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Liberal fact checker proves Kamala Harris’ surprising claim wrong


Kamala Harris is known for making absurd statements with no truth or validity. But no one expected her to make this statement.

And this shocking claim has now been proven false.

In a recent interview with ABC, a reporter asked VP Kamala Harris how she felt about having the lowest approval rating of any Vice President.

Kamala claimed that she actually had “great approval ratings.”

“Well, there are polls that also say I have great approval ratings. I think the point that has to be made is that there are attempts to create distractions away from the accomplishments of our administration” claims Harris.

This is a typical political deflection strategy, but this time the truth couldn’t so easily be lied about.

A liberal fact-checking website PolitiFact strongly refutes that claim: “public polling results do not support her assertion.”

“At the time the ABC News interview aired, FiveThirtyEight’s average was 39.7% approving of Harris’ performance and 52.3% disapproving, for a net of 12.6 percentage points ‘underwater’. Meanwhile, the most recent poll in which more people approved than disapproved of Harris’ performance was from October 2021 and was more than 100 polls ago. That poll, conducted by Saint. Leo University, found Harris above water by 2 percentage points, which was within the poll’s 3-point margin of error,” write PolitiFact.

Unless Kamala Harris is stuck in a time loop, October 2021 polls most certainly do not count.

Is she perhaps trapped in some sort of temporal anomaly that prevents her from accessing more recent and accurate information?

Maybe it’s time for Kamala to update her phone and computer to make sure their dates and times are correct.

It seems ironic that the VP of an administration prosecuting a former President for lying (among other things) would so blatantly lie about such a trivial issue.

If Kamala is willing to completely make up facts to fit her narrative when it comes to her approval rating, don’t you think there are certainly many other things she is making up?

When the White House was asked for evidence to back up Harris’ absurd claim, they floundered and pointed to the Vice President’s strong approval rating among certain voter demographical groups.

However, this is another absurd attempt to cover up for the incompetencies and lies of the current administration.

We know that this fact-checking website is not some conservative fact-checker out to get Harris as just last month they rated another absurd statement by Harris to be true.

Harris claimed that under DeSantis’s new policies, “middle school students would be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery.”

What the truth actually is, is that Florida’s curriculum states “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit” not that slaves benefited from slavery.

So, knowing that PolitiFact is still an absurd liberal “fact-checking website” that sides with Democrats, liberals, and their woke ideologies, the fact that they still called Harris out for her ridiculous claims certainly says something about our current VP.

How much longer will the American people have to deal with fake news and absurd lies spewed from the mouths of the political elite?

Will websites like PolitiFact keep only holding certain officials accountable for certain statements or will they choose to do something about our lying administration?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden caught in lie that opens door for impeachment


President Biden’s story on his knowledge of Hunter Biden’s dealings has always been suspicious. Many doubt he’s telling the truth.

Now he has been caught in a shocking lie that leaves the door wide open for impeachment.

New transcripts have been released from Devon Archer’s testimony regarding the Biden family that make the truth clear.

President Biden had originally claimed that he knew nothing of his son’s dealings and had nothing to do with them.

But Archer’s transcripts expose Biden for the liar that he is.

Archer, a past business partner of Hunter Biden recently testified on the Biden family and their dealings.

Throughout his testimony, Archer continued to destroy Joe Biden’s story and prove that he has lied repeatedly to the American people.

Archer proves that the Biden influence not only existed in Ukraine but stretched even further.

A Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, was paying both Hunter and Archer around $83,000 a month (each) just to be close and have access to Joe Biden.

When the Ukrainian prosecutor general started to investigate corruption involving Burisma, Joe Biden flew to Ukraine and threatened to withhold 1 billion dollars in aid unless the prosecutor was fired.

Tell me, if Joe Biden knew nothing of his son’s dealings, why would he make that connection in Ukraine?

In his testimony, Archer says, “I do believe that, at the end of the day, Burisma wouldn’t have stayed in business so long if Hunter was not on the board.”

Archer also testified that Hunter Biden would call his father and put him on speaker phone so that others around him knew he had access to powerful influence in the US government.

