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The military just delivered Joe Biden the bad news he was dreading


Russia and China have become huge problems for the Biden admin. It’s only going to get worse from here.

That’s because the military just delivered Joe Biden the bad news he was dreading.

Ukraine has already received tens of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in their fight against Russia invading their country.

And Joe Biden and the Democrats just signed off on $45 billion more to aid Ukraine in their war.

But if they thought there might be an end to the war sometime soon, they thought wrong.

The war is raging on and the latest military news details exactly that.

In a major aerial assault that forced people to flee to shelters and knocked out electricity early on Thursday, Russia launched dozens of missiles into Ukraine, targeting the cities of Kharkiv in the northeast and Kyiv in the southwest, according to Ukrainian authorities.

A team of rescue personnel went through the burning remains of a residential building in Kyiv that had been devastated by an explosion, and video showed the smoke trails left by the missiles that were still hovering over the city. Firefighters in Kharkiv worked to put out a fire at an electricity facility.

“Senseless barbarism. These are the only words that come to mind seeing Russia launch another missile barrage at peaceful Ukrainian cities ahead of New Year,” Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba tweeted.

Out of 69 missiles fired by Russia in an offensive that started at 7 a.m. local time, the Ukrainian military claimed to have shot down 54 of them.

One of the longest alarms of the war, air raid sirens blasted for five hours in Kyiv and throughout the nation.

Ukraine’s senior general, Valery Zaluzhny, posted on Telegram, “This morning, the aggressor launched air and sea-based cruise missiles, anti-aircraft guided missiles and S-300 ADMS at energy infrastructure facilities of our country,”

The missiles were fired at “critical and energy infrastructure facilities in the eastern, central, western and southern regions.” according to Brigadier General Oleksiy Hromov of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The strikes came after ‘kamikaze’ drones had attacked during the night. Russia has launched multiple airstrikes on vital Ukrainian infrastructure in recent months, leaving millions without heat or electricity during bitterly cold conditions.

The most recent offensive occurred soon after the Kremlin rejected a peace plan for Ukraine and insisted that Kyiv accept Russia’s annexation of four Ukrainian territories.

According to the military administration of Kyiv city, two private homes in the Darnytskyi neighborhood were damaged by missile fragments, along with a store and a playground.

Three persons were hurt, according to Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Kiev, and 16 missiles were shot down over the city.

Ihor Terekhov, the mayor of Kharkiv, stated that authorities were determining what had been struck and whether there had been any casualties, while Andriy Sadovyi, the mayor of Lviv, stated on Telegram that 90% of his city in western Ukraine was without electricity. A piece of the energy infrastructure had been hit by the missiles.

Although Ukraine claims that daily shelling from Moscow is destroying cities, towns, and the nation’s power, medical, and other infrastructure, Moscow has repeatedly denied targeting civilians.

Ultimately, there are no signs of the war slowing down anytime soon, despite what Democrats in Congress are saying as they prepare to send another $45 billion to Ukraine. The way forward is not to fan the flames of the war but to end it with peace talks.

Democrats were shocked after hearing Adam Schiff’s plan to retire from the House


Adam Schiff has been in charge of the House Democrat witch hunts into Donald Trump for the past six years. Schiff may be on the move now.

Democrats were shocked after hearing Adam Schiff’s plan to retire from the House.

Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, has been thought to retire at the end of her term for a long time.

Feinstein’s health is clearly getting worse, and the news says that she has trouble thinking.

If Feinstein steps down, any ambitious Democrat who wants a Senate seat for life will run against her. It will be a free-for-all if she steps down.

Adam Schiff is one of the Democrats who many people think will run.

Elex Michaelson, the host of KTTA’s The Issue Is, asked Schiff if he planned to run for the Senate if Feinstein stepped down.

“It is widely expected that California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is 89, will retire at the end of her term. You have expressed interest in that job. Is there any reason you would not run for Senate?” Michaelson asked.

Schiff tried to play coy in the beginning, pretending that he hasn’t thought about taking her place.

