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Joe Biden and the Radical Left hide in terror after Senator Kennedy’s recent comments

The current administration is corrupt and does not have America’s best interests at heart. But now, things have escalated.

And Joe Biden and the Left are hiding in terror after Senator Kennedy’s recent comments.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) recently criticized President Joe Biden for his perceived inaction regarding the pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University, suggesting the President is avoiding confronting the issue due to fears of alienating a faction within his own party.

Kennedy dubbed this faction the “Hamas wing of the Democratic Party,” indicating a radical segment whose views are influencing Biden’s decisions.

During a pointed address, Kennedy accused President Biden of deliberately choosing not to intervene in the disturbances at Columbia, despite having the influence to urge university leaders to quell the unrest.

Kennedy’s remarks come amid escalating tensions at Columbia, where protests have led to significant disruptions, including the cancellation of the university’s main commencement ceremony due to safety concerns.

“President Biden is scared to death to alienate the Hamas-wing of the Democratic Party,” Kennedy stated, implying that the President’s actions were being swayed by a minority within his party that sympathizes with pro-Hamas sentiments.

Kennedy highlighted recent polling data indicating a decline in public support for Biden, suggesting that the President’s reluctance to act decisively is tied to an awareness of his waning popularity.

“He has read that new CNN poll that just came out that said that 52% of likely voters… will never under any circumstances on God’s good green Earth vote for Joe Biden,” Kennedy elaborated.

Kennedy’s critique extended to what he described as a “rule by mob” mentality, condemning the violent aspects of the protests and what he perceives as a broader tolerance within the Democratic Party for extremist actions, provided they align with certain ideological perspectives.

“You should call it for what it is: rule by mob,” Kennedy argued, denouncing the protesters’ actions and the ideological underpinnings he believes they represent, including what he sarcastically referred to as a “belief in diversity, equity, inclusion, and the right to kill Jews.”

The unrest at Columbia University has drawn considerable attention, not just from politicians like Kennedy, but also from law enforcement and the community.

The situation escalated to the point where the university president, Minouche Shafik, felt compelled to request an ongoing NYPD presence on campus to prevent further disruptions and ensure safety for all students and staff.

This decision underscores the severity of the situation and the challenges faced by the university administration in restoring order.

Adding to the controversy, former President Donald Trump also weighed in on Biden’s handling of the situation, citing a report from Politico which showed that some of the major financial backers of the protests are also significant donors to Biden’s reelection campaign.

This suggests a complex web of political and financial interests influencing the administration’s response to the protests, further complicating the public’s perception of Biden’s leadership.

Senator Kennedy’s remarks reflect a growing frustration among Republicans and others who view the administration’s response to the Columbia protests as inadequate and overly cautious.

Many argue that Biden’s hesitance to confront the protestors more aggressively is indicative of a broader issue within the Democratic Party, where radical elements are perceived to have undue influence over policy and decision-making.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New Testimony in Trump trial has Democrats scrambling

The Radical Left thinks that Trump’s most recent trial will be the one that does him in. But they couldn’t be more wrong.

Because new testimony in the Trump trial has Democrats scrambling.

In a key development in the trial against former President Donald Trump over allegations of falsifying business records, former Trump Organization controller Jeffrey McConney testified on Monday, clarifying the nature of payments made to Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen.

McConney’s testimony addressed significant points raised by defense attorney Emil Bove, shedding light on the financial dealings within the Trump Organization and the involvement of its key figures.

Jeffrey McConney, who served as the controller for the Trump Organization for more than two decades, confirmed during his testimony that Trump did not instruct him to set up reimbursement payments for Michael Cohen.

The trial, which stems from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s charges against Trump, has focused on the legality and legitimacy of the organization’s financial records.

During the testimony, defense attorney Bove asked McConney whether Cohen was acting as a lawyer for Trump, to which McConney replied, “Sure, yes.”

Bove then continued, “And payments to lawyers by the Trump Organization are legal expenses, right?” McConney affirmed, “Yes.”

Bove’s line of questioning was aimed at establishing whether Trump had directed any of the reimbursement payments to Cohen, which McConney denied.

When asked if Trump had asked him to make the payments, McConney responded, “He did not.”

Bove pressed further, inquiring whether anyone else had been directed by Trump to handle the payments, to which McConney reiterated that he had received no such instructions from Trump.