Not only did Hunter call his father repeatedly for influence, but Joe Biden also had dinner with Hunter’s foreign business associates.

On top of Archer’s testimony, there is more overwhelming evidence that Biden did in fact know of his son’s dealings and was extremely closely involved.

There is also a letter detailing just how happy Vice President Biden was that Archer and Hunter would be working so closely together.

As more and more news comes to light, the corruption of the Biden family becomes increasingly clear.

The Biden family, or the Biden “brand” as Archer calls it, has sold access to Joe Biden for years and lied to cover up corruption.

Biden literally flew to a foreign country to demand that a foreign prosecutor be fired for investigating corruption in a foreign business that Biden claims he knows nothing about.

The lies are being uncovered left and right and Biden has been caught in a lie so big with such strong proof against him that there is nowhere to go from here.

What is President Biden’s next lie going to be to cover his tail?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this evolving story.

U.S. Senator has a stroke on CNN when asked this one fiery question

Politicians don’t like being put on the spot. They’d rather have time to think of a non-answer.

But this U.S. Senator had a stroke on CNN when they were asked this unexpected question.

One of the biggest pieces of news to hit the cycle over the past few months has been the allegations of the Biden family being guilty of multi-million dollar bribery schemes.

The allegations accuse Hunter and Joe Biden of being guilty of using their connections to the White House to rake in millions of dollars from foreign corpos like those at the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

This is all made possible because of Joe Biden’s former position as the Vice President to Barack Obama and his influence that he had there.

There’s plenty of evidence showing that Hunter Biden communicated with many people in a variety of channels and referring to his father as “the big guy” as a way to sell his father’s influence internationally.

All just got get rich quick.

The heat is most certainly on the Biden family right now as calls for impeachment for Joe Biden are growing louder and louder in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Appearing on CNN, top Democrat U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (R-MA) was asked about what she thought about all of this news.

CNN’s Jake Tapper read to her the allegations being lobbed Joe Biden’s way and did say that he doesn’t have evidence substantiating that Joe Biden was directly involved yet.

Though, he asked her from a bird’s eye view what she thought about the Biden’s being guilty of influence peddling, and her response is shocking.

She said she “always worries about influence peddling” but then she quickly changed the subject to take it off of the Bidens.

What did she pivot to? The U.S. Supreme Court of course. She accused the U.S. Supreme Court of being guilty of exchanging judicial preference for gifts, even though there is zero evidence of that happening at all.

“We’ve got a United States Supreme Court where people take gifts and don’t even report them even though the law requires them to report,” Warren said.

Warren in her response to Tapper tried to grandstand this issue and said that she trying to look for ways to make Washington, D.C. more transparent, but that’s hardly believable.

While her response to Tapper is despicable, it’s par for the course for Washington, D.C. Swamp creatures, especially those in the U.S. Senate like Elizabeth Warren.

They are not going to rock the boat by calling out those in their own party for being guilty of gross political ethical violations and potential crimes.

Not when the 2024 election cycle is spinning up and Joe Biden is their only hope of relevancy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s allies are jumping ship after he made this brainless blunder


President Biden’s incompetency knows no bounds. Even his closest friends want out.

And Biden’s allies are jumping ship after he made this brainless blunder.

The ailing 80-year-old president has made many errors along the way, but one unsung failure is his economy-crushing climate regulations.

Not only are Republicans dissatisfied with Biden’s climate change policies, now Democrats too are raising their voices against him.

A new poll released on Monday shows that only 40% of adults approve of Biden’s handling of climate change and 57% disapprove.

Many Republicans are upset with Biden’s handling of the climate especially when it comes at the expense of the economy.

The Biden administration continues to make questionable and even terrible decisions when it comes to climate change.

The administration has even gone as far as trying to regulate household appliances, promote green energy all while trying to destroy the drilling and mining jobs in America.

But now Democrats as well join the polls in voicing their frustration with Biden’s handling of climate change.

In the Inflation Reduction Act that Biden has been pushing for over a year, the bill also includes things Biden hopes will effectively combat climate change.