“Well, I’m not usually asked the question in that form. You know, look, I am getting a lot of encouragement to run for the Senate from people in California and colleagues here in Congress.

Schiff said he wants to run for the Senate and that Democrats told him to do so if Feinstein says she won’t run again in 2024.

If Senator Feinstein retires, then I will give it very serious consideration. You know, at this point, I think we’re waiting to see what Senator Feinstein has to say about her plans, but yes, it is something I’m giving serious consideration to,” Schiff responded.

Many people think that Schiff has been planning for years to run for a higher officer position.

Schiff led the fake Russian collusion story and the fake Ukraine impeachment in part to build his name and reputation with the base of the Democratic Party.

At the time, some people thought Schiff might try to take over as the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives from Nancy Pelosi.

But it is now clear that Schiff will leave the House of Representatives and run for the Senate in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump just held Joe Biden’s hands to the fire with his latest shocking act


Donald Trump is running for office again, and Joe Biden is his main target. The news is bad for Biden.

And Donald Trump just held Joe Biden’s hands to the fire with his latest shocking act.

After fighting in court for three years, Democrats were finally able to get Donald Trump’s tax returns when the House Ways and Means Committee voted to make them public right before Republicans took control of the House.

The tax returns told us nothing new and were a big pile of nothing.

But all the Democrats wanted to do was make President Trump look bad.

This was the main point Donald Trump made in a new video in which he said there was no point to passing laws because the Democrats would give up power in a few days.

“There is no legitimate legislative purpose for their action, and if you look at what they’ve done, it’s so sad for our country,” Trump declared.

“It’s nothing but another deranged political witch-hunt, which has been going on from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower.”

“Although these tax returns contain relatively little information and not information that almost anybody would understand — they’re extremely complex — the radical Democrats’ behavior is a shame upon the U.S. Congress,” Trump added.

Then Trump said the shocking thing.

Trump said that when the GOP takes control of Congress in 2023, Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee should use the same law as Democrats to get the tax returns of Hunter Biden and James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother. Both of them, critics say, got rich through schemes to sell their influence.

Trump said this:

The new Republican House should immediately obtain the financial records of Joe Biden and his entire criminal enterprise because that’s exactly what it is. Biden is a corrupt politician who spent years selling out America all over the world, including to Communist China. Just take a look at his accounts, take a look at all of his homes, and take a look at what his son, Hunter, has contributed to the family. The American public deserves to know the truth. We should also get to the bottom line on how Biden, on a salary of a U.S. Senator, was able to buy one mansion after another, all these different locations.

When I’m president, we will expose the Washington cartel, and we will Make America Great Again.

Democrats lied for years that Trump’s tax returns could show proof of collusion with Russia.

But Americans know that the Biden family made money from deals in Communist China and Ukraine, and that the ex-wife of the former mayor of Moscow may have even given them money.

The tax returns of James and Hunter Biden could shed light on these deals and show if Joe Biden is getting money from America’s enemies.

Patriot Pulse will tell you about any new things that happen in this story.

Donald Trump is in shellshock after being betrayed by this close ally


Donald Trump’s campaign for 2024 is not off to the start that many people had hoped for. So far, Trump has done very little to stand out.

And Donald Trump is in shellshock after being betrayed by this close ally.

Trump supporters could not believe that he sat for an interview with left-wing New York Magazine reporter Oliva Nuzzi so she could write a hit piece attacking his campaign as a “sad, lonely, thirsty, broken, basically pretend run for reelection.”

One of Trump’s advisors told Nuzzi, “The magic is gone.”

“It’s not there. In this business, you can have it and have it so hot and it can go overnight and it’s gone and you can’t get it back,” the advisor told Nuzzi.

“I think we’re just seeing it’s gone. The magic is gone,” the advisor added.

Nuzzi later told CNN that Trump’s campaign is built around his personality, so if his “magic” is gone, it will be hard for it to succeed.

“That was an advisor speaking to me saying that the magic is gone and this person was not sure that Trump would be able to get it back,” Nuzzi stated.

