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Trump just made a new shocking VP announcement and people can’t believe it


As Trump has secured the Republican nomination, more and more Americans are eager to hear who his VP pick will be. And that information has been secret up until now.

And Trump has made a shocking new VP announcement and people can’t believe it.

Politico reports that former president Donald Trump appears to have narrowed down his choices for a running mate in the 2024 presidential contest.

However, some with knowledge of the situation characterized the list as provisional, with names entered in “pencil, not pen.”

Senators Katie Britt (R-AL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tim Scott (R-SC), and J.D. Vance (R-OH), along with governors Doug Burgum (R-ND), Kristi Noem (R-SD), and Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR), are among the candidates on the list that are allegedly varied in their backgrounds.

Reps. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), a former congresswoman, are reportedly also being considered.

Politico reports that Trump’s campaign staff has hired a third-party company to screen possible vice presidential contenders.

“Apprentice”-style, Trump plans to take his time choosing a running partner, according to people close to the situation.

Trump has previously stated that selecting a running mate who “is going to be a good president… in case of emergency” should be the first priority.

According to Donald Trump Jr., who spoke to Politico in 2016, his father looked for a running partner in order to change the public’s opinion of him as a businessman and TV personality rather than a politician.

Trump Jr. now highlights the importance of his father choosing “someone who’s actually going to fight.”

Trump has expressed a similar opinion, calling some of the people on the purported shortlist “fighters.”

Sen. J.D. Vance in particular was called a fighter by Trump during a recent rally, highlighting the need of choosing a formidable and driven candidate to run on his ticket in 2024.

The former president will “choose the best possible person for the job and someone who will fight for America First values,” according to Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung.

While Trump has yet to name his final pick yet, American patriots are encouraged by this list, and they are hopeful that Trump’s VP will be someone who can help Trump turn this country around.

The Left has seen what a terrible VP pick can do, and with Kamala Harris having record-low approval ratings for a VP, Trump is taking no chances this election cycle.

He knows that the American people understand the importance of the office of Vice President just as much as he does, and will therefore be taking his time.

Unlike Joe Biden, Trump is not making his pick based off of diversity or other ridiculous factors.

Instead, he will only pick someone who will further help America become great again.

Federal judge just did the unthinkable and now everything is about to change


Some people believe that the judges under Joe Biden are the most corrupt this nation has ever seen. And they might not be wrong.

Because a federal judge has just done the unthinkable and now everything is about to change.

A Texas court issued an order on Sunday to free illegal immigrants who had been detained during the recent, widely publicized El Paso border storming, in which migrants charged and attacked National Guard members in an attempt to enter the country unlawfully.

According to the El Paso Times, presiding magistrate Judge Humberto Acosta issued the order for the release during an online teleconference bond hearing.

“It is the ruling of the court is that all the rioting participation cases will be released on their own recognizance,” Acosta stated.

The El Paso District Attorney’s Office came under fire from Judge Acosta for not being ready to proceed with the detention hearings for each defendant. There will probably be another hearing for more accused people on Monday.

This comes after 79 illegal immigrants were arrested by Texas officials last week for misdemeanor riot charges in relation to the violent border storming.

According to an Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) official who spoke with the New York Post, ICE is detaining over 200 undocumented immigrants in relation to the incident.

But, because federal officials “are not being as cooperative as Border Patrol,” prosecuting them will be difficult.

It is unclear how many immigrants were held on suspicion of “riot participation,” a Class B misdemeanor.

However, Acosta claimed that “hundreds of arrestees” were entitled to individual custody hearings lasting 48 hours.

Assistant District Attorney Ashley M. Martinez begged Acosta to postpone the hearings so they could happen at a later date, but the judge rejected her request.

“So if the DA’s office is telling me that they are not ready to go, what we’re going to do is we’re going to release all these individuals on their own recognizance,” Acosta stated during the hearing.

The state-installed border wire was damaged by the rioting illegal immigrants, who also brought down troops as they rushed to Gate 36, hoping that Border Patrol agents waiting on the other side would capture them and allow them to enter the country.

Shortly before the border stampede, soldiers on duty nearby were directing small groups of unaccompanied adult migrants back into Mexico.

Several of the rioters had knives and shanks seized by the authorities, a National Guard source told the NYP.

