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Joe Biden makes outlandish claim that left Republicans scratching their heads


Joe Biden is known for making some weird statements and outright lies. But this most recent incident has Republicans and Democrats alike utterly confused.

Because Joe Biden made an outlandish claim that left Republicans scratching their heads.

Joe Biden is a disgrace to America, and his outrageous lies to the public need to be held in check.

In a recent interview on Fox News Channel’s “The Story”, the White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby made an extremely unsettling statement in defense of Joe Biden.

Last month, during a summit in Vietnam that was marked in humiliating mistakes for Biden, Joe Biden claimed that climate change is “more frightening than a nuclear war,” and is “the only existential threat” that humanity faces.

The host of the segment with Kirby gave the Security Council Coordinator plenty of time and opportunity to cover up for Joe Biden’s mistake.

Host Martha MacCallum said, “So, now the United States is essentially involved in a war in Europe… We also say that we are rock solid in our support of Israel as they now face a battle So, given that the United States is now involved in wars that are taking place in Europe and also in the Middle East, I want to play this soundbite that [was] just last month in Vietnam and ask you if this still holds for the President.”

MacCallum then played a clip that showed Biden saying this:

“The only existential threat humanity faces, even more frightening than a nuclear war, is global warming going above 1.5 degrees in the next ten years.”

Giving KIrby another chance, MacCallum reiterated, “Given all the nuclear players in these two areas where we are now engaged, John, does the President stand by that comment?”

Kirby’s answer shocked America. He stated, “Absolutely he does. Climate change is an existential threat. It actually threatens and is capable of wiping out all human life on Earth over time. I don’t know how [much] more existential you can get than that.”

In a day and age where there are conflicts and wars all across the world, where every major power has nuclear weapons, and tensions are higher than ever, Joe Biden truly believes that global warming is the most important issue?

What kind of a leader do we have in the White House?

This “leader” has led America extremely close to two wars that include four very powerful and very potentially dangerous armies, but Joe Biden believes global warming is a bigger threat.

Americans and the world are in shock over Joe Biden and his administration’s statements.

America deserves a leader who will not react in such a foolish way, and claim that warm air is going to be a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear warfare.

Joe Biden is a fool and the advisors he surrounds himself with are actively seeking to destroy the world.

Joe Biden wants us all to believe that the biggest threat to humanity is ice melting, and he wants us to use paper straws instead of getting ready for nuclear conflict that is actually real.

Joe Biden is the weakest and most foolhardy leader the world has ever seen, and Americans need to hold him accountable for his words and actions.

It is time to vote Joe Biden out of office and keep him as far away from office as possible.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news and updates.

Joe Biden’s newest actions prove he is unfit to lead


Joe Biden has been proving that he is too far gone since he first took office. But now, there can be no question at all.

And Joe Biden’s newest actions prove he is unfit to lead.

It is no secret that Israel declared war on Hamas after a brutal surprise attack.

The reactions from politicians and leaders across the world have been swift and severe.

However, the greatest country in the world seems to be missing a leader…

Joe Biden’s response to the war in Israel is a disgrace.

Instead of seeming concerned with the war, or frankly even interested at all, Joe Biden instead has been partying at the White House.

In a statement released by the White House on Monday, it was said that “The White House has called a lid for the day, before the pool call time. We will not be seeing the president today.”

What makes this even worse, is that there are Americans being held hostage by Hamas, and Joe Biden does not seem to care at all.

Katie Pavlich made this post on Twitter that seemed to encapsulate the mood of the White House.

It is understandable that being President might warrant a break here or there, and that there is nothing wrong with partying.

However, it is outrageous and disgraceful the lengths that Joe Biden took to make it clear to the world that he does not care about American hostages or his allies under attack.

While all of this was happening in the world, and while one of the USA’s strongest allies declared war, Joe Biden was throwing a BBQ party with a live band.

At the time of the party, at least nine Americans were confirmed to have been killed in the brutal attacks, and Joe Biden had not issued any sort of sincere or meaningful statement; instead, he chose to lounge around at a party.

Joe Biden is a weak and failed leader who cares more about parties and bands than killed or captured Americans.

Political leaders across the alley seem horrified by the response by Joe Biden and his administration, especially when compared to the war in Ukraine.

Joe Biden has sent tens of billions of dollars in aid and supplies to Ukraine, but now when one of our strongest allies is attacked and American lives are lost, Joe Biden sits by idly and does nothing.

America and the world deserve better leaders than those like Joe Biden who prefer to sit and party than care about dead citizens.