“That’s sort of the difficult thing about a campaign that is really about a personality. Even if it were to be run in a really common sense way, would it really matter if the personality that it was built around is not really on his game?” Nuzzi added.

Trump was very angry about the article and the comments in his Truth Social post that followed.

“The Fake & Corrupt News is only getting worse! As an example, I agreed to do a short telephone interview for a once very good, but now on its ‘last legs’ and failing, New York Magazine,” Trump wrote.

“The reporter was a shaky & unattractive wack job, known as ‘tough’ but dumb as a rock, who actually wrote a decent story about me a long time ago,” Trump added.

Trump then said that Nuzzi’s claim that Trump’s “magic is gone” was based on anonymous sources, which Trump said did not exist.

“Her name, Olivia Nuzzi. Anyway, the story was Fake News, her ‘anonymous sources’ don’t exist (true with many writers), and I’m happily fighting hard for our GREAT USA!” Trump went on.

One of Donald Trump’s strengths as a politician is that he is able to control the media.

But Trump’s desire to spread his message far and wide has left him open to attacks from hostile left-wing hacks like Olivia Nuzzi.

With two years left until the 2024 presidential election, we’ll see how the strategy works out for the former president.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Elon Musk put Democrats on notice with this one question


One of the worst spending bills in history was just passed by Democrats and RINOs in the Senate. They also thought they could get away with betraying the American people in a big way.

But Elon Musk put Democrats on notice with this one question.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) criticized Senate Democrats for working to kill his amendment to keep Title 42 in place, which would provide border security, and instead voting for a fake amendment from Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) that would keep President Joe Biden’s open borders agenda in place.

“An amendment by Sens Sinema & Tester is designed to ensure a porous border,” Lee wrote on social media.

“A wolf in sheep’s clothing to mislead the American people to believe Dems are doing something to secure our borders. It merely provides them cover to vote against my extension of Title 42.”

Elon Musk noticed Senator Lee’s tweet, so he asked the two Democrats if this was true.

“Is this true, @SenatorSinema and @SenatorTester?” Musk wrote.

Senator Tester answered with the typical double-talk and misleading context of Washington.

“That claim is false,” Tester claimed. “Our amendment was a good-faith effort to take proposals that both Democrats and Republicans claim they support.

Both parties have failed to secure our southern border and fix our broken immigration system. We need to get serious about solving this problem.”

That’s not true at all, of course.

Democrats want open borders, and the Tester/Sinema amendment did nothing more than give them political cover by giving more money for immigration judges.

But giving more money to immigration judges would only let the Biden administration handle more asylum claims from illegal immigrants and let more illegal immigrants into the U.S.

Musk then criticized Senator Tester for voting for the Democrats’ omnibus spending bill, which gave $410 million to secure the borders of Middle Eastern countries but made it clear that Customs and Border Patrol couldn’t use any of the new money to secure America’s borders.

“But shouldn’t there be some funding in this bill to secure US borders, given that we are spending tens of billions to secure the borders of other countries?” Musk asked.

Senator Tester’s answer was more gaslighting, which is what most Democrats do.

“Absolutely and there is money in our amendment to secure the southern border,” Tester claimed. “Senator Lee’s amendment included zero dollars for border security. Ours included more than $8 billion for things like physical barriers and tech.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Democrats agreed to a $1,700,000,000,000,000 spending bill that can’t be defended.

And the fact that McConnell and the RINOs made a deal that let Joe Biden keep America’s borders open to an illegal alien invasion is the most outrageous thing.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is being threatened with jail after doing this to Kamala Harris


As “border czar” for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris is supposed to solve the Biden border crisis. Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, tried to remind Harris of this.

And now Texas Governor Greg Abbott is being threatened with jail after doing this to Kamala Harris.

Under President Joe Biden’s watch, a record number of illegal immigrants have come into the country.

And since President Biden won’t even admit that there is a crisis at the border, things will only get worse.

Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, has been fighting back against the Biden border crisis at the state level for the past few months.

Abbott has sent thousands of illegal immigrants by bus to places like Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, and Denver that are run by Democrats and are called “sanctuary cities.”