McConney’s testimony also focused on the role of former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg.

When asked if Weisselberg had suggested that Trump instructed him to make the payments, McConney responded, “Allen never told me that.”

McConney’s testimony provided insights into the reimbursement process for Cohen, who initially received payments through a trust, with the funds later being drawn from Trump’s personal account.

An email from McConney to Cohen, which was presented as evidence, confirmed that the reimbursement checks were being sent to Trump at the White House for his signature.

In total, Cohen was paid $420,000, with the amount being “grossed up” to cover taxes, according to McConney.

The trial, which began in mid-April, has seen McConney as the prosecution’s tenth witness.

The case involves 34 felony counts of falsifying business records against Trump, brought forward by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

The nature of the payments made to Cohen, who was Trump’s personal attorney, has been a focal point of the trial, particularly regarding their classification as legal expenses.

McConney’s testimony sought to clarify the legitimate nature of these transactions, and his statements have provided significant insights into the internal workings of the Trump Organization’s financial dealings.

The case against Trump has drawn significant public attention, particularly regarding the Left’s allegations of financial misconduct within the Trump Organization.

McConney’s testimony has been pivotal in challenging the prosecution’s narrative and highlighting the internal decision-making processes within the organization.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

New House development against AG Garland could completely change everything

The Left has been hiding behind the DOJ for long enough. But now, Republican leaders are fighting back.

And a new House development against AG Garland could completely change everything.

The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to initiate contempt of Congress proceedings against Attorney General Merrick Garland amid a dispute over recordings from special counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents.

The move signals a significant escalation in the conflict between House Republicans and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Negotiations between the two parties have stalled, and a source confirmed to The Daily Wire that a markup session is scheduled for Thursday, May 16.

The proceedings stem from a subpoena issued by House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to obtain audio recordings of Hur’s interviews with President Biden and Biden’s ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer.

In an April 15 letter to Garland, Comer and Jordan accused him of withholding the recordings for partisan reasons.

They stated that Garland’s response to their previous requests was “inadequate” and warned they would have “no choice but to invoke contempt of Congress proceedings” if he did not comply by April 25.

The letter, obtained by The Daily Caller, emphasized the lawmakers’ frustration, saying, “Your response to the subpoenas remains inadequate, suggesting that you are withholding records for partisan purposes and to avoid political embarrassment for President Biden.”

The pair insisted that the DOJ produce all responsive materials by April 25, 2024, to avoid the impending contempt proceedings.

The DOJ, however, contends that it has already provided sufficient information. Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriarte responded to the lawmakers, stating that the transcripts provided from the two-day interview with Biden and the interview with Zwonitzer should suffice.

Hur’s report, released in February, criticized Biden’s retention of classified records while out of office but ultimately did not recommend charges.

The report described Biden as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” and suggested a jury would not convict him of a serious felony requiring willfulness.

The report also revealed that Zwonitzer deleted recordings of his conversations with Biden upon learning about the documents inquiry, but Hur determined that the evidence would not support an obstruction of justice conviction.

The White House has pushed back against Hur’s characterization of Biden in the report, while Garland has defended the special counsel’s work.

During congressional testimony in April, Garland noted the DOJ’s “longstanding practice” of keeping witness records confidential to avoid chilling future investigations.

He emphasized that editing or censoring the special counsel’s explanation would have been “absurd” for someone in his position.

The upcoming contempt proceedings reflect broader tensions between congressional Republicans and the Biden administration.

The GOP lawmakers argue that transparency is crucial, especially when it involves potential misconduct by a sitting president.

However, the DOJ refuses to comply because they maintain that the requests go beyond legitimate oversight functions and threaten to politicize the investigative process.

The outcome of this dispute could set significant precedents for future interactions between Congress and the Department of Justice, particularly in matters involving sensitive or classified information.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terrifying new border report unveils massive national security issue

Joe Biden and the Radical Left have neglected our border for so long that everyone knows something bad is coming. But no one expected it to be this bad.

And a terrifying new border report has unveiled a massive national security issue.

Recent reports have highlighted an alarming trend in which more Chinese nationals have crossed the southern border in the first two days of May than during the entire fiscal year of 2021.

This surge has raised significant concerns among U.S. officials and experts regarding national security and border security integrity.

