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Major win for Trump in New York legal battle leaves Democrats panicking


Democrats are doing everything in their power to interfere in the 2024 election and stop Trump from running again. But now things seem to be changing.

And there has been a major win for Trump in his New York legal battle that has left Democrats panicking.

Attorney General Letitia James sought to block four key witnesses that Trump hoped to bring forward in his New York trial.

However, the judge presiding over the trial rejected the Attorney General’s attempts and said, “I don’t want a retrial of this.”

James asked Judge Arthur Engoron to stop Trump from bringing four key witnesses to testify in his defense because she claimed it would be “irrelevant” due to Engoron’s partial ruling against the Trump Organization.

Yet, Engoron stated “I don’t want a retrial of this case. I don’t want to be reversed” and rejected AG James’s attempts.

The Washington Examiner reports that “James had asked Engoron to bar testimony from Jason Flemmons, a forensic accounting expert, Steve Witkoff, a New York City real estate investor, Steven Laposa of Laposa Realty Advisors, and David Miller, an expert in insurance issues and underwriting.”

Engoron stated that he would allow the witnesses but it would be “without prejudice to objecting to anything that may be irrelevant.”

While some people may not view this as a legal win for Trump, it certainly is a step in the right direction, and people are becoming more and more optimistic.

Ever since the Radical Left started their attempts to trap Trump legally, he has been fighting back and refusing to give in to their agenda.

As the Radical Left has attempted to shut down every attempt by Trump to bring in fair witnesses and promote a fair trial, Trump has not stopped fighting.

Democrats have tried to silence Trump and stop him from speaking the truth, but even when threatened, Trump will not stop and he will continue fighting against these witch hunts.

The Washington Examiner states, “In September, Engoron found the former president, his sons Eric Trump and Trump Jr., and two Trump Organization executives liable for business fraud, and the trial is now largely intended to assess their penalties.”

It continues by saying, “James seeks $250 million in damages and aims to ban Trump from conducting business in New York, where a concentration of the Trump Organization’s premier properties are located.”

This is just one of the four legal attempts by the Radical Left to stop Trump and bully him into submission.

Democrats know that if Trump continues to run for president, he will be voted into office, and they know that will be the end of their destructive policies.

Trump is fighting for America, and he is fighting for the future of this great nation.

If the left has their way, Democracy will fall completely and political rivals of the left will just simply be prosecuted and thrown into jail.

Americans cannot give in to the Radical Left, and we must continue fighting against their harmful agenda.

Democrats are starting to realize how much opposition they are facing, and they are understanding that the American people do not care about their absurd social agendas.

The American people want to be able to live again, and we want to be able to live securely and safely without the destruction of the left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats are losing their minds over this shocking Biden test result


Biden has had a history of health issues, and many have been worried. But now the problems seem to be stacking up.

And Democrats are losing their minds over this shocking Biden test result.

A recent series of polls released by the New York Times has sent the entire Democrat world into a complete frenzy.

The new polls detail Trump’s decisive lead over Biden in a number of key swing states.

The polls show that not only is Trump leading in the polls, which many already understood, but they show that Biden so far does not even have a chance at victory.

Now, top Democrats are in a panic and some are even calling for a halt to Biden’s re-election campaign.

Obama’s former “point man” David Axelrod suggested that Biden should re-evaluate whether or not to continue running for president.

He took to X to say, “Only [Biden] can make this decision. If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s.”

Other Democrat leaders such as Donna Brazile have been more cautious in their words, but she still said the polls served as a “wake-up call” and Democrat strategists said the situation was a “five-alarm fire.”

Biden’s disapproval rating is at 56% and has had more disapproval than approval since the summer of 2021 when he handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban.

His approval on certain topics too is especially low with numbers like 38% for the economy, 36% for crime, 34% on inflation, and 38% on foreign policy.

It is also important to understand that Biden also has an extremely low personal approval rating of 40%.

When Obama was in office, a number of people disapproved of how Obama was handling things, but they at least thought favorably of Obama, whereas now people dislike Biden and think he has done a terrible job handling things.

74% of people polled show that they do not believe that Biden “has the stamina and sharpness to serve effectively as president.”

The Washington Examiner reports that “When a national Democrat’s job approval drops much below 45%, it means he or she is hemorrhaging supporters from the party itself, not just among swing voters.”

