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Top Democrat leader threatens to hold hostage unless he gets his way


Politics is certainly a high-stakes game. But no one expected things to get this out of hand.

And now, a top Democrat leader has threatened to hold hostage unless he gets his way.

Democrats have been accusing Republicans of wanting to shut the government down for the past few weeks, but in a new interview, the truth has come out.

It turns out that it is not the Republicans who are threatening to hold the government hostage, but it is the Democrats.

Democrat Senator Michael Bennet said in a recent interview with MSNBC that he would “definitely” shut the government down if there was no more funding for Ukraine.

The Host of the interview, Katy Tur, asked Bennet, “Are you ready to hold up a bill that comes to the Senate that does not include that Ukraine funding, potentially to shut down the government?”

To which Bennet replied, “I definitely am. I definitely am.”

This admittance is shocking and is hypocrisy on the side of Democrat politicians.

The Radical Left repeatedly accuses Republicans of holding the government hostage by threatening a shutdown if they do not get what they want to be passed in the budget.

However, the truth has become crystal clear: it is actually the Radical Leftists who are holding the government hostage.

Democrat elected officials are forsaking their oath of office and have made it clear they are willing to do whatever it takes to pass funding for Ukraine.

That should be scary for Americans to hear…

The fact that Democrats have made it clear they are willing to harm our country in order to send billions of our taxpayer dollars in order to fund a foreign war should be terrifying to Americans.

This is a wake-up call. The Leftists want to control this country, drive it into the ground, and destroy our economy, and have proven that they are willing to do whatever it takes.

In Bennet’s own words, “we’ve given a little over $70 billion” to Ukraine which Bennet claims is “less than what the Europeans have put in this war.”

Bennet is proving the exact point that Republicans and the voices of reason in this country keep trying to make.

America has invested tens of billions of dollars in foreign aid but cannot secure our own border, or send proper aid to our own citizens or our own states, all while our economy is crippling.

Democrats refuse to acknowledge the truth of the situation: that sending more aid to Ukraine while neglecting our own needs should be illegal.

Elected officials all swore an oath of office, and it seems that someone needs to remind Democrats of the oath that they swore.

Our politicians were not elected to send all of our money to foreign countries… they were elected to protect and serve our country; both of which they are failing to do.

The American people should hold the power and not the politicians.

It is time for America to take back the power and hold these corrupt officials accountable for their actions and their treason.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

McCarthy makes a stunning confession after being removed as speaker


The vote to remove McCarthy as Speaker of the House was a historic one. And many people wondered what the reaction would be.

But McCarthy has made a stunning confession after being removed.

After McCarthy was removed as Speaker, he spent some time talking and answering questions.

One thing he told reporters and colleagues stood out and even surprised many.

Outside the Speaker’s office, McCarthy told a packed room, “I believe I can continue to fight, maybe in a different manner. I will not run for Speaker again, I’ll have the conference pick somebody else.”

The admission took many colleagues, friends, and journalists by surprise as many had assumed he would attempt to run again.

McCarthy said, “Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it is necessary. I don’t regret standing up for choosing governing over grievance.”

He also seemed disappointed when he said, “Unfortunately, four percent of our conference can join all the Democrats and dictate who can be the Republican Speaker in this House.”

He further stated that “I don’t think that rule is good for the institution, but apparently I’m the only one.”

Currently, Patrick McHenry is serving as the interim Speaker of the House until an official vote for the next speaker happens.

McCarthy had other opinions about the Republicans who voted to oust him saying “These are the same people that never voted for me, they thought it was big that they went to ‘present’ after we went 15 rounds [in January].”

McCarthy went on further saying “I’m not quite sure those individuals are looking to be productive… They are not conservatives and they do not have the right to have the title.”

He wrapped up by claiming that This job was never about me. I hope you felt that. If I lose my job doing what I truly believe is right, I’ve made my peace with it.”

McCarthy only served as Speaker of the House for around nine months before he was voted out of power.

McCarthy had also recently led a bipartisan effort to avoid a government shutdown with a temporary 45-day respite.

While some may feel that McCarthy did a poor job as the Speaker, Republicans are hopeful that the next Speaker can bring revision and unite the Republican party against the Radical Left.

That should be the main goal of Republicans at this point: remove the radicals from power and stop the harmful and destructive policies of Joe Biden.

Whoever the next Speaker is, Americans are hoping for a strong leader who will halt the plots and schemes of the Democrat party.

Americans need to take the power back from the politicians and hold our elected leaders accountable for their actions.