However, 71% of surveyed adults say they have either not heard of or heard very little regarding the Inflation Reduction Act.

The Biden administration has made countless errors over the years, but his handling over climate change may be one of the worst.

Biden is losing support among Democrats that don’t believe he can or will do anything about climate change.

Biden’s national climate advisor said, “The president has been focused on mounting an all-of-government response to the climate crisis. We see the impacts in our communities every single day. And the west, in particular, has been feeling the brunt of this, with heat waves blanketing communities, the skies turning orange.”

When asked why Democrats and Republicans alike are still unhappy, he further said, “the American people, and frankly, people all around the world, want everybody to go as fast as they can, faster and faster, picking up the pace of climate action.”

That may be the case for Biden, but as long as he keeps passing and approving laws and policies that destroy the lives of the American people and does nothing to make either side happy, he has no hope to appease the public.

According to recent polls, 72% of Republicans want the economy to take precedence over climate change while 80% of Democrats want the opposite.

With such an obvious and decisive split in opinions, Biden still finds a way to fumble and make both sides unhappy.

Besides being incompetent and unable to even appeal to his own supporters, is there anything Biden can do right?

This week, Biden has a series of speeches that he hopes will help his numbers in the polls regarding climate change.

His climate-focused events in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah are aimed at trying to garner support again and convince people he can help.

Do you think that Biden has any hope if both sides are unhappy?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we answer this question further.

Top Democrat declares state of emergency over Biden’s biggest failure


It’s no secret Biden’s administration is incompetent. Even Democrats are starting to wake-up to the reality.

And now this top Democrat declares state of emergency over Biden’s biggest failure.

Everywhere you turn, President Biden seems to be implementing policies that destroy America and everything it stands for.

Since Biden took office, there have been questions raised over his mental and physical fitness as President of the United States.

He has made countless questionable decisions and policies that seem to make almost every matter worse.

One of these has been his dealing with the US border.

His policies are destroying the economies of border cities and states as they are flooded with thousands of illegal immigrants every day.

For the longest time, it has only been the Republicans who have called out Biden’s terrible border and immigration policies, but now that has all changed.

On Tuesday, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency due to Joe Biden’s enormous border crisis.

With the most recent influx of illegal immigrants flooding her state, Governor Healey had no choice but to call for help.

Democrats criticized Republicans for questioning the state of our border, but they aren’t criticizing Healey now.

Governor Healey stated in a letter to Homeland Security that “rapid and unabating increases in the number of families with children and pregnant people – many of them newly arriving migrants and refugees – living within the state but without the means to secure safe shelter in our communities” caused this state of emergency.

“These trends are driven by many factors, including a confusing tangle of immigration laws,” Healey continued.

You know your system is broken when even your close supporters acknowledge that the immigration laws are confusing.

She also said that “Over the past six months, the demand for emergency shelter has skyrocketed.”

In a recent Twitter post, Healey stated that Massachusetts “shelter system is stretched thin.”

Biden’s immigration policies have always left our border bleeding and our states overwhelmed, but now that a Democratic governor has had to declare a state of emergency, surely this means he will do something about the border crisis, right?

This is a very real problem that is threatening to overrun cities and states and now both sides are demanding a change.

Will Biden help during this crisis or will he continue to sit there and do nothing?

Tune in to Prudent Politics to watch this story unfold.

New Supreme Court ruling means the Constitution will never be the same


The U.S. Supreme Court has been extremely busy. They’ve handed down a huge ruling even out of session.

And now the U.S. Constitution will never be the same after what the High Court just did.

Early into 2022, the Biden administration announced that they would be going after what some call “ghost guns.”

To many, that sounds scary because they say that it is guns that “can’t be traced.” So it would make sense that these ghost guns would be a major contributing factor to gun violence in America, right?

Well, not really. Ghost guns are very rarely used at all in violent gun crimes according to federal and state-level law enforcement data that is available.

So in April of 2022, the Biden administration released a statement that they would be working with federal agencies like the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and explosives).