During the encounter, at least one illegal immigrant made an effort to take hold of a soldier’s firearm.

A few of the soldiers stationed near Gate 36 that day were taken to a local hospital to be treated for minor injuries.

Since then, Texas has increased the number of National Guard troops and Department of Public Safety troopers stationed in El Paso and increased the amount of border wire in the region to discourage unauthorized crossings and encourage migrants to go to ports of entry.

How much longer will the Radical Left let this madness continue?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Prominent political voice makes chilling prediction about 2024 that you won’t believe


For years, many Americans have been concerned with the integrity of our elections. And over the past few months, more information has come out.

Now, a major political voice has made a chilling 2024 election prediction you won’t believe.

It is no secret that the past few years this nation has been under immense pressure, and the current administration in the White House is doing everything they can to make American lives miserable.

One of the worst crises the nation is currently facing, however, is the crisis at the border.

The nation is being flooded with tens of millions of illegal aliens because of Joe Biden’s failed policies. However, people are now starting to wonder if this massive influx of illegals is intentional.

Recently, more and more areas have been passing laws that allow illegal aliens to vote in elections, and Americans are outraged.

Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow claimed that Biden is “is 100 percent importing voters.”

During a recent interview, Marlow said “Illegal aliens are already voting in local elections. Obviously, the intention is for them to vote in national elections.”

The Democrats know that the election in November is extremely crucial. If they want to keep destroying this nation, then they must first defeat Trump.

However, Biden’s approval ratings are at a record low, Americans are still living in poverty, Trump continues to raise more and more support, and millions of Americans are fleeing from the oppression of the Left.

It looks more and more likely that the chances of Biden defeating Trump in November are zero.

So, what does the Left do? Well instead of trying to pivot or campaign on promises of a better America, they are continuing to promise the destruction of America.

And of course, that means they are losing support by the tens of thousands. So if they refuse to pivot on their campaigning, and they are constantly losing support, how are they planning on defeating Trump?

Well, some people believe the answer is simple: the crisis at the border is intentional, and the Radical Left is flooding the nation with more and more Democrat voters.

Marlow mentioned, “A lot of them end up in the government system, where they’re getting food, they’re getting welfare, they’re getting healthcare through the government, and through that, they’re not going to vote for fewer benefits. They’re not going to vote for the people who could potentially cut spending, so they end up voting Democrat.”

He also highlighted that the children of these illegal immigrants will grow up and vote Democrat as well.

“And their children are going to end up voting — and they tend to vote Democrat.”

He added, “So this is absolutely a replacement of Americans with foreigners who tend to vote Democrat. And the reason is, conservatives have more children, liberals have fewer children.”

This is not a new worry for many Americans, but it has certainly become a new reality. While it is something that people have been worrying about for years because of the Left, it wasn’t until recently that Joe Biden actually acted on this plan.

And millions upon millions of illegal immigrants have entered this country because of Joe Biden and the Left, and when they take to the polls to vote, it will make a significant impact in how this election season plays out.

We must demand integrity in our elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump makes a stunning accusation that has left the nation shaken


Donald Trump does not mince words, and his vow to put America first is one the Democrats hate. But now he has said something that caused everyone to pause.

And Trump has made a stunning accusation that has left the nation shaken.

The Left does not care about America or American citizens. It seems to be more and more easy to understand that as time goes by, and even as the Left tries to deny it, their actions speak louder than any words.

Even as tens of millions of illegal immigrants are flowing into the country and being treated better than struggling American citizens, the Radical Left continues to try and brainwash the nation into believing that they care.

Crime is rampant, deaths seem to be skyrocketing, poverty is more common, inflation is out of this world, and more and more American citizens are waking up and realizing the truth: the Left does not care about us.

That was made even more clear last week when Trump attended the wake of a fallen police officer in NY, but no prominent Democrat or politicians on the Left made any appearances or seemed to care at all.

Speaking Thursday afternoon outside the funeral of New York Police Department Officer Jonathan Diller, the presumed Republican nominee for 2024 and former president Donald Trump offered his condolences to the officer’s family and denounced the laws that let the man who killed him to continue living on the streets.

Not only did Trump denounce the corrupt laws and policies that keep violent criminals free, he also criticized the Left for their lack of care or support.

He sent a message to Biden and Obama specifically and said “it’s a moment that they have to be a part of, whether they like it or not.”

