against the ruling.

Steven Cheung highlights that the ruling comes from “an activist Democrat judge in Illinois (who) summarily overruled the state’s board of elections and contradicted earlier decisions from dozens of other state and federal jurisdictions.”

He highlighted that “this is an unconstitutional ruling that we will quickly appeal.”

Radical Democrat judges across the nation have been doing everything in their power to oppose Trump and ensure he never takes power again.

They have been calling his alleged role in the Jan. 6 protest at the Capitol “disqualifying.”

They claim that they have the authority to decide who gets to appear on the ballot because of a so-called “invasion clause” in paragraph 3 of the 14th Amendment.

This states that individuals who have been found guilty of “insurrection” are banned from holding office.

The United States Supreme Court has heard oral arguments from the state of Colorado and Trump’s lawyers, and they are deciding on how to move forward.

With the Supreme Court Ruling, this madness by the Radical Left should be put down once and for all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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