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Trump hit with a major legal blow and Republicans are enraged


Everyone knows that Trump has been battling the Radical Left for years now. They know that if they want to maintain their chokehold on this nation, Trump has to go.

And now Trump has been hit by the Left with a major legal blow that has left American patriots enraged.

Since Trump first announced he would be running for President, the Left has come after him in ways that people have never seen before.

They understand that Trump stands for America and the American people, and they know that he has massive support from the nation. And they are doing everything they can to weaken his position.

But one major way the Left has escalated things is by going after Trump with the law. They have weaponized a Radical justice system, and they are bringing the full force of it to bear on Trump.

But Trump has never backed down or slowed his fight. Instead, the Left has actually driven more support to Trump as more and more Americans see what is actually going on.

And while Trump has won many major legal victories and proven his position, the Left continues to come after him.

And most recently, Trump was just dealt a major legal blow that has left millions of Americans beside themselves with anger.

Because now, former President Donald Trump has been hit with yet another unconstitutional gag order that says he is not allowed to discuss witnesses, prosecutors, or jurors connected to the criminal case Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed against him.

In the case, the former president is charged with fabricating financial documents pertaining to payments made to Stormy Daniels by former Trump attorney Michael Cohen prior to the 2016 election.

Regarding the 34 charges that Bragg’s office filed, Trump has entered a not-guilty plea and refuted any allegations that he ever had any relationship with Daniels.

Judge Juan Merchan, who scheduled the trial to begin on April 15, said on Tuesday that Trump would be restricted from making statements on those testifying against him, like Cohen, who is testifying for Bragg.

Trump is also restricted from speaking out about prosecutors and jurors, according to the gag order.

Merchan said that previous statements Trump made about individuals involved in the case “were threatening, inflammatory, denigrating,” and “a sufficient risk to the administration of justice.”

The judge also said, “The consequences of those statements included not only fear on the part of the individual targeted, but also the assignment of increased security resources to investigate threats and protect the individuals and family members thereof.”

Prior to this week, Trump attempted to postpone the trial; but, Merchan, a supporter and donator of President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, dismissed his claims.

In a Truth Social post prior to the gag order being imposed, Trump claimed that the Biden administration and New York Attorney General Letitia James were driving Bragg’s case against him.

“D.A. Bragg fought everyone about trying this ‘no crime’ case, but Crooked Joe Biden’s ‘Thugs’ pushed him to go forward, and pushed him hard,” Trump said. “They wanted him to go after ME, Crooked’s Political Opponent. He just didn’t want to do it. They ended up sending Matthew Colangelo, Merrick Garland’s ‘right hand,’ after a stop at the Corrupt and Racist New York State A.G. Letecia ‘Peekaboo’ James’ Office, to directly oversee the D.A., perhaps to make sure that Bragg followed their illegal orders and commands. He eventually agreed to do the ‘case’ that he never wanted to do,” Trump wrote.

As the first of many criminal accusations against Trump, Bragg’s case has been widely seen as the weakest against the former president. It also made Trump the first former president to face criminal charges.

So now, the Left has realized that Trump has a massive supporter base, and so they are attempting to restrict Trump’s First Amendment rights in order to suppress the truth.

We cannot allow this sort of corruption to continue. We must demand TRUE justice.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden accepts massive bribe that has people stunned and the proof is unreal


Joe Biden, his family, and his entire administration are all extremely corrupt. But no one expected a move this bold.

And Biden has accepted a massive bribe and people are shocked and disgusted

Following a donation of little over $113,000 by Dish Network founder Charlie Ergen and his spouse to the Biden-Harris reelection campaign, the Department of Justice (DOJ) under President Joe Biden moved to dismiss a $3.3 billion fraud lawsuit against the company.

Not too long later, the Biden administration also gave the firm $50 million.

The DOJ moved just a few months after the founder gave the money to the Biden campaign, according to a New York Post report.

Ergen, a former professional poker player, assisted in founding the business in 1980 and has spent years fending against the federal fraud accusation.

Not long after the December campaign payment, Dish also managed to secure a $50 million grant to increase its nationwide 5G coverage.