And that seems to be exactly what is happening; all the recent polls show Biden is losing support among his core constituents.

Trump has been successful in polls among younger people and nonwhite voters which are both typically demographics that vote for Democrats.

While Trump’s time in office quickly turned unique and wild, people acknowledged that the border was secure, the economy was stable, foreign relationships were strong, and crime was under control.

Now, under Biden, it seems all of these things are all major issues now and his approval ratings continue to plummet.

And even Democrats are worried and are calling for a change with some even begging Biden to not run again.

The situation is crumbling for Joe Biden and his own supporters are turning on him which has left many to wonder what the future looks like for Democrats.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Agency complaint alleges disinformation and fraud in Biden campaign


The Biden campaign has been full of errors and mishaps. But no one expected this news.

And now an agency complaint has alleged there is disinformation and fraud in the Biden campaign.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken as well as 51 other former senior intelligence officials could be in hot water as new proof shows disinformation and fraud in the Biden campaign.

Fox News reports that “An America First Legal complaint argues that 51 former intelligence officials strategically crafted to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story.”

America First Legal is a conservative organization run by former Donald Trump White House aide Stephen Miller, and they are dedicated to the truth in a world of leftist media lies.

In late October, America First Legal filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging a “coordinated communication” and unreported contributions to the Biden campaign, which violates federal law.

The America First Legal complaint states, “[The] evidence suggests that the respondents failed to disclose coordinated expenditures constituting in-kind donations with respect to the infamous ‘Letter of 51’ former intelligence officials claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story had ‘all the classic earmarks’ of Russian disinformation.”

The FEC complaint states that the Biden for President campaign in 2020, the Biden Victory Fund, the Democratic National Committee, and the Biden Action Fund all should have been reporting on their coordinated efforts, yet they did not.

On October 19, 2020, just weeks before the presidential election between Trump and Biden, the infamous “Letter of 51” was released.

Fox News states, “The Obama administration officials who signed included former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former CIA director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Former George W. Bush DNI Michael Hayden, a vocal Trump critic, also signed.”

In March, the former CIA deputy Acting Director Michael Morrell testified to the House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committees that Blinken, who was merely a campaign advisor for Biden, contacted him to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop story on October 17, 2020.

According to a House Judiciary Committee press release, “Morell testified that his communication with Blinken was one of a few communications he had with the Biden campaign, explaining that he also received a call from Steve Ricchetti, Chairman of the Biden campaign, following the October 22 debate to thank him for writing the statement.”

It went on to say, “Morell also explained that the Biden campaign helped to strategize about the public release of the statement. Morell further explained that one of his two goals in releasing the statement was to help then-[former] Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election.”

The complaint to the FEC alleges, “There are reasons to believe that the public statement by 51 former intelligence officials was a coordinated political operation to help elect Vice President Biden in the 2020 presidential election, as set forth below.”

The evidence seems clear, and it clearly outlines what many people have believed for a long time: the 2020 election was interfered with by Democrats and top officials.

The complaint states that the “Letter of 51” was a clear and key part of the effort by Democrats to influence the 2020 election.

A survey states that four out of five Americans believe that honest news coverage would have actually changed the outcome of the election.

The American people know the truth: Democrats and the Radical Left are corrupt and are willing to do whatever it takes to put their pawns in power.

This new complaint will lead to more information being uncovered and the American people knowing more of the truth.

Hopefully, the truth will prevail and the American people can enter the 2024 election prepared and informed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH in the news even as the Left tries to hide it.

Ted Cruz goes scorched Earth on this idiotic Democrat program


Cruz has made a name for himself by not compromising his conservative values to play nice with the Left. Now he’s calling out their tricks once again.

And Ted Cruz went scorched Earth on this idiotic Democrat program.

Senator Ted Cruz has requested backup from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to help investigate issues that he suspects stem from diversity hirings.

There have been numerous “near misses” and “fatal mistakes” in the FAA recently that have caused many people to wonder about the reason why.

And Senator Ted Cruz believes that these issues and mistakes are related to diversity policies and improper hiring practices and that they need to be investigated.

Ahead of a Senate Committee Hearing on Thursday, Ted Cruz wrote to the GAO to request an investigation into recent “near-misses” and help determine whether or not they are the cause of Obama-era woke hiring policies.

Obama’s woke policy “prioritized diversity over graduates of air traffic Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI) programs, which resulted in thousands of qualified applicants leaving the controller pipeline,” according to Breitbart.

