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Joe Biden just got shocking news about the IRS


For years, the IRS has been used as a political arm of the Democrats. But that time may be coming to an end.

Because Joe Biden just got shocking news about his IRS status.

A bill to recover $80 billion that was intended to be used to increase the Internal Revenue Service by recruiting 87,000 extra agents has been passed by the House.

The result of the vote, which the new Speaker Kevin McCarthy hailed as an example of a promise upheld, was 221-210.

In a statement, Tea Party Patriots Action praised the action:

“During President Obama’s time in the White House, Tea Party Patriots and other conservative groups were targeted by the IRS as part of a deliberate strategy of harassment and intimidation. TPP and our members have very good reason to fear an expanded, emboldened IRS — once again answering to a Democrat President. Defunding the IRS will protect our pocketbooks, in addition to safeguarding our civil liberties.”

The House Republican bill that sought to stop new money for the Internal Revenue Service was attacked by President Joe Biden’s Office of Management and Budget hours before it was passed on Monday night, branding it “reckless.”

“With their first economic legislation of the new Congress, House Republicans are making clear that their top economic priority is to allow the rich and multi-billion dollar corporations to skip out on their taxes, while making life harder for ordinary, middle-class families that pay the taxes they owe,” the statement stated.

Additionally, the White House reaffirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s promise that none of the additional IRS cash authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act of last year will be utilized to target “small businesses or households with incomes below $400,000.”

McCarthy emphasized the importance of the bill’s passage in his inaugural address on Saturday, saying, “You see, we believe government should be to help you — not go after you.”

Republicans also want to stop the Secretary of Energy from exporting gas from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China and to outlaw taxpayer-funded abortions.

These issues are among their top legislative goals for the upcoming term.

As we all know, the GOP does not have a great track record in terms of keeping its promises to the American people.

Just consider how a handful of RINOs in the U.S. Senate cut a deal with D.C. Swamp Democrats to pass a $1.7 trillion spending bill that the American taxpayers can’t afford.

That being said, thus far, it seems the new GOP-controlled U.S. House of Representatives simply isn’t playing around.

Tried and true conservative Representatives fought McCarthy tooth and nail to secure wins for the American people like rules for more debates on bills that come to the floor and federal budget cuts.

These are all just promises, sure.

But passing a bill to thwart the Democrats’ plan to use the IRS against the American people is a good start.

At the very least, when the bill goes to the Senate, the GOP can expose the Democrats for not wanting to bring it to the Senate floor at all because they are afraid of voting against the House Republican bill.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s FBI and DOJ have been smacked with NEW investigations


There’s no denying that the FBI has become more politicized than ever before. They’ve become an extension of the Washington, D.C. Swamp.

And now Joe Biden is extremely nervous after his FBI and DOJ were smacked with brand new investigations.

The New York Times reported over the weekend that the House, with its new Republican majority in place, plans to vote this coming week on a resolution to establish a special judiciary subcommittee on the “weaponization of the federal government,” a subject the GOP has suggested may include examining inquiries into former president Donald Trump.

This is a component of the GOP delivering on its pledge to voters to conduct thorough probes into national security and law enforcement organizations.

Rep. Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio who will also lead the House Judiciary Committee, will preside over the panel.

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, who served as the main negotiator for Republicans who put pressure on Kevin McCarthy to accept the position of House speaker, said the establishment of the panel was one of the concessions they were able to secure.

After the resolution is approved, the subcommittee will have practically unlimited authority to look into civil liberties-related issues or to examine how any federal agency has collected, processed, and used information about Americans, including “ongoing criminal investigations” like those conducted by the FBI.

Jordan reportedly has the power to subpoena the Justice Department for information about the investigation by the special counsel into Trump’s attempts to block the certification of the 2020 election due to his allegations of fraud and his handling of classified data.

According to the New York Times, Jordan will also have the authority to subpoena the Justice Department in relation to other politically sensitive issues, like as an ongoing tax investigation involving the president’s son Hunter Biden.