“They can’t skip this moment. I’ve never seen so many police. I’ve never seen so many firemen, a lot of firemen. They view it… in a very similar way, and I understand that. But they’re going to have to get involved a little bit because this country is going to hell.”

The attack on Biden and Obama came at a very specific time as instead of attending the wake or even attending to other important matters, they were also in NY but they were throwing a party to raise funds for Biden’s re-election campaign.

Another major message that Trump attempted to get across to the American people was just how bad the Left’s policies are specifically when it comes to crime.

“What happens is such a sad, sad event. Such a horrible thing. And it’s happening all too often. We’re just not going to let it happen. We just can’t. 21 times arrested, this thug, and the person in the car with him was arrested many times and they don’t learn because they don’t respect,” said Trump.

Diller was shot and killed on Monday night in Queens while conducting a routine traffic check.

When Diller and his companion came closer to an illegally parked car, the suspect took out his gun and started firing from the passenger seat.

After being hit below his bulletproof vest, Diller was declared dead at the hospital.

It was discovered that the 34-year-old suspect had been arrested 21 times before.

He had served time in prison for possessing a controlled narcotic illegally as well as first-degree assault. In the latter situation, his parole was terminated only a year ago.

However, due to the Radical Left and their failed and dangerous policies, the suspect was allowed to continue to roam free on the streets.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates in the news.

Joe Biden hit with massive summons that could completely expose family’s corruption


Joe Biden and his family have been in the hot seat for months now as they are being investigated for serious allegations of corruption. And while they have denied any wrong doing, the proof shows a different story.

And now, Joe Biden has been hit with a massive summons that could completely expose his family’s corruption.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden received a formal invitation to testify from House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) as part of an impeachment investigation focusing on suspected influence peddling and corruption.

In a letter to Biden, Comer stated that his panel is suggesting that a hearing be held on April 16 and that it is “open to accommodating” the president’s schedule.

In addition, the chairman asked Biden to write answers to a number of questions concerning his meetings and other interactions with particular foreign company executives, along with information regarding the circumstances surrounding those interactions.

$24 million “flowed” toward Biden, his family, and their business partners from abroad, including China and Ukraine, according to House investigators.

However, Comer stated that the committee has “identified no legitimate services to merit such lucrative payments.”

Biden’s statement about not being involved in his family’s economic ventures is “wholly contradicted” by evidence, Comer said, citing bank records and witness testimony.

The White House, according to the panel’s chairman, “refuses to release certain information or make available witnesses to testify regarding issues” and has adopted a “position hostile” to the probe.

Comer said, “In light of the yawning gap between your public statements and the evidence assembled by the Committee, as well as the White House’s obstruction, it is in the best interest of the American people for you to answer questions from Members of Congress directly, and I hereby invite you to do so.”

“The public is left with two irreconcilable narratives,” Comer said.

“The first — asserted by you — is that you did not engage in influence peddling in exchange for payments to your family. The second asserted by witnesses and a body of evidence … is that you were indeed involved in these pay-for-influence schemes and that you have been repeatedly untruthful regarding a matter relevant to national security and your own fitness to serve.”

A little over a week has passed since Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis, two former Biden family associates, testified in front of the public that Biden was involved in his family’s business operations.

Hunter Biden, the president’s son, declined to go after he said his father was not involved in his deals during a closed-door interview last month.

Oversight Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) questioned Comer if he would also invite former President Donald Trump to discuss his alleged emoluments violations and asserted that there is no proof of the elder Biden committing high crimes and misdemeanors when Comer announced at the conclusion of last week’s hearing that he planned to invite President Biden to testify.

There was also a contemptuous remark from the White House. Spokesperson Ian Sams made a post featuring the emoji of a man doing a facepalm and the words “LOL.”

Sams said, “Comer knows 20+ witnesses have testified that POTUS did nothing wrong. He knows that the hundreds of thousands of pages of records he’s received have refuted his false allegations. This is a sad stunt at the end of a dead impeachment,” he added. “Call it a day, pal.”

Comer recently hinted that the investigation will result in criminal referrals, even though it is still unknown whether the House Republicans will eventually file articles of impeachment against Biden or whether they will have the votes to approve them in the sharply divided House.

James Biden, the president’s brother, is one of the other witnesses who will testify in the impeachment process. Additionally, he disputed that President Biden was aware of his financial dealings.