In his request to the GAO, Cruz wrote, “After the FAA adopted the BQ and began favoring ‘off-the-street’ hiring over graduates of air traffic CTI programs, thousands of qualified applicants left the controller pipeline.”

The BQ (biographical questionnaire) “reportedly awarded more points for applicants who scored lower in science and were unemployed during the previous three years” according to Cruz.

He also said, “The BQ has never been made public, but it also reportedly asked applicants about their favorite music and colors to learn more about an applicant’s background.”

Once again, the Radical Left’s destructive policies have been put on full display and the harmful repercussions are being felt by the entire world.

The Radical Left’s agenda actively harms people, and because of their policies promoting “diversity” and “equity” people’s lives are also endangered.

Ted Cruz has been urgently requesting Treasury Secretary Pete Buttigieg to address the FAA’s inability to handle concerns and issues.

Buttigieg has seemingly prioritized woke policies and agendas over actual good hiring decisions or beneficial changes.

Breitbart reports, “The secretary appointed 24 diversity advisers, installed a senior labor adviser to give unions direct access to the FAA administrator, and perhaps most notably worked to change the ‘Notice to Airmen’ (NOTAM) notification designation to ‘Notice to Air Missions’ instead of making much-needed changes to the outdated system itself.”

In January, the NOTAM system failed and led to Buttigieg ordering a full halt to all airspace for the first time since 9/11.

Buttigieg has overseen countless failures, issues, and mishaps since taking the post, and his popularity has tanked due to the number of high-profile incidents under his control.

He also has been faced with heavy scrutiny due to his handling of the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

The Radical Left has continuously shown that they are more worried about hiring minorities, or their diversity and equity policies than they are about the safety of the American people.

Ted Cruz is right in demanding answers and changes, and the American people feel the same way.

No one really cares whether or not their administration is black, brown, blue, pink, or orange, we just want competent employees who will take care of us when we put our lives in their hands.

The Radical Left needs to understand this, and if they continue with their harmful practices, need to be held accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Speaker Mike Johnson has made one move that has Democrats steaming mad


Mike Johnson has already made a number of surprising comments since he was appointed as Speaker of the House. But no one was expecting him to say this.

And Speaker Mike Johnson has made one move that has Democrats steaming mad.

Speaker Mike Johnson informed the New York Post that House Republicans would be using their power to force Democrat cities to obey immigration laws.

Speaker Johnson told the newspaper, “I’m certain that will be one of our proposals, and it should.”

Democrat “sanctuary cities” stop the federal government from being able to enforce immigration policies and laws and these “sanctuary cities” cause massive problems and headaches for citizens and government officials alike.

Breitbart reports, “The cities’ secession from federal law also creates havens for illegal migrants, spikes crime against Americans, and also allows employers to cut wages, spike rents, and sideline millions of working Americans.”

Republicans will demand that these “sanctuary cities” but Democrats are clapping back and demanding $5 billion in aid to these cities because of their self-inflicted immigration crisis.

Johnson stated, “The idea that you would maintain a sanctuary city status and then cry out to the federal government for assistance in what you’ve done is, to me, unconscionable.”

Johnson has also heavily criticized Joe Biden’s border chief Alejandro Mayorkas for his terrible policies that have caused extensive damage to the nation:

“What he has done is just inexcusable, because these are policy decisions … [His flood] is terribly destructive to our country in so many ways — six million people-plus have been apprehended at the border, 1.7 million getaways. Fentanyl has just led to an absolute catastrophe; the leading cause of death is overdoses for Americans aged 18-49, human trafficking, enriching the cartels, it goes on and on and on. And all of that traces back to their policy decisions.”

Democrats are fighting back against any sort of restrictions on immigration, but they are simultaneously demanding aid for the immigration problems they have caused.

The Democrat mindset is a nightmare and it is one that is certain to destroy the country more than it already has, and the American people need to understand the severity of the problem.

Recent polls show that immigration is the top issue for many Republican voters, many swing states support a border wall, and even many Democrats are crying out for help due to the sever issues.

Breitbart reports that “Since 2021, Mayorkas has used his various catch-and-release loopholes to invite roughly six million southern illegals into the United States, alongside at least four million legal immigrants and legal visa workers.”

The immigration issue is one that is wreaking havoc on Americans, it is destroying the economy, and it needs to be addressed.

