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Megyn Kelly just obliterated Leftists with one incredible rant

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly has had her ups and downs. But she’s pulled off the gloves.

And Megyn Kelly just obliterated Leftists with one stunning rant you need to see.

When Fox News allowed its greatest talent to leave the network, the entire globe was startled.

Conservatives from coast to coast are anxiously awaiting the news of where Tucker Carlson, the most well-known and prominent primetime television news host in America, will go next after abruptly leaving Fox News.

Republicans were taken aback and eventually stopped watching Fox News in large numbers, while the Left has reacted entirely differently.

On social media, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) compared Carlson to a Marvel villain and said that “deplatforming works.”

And The View ladies celebrated with a stack of ballpark hot dogs in their laps, just like they were at a baseball game.

The studio audience cheered as Whoopie Goldberg read the news of Carlson’s departure from Fox News.

The alleged former “comedian” then announced a spontaneous wave, to which the entire self-described “bipartisan” panel responded as though they were attempting to pass the time by watching a baseball game that nobody had ever wanted to attend.

Then, View co-host Ana Navarro, a self-described Republican who never misses an opportunity to criticize conservatives and advance the radical Left’s agenda, led the crowd in a rousing performance of Steam’s “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye.”

When one starts dancing in celebration of a rival’s bad luck, it’s always a beautiful display of professionalism and decency, right?

Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News host, criticized the ensemble for being catty and expressed her displeasure with the entire event.

“Not one of these women could solo host a show and get ratings,” Kelly tweeted. “Not one. They are and will always be ensemble players. Their jealousy is on full display here, and ideological hatred too, of course.”

The unhinged and infamous former ESPN and MSNBC talking head Keith Olbermann saw Kelly’s analysis and immediately went into attack mode, as he never misses an occasion to verbally assault a conservative lady.

“What would you know about successfully hosting a show?” the oft-fired Olbermann wrote to Kelly. “Fired by Fox, fired by NBC. You’re 0-for-2 and you couldn’t get a job cleaning the studio at The View.”

For clarification, Olbermann has been expelled twice from ESPN, once from Fox Sports Net, once from Current TV, and twice from MSNBC.

In addition, Olbermann’s assertion regarding Kelly was untrue despite being malicious.

The former Fox News personality wasted no time in putting the record straight.

Kelly responded on her show, “First of all, you misstate the circumstances of my departure from NBC, sir. That’s all I’m allowed to say about it.”

“As for Fox, there was a widely reported fact that I was offered $100-Million to stay there. But the record is very clear that I left voluntarily because I wanted to raise my family,” she continued.

After Kelly claimed that donning blackface as part of a child’s Halloween tradition honoring Diana Ross was distinct from donning blackface to mock black people, her NBC program was canceled.

As part of her settlement with NBC, Kelly reportedly received payment equal to her whole $69 million contract.

And Olbermann couldn’t get away with lying about her record with the brash blonde.

“I wanted to raise my family – something you don’t know anything about because no one would marry you,” Kelly replied to Olbermann. “And you have no children. You have a cold, lonely life in which you’ve become a bitter, bitter man. Something I wouldn’t know anything about because my life is joyful and I’ve managed to raise my own children. And someday I hope you have that pleasure. But I don’t have high hopes it’s going to happen.”

Kelly just exposed the sad truth about radical Leftists. They can be so insufferable and lonely that they celebrate the demise of others around them.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Impeachment rumors rattle Capitol Hill

Some in the federal government are in for rude awakening. And it’s coming sooner than you think.

And these impeachment rumors just rattled Capitol Hill.

Republicans in Congress are asking that the 51 former US intelligence agency officials who signed an October 2020 letter criticizing The New York Post’s blockbuster report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop be punished.

Republicans in the House and Senate are discussing impeachment, security clearance revocations, firings, and the loss of government contracts for the so-called security experts behind the now-discredited letter.

“Exposing the truth is certainly the first step in accountability, pretty powerful accountability,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told Just the News on Monday.