The corporation referred to it as the “largest award” of its kind, and the CHIPS and Science Act made it possible.

Bennett Ross, the main attorney in the fraud case, claims that two days after the $50 million award to Dish, DOJ lawyers intervened to halt the $3.3 billion lawsuit against Dish.

Ross is the attorney for Vermont Telephone, the organization that filed the $3.3 billion fraud lawsuit against EchoStar-owned Dish.

According to the attorney, the DOJ lawyers “tried to bully” Vermont Telephone “into an unethical settlement” by attempting to have the case dismissed.

In a letter dated February 8, Ross said, “[I]t seems that the effect — if not the purpose — of the DOJ’s rush to seek dismissal of this case is to protect Mr. Ergen from being questioned under oath.”

“We don’t think it’s a coincidence that between 2008 and 2022, DISH’s Political Action Committee, Mr. Ergen, and his wife—who is also expected to be removed next week—collectively contributed more than $5 million to Democratic candidates and causes.”

“This case appears to be the latest example of the DOJ’s two-tiered justice system, where the wealthy and politically connected are treated one way, while everyone else is treated differently,” Ross continued in the letter, referencing the impending election.

Senior DC US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly filed a motion to formally dismiss the lawsuit on March 8; the motion is currently ongoing.

During 2022 and 2023, the DOJ’s Civil Division opposed the lawsuit being dismissed, according to documents reviewed by the Post in court.

The two businesses’ disagreement started in 2015 when Dish acquired $13.3 billion in bids for cellular licenses.

The Federal Communications Commission held an auction where these bids were placed with the intention of assisting “very small businesses.”

With the assistance of wealth management giant BlackRock, Dish acquired 702 of the 1,600 cellular licenses available.

This made it possible for Dish to bid on $3.3 billion worth of licenses, or “spectrum,” in the Boston, New York, and Chicago regions before the business had even started providing cell phone service.

According to Ross, “the Defendants short-changed the government $3.3 billion, an amount that is still outstanding today.”

Additionally, they tampered with the FCC auction process, ruined a program meant to help legitimate small businesses, and prevented the public from benefiting from the deployment of wireless spectrum. It is necessary to hold the Defendants responsible.

Ergen is “very close to the White House” and frequently brags about his affiliation there, according to several people who are aware with the founder’s ties with the Biden administration and shared with the Post.

In response to the story, EchoStar executive vice president of external and government affairs Jeff Blum told the source that the “fraud claim has always been frivolous, and the DOJ was absolutely justified in moving to dismiss it.”

EchoStar is the corporation that owns Dish.

This is merely the most recent incident in a string of similar issues that expose the Biden family as massive frauds.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Horrific new immigration findings have exposed grave threat to the nation


The crisis at the US border is one that is affecting the lives of millions. And the Left refuses to do anything about it.

But now, horrific new immigration findings have exposed a grave threat to the nation.

It is no secret that the Radical Left hates America and American citizens. This much has been made increasingly clear over the past few years during the crisis at the US border.

But no one was prepared for the amount of damage the US would suffer, and they certainly were not prepared for the grave threat that our nation faces.

Since Joe Biden’s devastating open border policies, the US has been flooded with all sorts of violent and illegal criminals, and because of already light on punishment Liberal policies, as well as refusal to deport, the lives of Americans are in danger.

As the whole world saw a few weeks ago after the tragic death of Laken Riley, no American is truly safe from this madness.

And even more scary is the massive influx of known terrorists crossing the border as well as those who are making grave threats against the nation and its citizens.

But most recently, there was a massive attack at the border in which hundreds of illegal immigrants ripped down barriers and stormed across the border to trample National Guards members.

And now, reporter Jennie Taer of the New York Post claims that the illegal aliens who stormed National Guard troops at the border on Thursday may have been allowed back into the country.

When Taer appeared on Fox News, Dana Perino questioned her about if any of these people had managed to enter the country’s interior.

Taer verified that the Border Patrol processed a large number of these undocumented aliens under Title 8, a procedure popularly referred to as “catch and release.”