It is time to remove the corrupt politicians and vote in strong pro-American leaders who will make America great as it once was.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Stunning admission by the Pentagon shows the extent of Democrat damage


Much of American politics centers around the Pentagon. With a high defense budget and the world’s strongest military, the U.S. Military is a powerhouse.

However, a stunning admission by the Pentagon reveals the true extent of the Democrat damage.

A recent letter to Congress details the worries top Pentagon officials have regarding the amount of aid sent to Ukraine in recent months.

Pentagon officials detail that “failure to replenish our military services on a timely basis could harm our military’s readiness.”

The Pentagon Comptroller Michael McCord stated in the letter to Congress that only $1.6 billion is left of the original $25.9 billion set aside to replenish US military supplies that were sent overseas to Ukraine.

In addition to the replenishment of the supplies sent to Ukraine, the United States also has $5.4 billion to provide weapons and supplies from their own dwindling stockpile.

McCord warned, “We have already been forced to slow down the replenishment of our own forces to hedge against an uncertain funding future. Failure to replenish our military services on a timely basis could harm our military’s readiness.”

This letter highlights the shortcomings of Democrats who have been so eager to put funding of the war in Ukraine above the needs of the United States.

The tens of billions of dollars in aid and supplies sent to Ukraine have shortened the supplies of our own military.

The Radical Left has proven that they are more concerned with foreign countries than the needs of the country that they swore to serve.

As Democrats seem so eager to get as close to war as possible, the depletion of US military stockpiles could harm the readiness of the US military.

If the US is unable to replenish its stockpiles, it could be less prepared to respond to a crisis.

Those on the left want to see America suffer while other countries rise.

They do not care about the needs or sufferings of their own people or the consequences of their failed policies and terrible actions.

Instead, all the leaders on the Radical Left care about is harming Americans and destroying the amazing country that is America.

Democrat leaders are so bent on sending billions in aid to Ukraine, that they have completely neglected the needs of their own country… probably on purpose.

Americans need to vote out these fools who are running our amazing country into the ground.

Elected officials who neglect their post and their office to support foreign powers should be removed from their position immediately and charged with treason.

The American people need to stand up against these corrupt politicians who care nothing for the country they are in.

If Democrats are so in love with Ukraine, they should move there instead of plaguing our amazing nation wither their horrifying presence.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Acting House Speaker makes a shocking move against this key Democrat


After a tense situation in the House boiled over, Democrats were hoping for an easy time of it. But it looks like that isn’t the case.

And the acting House Speaker makes a shocking move against this key Democrat.

Patrick McHenry is temporarily serving as the Speaker of the House as leaders get ready to elect a new speaker to replace Kevin McCarthy.

Eight Republicans joined the House Democrats in a vote to remove Speaker McCarthy from his position.

And many Democrats were hoping that by removing the speaker, maybe they could get a better speaker in turn.

However, it was made quickly clear that the new interim speaker is not a Democrat ally.

One of Patrick McHenry’s first decisions as the House Speaker pro-tempore was to order Nancy Pelosi to vacate her “Capitol hideaway.”

An email notified Pelosi that the office was being reassigned “for speaker office use” and that she must “vacate the space tomorrow, the room will be re-keyed.”

Pelosi’s hideaway suite is one that is reserved for only a select few in the House, and the order to vacate the office is not an uncommon request.

Yet Pelosi is acting as if this request is a personal attack against her.

She stated, “With all of the important decisions that the new Republican Leadership must address, which we are all eagerly awaiting, one of the first actions taken by the new Speaker Pro Tempore was to order me to immediately vacate my office in the Capitol.”

She went on further to complain that “This eviction is a sharp departure from tradition. As Speaker, I gave former Speaker [Dennis] Hastert a significantly larger suite of offices for as long as he wished.”

Pelosi is once again portraying herself as the victim instead of accepting that the office is needed for official use, and not for her to mess around and waste time in.

Nancy Pelosi has enjoyed the luxury of her hideaway suite of offices for a considerable amount of time, and she has done nothing but waste taxpayer dollars on her enjoyment.

Nancy Pelosi has once again proven that she is a disgrace to the US House of Representatives and that she will throw a fit anytime she doesn’t get her way.

Pelosi, in a last desperate attempt to paint herself as some sort of abused victim stated “Now that the new Republican Leadership has settled this important matter, let’s hope they get back to work on what’s truly important for the American people.”

It seems that if Nancy Pelosi didn’t think this was an important issue, then she wouldn’t have made a big deal about it.