According to reports, the resolution establishing the subcommittee also grants Jordan’s panel the authority to obtain the same highly classified information that intelligence agencies typically provide to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which oversees them.

This information typically consists of some of the most sensitive secrets held by the government.

Transparency is something our federal government must give to the American people in the years ahead.

There’s a growing divide between the average American and the Washington, D.C. Swamp in the way of understanding each other.

Polls show that the vast majority of Americans simply do not trust politicians in Washington, D.C. whatsoever.

And nearly 40% of Americans believe that there is a Deep State that is working against the interests of the American people and instead is working for political elites.

The Democrats have been pushing back against federal government transparency for years.

Just consider how they refused the demands of conservative Republican Congressmembers that the money being sent to Ukraine be traceable and audited.

The FBI and DOJ definitely have something to hide. And it’s time the American people found out.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Republicans have announced a new committee that Democrats are going to hate


When the GOP took back control of the U.S. House, they promised to keep Joe Biden and the Democrats accountable. Now they are keeping their promise.

Because House Republicans have announced a brand new committee that Democrats are going to absolutely hate.

According to Axios, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, will lead a new House select committee that will look into how Big Tech interacts with the White House.

The Biden administration’s alleged efforts in forcing social media firms to block conservative accounts and information will be the primary target of the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

According to Axios, it’s partly a reaction to Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files,”

Musk, Twitter’s new owner who assumed leadership in October, has released internal papers and communications that were held by the previous administration of the social media company.

When soliciting support from House conservatives, Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was elected to his office last week, consented to the formation of the select committee.

According to sources speaking to Axios, the House panel will request copies of emails, memos, and other interactions between the White House and major tech firms.

President Joe Biden’s administration pressed and collaborated with Twitter to restrict conservative voices and particular topics, including matters surrounding COVID and the first son Hunter Biden, according to information released by Elon Musk using several journalists.

Jordan expressed worries about the FBI’s use of Twitter “maintained this relationship with Twitter apart from any particularized need for a specific investigation, but as a permanent and ongoing surveillance operation” in late December.

Additionally, the legislator issued a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting records about the FBI’s involvement in Twitter censorship.

According to Axios, “compulsory processes,” including subpoenas if necessary, will be used to comply with the select committee’s request for documents.

The House panel also will probe:

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci and his approach to COVID misinformation and disinformation.
  • The Justice Department’s interaction with local school boards about COVID policies including mask mandates.
  • The Department of Homeland Security’s failed Disinformation Governance Board.

McCarthy said he intended to take a tough stance as speaker even though Biden and a Democratic-led Senate present significant obstacles to passing legislation.

“We’re going to pass bills to fix the nation’s urgent challenges — from wide-open Southern borders to American last energy policies, to woke indoctrination in our schools,” McCarthy said winning the House Speakership

“We’ll also address America’s long-term challenges — the debt and the rise of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Additionally, he vowed to “hold ‘the Swamp’ accountable — from the withdrawal [from] Afghanistan to the origins of COVID, and to the weaponization of the FBI.”

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform, which will now be known as the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, will be presided over by Rep. James Comer of Kentucky.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Adam Schiff’s been implicated in this stunning leaked memo


Democrats like to act like they are the squeaky clean Party in the D.C. Swamp. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Because Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff’s been implicated in a leaked memo exposing a massive scandal.

The process of impeaching a president of the United States is complicated and ought to be used only in cases of the gravest offenses.

Democrats, on the other hand, made it their goal to try to discredit Donald Trump for the most absurd reasons.

The most egregious instance of this was Donald Trump’s initial impeachment hearing, which was held as a result of a conversation he had with Ukrainian politicians.

Even more shameful, it appears that Adam Schiff went to great measures to restrict any opposition of the impeachment in addition to searching for a whistleblower.

Private discussions between foreign leaders are typically private and even top-secret, but House Democrats were able to obtain some recordings of such phone calls in their haste to “get” Donald Trump, which they were confident they could use as evidence against the president.

These recordings were provided to Democrats by an unidentified source.

Many people are curious as to who exactly sent these recordings to House Democrats given their private nature.

