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Joe Biden makes massive mistake during recent press conference and it proves the scary truth


The Radical Left has been covering for Joe Biden for quite some time. But the truth was bound to come out eventually.

And now, Joe Biden has made a massive mistake during a recent press conference and it has proven the scary truth.

At a press conference on Wednesday in front of the White House, President Joe Biden welcomed the Japanese Prime Minister.

President Biden invited Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio to the White House for an official visit and a state dinner.

According to VOA News, the leaders will unveil new defense and technology projects.

However, instead of showing a strong nation led by a capable leader, Joe Biden fumbled over words, made ridiculous errors in his speech, and read answers off of a script after calling on a list of specific reporters.

The Republican Party has used the president’s prearranged press conferences as leverage in the November presidential election, accusing him of being mentally ill and unable to respond to questions on his own without help.

The president has been criticized multiple times for doing this in the past, and the American people are starting to doubt if Joe Biden has the mental capability to handle any unscripted questions.

The wording of the script was reflected in Biden’s sunglasses, and it is clear that his handlers have no faith in him either.

Furthermore, rather than choosing the reporters at random, President Biden did not hide the fact that he had a list of authorized reporters to call on.

After responding to a question, Biden muttered to himself, appearing to be confused, and asked, “Who do I call on next? Hang on a second. I got my list here.”

Former President Donald Trump, the official Republican Party presidential candidate, has frequently accused and ridiculed Joe Biden for using a teleprompter during speeches and press conferences, saying that Biden still makes mistakes when giving remarks even with the additional help.

During this news briefing, Biden made the embarrassing mistake of calling himself the “20th-century” candidate. He then clarified that he meant to say “21st-century.”

Joe Biden is a puppet whose strings are being pulled by those on the Radical Left.

He is so mentally unfit that he cannot even answer questions unless they are scripted beforehand.

Joe Biden is not fit to serve as President of the United States, and we cannot allow him to continue destroying this great nation and making America look weak in front of foreign allies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Karine Jean Pierre dodges key question that leaves many Americans worried for the future


The current White House Press Secretary is as Radical as any in the Biden administration. But many people still hope they can get actual news from her.

However, Karine Jean Pierre dodged yet another key question and it has left many Americans worried for the future.

When asked whether President Joe Biden will issue a statement denouncing extremist sentiments made at an Islamic rally in Dearborn, Michigan, late last week, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre sidestepped the topic on Tuesday.

On the sixth-month anniversary of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, demonstrators screamed “death to America!” and “death to Israel!” at the International Al-Quds Day event, which is held to remind the Islamic world of their opposition to both Israel and the United States.

According to Jean-Pierre, she was unable to provide any information regarding whether officials were worried about potential risks to national security from attendees of the event.

Jean-Pierre sidestepped the question when it was asked if Biden would make a remark regarding the incident, as he frequently does when it’s a topic that Democrats find delicate.

“I mean, you’re hearing from me, right? You’re asking me a question. I’m answering it and we’ve been very vigilant about – or very consistent about denouncing that type of that type of rhetoric,” she said.

“Should we see a – should we expect a statement from the president on that?” the reporter pressed. “It was a pretty significant display.”

Jean-Pierre replied, “I mean, you’re hearing from me. I think that’s important. The other part, too, that I do want to be very clear about – you know, peaceful protest is something that the president has also been very, very clear that is important for – to give folks space to peacefully protest, but any type of violent rhetoric, we are going to denounce.”

At the event in Dearborn, a Michigan activist, Tarek Bazzi, who has affiliations with the Hadi Institute, said: “We have been asked in the past why our protests on the International Al-Quds Day are so anti-America. Why don’t we just focus on Israel and not talk so much about America? Gaza has shown the entire world why their protests are so anti-America. Because it’s the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities that we just heard about.”

“This is why Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America,” he added.

As he spoke, the crowd took up chants of “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!”

“Malcolm X said, and I quote: ‘We live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this Earth,’” Bazzi said.