We need to hold our elected officials accountable for their disgraced actions, and Joe Biden needs to be removed from office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Republicans sent Joe Biden into hysterics with one bombshell exposé


Joe Biden knows he can’t win the 2024 race on the facts. He has to deflect and delay until it’s too late.

But House Republicans sent Joe Biden into hysterics with one bombshell exposé.

The news is awash with details about Hamas’ latest assault on Israel and the Holy Land.

But terrifying news from within our own borders is flying under the radar, just the way Biden wants it.

Look, it’s no secret that Joe Biden has made a mess of about everything he has touched.

One area seems to stick out more than others, and that’s the southern border.

Thanks to him, millions have entered this nation illegally, and we’re only now learning the extent of the crisis thanks to House Republicans.

According to an early assessment compiled by GOP House Judiciary Committee staff, the Biden administration may be failing to track millions of migrants who have unlawfully crossed the southern border while monthly encounters continue to rise.

The number of unlawful migrant encounters at the US-Mexico border exceeded 2.2 million in the first 11 months of fiscal year 2023, according to the 61-page report provided with Fox News Digital and citing fresh information obtained by the Judiciary Committee.

According to the data, the federal authorities has “no confirmed departure” for almost 2.4 million migrants encountered since January 2021.

“Because of the unprecedented border crisis, some Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers have been forced to abandon arrests and removals of aliens, including criminal aliens, to process the illegal aliens who have arrived at the southwest border,” according to the study.

“Meanwhile, the Biden Administration’s own policies and so-called enforcement ‘priorities’ have contributed to reduced arrests and lower removals of aliens.”

“The Committee and Subcommittee will continue to conduct oversight of the Biden Administration’s radical, open-border immigration policies,” it adds.

“This interim staff report highlights the failures of President Biden’s immigration agenda and helps to inform the House on legislative reforms to secure the border, reform immigration law, and end the far left’s policy incentives driving the crisis at the border.”

According to the Judiciary Committee report, southwest border encounters surpassed 100,000 for the 31st consecutive month in August, meaning that total has been met every month since President Biden took office in January 2021.

Border statistics obtained separately by Fox News Digital revealed that border interactions reached an all-time high of more than 260,000 in September.

The report also includes data indicating that, since January 2021, more than 1.7 million confirmed “gotaways” have eluded US Border Patrol and slipped into the country’s interior, with potentially millions more unknown “gotaways” also escaping.

A “gotaway” is a migrant who is seen illegally entering the United States but is not captured.

According to the report, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documented more than 5 million border interactions during Biden’s presidency until the end of March.

2.46 million of those interactions had “no confirmed departure” from the United States, indicating that the migrant “likely remains” in the nation.

“This so-called report is full of lies from House Republicans who continue to play politics while sabotaging President Biden’s work to ramp up enforcement and personnel at the border,” a White House official said in a statement.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s Secretary of State admits to terrorism in shocking interview


Joe Biden and his administration are corrupt, and there is no question about it. But this new information has Americans outraged.

Because Biden’s Secretary of State has admitted to terrorism in a shocking interview.

In a recent interview with NBC, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a terrifying statement that has left America and the world outraged.

The Secretary of State defended the recent decision by Biden to send $6 billion to terrorists in Iran as part of a prisoner swap deal.

In an attempt to make Biden look better in the eyes of the public, Blinken stated that Iran “always” used money for terrorist operations and that Biden was not to blame.

However, in making this shocking admittance, the Secretary of State has proven what Republicans have been saying for years: the Democrats are the party of terrorists.

In admitting that the Biden administration knew Iran was going to use the funds for terrorist organizations and plans, Blinken has condemned Biden and the entire Radical Left.

In the interview, Blinken was asked about the money sent to Iran and he replied, “Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism, on supporting groups like Hamas.”

He then claimed that the money Joe Biden sent to Iran was to be used solely for humanitarian aid.

Even though Blinken admitted to the entire world that Biden knew what the money he was sending would be used for, Democrats are still trying to shift blame away from Biden.

But the question remains: if Biden knew what the money would be used for, and he sent it anyway, why is he not being held accountable?

Why is Joe Biden not being removed from office for treason and funding terrorism knowingly?

The American people should be horrified to hear the Secretary of State admit to knowingly funding terrorism.

The Biden administration is using taxpayer dollars to send money to foreign powers that they know will be using that money to commit heinous acts of terror.

Joe Biden and his entire administration are wholly corrupt and they are not fit to serve the country.