Taer said, “This sends the message to people around the world that even if you act like this, you can probably get into the country.”

She added, “They continue to push these boundaries and to see what they can get away with.”

In El Paso, Texas, last Thursday, a group of undocumented immigrants broke through razor wire and stormed the border.

The group, which was primarily composed of adult males, was seen on camera destroying razor wire and acting hostilely toward National Guardsmen.

There were about 300 people in the group, approximately 100 of them were men, and they charged at the military.

At the time, there was only one person detained for assault.

A US Border Patrol spokesperson said, “There are consequences to crossing the border illegally, and CBP continues to enforce United States immigration laws. Individuals and families without a legal basis to remain in the U.S. are subject to removal, and are subject to a minimum five-year bar on reapplying for admission and potential criminal prosecution if they subsequently re-enter without authorization.”

Following the incident Texas Governor Abbott informed the public that the Texas Department of Public Safety has been ordered to arrest “every illegal immigrant involved for criminal trespass and destruction of property.”

The incident occurred after the fiscal year 2023 when there were over 2.4 million recorded apprehensions along the southern border.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, has persisted in telling the public that the situation at the border is not dire despite these concerning figures.

Once again, we see proof of the Radical Left’s hatred for America, and we see their desire for destruction and harm.

We cannot allow this madness and damage to continue any longer.

We must protect this great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden suffered massive attack that has Democrats holding their breath


Many Americans are worried about Joe Biden and his mental and physical health. And the Left is doing their best to prop him up.

But now, Biden has suffered a massive attack that has Democrats holding their breath.

On Tuesday, the US Supreme Court will hear arguments about Biden’s Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) removal of “critical safeguards for the use of chemical abortion drugs.”

Four national medical groups, their members, and four physicians are being represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in their legal battle against the FDA for “unlawfully removing crucial safety standards for pregnant women who use the abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol.”

The FDA, according to ADF, has eliminated “nearly all” of its mandated safety guidelines in the last eight years “that ensured women and girls had ongoing medical care while taking these high-risk drugs.”

The case’s lawyers assert in a court filing that the FDA removed the majority of these safety regulations in 2016 “without any study evaluating the changes under the new conditions of use and without a reasonable explanation.”

The FDA’s 2021 decision to eliminate the first in-person visit was described in the court document as “arbitrary and capricious,” and the 2016 decision, which among other things eliminated two of the three office visits, “fares no better.”

The court brief adds further that in the 2016 decision, the “FDA failed to consider the cumulative impact of removing all these interrelated safeguards at once.”

“The 2021 action cannot stand because two admittedly insufficient rationales do not a reasoned decision make,” it writes.

The ADF writes, “The FDA’s job is to keep people safe, but the agency betrayed women and girls by ending these safety standards and encouraging at-home abortions without ongoing care from a doctor. What’s more, the FDA took these reckless actions while acknowledging that roughly one in 25 women who take these drugs will end up in the emergency room.”

Following the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit’s decision that the FDA had behaved improperly, the matter was transferred to the Supreme Court.

Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, Erin Hawley, who is defending the issue before the Supreme Court, stated, “When taking high-risk drugs, women should have the ongoing care of a doctor.”

“When the FDA illegally eliminated the required in-person medical visits that safeguarded women’s health and wellbeing, it betrayed women and girls,” Hawley added.

“The FDA’s own label for abortion drugs says that roughly one in 25 women who take them will end up in the emergency room. Yet the federal government continues to defend its reckless actions that jeopardize women’s health and safety. Women deserve better, and we look forward to advocating on their behalf at the Supreme Court tomorrow.”

Not only is the FDA putting the lives of millions of Americans in danger, they are doing so and touting it as a win for America.

They believe that by allowing women unrestricted access to these harmful drugs, they are helping American freedom.

However, like the ADF has outlined, countless women are being severely harmed because of their absurd hands-off approach.

We cannot allow the US government to keep harming US citizens in order to further their Radical agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump got assaulted by a prominent liberal leader and the nation is in utter disbelief


Politics can be a very dangerous profession for many. But for people like Trump with countless haters and enemies, it is even worse.