Bobulinski and Devon Archer, two former associates, have stated that during some conversations, President Biden was the “brand” that his family marketed.

This is a serious case against the Biden family, and if Corrupt Sleepy Joe testifies without a pre-written speech or already asked questions from his PR team, maybe the American people can hear the truth from him.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Mike Johnson delivers massive blow to Biden administration that has Democrats terrified


The Left thinks that they are winning, but America is not going down so easily. And a recent move by Republicans could change everything.

Because Mike Johnson has delivered a major blow to the Biden administration that has Democrats terrified.

The Radical Left knows that in order to keep their chokehold on America, they have to beat Trump in November.

And while they try to spread their propaganda everywhere and convince the public that Trump has no chance, the American people know the truth.

One issue that Democrats are majorly losing on is the issue of immigration.

New reports estimate the number of illegal immigrants that have entered this country under Biden are even higher than the previously estimated millions.

And now, the articles of impeachment against Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, will be delivered on April 10, according to a letter written by House Speaker Mike Johnson to Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

The letter that Punchbowl News released read, “As Speaker and impeachment managers of the U.S. House of Representatives, we write to inform you that we will present to you upon the Senate’s return, on April 10, 2024, the duly passed articles of impeachment regarding Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.”

Johnson continued, “The constitutional grounds for Secretary Mayorkas’ conviction and removal from office are well-founded, and the historical record is clear. The Framers of our Constitution gave Congress this authority for scenarios where executive branch officials, who are responsible for executing the laws passed by Congress, flout the law substituting their own judgment for that of Congress.”

Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Clay Higgins (R-LA), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and other GOP House members signed the letter.

Alongside Johnson and other GOP House members, Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), the chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, also signed the petition. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, also endorsed.

This is a warning to the Biden administration as well as all Democrats in this country: we are not going to let Joe Biden and the Radical Left continue to destroy this great nation.

We are going to fight back against the destruction that they have brought into America.

Joe Biden and the Left have absolutely no chance of getting re-elected in November because too many Americans are fed up with how poorly they have treated this nation and her citizens.

Mayorkas has broken so many oaths of office, he has forsaken his duty, he has forsaken his country, and the American people will not let it stand.

Speaker Johnson as well as many other House Republicans understand the harm of keeping Mayorkas in power, and they understand the importance of impeaching him.

We as a nation cannot survive if we are dealing with a massive crisis of this magnitude, especially since it was completely unavoidable by Mayrokas and the Biden administration.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Recent threat to Biden’s life has people of all political parties shocked


Politics can be an extremely dangerous profession. Especially for people as Radical and hated as Biden.

But even so, a recent threat to Biden’s life has people of all political parties shocked.

Regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict, Stanford University graduate student and teaching assistant Hamza El Boudali has called for President Joe Biden’s killing.

Additionally, Boudali, 23, declared that he thought Hamas should rule the United States and that the terror group’s murder of Israelis on October 7 was a legitimate act of resistance.

Claiming that Biden is “guilty of mass murder” due to US support for Israel in its war against Hamas, he made the recent remarks to a gathering of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, adding, “I’d be happy if Biden was dead.”

Boudali said, “I’m not calling for a civilian to do it, but I think a military should.”

“I’m saying he is guilty of mass murder and should be treated in the same way that a terrorist with darker skin would be (and we all know terrorists with dark skin are typically bombed and drone striked by American planes),” he continued.

Furthermore, Boudali appeared in a widely shared video from January, where he was seen holding a placard that said, “Ask me about jihad,” in front of a university pro-Israel student organization.

When someone approached him and inquired about his seriousness about “advocating jihad,” Boudali said, “Yes, of course.”

“Jihad is part of my religion and part of the religion of all two billion Muslims in the world,” Boudali stated.

Since October 7, when Palestinian Hamas terrorists slaughtered over 1,000 Israelis in an unjustified terrorist attack, there has been an increase in anti-Semitic events at American institutions.

This has included some of the most esteemed educational establishments globally, including the University of Pennsylvania, MIT, and Harvard University.

Aside from Boudali, anti-Semitic remarks made by Stanford University instructor Ameer Hasan Loggins during a freshman class led to his suspension from the institution.