Instead, these officials should all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their part to play in terrorist attacks.

These officials all swore to “preserve, protect, and defend” but instead, they have all committed treason and been accessories to terrorism.

The Radical Left are doing everything they can to stop Trump from running for office again claiming that he is unfit to serve and that he will destroy America.

But the American people know the truth: the Democrats are desperately trying to cover for Joe Biden and his corruption.

Joe Biden is destroying America and his decisions are knowingly funding terrorist groups with billions of taxpayer dollars.

Joe Biden and his entire corrupt administration need to be held accountable. It is time for the American people to take the power back.

We need to vote out these phony and corrupt officials who are dedicated to seeing this amazing country destroyed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Barack Obama was asked one question that sent him into a rage


Democrats are known for their failures and corruption. But the last thing they want is to be called out on it.

And now, Barack Obama was asked one question that sent him into a rage.

Democrats seem to always have the worst foreign policies, and when their actions have consequences they are unable to take accountability for their actions.

Both Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama have had terrible foreign policies especially when it comes to the Middle East.

However, anytime they see the fruit of their actions and failed policies, these politicians and their allies are silent.

And now, Obama is notably silent following the recent results of his own failed foreign policies from when he was president.

Obama’s weak and failed foreign policies are partially responsible for the attacks currently happening in the Middle East.

Obama was never taken seriously in the Middle East, and his Iran nuclear deal was adamantly opposed by leaders in Jerusalem.

Obama has notably not said anything since the attacks in Israel started, and users on Twitter have certainly noticed.

One Twitter user noticed and stated, “It’s been 48 hours and Obama has said nothing.”

He also went on to say, “His last posts have been about the Nobel Prizes and Dick Butkus.”

It seems odd, especially for a man who so desperately needs to run his mouth and wants his opinion to be heard by all.

Maybe Obama understands that he is partially responsible for the new war in the Middle East and is afraid that any statement he makes will be met with severe pushback.

Our elected Democrat officials, past and present, know that they are partially responsible for the attacks in Israel, but they are refusing to comment on the war.

Joe Biden sent billions of dollars to Iran who is known for funding terrorist groups like Hamas.

Barack Obama’s failed Middle Eastern policies are also responsible for the situation in Israel, and he also has been noticeably quiet.

When will the American people hold these corrupt officials accountable for their actions?

America deserves strong leaders with strong foreign policies that will put the needs of America and its citizens above all else while protecting their allies.

Barack Obama is a perfect example of a leader on the Radical Left who refuses to acknowledge his terrible mistakes and his failed policies even when the results of said policies are severe.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we keep you informed of the TRUTH.

Democrat Governor slammed for career-ending lie


Democrats have been exposed for fraud numerous times. And yet, the American people refuse to call them out for their mistakes.

But finally, a Democrat governor has been slammed for their career-ending lie.

Former advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel has lashed out against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and called for her resignation.

Aryeh Lightstone served as a senior advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, from 2017 to 2021.

Now, Lightstone is attacking Governor Whitmer for her “fraudulent” response, claiming that she has “embarrassed herself” in her response to the terrorist attacks on Israel.

Whitmer made a post on the platform X that seemed to anger Lightstone and call for her resignation.

Whitmer stated in the post, “I have been in touch with communities impacted by what’s happening in the region. It is abhorrent. My heart is with all those impacted. We need peace in this region.”

Lightstone responded by saying, “I hosted you for Thanksgiving in Israel just a few years ago. I am embarrassed for you and by you & disappointed that I opened my home and my family to you.”

Lightstone elaborated further saying that “The job of a leader is to know the difference between right and wrong. The job of a politician is apparently to say nothing, and she demonstrated that she’s a politician.”

He continued, “She watched this happen in real time. And to watch women and children be kidnapped and raped and murdered, and to not be able to say something? She should resign immediately.”

Lightstone seemed to be personally offended and hurt because he hosted Whitmer and 25 other Michigan residents for Thanksgiving in Israel during their visit.

Following the public pushback, Whitmer made another post in which she seemed to speak out in support of Israel.

However, Lighstone seems to think she only made the follow-up post because she was “embarrassed for herself.”

Lighstone said, “There’s only two sides of this. There’s a right side and a wrong side. She chose the wrong side.”

He elaborated saying, “I don’t think she’s a bad person. I just think she’s a politician.”

This situation has further exposed Democrat leadership that is so focused on politics and not upsetting anyone instead of taking care of their communities and friends.