“It’s not Genocide Joe that has to go, it is the entire system that has to go. Any system that would allow such atrocities and devilry to happen and would support it — such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s earth. So when these fools ask us if Israel has the right to exist … The chant ‘Death to Israel’ has become the most logical chant shouted across the world today.”

Also during the event, Bazzi encouraged children to take up the genocidal chant: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Another Michigan resident with associations to the Hadi Institute, Imam Usama Abdulghani, said at the event: “Imam Khomeini recognized that Israel is an evil settler colonialist project. He realized it was a cancer and he established this day.”

“Israel before this, brothers and sisters, was a sacred cow. Nobody could criticize Israel. Everybody was terrified of being anti-Semitic,” he said.

“Everybody was afraid of them, but now the people of conscience very openly will criticize Israel. They recognize Israel for what it is. Israel is ISIS, they are Nazis, they are fascists, they are racists. The people of the world now know this.”

The Radical Left’s chants of genocide, terrorism, and war are destructive and dangerous and the White House needs to take a strong stance against it.

But everyone knows that Joe Biden and the Radical Left will not truly condemn these calls… instead, just like always, they will ignore the real question and try to blame Americans.

We cannot allow this sort of corruption and oppression any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical Left bring a new bogus legal charge against Americans exercising free speech


If it wasn’t clear before, it is certainly undeniable that the Left hates our rights. They do not care what the Constitution says, and they will not back down.

And now, the Radical Left has brought a new bogus legal charge against Americans for exercising free speech.

A 41-year-old Florida woman was sentenced to one month in jail, three months of home detention, and three years of probation on Tuesday for stealing Ashley Biden’s diary before the 2020 election and then selling it to Project Veritas.

In August 2022, Aimee Harris and her accomplice, Jonathan Kurlander, entered guilty pleas to one count of conspiracy each.

On April 12, her accomplice is anticipated to learn his destiny.

Chief United States District Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the Southern District of New York reportedly ordered Harris to serve three years of probation and pay $20,000, which is her share of the money she and Kurlander received from Project Veritas, in addition to the previously mentioned penalties, as reported by CNBC.

The ousted Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe said at the time, “We had never met or heard of the tipsters.”

“The tipsters indicated the diary had been abandoned in a room in which Ms. Biden stayed at the time, and in which the tipsters stayed in temporarily, after Miss Biden departed the room. The tipsters indicated that the diary included explosive allegations against then-candidate Joe Biden.”

O’Keefe and his investigative journalism team never published or confirmed any of the information.

The Department of Justice urged that Harris be sentenced to four to ten months in prison and three years of supervised release in a letter to Swain sent last week.

The letter claimed that Harris had “repeatedly and consistently engaged in tactics to improperly delay this proceeding, including by misleading the Court with false information to justify belated and unmerited requests for adjournments, refusing to appear when directed, and failing to comply with court orders to disclose or produce certain information.”

The Radical Left is so desperate to cover for the Biden family, that they are sentencing people to prison for journalism.

Ever since Joe Biden and the Radical Left took charge, true and honest journalism has been under attack in this nation.

Joe Biden has weaponized the justice system, and he is using it to go after anyone who disagrees with him or knows the truth about his family.

Many people seem worried by the fact that the Department of Justice sent a letter to Swain begging for a harsher sentence for the diary “thief.”

It seems obvious that the Left is hiding something that they don’t want the American people to find out.

As obvious as that seems, we must remain vigilant and we must continue in our pursuit of the truth.

The Radical Left cannot win by silencing Americans who are simply after the truth.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New report unveils massive problem in Biden campaign that left Democrats scrambling


The Biden campaign has a lot of work to do if they want to beat Trump this fall. But now people have discovered the truth.

And a new report has unveiled a massive problem in the Biden campaign that has Democrats scrambling.

As the 2024 election draws nearer, a new Gallup survey reveals that President Joe Biden is losing ground in a few crucial areas while former President Donald Trump maintains or even gains ground on most of the same subjects.

