

Republicans deal historical blow to Biden and it could be the end for his whole family

The corrupt Biden family has escaped justice for a long time. But now, it seems that things might be over for them. Because Republicans have...

U.S. State Dept helps place American journalists on Ukraine “hit-list”

The U.S. government has grown increasingly hostile towards Americans who speak the truth. But now they have crossed a major line in this recent...

Biden’s treasonous immigration policy hit millions with a brutal truth

Joe Biden’s immigration policies are abysmal. But now, things have reached a new level. Because Biden's treasonous immigration policy hit millions with a brutal truth. In...

Rumors of Democrats’ decision to replace Biden have shocked the nation

There has been widespread speculation that the Democrats will replace Joe Biden. But new evidence has completely exposed their plans. And new rumors of the...

Mass exodus from blue states spells doom for this Democrat

Americans are fleeing en masse from many radical states. And the reasoning is clear: they are sick of the oppressive regime of the Left. And...

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