Whitmer is just another Democrat leader who will say whatever she can to get re-elected so she can continue pushing her radical agenda.

This should be a warning to all Americans: politicians will say whatever they can to get support from people.

Democrat politicians are corrupt and they are going to lie to the American people and deceive whoever just to paint themselves in the best light to get re-elected.

America deserves better than that. America deserves leaders with strong morals and strong policies that will be strong leaders… not ones that refuse to say anything at all just so that they do not upset their voters.

Americans need to hold our elected officials responsible for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the left refuses to.

Joe Manchin’s astonishing take on Joe Biden has Democrats completely rattled


Democrats are starting to turn on each other. Could this be the break Republicans need?

And Joe Manchin’s astonishing take on Joe Biden has Democrats completely rattled.

On a recent broadcast of “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, Joe Manchin presented an interesting take on immigration in the United States.

Manchin stated that “every state should be bidding” on whether or not to take migrants and that those states would “be responsible to make sure they’re acclimated to our way of life.”

Manchin further claimed that the way asylum was currently set up where “you just put one foot on our soil and you have all these rights. And people are sick and tired of” immigrants taking resources.

He went on further to give an example of a system that he thought would work.

He said, “…in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, we have people that have orchards and they need people to come and help [with] picking crops and all that. They could have — we have housing there for them, everything. We need — planting — we could have taken some from New York, and every state can’t.”

Manchin acknowledges that not every state can receive immigrants and that not every state’s economy can handle the change.

But he went on further to say, “You’re not going to fix this by saying the federal government’s going to be responsible for all the people that are here or coming here.”

Instead, Manchin thinks that “Every state should be bidding on, we can take 50,000 workers in West Virginia, I’m just [saying] hypothetically, and then you’re going to be responsible to make sure they’re acclimated to our way of life.”

The idea is certainly an intriguing one, but it is one that Democrats are adamantly against.

The Radical Left is so bent on the destruction of America that they do not care about individual states or their economies.

The idea that individual states should decide if they receive immigrants does not address the border crisis, but it is one that would certainly appeal to certain states.

Many Republican states have been sending immigrants to places like Massachusetts, New York, California, and Illinois since those states all claimed they would happily welcome immigrants.

However, the plan backfired on Democrats, and now their states have been overrun with illegal immigrants that are crippling cities and economies.

Countless Democrat leaders across the nation have begged Joe Biden for help during this crisis, but Sleepy Joe has refused to do anything to help… even for his own allies.

The border crisis is one that cannot be so easily swept under the rug, and Democrat leaders have a lot of work ahead of them to fix the problem they have put America in.

Manchin’s idea might be helpful in certain situations, but the truth is that Joe Biden and the Radical Left need to fix the actual problem.

America’s border needs to be secured and Democrats need to take responsibility for their actions.

It is time for Americans to hold our leaders responsible, and we need to vote out these corrupt and treasonous politicians who are so dedicated to destroying America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Key Democrat makes unbelievable statement that will leave you red with rage


Democrats have been deflecting blame for as long as Democrats have been around. But this recent attempt is a joke.

And a Key Democrat made an unbelievable statement that will leave you red with rage.

Democrat leaders across the nation have been adamant that the border is secure and that there is no crisis at the border.

Joe Biden has repeatedly refused to admit that the security of our nation is under attack.

The Radical Left has been pointing to anyone but themselves for the influx of illegals crossing the border.

They blame Trump, or racism, or Republicans, but they refuse to take any responsibility for the crisis that they themselves have created.

Ranking Member of the Border Security and Enforcement Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee Rep. Lou Correa stated in a recent interview that the reasons for the border crisis were clear.

Correa stated that “long-term, we need to create jobs where people are fleeing. Instead of doing that, this administration is putting tariffs on goods from those areas where we should be creating jobs.”

The claim that tariffs are the reason for this influx of immigrants is an intriguing one.

One thing that is completely certain about the claim, is that the current administration is failing completely and utterly in this situation.

Correa went on further to claim that “this is a worldwide refugee crisis. We’ve been seeing this coming for a long time.”

Correa has a sense that most Democrats do not: We’ve known this was coming for a long time and the left did nothing about it.

Correa said “We’ve got thousands of people coming to the Darién Gap. We’re not focusing on short-term solutions or long-term solutions. This is a crisis that continues to get out of control.”

He is right that this situation is one that the current administration is failing to even address.

There have been no solutions set forward by Joe Biden and part of the reason is because Biden refuses to even acknowledge there is a problem.