And now, Trump was just viciously assaulted by a prominent liberal leader and the nation is in utter disbelief.

For months and even years now Trump has been dealing with major attacks from the Left, and they have all been politically motivated.

His money has been gone after, his reputation has been attacked, and there have been numerous amounts of false claims made against him.

Joe Biden and the Left have weaponized the justice system and turned it into their own hammer to bring to bear on anyone who disagrees with them.

Throughout all of this though, Americans know the truth and have been rallying around Trump by the thousands, tens of thousands, and millions.

His support base continues to grow, and the Left has finally come to realize that their tactics aren’t working.

So, they have switched things up and gone after Trump in such ridiculous, outrageous, and illegal ways that the entire nation is shocked.

This most recent attack of Donald Trump involves Radical “squad” member Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) who is known for being a complete nut case liberal who fabricates half of the things that come out of her mouth.

On Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union”, AOC told host Jake Tapper that Trump had “ordered a terrorist attack” on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

AOC claimed, “We’re talking about an individual who ordered essentially a terrorist attack on the capitol of the United States in order to retain power.”

This sort of lie is extremely dangerous and one that needs to be stopped immediately.

Not only is this an outrageous lie designed solely to undermine and attack Trump’s character, but it is also an extremely illegal act: libel.

The Left has a fascination with the goings on of January 6th, 2021, and they have always made up horrific lies about Trump, his supporters, the protesters, and innocent bystanders.

But now, after realizing that America isn’t buying their lies, they have escalated things even further by accusing former President Trump of “ordering a terrorist attack.”

CNN host Tapper said, “What do you say to a voter who says, ‘Well that doesn’t look like he’s being treated equally before the law, that looks like somebody that the government is going after.’”

To which AOC replied, “This is not about party. This is not about politics. This is about corruption and criminality. We’re talking about an individual who ordered essentially a terrorist attack on the Capitol of the United States in order to retain power.”

“That is not about being a Republican. It is not about being a Democrat. It’s about being an unethical individual, an individual who is subject and prone to criminality. And unfortunately, this is the state that we’re in. And I actually think that the fact that it’s happening in so many places and so many jurisdictions cuts in the face of that,” she continued.

However, while AOC tries to make it seem that Trump is a terrible person who is losing support because of his “crimes,” the reality is much different.

Recent surveys have shown that Trump’s support is actually up, and more and more people are losing faith in the justice system in America, and they believe that Trump is being wrongfully targeted by Joe Biden and the Left.

So, while the Left spends all of their time trying to convince America that Trump is a criminal, they are the ones committing actual crimes on national TV.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Major victory for Democrats has Americans red in the face


The Radical Left is slowly but surely pushing their agenda on the entire world. And nobody thought they would get this far.

And now, a major victory for Democrats has Americans red in the face.

A little over $100 million will go toward funding DEI trainings for the Department of Health and Human Services as part of the $1.2 trillion spending package that was unveiled on Thursday morning at 2:30 am.

A portion labeled “Training for Diversity” in the DHHS addendum includes nearly $100 million in support for Centers of Excellence, the Health Careers Opportunity Program, Faculty Loan Repayment, and Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students.

DEI appears to be a priority many other areas as well, based on numerous other budget line items in the $1.2 trillion spending bill.

The $4.7 million in funding that the Department of Homeland Security’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer will get is another example.

The bundle included earmarks from senators that also had to do with DEI.

Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith asked to set aside $775,000 for African Career Education & Resource, Inc. in one earmark.

“Racial equity” is a central theme in the organization’s ideals, which state that “ACER operates from a race equity lens.”

Additionally, the organization promotes the idea of “health equity” and asserts that BIPOC populations in Minnesota’s Northwestern suburbs face “issues that result in unfairly detrimental health outcomes.”

Once again, the Radical Left has won a major victory in their attack on American principles.

They will not stop until every single facet of our lives is controlled under the iron fist of the Left.

While many Americans have tried to tout the newest funding package as “bipartisan” and “good for the country,” other people have seen it for what it is.