The study, which was effectively a rerun from 2020, examined respondents’ perceptions of Biden and Trump four years ago and their current perceptions of the two contenders, who are preparing for a rematch.

“Americans are less likely now than they were in 2020 to believe a number of positive personal qualities and characteristics apply to President Joe Biden,” according to Gallup, which claims that the biggest conclusion is harsh on Biden.

Gallup noted that “The biggest decline has come in the percentage believing Biden is able to manage government effectively, but his scores are down at least six percentage points on each characteristic.”

They also found that “Over the same period, public impressions of Donald Trump haven’t changed to a statically significant degree.”

When it comes to likeability, Biden still performs better than Trump:

57% of respondents find the current president to be “likable,” compared to 37% who feel the same way about Trump.

Additionally, he has the advantage when it comes to the subject of “being honest and trustworthy”; 46% of respondents believe that Biden embodies these qualities, while 35% believe that Trump does.

However, when it comes to the candidate’s capacity for effective leadership, Biden has fallen short on almost all of the metrics.

According to Gallup, the general conclusion was that the field was expected to even out somewhat in 2024 since Biden seems to have lost some of the advantage he held in 2020 in terms of voters’ perceptions of his “personal qualities.”

The Left has completely underestimated how Americans feel, and now it is coming back to haunt them.

The idea of losing the White House terrifies the entire Radical Left, because they know without that executive power, it will be much harder to force their radical agenda on the world.

The people must take back the power, and we must not allow the Left to win.

For as long as Joe Biden and the Democrats are in power, America will suffer… only under a strong president who will put this nation first can we thrive.

We must vote for leaders who will do just that: put America first.

Joe Biden has demonstrated time and time again that he does the opposite. He has always put America last and that is not about to change. The Left hates America and they hate the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

House Republicans fight back with major legal move that could change the political landscape


The Radical Left has been pushing back against House Republicans for quite some time. But now all of that is going to change.

Because House Republicans fight back with a major legal move that could change the political landscape.

Even though House Republicans threatened to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with their subpoenas, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has decided to ignore their requests for audio recordings of special counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Joe Biden for a classified documents investigation.

The deadline set by the congressional leaders for the materials was Monday.

In a letter addressed to House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriarte stated that a transcript of the two-day interview that had already been given to them should be adequate.

Uriarte said, ““The Department is concerned that the Committees’ particular focus on continuing to demand information that is cumulative of information we already gave you — what the President and Mr. Hur’s team said in the interview — indicates that the Committees’ interests may not be in receiving information in service of legitimate oversight or investigatory functions, but to serve political purposes that should have no role in the treatment of law enforcement files.”

Two weeks ago, Comer and Jordan wrote to Garland stating that they had obtained redacted transcripts of Hur’s conversation with Biden on March 12, which occurred just hours before the special counsel’s House testimony.

In accordance with subpoenas from February, the chairmen once more requested audio recordings of Hur’s interview with Biden, which they had emphasized as a priority, as well as audio records of the special counsel’s interview with Biden’s ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer.

The committees threatened to “consider taking further action, such as the invocation of contempt of Congress proceedings,” if Garland did not deliver the files by April 8.

However, Uriarte claimed that the committees have “already received the extraordinary accommodation of the transcripts, which gives you the information you say you need.”

He added, “To go further by producing the audio files would compound the likelihood that future prosecutors will be unable to secure this level of cooperation. They might have a harder time obtaining consent to an interview at all. It is clearly not in the public interest to render such cooperation with prosecutors and investigators less likely in the future.”

As “further accommodation,” Uriarte stated that a transcript of Hur’s interview with Zwonitzer was attached with his letter, which he claimed “supplements” earlier comments to the panels.

He maintained that the data presented “does appear” to allay the worries expressed by Comer and Jordan about congressional supervision of the DOJ and the Biden impeachment investigation.

In an indication that the disagreement over documents pertaining to Hur’s inquiry into Biden’s management of classified documents is still ongoing, Comer issued a statement stating that the Judiciary and Oversight Committees will reply to the DOJ “soon” while looking for “needed” information.