Overall, Governor Abbott says that his decision to bus in illegal immigrants has saved Texas taxpayers billions of dollars by putting the burden on Democrats in so-called “sanctuary cities” who want to show how good they are.

Biden won’t do anything to fix the border crisis he caused, even though Abbott is trying.

Vice President and “border czar” Kamala Harris recently claimed that “the border is secure.”

But Governor Abbott sent Harris a Christmas gift to show her that, despite what she said, the crisis at the Biden border is getting worse.

On Christmas Eve, Abbott sent three buses with 150 illegal immigrants to the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., which is the home of the Vice President.

And Democrats are very angry about Abbott’s surprise for Harris on Christmas Eve.

Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said that Abbott was “useless” and a “POS.”

“Worthless @GovAbbott dropping off people with no money and no means on Christmas Eve in 15-degree weather near the VP’s residence,” Castro wrote on Twitter. “How Christian of you, Greg Abbott. Being a heartless POS isn’t going to make you the next Republican President.”

Castro didn’t go as far as they did, though.

Scott Dworkin, an activist on the left who helped start The Democrat Coalition, asked President Biden to throw Governor Abbott in jail for driving illegal immigrants to Harris’ house.

“Gov Abbott abandoning children on the side of the road on Christmas Eve will go down as one his most despicable acts ever,” he wrote. “Abbott should go to jail.”

Occupy Democrats, a radical left-wing group, agreed with Dworkin and asked Biden to start a criminal investigation into the Texas Governor.

Of course, if anyone deserves to be locked up, it’s Joe Biden and the rest of his administration because they won’t enforce our country’s immigration laws.

Governor Greg Abbott did nothing but bring the Biden border crisis back into the public eye.

And Democrats are mad at him for letting it all out.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden was mortified by what this major Democrat just admitted on CNN


Democrats aren’t even hiding their disdain for Americans and conservatives anymore. They parade it on the Fake News Media every day.

Even Joe Biden was mortified by what this major Democrat just admitted on CNN.

Just take a look at what has occurred in our country during the previous 12 months.

Families hardly have enough money for food on the table.

While inflation keeps rising, wages are beginning to decline sharply.

Add the rising cost of gas and the many families that are struggling to make ends meet on top of the inflation rate.

And as American people struggle barely to get by, Congress and the Biden Administration have been handing the Ukrainian government blank cheques.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the American military-industrial complex has been working nonstop to use any means necessary to influence legislators and lobbyists to funnel billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine is receiving $45 billion in hard-earned tax revenue from the American people as a result of the Omnibus law that was enacted last week.

It’s unfortunate that the majority of that money will never be monitored or traced by the American government.

But the biggest problem our country is currently facing is not even having the bank door open to the American Treasury for Ukraine.

The main topic that Democrats and the corporate-controlled don’t want to discuss is illegal immigration.

Thousands of illegal immigrants cross the border every day.

Others run into the interior of the country with God knows what intentions, while others of them run straight to our border patrol officials with a sneer on their faces knowing they can do nothing to them.

And as a result of this never-ending stream of illegal immigrants, many of our streets and schools are overrun with fentanyl and other narcotics, and gangs are growing in areas of the country where no one ever imagined they could.

But as with every significant issue affecting Middle America, the Democrats’ new talking point is that if you believe that illegal immigration is a problem that needs to be rectified, you are just an enemy of the state.

Abigail Spanberger, a congresswoman, is a rising star in the Democratic Party because she consistently wins elections in ways that no one anticipated.

As they look to her for guidance on policy, what she says will eventually become the Democratic Party’s main talking point.

And she appeared on CNN to tell its four remaining viewers that they were spreading Russian misinformation and posed a threat to our country if they had a problem with the government giving billions of dollars to Ukraine but spending zero dollars to safeguard the southern border.