However, for some strange reason, Adam Schiff and his henchmen in Washington, D.C. are reluctant to divulge this crucial information.

And as of right now, it appears that they even went so far as to ask Twitter to delete a report regarding the whistleblower’s identity.

According to a memo that was released, Adam Schiff requested that Twitter forbid journalist Christopher Sperry from disclosing the identity of this whistleblower.

Sperry was even charged by Schiff with being a QAnon member and a “conspiracy theorist.”

In an email sent to the New York Post, Sperry said, “I have never promoted any ‘QAnon conspiracies.’ Ever. Not on Twitter. Not anywhere. Schiff was just angry I outed his impeachment whistleblower and tried to get me banned. I challenge Schiff to produce evidence to back up his defamatory remarks to Twitter.”

“This is a scurrilous smear, but par for the course for the unscrupulous Chairman Schiff,” Sperry continued.

It is not enough to merely disagree with someone when it comes to Democrats like Adam Schiff.

Anyone who stands in their way will be silenced and censored by Schiff and his allies.

This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and it is not how our nation operates.

The Twitter Files, thankfully, have proven that Democrats have been collaborating with Big Tech to suppress anyone who opposes the radical leftist agenda.

The American people have a right to know more about the motivations behind Democratic senators’ alliance with Big Tech to stifle their criticism.

All speech is protected by the right to free speech, not simply that which you agree with.

This is simply another illustration of how radical Democrats are attacking the liberties that ordinary Americans take for granted.

After regaining control of the House, the GOP ought to give looking into these allegations primary priority.

Liz Cheney is fuming from the ears after being EXPOSED for all to see


Fake conservative Liz Cheney has been enjoying her new role as the Left’s pet Republican. But her gig is up.

And now Liz Cheney is fuming from the ears after being EXPOSED by the last place she ever expected.

The American people have, regrettably, learned a lot more about Liz Cheney over the past few years than they would have liked.

Cheney presented herself as a genuine conservative who would speak up for her supporters.

However, her actions have demonstrated that she is nothing more than a puppet for the extreme agenda of the Left as she works nonstop to thwart the policies that her supporters wish to implement.

Just take a look at what she has accomplished since the year 2021 began.

Liz Cheney was the loudest voice in Washington, D.C. on January 6 when it came to assaulting President Trump, his supporters, and hard-working Americans. This included voices from the Left as well.

Additionally, she essentially referred to every Republican and every Republican supporter as an instrument of corruption while she was a member of Nancy Pelosi’s phony January 6 Committee.

She constantly used every opportunity to criticize Donald Trump.

Additionally, she has frequently demanded that Donald Trump be put on trial for a variety of crimes, including corruption.

But as it turns out, Liz Cheney is perhaps one of the sleaziest politicians in Washington, D.C.

Liz Cheney is purely an outgrowth of the swamp.

We all know that her father spent years as one of the top swamp animals in Washington, D.C.

Liz Cheney made sure that she took on her father’s responsibilities once he left the Swamp.

Even the most ardent Cheney supporter is shocked by a recent story, even though everyone knew she was as sleazy as they come.

Breitbart News looked into Liz Cheney’s fortune.

Additionally, per their statistics, Liz Cheney’s wealth increased by a staggering $7 million while she was in Washington, D.C.

Just give it some thought.

Liz Cheney’s wealth increased by $7 million in just three brief years in Congress, despite the fact that she only received $174,000 a year for her work in Congress.

Where did all the additional funds originate?

The stench around Liz Cheney is palpable to us all.

We all know she is still happy as she leaves Congress since she will probably capitalize even more on her experience there by working as an industry lobbyist, just like many others before her.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Pelosi family just got put on blast by the last person they ever expected


The Pelosis love being in the spotlight. It’s how they’ve made their careers in Washington, D.C.

But the entire Pelosi family just got put on blast by the last person they ever expected.

Russell Brand, an actor, and comedian is quickly moving up the Left’s list of adversaries.

Because Brand is open to having discussions with those on the Right, despite his socialist leanings, he has become a problem for the establishment.