According to a report by Fox News’ Bill Melugin, based on information from Customs and Border Patrol, the San Diego sector of Border Patrol apprehended approximately 485 Chinese immigrants in just two days.

This number significantly surpasses the 323 Chinese nationals encountered throughout the entirety of fiscal year 2021, underscoring a dramatic increase in illegal border crossings by Chinese nationals.

Melugin noted that the “overwhelming majority of the Chinese are mass released as China is not cooperative with deportation flights from the U.S.”

This lack of cooperation complicates the U.S. government’s ability to manage and return illegal immigrants to their country of origin, particularly when they pose potential security threats or lack valid asylum claims.

The influx of Chinese nationals attempting to cross the U.S. southern border illegally has continued to escalate, with over 24,200 apprehensions recorded in the first six months of fiscal year 2024.

This staggering increase represents a 7,000% spike in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals since 2021, with projections indicating that the increase could reach 14,000% by the end of the fiscal year, according to Fox News.

Compounding the issue, reports earlier this year revealed that the Biden administration has relaxed vetting requirements for Chinese nationals crossing the border illegally.

Internal emails from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, obtained by the Daily Caller, indicated that border patrol agents were instructed to reduce the number of interview questions asked to apprehended Chinese migrants.

This policy change has been viewed as a potential security risk, given the lack of thorough vetting for individuals entering the country.

These developments have sparked widespread concern among security experts and policymakers. China affairs expert Gordon Chang voiced his apprehension, suggesting that the surge in Chinese migrants could include agents from the Ministry of State Security or the Chinese military.

“When I first saw the surge in Chinese migrants, that’s the thought that came to my mind,” Chang told the Daily Caller, “that these are either Ministry of State Security agents or Chinese military, who are coming to this country to commit acts of sabotage against the U.S.”

Mark Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, echoed these fears, noting that a significant proportion of Chinese immigrants arriving in the U.S. are military-aged males.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last February, Green emphasized the potential threat posed by these individuals, stating, “I think every American should be scared to death.”

He further warned about the risk of Chinese operatives gathering intelligence on critical U.S. infrastructure, particularly if tensions escalate over Taiwan.

The dramatic increase in illegal border crossings by Chinese nationals, particularly military-aged males, has alarmed U.S. officials and experts, who fear potential security threats to the nation.

The Biden administration’s relaxed vetting procedures, coupled with China’s lack of cooperation on deportation flights, exacerbate these concerns.

As tensions with China remain high, particularly over Taiwan, the U.S. must carefully monitor and address this growing issue to safeguard national security and ensure the integrity of its borders.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s newest Radical policy changes target children and families, and Americans are furious

Joe Biden and the Radical Left have been doing everything they can to dismantle American families. But now, they have taken things way too far.

And now, Biden’s newest Radical policy changes have targeted children and Americans are furious.

In recent days, President Joe Biden’s administration has unveiled significant revisions to Title IX rules, initially aimed at enhancing protections for LGBTQ students.

However, many people have expressed concerns that the changes could impact not only female athletes but also parents, potentially leading to serious ramifications for families.

One prominent critic, attorney Candice Jackson, who served as Acting Assistant Secretary in the Department of Education during the Trump administration, has voiced her worries that the new rules could have unintended consequences, particularly in conjunction with existing mandatory reporting policies for suspected child abuse.

Jackson raised the alarm that these changes might lead schools to report non-affirming parents to Child Protective Services (CPS).

In a post on X, Jackson explained, “A disturbing corollary of Biden’s Title IX Rule: with policies reflecting the Ed Dept’s position that refusing to treat someone ‘consistent with gender identity’ damages mental health, schools will now HAVE TO consider reporting ‘non-affirming’ parents to Child Protective Services.”

Jackson noted that concerns about this issue were raised during the rule’s drafting process, but the Department of Education dismissed them, stating, “Title IX doesn’t interfere with family life; schools don’t have to remedy harassment occurring outside school.”

However, as Jackson pointed out, schools are bound by state laws that require them to act as mandatory reporters, obligated to report suspected abuse.

The underlying issue, according to Jackson’s interpretation of the new rules, is that the Biden administration views a failure to affirm a student’s gender identity as potentially harmful to the child’s mental health.

Therefore, parents who do not affirm their children’s gender identities might be seen as contributing to emotional distress or psychological harm.

