Trump makes a shocking move that has left Democrats horrified and scrambling

Donald Trump has been battling Democrats for a very long time. And every time they think they have beaten him, something else happens.

And now Trump has made a shocking move that has left Democrats horrified and scrambling.

One week after an appeals court let the front-runner for president to post a smaller bond, former President Donald Trump posted the $175 million bond in his New York civil business fraud lawsuit on Monday.

Trump won a legal battle last week when a panel of the New York appeals court ruled that the former president was exempt from posting the $464 million bond that Judge Arthur Engoron had ordered.

Rather, Trump was given ten days to provide the funds for a lowered bond, and he declared on Monday night that he had done so.

This keeps the state from taking any of Trump’s assets while his legal team challenges Engoron’s ruling.

On his platform Truth Social, Trump wrote, “I’ve just posted a 175 Million Dollar Bond with the sadly failing and very troubled State of New York, based on a Corrupt Judge and Attorney General who used a Statute that was never used for this before, where no Jury was allowed, my financial statements were conservative and had a 100% perfect caution/non-reliance clause, there were no victims (except me!), there was no crime or damage, there was only success and HAPPY BANKS.”

In February, Judge Engoron issued a decision concurring with New York Attorney General James’s civil allegations against Trump, which claimed the former president had mislead investors and exaggerated his net worth.

In addition to ordering Trump to pay $350 million—which grew to $464 million with interest—Egoron also sentenced the other defendants in the case to pay $10 million.

Before the appeals court’s ruling last week, Trump would have needed to provide a bond business with 120%, or almost $550 million, in collateral.

His attorneys said last week that obtaining this amount would be “a practical impossibility.”

But shortly after the bail was lowered by the appeals court, Trump declared he would post the money in “cash.”

If Judge Enoron’s ruling is upheld, the former president’s bail serves as a payment guarantee.

According to Fox News, if Trump’s appeal is ultimately unsuccessful, he will still be responsible for paying Engoron’s judgment in full, which is accruing interest every day.

In a statement on Monday night, Trump vented his fury towards Engoron and James, referring to the issue as a “witch hunt” and “election interference.”

“The case was a fabricated ELECTION INTERFERENCE con job, so bad for New York, where businesses are fleeing & violent crime is flourishing,” said Trump. “The Crooked Judge, to suit his narrative, valued Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, at $18,000,000, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. He ruled I was guilty before he ever saw the case. He should be disbarred, and Letitia James, who campaigned on getting TRUMP, Impeached. Also posted a 91 Million Dollar Bond on another New York Fake Case, money I can’t use on my campaign. Just what Crooked Joe wanted. WITCH HUNT!” said Trump.

And while Trump’s legal battles are not going anywhere, and the Left has made it clear that they have no intention of backing down, Trump continues to fight back.

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