However, the interim House Speaker sent Nancy Pelosi a private email politely asking for the use of the office, and Nancy Pelosi was the one who blew it up into a big affair.

Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t know the first thing about working on things that are “truly important for the American people.”

Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace to all Americans and to the entire US House of Representatives.

Americans need to hold their elected officials accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH.

Democrats are rattled after murder of one key ally


Politics can be dangerous. But no one ever expected it to go this far.

But now Democrats are rattled after murder of one key ally.

Josh Kruger was a leftist journalist from Philadelphia who had repeatedly spoken out in support of the liberal policies destroying the city.

Kruger at one point even stated, “Some idiot just said you’re more likely to get shot and killed than die of COVID in Philly to make some insensitive rhetorical point for ‘his side.’ Folks, four times as many Philadelphians have died of COVID than gunshots this year. I understand math is hard but do better.”

He also wrote, “Look, it’s that lawless land of liberals in Philly where shootings are…dropping to levels not seen in years.”

However, tragically the journalist was shot seven times and killed in his own home in Philly.

Kruger was constantly downplaying the violent crime in places like Philadelphia, even in a city with one of the highest murder rates in the country.

Kruger claimed that the city’s murder rate was “not as high as you might think.” He also claimed that the city’s gun violence problem was “overblown.”

Kruger was a proud supporter of the Radical Left and their tragic policies and views and was hostile towards anyone who had a different opinion or disagreed with him.

He also was known for his rants against “straight people” even going so far as to say, “They should have never given you people the right to marry.”

The man also claimed that Trump was only president because of “racism” and that it is “the only through line in the frenetic ideology of Trumpism.”

The radical journalist was also a proponent of defunding the police and claimed that the city’s shootings unit and homicide detectives were “doing nothing.”

Yet, he was met with reality in a tragic way and is an example to all Radical Democrats of the harsh truth of their harmful and destructive views and policies.

Kruger’s tragic death is a reminder of the dangers of downplaying violent crime. When leftist journalists and politicians downplay violent crime, they embolden criminals and make communities less safe.

The Biden administration is one of the worst offenders when it comes to downplaying violent crime. The administration has repeatedly blamed the rise in violent crime on guns while ignoring the role of criminals and bad policies in causing the problem.

The Biden administration’s downplaying of violent crime is a threat to public safety. The administration needs to start taking violent crime seriously and take steps to make communities safer.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left are harming citizens across the nation with their terrible policies and their easy stance on crime.

Kruger is an example to all that the harsh reality may not be what the media wants us to think.

While the media may claim that gun violence, murders, and crime in liberal cities are not an issue, Americans, especially citizens of those cities, know the truth.

This tragedy should serve as a reminder to all Americans that even though Democrats claim they care about their citizens, their policies speak louder than their words.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we bring you the TRUTH even if the left does not want you to hear it.

What China just sent Joe Biden is simply horrific


Biden has made America weaker than ever before. Now our enemies are taking their shot.

And what China just sent Joe Biden is simply horrific.

China built a trap to catch US and allied submarines, and one of its own submarines reportedly became trapped, killing 55 Chinese sailors.

The 351-foot-long Chinese PLA Navy submarine “093-417,” armed with torpedoes, was traveling in the Yellow Sea near China’s Shandong Province when it encountered a chain and anchor obstacle.

According to The Daily Mail, a secret U.K. report stated, “Intelligence reports that on the 21st of August, there was an onboard accident while carrying out a mission in the Yellow Sea.”

“Incident happened at 08.12 local resulting in the death of 55 crew members: 22 officers, 7 officer cadets, 9 petty officers, 17 sailors. Captain Colonel Xue Yong-Peng was among those killed, according to the report.

“Our understanding is death caused by hypoxia due to a system fault on the submarine. The submarine hit a chain and anchor obstacle used by the Chinese Navy to trap U.S. and allied submarines.”

Surprisingly, the submarine was not equipped with proper gas detectors.

The Type 093 submarine, according to reports, was quieter than its predecessor, the HAN, and carried more advanced weapons, such as anti-ship cruise missiles and modern torpedoes.

A British submariner told The Daily Mail:

It is plausible that this occurred and I doubt the Chinese would have asked for international support for obvious reasons. If they were trapped on the net system and the submarine’s batteries were running flat (plausible) then eventually the air purifiers and air treatment systems could have failed. ‘Which would have reverted to secondary systems and subsequently and plausibly failed to maintain the air. Which led to asphyxia or poisoning. We have kit which absorbs CO2 and generates oxygen in such a situation. It is probable that other nations do not have this kind of tech.