“But the House can impeach those individuals who are currently serving in government. And a number of those individuals … are now serving in the Biden administration. They also ought to either resign or be impeached.”

Johnson, the ranking member of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, went on to say that any official who signed the letter dated Oct. 19, 2020, should be barred from working in government for the rest of their lives.

“[W]e should do everything we can to revoke security clearances of every one of those individuals that sign that letter,” he said.

“All of them should be barred from either current or future employment with the federal government.”

Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell testified before the House Judiciary Committee last month that he drafted the letter and that Secretary of State Antony Blinken – then a Biden campaign adviser – was the “impetus” behind the attempt to discredit The Post.

Morell and scores of other spy agency heavyweights, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA directors Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, and John Brennan, signed the letter, which Politico published.

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) answered to a question from Just the News by saying, “Why wouldn’t I? Especially if they knew what they were signing wasn’t truthful, that they said this all just to go after Donald Trump and to protect [Biden’s] son.”

“You’ve got to have consequences for these people,” said Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), echoing Nehls.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) accused the 51 intelligence personnel of attempting to “sway the 2020 election,” and advocated that their government positions should be eliminated.

“If we don’t like the way people have been doing their job, we can fire them in Appropriations — we can completely wipe out their salaries,” Greene told Just the News. “And that’s what I would like to see done.”

“We had 51 members of the intelligence community lie, sign their name to a lie, saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was not real and that it was pure Russian propaganda. We know exactly why they did that, and that was to sway the 2020 election,” she added, calling for “real accountability” for “the Democrats and the agencies they’re in control of.”

According to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Tuesday, 60% of voters believe Blinken should be impeached for his alleged role in the “disinfo” letter, which Joe Biden used during his Oct. 22, 2020 debate with President Donald Trump to deflect accusations about his involvement in overseas influence-peddling schemes.

The study also indicated that 63% of respondents felt the signers’ security clearances should be revoked.

But, just like most scandals in the D.C. Swamp, this will get swept under the rug, and no one will be held accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to Barack Obama revealed

The Epstein scandals are not over. We’re learning more every week.

And now Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to Barack Obama have been revealed.

On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal broke a significant article.

For years, we have been anticipating the disclosure of further information regarding the well-known figures who had ties to Jeffrey Epstein. Some of them are people we know, such as Bill Clinton, who frequently flew on Epstein’s jet with Epstein. Some of the names and participants have been covered by our reports in the past.

Thanks to new revelations from Epstein’s personal calendar, which contained his schedules, there is now more. These names had never been revealed before. The WSJ is disclosing the names of well-known individuals who continued to meet with Epstein even after he had been found guilty of solicitation, including soliciting a minor, and had registered as a violent predator. After he was publicly accused of abusing girls in 2006, a lot of information came out.

Even politicians distanced themselves from him and took back donations. Then, in 2008, a plea bargain was reached. But after that, all of these actual or alleged meetings took place. Epstein was still much praised and associated with the rich and famous.

The current director of the CIA, a college president, a well-known professor, and a representative from the Obama administration were among those listed in the article. The Wall Street Journal claims they cannot ensure that each scheduled meeting actually occurred.

When Epstein was the deputy secretary of state in 2014, three meetings were scheduled with William Burns, the current director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The WSJ claims that they first connected in Washington before Burns paid a visit to Epstein’s mansion in Manhattan.

Then there was Kathryn Ruemmler, the former White House lawyer for Barack Obama and current Chief Legal Officer and General lawyer. After she left the White House, she met with Epstein “dozens” of times. She was scheduled to accompany him on trips to Paris in 2015 and to his own island in 2017, according to his calendars.

Epstein was asked to visit the campus by Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College, and brought along a group of young women. Noam Chomsky, a political activist on the left, met with him while he was an educator at MIT.

The WSJ made an effort to obtain information from these individuals regarding the nature of their connections to Epstein.

Burn’s representative made an effort to separate himself from the late billionaire.

According to CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp, “the director knew nothing about him other than that he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on the transition to the private sector.” “They were not related.”