The entire package is full of examples of the Left pushing their Radical Agenda of DEI, sex changes for minors, open borders, and funding of terrorists.

How much longer will we just sit on the sidelines and allow this sort of madness to continue?

Our borders are wide open, the American people are suffering every day, crime is through the roof, and prices continue to skyrocket.

Yet, Joe Biden and the Radical Left funnel millions of hard-working Americans’ tax-payer dollars into their absurd, radical, and harmful agendas.

Mainstream media refuses to report the truth, and they will not tell you what hundreds of millions of your dollars are going to.

But this is the sad reality of America these days… Joe Biden controls the money, and he will not stop until the Left has completely won.

We MUST take to the polls this election season and stop this madness.

We must save America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

Democrats caught using taxpayer money for the most disgusting thing imaginable


The Radical Left cannot help but steal money from Americans to push their Radical Agenda. But now, they have taken things too far.

And Democrats were caught using taxpayer money for the most disgusting thing imaginable.

On Thursday morning at 2:30 am, Congress sent out the text of a $1.2 trillion, one thousand-plus page spending bill available.

Senator Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat from Wisconsin, has designated $400,000 of it to go toward Briarpatch Youth Services, which provides teens with chest binders.

The continuing resolution, which is intended to finance the government through Fiscal Year 2024, designates $293,757,369 for “Community Project 23 Funding and Congressionally Directed Spending grants,”.

One of the addenda to the package designates $400,000 to be donated to Briarpatch Youth Services, a Dane County, Wisconsin-based nonprofit whose goal is to “strengthen the lives of youth and families”.

Teens Like Us Program (TLU), an LGBTQ group that allows children ages 13 to 18 to “come out,” is one of Briarpatch’s programs.

Minors can join TLU without their parent’s consent.

On its website, TLU from Briarpatch still mandates that masks be worn in person for youth group activities.

Regarding breast binders, the website says, “Need gender-affirming clothing (binders, gaffs, etc.) but you can’t afford them or you aren’t ‘out’? We can help! Email us at TLU@briarpatch.org to learn more!”

“Our favorite online shop for binders, gaffs, swimwear, and more is Origami Customs. They can also make custom sizes at no extra charge! They also have great resources to teach you how to measure yourself for the best fitting garment, and how to practice safe binding and tucking. Check them out here: https://origamicustoms.com/,” says the group.

“They’ve offered me resources like binders and packers (which is awesome),” read one review of the organization.

Along with pronoun pins, trans tape kits, youth packers, pride flags, and decorations, the group also sells fake breasts.

This sort of madness has gone on so long, that the Radical Left is able to quietly get away with funding groups that push minors into s*x changes without their parent’s consent.

This is ridiculous, and Americans need to be speaking up about this horrifying discovery.

How much longer are we going to just sit idly by while the Left steals our money and uses it to push their agenda on our children?

We must demand accountability for our politicians and we cannot allow them to continue this any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Americans are outraged by what John Fetterman just did to this country


Fetterman has made headlines ever since having a stroke on the campaign trail. He’s proving he’s not all there every day.

And now Americans are outraged by what John Fetterman just did to this country.

In the over one trillion dollar, one thousand-plus page federal funding bill for fiscal year 2024, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) specifically requested $368,000.

What was this funding for you may ask?> Well it is to support the “Built by Us” podcast which has 101 subscribers on the podcast’s YouTube account.

Under the financial services and general government appropriations addendum to the budget bill, Fetterman has designated $368,000 for the project’s earmark to ASSETS in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Assets of Lancaster is a “non-profit organization focused on transforming communities through business” comprised of a “diverse team of innovators with extensive experience in entrepreneurship, social change, and economic development.”

The project description for “Built by Us,” according to a news statement from Fetterman’s office regarding the request in the appropriations package, is to “support women- and minority-owned small businesses through technical assistance and incubator-type services.”

The “Built by Us” podcast, which highlights the inspirational entrepreneurs of Lancaster County, is one of the initiatives on the ASSETS website.

Its description reads, “Welcome to ‘Built by Us,’ the podcast brought to you by ASSETS.”

