Trump verdict news makes top U.S. Senate Democrat SWITCH parties

Anyone with respect for the rule of law is disgusted after the Trump verdict news. Even one high profile Democrat.

Because the Trump verdict news just caused a U.S. Senate Democrat to throw in the towel on the Democrat Party.

Millions of Americans are disgusted after the jury decision was handed down, ruling that Donald Trump was found “guilty” on all 34 counts of supposed “crimes” that he was charged with. Everyone knows just how groundbreaking that jury ruling was. Many believe it represented a moment when the American justice system’s integrity took a major blow.

Despite what the Leftist media outlets will be telling you right now, it’s not just those “crazy MAGA Republicans” decrying this attack on the integrity of America’s justice system either. Plenty of Democrat voters, progressives, and independents are admitting that this trial was simply unfair from the beginning.

This is evident by the fact that a number of polls have already demonstrated that Donald Trump’s favor with Americans is improving after he was found “guilty” at the conclusion of the trial.

Now even a top U.S. Senate Democrat is throwing in the towel after the stunning Trump verdict news. That would be none other than West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, a long-time Democrat.

Joe Manchin Departs Democratic Party, Registers as Independent

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, renowned for his moderate political stance, announced on Friday that he is leaving the Democratic Party and has registered as an independent. This significant move marks a pivotal moment in his political career, which has been characterized by a commitment to bipartisanship and common sense governance.

In his announcement at the West Virginia State Capitol, Manchin, who has decided not to seek re-election, explained his decision. “From my first day in public service in 1982, I have always focused on doing what’s best for my state and my country, without regard to party or politics,” Manchin stated. “Throughout my days in elected office, I have always been proud of my commitment to common sense, bipartisanship, and my desire to bring people together. It’s who I am. It’s who I will always be. I have never seen America through a partisan lens.”

Manchin expressed his disillusionment with the current state of national politics. “Since becoming a United States Senator in 2010, I have seen both the Democrat and Republican parties leave West Virginia and our country behind for partisan extremism while jeopardizing our democracy. Today, our national politics are broken, and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground. To stay true to myself and remain committed to putting country before party, I have decided to register as an independent with no party affiliation and continue to fight for America’s sensible majority.”

Manchin’s unexpected decision has sparked speculation and reports that he is being encouraged to run for governor of West Virginia. Moderate Republicans, dissatisfied with their current nominee, state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, are reportedly urging Manchin to consider a gubernatorial bid.

When questioned about these reports, Manchin downplayed the rumors but did not entirely dismiss them. He acknowledged his friendship with the Democratic nominee, Huntington Mayor Steve Williams. “I heard that this morning, the rumors. I’ve supported my friend Steve Williams, we’ve known each other for 40 years, got him involved. He’s a good person. I don’t know what’s going on. So basically, I’ll just wait until I go home,” Manchin remarked.

A report from West Virginia MetroNews cited sources close to the senator who indicated that at least 20 Republicans with substantial financial resources have encouraged Manchin to run for governor.

Following the publication of this report, Manchin was reportedly inundated with appeals to run for governor at an event at the Greenbrier resort in White Sulphur Springs. The Greenbrier is notably owned by the state’s current governor, Jim Justice, a Democrat-turned-Republican who is term-limited and now the GOP’s Senate nominee aiming to replace Manchin.

Hoppy Kercheval, a prominent news anchor and one of West Virginia’s most recognizable media figures, noted, “The talk about the possibility of Joe Manchin running for West Virginia governor again is real.”

Although the Democratic primary has concluded, barring Manchin from running as a Democrat, his shift to an independent status potentially opens the door for a gubernatorial bid or even a re-election campaign for the Senate. Manchin’s move has undoubtedly stirred the political landscape, leaving both his supporters and critics eager to see his next steps.

The timing of the announcement can’t be ignored. He made this announcement the morning after Donald Trump’s “guilty” verdict was reached, which is no coincidence. Joe Manchin is an example of one of a number of Democrats who have left the Democrat Party because of just how insane they have become today.

Watching your party go after their number one political opponent who happens to be leading the presidential election certainly played a factor in his decision to finally ditch the radical Democrat Party of America today.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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