China has refused to admit there was an accident, calling reports of one “completely false” and allegedly refusing to seek international assistance.

Of course, it’s easy for Americans to look at the failed Chinese trap as a joke, but this just shows where the minds of the Chinese are.

They know we are the enemy and are willing to do anything to stop us from infringing on their territory.

Meanwhile, when China sends spy balloons over US military installations in Montana, we wait until they float over the Atlantic to shoot them down.

Does that sound like we’re ready for a head-to-head?

Well, it isn’t only China. Russia and China appear to be concerned about submarines.

“On December 12, 2022, the Russian state-owned Rosatom Corp. supplied 6,477kg of highly-enriched uranium (HEU) to China’s fast-breeder reactor CFR-600 on Changbiao Island,” noted the Eurasian Times.

A Chinese news article stated, “The weapons-grade plutonium it will soon produce could be used for warheads, but alternatively, commentators from the submarine research community have discussed the possibility that it could also be intended as fuel for future nuclear-powered submarines.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New Hunter Biden evidence has Democrats in a panic


It seems that almost every day new evidence against Hunter Biden comes to light. It really is shocking how much evidence against him there is… even if Democrats claim otherwise.

But now new evidence has Democrats in a panic.

House Republicans have recently discovered new messages between Hunter Biden and a former aide regarding a CCP-linked business partner.

The messages outline a CCP businessman’s plan to wire Hunter Biden tens of thousands of dollars to help him “pay off several bills.”

Messages between Fran Person, a longtime advisor to the Biden family, and Hunter Biden in 2017 over WhatsApp uncover the extent of Hunter’s ties to China.

Hunter wrote that “100K at least gets me until next month,” to which Person replied, “He will help you with what you need.”

The “he” is referring to Bo Zhang, a business partner of Person with numerous ties to CCP leaders.

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik stated that, “The American people have a right to know if their President is compromised, and House Republicans will follow the facts wherever they lead us during our impeachment inquiry into President Biden.”

While the Radical Left tries to claim there is “no evidence” and even though the White House has threatened media corporations to not report on the impeachment inquiry, the American people deserve the truth.

Rep. Comer said, “Corrupt deals and affiliations with CCP-linked individuals and companies are a threat to America’s national security.”

He continued by saying, “The Oversight Committee will continue to investigate and follow the money to determine whether President Biden is compromised by his family’s dealings.”

The Radical Left continues to try and claim that Republicans are weaponizing the justice system, however as more and more evidence shows Democrats are starting to get worried.

Polls show that the American people have no faith in Joe Biden or Democrats anymore, and a vast majority of Americans believe that Joe Biden and the entire Biden family have committed some sort of wrong.

This recent evidence points yet again to ties the White House has to the Chinese Communist Party, and voters are outraged.

Rep. Tim Burchett said, “We know how the CCP operates. They don’t do anything that isn’t for their own good in the long run.”

That very true statement raises a lot of concern; why would the CCP want to bail out Hunter Biden if they no investment in the matter?

Burchett went on further to say, “Individuals that are very close with Xi Jinping wanted to make sure they could keep Hunter and Joe Biden in their pocket and were willing to pay big bucks. I don’t think there’s any way they didn’t get policy decisions in exchange.”

Americans should be furious about these recent discoveries and we should demand the Biden family be held accountable for their actions.

The Biden administration’s ties to China are also a threat to US national security. The CCP is a hostile foreign power that is seeking to undermine US interests around the world.

Americans need to stand up against the Biden family’s corruption.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the Radical Left refuses to.

Republicans are steaming mad after the White House made this outrageous claim


The Radical Left’s handling of America’s crises has been suspicious, to say the least. But now they have taken it too far.

And Republicans are steaming mad after the White House made this outrageous claim.

A top White House advisor has claimed that in order to avoid a shutdown, it is “clear we have to support” Ukraine.

However, his next claim left Republicans outraged.

White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Jared Bernstein stated that while funding for Ukraine was critical, he said, “We’ll have to see” about funding for the border.

Democrats have once again proven that foreign countries and foreign wars matter more than the protection and security of their own country to them.

Bernstein further stated that “we can’t let a small group of extreme Republicans block this critically important geopolitical investment.”

During an interview, the interviewer asked for clarification on the matter: “Will support at the border, at our border be part of that too?”

That is when Bernstein answered, “We’ll have to see about that.”