“We’re thrilled to have you join us on this journey. In this podcast, we’ll be exploring the stories, the triumphs, and the challenges of the incredible individuals who are shaping the future of Lancaster County.”

An interview with Chef Oliver Saye about the cuisines of the West African diaspora can be found in the most recent of the eight episodes.

Jaime Arroyo is the CEO of ASSETS and the podcast host.

Jaime is a Democratic candidate seeking city council in the city of Lancaster.

Additionally, Arroyo appears in a Facebook post alongside Fetterman’s spouse Gisele as part of a Get Out The Count campaign for the 2020 Census.

The caption of the post read, “Thank you to our Census 2020 Ambassador and Second Lady of Pennsylvania Gisele Barreto Fetterman, CASA Pennsylvania State Director Thais Carrero, Councilman Jaime Arroyo, Councilman Ismail Smith-Wade-El, City and County Officials for helping us Get Out The Count – GOTC in Lancaster City this morning!”

So in case Americans were wondering, this is what your taxpayer dollars are funding…

Buried in line items of the new budget are countless of these “small” funds set aside with hundreds of thousands of your hard-earned dollars.

The Radical Left continues to show who they really care about.

They do not care about America or Americans, they care about who will re-elect them and who will support them in pushing their Radical Agenda.

Instead of giving money back to the struggling citizens of America, we are funding podcasts for people who already have outrageous salaries of our tax payer dollars.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

Newest discovery of election fraud has set off major alarm bells


The Left has been denying any election fraud for years. And they have even prosecuted Trump because of it.

But now, the newest discovery of election fraud has set off major alarm bells.

On Wednesday, a former Wisconsin election official was found guilty of voter fraud charges after creating ballots for fictitious military personnel in the 2022 election.

Kimberly Zapata, a former deputy commissioner of the Milwaukee Election Commission, was found guilty of three misdemeanor charges of making a false statement in order to get an absentee ballot and one count of criminal misconduct in public office.

While the jury found that Zapata had engaged in election fraud, her attorneys maintained that she was a whistleblower seeking to identify vulnerabilities in the Wisconsin electoral process.

Zapata utilized the names of fictitious military personnel to obtain three absentee ballots through My Vote Wisconsin during the 2022 election cycle.

Voters expressed concerns about the 2020 election’s integrity, and state representative Janel Brandtjen, a Republican, received the votes at her residence.

In Wisconsin, military personnel can request an absentee ballot without providing identification.

Following Brandtjen’s disclosure of the ballots addressed to imaginary military personnel, Zapata was fired and charged with voter fraud.

Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Matthew Westphal said, “We rely on our election workers to maintain the integrity of our election system.”

“Ms. Zapata took a tiny hammer and started chiseling away at that foundation. Instead of helping secure the absentee ballot system, she introduced fraud into that system.”

Attorney Daniel Adams, who represented Zapata, asserted that her goal was to reveal weaknesses in the electoral process.

“She was a whistleblower, she was showing the truth, with an action — an imperfect action, but a truthful action — what was going on,” said Adams.

“There’s a huge flaw here, and if people don’t take it seriously, some nefarious person will do something bad with this flaw in the system,” Adams continued.

Brandtjen claimed she had never spoken with Zapata and had no idea why the ballots had been sent to her.
She said, “If Ms. Zapata had wished to raise concerns about the election process, she could have done so anonymously by contacting appropriate authorities rather than jeopardizing her job and reputation.”

“I cannot speak to Kim Zapata’s intent as I have never spoken with her,” she added.

Zapata may be sentenced to more than four years in jail and more than $10,000 in fines on each of the four crimes.

Her sentencing is scheduled for May.

As we approach 2024 and a potential rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, electoral procedures are anticipated to be closely examined.

The widespread use of vote drop boxes in the 2020 election was found to be in violation of state election law by the Wisconsin Supreme Court earlier this year.

We must be vigilant and prepared for all scenarios, and we cannot allow the Radical Left to steal our freedoms away through false elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more on this developing story.