Comer said, “The Biden Administration does not get to determine what Congress needs and does not need for its oversight of the executive branch.”

He added, “The American people deserve to hear the actual audio of President Biden’s answers to Special Counsel Hur.”

Hur’s report, which was made public in February, condemned Biden for holding onto confidential documents while he was not in government, but the prosecutor decided not to press charges.

According to the report, Biden is an elderly man with impaired memory who is compassionate and well-meaning.

It is unlikely that a jury would find him guilty of a significant criminal that necessitates a mental state of willfulness.

The special counsel also discovered that after learning about the documents investigation, Zwonitzer erased tapes of his talks with Biden; nonetheless, the ghostwriter offered “plausible, innocent reasons” for his actions as well as other materials.

Hur claimed that in the end, he came to the conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute someone for obstruction of justice.

Hur’s descriptions in his report have drawn criticism from Biden and the White House, but Garland said that it would have been “absurd” for someone in his position to have changed or suppressed the special counsel’s explanation.

The Left cannot get away with this sort of deceit any longer, and the American people will know the truth.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden administration defies Supreme Court in stunning new decision


Joe Biden and the Radical Left do not care about the Constitution or the law. They push their Radical agenda no matter what.

But now, the Biden administration plans to defy the Supreme Court in a stunning new decision.

After being repeatedly told by the Supreme Court that he cannot simply forgive student debt, Joe Biden has decided that he does not care what the courts have to say.

And now, he is spinning things in a completely new direction in an attempt to deflect and make himself look like a savior.

However, in a bizarre turn, Biden now thinks he is some sort of “race” savior fighting for “racial equity” in his newest efforts.

And President Joe Biden indicated on Monday that he intended to use an amended Higher Education Act of 1965 to pursue student loan cancellation once more, with a strong emphasis on “racial equity.”

The “Department of Education began pursuing an alternative path to debt relief through negotiated rulemaking under the Higher Education Act.”

“Today’s announcement lays out the plans the Biden-Harris Administration is pursuing through that effort,” a statement from the White House said.

In a video statement, Biden said, “In total, these plans would fully eliminate accrued interest for 23 million borrowers, would cancel the full amount of student debt for over 4 million borrowers, and provide more than 10 million borrowers with at least $5,000 in debt relief or more.”

This plan is contained in a 922-page revised version of the Higher Education Act of 1965. The act has received multiple reauthorizations.

According to a White House fact sheet, the student assistance is anticipated to focus on “racial equity” objectives.

It claims that “Black and Latino borrowers will get substantial benefits from this relief” and that individuals with “disproportionately high debt burdens” are the primary audience for the relief.

Many of the loans owed by “more than 30 million borrowers” in the nation are expected to be canceled.

The Biden admin also plans to cancel the student debt for “borrowers who attended institutions or programs that closed and failed to provide sufficient value— for example that leave graduates with unaffordable loan payments or earnings no better than what someone with a high school diploma earns— would be eligible for relief under this proposal.”

They also said that they would cancel the loans of “borrowers experiencing hardship paying back their loans.”

Basically, even though the Supreme Court has directly forbidden it, Biden plans to cancel millions of loans all while the average American citizen suffers.

The Biden administration has proven time and time again that they hate America, and they hate American citizens.

They have no care for the law and only care about how to push their absurd and radical agenda.

We cannot allow this to continue any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical Leftists lose support in stunning display of stupidity


The Left thinks that the whole world supports them. But that could not be farther from the truth.

And now, Radical Leftists have lost massive support in a stunning display of stupidity.

Ever since the horrific terror attacks of October 7, many Radical Leftist Americans have come out in support of Hamas.

They make absurd claims and try to spread lies that have been debunked by numerous sources including the UN.

But still, we have seen a massive uptick in pro-Hamas terror supporters across the entire nation, but especially on liberal college campuses.