When he was getting ready to return to the private sector in 2014 as a Deputy Secretary of State, they met. Burns had two evening meetings with Epstein in his townhouse, and his driver was supposed to take him to the airport, according to the Epstein timetables. Burns admits having “briefly” interacted with him once.

Thorp claims he is unable to recall any other interactions, not even the ride to the airport. After leaving the State Department, Burns joined the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace as president, serving there until he returned to the government as CIA Director under Biden.

Epstein made a point of showing Ruemmler his undivided attention by getting her avocado sushi rolls and “visiting apartments she was considering buying.” Even making an attempt to upgrade her flight to first class. He organized a meal for her in August after she departed the White House in June 2014 so that he could meet his friends.

Ruemmeler did not travel with him, according to Goldman Sachs, who claimed that she only had a “professional relationship” with him as a result of her position with Latham and Watkins at the time. She was introduced to Bill Gates and other possible legal clients by Epstein.

Bill Gates’ representative claimed that Epstein didn’t work for him, misrepresented their working connection, and expressed regret over having ever met him. Latham and Watkins asserted that Epstein was not a client of the company.

The spokesman for Goldman Sachs did agree that Epstein had invited her to meetings and social events, but she has never flown anywhere with him.

Ariane de Rothschild, who is currently in charge of the Edmond de Rothschild Group, a Swiss private bank, and who married into the illustrious Rothschild family, was introduced to Ruemmeler by Epstein. Twelve meetings with her were also had by Epstein. The bank denies she ever spoke with Epstein in 2019. They are now admitting that although she did meet with him while performing her job at the bank, she was unaware of his misdeeds.

The president of Bard College, Botstein, claimed that Epstein was being pursued for financial assistance for the university and that their interaction had a “tiny whiff of sadism” due to him “dangling philanthropic support.” He claimed they were aware of his criminal record but were open to “rehabilitation.” Nevertheless, he claimed that while he was at the school, security was present.

Ehud Barak, a former Israeli prime minister, and Epstein also frequently met. Barak said that they discussed geopolitics.

The web of connections can be quite confusing, but all of these people are deeply interconnected through Jeffrey Epstein. Barack Obama is just one of the highest profile individuals who’s connections to Epstein run deeper than we initially thought.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chuck Schumer was floored after he read this unnerving message

The Democrat Party is starting to crumble. Infighting threatens to boil over.

And Chuck Schumer was floored after he read this unnerving message.

There’s a massive amount of anger and discontent within the ranks of the Democrat Party.

Their lead politician is an octogenarian who can’t seem to act competent long enough for people to stop questioning whether he’s all there mentally.

The Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, is another aging establishment politician.

Despite this, the old guard are starting to take losses.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi stepped down from her position as House Minority Leader to hand over the reins to the younger Rep. Hakeem Jeffries.

Chuck Schumer and his establishment fellows are worried to death they’ll lose their grip over the party.

And the message he just received isn’t exactly encouraging.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has backed down from a possible Democratic primary challenge to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024, only one month after refusing to rule it out.

The Bronx and Queens congressman, 33, is “not planning” to challenge Gillibrand, her campaign spokesman told The Post on Monday.

Politico earlier reported that AOC’s colleagues left-wing Empire State representatives Jamaal Bowman and Ritchie Torres, as well as former Hudson Valley Rep. Mondaire Jones, are also passing on a Senate run.

With the field seemingly devoid of strong intra-party challenges, the 56-year-old Gillibrand has amassed backing from key Democrat-supporting interest groups.

The president of the NAACP’s New York chapter, Hazel Dukes, told The Washington Post on Monday that the senator earned a “A-plus” for her efforts in Congress.

“She works hard. She’s active in the community. I think she’s doing a good job,” Dukes said. “She’s been fighting for women’s rights and against sexual harassment and domestic violence. She’s been strong on education and good on health issues. She’s fought for veterans.”

Last month, the pro-abortion organization EMILYs List re-endorsed the senator.

“Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has always been a pro-choice champion for the people of New York and for all Americans, fighting tenaciously to protect reproductive freedom, uplift women and families, and defend against extremism,” EMILYs List president Laphonza Butler said in a statement.

Keith Wright, the leader of the Manhattan Democratic Party, has also endorsed Gillibrand, who is serving her second full term in the Senate after being chosen by then-Gov. David Paterson to fill a vacancy created by Hillary Clinton in 2009.

“I’m absolutely backing Gillibrand’s re-election,” he told The Post. “She’s doing a great job. She’s got seniority. She and Chuck Schumer are the equivalent of James Brown — the hardest-working senators in the United States of America.”

While this may seem like a win for Schumer and the establishment, this really shows just how weak they are.

AOC and her more radically progressive pals found out they can make Schumer and the old guard squeal.

If they can do that, they don’t need to kick them out of office to get them to do what they want. They know they have all the power now.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This U.S. Supreme Court ruling will change America forever

The Supreme Court has been very busy handling high profile cases. But it doesn’t get bigger than this.

Because this one U.S. Supreme Court ruling will change American life forever.

Over the past year, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed down several huge rulings that had a major impact on law and society.

The Dobbs case overturned Roe v. Wade, effectively turning the issue of abortion back to the states to decide how they’d approach it.

And the Bruen case ruled that the state of New York can’t require its citizens provide an “accepted” reason for applying for a gun permit, arguing that such a requirement violates the Second Amendment.

But there’s another case that has the potential to be just as critical as those that many may not hear about in the media.

The Supreme Court said on Monday that it would hear a case that may severely curtail the authority of federal agencies and have a substantial impact on future rules and regulations.

In their upcoming term, the justices will decide whether to change a long-standing rule that gives agencies unspoken power when Congress left uncertainty in a statute.

Since the court’s decision in Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council was first rendered in 1984, the Chevron deference has grown to be one of the most often cited principles in administrative law.

It comprises a two-step test: first, judges determine whether Congress specifically addressed the relevant topic in the act. Courts defer to agencies in the event of ambiguity so long as their decisions are supported by a “permissible construction.”

Concerns about the precedent and how it has increased the authority of agencies have been voiced by a few conservative members of the top court.

The justices will now consider a case that specifically requests their overturning it. As is customary, the high court made the announcement on Monday in a brief, unsigned order, signaling at least four justices had consented to take up the case.

Loper Bright Enterprises, a herring fishing company, is contesting a decision that upheld a doctrine-based National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regulation.

The rule mandates that federal observers be permitted to board herring fishing vessels to monitor operations and receive compensation for their time. The business claims that the regulation sharply reduces their profit margin unfairly and that the government lacked the authority to implement it.

However, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld the federal government’s decision and deferred to NMFS after concluding that the relevant law was unclear.

“Nearly four decades of judicial experience with Chevron have demonstrated that courts are incapable of applying its two-step Chevron framework in a consistent manner,” lawyers for Loper Bright Enterprises argued in court documents.

One of the major reasons why businesses have been leaving America en masse has been because of unfair regulations that make conducting business almost impossible for certain industries in America.

That’s why they leave overseas and find countries that won’t place such unnecessary burdens on their businesses in order to keep the doors open.

If the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the Chevron precedent, it is difficult to understate how important that would be for American business and the economy moving forward.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s DOJ was just sued for committing this despicable crime

Under President Biden’s leadership, American institutions are being use as his personal police. The Rule of Law is being thrown right out the window.

And now Biden’s DOJ was just sued for committing this despicable crime.

A Catholic lobbying group has filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department and FBI for allegedly failing to cooperate with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request over a document from an FBI field office that branded Catholics as “violent extremists.”

On Thursday, CatholicVote and Judicial Watch filed a complaint alleging that the groups had exhausted all avenues for resolving their FOIA requests with the agencies, and that the DOJ and FBI had stopped communicating with the nonprofits since April 6.