AOC makes a shocking claim during Biden hearing that could change everything


AOC is one of the most Radical politicians in America. But she has said something that shocked even her most Radical friends.

Because she made a shocking claim during the Biden hearing that could change everything.

Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinksi and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got into a heated argument on Wednesday during a House impeachment investigation.

Bobulinski’s presence before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees was a pivotal point in the ongoing probe of the financial transactions of President Joe Biden and his family.

As he worked with his son, Bobulinski personally claimed in his testimony to have seen Joe Biden commit crimes.

Following the testimony, Ocasio-Cortez addressed Bobulinski in an aggressive manner to get more information about the alleged criminal actions.

In response to a question on the precise offenses that Joe Biden and the Biden family committed, Bobulinski stated that he saw the President break RICO and corruption laws.

And this is where things got interesting:

AOC snapped back and interrupted Bobulinski and claimed that “RICO is not a crime” but is rather a legal “category.”

Donald Trump and his fellow Fulton County defendants should be relieved to hear that the Radical Left no longer considers RICO to be a crime!

Surely this means that the RICO charges brought against them will be dropped right?

Of course not… this is the corrupt and Radical Left we are talking about here.

After her outburst, AOC continued to claim that the Republicans had “no charges” to bring against Joe Biden even though Bobulinski said the exact opposite (and even listed the crimes).

“I have yet to hear in the chairman’s opening the allegation that they are specifically charging the president of the United States with. I am hearing about the ‘Biden family.’ I am hearing about this and that. I am not hearing the specific allegation by this committee. What is it? It is not here. And that is the problem,” said AOC.

Bobulinski accused Hunter Biden of lying in a sworn testimony that was given just one month ago in his written testimony, which was filled with harsh allegations.

He said that Hunter Biden had downplayed Joe Biden’s role and misled the public about his commercial relationship with CEFC.

Hunter had previously denied that his father had a direct hand in any of his business dealings.

A clear picture of Joe Biden’s involvement in the Biden family’s financial dealings was shown by Bobulinski’s evidence.

He stressed that it became clear to him that Joe Biden was the main player in these transactions based on his own experiences and later discoveries.

“I want to be crystal clear: from my direct personal experience and what I’ve subsequently come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the Brand’ being sold by the Biden family,” said Bobulinski in his written testimony.

“His family’s foreign influence-peddling operation — from China to Ukraine and elsewhere — sold out to foreign actors who were seeking to gain influence and access to Joe Biden and the United States government,” he added.

The corruption of the Biden family is so extreme, yet the Left still continues defending them.

How much longer will this continue?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Biden admin’s horrifying laziness allows hundreds of thousands of illegals to walk free


Joe Biden’s border crisis is the worst this nation has ever seen. And instead of fixing things, the Left is only making things worse.

And now, the Biden administration’s horrifying laziness has allowed hundreds of thousands of illegals to walk free.

Judges dismissed thousands of deportation cases because the Biden administration neglected to file court documents in them.

Each unlawful immigrant receives a Notice to Appear (NTA), which is filed in court by the Department of Homeland Security in order to enforce immigration laws.

However, according to new data acquired by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, or TRAC, an academic organization, DHS never filed the actual paper with the court in about 200,000 cases when NTAs were issued to immigrants at the border.

Since fiscal year 2021, more than half of the deportation cases in immigration courts in immigration hotspots like Houston, Texas, and Miami, Florida, have been dropped for that reason.

The group, affiliated with Syracuse, said, “These large numbers of dismissals and what then happens raise serious concerns.”

Following President Joe Biden’s inauguration, the percentage of immigration cases that were dismissed increased dramatically, from 0.1% in 2017 and 1.2% in 2019 to 10.6% in 2021.

Although the percentage of cases dismissed has decreased after that peak, the actual number of dismissals in 2022 and 2023 was significantly larger than at any previous time due to the record-high number of unlawful border-crossers.

The government can easily bring a second case against the foreigner if the first is dropped due to lack of documents by the scheduled court date.

However, TRAC was able to determine that, in almost 75% of cases, DHS never bothered to do so.