In response to Republicans’ worries that our border wasn’t getting enough support when we were spending billions to secure Ukraine’s borders, Spanberger asserted:

“What we have here, unfortunately, is people who are falling prey to Russian talking points, to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s talking point. The idea that Putin continues to try and divide the United States, not only here domestically, but divide us from our allies, create divisions and sow distrust or dissension among our ranks. So the conversations I’ve been having with colleagues are very simple: do not fall pray to Vladimir Putin’s talking points.”

It’s astonishing how any criticism of the current administration instantly turns you into Putin’s spokesperson.

So if you wish to defend our southern border, be prepared for the accusations that you are suddenly just a Putin supporter.

Hunter Biden made this wrong move that proves he’s sweating bullets


Hunter Biden’s issues continue to mount, with no end in sight. Finally, the walls are closing in on him.

And Hunter Biden made this wrong move that proves he’s sweating bullets.

When Republicans take control of the House of Representatives next year, they will be looking into Hunter Biden’s extensive wrongdoing.

Major investigations into President Joe Biden’s son’s influence-peddling enterprise, which exploited his father’s political clout for financial advantage, have been proposed by House Republicans.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the new leader of the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the upcoming chair of the House Judiciary Committee, will be the GOP watchdogs looking into the Biden criminal family’s wrongdoing.

With a Republican-led congressional investigation on the way, Hunter Biden is preparing to defend himself.

Hunter aroused eyebrows when he assembled a legal team that included a high-profile attorney with ties to former President Bill Clinton.

Hunter recruited Abbe Lowell to manage his response to the GOP probes and to provide strategic legal assistance.

Kevin Morris, a powerful Hollywood attorney, had been in charge of Hunter’s legal team and had helped fund the President’s son.

“Hunter Biden has retained Abbe Lowell to help advise him and be part of his legal team to address the challenges he is facing,” Morris said.

“Lowell is a well-known Washington-based attorney who has represented numerous public officials and high-profile people in DOJ investigations and trials as well as congressional investigations.”

Abbe Lowell is well-known for his work on behalf of high-profile clients such as former President Bill Clinton, former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, and Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ).

Lowell was the House’s chief minority counsel throughout Clinton’s impeachment process.

In addition, he defended former Democratic Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards and Senator Robert Menendez in corruption prosecutions.

To counter with the GOP probes, the White House and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are formulating their own legal strategy.

Lowell’s hire comes after The Washington Post reported that Hunter’s legal staff was divided on tactics.

Hunter’s legal defense is bringing together an increasing number of professionals with differing perspectives on how to approach his case.

According to the Post, the legal team is “not fully coordinating” and may not have a “unified approach” when the investigations begin.

Hunter Biden has called in reinforcements for the intense scrutiny he will face next year when the House Republican inquiry into him begins.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Dark money Democrats were exposed for this massive censorship plot against conservatives


It’s no secret that billionaires fund some of the most rabidly Left Democrats in the country. They’ll do anything to silence conservatives from telling the truth.

And dark money Democrats were exposed for this massive censorship plot against conservatives.

The past weeks have shown the American people there is a concerted effort to silence any opposition to the Democrat party line.

The Left has recruited the FBI, the DOJ, and countless other government offices to collude with social media giants to hide and ban conservative opinions.

But the story goes deeper than anyone could have ever predicted.

Thanks to the Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of the networks’ donations, many funds controlled by Arabella Advisors, a Democrat-linked consulting business, are discreetly funding studies by universities and non-profits into how online “misinformation” and “disinformation” spread.

According to tax filings and statements on the funds’ and Arabella’s websites, Arabella Advisors, led by former Bill Clinton official Eric Kessler, manages certain administrative, legal, and philanthropic functions of several non-profits, including the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Hopewell Fund, North Fund, and New Venture Fund, which donate to a variety of left-leaning groups, causes, and Democratic candidates.

A DCNF analysis of public grants found some funds within the network are also sponsoring research into the consequences of, and how best to mitigate, misinformation and disinformation.

Many of the Arabella-funded research projects name conservatives primarily as misinformation spreaders, with several initiatives advocating methods to prevent misinformation propagation, such as censorship.