And he’s not afraid to identify the D.C. Swamp.

In a recent podcast, Brand mocked Nancy Pelosi, who resigned as speaker after the Republicans took back control of the House in the November elections.

Brand began his podcast by saying, “Oh, no! Nancy Pelosi isn’t Speaker of the House anymore, and she’s an uncomplicated, brilliant, just, fair, lovely politician. That’s why someone should make a documentary about her from a completely unbiased perspective because it would just show how great she is. Probably best to get her daughter to make it, actually.”

Naturally, it was all done in jest since Brand was discussing the incredible Pelosi documentary that her daughter had produced.

On HBO, the documentary has been almost continuously playing.

It’s incredible that Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra was able to create a documentary on her, and that it was viewed as an impartial assessment by the so-called “mainstream” media.

Brand bluntly called the film “propaganda” and claimed that Pelosi “does seem to be participating in a lot of Congressional grandstanding and moral posturing when in fact making quite a lot of money from regulating companies that her family at least are invested in.”

“So what exactly has Nancy Pelosi done that means she’s so worthy of a hagiography, or is it another case of Washington whitewashing? Hmmm?” added Brand.

Of course, Nancy Pelosi has long been regarded as one of the Swamp’s most notorious residents.

Paul, her husband, has remarkably outperformed even the finest investors in the world, frequently just before Congress takes action.

As Steve Hilton once reported during a “Swamp Watch” segment of Fox News, “Two weeks before she was given special access to the IPO stock, a piece of legislation called the Credit Card Fair Fee Act of 2008 was introduced in the House. It would have cut Visa’s revenue and hurt Visa’s stock price. Something that then-Speaker Pelosi now had a direct interest in.”

By an amazing coincidence, this antitrust bill, which is usually a top priority for Democrats, was never put to a vote on the House floor.

Even though Pelosi has been acting in this way for years, it is not unexpected that her daughter’s documentary left out any of these actions.

Of course, it is unimaginable that HBO would air a similar documentary about their father produced by Ivanka Trump or Don Jr.

Check out the full clip from Russell Brand below:

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was furious after a business leader leveled her in this shocking statement


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on a mission to make the United States a socialist country. She had to face the truth about how her ideas had failed.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was furious after a business leader leveled her in this shocking statement.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her fellow Democrats are determined to turn the country into a socialist country.

Democrats have spent decades trying to bring down the capitalist economy and replace it with a socialist system like the one in Europe.

America became the most free and wealthy country in the world because of capitalism.

It helped Bernie Marcus, one of the co-founders of Home Depot, grow the business into one of the most successful companies in the world.

Now that socialism is becoming more popular in America, Marcus is speaking out against this bad idea.

The 93-year-old billionaire said that socialism made people too lazy to work and that capitalism’s future was in danger.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Marcus said that the country is getting more difficult for entrepreneurs to do well.

He named President Joe Biden, government bureaucrats, socialists, rules, and “the woke people” as some of the problems.

Joe Biden was called “the worst President in the history of this country” by Marcus.

Marcus explained that if he and Home Depot co-founder Arthur Blank launched the company today, then they “would end up with 15 or 16 stores. I don’t know that we could go further.”

Home Depot has more than 2,000 stores in three different countries at the moment.

“I’m worried about capitalism,” Marcus said. “Capitalism is the basis of Home Depot [and] millions of people have earned this success and had success. I’m talking to manufacturers, vendors, and distributors, and people that work for us [who have been] able to enrich themselves by the journey of Home Depot. That’s the success. That’s why capitalism works.”

Marcus said that entrepreneurs don’t have the same reason to take risks as he did when he started Home Depot.

Marcus says that this is because of “socialism.”

“Nobody works. Nobody gives a damn. ‘Just give it to me. Send me money. I don’t want to work — I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid,’” Marcus explained.

Even though President Biden gave people money not to work during the pandemic, the labor force participation rate is still not back to where it was before the pandemic.

This has made it hard for businesses of all sizes to find enough workers to run their businesses.

He also said that the rise of “woke culture” was a threat to freedom.