He allegedly minimized the Holocaust, defended the Hamas terror act, and singled out Jews in the classroom before telling one of them to stand in the corner.

Joe Biden is so insanely unpopular, that people from the Radical Left have now started calling for his murder.

Biden and his campaign have been trying to downplay incidents such as these and other run-ins with pro-Hamas protestors, but no one can ignore them any longer.

This should serve as a warning to all that those who support terrorists and horrific acts of terror have no place in our great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden may have just committed his most heinous and anti-American act so far


Biden no longer hides his hatred for America, but even still people are shocked by his actions. But this most recent act is outrageous.

And Biden may have just committed his most heinous and anti-American act so far.

Despite the huge crisis the United States is facing at its southern border, President Joe Biden’s new budget would send hundreds of millions of dollars to support foreign nations like Egypt and Jordan in their efforts to secure their borders.

The recently approved budget, which gives the federal government permission to spend $1.2 trillion, would provide around $380 million for “enhanced border security” in Egypt, Lebanon, Oman, Tunisia, and Jordan—the latter of which will get about $150 million.

According to RJ Hauman of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), “the Biden administration wants nothing more than the ability to ‘manage’ an invasion here at home, all while helping nations abroad build walls… Make it make sense.”

John Fabbricator, a former field officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, criticized the Biden administration’s duplicity in a similar manner.

He stated, “While our border falls apart, the Biden Administration will be giving 380 million dollars to other countries to secure their borders. That’s right, you are being conned.”

Although the new budget would support border security initiatives abroad, the Biden administration has left the United States with a border problem of unprecedented proportions.

Since President Joe Biden took office, authorities have documented around 9 million interactions across the country and 1.7 million estimated gotaways.

Compared to the 415,000 reported gotaways for 2018, 2019, and 2020 during the Trump administration, this number represents a significant increase.

The Biden administration has also flown up to 320,000 foreign nationals to at least 43 different American airports around the nation.

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) attempted to alter the bill to stop the administration from funding these flights with taxpayer money, but it was defeated 47 to 51, with all of the Democratic senators voting in favor of the flights’ continuation.

Voters now seem to be punishing Biden for how he has handled the border.

According to a recent Harvard CAPS Harris poll, registered voters had a pitiful 36% approval rating for the Democrat incumbent’s handling of immigration.

The incumbent has been lagging behind former President Donald Trump in every recent poll.

Biden’s handling of immigration has the lowest issue-specific approval rating of any topic, a trend that has continued for the past four months.

According to a survey conducted among registered voters, immigration is the most important issue facing the nation and the second most important issue that directly affects citizens, after inflation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats just danced on the graves of children with one despicable move


The Radical Left claims that they are accepting and loving of all people, but the truth is the exact opposite. As we have seen, the Left hates anyone who doesn’t believe exactly what they believe.

And now, Democrats just danced on the graves of children with one despicable move.

Shortly after the one-year anniversary of the horrific shooting at The Covenant School, where a transgender-identifying woman killed three adults and three children, ostensibly out of ideological rage, a Tennessee music venue is holding a “Trans Day of Vengeance” performance.

The event on March 31 at the Graveyard Gallery in Murfreesboro is being held in order to collect money for a group that performs gender reassignment surgery, according to a leaflet distributed by a few bands.

Less than an hour from the venue, on March 27, 2023, a shooting took place at a Christian school in Nashville.

Due to the possibility of violence on the anniversary of the massacre, Nashville schools are on high alert for the celebration.

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) declared that “the time is now, enough is enough” and that year’s shooting coincided with a rally by radical transgender activists for a “Trans Day of Vengeance.”

In 2021, March 31 was declared the “Transgender Day of Visibility” by President Joe Biden; nevertheless, trans activists renamed it “vengeance.”

Since officials won’t distribute her manifesto, it’s unclear whether the Day of Vengeance inspired the child killer to time her deed.

This year’s flyer for the event lists the bands as Dumpster P*ssy, Boy Clothes, Spinning Lodge, Oitakus, Dru The Drifter + The Back Alley Hookers, and states that “all proceeds will be donated to Point of Pride.”

The flyer for the event asks visitors to “bring new or used chest binders to donate to Point of Pride” and describes Boro Fondo as a “music, art, and bike fest.”

A banner on Boro Fondo’s Instagram page reads, “Point of Pride mails gender-affirming garments to trans and gender-diverse people who cannot afford or otherwise access them.”