The White House website posted the statement release and reads:

Today, the President and Deputy Attorney General will also announce that the U.S. Department of Justice has issued a final rule to rein in the proliferation of “ghost guns” – unserialized, privately-made firearms that law enforcement are increasingly recovering at crime scenes in cities across the country.

They outright admit that they were going to try to go after “ghost guns” and ban them altogether.

This final rule bans the business of manufacturing the most accessible ghost guns, such as unserialized “buy build shoot” kits…

This supposed crackdown on ghost guns has been met with legal challenges, however. And the U.S. Supreme Court has now weighed in, indicating that they may be siding with the Biden administration.

The Supreme Court upheld a provision put in place by the Biden administration to regulate “ghost guns,” or firearms that can be made from kits in a private home.

The ruling comes after a federal court in Texas rejected a 2022 regulation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) that broadened the agency’s definition of “firearm,” imposing new requirements on the manufacturers of “ghost guns” in terms of licensing and background checks.

In his opinion, Federal District Court for the Northern District of Texas Judge Reed O’Connor stated, “A weapon parts kit is not a firearm,” effectively nullifying the ATF policy revision.

“Even if it is true that such an interpretation creates loopholes that, as a policy matter, should be avoided, it is not the role of the judiciary to correct them. That is up to Congress.”

On Tuesday, leftist justices Kentanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor sided with Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. and Amy Coney Barrett to rule in favor of the White House. Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh, all on the conservative side of the court, agreed with the initial decision of the lower court.

General Counsel for the Firearms Policy Coalition Cody J. Wisniewski, however, criticized the decision and argued that the lower court’s decision was well-grounded.

The lawyer expressed his displeasure to Fox News Digital, saying, “We are deeply disappointed that the Court pressed pause on our defeat of ATF’s rule effectively redefining ‘firearm’ and ‘frame or receiver’ under federal law.”

Attorney David Thompson, who argued for the plaintiffs in the Supreme Court case that was decided against them on Tuesday, shared this line of thinking.

“The Gun Control Act of 1968 reflects a fundamental policy choice by Congress to regulate the commercial market for firearms while leaving the law-abiding citizens of this Country free to exercise their right to make firearms for their own use without overbearing federal regulation,” the attorney contends.

No matter which way you slice it, the Biden administration is trying to regulate raw materials that are not classified as weapons in ther raw state.

That’s an intrusion into the privacy of the lives of Americans that we simply have not seen before in the realm of firearms regulation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this pending case.

Biden blindsided by this election curveball


Joe Biden has recently been struggling in the polls. Many of his policies are driving the average American away.

And now he has been blindsided by this election curveball.

The current administration’s terrible policies are driving more and more sensible voters away.

Instead of focusing on issues of importance or addressing concerns that affect the entire nation, President Biden instead seeks to push his woke ideologies of CRT (critical race theory) and transgender rights.

Rather than appealing to non-white working-class voters, the current administration’s policies appeal to the upper and middle college-educated white and non-white liberals.

While some segments of the population support these policies, a significant portion of the working class remains skeptical.

This skepticism is particularly pronounced among non-white voters, who may have played a crucial role in the 2020 presidential election but now find themselves questioning the alignment of their values with the administration’s priorities.

In the 2020 presidential election, many say the deciding votes came from these swing votes among the non-white working class. And while Joe Biden won these votes in 2020 by a margin of 48 points, it appears history will not repeat itself.

According to recent surveys, the Democrats far left woke agenda is what is driving these votes away. Policies such as CRT, green energy, gender spectrum, and others appeal only to the extreme left.

Moderate to conservative working-class voters do not think that racism is an American systemic issue, instead holding the belief that racism comes from individuals.

These voters also refuse to fold to the unbelievable “gender identity” beliefs that the current administration holds. The working-class American does not believe the ridiculous notion that people should be able to play on whatever sports team they desire based on what gender they feel like that day.

Non-white working-class voters struggle to get behind green energy deals when they seem to do nothing but cut jobs and shoot up prices.

It all started when Biden first took office and immediately stopped progress on the Keystone pipeline and in an instant cut thousands of jobs.