“We used to have free speech here. We don’t have it,” Marcus said. “The woke people have taken over the world.”

Democrats’ push for socialism is putting the future of freedom and the economy at risk.

Kamala Harris will never recover after being embarrassed for all to see

Kamala Harris is the definition of inept. Her mistakes are making it hard to see where she will go in politics.

And Kamala Harris will never recover after being embarrassed for all to see.

The media that is controlled by corporations talked up Vice President Kamala Harris as if she were a female version of former President Barack Obama.

Before a single vote was cast in a Democrat Primary, her much-hyped 2020 presidential run fell apart.

After President Joe Biden gave Harris a chance to get back into politics by making him his Vice President, things have only gone downhill for Harris.

During her time as Vice President, she made a lot of mistakes and messed up the few jobs she was given, like “Border Czar.”

Harris’s staff has been running out of her office and complaining behind the scenes about how well she is doing her job.

During her first 18 months as Vice President, her chief of staff, communications director, press secretary, and other top aides have been on the road.

Best-selling author Chris Whipple is writing a new book that will reveal the truth about the Biden administration.

Whipple’s book, The Fight of His Life, is an insider’s look at the first two years of the Biden administration, which were full of trouble.

In the book, Whipple says that Harris’s problems as Vice President are caused by her “deep, deep insecurity,” which makes her “impossible to manage.”

Harris torments her staff with “really unnecessary gamesmanship,” which a former aide said was due to her deep-seated insecurity.

The anonymous staffer mentioned in the book worked for Harris for years and said she “refused to do the kind of preparation that you need to do before going public on a hardcore policy matter.”

Harris has embarrassed herself in public by making mistakes with her words and forgetting simple policy points.

“And then she became incensed and outraged when things wouldn’t go the way she thought they were supposed to,” the staffer added. “There was a lot of magical thinking.”

Harris has been bad to her staff since she was the Attorney General of California, which was her first major political job.

Harris refused to answer a question from Whipple for his book about the “turmoil and morale problems among your staff going back to your time as California Attorney General.”

Gil Duran, who used to work for Harris, said that when she was the Attorney General of California, her staff often had to deal with “her dysfunction.”

Duran has been critical of Harris ever since she became Vice President. In the book, he wrote that she is “impossible to manage.”

“The amount of stress she created by constantly being impossible to manage and taking out all her stresses on staff — usually women, or people who were not in great positions of authority — was just kind of unbearable,” Duran said.

In less than six months, he gave up on working for Harris.

In the book, Biden said that Harris was “a work in progress.”

Kamala Harris’s long-running problems with her staff will make it harder for her to run for president in the future.

Barack Obama just got the shock of his life from this family confession


In the Democrat Party, Barack and Michelle Obama are treated like king and queen. After one interview, their image of being in a fairy tale fell apart.

And Barack Obama just got the shock of his life from this family confession.

Democrats hope that Michelle Obama, who used to be First Lady, will run for President one day.

Polls show again and again that she would be one of the top candidates in a Democratic primary for president.

During Obama’s time in office, the media, which is controlled by corporations, fawned over her and tried to make her out to be the new Jackie Kennedy.

Now, a new interview with Michelle Obama has revealed how carefully she has built up her public image.

During an interview with Revolt TV’s roundtable, Michelle talked in shocking detail about how her husband’s rising political star affected their family.

“We don’t talk about how much work is required and how hard it is even when you are madly in love with the person, even when everything works out right,” Michelle said.

Hollywood and the media made it seem like Michelle and Barack’s relationship was a fairy tale, but it wasn’t.

“People think I’m being catty by saying this: It’s like, there were 10 years where I couldn’t stand my husband,” Michelle continued. “And guess when it happened? When those kids were little.”

Ten years ago, Michelle couldn’t stand her husband, and in an interview, she talked about how hard it was to raise her two young daughters.

She went on to say that she had had to do too much when the Obama family was first starting out.

“And for 10 years while we’re trying to build our careers and, you know, worrying about school and who’s doing what and what, I was like, ‘Ugh, this isn’t even,’” Michelle explained. “And guess what? Marriage isn’t 50/50, ever, ever.”