Even though addressing the root of the problem (why people are leaving their countries) might be helpful to some, the real solution needs to start with securing America’s border.

Something that Joe Biden and the entire Radical Left have failed to do for years.

While Correa’s take might not be entirely accurate, it is a far step up from what other Democrats have been saying for years.

The left will continue to deny any sort of crisis or problem at the border because their sole desire is to see America crumble.

Democrats are leading this country into the ground, and they are doing it happily.

Our elected officials have proven time and time again that they are more concerned with foreign countries and illegal foreigners than the well-being of America and our own citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and updates.

Bombshell information exposes truth about FBI targeting


Many Americans have become increasingly worried about the integrity of many federal agencies. The Left promises that there is nothing to be worried about.

But bombshell information exposes truth about FBI targeting.

The Radical Left has been attacking Trump for years, and they have labeled his supporters as terrorists.

Democrats are trying to force their communist way of life and their fascism onto all American people.

And now new reports show that Trump supporters are being targeted by the FBI.

According to classified data and FBI whistleblowers, “the vast majority of its current ‘anti-government’ investigations are of Trump supporters.”

The government is more concerned with targeting Trump supporters than the Antifa and BLM rioters who truly want to destroy this country.

A recent report shows the left’s attempt at flying under the radar:

“Especially at a time when the White House is facing Congressional Republican opposition claiming that the Biden administration has ‘weaponized’ the Bureau against the right wing, it has to tread very carefully.”

The report states further that “The threat posed by domestic violent extremists is persistent, evolving, and deadly. The FBI’s goal is to detect and stop terrorist attacks, and our focus is on potential criminal violations, violence, and threats of violence. Anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism is one category of domestic terrorism and one of the FBI’s top threat priorities.”

An anonymous FBI agent claimed that the Biden administration views Trump supporters and “MAGA Americans” as a threat to democracy in America.

He further stated that the FBI is worried there will be domestic terrorism and violence associated with the 2024 election.

The Radical Left may try and claim ignorance, they may try to claim that they have nothing to do with the weaponization of the federal agencies.

However, Americans know the truth: the left has fallen so far and is now resorting to attacking any political rivals or citizens who do not vote the way they want.

The Radical Left is beyond radical at this point… They are extreme.

The fascists on the left are silencing anyone who opposes them and they are preventing people from exercising their constitutional rights.

While the Biden administration claims that Trump supporters are a threat to American democracy, the real truth is that BIDEN is a threat to American democracy.

Americans are becoming increasingly worried that they will be unable to exercise any of their rights soon, and that if they vocalize support for anyone other than the Radical Left puppets, then they will be thrown behind bars.

Joe Biden and all the radical fascists on the left are dedicated to the destruction of America and everything it stands for.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH.

Donald Trump makes shocking move in race for Speaker of the House


The battle for the Speakership is already underway. And a few key figures have stood out in the running.

But Donald Trump’s shocking move could change all of that.

Donald Trump has made a major endorsement of one of the candidates for the Speaker of the House.

He has endorsed Jim Jordan, the representative from Ohio, and made a very long post highlighting Jordan’s strengths.

In a recent post on Truth Social, Donald Trump stated that Jordan “will be a GREAT speaker of the house, & has my Complete and Total endorsement.”

Jim Jordan and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise are the two frontrunner candidates for the speakership.

Both of these candidates have an impressive resume and have been receiving major endorsements from politicians and celebrities.

One of the reasons that Jordan received the nomination from Trump and not Scalise, could have something to do with their support for Trump.

Jim Jordan has already endorsed Trump for the 2024 election, while Scalise has notably not endorsed the former president.

The endorsement by Trump is certainly a helpful one for Jim Jordan, but there is still worry regarding centrists who might be more hesitant to vote for someone endorsed by Trump.

There is expected to be a candidate forum on Tuesday with voting to follow on Wednesday, but many are fearful of a repeat of the last speaker election.

Jim Jordan is a solid conservative who has always fought for the American people and his case for speakership is a strong one.

Jordan is a strong advocate for lower taxes, less government regulation, and a strong national defense. He is also a staunch defender of the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

Jordan is also a skilled politician and communicator. He is able to clearly and concisely articulate conservative principles, and he is not afraid to stand up to the Democrats.

The Democrats want to raise taxes, increase government spending, and expand government control over the economy.

These policies will hurt the American people and make it harder for them to make ends meet.

Congressman Jim Jordan is a strong opponent of the Biden administration’s socialist agenda. He will fight to lower taxes, reduce government regulation, and protect the American way of life.