The Biden administration has already sent more than $75 billion in aid to Ukraine since their war started over a year ago.

That is money from the federal budget that the United States could be using for securing its border or aid within our own country.

No one is arguing that the war in Ukraine isn’t a terrible tragedy, but the United States should not be sending tens of billions of dollars to fund foreign wars.

The Biden administration’s prioritization of Ukraine’s security over America’s security is a dangerous mistake.

The southern border is in a state of crisis, and the Biden administration is doing nothing to fix it.

The Biden administration’s open border policies have led to a surge in illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and crime; the Biden administration has also allowed human traffickers to operate with impunity.

The Biden administration’s open border policies are a threat to America’s national security and public safety.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left need to understand the importance of securing America’s border over funding a foreign war.

Americans deserve politicians who care about their country and not ones who seem to have no care for its own security and protection.

If the Radical Leftist politicians like Bernstein are so concerned about Ukraine and foreign countries, maybe they should move to those countries.

If you swore an oath to serve as a politician in the United States, your policies had better put the United States first… not other countries.

Joe Biden and his entire administration should be ashamed of how they are handling the border and the war in Ukraine.

Americans need to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Karine Jean-Pierre’s latest moronic statement could end her career


When it comes to Press Secretaries, Jean-Pierre is one of the worst. She can’t stop putting her foot in her mouth.

And Karine Jean-Pierre’s latest moronic statement could end her career.

Democrats have built their entire agenda on a sordid web of lies.

In their eyes, we should treat illegal immigrants than the poor of our nation. We should send billions to Ukraine while US towns burn down.

In short, not giving a rip about Americans is their MO, and they aren’t even hiding it anymore.

This week, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that House Republicans’ attempts to secure the southern border in exchange for them approving funding for Ukraine were a political stunt.

During the White House press conference on Monday, a reporter asked Jean-Pierre about House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) statement that “he wants any additional funds for Ukraine tied to congressional action on border security.”

“Is that something that the White House would consider supporting for a vote on Ukraine funding?” the reporter asked.

Americans, according to Jean-Pierre, are “fed up” with the “political games” and “political stunts that House Republicans are doing on our national security and also our government.”

She claimed that President Joe Biden “has delivered record funding” for Border Patrol and then demonized what she said were “extreme House Republicans.”


Later in the press conference, Jean-Pierre was asked if Biden agreed with New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s remarks that the border was “too open right now.”

“The President, on his own, without the help of Republicans in Congress — let’s not forget, he put forward a comprehensive piece of legislation to deal with immigration reform,” she claimed.

“Remember, this — this immigration system has been broken for decades. And it’s been three years. That’s been almost three years since he put forth that piece of legislation.”

She claimed that the administration has implemented “deterrence” measures to discourage people from entering the country illegally.

After she did not answer the question the first time, the reporter pushed back and asked Jean-Pierre if Biden believes the border is closed.

Jean-Pierre declined to answer the question once more, claiming that Republicans were “trying to politicize it and make it worse — make it worse.”

“That’s what Republicans are trying to do and turn it into a political stunt,” she claimed.

“The President is actually dealing with the issue that’s in front of him by getting record funding, 25,000 federal agents at the border. That is something that this President has been able to do.”

If only his agents weren’t doing everything in their power to let illegal immigrants in the country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Feinstein’s replacement leaves even Democrats red with rage


When Dianne Feinstein died, it was anyone’s guess what Gavin Newsom might do. But nobody saw this coming.

And Feinstein’s replacement leaves even Democrats red with rage.

A new report shows that Gavin Newsom plans to appoint the “Emily’s List” president Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s seat as her replacement.

However, this appointment seems to be extremely controversial and leaves even many Democrats frustrated by the move.

The decision is frustrating for many reasons.

Conservatives are frustrated because Butler is a far-left activist who has called for defunding the police, abolishing the Electoral College, and packing the Supreme Court.

And many Democrats are frustrated for another reason entirely.

Newsom originally promised to appoint a black woman to fill Feinstein’s position, and he kept that promise, but many people are frustrated about it.

Instead of picking the most qualified person, Newsom decided to appoint a black woman who has terrible qualifications.

Many candidates feel they were better qualified but had no real chance at receiving the position due to not being a black woman.

Newsom’s appointment of Butler is just another step towards communism in California.

Emily’s List is a group that supports abortion rights and feminist causes and has become increasingly radical in recent years.

Many politicians are worried about Butler’s clear biases and that she will not be able to serve in the Senate well.