Michelle said that the couple had “10 bad years” of marriage while Barack was moving up the political ladder to become President.

“There are times when I’m 70, he’s 30. There are times he’s 60, 40, but guess what: 10 years — we’ve been married 30,” Michelle confessed. “I would take 10 bad years over 30 — it’s just how you look at it. And people give up … ‘five years; I can’t take it.’”

She wasn’t happy with just complaining to Barack, so she turned to her two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

“Little kids, they’re terrorists. They have demands. They don’t talk. They’re poor communicators. They cry all the time,” Michelle said.

Michelle Obama called her young children “terrorists” and said that they were making her marriage hard.

“They’re irrational. They’re needy. And you love them. And so you can’t blame them, right? … So you turn that ire on each other,” Michelle added.

Michelle Obama’s image of the perfect wife and mother was shattered when she called her kids “terrorists” and said that Barack’s political career made their marriage hard for ten years.

The former First Lady’s shocking interview may have put an end to her hopes of becoming a politician again.

Joe Biden is melting down after this report proved he’s unfit to be president


Joe Biden’s career has been an abject failure. But that hasn’t stopped Biden from yucking it up on the taxpayer’s dime.

Now, Joe Biden is melting down after this report proved he’s unfit to be president.

At the end of 2022, President Joe Biden took his family on another vacation to a luxury beach villa on St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Bill and Connie Neville, who are both billionaires and big donors to Democrats, gave the villa to Joe and Jill Biden for free.

He didn’t care enough to put off his most recent trip for two days so he could sign the bill at the White House.

The President’s trip to St. Croix, a tropical island, added to the crazy amount of time he has spent away from the White House.

Biden spent almost 40% of his time outside of Washington, D.C. at his two homes in Delaware, Camp David, and on vacation.

The Daily Caller said that an analysis of Biden’s public schedule for 2022 showed that the President spent 92 full or partial days at his homes in Delaware and 32 full or partial days at Camp David.

Biden also spent seven days on vacation in South Carolina, five days on the wealthy resort island of Nantucket, Massachusetts, and five days in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

This means that he will spend a total of 141 days, or 38.6% of the year 2022, away from the White House on trips or vacations.

Presidents in the past have used vacations to get away from the stress of their jobs, but Joe Biden is way ahead of his immediate predecessors.

Democrats often made fun of the fact that former President Donald Trump spent time away from the White House at his properties.

Trump spent more time away from the White House at the same point in his presidency than Biden has spent in Delaware.

If he keeps spending the same amount of time in Delaware and gets re-elected, he will have taken more vacations than Trump, Obama, and Reagan combined.

Biden’s trips to South Carolina, Nantucket, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, where he stayed for free, are also causing people to raise their eyebrows.

In August, the Biden family took a vacation at Maria Allwin’s $20 million mega-mansion on Kiawah Island, South Carolina. Allwin is a big donor to the Democrats.

The Bidens stayed at private-equity billionaire David Rubenstein’s $20 million waterfront mansion on the very posh island of Nantucket.

While his policies cause one crisis after another in the country, the President keeps getting away from it all by going on vacation all the time.

Joe Biden has wanted to be President since 1988, but it looks like he doesn’t care to lead from the White House when he finally gets the job.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The White House is in a panic after this secret meeting was made public


Joe Biden’s presidency has had more scandals than any other in history. He had no idea that this would happen.

And the White House is in a panic after this secret meeting was made public.

The sudden failure of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX could be one of the biggest financial scandals in U.S. history.

Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced founder and former CEO of FTX, stole billions of dollars from his customers and used the money to become one of the most powerful Democrats.

During the 2022 election cycle, Bankman-Fried gave $63 million to Democrats, which was second only to the $73 million that left-wing billionaire George Soros gave.

He spent a lot of money to gain power and connections in Washington, D.C., so he could try to change the rules about cryptocurrencies.

Now, records from the White House have shown that Bankman-Fried and the Biden regime had another troubling link.