This interpretation could compel educators to report parents who do not support their children’s gender transitions to Child Protective Services.

The concern extends to parents who may object to schools that socially transition their children without parental consent or involvement.

The Title IX revisions have further inflamed concerns after revelations that the state of Illinois was planning to redefine child abuse to include a refusal to accommodate a child’s gender identity.

This legislative change could empower state authorities, through CPS, to remove children from homes where parents do not affirm a new gender identity or assist children in obtaining puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or even surgeries.

The broader implications of these developments highlight the tension between parental rights and government intervention in matters of child welfare and gender identity.

Critics argue that the Title IX changes, along with state-level policies like those in Illinois, create an environment where parental authority and family autonomy are undermined by government dictates on sensitive and personal issues.

These policies risk alienating parents and infringing on fundamental parental rights, setting a dangerous precedent for government overreach.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Biden administration’s newest anti-Israel move has millions outraged

The Radical Left has taken a strong stance regarding the war in Israel. But now, they have crossed a line.

Because the Biden administration’s newest anti-Israel move has angered millions.

The Biden administration has put a halt to a shipment of ammunition that was previously approved for delivery to Israel as part of its ongoing conflict with Hamas.

This unprecedented move comes as Israel grapples with the aftermath of a brutal attack by Hamas in October, which left 1,200 people dead, prompting a strong retaliation from Israel.

According to reports from two Israeli officials who spoke to Axios, the ammunition delivery was stopped last week, marking a significant shift in U.S.-Israel relations.

The White House has yet to issue an official statement explaining this decision.

However, the suspension has left many people concerned about the future of U.S. support for its longstanding ally in the Middle East.

In April, prominent Democratic lawmakers, including Nancy Pelosi, called on President Biden to halt arms sales to Israel, highlighting growing divisions within the Democratic Party on this issue.

In their letter, they referred to an Israeli airstrike that inadvertently killed several humanitarian workers, deeming weapons transfers to Israel “unjustifiable” in light of such incidents.

This stance is in stark contrast to their support for sending munitions to Ukraine, underscoring a broader shift in the party’s approach to international conflict and ally support.

The recent decision to suspend the ammunition shipment comes amidst increasing criticism from within Biden’s political base.

Many left-wing activists have been vocal in their demands for the U.S. to distance itself from Israel, putting pressure on the administration to reconsider its stance.

This growing sentiment was echoed during U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent visit to Israel, where he cautioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against continued military operations in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza.

Blinken warned that such actions could strain U.S.-Israel relations, potentially forcing the U.S. to publicly disavow the decision.

Netanyahu has been clear about Israel’s intention to invade Rafah, a city with a checkpoint between Gaza and Egypt that Egypt strictly controls to prevent Palestinians from entering its territory.

This has led to ongoing negotiations for a ceasefire with Hamas and efforts to secure the release of hostages, although Hamas has rejected many of these attempts.

The U.S. administration’s halt of the ammunition shipment is seen as a clear message to Israel, emphasizing the potential consequences of continued military action.

During Holocaust Remembrance Day, Netanyahu alluded to his disappointment with the perceived weakening of U.S. support for Israel.

“In the terrible Holocaust, there were great world leaders who stood by idly; therefore, the first lesson of the Holocaust is: If we do not defend ourselves, nobody will defend us. And if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone,” he stated, suggesting that Israel may have to act independently if U.S. support continues to wane.

In light of these events, the Biden administration’s position on U.S.-Israel relations remains under scrutiny.

Last February, the administration requested assurances from Israel that U.S.-made weapons would be used in compliance with international law, a commitment Israel affirmed in a letter in March.

However, the suspension of the ammunition shipment indicates a potential shift in U.S. policy toward Israel, raising questions about the future of this crucial alliance.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Democrat and wife charged with terrifying crime amidst massive foreign scandal

The Radical Left loves to accuse conservatives of foreign crimes and betraying America. However, it is they who have been caught doing just that.

And a top Democrat and his wife have been charged with terrifying crimes amidst a massive foreign scandal.

In a significant legal development that has sent shockwaves through political circles in Texas and beyond, Democratic Representative Henry Cuellar, who represents Texas’ 28th District, and his wife, Imelda Cuellar, have been charged with serious offenses including bribery, unlawful foreign influence, and money laundering.