The claim was filed in response to the release of an internal memo issued by the FBI’s Richmond, Virginia, field office on January 23, 2023. According to the report, ‘radical-traditionalist Catholic[s]’ are potential “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.”

The groups were requesting text and email conversations between DOJ and FBI personnel that included terms like “Catholics,” “Latin Mass,” “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics,” “Pope Francis,” and “Rosary,” among others, according to the complaint.

On March 8, the first FOIA inquiries were made. According to the complaint, the FBI informed the groups on March 14 that “unusual circumstances” precluded the agency from meeting the 20-day period for responding to a FOIA request.

Despite the fact that FOIA standards require agencies to respond within 20 business days, with an additional 10 for “unusual circumstances,” the groups claim that the FBI and DOJ have yet to produce the requested records or even communicate whether they intend to comply with the request.

“Our weaponized and corrupt government agencies have demonstrated a pattern of contempt for justice and the rule of law by prioritizing partisan ideology and agendas over the protection of the American people – in particular those with whom they disagree politically,” CatholicVote President Brian Burch said in a statement.

“We are demanding transparency from our government and are determined to uncover just how high up the anti-Catholic bigotry goes.”

In recent congressional testimony about the leaked memo, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that the agency “took steps immediately to withdraw it and remove it from FBI systems.”

“It does not reflect FBI standards,” Wray added. “We do not conduct investigations based on religious affiliation or practices, full stop. We have also now ordered our inspection division to take a look at how this happened and try to figure out how we can make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland told the Senate Judiciary Committee last month that the document was “appalling.”

However, a subpoena issued last month by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, confirmed that the FBI attempted to cultivate “sources” to combat domestic terrorism by utilizing local religious organizations as “new avenues for tripwire and source development.”

According to Jordan, the FBI used “at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis, and the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith.”

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., then sent Garland a letter accusing him of lying to the Senate last month when he said his department is not developing sources inside Catholic churches and other houses of worship, and Hawley demanded to know how many “undercover informants or other agents” are assisting the department from these religious sites.

“Let’s be clear: your Department has decided to turn Catholic congregations into front organizations for the FBI, and when asked about it, you’ve decided to fudge the truth before Congress,” Hawley wrote in a letter to Garland on April 11.

“This is an unconscionable assault on American Catholics’ First Amendment rights and an abdication of your duty to enforce the law without fear or favor,” he said.

In the opinion of Burch of CatholicVote, his concern about the memo extends beyond the Catholic Church.

“This is again a precedent,” Burch said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

“Where unless citizens push back against our government, we’re allowing this escalation of government power to cross boundaries that are sacrosanct, including the privacy of a church, where millions of Americans go every Sunday to worship and to seek fellowship with co-believers.”

“And the prospect of our own federal government spying or sending our undercover agents into these places of worship is a much bigger concern, is a much bigger issue than just for Catholics,” he said.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s received devastating news about his future

The Biden administration is going down in flames. But this might be the nail in the coffin.

Because Joe Biden’s received truly devastating news about his future.

Since months, Americans’ opinion of President Biden’s job performance has deteriorated, with even Democrats and a disturbing number of independents becoming less positive.

Gallup gave Biden more bad news in the same week that he filmed a video announcing that he will seek for reelection in 2024 after months of underwater approval.

Just 37% of Americans, according to their most recent poll, think that Biden is doing a satisfactory job; this is the lowest percentage during his presidency.

The poll was conducted by Gallup between April 3 and April 25, the day Biden declared his candidacy.

The new low for Biden is three points lower than in March and five points lower than in February.

It was also “the lowest quarterly average in his presidency,” according to Gallup, as the steady decline “has pulled down Biden’s job approval average for his recently completed ninth quarter in office, which spanned Jan. 20 through April 19, to 39.7%.”

It’s noteworthy that Biden’s average approval rating for his ninth quarter in office is lower than both Jimmy Carter’s for the same time frame.

By party, only 83 percent of Democrats still support Biden’s leadership, while independent support for the president has fallen to 31 percent, down nine points from the February poll.

Republicans currently only approve of Biden’s work to the tune of 4%.