It is hard for Americans to vote for a president who seems to be so out of touch with reality and so unbelievably inconsiderate of the average American’s needs.

Many voters are frustrated and feel completely ignored in today’s political battleground.

If Joe Biden wants to have any chance in the polls among non-white working-class voters, he has his work cut out for him.

To regain the support of the non-white working class, President Biden must prioritize tangible solutions that address their economic and social concerns.

Recognizing the importance of job stability, affordable energy, and education, the administration should redirect its efforts toward policies that have a direct positive impact on the lives of working-class Americans.

As the political landscape continuously is evolving, the disconnect between President Biden and the non-white working-class voters remains a significant challenge for the administration.

Can Joe Biden turn things around and start passing sensible policies that actually benefit and improve the lives of the everyday worker?

Or will he continue to make decisions that benefit the elite of our society and drive the blue-collar workers further into hardship?

The lack of improvement in Biden’s political prospects indicates that social and cultural matters continue to hold significant importance within our political landscape.

Follow along with Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

Tragic Joe Biden news just rocked Washington, D.C.

Biden’s physical and mental health have left many concerned. Now we have our answer.

And tragic Joe Biden news just rocked Washington, D.C.

Joe Biden is the apparent nominee for the Democrat Party, but some think that could change any minute.

Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH) believes there is a greater than 50% chance that President Joe Biden will not be on the Democratic ticket in 2024.

Sununu discussed his thoughts on the 2024 election on Fox News. While most people are focused on the Republican nominee and assume Biden’s participation in the general election is a foregone conclusion, the New Hampshire Republican argued that the Democratic ticket isn’t either.

Despite the fact that much of the Democratic Party has endorsed Biden, he believes he will not be the party’s nominee.

“Oh, absolutely,” Sununu said when asked if he thought Biden will not be the Democratic nominee in 2024. “Look, I’m not saying it’s definitely going to happen, but I think there’s a greater than 50% chance he’s not on the ballot come November ’24.”

He then outlined two scenarios: one in which Biden voluntarily steps down before the nomination, citing health concerns, and uses his delegates to appoint someone else, and the other in which a prominent, self-funded Democrat comes forward and challenges him. He ruled out any governors running unless chosen by Biden himself.

“I don’t think any of the Democratic governors are going to stand up and do it this fall,” Sununu said.

“They’re probably just hoping to be coronated by Joe Biden next summer, but I’m predicting probably at least one if not two.”

When asked, he refused to disclose any possible names.

The New Hampshire governor also stated that he is undecided about which Republican he will support, stating that he is giving them all an opportunity first but that they must earn his vote.

“They’ve got to earn my vote, as well as anybody else in New Hampshire,” he said.

“So I’m helping. I was at events for Nikki Haley. I’m gonna do an event with Chris Christie. I’m gonna go see Vivek Ramaswamy. I’m helping them all. I’m gonna do a bunch of events with Will Hurd … so I’m helping them all as much as I can … to see who rises to the top.”

Sununu, on the other hand, predicted that former President Donald Trump, the clear front-runner for the Republican candidacy, will run into problems and possibly lose the race.

“When it becomes a one-on-one race shortly after New Hampshire, Trump’s in trouble,” Sununu said.

“It’s not … the polls that Trump has. It’s the polls that Trump does not have — for an incumbent Republican president to only be getting, you know, low 40% or high 30% in a place like New Hampshire. That means 60% of the people don’t want him. And even of his own supporters, a recent poll says 50% would go to somebody else if given a good option, so he’s in trouble when we get it really narrowed down.”

Sununu himself was considered a possible Republican presidential contender in 2024 and flirted with the idea, but he ruled it out.

With his penchant for attacking Trump and cutting backroom deals on abortion funding, many conservatives were happy he took his name out of the hat.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Pence’s shocking response to Trump supporters revealed


Politics are known to get nasty. Now conservatives are calling out former Vice President Pence.

And Mike Pence had a surprising reply to Trump supporters.