The charges allege that the Cuellars accepted approximately $600,000 in bribes from foreign entities over a seven-year period.

The Department of Justice detailed the charges in a statement released on Friday, accusing the congressman and his wife of engaging in a sophisticated scheme involving foreign entities—an oil and gas company owned by the Government of Azerbaijan, and a bank headquartered in Mexico City.

According to the federal indictment, these bribes were supposedly masked through sham consulting contracts and shell companies linked to Imelda Cuellar, who is accused of performing minimal or no legitimate work under these contracts.

Specifically, the indictment claims that the bribe payments from the Mexican bank were intended to secure Congressman Cuellar’s influence over legislative activities.

In return, Cuellar allegedly worked to sway and pressure high-ranking U.S. Executive Branch officials to adopt measures favorable to the bank.

These activities constitute a direct violation of U.S. laws designed to prevent foreign influence and corruption within the federal government.

The legal charges laid out against the Cuellars are severe and include conspiracy to commit bribery of a federal official, bribery of a federal official, conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud, acting as agents of a foreign principal without proper disclosure, conspiracy to commit concealment money laundering, and money laundering.

The implications of these charges are profound, as a conviction could lead to substantial prison terms for both Henry and Imelda Cuellar.

Despite the gravity of these accusations, Congressman Cuellar has announced his intention to seek re-election, maintaining his and his wife’s innocence in the matter.

“I want to be clear that both my wife and I are innocent of these allegations. Everything I have done in Congress has been to serve the people of South Texas,” Cuellar stated, addressing the charges publicly.

His resolve to continue in his congressional role underscores a contentious battle ahead, both in the courts and at the ballot box.

Cuellar’s political career has been notable not only for his long tenure since first being elected in 2005 but also for his positions which often diverge from mainstream Democratic policies, particularly on issues of border security.

Notably, Cuellar has been an outspoken critic of the Biden administration’s border policies, advocating for more stringent measures along the US-Mexico border, which marks a significant part of his district.

His involvement in foreign affairs, particularly highlighted by his former role as the co-chair of the Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus, adds layers of complexity to the charges against him.

The allegations suggest a misuse of his influential positions to benefit foreign interests rather than focusing solely on the needs and concerns of his constituents.

This case is particularly significant in the context of ongoing debates over foreign influence in American politics.

As the legal process unfolds, the residents of Texas’ 28th District, and the whole nation, are left to ponder the implications of these charges on their representation in Congress.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Biden administration suffers major legal blow that could force them to step back

The Radical Left has been making horrible policy decisions that hurt American lives. But now, all of that could change.

Because the Biden administration has suffered a major legal blow that could force them to step back.

In a decisive stand against Joe Biden’s Radical and unconstitutional policies, more than two dozen Republican attorneys general have initiated legal challenges against the administration’s new regulations on private firearm sales.

The regulations, which they argue violate fundamental Second Amendment rights, require individuals profiting from gun sales to conduct background checks and obtain a federal firearms license regardless of the selling circumstances.

Leading the charge is Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who, together with the Attorneys General from Louisiana, Mississippi, Utah, and organizations such as the Gun Owners of America, the Virginia Citizens Defense League, and the Tennessee Firearms Association, has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

They assert that the ATF lacks the statutory authority to enforce such a rule and that the rule infringes upon both the Second and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution.

Paxton expressed his concern, stating, “Yet again, Joe Biden is weaponizing the federal bureaucracy to rip up the Constitution and destroy our citizens’ Second Amendment rights. This is a dramatic escalation of his tyrannical abuse of authority. With today’s lawsuit, it is my great honor to defend our Constitutionally-protected freedoms from the out-of-control federal government.”

A separate legal action led by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach includes support from a wide coalition of states including Iowa, Montana, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Kobach criticized the rule for potentially criminalizing ordinary Americans who engage in low-volume firearm sales among family and friends without undergoing federal registration or licensing.

“Biden’s latest attempt to strip away the Second Amendment rights of Americans through ATF regulations will make many law-abiding gun owners felons if they sell a firearm or two to family or friends,” Kobach remarked.

“This rule is blatantly unconstitutional. We are suing to defend the Second Amendment rights of all Americans,” he added.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has also stepped forward with a lawsuit, arguing that the proposed rule stretches far beyond the directives of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA)—legislation passed with some bipartisan support that aimed to enhance background checks and fund state-level “red flag” laws.