The New Venture Fund funded a project called “The True Costs of Misinformation” at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy in March, led by the center’s research director Joan Donovan, to study the effects of online misinformation, particularly on “vulnerable communities,” according to the project description. The initiative includes a workshop with many panels discussing various subjects linked to the perceived effects of misinformation.

According to the workshop agenda, Steven Feldstein’s presentation at the Carnegie Council titled “What Is Driving Conservativism’s Post-Democratic Turn in America?” ostensibly examined the impact of misinformation on the perceived “anti-democratic” attitudes espoused by conservatives in the United States.

“How did American conservatives reach a point where their main political messages are either blatantly anti-democratic or outright falsehoods?” the presentation’s description read, alleging that “political partisanship” in the U.S. was “largely stoked by conservative propaganda and disinformation.”

One panel was solely focused on measures for “misinformation mitigation,” featuring presentations from experts at the University of Washington and Google, among others. Legislative action to change election laws to combat election misinformation was one of the methods, as was “psychological inoculation” against dis- and misinformation.

Another presentation aimed to figure out ways to demonetize sites pushing “divisive disinformation on COVID” at “the industry or policy level,” according to the workshop program.

The Shorenstein Center did not respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Furthermore, The New Venture Fund funded a 2021 research project led by researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University College London that investigated methods for mitigating misinformation by allowing “social groups” to “[exchange] judgments regarding the probability that news is true,” according to the project’s acknowledgments. According to the project, “misinformation spread” is “one of the leading threats to democracy, public health, and the global economy.”

Another Arabella-managed philanthropic entity, the Hopewell Fund, financed a study project, the results of which were published in The Atlantic, that explored how disinformation spreads on Facebook, with an emphasis on “superusers.” The report quoted “Calvin,” who uses the word “gay” as a slur and asserts that black communities are always “SHITHOLES,” and “Michelle,” a woman who opposes the “plandemic.”

The writers of the article appeared to advocate censorship as the most efficient method of combating disinformation.

“Allowing a small set of people who behave horribly to dominate the platform is Facebook’s choice, not an inevitability,” the article read. “If each of Facebook’s 15,000 U.S. moderators aggressively reviewed several dozen of the most active users and permanently removed those guilty of repeated violations, abuse on Facebook would drop drastically within days.”

The project was part of a “program focused on supporting researchers studying misinformation and accountability on the social web,” according to the Hopewell Fund.

According to an OpenSecrets review of its campaign spending, the Sixteen Thirty Fund explicitly donates to Democratic political action committees (PACs) and candidates, while the Arabella network’s other funds bankroll left-leaning and Democrat-affiliated groups that engage in electoral activism and issue-based advocacy, according to The New York Times.

“Groups like the Arabella network weaponize charitable laws and tax exemption to aid Democratic electoral victories, bypassing the IRS prohibition on electioneering,” Hayden Ludwig, a senior investigative researcher at Capital Research Center (CRC), a conservative watchdog group researching liberal financial influence said.

The Hopewell Fund sponsored both the Voter Participation Center and the Center for Voter Information, which spent nearly $150 million together prior to the 2020 election in “get-out-the-vote” efforts targeting Democratic demographics according to the New York Times; the fund also bankrolled a Democrat-aligned legal group, Democracy Docket Legal Fund, led by Democratic Party election lawyer Marc Elias.

The memo received by CRC revealed the New Venture Fund also established the Trusted Elections Fund, which courted contributors to contribute money into election security initiatives ahead of the 2020 election.

The fund made grants in part to “prepare journalists and civil society organizations with tools to respond to mis/disinformation and cybersecurity issues.”

“Nonprofits pour hundreds of millions of dollars into voter registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns which micro-target likely Democratic voters,” Ludwig said. “The Arabella nonprofits are a massive funnel to shift those millions from foundations and mega-donors to these professional activists.”

The Arabella network provides financial support for academic research as well as non-profit organizations that do misinformation and disinformation studies.

According to the Media Democracy Fund’s website, the New Venture Fund is the architect of the Media Democracy Fund, a grantmaking non-profit that supports a variety of left-wing groups engaged in the areas of media and communications.