“There is no cost for shipping. Funding for surgery, hormone replacement therapy, and permanent hair removal services is provided by Point of Pride.

Transgender activists seek “revenge” for what they perceive to be an act of “genocide” perpetrated against them.

However, figures from the Department of Justice indicate that there is no such genocide.

Transgender people were the victims of 271 hate crimes in 2021, the most of which were minor except two r*pes and two murders.

Thirty-seven were vandalism and seventy were “intimidation.” Black people made up half of the offenders.

According to FBI statistics, the likelihood of a black person falling victim to a hate crime in a given year is 98 in a million, while the risk for a Jewish person is 109 in a million.

Less than half of that is likely to be a transgender person, which is comparable to the rate for Muslims.

Americans must be wary of the agenda the Radical Left is pushing, and we must be cautious and aware of their violent plans.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Incriminating documents hit Biden’s desk and now he’s panicking


Joe has been running from the laws for years. Now it’s all catching up to him.

Because incriminating documents hit Biden’s desk and now he’s panicking.

When a US president takes the oath of office, they pledge to faithfully execute their office and defend the US Constitution.

With that comes enforcing the laws on the books, defending the nation from foreign and domestic threats, and not trying to sidestep Constitutional restraints.

For Joe Biden, this seems more like a suggestion than a pledge he took with his hand on the Bible.

It only takes a brief survey of his presidency to see his failures and deliberate betrayal of the American people.

But one of the most egregious has been his absolute refusal to solve the crisis at the southern border.

Thanks to him, millions of foreigners are pouring into this country in what even Democrats have called an invasion.

The toll of his malfeasance will likely not be fully understood for generations. But we’re starting to get a feel for just how bad everything has gotten.

According to a new assessment released Thursday, President Biden’s tsunami of new illegal immigrants is upending traditional immigration demographics and lowering education levels, raising serious concerns about the country’s ability to assimilate the newcomers.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, there are currently 13.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States, as well as 51.4 million total immigrants, representing a 6.4 million rise in the three years since Mr. Biden assumed office.

This amounts to an average of 172,000 new immigrants each month, which is about four times the pace during the Trump administration and nearly three times the rate during the Obama administration.

The majority of new entrants are from Latin America, and 3.7 million of the net new arrivals entered illegally. Some 44% had no education beyond high school, and a large majority did not even finish high school.

“Education is the single best predictor of how you’re going to do in the United States. What kind of job you’re going to do. How much you’re going to make. What fraction are going to be in or near poverty. What fraction are going to qualify for welfare programs — particularly their children,” said Steven A. Camarota, the study’s lead author.

As late as 2018, 55% of immigrants held a bachelor’s degree. That figure has now dropped to only 41%. Meanwhile, Mr. Camarota reports that the percentage of high school dropouts has increased from 29% to 44%.

These developments call into question one of the primary arguments for high immigration rates.

“The improvement in the education level of recent immigrants was a very positive sign that at least a smaller fraction of new arrivals were likely to struggle in the United States. But that’s changed, at least for now,” he said.

The United States now has by far the highest proportion of immigrants in its population, at 15.5%, up over two percentage points since 2020.

The previous record was 14.8%, set in 1890.

The Census Bureau estimated last year that the United States would not reach 15.5% until nearly 2040, and Mr. Camarota said the fact that the country has already reached that level demonstrates how unprecedented the current immigration boom is.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden faces battle of his life that has left his allies in disbelief


Joe Biden is being propped up by the Radical Left and those around him. And many people don’t think he could survive another term if re-elected.

And now, Biden faces the battle of his life that has left his allies in disbelief.

The Radical Left has propped up Joe Biden for so long, but instead of trying to find a competent solution, they are happy with his ability to follow orders, so they are continuing to prop him up.

Biden is a puppet of the Left, but they know if they want to keep controlling him and the White House, they must first get him re-elected.

And as more and more time passes, and as more and more polls come out, it seems increasingly unlikely that Biden will keep his position as President.

According to a recent poll, voters view immigration as the single most important issue confronting the nation, and President Joe Biden’s approval rating has dropped as a result of his handling of the issue.

Immigration is not only the most important issue confronting the nation, according to a recent Harvard Harris poll conducted in partnership with the Center for American Political Studies, but Biden’s handling of the subject has the lowest approval rating when compared to other issues.