The Left think that they are helping the war effort but protesting, chanting, and spreading their hate, and they view themselves as allies to Hamas and Palestine.

However, the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a co-founder of Hamas, recently spoke to Dr. Phil Primetime to call out and laugh at Americans who aid the terrorist group in Palestine’s conflict with Israel, branding them as “useful idiots.”

Mosab Hassan Yousef called American college students “useful idiots” and said that they “need to go to a mental asylum” for merely echoing Hamas talking points in the name of the “free Palestine” cause.

Alongside two pro-Palestinian college students from Michigan, he said in an April 2 interview on the program, “It’s very disappointing to see Americans supporting Hamas and thinking that Hamas is a cool thing.”

He bemoaned the fact that many Americans see Hamas militants as “freedom fighters.”

He continued, “Hamas does not respect any of those followers,” alluding to left-leaning individuals who see the Palestinian cause as intersecting with the LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter movements.

He further stunned the left when he asserted that the terrorist organization would “torture and massacre them with no mercy.”

He went on further saying that people who take to the streets and swarm college campuses to protest the Jewish state “don’t know what they’re supporting.”

Yousef—who spent time in prison alongside Hamas leaders before defecting to Israel to work as a spy for Shin Bet—described Hamas as “a monster that has been hijacking an entire society and endangering the entire Middle East [by] pushing the world toward a global war.”

Yousef, Dr. Phil, and the audience were skeptical of the two college students wearing keffiyehs who sat next to him, even though they insisted they were not just repeating Hamas talking points. They also failed to denounce the October 7 massacre.

Yousef said, “If you were a decent human being, you can say that the thousands who were killed on October 7 was a crime against humanity. It was a genocide.”

“There are some things that are just fundamental human decency,” Dr. Phil also added, “and when I ask you if what happened on October 7 is something you condemn, and you say, ‘Well, you have to look at that by looking at hundreds of years of conflict.’ No, you don’t. That’s either right or it’s wrong, and I don’t need a hundred years of conflict to know it was wrong.”

For months now, the Left has aligned themselves with a terror organization that despises them and everything they stand for.

Yet, the Left continue to show their stupidity and they refuse to budge on their Radical and pro-terror talking points.

We cannot allow this madness to continue any longer. We must stand up for the truth.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Radical liberal leader makes comments so violent and extreme that even the Left shuddered


The Left tries to brand themselves as the party of the people, but they have made it clear how much they hate people. And their radical agenda is so dangerous that people cannot believe it.

And now, a Radical liberal leader has made comments so violent and extreme that even the Left shuddered.

A history teacher at Seattle Public Schools with a criminal history is being investigated for her statements that “Hamas didn’t behead anyone.”

After pressing down on the absurd allegations in a recent interview, the district is reviewing the assertions that “Hamas didn’t r*pe anyone” and that the Israel Defense Forces were truly responsible for the horrors perpetrated out by Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023.

Accuracy In Media (AIM) displayed a mobile billboard at Chief Sealth International High School earlier this week, of a 10th-grade teacher, for remarks he made that were considered antisemitic.

The teacher, Ian Golash, is the department chair for social studies and has shown pictures of terrorists in his classroom.

“Your post said that the oppressors don’t get to choose the form of resistance used against them,” AIM President Adam Guillette questioned Golash, who teaches “Ethnic Studies World History,” when he stepped out to speak to the group.

Golash answered, “That is accurate.”

“So, was what happened to Israel on October 7th justified?” Guillette then questioned. Golash responded with a “Yes.”

“The r*pe of women at a music festival was justified?” Guillette questioned, incredulous. Golash responded, “Where’s the evidence that there was r*pe?” in spite of video footage that was live streamed by Hamas, reports from Israel, the US, and the UN recognizing the r*pes, as well as testimony from the Israeli prisoners who had returned home.

This is what tax-payer dollars are funding: the push of harmful and destructive lies in order to further the agenda of the Left.

In a statement sent to KOMO News on Friday, Seattle Public Schools said that they are looking into Golash’s remarks and that they would not comment on personnel issues pertaining to the subject while their investigation was ongoing.