“The challenged rule, in fact, goes far beyond the plain text of the BSCA,” says the Florida lawsuit.

“It purports to force thousands of law-abiding gun owners to register as federal firearms dealers and navigate a federal bureaucracy as a precondition to engaging in constitutionally protected activity. The challenged rule is unlawful.”

These lawsuits reflect a growing concern among many Americans that the Biden administration is using federal agencies to encroach upon individual rights and to reinterpret laws without proper legislative oversight.

As these cases progress through the courts, they will not only test the bounds of executive authority regarding gun regulations but also set significant precedents on how far the government can go in regulating private sales of firearms without infringing on constitutional rights.

The outcomes could have profound implications for the future of gun legislation and the protection of individual liberties in the United States.

We cannot sit idly by as the Left steals away our freedoms and forces their Radical agenda on us. The Constitution is in place for a reason, and we must protect that sacred document.

As long as the Radical Left continues to oppress the American people, we will demand justice and accountability.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New interview unveils shocking Biden administration propaganda in media

The Radical Left controls the media, and everyone knows that. But no one thought things were this bad.

And now, a new interview has unveiled shocking Biden administration propaganda in the media.

In a recent podcast interview that has stirred controversy about the influence that the Left has over media, TikTok creator Farha Khalidi revealed she was compensated to promote what she described as “political propaganda” for the Biden administration.

The revelation highlights a broader trend of leveraging popular online influencers to shape public opinion on political figures and initiatives, raising ethical and transparency concerns.

During her conversation with Richard Hanania, Khalidi disclosed that her involvement was orchestrated by a third-party media company, which acted as an intermediary to facilitate the propagation of political content without direct endorsement as a commercial advertisement.

She described how these arrangements were strategically designed to influence her substantial social media following.

Khalidi’s primary task, according to her account, was to publicly express admiration for Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, focusing on her identity as a woman of color.

“The funny thing is they’re, like, ‘Do not disclose this as an ad’ because they [were], like, ‘Technically, it’s not a product, so you don’t have to disclose it’s an ad.’ Because I think they just wanted, like, some edgy girl of color to just tell people — like when they nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson, they’re, like, ‘Can you say as a person of color, you know, that you feel reflected?’” Khalidi recounted.

This request aimed to resonate with Khalidi’s diverse audience, potentially generating a positive reception toward Justice Jackson.

However, Khalidi expressed discomfort with the scripted nature of the message she was asked to convey.

“I was doing full-on political propaganda,” she stated, reflecting on the complexity and potential manipulativeness of such campaigns.

The payments for these promotional activities, as Khalidi noted, came from various sources including the Biden administration, Planned Parenthood, and several commercial entities.

“I was taking ads by the time I graduated college from, like, the Biden administration, Planned Parenthood and, like, dating apps and stuff. So it was, like, fully financially sustaining me,” she explained, shedding light on how political groups and other organizations are increasingly turning to influencers as a viable channel for their messaging.

Khalidi revealed her interaction with a white individual from the media company who initially reached out to her.

She criticized the approach taken by the individual, who seemingly attempted to connect with her on the basis of shared racial identity.

“Yeah, they’re basically, ‘As, like, another black person, can you just say that you feel reflected by Ketanji?’ I’m like, ‘No, I’ll talk about Ketanji’s background and her accomplishments,’ but you know what I mean? I’ll never — I’m not gonna say, like, the corny stuff, even if it was a brown person emailing it to me,” Khalidi said, expressing her refusal to adhere strictly to the script provided, opting instead to focus on Justice Jackson’s qualifications and achievements.

This situation underscores a growing trend where Radical Left politicians and advocacy groups harness the power of influencers to reach a broader and often younger demographic with their propaganda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Shocking new House development reveals concerning media bias

It is well known that the Left controls the media, and most of what comes out is heavily biased. But now, more proof has been discovered.

And a shocking new House development has revealed concerning media bias in major publications

In a striking move that underscores the ongoing political tension surrounding media bias in the United States, House Republicans have formally requested Katherine Maher, the newly appointed CEO of National Public Radio (NPR), to testify before Congress.

This call for testimony stems from serious allegations regarding the network’s left-leaning bias, potentially setting the stage for a significant showdown on Capitol Hill.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Chairwoman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and a Republican Representative from Washington, spearheaded the request through a detailed letter addressed to Maher.