Butler also has worked as an organizer for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the most powerful unions in California.

The SEIU is known for its support of radical causes, such as defunding the police and raising taxes.

If Butler gets her way, California will continue its decline into communism and the rest of the nation will soon follow.

The appointment of a Radical Leftist to the Senate purely because she is black and a woman is an outrage to many.

The Radical Left continues to push their agendas that do nothing but harm America and its citizens.

The Senate needs more leaders who will support America instead of ones who promise to destroy it.

It is time for Americans to hold our leaders accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the Radical Left refuses to.

Unsettling discovery at the southern border sent the White House into a frenzy


It is no secret that the border under Joe Biden is a complete disaster. But there might be even more than meets the eye.

And a new unsettling discovery at the southern border sent the White House into a frenzy.

Even as the Biden administration and those on the Racial Left claim the “border is secure”, the reality is that millions of illegal immigrants are flooding the border.

The economic consequences of Biden’s terrible policies have been ruining American’s lives, but the consequences are far worse than just economic damage.

In a massive bust, Florida authorities have arrested over 200 people in connection with a human trafficking ring, many of whom were in the country illegally.

The Biden administration has refused to secure the border, and as a result, human traffickers have been able to operate with impunity.

The Biden administration’s border policies are making the problem of human trafficking worse.

The administration has refused to build a wall on the southern border, and it has also ended Trump-era policies that made it more difficult for human traffickers to operate.

The Biden administration’s open border policies are not just a threat to national security, they are also a threat to public safety.

The Biden administration’s refusal to secure the border is putting all Americans at risk. Human traffickers are able to move freely across the border, and they are using the open border to bring in drugs and other contraband.

Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem at the border, and because of his harmful policies, he is directly responsible for this terrible human trafficking running rampant.

Human traffickers are taking advantage of Biden’s lax border security to help their trafficking rings cause more harm and destruction.

Popular conservative news site Townhall states that “the president’s open border policies have caused a violent war against women and children.”

Joe Biden and the Radical Left should be ashamed of the crimes that they are allowing to go uncontrolled.

Instead of focusing on things like green energy and banning gas stoves, Joe Biden should be focusing on securing America’s border to protect human life.

This is not a simple matter of more or less people in America, it extends farther than that and has gotten to the point where human lives are in danger because of Biden’s harmful policies.

Joe Biden and his radical administration need to be held accountable for the destruction they have allowed to thrive under their leadership.

The American people deserve better leadership and better administration and better security than Joe Biden.

America needs a strong president who will crack down against the influx of illegal immigrants that are harming our economy and our citizens.

It is time for Americans to step up and remove the radical communists from office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates and news.

Joe Biden just made a frightening order you have to see


Biden has made it clear he doesn’t care about following the law. But this takes it too far.

And Joe Biden just made a frightening order you have to see.

The White House recently announced that it would be mandating travel to fossil fuel conferences.

The internal memo shows that the Biden administration is banning senior administration officials from traveling to any “international energy engagements” that promote “carbon-intensive fuels, including oil, natural gas, and coal.”

The Biden administration has claimed that this decision is necessary to address climate change.

However, the truth is that this decision is simply another step towards communism and controlling the people.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left are attempting to control every aspect of life for Americans.

By banning travel to “fossil-fuel” conferences, the Biden administration has shown that they are serious about the level of control they want to have.

They are attempting to stop any opposition or to them, and prevent anyone from having a different opinion than the Radical Left.

While they claim to encourage things like “diversity” they are providing one option and one option only for energy (and other policies) and banning anyone from having a different opinion.

In an effort to completely ban fossil fuels, Joe Biden has also crippled the American economy.

The fossil fuel industry is a vital part of the American economy, and it employs millions of people.

And since Biden took office and started enforcing his harmful “green energy” policies, the price of gas and other energy products has skyrocketed.

The Biden administration’s decision to prohibit official travel to fossil fuel conferences is a clear example of the administration’s hostility towards the fossil fuel industry.

However, this hostility is harmful to Americans, the economy, and the world.

The decision lacks any sort of logical reasoning or science; the fossil fuel industry is essential to the American economy.

However, Joe Biden and his communist regime do not care about Americans or the economy, instead they are trying to force all people into one mindset that agrees with what they want.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left are forcing their false narrative onto the American people and preventing anyone from thinking differently.

Their attack on fossil fuels is harmful to the economy in America and globally.

The American people deserve a better administration than one that bans anything they disagree with.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.