“While our review is in process, we will not comment on personnel matters related to this topic. Creating high-quality and inclusive educational environments for our students is a top priority for SPS. SPS does not tolerate Antisemitic or Islamophobic speech or acts in our schools or offices.”

In response to prior grievances against Golash, principal Ray Garcia Morales of the school informed parents via email in December that numerous “inquiries related to content that may have been covered in one of our classes” had been received and that they were “looking into the situation.” But since then, there have been no developments.

Golash represents the Seattle Education Association teachers’ union at the school, and the organization recently approved a resolution that supports Hamas.

His social media accounts also feature images linked to the anti-police movement and Antifa.

Golash has posted posters of Hamas militants in his classroom and throughout the school’s hallways, along with statements such as “Free Gaza” and “Long Live Palestine.”

The Left will never stop their propaganda and lies until the entire world is forced to preach their agenda.

America has suffered under the oppression of the Radical Left for far too long.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden admin caught making a shocking move that has Americans completely outraged


The Biden family might be the most corrupt political family this nation has ever seen. And they continue to shock the world with their horrible decisions.

But now, the Biden admin has been caught making a shocking move that has Americans outraged.

The Radical Left has made so many decisions that directly harm this nation and the citizens who live here.

They have made it clear that no matter what they say, they do not care about America or Americans… all that the Left cares about is passing their Radical agenda.

One of the ways that the Left has been pushing their agenda on us all, is by using our tax-payer dollars in order to fund their absurd and radical desires.

Many people are outraged by this and consider it to be essentially theft.

And now, the Biden administration has allocated $20 billion in federal cash to eight environmental NGOs in an effort to combat climate change.

The funds were approved by the Inflation Reduction Act, a big spending bill pushed through Congress by the Democratic majority at the time.

In a statement, Vice President Kamala Harris celebrated the funds and said that the push was “the largest investment in financing for community-based climate projects in our nation’s history.”

She added, “The grantees announced today will help ensure that families, small businesses, and community leaders have access to the capital they need to make climate and clean energy projects a reality in their neighborhoods.”

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which many Republican politicians have described as a “slush fund,” was essentially a climate, tax, and healthcare measure.

This is where the money originates from. In order to avoid having this money eliminated by Republicans in 2025 if they take control of Congress, the Biden administration is working to distribute them as quickly as possible.

The Climate United Fund, Coalition for Green Capital, Power Forward Communities, Opportunity Finance Network, Inclusiv, Justice Climate Fund, Appalachian Community Capital, and Native CDFI Network are the eight nonprofit organizations that are expected to receive these monies, according to The Hill.

According to the New York Times, these nonprofits will use the money to lend money to different organizations, companies, and individuals while emphasizing the adoption of renewable energy technologies.

Of the money, $14 billion is set aside expressly for communities of color, low-income rural areas, and other designated areas.

Of the groups listed, Opportunity Finance Network is expected to get the most funding.

The organization’s stated goal is to “revolutionize the community development finance industry through new clean energy investments in underinvested communities, prioritizing climate action, equity, and community benefits.”

This network consists of more than 400 community development financial institutions.

Once again, the world sees the true desires of the Left: steal money from hard-working Americans and give it to massive corporations in order to push an agenda.

We cannot sit idly by any longer while our money goes to waste. We must hold our elected officials accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Massive radical media corporation has made a shocking statement about Trump campaign


The Left hates Trump, and the very idea of him running for office again terrifies them. But now, they seem to have acknowledged a major problem.

And a massive radical media company has made a shocking declaration regarding Trump’s campaign.

Recently, Vanity Fair has made it clear that they have a massive problem with the Trump campaign: it is simply just too successful.

Gabriel Sherman, a writer for the publication, confirms that President Donald Trump’s campaign for a second term in office is being managed by a capable, effective team.

“How worried should you be?” He writes. “Very.”