This communication invites Maher to appear before the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on May 8.

The intent is to address various claims concerning NPR’s editorial direction on hot-button issues such as politics, COVID-19, transgender topics, audience demographics, and the organization’s internal diversity.

The letter articulated the Committee’s apprehensions about the trajectory of NPR under its recent leadership, stressing that as a public entity funded by taxpayers, NPR holds a duty to provide balanced and impartial news coverage that resonates with and reflects the broad spectrum of American viewpoints, not merely those of a select, ideologically driven audience.

The controversy gained momentum following explosive accusations from Uri Berliner, a veteran editor at NPR, who criticized the network last month for veering too far left, eroding trust with its American audience.

Berliner’s allegations led to his suspension and subsequent resignation, during which he expressed his inability to continue in an environment where his perspectives were marginalized by what he described as the divisive approaches of the new CEO.

Complicating matters further, Maher has faced backlash for her past remarks and social media activity, which have painted her as highly critical of former President Donald Trump and supportive of President Joe Biden, alongside other liberal causes.

In response to the outcry, Maher defended herself in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, dismissing the criticism as a “bad faith distortion” of her views.

The GOP’s letter to Maher underscored the concerns ignited by Berliner’s departure, noting allegations that all of NPR’s editorial staff in Washington, D.C., were registered Democrats.

It also highlighted troubling comments by Maher on managing misinformation and balancing free speech with editorial responsibility, suggesting that her personal political biases might be influencing NPR’s journalistic integrity.

In their correspondence, McMorris Rodgers and other Republican committee members challenged Maher to demonstrate how she plans to restore neutrality and credibility to NPR’s operations.

They requested detailed information about the political affiliations of NPR employees, among other internal matters, with a deadline set for May 14.

The letter from the House Republicans reflects a broader discourse on the need for media outlets, especially publicly funded ones, to avoid partisanship.

“In your own words, ‘slowing down a little bit and bringing the conversation in, listening with sincerity, debating with respect, consulting widely, and weighing difficult decisions with candor,’ might be what NPR needs to rebuild the damage to its reputation and credibility,” the letter stated, quoting Maher’s previous statements on effective communication.

As this situation unfolds, it remains unclear whether Maher will comply with the request to testify. NPR has not yet commented on the letter, but the implications of this request are significant, highlighting the critical scrutiny public broadcasters face regarding their editorial choices.

This incident comes amid renewed calls from many Americans to cut federal funding for NPR, arguing that taxpayer money should not support an organization that potentially harbors a partisan bias.

Despite these pressures, Berliner has opposed defunding NPR, citing respect for the integrity of his former colleagues and his desire for the organization to continue producing impactful journalism.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Biden attacked by top Republican leader, and everyone is shocked

Joe Biden has not been popular in the eyes of most of America. But now, people are speaking out.

And Joe Biden was just attacked by a top Republican leader and everyone is shocked.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has voiced strong opposition to President Joe Biden’s proposal to resettle Palestinians from Gaza in the United States, a plan that has stirred significant controversy amid ongoing global conflicts.

DeSantis’s remarks came after reports surfaced that several federal agencies are exploring options to facilitate such resettlements, contingent upon cooperation from other nations, notably Egypt.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Governor DeSantis expressed disbelief at the President’s intentions, suggesting that such a move would not align with U.S. interests.

“That is not in this country’s interest,” DeSantis stated, pointing to the overwhelming support for terrorism among the Palestinian population according to him, and their general animosity towards the United States.

DeSantis’s comments reflect a broader concern among conservatives who argue that importing individuals from a region so deeply embroiled in violent conflict could lead to the transplantation of foreign hostilities onto American soil.

“What we’ve seen over there — and we’ve seen the reflections in our own society of people out protesting in favor of Hamas terrorists, these are people that cooked babies in ovens while they were r*ping the baby’s mothers, executing elderly people — we forget about what happened that day on October 7,” he said, referencing the horrific acts attributed to Hamas.

The Governor articulated a stark vision of the potential consequences of such resettlements, suggesting that they could exacerbate domestic tensions and contribute to societal unrest.

He called the activism seen on college campuses, which often sympathizes with Palestinian causes against Israel, a “sickness” that complicates domestic affairs.