The Media Democracy Fund is supported by a number of affluent partners, including George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

The Disinfo Defense League, which describes itself as “a distributed national network of organizers, researchers, and disinformation experts disrupting online racialized disinformation infrastructure and campaigns that deliberately target Black, Latinx, Asian American/Pacific Islander, and other communities of color,” was partially funded by the Media Democracy Fund.

Among the league’s members are a number of left-wing and progressive activist organizations, including Free Press, the Women’s March, and Ultraviolet.

The group sponsored multiple webinars, training, and other educational events with disinformation experts ahead of the 2020 election, in collaboration with Joan Donovan of the Shorenstein Center, to prepare activists to counteract perceived misinformation, according to Protocol.

The New Venture Fund also sponsored a fellowship at the Algorithmic Integrity Institute, which was defined as “a pilot program to train ethnic media reporters to identify, surface, and analyze instances” of misinformation and other undesirable content.

Tax documents exposed that the fund also donated approximately $25 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life, an institution that received hundreds of millions in “zuckbucks” from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to run elections in 2020.

A July 2020 guidebook said the group educated election workers to recognize potential election misinformation and listed former President Donald Trump as a prominent generator of election falsehoods.

According to the North Fund’s company papers, Accountable Internet is a registered trade brand of the North Fund. Accountable Tech analyzes and advocates against online misinformation in addition to pro-antitrust activism and support for privacy rules for tech corporations.

The group planned a lobbying campaign aimed at advertisers to boycott Twitter in the aftermath of Elon Musk’s takeover, citing the threat of misinformation among other concerns. The North Fund declined to comment to The Washington Free Beacon, which also reported on this link, but stated that it “follows all disclosure requirements related to individual donor and grantee disclosure.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden just got utterly destroyed by a former ally asking him this one question


Democrats don’t like it when you corner them on the issues. That’s why they always weasel out of it by lobbing insane accusations against their opponents.

But Joe Biden has nowhere to run after being utterly destroyed by a former ally asking him this one critical question.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), who announced that she was quitting the Democratic Party to join the Independent Party, stunned the political community.

Because he refused to end the Senate filibuster and obstructed some of President Joe Biden’s more extreme tax and spending proposals, the Arizona senator was a thorn in the side of the party’s extreme left.

However, she ultimately voted against every significant piece of the Biden platform.

A newly independent Sinema attacked Joe Biden for declining to travel to the border.

She claimed in an interview that “anyone who is responsible for setting or making policy” should not have a problem with it.

Biden rejected the notion of traveling to the border earlier this month when on a trip to Phoenix, Arizona, to promote a manufacturing site and his economic agenda.

“Why go to a border state and not visit the border?” Peter Doocy, a White House journalist for Fox News, enquired.

Biden answered, “Because there are more significant things happening.

The distance between Phoenix and the Mexican border is around 100 miles.

Biden hasn’t visited the border throughout his Presidency despite the largest border crisis in the nation’s history being in progress.

One of the states most severely affected by the problem is Arizona as a stream of illegal immigrants and dangerous drugs, like fentanyl produced in China, pour through the porous border.

Sinema challenged Biden to travel to the border to witness firsthand the turmoil that was happening while he was in charge.

“I absolutely think the President should visit the border. In fact, I think anyone who is responsible for setting or making policy on the border should visit the border,” Sinema noted.

“I mean, that’s, that’s a no brainer, right?”

While she is meant to be in charge of protecting the border, Vice President Kamala Harris, who is acting as Biden’s “Border Czar,” has similarly avoided traveling to the area.

Sinema claimed that the border had nothing to do with her choice to quit the Democratic Party, but claimed that “this administration has not done its duty on the border.”

A bipartisan group of senators will travel to the border thanks to Sinema’s organization, “because a crisis this big cannot be ignored.”

The criticism of Joe Biden’s poor handling of the border problem is growing every day, and it may be his undoing.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nancy Pelosi’s heart stopped after Republicans exposed her with this bombshell


Nancy Pelosi is stepping down as Speaker of the House. But truth about her corruption is just starting to be aired out for the public to see.