Sherman highlighted that the campaign cannot even be derailed by Trump’s ongoing legal issues.

This was demonstrated by the response to Trump’s mugshot photo, which was taken when he was arrested and charged in Fulton County, Georgia, following the filing of a RICO indictment against him and eighteen other co-defendants by DA Fani Willis.

This legal battle, among his others, has actually increased his support both financially and among voters who are now committing to his campaign.

Sherman wrote, “To Democrats and the fraction of Republicans horrified by the idea of a second Trump administration, it symbolized his dangerous criminality. For MAGA and the majority of GOP voters, it would be visual proof of Trump’s persecution by the deep state.”

From merch of Trump’s mug shot alone, his campaign brought in over $7 million.

Sherman also said, “If Trump wins back the White House, his increasingly extreme and violent rhetoric is poised to become policy.”

“While his 2016 agenda was frequently stymied by infighting and incompetence, available signs point to a second West Wing staffed by loyalists who would actually carry out his policies. The takeover of the Republican National Committee, which Trump recently completed, installing his daughter-in-law Lara as cochair, is a blueprint to keep in mind,” he added.

As if things weren’t bad enough for Sherman and Vanity Fair, Jason Miller, Trump’s top campaign strategist, informed Sherman that “President Trump knows who can deliver and who can’t.”

Miller added that “The backstabbers who were around in 2016 won’t be in this next White House.”

Put another way, Trump’s support has not decreased during Biden’s presidency, he received over half of the vote in 2020, and he now has a campaign crew that is capable, devoted, determined, and strong.

Sherman, along with many other Democrats, fear that Trump’s staff may be set up to win.

Sherman delves deeply into the potential personnel for Trump’s West Wing in the event of a second term, highlighting the dire consequences of the “administrative state” becoming “disintegrated.”

Ultimately, Sherman concludes with a prayer for divine intervention saying “God help us, indeed.”

The very thought of Trump having a competent campaign team has the entire Radical Left terrified.

Yet, they have to admit that Trump’s campaign is competent and efficient… especially compared to the disaster that is the Biden campaign.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Liberal city makes a shocking decision to celebrate crime even while deaths skyrocket


The Left constantly makes decisions that leave people stunned. And they are so out of touch with reality and have no care for their citizens.

But now, a liberal city has made a shocking decision to celebrate crime even while deaths skyrocket.

After the city canceled its yearly 4/20 event at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco will be holding its first-ever “Weed Week” this year, a festival geared at embracing marijuana culture in the city.

The event, which is set to begin on April 13 and run through April 20, commonly referred to as “4/20,” an unofficial holiday for cannabis enthusiasts, promises to be a week-long celebration of everything cannabis-related.

According to a local news outlet, the organizers of the event wrote, “SF Weed Week is like SF Beer Week, only for weed. It features cannabis producers releasing new flowers in 7 licensed lounges and stores over 7 nights.”

Every April 20, marijuana lovers congregate at Golden Gate Park’s “Hippie Hill” to engage in various cannabis-related activities as part of the city’s official 4/20 celebration.

However, the event was called off due to a lack of funds and budget cuts.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed noted that the grassroots efforts of the people who started Weed Week are what keep the 4/20 spirit alive, even though the official city event is canceled every year.

Breed said, “The event is canceled, but 420 is an organic event that came together not because the city said so, but because the community makes it happen as long as we do so safely.”

The creator of this so-called “weed-week”, David Downs, said “Weed growers are rock stars, and strains are celebrities. I want to give these strain releases the same rock star treatment that album releases get. It’s going to be dope. 4/20 is on in San Francisco.”

Since cannabis usage for recreational purposes was made legal in California in 2016, the market has expanded significantly.

Mayor Breed emphasized that, according to KTVU, the cannabis industry is expected to significantly boost California’s economy between 2024 and 2025, bringing in $789 million.

While many people see this as a positive effect on the economy, other citizens are worried about what their tax-payer dollars are being spent on.