Governor DeSantis emphasized the importance of assimilation and support for American foundational values among new arrivals to the U.S., criticizing the Biden administration’s approach as misguided.

“And so I think part of what we need to do to unify the country going forward is to have people that actually want to assimilate into America, that actually believe in our founding principles, not people that just want to replicate a lot of these blood feuds that we see in other parts of the world,” he remarked.

His administration’s stance is clear: Florida does not support the federal resettlement plan for Palestinians.

“So our view in Florida on bringing in people from Gaza is no, we do not want to do that here in the state of Florida,” DeSantis declared, positioning Florida against the backdrop of national debate on immigration and refugee policy.

Governor DeSantis’s firm stance against the resettlement of Palestinians in Florida underscores the challenges the Biden administration faces in implementing its Radical immigration and foreign policy agenda amid such divided public opinion.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left have seemingly done everything they can to destroy our nation’s national security especially when it comes to illegal immigration.

We cannot allow them to get away with this reckless madness any longer.

We must hold our elected officials accountable for all of their actions, and we must vote for leaders who will put the needs of the nation first instead of foreign terrorist sympathizers.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump’s newest election promises have Biden and the Democrats running for help

Joe Biden and the Radical Left have made the lives of countless Americans miserable. But now, all of that is about to change.

Because Trump’s newest election promises have Biden and the Left running for help.

During a campaign stop in Waukesha, Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump outlined a stark contrast between his economic policies and those of the current administration, promising a resurgence of prosperity under his potential second term.

Addressing a packed crowd, Trump took the opportunity to critique President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy, pointing to a series of policy failures that have led to extreme financial hardship for American families.

Trump’s rally speech, delivered on a day off from his trial in New York City, was charged with commitments to dismantle Biden’s economic strategies—dubbed “Bidenomics”—and to reinstate his own, which he refers to as “MAGAnomics.”

The cornerstone of his message was a pledge to reverse the economic downturn and implement policies aimed at boosting growth and reducing inflation.

“Last week, we saw numbers showing clearly that the economy is crashing—with GDP growth plunging by more than 50 percent in the first quarter of this year. We now have BIDEN STAGFLATION—which spells the DEATH of the American Dream,” Trump told his supporters.

He linked the economic decline directly to Biden’s policies, which he claims have suffocated the middle class with high taxes and mismanagement.

Highlighting the financial strain faced by ordinary Americans, Trump criticized Biden for promising to end the Trump-era tax cuts, which, according to Trump, helped many Americans achieve better financial stability.

“A single individual earning $75,000 a year will see an almost $2,000 tax hike; and a family of four earning $165,000 a year will see a nearly $3,000 tax hike under Biden’s plan,” he stated, emphasizing the burden on families already living paycheck to paycheck.

Trump’s speech also touched on job creation, accusing the Biden administration of inflating employment numbers with part-time and low-quality jobs, many of which are held by illegal immigrants, according to Trump.

He contrasted this with his own record, claiming, “When I left office, we handed Crooked Joe the fastest economic recovery ever recorded, the stock market was at a record high, the price of gasoline was $2 dollars per gallon, the 30-year mortgage rate was at a record-low 2.65 percent, and we had NO INFLATION.”

Moreover, Trump criticized the Biden administration for what he sees as reckless spending, particularly criticizing the American Rescue Plan and other large expenditures like the Inflation Reduction Act and infrastructure bills, which he labeled as wasteful.

“They spent trillions of dollars on the Green New Scam, all wasted money. Joe Biden’s economic plan is to make CHINA RICH and America Poor,” Trump declared, asserting that his own economic plan would prioritize American prosperity and lead to historical national wealth.

Amidst rising living costs, Trump provided specific examples of inflation under Biden, noting significant price increases in everyday items such as chicken, baby food, eggs, and gasoline.

He pledged to tackle what he calls the “50 percent Biden inflation tax” by cutting unnecessary spending and reversing Biden’s green energy initiatives, which he criticized as a “Green New Scam.”

Trump concluded his speech with a rousing call to action, urging his supporters to vote for a return to policies that prioritize American workers, energy independence, and economic growth.

“We are going to DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” he exclaimed, promising to end what he described as Biden’s war on American energy.

The American people must take back the power from the corrupt Left, and we must vote for leaders who will put our nation first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.