And Nancy Pelosi’s heart stopped after Republicans exposed her with this bombshell.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appointed the January 6 Committee solely for the goal of politically assaulting former President Donald Trump.

Following Speaker Pelosi’s orders, the committee prepared a biased and incomplete report condemning Trump and blaming him for everything that occurred that day.

But this was not the case.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) removed all five Republicans who were set to serve on the Committee when Pelosi rejected Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN) issued their own assessment, concluding that law enforcement and the Speaker failed to safeguard the Capitol on January 6.

Republicans said in their study that then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving and Pelosi’s administration undermined Capitol Police with erroneous priorities.

“However, officers on the front lines and analysts in USCP’s intelligence division were undermined by the misplaced priorities of their leadership,” the Republicans’ report read.

“Those problems were exacerbated by the House Sergeant at Arms, who was distracted from giving full attention to the threat environment prior to January 6, 2021 by several other upcoming events.”

Republicans said that Irving and Rep. Pelosi’s staff worked together to keep critical January 6 decisions from Republicans.

“In one case, Irving even asked a senior Democratic staffer to ‘act surprised’ when he sent key information about plans for the Joint Session on January 6, 2021 to him and his Republican counterpart,” the report added.

“The senior Democratic staffer replied: ‘I’m startled!’”

Finally, Republicans revealed that Speaker Pelosi’s office, the House Sergeant at Arms, and Capitol Police all opposed the idea of seeking a National Guard deployment owing to the military deployed in Washington, D.C.’s negative “optics” against Trump supporters.

Republican Congressman Troy Nehls assisted in compiling the report on the actual events of January 6, and said it was evident that the guilt for that day lay with law enforcement and Nancy Pelosi for failing to take their job to secure the Capitol seriously.

“As a Member of Congress, I have placed hundreds of hours of research into the events of J6 Committee and was the last Member of Congress to leave the House floor,” Nehls wrote on Truth Social.

“As a Texas Sheriff and 30-year law enforcement officer, I can say without hesitation that J6th was a law enforcement failure, all at the hands of the leadership of the Capital Police and Nancy Pelosi. They had the intelligence days and weeks prior and didn’t share it with the 1840 personnel of the USCP,”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Biden administration has officially thrown in the towel with just four words


Joe Biden’s presidency has been on shaky ground for the last two years. It’s forced Biden to make a drastic decision.

And now the Biden administration has officially thrown in the towel with these four words.

On his very first day in office, Joe Biden allowed an influx of illegal immigrants through the borders.

The construction of Donald Trump’s border wall was halted, all deportations were instantly paused for at least 100 days, and Biden pledged a broad amnesty to any illegal immigrants who managed to enter the nation.

As predicted, Joe Biden’s administration has seen record-breaking numbers of illegal immigrants enter the country.

But when Title 42 expires on December 21, things are likely to get considerably worse.

The final effective border security measure implemented by Trump is Title 42.

In order to safeguard the nation during the pandemic, it enables Border Patrol agents to deport illegal aliens quickly.

Reporters questioned Jean-Pierre on what the American people can anticipate at the border once Title 42 expires during a recent White House press briefing.

The President has been working to address the issues we are experiencing at the border since Day One, Jean-Pierre remarked.

She blatantly asserted that Biden “has done the work” to protect the border before accusing Donald Trump of having “gutted” our immigration system and assigning blame for the situation to him.

She claimed that Joe Biden “secured record funding” for border security, so Americans need not worry.

After that, Jean-Pierre charged that Republicans had compromised border security by failing to enact “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Of fact, what Jean-Pierre means by “comprehensive immigration reform” is a general amnesty for the tens of millions of illegal immigrants who already reside in the United States.

However, the problem will only worsen as Title 42 expires and Joe Biden refuses to protect the border.

When they take control of the House in January, House Republicans are threatening to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to carry out his duties and enforce immigration laws.

But Republicans will find it extremely difficult to hold anyone responsible for the next two years as long as Democrats control both the Senate and the White House.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.