Similar to previous instances, Biden’s poor economic management is a heavy burden hanging over the president’s approval.

These figures are probably the result of President Biden’s failure to restore all of the jobs lost during the pandemic, the start of decades-high inflation, and the placing of the United States on a collision course with a recession and rising unemployment despite his assurances that he would rebuild America better than it was prior to COVID-19.

According to Gallup, Biden’s decision to run for re-election “comes at the weakest point in his presidency.”

As Americans’ confidence in the economy continues to decline, it has now slipped below the 40% threshold for just the second time during his presidency, according to Gallup.

The reelection campaign of Vice President Biden is not looking well at all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Shocking new details surface in Tucker Carlson firing


Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was the biggest name in cable news. That’s why his sudden firing sent tremors through the entire conservative movement.

And shocking new details just surfaced in the Tucker Carlson firing.

The media world has been in an uproar over the past few days.

Fox News announced it had parted ways with Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino, and CNN announced it had fired Don Lemon.

But Tucker was far and away the most popular and successful of any of them.

And we’re learning exactly why he was canned.

As reported by a source, Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News by Fox Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch following a religiously charged speech delivered by the now-former Fox presenter on Friday.

According to the source, Murdoch decided to fire Carlson after he made comments during a speech at the Heritage Foundation’s 50th Anniversary banquet on Friday night.

Vanity Fair reported, “Carlson laced his speech with religious overtones that even Murdoch found too extreme, the source, who was briefed on Murdoch’s decision-making, said.”

During his remarks, Carlson informed the audience that politics had devolved into a struggle between “good” and “evil,” and that the solution was “prayer.”

“I have concluded it might be worth taking just 10 minutes out of your busy schedule to say a prayer for the future, and I hope you will,” Carlson said.

“That stuff freaks Rupert out. He doesn’t like all the spiritual talk,” the source told the outlet.

According to the insider, Murdoch was reportedly “unnerved” by Carlson’s statements because they matched those of his former fiancee Ann Lesley-Smith.

Murdoch and Smith called off their two-week engagement earlier this spring, according to the publication, because Smith had informed others that Carlson was a “messenger from God.”

Per the source, Carlson attended dinner with Murdoch and Smith in late March at the Fox CEO’s Bel Air vineyard, during which Smith brought out a bible and began reading a passage from Exodus.

“Rupert just sat there and stared,” according to the insider.

Vanity Fair reported, “A few days after the dinner, Murdoch and Smith called off the wedding. By taking Carlson off the air, Murdoch was also taking away his ex’s favorite show.”

Fox News issued a statement on Monday announcing that the news network and its top anchor were “parting ways.”

The statement reads: “Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday April 21st. Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.”

Fox Corporation’s stock dropped as much as 5% after the revelation, wiping approximately $930 million in market value.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Manchin just blindsided Joe Biden in this viral video


Democrat Senator Manchin has slowly been shifting right. He’s not pulling any punches.

And Joe Manchin just blindsided Joe Biden in this viral video.

The Democrats have a razor-thin majority in the U.S. Senate.

With Joe Manchin being one of the pivotal votes in any legislative battle, Democrats are getting worried about his growing dissent from Biden and the Left.

But he didn’t leave any room for guessing where he stands in this TV interview.

On Monday, Manchin chastised President Joe Biden and his administration for breaching “their word to the American public” on the Inflation Reduction Act and for failing to discuss the debt ceiling with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

During an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity, Manchin claimed he will repeal the Inflation Reduction Act because the Biden administration is not upholding its word.

“This legislation was balanced,” Manchin told Sean Hannity. “In the next 10 years, we are going to have enough fossil fuel to run our country and to help our allies around the world. We will also be investing in new technology for the future. Now, the Biden administration has utterly ignored this.”

Manchin claimed the bill was about energy security, but he claims he hasn’t heard the White House mention it once since the legislation was approved, instead focusing on the environment.

“Let me be very clear: If the administration does not honor what they said they would do and continue to liberalize what we are supposed to invest in over the next 10 years, I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening,” Manchin said.