Over the weekend, Mike Pence responded after being called a “traitor” by Trump supporters.

It’s no secret there is little love lost between Trump and Pence these days, and many RINOs consider Trump to be a traitor for his role on January 6.

At the end of last week in New Hampshire, Mike Pence was heckled in a parking lot by Trump supporters. They called out “why didn’t you uphold the constitution?” Pence fired back that he “upheld the constitution.” Mr. Pence was also called a “traitor.”

When confronted, Pence also shot back and told the crowd to “read [the constitution].”

Watch this shocking exchange here:

Although many do truly consider Pence to be a traitor, his answer to that is simple.

When Pence was asked how he feels, he replied: “You know, I know in my heart of hearts, that on January 6, I did my duty, kept my oath to the Constitution of the United States.”

Pence believes that as he travels and campaigns more and more, the people are seeing that he did the right thing.

In an interview on Sunday with CBS, Pence elaborates further:

Pence says: “as we travel, not only here in New Hampshire, but around the country, more and more Americans are recognizing that we kept our oath that day, and I think with this week’s news I’ve had so many people come up to me and just express their appreciation for the stand that we took, by God’s grace, to do our duty to see to the peaceful transfer of power.”

Mr. Pence went on further to say “President Trump asked me to put him over the Constitution that day, but I chose the Constitution and I always will.”

Do YOU think Pence did the right thing?

With the deepening political unrest in recent days especially surround Trump and his indictments, Pence’s statements frustrate and anger many Trump supporters.

Instead of rallying alongside his former president, he appears to be betraying former president Trump.

A collapse within the Republican party seems inevitable.

With Pence saying he did the right thing, and Trump supporters emphatically claiming the opposite, things have started to get nasty.

One thing is certain: the actions of Pence leaves many to wonder what the future of the Republican party may be.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Rogan said two words that put the White House on lockdown

Rogan has made a name for himself with hard-hitting interviews. His refusal to censor himself has earned him the admiration of many conservatives.

And Joe Rogan said two words that put the White House on lockdown.

“Any press is good press” goes the saying.

Donald Trump made use of this when he turned even the most egregious hit pieces to his advantage in 2016.

In fact, his whole presidency was marked by his uncanny ability to turn any media attention into gold.

Biden, on the other hand, seems all too able to turn even good press into an embarrassment.

The issue with Biden is that he struggles to stand up without falling and speak without producing word salad.

Most in the media are willing to turn a blind eye to this embarrassing fact. They’ll even run cover for his many scandals that span decades.

But major names are starting to speak up against the ailing president.

During a recent episode of his podcast, podcast mogul Joe Rogan attacked President Joe Biden over allegations of corruption stemming from his alleged involvement in his son’s business deals.

“Joe Biden’s been a goof his whole f***ing career. He’s always been a goof,” he said.

“He’s always been, he’s been caught lying so many times, he’s so full of s**. There’s so much evidence that he’s corrupt. Just undeniable evidence of corruption and the stuff with him and his son and then the guy who just testified that was business partners with Hunter who talked about all the different things that Joe was involved with.”

“It’s f***ing undeniable and the fact that they, that mainstream news is ignoring this, except for right-wing media is f***ing crazy,” he continued.


Rogan also criticized the investigations of former President Donald Trump, claiming they were “like the actions of a banana republic.”

“You take your political rival and you arrest him, and specifically, you charge him with things that you’re f***ing guilty of. Like the the the documents, Like the classified documents. Biden’s guilty of the exact same issue,” Rogan said.

Trump, 77, is facing criminal charges in two federal trials, one involving his handling of secret information and the other about his alleged efforts to overthrow the 2020 election.

The former president is also facing a criminal case from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, and the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office may charge him in the coming days for his alleged efforts to reverse the 2020 election.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

First Lady’s horrible political move leaves many disgusted

Jill Biden’s political strategies have always been bad. But now she has taken it a step further.

Now desperate for public approval, she has made this shocking move.

A photo has recently been uncovered that showed Jill Biden in San Francisco posing with drag queens at the event space Welcome to Manny’s.