Republicans are hopeful that there will be major wins during the year-end funding fights and Democrats will be forced to concede on the issue of immigration.

America has suffered enough under the terrible laws and policies of Joe Biden and his Radical Leftist administration, and the American people have had enough.

Speaker Mike Johnson has shown his willingness to address the issue and his seriousness about cracking down on Democrat loopholes.

Now, the American people need to wait and trust their elected officials to vote with the people, and if not, they need to be voted out of office.

The American people are fighting back against the Democrats’ destructive policies and their horrible ways of leading.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

China’s shocking plan for riots in America will make your blood boil


The Chinese Communist Party is not this country’s friend. It is our most dangerous enemy abroad.

And now China’s shocking plan for riots in America will make your blood boil.

New reports have shown ties between Chinese Communist groups and pro-Hamas riots, marches, and “protests.”

According to the Washington Examiner, “A little-known “socialist” activist hub in New York City pushing pro-China talking points is helping to organize protests against Israel in the United States alongside shadowy dark money groups sympathetic to Hamas and other Palestinian terror factions.”

The People’s Forum dubs itself as “a movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities to build unity across historic lines of division at home and abroad,” and is leading a pro-Hamas rally in NYC.

The event slated for Thursday is a “Shut it down for Palestine” event in Manhattan and the same group led a march last Saturday in Washington D.C.

The same group also hosts pro-China events that downplay the horrific genocide against ethnic Uyghurs in China.

They have also received millions of dollars from groups with ties to “Chinese propaganda” operations according to new tax forms.

Even as the most horrific attack against Jews since the holocaust happened, the People’s Forum is funding and pushing pro-Hamas rhetoric and events.

Now, the group has started to receive more and more attention, and Congress has demanded that some action be taken.

Members of Congress and foreign policy experts have raised many concerns regarding the People’s Forum, their funding, and the outside influence they are receiving.

Michael Sobolik, who is the senior fellow for Indo-Pacific studies at the American Foreign Policy Council think tank, has stated “Their funding train depends in part on American progressives entrenched in the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda apparatus.”

He added, “That this organization is now organizing anti-Israel political demonstrations in America shouldn’t surprise anyone. It should, however, be a wake-up call to Americans, many of whom are unwittingly parroting Beijing’s talking points about Israel and Gaza.”

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik said that she supports, “immediately investigating the People’s Forum and organizations like it to determine what level of funding and coordination these pro-Hamas rallies have received from America’s adversaries.”

The People’s Forum was granted the status “tax-exempt” in 2017 and since then has been “bringing socialist ideas to the new generations of organizers and activists” according to its website.

In 2019, the People’s Forum was given a check for $3 million from the United Community Fund which is “is part of a CCP propaganda operation funded by socialist businessman Neville Roy Singham” according to the Washington Examiner.

The ties between China and pro-Hamas and pro-terror groups should be frightening for all Americans and even the entire world.

With funding from China, these terror groups could destroy the world and bring an end to the lives of millions if not even billions.

Ties between China and pro-Hamas groups especially those within the United States should be looked into heavily, and scrutinized fully.

The American people deserve to know the truth of the matter, and they deserve to know who is funding the Radical Left is their attempts to destroy the world.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Jack Smith drops bombshell that outlines his absurd and illegal plans


Jack Smith has been coming after Trump and doing everything he can to stop the former president. But now, he has crossed yet another line.

And Jack Smith has dropped a bombshell that outlines his absurd and illegal plans.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has now alleged that Trump can be found guilty in his Jan 6 trial even if he truly believed that the election was stolen.

In a new filing on Monday from Special Counsel Jack Smith, he alleges that Trump used “deceit, trickery, or dishonest means” when arguing that he won the 2020 presidential election.

The original indictment against Trump claims that Trump “made knowingly false claims that there had been outcome-determinative fraud in the 2020 presidential election.”

However, Trump’s legal defense has argued that Trump did not use any deceit and it was not fraudulent because Trump genuinely believes “the election was stolen.”

The filing states: “Just as the president of a company may be guilty of fraud for using knowingly false statements of facts to defraud investors, even if he subjectively believes that his company will eventually succeed … the defendant may be guilty of using deceit to obstruct the government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified, even if he provides evidence that he subjectively believed that the election was ‘rigged,’”

Trump has adamantly opposed the efforts of the Left to lock him up and has said “These are political operatives that I’m going to be dealing with right now…it’s a very sad situation for our country.”