“And if they don’t change, then I would vote to repeal my own bill.”

The West Virginia senator also chastised Biden for failing to reach an agreement with House Republicans on the debt ceiling.

Of the president, he said, “He can’t play Russian roulette with the debt and debt ceiling. That would be disastrous for our economy and for the American people. … This is the United States, not the divided states. You have got to get in a room and work out the differences for the sake of our country.”

Manchin and the White House have had their share of disagreements in recent months, with the debt ceiling being the most recent.

Manchin alleged last week that Biden was demonstrating a “deficiency of leadership” by not meeting with McCarthy and “compromising” on the debt ceiling.

In late March, he even published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal criticizing Biden’s “betrayal” of the Inflation Reduction Act and detailing how it affects the debt ceiling.

McCarthy has not received the approval of his whole caucus for his idea to lift the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion over the next year, or until March 31, 2024, whichever comes first.

To avoid a financial default, the debt limit, or the maximum amount the federal government may borrow, will need to be raised or eliminated sometime this summer.

Economists have warned that a default would have severe economic effects. In three months, Biden has not budge on his reluctance to negotiate on the debt ceiling, and White House officials have chastised McCarthy and House Republicans for demanding that spending conversations be tied to the debt ceiling hike.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Democrat Party’s traitorous gift to Communist China revealed


The issue of Chinese international dominance is getting worse. Now they’ve made allies from within the U.S.

Because the Democrat Party’s traitorous gift to Communist China has been revealed for all to see.

There is something about a significant government corporate subsidy package for a Chinese firm in Michigan that people from all political backgrounds should detest.

Conservatives hate the fact that the deal would provide Gotion, a battery maker and wholly-owned subsidiary of a Chinese conglomerate, with $715 million in public subsidies.

And environmentalists have unanswered concerns over the effects the plant will have.

However, it appears to be a win-win situation for Michigan Democrats.

Local media reports that state lawmakers on Thursday approved a scheme that would provide Gotion Inc. with direct incentives totaling $175 million for investments in the $2.4 billion battery factory.

Democrats made up all 10 of the votes in the Senate Appropriations Committee; nonetheless, three Democrats backed six Republicans in voting against the proposal.

After it was revealed that the Michigan Strategic Fund was showering subsidies and incentives on the project, including a 30-year tax exemption estimated to be worth $540 million to Gotion, the proposal came under criticism.

Liberals in the state have hailed the project as a source of employment in an underdeveloped region of the state; Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer has referred to it as “the biggest ever economic development project in Northern Michigan.”

The issue is that, despite being incorporated in California, the company that would be responsible for providing 2,350 jobs is a Chinese company’s subsidiary.

Rep. John Moolenaar of the Michigan Republican Party in the US labeled the vote a “historic mistake.”

In a formal news release, Moolenaar stated, “This proposed facility will be 100 miles from Camp Grayling where the Michigan National Guard has trained military partners from Taiwan to prepare for possible CCP aggression.”

“Yet, Michigan’s state government leaders are siding with CCP-affiliated companies.”

Security issues were raised by Marjorie Steele, a Big Rapids, Michigan citizen who lives close to the proposed factory.

She addressed the lawmakers, saying, “Your votes today, senators, are lines drawn in the sand.”

Kristina Karamo, chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, expressed her worries about a Chinese-owned firm owning land in the country in an even more direct manner.

“If you choose to give these funds to Gotion, you are a Benedict Arnold. You are a traitor to this republic,” she said plainly.

In times of exigency, any Chinese-owned company will first and foremost serve the objectives of the Chinese Communist Party.

In order to strengthen the CCP’s control over one of the crucial resources of the future, Michigan Democrats plan to donate close to $750 million to a Chinese battery business.

What possibly could go wrong?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden makes a complete fool of himself in this primetime speech


Joe Biden can’t seem to stop making cringy gaffes. It’s almost as if the lights are on but nobody’s home.