This event touts itself as “unapologetically queer and unapologetically political” and though the event most certainly is unapologetically queer, many fail to see how this event has anything to do with any real politics.

While this move may appeal to the extreme far left, the average American is frustrated.

The comments on this Instagram post range from disapproval to disdain with many left frustrated.

“All manner of perversion with the flotus in the middle of it all. What an absolute disgrace” one commentator said.

The sentiments in these comments are felt across the nation.

Once again, the White House is spending outrageous time and effort on garnering support with drag queens and trans influencers rather than addressing critical issues in our nation.

As inflation soars and prices skyrocket, the Biden administration has made it clear where their priorities lie.

An act such as this has sparked heated discussions surrounding the White House’s priorities and political goals.

This move comes just a few months after the Biden administration opened the White House for their pride month celebration.

Once again, the “family friendly” drag queens, and trans activists appeared anything but family friendly. Instead, a group of activists were pictured topless and flashing their bare chests.

As the current administration spends more time and effort on joke politics and meeting with drag queens, it becomes increasingly clear that they have no intention of trying to help America or her citizens.

Instead, they care more about their public image and appealing to the extreme left.

Are these “political stunts” worth it when crime skyrockets or when inflation has crippled the lives of the everyday citizen?

Why does the Biden administration care so much about drag performances and posing with transgender activists instead of fixing any real problems?

The nation is crumbling around us, and Americans demand Biden and his administration do something about it.

The First Lady’s ridiculous approach to public engagement fits into this larger narrative of our political elites wasting taxpayer dollars in office.

Do interactions like this align with any immediate needs or concerns of the American people?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Devastating military news just hit Joe Biden’s desk


President Biden’s handling of the military has been a disaster. Now it’s putting Americans at risk.

Because this devastating military news just hit Joe Biden’s desk and caused total mayhem.

There’s no getting around the fact that many of America’s enemies and adversaries view President Biden as a feeble man who isn’t really capable of leading the nation well.

That’s why Russia, China, and Iran have all grown more and more emboldened since Joe Biden has taken office in January of 2021.

They simply don’t think there’s going to be any consequences for their actions, even if they are in direct contradiction with the interests of America and her people.

A prime example is what’s happening off the coast of Alaska in the Aleutian islands.

There, about 11 different military ships that belonged to China and Russia were detected by the U.S. Navy.

The U.S. sent four Navy Destroyers in response to the news of the Chinese and Russian naval ships appearing on the coast of Alaska, but now questions are being raised about what the Chinese and the Russians are planning.

U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS), the Senate Armed Services ranking member, said earlier this week that China and Russia are sending the United States a “signal” that spells bad news for Joe Biden.

“The scale and complexity of this Russian and Chinese naval deployment is unprecedented,” Roger Wicker said on Monday after being debriefed on the issue.

“While I am glad the U.S. Navy deployed four destroyers and a P-8 aircraft to monitor the fleet, the exercise serves as a stark signal that generational investments in U.S. shipbuilding and ship maintenance to maintain deterrence are more necessary than ever,” he added.

The Biden Pentagon said that they don’t believe the Russians and the Chinese on the coast of Alaska poses any threat at all for America.

“They were in international waters. At no point in time were they deemed to pose a threat. And so like any country, they are free to conduct exercises in international airspace, international water,” a Pentagon official shared with members of the media.

This tone from the Pentagon under the direction of Joe Biden seems to be a stark difference to what the Chinese are saying right now.

In fact, a former military analyst for the Chines, Fu Qianshao, told the communist, state-controlled news outlet Global Times that the U.S. should get used to this flex of power by China and Russia.

“In the future, the Chinese Navy could conduct more far sea patrols like this, either alone or together with other countries,” he said.

While the Biden Pentagon seems to be downplaying the importance of this news, Congress seems more concerned that China is up to no good.

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) says that this news of the 11 Russian and Chinese ships being discovered in Alaskan waters should be a “reminder that we have entered a new era of authoritarian aggression.”

The ball is in the court of the Biden administration to see how they respond, if they do in any meaningful at all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.