The Radical Left is stopping at nothing to prevent Trump from running for President again, and they have made it clear that they will prosecute their political rivals to the full extent of the law.

Under Democrat leadership, America is no longer a free country, instead, it is a place where voters are only allowed to vote for Radicals.

The Radical Left’s agenda has been made clear, and Jack Smith’s newest statements have exposed their illegal plan.

The Left is going to lock up Trump even if there is no legal reason, and they will keep him and all politicians like him from running for office again.

Under Joe Biden’s leadership and direction, the Radical Left has taken over America and imposed their agenda on the people.

Even as Trump continues to fight back against the illegal plans of the Democrats, they are doubling down and making their stance clear: Trump will be prosecuted even if there is no legal basis.

The Radical Left has gone so far as to impose a gag order which in and of itself sounds like a ridiculous and illegal order.

Trump’s team of attorneys responded by saying, “No court in American history has imposed a gag order to silence any political candidate—until now. “

They continued, “The district court’s unconstitutional gag order prevents President Trump—the leading candidate for President of the United States—from engaging in core political speech, which is entitled to the highest level of protection under the First Amendment.”

Until Donald Trump is locked away by Democrats and Radicals, they are threatening jail unless he says what they want him to.

This is a disgusting dystopian nightmare and the American people need to wake up and realize what is going on.

It is time to fight back against the harmful and destructive agendas and policies of the Democrats and Radical Left who are seeking to silence the truth.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH.

Biden’s law breaking has finally been exposed for all to see


Joe Biden has been pushing his radical agenda on the American people since before he was president. But now, things might be slowing down for him.

Because Biden’s lawbreaking has finally been exposed for all to see.

The policy and mandate in question are regarding the Department of Health and Human Services’ new mandate to force employees to adhere to the Radical agenda and will result in firings of employees if they do not adhere.

Roger Severino, the Heritage Foundation’s vice president for domestic policy and the former head of civil rights at HHS during the Trump administration has had strong words for this new policy.

Last week on X he wrote that the HHS has “imposed a transgender pronoun mandate on its employees who will now be forced to deny biological realities with their own words or face firing.”

Now, he has stated that “HHS and the federal government is requiring its employees to speak falsehoods” and he claims that this violates employee rights.

Severino states that the First Amendment protects even federal employees from speaking falsehoods, having to deny their own faith, and “being compelled to adopt a state-approved ideology.”

Severino stated that “these policies would require all of those things.”

The HHS policy states, “All employees should be addressed [by] the names and pronouns they use to describe themselves” and it claims that the policy protects “employee rights and protections related to gender identity.”

Severino has labeled these policies as “Orwellian” and claims that “misgendering” someone would qualify as violating anti-discrimination law which “gets you fired.”

Severino went on to highlight that the policy is harmful and that “Men who identify as female have the right to get naked in front of female colleagues in the locker room.”

“It used to be that if you allowed a man to get naked in front of a woman in the workplace that is instantly a violation of civil rights law,” Severino said. “That’s the quintessential hostile work environment, subjecting women to that. Now, the policy says to the women who may be uncomfortable with that situation, they’re the ones who have to leave.”

Severino highlighted that “Governments cannot compel speech and certainly cannot compel false speech.”

The Radical Left has once again shown their true colors: they care only about forcing their radical ideologies on people, and they do not care one bit for the legality of their mandates.

Joe Biden has pushed these mandates and is forcing people to adhere to things that are unlawful, and the American people need to fight back.

Severino said, “They are faced with a horrible dilemma. Do they hope that they can fly under the radar and try to avoid the issue and keep a low profile and perhaps hide their faith so they can keep their job, or do they stand up and say this policy is wrong and fight for their rights? And then see a gigantic target on their back after that.”

The government cannot compel a person to go against their faith or beliefs, but that is exactly what the government is trying to do now.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left will not rest until the whole world is forced to comply with their destructive Radical ideologies and agendas.

The American people know the truth, and we know that the government is trying to destroy us.

We will fight back against the woke left and we will not be forced to do things we do not believe in.

Joe Biden needs to be held accountable for his unlawful policies and mandates.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Donald Trump’s shocking announcement to supporters will make your jaw drop


The Left cannot stop attacking Trump and trying to stop him from running for president. But the American people know the truth about the former president.