Republicans throughout the country need a strong leader like Jordan who will oppose the radical policies of the Left.

Americans deserve someone who will put the needs of the people first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and updates.

NY AG makes shocking claim regarding Trump trial


The most recent Trump trial has been all over the headlines. Many people have criticized the DOJ’s handling of the entire situation.

And now the NY AG has made a shocking claim regarding the Trump trial.

NY State Attorney General Letitia James has claimed that Donald Trump’s criticisms of the fraud trial against him are just “race-baiting.”

However, Americans know the truth: James promised to “get Trump” and that is how she almost exclusively campaigned for her spot.

It seems that justice, honesty, and the truth don’t mean anything anymore and the only thing that matters is persecuting political rivals.

In a recent interview with reporters, James stated that Trump’s comments amounted to “race-baiting” and were “baseless.”

She went on further to say, “I will not sit idly by and allow anyone to subvert the law. And lastly, I will not be bullied. So Mr. Trump is no longer here, the Donald Trump show is over. This was nothing more than a political stunt.”

I wonder, however, if she would classify her own actions as “nothing more than a political stunt” since she campaigned to “get Trump” and she did just that.

Trump stated that “Letitia James should resign for purposeful and criminal Election Interference. She is fully aware that Mar-a-Lago, and other assets, are worth much more than what she is claiming. Both of these Democrat Operatives are a disgrace to New York, and to the United States of America!”

While many might disagree with Trump, people can’t help but notice that James’s handling of the entire situation has been far from honest.

The left has accused Donald Trump of election interference, however, they themselves seem bent on stopping Trump from being able to run for office again.

The way the entire Radical Left has rallied around getting Trump locked up and preventing him from taking office again shows their desperation.

Democrats have stooped so low as to persecute their political rivals with no cause, just so that they can hold and keep power.

The left is so bent on controlling the narrative that it does not matter what the right thing to do is, or what the truth is.

Democrats should be ashamed of how they have handled the dealings with Donald Trump, and they should be doing everything they can to distance themselves from James.

The Left has no interest in justice or honesty anymore.

All that matters to them is that their political opponents are not allowed to oppose them anymore.

The American people deserve better. We deserve a government that is committed to justice and not political trials designed to lock up rivals.

We need to hold these corrupt officials accountable and it is up to us, the American people, to hold the power in this country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New rumor about next Speaker of the House has Democrats worried sick


Since McCarthy was removed from office in a historic vote, the speakership has been in question. There have been many speculations about who might come forward as an option.

Now, the newest rumor has Democrats worried.

Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his Speakership earlier this week, and since his removal speculations have been circulating as to who might replace him.

Currently, Patrick McHenry is serving as the speaker pro tempore until the House elects a new Speaker to replace McCarthy.

Recently, former President Donald Trump’s name got thrown into the mix, and recent questions he answered have just fueled the fire.

Trump also posted an image of himself on his social media platform Truth Social, in which he is holding the speaker’s gavel.

When asked by a reporter what his thoughts and plans on the speakership were, Donald Trump’s answer only added more speculation into the mix.

“A lot of people have been calling me about speaker. All I can say is we will do whatever is best for the country and other Republican Party and people.”

Congressman Troy Nehls stated in a post on Twitter that he would be nominating Trump for the speakership and had already received vocal support from a number of other Republicans.

On top of all of that, Matt Gaetz, who led the opus to oust McCarthy, has already voted for Trump to be Speaker of the House.

Back when McCarthy was trying to be elected, Matt Gaetz repeatedly voted for Trump during a number of rounds of voting.

While Trump remains steadfast in his attempt at the Presidency, many are still speculating that there is opportunity for the speakership.

Trump himself claimed that he was focusing on the presidency as he is “leading by like 50 points for president” and that his “focus is totally on that.”

However, could this be an attempt to throw off the Radical Left from his scent?

In his own words, Trump is focused “totally” on the presidency, but if he gets enough support for the speakership, could that change his mind?

Trump’s promise to do what is best for the American people is an encouraging one, and another reason why so many are hoping he will become President again.

Two other Republicans have also announced a bid for the speakership (House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and Rep. Jim Jordan), and most assume that the speakership will go to one of these men.

However, hope still remains for diehard Trump fans that he will hold to his promise and make America great again, but that he will start in the House of Representatives.

Regardless of the outcome, Americans both need and deserve a strong candidate who will put the needs of the American people first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the news and the TRUTH.