And Biden made a complete fool of himself in this primetime speech.

President Biden has history of lies and mistakes in private and public conversations that would make anyone blush.

Who could forget when he randomly nibbled on his wife’s finger during a campaign stop in 2019:

Or when he made the outrageous claim that African Americans voting for Trump meant “you ain’t black”:

Well good ‘ol Joe is at it again, but this time it’s failing at basic spelling.

President Biden misread the number “eight” during a speech about economic issues in suburban Maryland on Wednesday, just after claiming that his father “never went” to college.

“We have a thousand billionaires in America. You know the average tax rate they pay? Eight — E-I-G-H percent — 8%,” Biden said during a visit to a facility of the International Union of Operating Engineers in Accokeek, fewer than 20 miles from the nation’s capital.

The 80-year-old president’s error brought to mind other embarrassing political spelling gaffes, such as former Vice President Dan Quayle changing a 12-year-old student’s correct spelling of “potato” to “potatoe” at a 1992 spelling bee.

Biden’s speech centered on criticizing House Republicans’ proposed budget cutbacks, who released legislation raising the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion on Wednesday afternoon as an apparent opening offer to Biden ahead of anticipated discussions.

The president also chastised Republicans aligned with former President Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again movement for proposing to cut the FBI’s budget due to alleged political bias, suggesting that it could be because the bureau “maybe arrested some of them,” a clear reference to Capitol rioters on Jan. 6, 2021.

Biden also relayed dubious personal material while speaking, telling the blue-collar crowd that he can identify to them.

“My dad never went to college. My dad was a decent, honorable man who busted his neck,” the president said.

However, according to a 2020 story in the York (Pennsylvania) Daily Record, Joe Biden Sr. spent one year at the elite Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, citing a 1941 newspaper announcement of his marriage to the future president’s mother.

“Mr. Biden is a graduate of St. Thomas High School and attended Johns Hopkins University. He is a salesman for the American Oil Company,” the vintage clipping said.

Oh, Joe, will you ever tell the truth?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden receives unexpected and horrifying threat

The White House is in total panic mode. The entire country is in danger.

Because Joe Biden just received an unexpected and horrifying threat.

Many Americans believe that Joe Biden’s biggest weakness has been his foreign policy.

On Joe Biden’s watch, America’s enemies have grown stronger and bolder while the relationships with our allies have grown colder.

Russia has become emboldened enough to wage its near full-out war on Ukraine for more than a year with no sign of slowing down.

China’s rhetoric indicates that they very much plan to invade Taiwan any day now.

All of America’s enemies fear no consequences for their actions right now because Joe Biden appears weak and incompetent.

But there’s one threat that the Biden administration absolutely needs to take seriously, and it comes from Iran.

The Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi targeted both Israel and the United States with new threats on their annual “Army Day” this week.

Raisi threatened to destroy Israeli cities if they perform any hostility against Iran and also said that the U.S. needed to leave from the region entirely.

“The extra-regional and American forces should leave the region as soon as possible because it is in their own interests and the interests of the region,” Raisi said at a military parade on their Army Day.

He said that the “slightest move” from Israel will result in a “severe” response from Iran that will destroy Haifa and Tel Aviv.

“The enemy, especially the Zionist regime, has received this message that the slightest move against the country will invoke a severe response by the armed forces and will be accompanied by the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv,” Raisi said.

Iran hasn’t always lived up to its threats in recent years, but Iran has been growing more bold with its threats against the United States and her allies like Israel.

It’s noteworthy that Iran has also admitted to enriching uranium to a point that makes it viable for use in nuclear weapons, a violation of the 2015 deal that Iran had in place with the western nations that Barack Obama brokered.

These threats should absolutely not be taken lightly and there needs to be a real plan to deal with the growing problem that Iran presents.

Russia, China, and Iran have all also enjoyed closer ties in recent years, giving many a cause for concern for a potential major world war to break out.

Hopefully Joe Biden isn’t President if any major conflict arises because it’s unlikely that he would be able to defend the interests of America well at all.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.