And now, Donald Trump’s shocking announcement to supporters will make your jaw drop.

On Wednesday night during a rally in Flordia, Donald Trump proved his love for America and his dedication to “Making America Great Again.”

Despite the countless attacks by the left and the numerous legal cases against him, Donald Trump is remaining steadfast in his fight against the Radical Left.

He told supporters that with each indictment he has received, he wears them like “a great badge of honor.”

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted four times since April, and two of those indictments have come directly from Joe Biden’s DOJ.

Yet, Trump remains unfazed, and he has told supporters that he is being indicted for his supporters.

Trump declared, “Every time I’m indicted, I consider it a great badge of honor because I’m being indicted for you.”

He continued, “I’m being indicted for you, and never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never ever, ever let them take away your freedom. I won’t let it happen.”

He emphasized his fight against the Radical Left and his refusal to quit: “They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. I will never let them do it. And in the end, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I just happen to be standing in their way.”

Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and repeatedly claims that the accusations are all a sham and a “witch hunt.”

Regarding one of the cases he said, “Even that stupid trial going on in New York — which has been totally discredited, everybody’s been discredited — that all comes out of the White House.”

He added, “This the greatest movement in the history of politics, and we have a great voice, and we’re not going to let them get away with it.”

The Radical Left has not only been pursuing Trump in these four indictments, but they have also been trying to remove him from ballots across the nation.

Even as Donald Trump is being accused of election fraud in various capacities, the Radical Left is actively trying to remove their political rivals and not allow them to be voted for.

The Democrat party is trying to destroy Democracy in America and only allow people to vote for other Radicals.

Donald Trump is fighting back against this, and even when the Left has come after him with everything they have, he is refusing to budge.

The party that claims they are pro-democracy and pro-fair elections has somehow managed to completely turn things around from themselves.

The Democrats are ruining America, pushing their Radical Agenda on the nation and punishing anyone that thinks differently from them.

It is not too late for the American people to step up and fight back against the extreme Radical Left that is seeking to destroy America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Speaker Johnson calls out Senate for this absurd refusal


The Senate is being controlled by Democrats right now, and because of that it is almost impossible to get anything accomplished. But now the Democrats have gone too far in hindering progress.

And the House Speaker Johnson has called out the Senate for their absurd refusal.

Senate Democrats have been vocal with their criticism of the House-GOP proposed bill for aid to Israel.

On Monday, House Republicans released the text of the emergency legislation that outlines the plan to send just over $14 billion in aid to Israel.

However, that money would be offset by using funds from Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act and more specifically it would take money that was allocated to the IRS.

Democrats have been critical of the decision, but Johnson is not backing down in the face of this pressure from the Senate.

He has stated, “If you ask people at the Pentagon, under oath or in a moment of truth, they will tell you the greatest threat to our national security is our own debt.”

He added “It is in our national interest to support our great ally and friend Israel in their time of need. But we also have to keep our focus on our own financial stability. And so those things must happen simultaneously.”

The bill also clearly separates the aid to Israel from other aid in Biden’s original request which asked for funding for Ukraine and immigrants.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has declared that the legislation is “woefully inadequate” and that the proposed financial offsets are “poison pills that increase the deficit and help wealthy tax cheats avoid paying their fair share.”

Once again, Johnson had no hesitation in his response to Democrats.

He said, “I would refer Sen. Schumer and anyone else who’s a critic of this to the Treasury report that came out this week that indicates that we’re going to have to borrow $1.6 trillion for the next six months to get the government in operation.”

Johnson added, “To suggest that it is a poison pill to have a pay-for in [$14.3 billion] overseas, is, I’m sorry, I just think that’s something that does not line up with reality. And I think the American people largely agree with us. And so I’m ready to have that debate.”

The House will vote on the proposed legislation, but it appears that the bill would have a hard time getting past the Senate.

Johnson’s opinion on the bill is one that America desperately needs from its leaders right now.

The economy in America is in absolute shambles and Democrats want to spend money like there is an endless supply and it will have no effect on the economy.

However, spending more than what is absolutely necessary is a foolish decision that will only lead to more struggle for the average American.

Democrats do not care how difficult life is for the average American, and they are actively trying to destroy the economy and cripple the United States.

The American people need leaders who understand the situation the country is in and will actively try and fix the problem instead of adding to it.