They also struggle with the idea that instead of taking care of citizens or tackling rampant drug use, crime, homelessness, and other social issue, the city has decided to funnel resources into promoting this celebration of weed.

San Fransico was once a booming city that thrived under massive economic growth.

But now, San Fransico has been in the news for much worse reasons recently.

Businesses are shutting down en masse, families are leaving, and crime continues to sky rocket. Many residents in the area are concerned that the government is not focusing on the right things.

And while positive economic growth is a benefit for the entire area, the positive effects of weed week do not out-weigh the positive effects of leadership or governments who care about their citizens and residents.

We must hold our leaders accountable, and we must demand that they spend the time and effort in areas that matter most… not promoting weed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Bernie Sanders makes a shocking announcement that has even Democrats anxious


Election season is ramping up, and things are moving along. But there is still time for all of that to change.

And Bernie Sanders has made a shocking announcement that has even Democrats anxious.

Bernie Sanders is one of the most Radical politicians in the modern world of American politics.

His proposed policies, his ideologies, and his public opinions make even some of the most Left-leaning politicians seem moderate.

Recently, one major issue that even the most Radical Democrats have been arguing about amongst themselves is the conflict in Israel.

Even though Israel was horrifically attacked in an act of terror, the Left seems to be obsessed with the idea that Israel shouldn’t be allowed to defend itself.

And politicians like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and other extremists have made it clear that they support terrorists, acts of terror, and hate Jews.

But now, Bernie Sanders has shocked everyone, even his most Radical colleagues by insinuating that Hamas’s use of civilians as human shields is “not the real problem.”

On a recent episode of “The Lead” on CNN, Bernie Sanders claimed that Hamas hiding among citizens and using them as shields is “perhaps, a part of the problem, but it’s not the real problem.”

He also took things even further and claimed that the starvation in Gaza “is Israel’s responsibility, not Hamas’.”

Host Jake Tapper asked for clarification and said, “What do you say to people who say, this is not fair, it’s a double standard, Hamas started this on October 7, Hamas wants to destroy Israel, Hamas wants to kill Jews, Hamas hides behind their own people, Hamas doesn’t care how many Palestinian civilians die — all of which, in my opinion, is true — what’s your response when people say that that –?”

Sanders interrupted so that he could answer: “I would agree with you. Hamas is a terrible, terrible terrorist organization that started this war. And what I have said from the beginning, Jake, Israel has a right to defend itself and go to war against Hamas.”

“That’s what I believe. I think most people believe. But you do not have a right to damage or destroy 70% of the housing units in Gaza. You don’t have a right to displace 80% of the population, throw them out of their homes, put them into this area, put them into that area, deny them food, water, medical supplies, and fuel. That, you don’t have a right to do. So, the answer is, of course, Hamas began this war, they are a terrorist organization, but the United States is not funding Hamas,” he added.

He continued on and tried to also blame America for the war saying, “We are funding Israel. And what has got to be made clear to Israel, you can go to war against Hamas, but you cannot continue these horrific actions which are causing, literally, the worst humanitarian disaster we have seen in a very long time.”

Tapper asked for further clarification saying, “What do you say to people who say the reason that so many innocent people are dying in Gaza is because Hamas embeds with the Palestinian people, they build tunnels under their homes, they hide under people, they want the civilian death toll, they consider them martyrs, and it makes Israel look bad?”

Sanders replied, “I think that is, perhaps, a part of the problem, but it’s not the real problem. The real problem right now is, we are looking, as I mentioned a moment ago, [at] massive starvation. That is not caused by Hamas.”

“That is simply caused by Israel not allowing the hundreds and hundreds of trucks that are lined up at the border to get in and go to the areas that it is needed. That is Israel’s responsibility, not Hamas’.”

Was this simply a slip-up on Sanders’ part? Or does he truly believe that Hamas using innocent civilians as human shields is not the problem here?

These are the sort of Radical and harmful ideologies that the Left holds to, and they are extremely destructive and dangerous.

We must be cautious and we cannot allow the Left to further this harmful agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.