White House visitor logs show that Sam Bankman-Fried met with top Biden regime officials at least four times in 2022, before FTX’s shocking crash.

The most recent meeting was on September 8, when the alleged criminal met with Steve Ricchetti, a senior advisor to President Joe Biden. This meeting had not been made public before.

Early in November, FTX’s plan to steal money from the company started to fall apart. Eventually, Bankman-Fried was arrested on eight counts of fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes.

Last year, Bankman-Fried met with Ricchetti twice more: once at the White House on April 22, and again on May 12.

On May 13, he met with one of the highest-ranking people in the Biden White House, Deputy Chief of Staff Bruce Reed.

Gabriel Bankman-Fried, who is also Bankman-brother Fried’s and runs his political operations, had his own meeting at the White House in March and went with his brother to another meeting on May 13.

A person who was accused of one of the biggest financial crimes in U.S. history went to the Biden White House more than once.

A source at the White House told Bloomberg News that when Bankman-Fried went there, he talked about cryptocurrency policy and how to stop pandemics in general.

Eliora Katz, the top lobbyist for FTX, also went to the meetings, but she didn’t say that she was lobbying the White House on the forms she was required to file with Congress.

In an interview in September, Sam Bankman-Fried said that he had gone to Washington, D.C., “every two or three weeks” for the past year to lobby for regulations on cryptocurrencies.

This is the latest scary thing that Sam Bankman-Fried and Joe Biden have in common.

During the 2020 election for President, he gave $5.7 million to Joe Biden’s campaign, making him the second largest donor.

The Biden administration hasn’t answered questions about what President Biden would do with the dirty money he got from Bankman-Fried, and other Democrats haven’t said much about this either.

The new leaders of FTX are asking politicians to give back the money they gave to the company or face legal action to pay off the company’s creditors as it goes through bankruptcy.

Federal prosecutors have accused Sam Bankman-Fried of giving “tens of millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions.” They say he did this by getting other people to give money to his campaign, which is against the law.

Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced former CEO of FTX, is close to the Biden White House, and this relationship is going to cause Joe Biden more and more trouble.

Dr. Fauci’s secret funding of bioweapons was just exposed by Elon Musk


Anthony Fauci’s scandals continue to pile up. It’s getting close to a critical point.

And Dr. Fauci’s secret funding of bioweapons was just exposed by Elon Musk.

Elon Musk turned against COVID lockdowns and mandates as early as April 2020.

Dr. Fauci was the main person who came up with the COVID restrictions that shut down the economy and made people’s lives miserable.

Many people also think that Fauci had something to do with the start of the pandemic because he paid for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is where COVID seems to have gotten out.

Musk wrote on Twitter that the fact that Dr. Fauci’s wife was in charge of ethics at the National Institutes of Health was one reason he might have felt free to stray into the dark side of scientific research.

“Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife,” Musk wrote.

Musk went even further by saying that gain-of-function research was just another form of “bioweapon” research because it made it easier for viruses to spread and could make them more dangerous.

Musk also pointed out that Barack Obama’s government put a stop to gain-of-function research, which Dr. Fauci lifted in 2017.

“‘Gain-of-function’ in this context is just another way of saying ‘bioweapon.’ Some good nuggets in the article. Important to note that Fauci authored a 2012 paper arguing for gain-of-function research! Obama wisely put this on pause, but Fauci restarted it,” Musk wrote.

In a press release from December 2017, the National Institute of Health said it was resuming funding for gain-of-function research, which had been put on hold since 2017.

The NIH will now pay for research on how coronaviruses can gain a function.

“Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses. GOF research is important in helping us identify, understand, and develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health. The funding pause was lifted in response to today’s release of the Department of Health and Human Services Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (link is external)(HHS P3CO Framework),” the release read.

EcoHealth Alliance got a $600,000 grant from the NIH for the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Dr. Fauci told Congress that this was not research on the gain of function.

The facts show that Dr. Fauci wasn’t telling the truth.

And what else would we expect from the same person who helped send this country down the rabbit hole of lockdowns and mask mandates?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.