The American people need to fight back against these corrupt politicians and hold them accountable for their actions that are destroying everything around them.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Judge overturns election and rules election fraud in shocking twist


Democrats refuse to admit that there is any election fraud at all even when evidence seems to point otherwise. But now, new evidence has people stunned.

And a Judge overturned an election and ruled election fraud in shocking twist.

In the state of Connecticut, a judge has overturned a primary election after a Democrat clerk was court stuffing ballots.

Even while Democrats across the country refuse to admit that they have ever done anything wrong in any election, they have been caught in a massive lie.

New video evidence emerged that showed a supporter of current Mayor Joe Ganim allegedly stuffing ballots into an absentee ballot drop box.

Connecticut Judge William Clark stated that the videos “are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties.”

Connecticut Public reported that “Clark ordered the parties to confer with each other, and with election officials, within 10 days to discuss scheduling a new primary.”

This incident has occurred just days before the November 7 election day, and the picture it paints of Democrats across the nation has a major implication.

According to Connecticut Public, incumbent Ganim won by 251 votes out of a total 8,173 cast, and what really sealed the deal for him was the number of absentee ballots cast for him.

But now with this video evidence, it is clear that these absentee ballots are actually fraudulent, and because of that Clark overturned the election.

In the ruling, Clark said, “The volume of ballots so mishandled is such that it calls the result of the primary election into serious doubt and leaves the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary.”

The video evidence was obtained by Ganim’s opposition John Gomes who sued the city and demanded the results be thrown out.

John Gomes’s campaign demanded that along with the results being thrown out he either be declared the winner or there be a redo of the primary.

Gomes’s attorney stated, “At the end of the day, the videos don’t lie. The videos showed substantial, massive absentee ballot misconduct. And that was certainly a substantial reason why the judge ruled the way he did, I think.”

Gomes hailed Judge Clark’s decision to be “a victory for the people of Bridgeport.”

He said, “Today, Lady Justice fulfilled her duty. She attentively heard the voices of the people of Bridgeport, carefully considered the facts, and impartially applied the law, as justice should always be served.”

He added that “The victory today belongs not only to me as the Plaintiff but to all the people of Bridgeport who were wronged in the numerous ways detailed in Judge Clark’s remarkable decision. Today, democracy prevails.”

With clear evidence against the Democrat incumbent, overturning the election was certainly the right and only choice, but now it makes many Americans wonder how much more Democrat election fraud there is.

Even as Trump faces charges in his fight against Democrat election fraud, it becomes increasingly clear that Democrats are corrupt people who will do anything to ensure their victory.

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One RINO’s career is over after being caught in this terrible act


The Republican Party needs to clean house. The number of Democrat sympathizers is higher than it has ever been.

But one RINO’s career is over after being caught in this terrible act.

Republicans across social media are demanding on Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to quit in the aftermath of Tuesday’s elections, which saw the GOP suffer a big defeat in Kentucky.

Republicans had a mixed night, as Democrats won in Kentucky, reelecting Democratic Gov.

Andy Beshear defeated Trump-backed candidate Daniel Cameron in Virginia and Ohio.

Democrats took control of the Virginia General Assembly, while pro-abortion advocates won in Ohio, where voters approved Issue One, which codified the alleged “right” to murder an unborn child in the state constitution.

However, Republican incumbent Gov. Tate Reeves was re-elected in Mississippi, while Republican Jay Ruais won the mayoral election in Manchester, New Hampshire — a big surprise victory.

Nonetheless, while some anti-Trump Republicans, such as former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Gov. Ron DeSantis influencers, are blaming the loss on former President Donald Trump, many Republicans are blaming Ronna McDaniel directly and demanding her resignation.

“What, exactly, does Ronna McDaniel do, besides lose? The only thing she SHOULD do is RESIGN. Effective immediately,” Monica Crowley remarked.

McDaniel, according to the Gateway Pundit, is “totally useless,” and she should “resign following tonight’s general election results.”

“She has done nothing to this day to secure our elections from voter fraud, registration fraud, and mail-in ballot fraud,” the outlet added.

With their discussion of a McDaniel, both John Solomon and Steve Bannon made waves, and others joined in, attacking her leadership, or lack thereof.

McDaniel, the RNC chairwoman since 2017, has faced calls to resign in the past, but history shows that this hasn’t stopped her from running for reelection.

With such big voices calling on her to resign, it’s hard to see how she gets out of this unscathed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.