That hasn’t changed throughout Biden’s presidency.

Furthermore, in certain situations, an apparent clerical error is almost never fixed: just 2% of the time, the DHS in Baltimore attempted to deport the alien again.

TRAC writes, “This suggests that in three-quarters of these 200,000 cases, the immigrant was effectively left in legal limbo without any way to pursue asylum or other means of relief.”

TRAC’s data experts have long lamented the lack of transparency and propensity of immigration agencies to provide inaccurate or partial data.

“No information to our knowledge has been publicly released by DHS on why and where these problems occur,” said TRAC.

“Troubling is the almost total lack of transparency on where and why these DHS failures occurred. Equally troubling is the lack of solid information on what happened to these many immigrants when DHS never rectified its failure by reissuing and filing new NTAs to restart their Court cases.”

According to a previous investigation by TRAC, the Biden administration was able to “falsely report that its asylum backlog had been reduced this past year when in fact it had markedly grown” because 50,000 asylum papers had suddenly vanished.

Due to reserved but unused docket time, the Biden administration’s reluctance to file paperwork has the effect of clogging immigration courts.

The president’s claim that he cannot take tough measures against illegal immigration until Congress enacts new legislation is refuted by the sharp shift in immigration statistics that coincides with Biden’s inauguration.

How much longer will Biden force America to crumble on the oppression of his failed policies?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

Donald Trump’s shocking campaign promises has millions of Americans hopeful


The American people have been suffering under the oppressive Biden regime for so long, that some forgot what hope felt like. But now, with a Biden presidency hopefully coming to an end soon, all of that could change.

And Donald Trump’s shocking campaign promise has millions of Americans hopeful.

President Joe Biden’s finalized plan, which was unveiled on Wednesday and is regarded as the most extreme push in history to destroy the gas-powered car industry and force consumers to drive what will effectively be government-mandated electric vehicles, was met with resistance from the presidential campaign of former President Donald Trump.

A spokesman for the Trump campaign claimed that ”Joe Biden’s extreme electric vehicle mandate will force Americans to buy ultra-expensive cars they do not want and cannot afford while destroying the U.S. auto industry in the process.”

“This radical policy is anti-jobs, anti-consumer, and anti-American. It will destroy the livelihoods of countless U.S. autoworkers while sending the U.S. auto industry to China.”

Then, the statement said what all Americans were waiting to hear: “President Trump will reverse Joe Biden’s extreme electric vehicle mandate on Day One.”

“He will protect the freedom of Americans to drive whichever vehicle they choose, enhance President Trump’s tough tariffs on Chinese-imported cars, and save the U.S. auto industry for generations to come.”

The final rule was a compromise to radical environmentalists on the extreme Left who wanted to see the greatest drive ever made to get rid of combustion engine cars.

The regulation will compel automakers to quickly “ramp up sales of electric vehicles while slashing carbon emissions from gasoline-powered models,” according to The Washington Post, which dubbed the initiative “controversial.”

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asserted that the United States would profit $100 billion annually from the prevention of more than 7 billion tons of carbon emissions through its national pollution standard.

According to an EPA statement, the regulation will lessen “heart attacks, respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, aggravated asthma, and decreased lung function” in addition to preventing “up to 2,500 premature deaths in 2055.”

In a joint statement, the president and CEOs of the American Petroleum Institute, Mike Sommers, and American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, Chet Thompson, stated that Congress must halt the radical agenda.

The statement read, “At a time when millions of Americans are struggling with high costs and inflation, the Biden administration has finalized a regulation that will unequivocally eliminate most new gas cars and traditional hybrids from the U.S. market in less than a decade.”

“As much as the President and EPA claim to have ‘eased’ their approach, nothing could be further from the truth.”

“This regulation will make new gas-powered vehicles unavailable or prohibitively expensive for most Americans,” they continued.

“For them, this wildly unpopular policy is going to feel and function like a ban.”

So while the Radical Left wants to take our freedoms away and push their Radical agenda, Trump promises to free us from the grip of the Left.

Americans have a choice to make this November… and it seems to be an easy one.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.