When asked which concerns are the most pressing for the nation, 36% of respondents cited immigration as the main concern, while 33% listed inflation and price hikes as the top issues. Drugs and crime ranked fourth at 18%, while the economy and jobs came in third at 23%.

When asked which concerns personally affected them the most, respondents ranked immigration as the most important issue, followed by inflation. Inflation, according to 38% of respondents, is the issue that matters most to them personally.

Immigration is ranked second, at 21%. Inflation has decreased by 3 points since last month, while immigration has increased by 4 points among respondents who were asked about the personal importance of these concerns. Despite this, inflation is still 17 points greater than immigration.

In addition, respondents were asked if they approved of the way that Biden handled certain topics; for the fourth consecutive month, the Democratic incumbent president’s handling of immigration received the lowest rating. Merely 36% of participants expressed their approval of Biden’s approach to immigration.

When it came to his response to the coronavirus, and his approach to boosting jobs less than half of the respondents approved of Biden’s handling of any other subject, including crime and violence, the Israeli-Hamas conflict, and the economy.

Just 45% of respondents indicated they liked of Joe Biden’s job as president overall, compared to 55% who said they approved of former President Donald Trump’s job as president.

If the election were to take place today, a majority of respondents—51%—said they would support Trump over Biden, while 49% chose to support the Democratic incumbent.

With officials reporting nearly 9 million nationwide interactions and 1.7 million projected gotaways since President Joe Biden assumed office, the United States is facing a historic crisis at its southern border, which coincides with Biden’s dismal polling scores regarding immigration.

The number stands in stark contrast to the 415,000 documented gotaways during the Trump administration in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

Over 2,100 registered voters participated in the online survey on March 20 and 21, and the findings were weighted by demographic group to reflect the distribution of the US population.

These recent findings further highlight the nation’s frustration with our current corrupt administration.

We must take to the polls in November and save this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Leftist scheme in one major city has even Democrats worried sick


The Radical Left cannot help but make the stupidest decisions when it comes to pushing their Radical agenda. But now they have crossed a line and people are furious.

Because this Leftist scheme in one major city has even Democrats worried sick.

The Left cannot hide their hatred for America, and they have started taking things out on American citizens.

And even while millions of Americans continue to suffer every day under Radical and Liberal policies, the Left keeps ignoring us.

They instead seemingly focus all of their time and resources on illegal immigrants even as we are in the midst of an immigration crisis like never before.

But now, the Left has done the unspeakable and they have made it clear that they are turning their backs on America and all Americans.

Because under a $53 million contract, New York City started providing prepaid debit cards to undocumented immigrants this week.

As part of the trial program, employees of Mobility Capital Finance distributed eight preloaded cards to undocumented immigrants at the Roosevelt Hotel on Monday, according to the New York Post.

A representative for City Hall stated that the initiative will grow to 115 cards by the following week.

The program was redesigned to be reloaded once a week instead of providing a month’s worth of funds for groceries and infant necessities at a time.

A representative from City Hall stated that a family consisting of two parents and children under five years old will receive approximately $350 every week.

Of the 64,500 illegal immigrants in the city’s custody, about 460 will be covered by the experimental program.

A spokeswoman for Adams, Kayla Mamalek, stated, “This cost-saving measure will replace the city’s current system of providing non-perishable food boxes to migrant families staying in hotels, much of which is often discarded.”

A $1.8 million net profit might be made by the tech start-up through a portion of the money loaded onto each Mastercard, according to an emergency contract that was signed.

In order to prevent delays in the program’s implementation, the Adams administration decided to forego the customary budding procedure and instead award an emergency contract.

However, it still took more than two months for the cards to actually be distributed.

And now, Americans can see plain as day the truth that the Radical Left used to try and hide: they hate America.

It is not guesswork anymore, and there is no more speculation. This is a fact. The Left is stealing millions away from hard-working Americans and giving it all to illegal immigrants.

This is not a class issue or a race issue or a political affiliation issue… no, this is an issue of the Left trying to destroy America by forsaking us, stealing our money, and giving it to those who came here illegally.

How much longer are we going to pretend like this doesn’t happen? How much longer until we hold our elected officials accountable?

We must act now to stop this madness and we must protect America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.